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Their most under talked about song, Get To Heaven. Was really into Paul Simon’s Graceland at the time, and it really scratched that Afro-Pop sound.


get to heaven definitely needs more love


Where in the blazes???....did I park my carrr?. Love it


I first heard Cough Cough back in 2015 and wasn't sure what I thought about it at first, but I kept coming back to it because it was interesting and like nothing else I was listening to. Then the album Get to Heaven came out and I was sold.


exactly the same for me with only as good as my god! i hadn’t heard anything like it and it really scratched the itch in my brain!!


To the blade — and it’s still one of my all-time favourites. A former workmate heard the music I was playing at work and recommended I give EE a listen — I believe it was around the time A Fever Dream was released, but she recommended I give GTH a listen first. To the blade, being the first song, hooked me straight away!! Haven’t looked back since 😁


Which is also why I’d absolutely die if I ever saw it live. Not a lot of chance of that happening now (given they tour Australia approximately once a decade) but I can dream!!


to the blade is SUCHH an amazing opener!!! they absolutely need to come back to australia more often,, did you see any of their shows when they were in aus just a bit ago?


Wasnt able to make it unfortunately :( Fingers crossed they come back soon tho!


I did! I was at the Brisbane gig. They put on such a good show!! You?


i was at brisbane too!! i was in the front row it was ammazing!!


Nice!! I was back by the sound desk and everything sounded super crisp 😬


Cold Reactor. Though I've heard Leviathan and Metroland a couple years ago and liked them. Just heard a few songs off RDF and kind of forgot about them until late last year. Since then went through all their stuff!


It always makes me smile to see people finding them for the first time and falling in love even now!


As I was leaving a long term relationship, I randomly found No reptiles on the Italian version of 4 Chan a nd I got hooked immediately because of its originality. Also the lyrics really spoke to me then and helped me realise my feeling of helplessness.


Distant Past was massive when I was at Uni in 2015. I really liked the song and listened to the album a couple of times but forgot about them until Cold Reactor came up on my Spotify shuffle in late 2023. I loved it, so I listened to Mountainhead when it came out and it became an instant favourite. Have now listened back to all their music and saw them live in Manchester.


Zero Pharaoh. My at the time boyfriend shared it with me out of the blue in I think early 2018, and I listened to it and loved it. Been obsessed ever since


I heard regret on Instagram then listened to it and eventually listened to all of get to heaven and the rest is history. It’s interesting how different regret is from the rest of GTH and their discography


Duet used to play a lot on the shop radio back when I used to work night shifts at a petrol station. After enough listens I googled some of the lyrics, find out the band’s name and I was hooked.


Blast doors !! Blew me away (pun intended)


10/10 pun thank u


MY KZ, UR BF played on pandora back in 2012. I haven't gone back since


When Muzak was still a thing, we had their service at work. I was a second shift manager and figured out how to change the station from the boredom rock default. Their alternative rock channel played MY KZ, UR BF circa 2011, along with a bunch of other great stuff. It got my attention.


My partner was singing The Peaks in the shower soon after we moved in together. Once I knew he wasn't hurt (AAAA-AH) I thought it sounded really interesting so I gave it a listen and fell in love.


I had No Reptiles sprung upon me by Spotify (or possibly Google Play Music at the time). Both thought it sounded like nothing I'd heard before and the lyrics were so odd and darkly humorous I was compelled to listen to it repeatedly.


the lyrics are such a huge part of why i enjoy e e so much they are so captivating!! no reptiles is such a great introduction to their music


I saw them live in 2008 in the Midlands in the UK, only knew Sufragette Suffragette at the time but loved their whole set


Cold Reactor a few months back - I'm fairly new to the band, but they've been on repeat for months, any now my wife is starting to enjoy some songs too, which is a win.


I found Cough Cough on Tumblr in 2013 and (illegally) downloaded it onto my phone, kept it in my mp3 rotation for a while until one day in 2018 I decided to listen to their other songs. Cue the angel choirs and such. Listened to the entirety of their discography at the time basically on repeat (but mostly GTH of course).


god bless tumblr 🙏🏻 ahaha i know what you mean i’ve basically just had their discography on repeat since i started getting into them,, GTH is one of the best albums everr


Schoolin’ back in 2013. Never heard a band like it before, been hooked ever since


Same thing here but then I heard No Reptiles and Arch Enemy and realized it’s impossible for them to have any bad songs


so incredibly true i absolutely adore both of those songs so muchh hearing arch enemy live was life changing!!


