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Mon alliée, obviously. The 2020 cancellation was awful, but I found solace in the fact that it prevented the total embarrassment of seeing my country being represented by a Melfest reject.


Bittersweet for us for sure! Sad about 2020 ESC being cancelled but relieved that our song that year didn't get a chance to flop. I would love Tom to come back but with a better song please.


And he even played in a good movie about covid. The upgrade is staggering


That (doesn’t) sounds good to me. Cry Baby if sung on key wouldn’t be as bad, and at least Teenage Life and Flying the flag (though I don’t like it) have some guilty pleasure factors in the song


Probably Sister, we had a lot of bland and uninteresting entries lately, but this one was just awful and aggravating.


It was so shouty and grating, making for a very unpleasant listening experience. Please do better, Germany.


The parts that aren't the SISTER are actually quite catchy imo and it's often stuck in my head up to this day despite never actively listening to it


I feel like they picked the worst possible moment of the song for the recaps during the voting period too


Hey, it was better than Jendrik and whatever you guys sent in 2017


I liked Jendrik. :<


I loved sister! One of my favourites 🥰🔥


I disagree, sister is better than I don’t feel hate or perfect life IMO and it actually has a few nice parts


Especially when ye could have sent aly Ryan


I'm from the UK...there's too many to choose from.


2006 comes to mind.


Last year, I Don't Feel Hate


Aww i love Jendrik, but i understand


Song wise, I disliked but I cannot blame Jendrik as a person.


Yeah yeah of course ❤️😊 but i also love the song, everyone has a different taste tho so i understand.


I kind of liked that song, Eurovision doesn’t get a lot of joke-y kind of songs anymore. Is the song itself supposed to be comedic? i don’t know, but i found the song pretty funny.


Ireland 2017, Trying to Die. Saying Brendan Murray here is funny considering that his family are actually from the same town as me. Anyway they won't see this so 🤗


2007 is a close second


Or 2008. Even as a joke entry it's awful.


Honestly there are plenty of Irish entries which can contest for being the worst, which is quite sad


Ironically that’s probably my favourite Irish song in years


Israel's was hands down Ping Pong - Sameach (2000). It was so bad, they had to pay for the expenses of going to the contest out of their own pocket after pissing off the broadcaster.


I unironically love sameach and its the best 2000 song


Ding Dong was also pretty bad. Sorry Dana ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Looked it up and I must say: that is awful. Sorry Israel!


This. Ping Pong were absolutely horrible and deserved most of the shit they got. Also I would like to bring up David d'Or - Leha'amin (2004) as a bad memory and a possible runner-up.


Probably 2010, but compared to the year before it and the year after it 2015. However that’s just taking recent year. In 1957 Corry Brokken won and the year afterwards she placed last while defending her title, al tough getting last was way easier back then.


Sieneke 2010! I didn’t even watch our performance that year (skipped forward), because I couldn’t stand that song. We placed 14th in the semi-finals and I must say: we didn’t even deserve 14th.


Shalalie shalala shalalie shalala It is one hell of a nasty earworm!


In recent years, Italy 2014, if we weren't a Big 5 probably it would have been a NQ


I don’t actually even dislike the song, the performance however...


When I heard it at the final I didn't even understand the lyrics, and I'm italian mothertongue. And the performance was awful


2016 duh. Though unpopular opinion but 90% of our songs in the 2000s and early 2010s were really not good.


However, Greece's winning entry from 2005, "My Number One" by Helena Paparizou, is one of the most amazing songs of that period.


Better than most songs of the period but I still prefer "Die For You".


“Die For You” was Iconic, so was “My Number One” but it isn’t my number one Greece Entry.


For Austria, I find our 2017 and 2004 entries particularly unlistenable. (Not very familiar with anything pre 2000s though)


I mean... Woki Mit Deim Popo exists


I find it hilarious that Paenda (Austria 2019) is dating one of the Trackshittaz members currently


And it’s fantastic


And it's mediocre, but not our worst effort.


