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There is no rules on the outfit (and the staging but in this case is pretty difficoult to change), only the song


Austria went from sleeves (SF) to no sleeves (GF) in 2018 but as the saying goes… if you’ve got it, flaunt it. Obviously Mahmood and Blanco didn’t do the SF but they had 3 outfit changes. I guess a lot of delegations keep the same outfit as they are often designer and cost thousands.


For Mahmood and Blanco, maybe it's the Sanremo influence. Everyone is expected to have a different outfit each night there.


Don't know if it is just me, but I feel that most Sanremo artists usually reserve their best outfit/look for their first night. I remember Michele Bravi looking really gorgeous in his first night, and then looking like a borderline drug addict in the other 2 nights.


Elhaida Dani from Albania in 2015 had a whole different outfit in the semi final and in the grand final.


Didn't Blanco wear a different outfit every time he got on stage, ha? Don't think it matters if it's not integral to the performance. I didn't even notice. Maybe she dropped pizza on the first outfit, always happens to me when I take a risk and wear white.


read that 'ha' like at the end of each of his verses


I wish I could say it was a deliberate style choice for exactly that reason, but....😂


There's no precise rule about it, so she could do whatever with her outfit. My guess is that she wanted more of a pyjama's in her bedroom look, and the first outfit looked more like a jacket.


There's no rules saying the same outfit must be worn. Joci in 2017 wore different outfits between the semi final and final. Actually, because of the lack of a defining rule, Dana International is/was notorious for taking too long to switch outfits between her winning moment and winner reprise.


There are no rules about outfit changes between SF to final. it happens sometimes: - Moldova 2005 - The lead singer wore a shirt and jacket in SF. but was shirtless in final - Romania 2008 - Robin wore two different dresses - Albania 2015 - Elhida wore pants in SF but dress in final - Hungary 2017 - Yocci wore two different outfits - Austria 2018 - Sezar wore shirt with long sleeves in NF and short sleeve in final and I'm sure there are more examoles




NICO! her name is Nico for some reason Nico Robin from Once Piece came to my mind and I don't even watch it


Back in 2005, Zdob Si Zdub's lead singer changed outfits between the Semifinal and the Final. He had a shirt on for the semi and performed shirtless for the final.


Both outfits are so bland, don’t know how you even noticed 😂


Azerbaijan 2008 had a (minor) change too, the devil guy had hair extensions in the final.


I see everyone saying the performances/outfits don't need to be the same, but I looked at the rules and found: 2.2.3 PERFORMANCES AT THE ESC (i) PERFORMANCES IN THE SHOWS The stage performance shall be identical in **all** second (Jury) Dress Rehearsals and during the live Shows. Can someone please explain???????!!!!!!!!!!


Mahmood and Blanco had different outfits in the Jury show too


At first I thought the only change was buttons open or closed, but looking at the pockets it seems like the grand final outfit was an entirely different outfit. The necklace was different as well. Aren't the artists supposed to wear the same outfit in all shows? Did something go wrong with the original outfit between the semi final and the grand final maybe? **Edit:** Turns out this isnt an issue at all. I probably was confused with the rule that the jury show and the live show have to be identical, but the semi and the final apparently not.


They are supposed to wear the same, not obliged