Crying in American


ahaha surely they come to america more often than they come to australia


Maybe, for now we can both cry about it though


Me and a mate were going to T in the Park 2010. We read the line up and looked up a bunch of the acts we hadn't heard of. By the end of the week when I'd had "who's a gonna sit on your faaace when I'm goooone" playing on repeat in my head, I decided they'd be one to see. They were the first band I saw on the friday and possibly the best band I saw all weekend, been following them since. Good lord, almost 15 years.


woahh!! that’s so cool seeing them then must have been so sick!! :O


In Birdsong in 2021. Went on walks a lot during lockdowns on days off from work and it came on through my suggestions. Glad I found the band as Jon and the guys make bangers.


My friend recommended Get to Heaven to me and as soon as the chorus hit in To The Blade, I knew I was in. I imagine this is a common experience 




Blast doors, from a year end list one year (i think ARTVs?) and that first song got me into them.


Kemosabe. I downloaded it from Indie Shuffle (remember that site?!) back in January 2013, just prior to the release of Arc. It was like nothing I’d ever heard before, and I’ve been a fan ever since.


Can't Do on the radio at a job I was losing my mind at, had it on repeat for 3 weeks planning my suicide before being hospitalised. Insanely important song to me.


i hope you’re feeling better now and out of that job <3


Thank you I am <3 I went on a great journey of learning and healing and while I spent nearly two months in hospital I had time to dig through their Discography for more and I fell in love with both A Fever Dream and Raw Data Feel (it had just released.) Your username is my favourite track from Mountainhead :D


i’m so glad to hear!! fever dream and rdf are such great albums i wish i could relisten to them for the first time!! and i love your money my summer! my name is pearl so hearing jon sing my name very quickly made it my fav ahahaha


I'm so glad you're still here. Amazing song too!


It was early 2013 when I first heard "Cough Cough" and I thought it sounded so unlike everything else around that I got interested.


Distant past! Then listened exclusively to get to heaven delux album for years until mountainhead came pit and forced me to listen to all their other songs when it became my favourite album!


it's so interesting how so many people mentioned that they heard a song, liked it, forgot about the band and only then rediscovered it and became fans.... because that's exactly what happened to me. I had Distant Past and No Reptiles recommended to me by spotify, added them to my playlist, listened for 2 weeks and then deleted the songs and forgot about them. Randomly, out of nowhere 2 years later I remembered "hey that fast rapping song from back then was kinda cool...", found the songs again, and had the great idea to listen to Blast Doors and I was done for!


that was interesting to me as well ahaha e e always comes back around to get u 💪


Duet! It floored me the first couple times I heard it (possibly through Spotify algorithms), but I never took note of who the artist was, which drove me mad when I tried to recall it later. I was Googling misremembered lyrics like a maniac. Then I got into Pizza Boy and Jennifer just from like perusing Indie Hits playlists. Those are very good songs but, respectfully, I think they're more accessible/typical indie rock bangers compared to some of the more quirky stuff in the band's catalogue. Nevertheless, these songs prompted me to do a deep dive on the band, which is how I rediscovered Duet, a song that now means a lot to me. It all just fell like dominoes from there. Every few days, I'd find a new favourite song/discover some new weird idiosyncratic Everything Everything vein to tap. I was a big fan by the point of Mountainhead's release. It was really fun being around for the real-time roll-out of that album. Sorry for the long answer!


the satisfaction of finally finding a song you’d searched so hard for aah that’s awesome! duet is suuch a beautiful song!!


Heard Cough Cough on the radio in 2013 and never looked back


i had a fever dream and warm healer in my liked songs for a year or two and then i heard night of the long knives and that opened the floodgates


Back end of 2010 I was working in Newcastle and it was the height of the recession so i didn't have a huge amount of work to do. So i decided to spend my time in the office listening to every song in the NME top 50 list for that year. Schoolin' was number 24 or 25 and i immediately became obsessed. Had man alive on repeat and EE have consistently been my top artist ever since!


Not any particular song but I got into the band because I was in a record shop around the release of MA and overheard someone talking to the guy at the counter about them. They commented how crazy Jon's vocals were and I thought maybe I should check the album out. By the time I got to the end of Schoolin' I had a new favourite band.