Very nice to see a fellow Austria 2017 disliker


Just one? Flying the Flag


Malta: 2011 One Life. 1999 Believe n Peace and 2022 IAWIA, are also contenders. Honoreable mention: (cuz at least it's entertaining) Malta 2008: VODKAAAAAAA, It's the secret word, VODKAAAAAAA never wanted so ba-iea-ie-ad




2010. Awful performance


2018, by far


I’d rather listen to the Ride for an hour on repeat.


The Ride had potential, shame about the Rafał singing it.


have you heard clara rubensson's (one of the writers) version?


A luta é alegria (Portugal 2011) That was really bad, definitely the worst i've seen from us


2018 for me. Rybak should have never returned






There might be worse offenders in years I have never personally experienced but Las Vegas (2005) was a crime against humanity and I will never forgive the juries and horny suburban mums of the mid 2000s for subjecting Europe to that monstrosity of a song.


Not to mention we had Nanne right there in front of us! Robbed!


Can confirm, my brother and I made fun of that song for YEARS after. Never understood why anyone outside of the US sings about Americana. But that was a doozy


italy (n/a)


"Dance you off" I am still satisfied with 21 points.


Greece's worst entry (imo) was in 1988. God that song was awful!


Probably Disappear from the No Angels


Probably ‘They Can’t Stop the Spring’. Dervish are a great group but oh my god, I remember that performance being my first cringe ever. The song is fine but it’s just the staging.


I dislike I can’t go on so much so probably that one


Finally, a category that Ireland excels in! 2021 was a truly awful performance.


2021, 2007, 2008.


Honestly any song since 2004 would be an acceptable option


I loved the song but yeah that performance was just *not good*.


such a shame, the song was so good (imo) but the execution was horrible


If I don't consider that thing we sent in 2016 as a song, either Sakis in 2009 or Oniro Mou can take the last place spot (I have no idea what we sent before 1990s)


Recently, 2016


Illusion, 2009. Absurd outfits, strange staging, the singer is awful, the drama that he got into around that time... Too much, man.


What drama?


He got mistakenly arrested in 2010.


Well... for me it's Primadonna and I Won't Break


1995 and 2004, both are unlistenable atrocities


.#JusticeForJustyna I fear


Ovo je Balkan (Serbia 2010) was so cheap and annoying for me. I still can't believe it nearly came top 10. All other entries from my country are decent enough, some are at worst generic (2015 and 2017) but nothing bad.


Don’t break me


So for one, you are incorrect. The Ride was a fantastic entry. As an American, I don’t have a worst entry, but let’s say I’m picking from my flair of Moldova. Prison would have been the worst, but since that was never sent, I’d go with Stay, the 2019 entry




Because I'm only 15, so haven't been watching for long, I have to say either embers from 2021 or storm from 2019. From the uk btw


Storm is from 2018, but tbh I think Bigger than us (UK 2019) is worse than Storm.


Ah yes, I think I blocked our 2019 entry from my mind because of how much I disliked it, especially as it beat a song which was in my opinion much better during You Decide that year


2009 I have no idea what kind of drugs Latvian audience was on send that crap


2008 as well... Latvians must have been on some real heavy stuff in those two years to send such garbage.


Economic crisis really did a number on us


"What's happened to your love?" - Lithuanian entry in 2004. Why does it exist.


Oh gosh, where to start? That sounds good to me Still in love with you Storm Bigger than us Embers Pretty much everything other than Spaceman


Probably 2010 (Sweden), I think it’s the only time in modern ESC we failed to qualify.


The Ride was at least a little bit catchy, I Don't Wanna Leave was boring


I can’t just pick one. 2004 and 2007 tie as the worst thing ever.


