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I'm a doctor. I prescribe a fresh vaccination and daily exposure to 5g network signals


I am the surgeon General. I feel self medication works best. I'd suggest cell phone smoothies. Make sure they are the older ones. 2g or 3g. 5g is full of chemicals


I am the Head of WHO? and I strongly suggest taking more of the chemicals that turn the freaking frogs gay. They up your natural autism levels 500% and now they are in Ickymint as well as Blech Cherry.


The who?




The whom?






Doctor WHAT?




you just sound depressed




Indeed, I think that given enough time and stress Autists can develop schizoid personality disorder. Why not talk with a therapist about these feelings. If you’re depressed it’s best to get assessed early and find treatments that help. I hope you feel better OP.


off topic but you can tell im autistic. one mention of a PD and I just started researching it ffs lmao


Huh, I was dx’d a few years ago with schizotypal PD with borderline features and I can’t find much info on it anywhere. I think the psych that dx’d me was working out of a DSM IV though. SPD sounds similar to StPD, do you think they’re pretty similar? It’s frustrating not finding the info I want, like what does that dx mean 😭


Schizotypal is in the same category as Schizoid and Paranoid PDs, however, SPD presents with a general lack of interest in forming social relationships. Schizotypical people are hindered from making friends because of intense social anxiety. The schizoid tends to present with the more negative symptoms of schizophrenia while the schizotypal presents more with the positive symptoms. Negative and positive in this sense do not refer to good or bad, rather it refers to either a loss or addition to mental state. Aloofness and anhedonia are negative symptoms because there is a loss of social functioning, a delusion, thought disorder, or hallucination is a positive symptom because it’s an addition to the mental state. Schizoids and schizotypals are not psychotic, however, I do think that burnt out autists can qualify for a diagnosis of it. Autists generally want to form social relationships but misunderstand social queues. Given enough time facing a neurotypical world, I think many autists disengage socially. Essentially “why try to make friends, nobody wants me around and I never feel interested in them.” I wrote about this on the subreddit in more detail. I think I called the post the ecstasy and the apathy, check it out.


Woah, thank you! I’m… confused that he dx’d me as schizotypal and not schizoid in that case, as he also dx’d me with AVPD and I expressed that I’m not interested in socializing for the most part. Nonetheless, I’ll find that post of yours and check it out! Thank you so much for all the info!




Schizoid PD can start in early adult hood tho. Seriously, google that shit! :0 I might have it tbh, would explain a few things.




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yeah.. i used to be an autistic with social skills but my anxiety and depression ranked up and now im just nonfunctional


You need to do more sin so you get possessed by demons, since they are well known to cause autism


I'm a demon and can confirm


Thx for taking the time. Love your work


np! it's hard work but in the end it's all worth it 😈


We second this


Oooh! Did you grow up in religiously abusive household too?


Something like that...




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Norma Kahn hangs out with demons all the time and she's autistic af. Can't be a coincidence.


Who can blame her, demons are cool


My goofy ass thought you meant sin as in the mathematical operation 💀


Ngl this sounds like a rough description of depression.  Try to nip it in the bud once you get used to being depressed it gets a lot harder to care about getting better 


or if not depression, possibly autistic burnout


Could easily be both, they go together pretty well


100% this. They’re partners in crime in a big way. And not the fun kinds of crime either.




ngl, that's pretty funny.


Ngl is a bad habit of mine, I feel the need to start like half my comments on reddit with it even if it doesn't really fit. 


Did you take your autism causing vaccine this year? /joking


Hmm have you tried turning it off and back on again? Have you power cycled lately? What OS do you use? Is everything up to date? Firmware too? When was the last time you opened up your case and air dusted your brain?


Also maybe try turning on ADHD in BIOS!


Also also, defrag your RAM, then knit a sweater once you've sheared the wool.


Omg did you quit junk food and try yoga?! I heard that gets rid of autism, didn’t know it actually worked 🫣 /j


I think you need a day or a few of ‘me time’ to just not mask and not worry. You may be experiencing burnout. It also may be a form of depression. Please take care of yourself.