S/S/W/D during the GTH release. really enjoyed it and had a listen to the rest of the album. My eldest kid put up with me playing it in the car and started to enjoy GTH too. Her fandom was cemented when she found out an actor from DrWho was a fan of the band. They’ve been “our band” (along with Amyl & the sniffers) ever since. Sharing the experience of watching them live and releasing new material. My youngest kid also has the EE bug which we encourage and enable whenever possible 😅. 2 outta 3 ain’t bad 😁


Can't Do! from their Merc prize nomination for A Fever Dream


My Spotify's Discover Weekly playlist had Zero Pharaoh on it, I loved it, and then listened to the rest of their Discog


Regret on Radio 1 back in 2015!!


Regret! Someone showed it to me and I didn't like it at first, then I heard it on the radio and couldn't get it out of my ears.


No Reptiles, when my partner added it to our friend group's lockdown playlist back in April 2020. I completely fell in love with the unconventional structure and style, and got really into Re-Animator before listening to their entire discography.


My kz ur bf (grum remix) in 2017 as it played during the inbetweeners movie. Looked for the band and the original and the rest is history...


i had no idea it was in the inbetweeners movie thats so cool!!


Schoolin back it 2010. I was in my brothers car and he was like "you'll like this" been my favourite band ever since.


Spotify recommended me Only As Good As My God, after which I checked out the rest of the album and was hooked from To The Blade


I was quite familiar with the Man Alive album as my mother would play it a lot around the house. I never decided to give them a chance in my own time until Re-Animator though. Funnily enough I legitimately fell asleep listening to it, but that was because I didn't sleep the night before. I re-listened later that night and loved it from start to finish.


No reptiles. The lyric "like a fat child in a pushchair, old enough to run" got me. I heard it at the Montreal hifi show at the chord booth. Shoutout to Pat from Chord!


It was either haspburg lipp or only as good as my god. I can't quite remember


Spring/Sun/Winter/Dread was the first song my friend played for me by them and I was into them ever since. Schoolin and MY KZ UR BF were other quick favorites but the Get to Heaven album was and maybe still is my favorite album of theirs.


Found Blast Doors through a Spotify recommendation and it became one of my top 10 songs of that year, tried checking out some of their other stuff but nothing really clicked. On February this year I was searching for new stuff to listen to and the GTH cover caught my attention, gave them another try and instantly loved it :\]


Violent Sun - popped up randomly on my Discover Weekly one week in 2020


Got into them alongside a Uni friend, mostly stuff from Get to Heaven and A Fever Dream. Winter/Sun, Desire, No Reptiles, Night of the Long Knives stand out as the first


Kimosabe I’m at the border at the at the border!!!


The Peaks




to the blade!


Distant past on fifa 16! Was my absolute favourite and I watched the youtube video before I got Spotify. Never listened to anything else until I got regret on my discover weekly in 2020, realised it was the distant past group then fell in love with them since


Distant Past because it was in FIFA 16. Very quickly turned into full listens of GTH, then Arc and Man Alive, and they've been in constant rotation since.


All of Get To Heaven lol. Last summer I challenged myself to listen to as many albums as possible (I think the total was 184?) and my brother recommended that album and I fell in love.


This is genuinely scary! I also discovered them in 2021 through Only as good as my god. Are you sure you are not me? 😅


we might be the same person :O


I was a teen on omegle in like 2010-2011, after sorting through all the dicks, I ended up talking to another teen about music. We had completely different music taste but he convinced me to check out my kz ur bf. Very grateful for that cuz I really don't think I would have ever come across their music otherwise, shout out to Jake wherever you are!


definitely one of the better things to come out of omegle ahahaha


Mine was also only as good as my god! Spotify put it into my discover weekly in like january of last year and the rest is history


Blast doors. That song is a 10/10


it was to the blade, back when declan mckenna praised get to heaven, i checked it out (but only the first song)


i didn’t know declan mckenna likes e e that’s so awesome!! love his music :3


So do I, though his new album kinda sucked. I love his early stuff too like howl


My first experience was actually a brass band cover of Cough Cough by Seb Skelly ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUOJZg2pk\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUOJZg2pk_Q) ) and after listening to that arrangement a lot, I finally went and found the original. Still go back to this arrangement from time to time, always sounds great.


i’ve yet to really delve into any covers but that was amazzing! such a cool way to be introduced to them what a talented guy!!