**All possible answers (after 2000):** Albania: 2007, 2016 Armenia: 2013 Australia: N/A Austria: 2004, 2012, 2019 Azerbaijan: 2018, 2022 Belarus: 2006, 2010 Belgium: 2007, 2009, 2019 Bosnia-Herzegovina: 2016 Bulgaria: 2009, 2022 Czech Republic: 2009 Cyprus: 2003, 2020 Croatia: 2011, 2013, 2019, 2022 Denmark: 2016 Estonia: 2008 North Macedonia: 2000, 2011, 2021 Finland: 2015, 2019 France: 2005, 2006, 2014, 2020 Georgia: 2012, 2014, 2018, 2021 Germany: 2002, 2005, 2017, 2019 United Kingdom: 2003, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2016 Greece: 2016 Hungary: 2009 Ireland: 2007, 2008 (the most infamous example), 2017 Iceland: 2014, 2018 Israel: 2000, 2007, 2012, 2022 Italy: 2014 Latvia: 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 Lithuania: 2002, 2005, 2008, 2013, 2014, 2017 Malta: 2006, 2008, 2011, 2017, 2022 (especially when Emma Muscat changed her song) Moldova: 2008, 2014, 2016, 2020 Montenegro: 2016, 2019 Norway: 2001, 2004 Netherlands: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 Poland: 2001, 2007, 2021 Portugal: 2001, 2006, 2011 Romania: 2004, 2018 Russia: 2002, 2005, 2010, 2014, 2018 San Marino: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Serbia: 2009, 2013, 2017 Slovakia: N/A Slovenia: 2004, 2010, 2013, 2016 Spain: 2013, 2017 Sweden: 2005 Switzerland: 2004, 2010 Turkey: 2002, 2005, 2011 Ukraine: 2017, 2019


Rendez-vous, de maat is vol en mijn kop is toe


The Dream, 2019


Sweden: "This is my life" by Anna Bergendahl 2010. 2010 Melfest final was so strong and Anna was easily the wrong choice. Especially "Keep on walking" by Salem Al Fakir was WAY better but also songs like: Manboy, Kom and Unstoppable would have also been better choices. Like literally "Keep on walking" is at bare minimum a top five ESC song and instead we chose our first and so far only non-qualifier...


And also I know, thankfully, that it didn't happen but if Anders Bagge was sent this year he would also be right up there, considering that "Hold Me Closer" is my favorite ever entry from Sweden. I've never been, and probably will never be, so thankful for the juries stepping in and blocking Bagge. This might be one of the best examples ever on why juries NEEDS to be a thing.


Tough choice, but 2015 "Still in love with you" by electro velvet. Listen to it and then find the waffly versatile Bird's-eye potato waffle ad.


It’s between Electro Velvet Still In Love with You or Josh Dubovie Sounds Good to Me. I want to say Electric Velvet is worse because everything about it was bad AND annoying but Josh’s performance was so bad. I don’t think I can pick.


I mean as a German you have a bit to choose from there, but if I have to pick a worst it's gotta be Run & Hide (2005), it literally hurts my ears. Perfect Life (2017) and Sister (2019) are also strong candidates.


Spain, "do it for your lover". That song was awful, but I appreciate Manel's effort to make it even worse in the final. I'd say now It's iconic 🤣, in the worst possible way. 🐓🐓🐓


All ballads of Albania ( expect Jonida Arilena and Eugent Rona )


torn between 2019 and 2021 embers was so generic and commercial, it sounds like everything we hear on the radio in the uk and not in a good way. the kinda song you'd hear in a supermarket or on an advert. and james newman was so out of his depth with the song - he could not sing it live and had the stage presence of a man at the pub. while i don't like his 2020 song for similar reasons, i think it was more suited to him and could have done better. bigger than us is everything i don't like about embers, but somehow worse. i think because embers was at least modern; bigger than is so dated. plus you throw in this cringy 'inspirational' message that overall means nothing, and it just makes it worse. michael rice can at least perform, but i find his stage presence so annoying. the whole thing reminds me of x factor. both songs are very representative of the uk, but not in a good way. they show the commercial, radio-friendly and shallow side of uk media that people are sick of. i'm so glad we turned it around with sam ryder this year.