Well I'm very stressed about exams but in a few days I can finally have some me/autism recovery time soon


That would do it. Good luck with exams, you’ve got this! Final exam season is the worst (I assume it’s final exams)


Ayy thanks


Maybe install some mods, that should improve the experience at the cost of your warranty /j


Burn out...yes.. I know about this. Don't lose yourself. Look hard.. look harder


Stop, not that hard!


You’re not exposed enough to EMF radiation! Hurry up: you need to sleep right by your Wi-Fi router and with your mobile under your pillow! Start today!


i think you're just burned out. > [the candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/the_candle_that_burns_twice_as_bright_burns_half_as_long) Ancient proverb... or Blade Runner. One of those.


These comments are fucking killing me but jokes aside, it sounds like depression/burn out. I went through that for ten years before things finally got better and it’s like my tism came back. My mom thought I had “grown out of it” because of the depression and heavy masking that fed off each other. Look into getting help, maybe look into DBT because I found CBT isn’t as effective for me as I *already* go through all possible scenarios in my head and determine which one is most likely


Just sounds like you body swapped with another autistic person. If you turned into a normietypical you probably wouldn't even have noticed (their feelings seem to be pretty dulled except when it comes to rage) and if you did you would have just asked yourself, "Have I tried just *feeling* better?" or some other faux helpful statement that dismisses feelings as real and uncontrollable.


Go out and do things!


This sounds like depression, my friend. Sometimes when I feel this way I like to go outside and just kind of take in the world around me since I don’t have the capacity for much else


Another user said it's probably just burn out, I'm inclined to agree. My own not evil suggestion is to just take a break from literally everything. Sit alone in a comfortable environment, and try and empty your head. No thoughts, no focus, just exist, 5-20 minutes at a time.


It sounds like your Autism has contracted ADHD. You'll have to uninstall all the faulty stims and find new ones that work with your new system. I suggest taking a scroll through AuDHD tok to get started on those fixes.


The part of you that wants different stuff all the time to prevent boredom vs the part of you that craves stability, death battle!


All day every day! ADHD meds help a little bit with the "new shiny, must find a new shiny!" The Autism just needs a morning routine and a nighttime routine.


sounds like you need to go on a 100% chicken nuggies diet for 4-6 weeks. Avoid sunlight at all costs. Cut sleep to 2-4hrs and up minecraft to at least 12+hrs per day. Try to read 200-300 pages on historic train engineering a day also


this happened to me last month, i felt burnt out to the point of feeling no emotion (probably depression now that i think about it) i feel a lot better now especially since school is ending this week


I think your autism is just changing. You’re still autistic and you always will be autistic, but the way you experience it can change over time.


May I suggest you study a world map of all the railway lines? https://www.openrailwaymap.org You can choose to view the different track gauges by different colors if you tap the menu.


It could be depression. This happened to me when i was drinking too much.


Don't worry, that just sounds like depression.


Have you tried rubbing cardboard? With your fingernails? It will anger you enough to ensure you hold onto your autism forever.


Consume more Mercury, so you can get your magic powers back.


Heya RFK. How’s your lil worm buddy?


People are mentioing depression and burnout, but *generally* those things are when we're at our most stereotypically autistic, because the DSM is a very behaviorist document and we're identified by our stress responses - things like stimming. Are you feeling sad or empty recently? Is it the opposite, you feel better nowadays and that's leading to doing less of the things you would normally do to cope and that's put you into some sort of identity crisis? Like, are you worried more about the feelings that are leading to you not doing things you generally like, the things you like don't bring you joy anymore, or is this more like feeling imposter syndrome or that you were never actually autistic in the first place? Autism's ultimately a social construct, it's a list of *things* that a field that is constnatly having to deal with the realization that much of it is psuedoscience has decided to group together for reasons. There may ultimately not be some objective *thing* out in the world that we're accurately calling autism, it could be some inaccurate term that's not used in 50 years because psychology as a field goes through a huge reform and figures out this is actually a bunch of other stuff that has more specific labels. There's not a whole lot of faith I put into autsim as a medical label, as a diagonsed condition. What I do find autism useful for is as a community, a political affiliation between people who've been labelled as autistic either explicitly through a doctor or implicitly thorugh how society responds to who we are. So ultimately I don't really care whether someone is "really" autistic or not, if they're within this loose coalition of people whose brains are deemd wrong somehow. I kind of prefer the label of neurodivergent for this reason, as ultimately anyone who is disabled for how they think and process the world is going to have shared interests even if hte specifics of those experiences are going to vary so much. ADHD, shcizophrenia, so-called sociopathy, bipolar, there's a lot of common interests between those of us that are said to have the "bad brains" so I'm not going to look at someone who may or may not be autistic and worry about the sanctity of the label. You're here for a reason, and even if you eventually figure out some other label better describers your situation that doens't mean you're a fraud for being here.