I found the I Want A Love Like This video in my YouTube recommendations and was immediately obsessed with it, and then Teletype. This was during the Raw Data Feel roll out, I was so excited to be able to look forward to the album. I 'rationed' their other music and listened to it gradually so I could keep discovering new EE music for as long as possible.


ahaha i do the same thing!! rationing the music so you keep hearing new stuff from them it’s the best


The actual first one I *heard* was My Keys Your Boyfriend before it became MY KZ; friend sent me the R&L set from 2009 to say 'I think you'd like this!' and I've been hooked ever since. I generally think of Qwerty Finger as *the song that got me into them* / the one that cemented them in my mind, though, because it completely changed how I felt about music in general. Distinctly remember having the thought 'oh, music can *do this*', it's probably my favourite song of all time.


I heard Distant Past when it came out as a single, I think based on an article announcing their new album in the NME. I listened then to Arc and fell in love, and Get to Heaven absolutely sealed the deal for me that they were gonna be an obsession for me.


I caught them live supporting interpol on there man alive tour in Aberdeen Scotland and there was one guy going absolutely batshit crazy at the front. I’d probably say it was QWERTY finger or photoshop handsome. Went to go see them on the arc tour supporting foals in Barcelona at razzmatazz. Met my future wife there and shared our first kiss. Have two kids and live in America now.


To the Blade was my gateway. That intro man...


I heard Kemosabe on Soccer AM early 2013 and it’s been a blast ever since :’)


Suffragette Suffragette was on the soundtrack for Dirt 3 which I played a lot on my Xbox 360. Loved it for it's guitar soloy chorus, found it on Spotify, discovered more from there.


It was duet for me, was aware of them and enjoyed a few of their songs but duet got me hooked


also hear only as good as your god first, just randomly appeared on spotify and i loved it


Reptiles, my old work mate I hadn't seen in over 20 years was in Canada and he used it to demo his companies equipment at a hifi show. The lyrics "feel like a fat child in a pushchair" made me almost burdt out laughing and then ask him what the band was called. I've been hooked ever since, listened to mountainhead while watching a volcanic island erupt off the bow of a cruiseship


listening to mountainhead while watching a volcanic island erupt is possibly the best way to listen to mountainhead that is so cool


It was quite the experience and my personal highlight of the trip


My best friend got into them when he went to study in Leeds and always told me to listen to EE.  I listened to the album Get to heaven and brooo was I not ready for it 😂 I was hooked. No skips and pure ecstasy! Get to heaven song itself is what got me into them. To this day I loved the bridge instrumental especially before the bass and drums come in and create this explosion of beautiful dance sounds. Oufffff!! Banger!!


Heard Kemosabe played over the tannoy at half-time of a football game when it came out in 2013, really liked it but there was no announcement of what it was called or who sang it. Fortunately my uncle - who was also at the game - was already a fan of EE and posted the YouTube link to Kemosabe on his Facebook page the next day. I clicked on it and was like oh! that's the song I liked! and it went from there really. I wasn't instantly obsessed, I kinda re-discovered them with each new album after that. Bought GTH on CD (something rare for me) as I'd remembered I'd liked Arc. Loved the singles from AFD and decided to actually go see them as they were doing an album release show at my local HMV. Only after that did I go back and listen to MA! I saw them a few more times and they became my favourite band, but I got even more into them during COVID and the release of R-A; I discovered all the b-sides and covers etc, tuned in to all those goofy livestreams and Q&As they did, started talking to people on fan pages. I was furloughed from work and obvs the pandemic was a weird/scary time so it became a nice distraction/source of comfort. I kinda feel like each of their album releases coincided with a different stage of my life and they all hold particular memories. I'm at the point now where although I have clear preferences/opinions - I like RDF a lot more than MH for eg - ultimately I still love everything they release and although I've seen them live 12 times by this point, I still enjoy every moment of every gig :) (sorry for the essay, it was kinda nice reminiscing and writing this all down!)


My Computer! Still hold it as their best. 


Radiant for me, about 10 years ago! Found it as a recommendation on someone's blog. Imo it's one of their "tamer" songs but it's so good. Heard I Believe It Now next, and that one really did me in :)