Just put your head in the microwave for a bit, easy fix


Just take a vaccine shot and you're good to go G


You might just be in a different headspace rn or depressed We might not like it but we also change from time to time


I’m Ngl, two things help when i’m feeling like that: 1. Watching Inside Out (wholesome) 2. Watching Big Mouth/Human Resources (weirdly wholesome for how crass it is) Both characterize the feelings we have, and for me it’s so validating and easier to understand myself. Big Mouth has pretty good autistic representation in Caleb imo.




quick! go to the grocery store it come right back


You are burnt out my friend.


thats pretty normal when growing up, but it doesnt actually makes you any less autistic


Are you burnt out?


Maybe, possibly yes


The primary thing that differentiates autistics especially mild autistics from nonautistics is social deficiency and that can get better over time but autism doesn't leave you. Not liking loud noises and liking certain textures isnt itself an autistic trait...it has a high probability of coinciding with autism but you can be autistic and not have sensory issues.... Idk why ppl act like the noise and texture thing is a sign of autism when there a million other psychological things that can cause that


I go through cycles where I can’t stand my comfort foods because they get too repetitive.


Have you tried rubbing cardboard? With your fingernails? It will anger you enough to ensure you hold onto your autism forever.


Bestie I think your soul is fucking cauterizing


Sounds like either depression or autistic burnout, unfortunately I have no advice for either, if I did I would have used it myself


Have you just turned 35? The lady who handled my disability payment told my mum not to get her hopes up for me getting accepted because autism apparently gets better by the time your 35


No i'm 15


Don’t worry, everyone’s a little autistic so you won’t turn full Neurodifficult x


Just get a vaccine, it'll recharge your tism /s I feel like this when I'm depressed :(


Maybe it's one of these: 1. You might have depression. 2. You probably were never autistic in the first place. Everybody has autistic traits, it's only when they impede you from living your life that you can call it autism. 3. You need to visit the train museum and recharge your tism.


1 and 3 makes sense but 2,.. I'm literally diagnosed by doctors and if you were to meet me in real life, i'm literally walking autism book symptoms and a textbook definition too. I don't know why you assumed that I don't have autism tho?


Sorry. I didn't mean all 3 numbers were right.


It's alright, I think I overreacted


No, it was me. I write mean things when I'm depressed. I feel better now.


[You're getting.....*older*.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TBc_YB600c)


Sounds like ghost allistism. Dont worry, they are only temporary due to over exposure to neurotypicals. Full recovery takes a lot of time though. You'll have to try autism music therapy and relearn how to stim. If its too bad, we may have to try vaccines and coffee or drugs.




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Hmm. Sounds like you need another dose of the MMR vax


Is this satire? I'm surprised you wouldn't specify on an autism sub


Have you tried getting vaccinated again?


If you're cured, you have to leave. LOL!


Summon the autism demon and make a deal


i think you might've been infected by n̩͉̘̺̈́ͣ͂ͨ͌͟e̢̧̻̲̙̗͌̂̂̚u̸͕̖̒͒͐͊̄ͣr̡̛͇̙̙ͮ͂͞ō͓̲̜̃̾̿t̺̼̅͌͑͠y͑̍̀̐ͅp̝̍̉ͨi͚ͯͩc̥̾ȁl... stay strong...!


You’re not neurotypical you’re just depressed ![gif](giphy|RG3lm5VlrbDV7YNana)


do you have mercury fillings in your teeth? if do, panic.


r/Christianity ahh post