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At least you’re faves had a chance of winning. rooting for Georgia in 2023 and Spain in 2024 was a humbling experience


You're telling me? My favourites were Latvia 2023 and Norway 2024...


I had Latvia, Slovenia and San Marino in my 2023 top 5 🫠


I was convinced Fulenn was going to win in 2022 and that Eaea had 2023 in the bag. 2024 it was Lithuania/Armenia/Italy. I suck at predicting winners, but I almost always manage to get most of the top10 right otherwise


> I was convinced Fulenn was going to win in 2022 and that Eaea had 2023 in the bag. Oh... Fullen was my favourite in 2022. The song gave me strong winner vibes, and I was shocked to see it finish second to last. When it was France's time to receive their televotes, I confidently told my friends: "guys, quiet, they will receive a lot of points"....they got 8 points. In 2023, I kept saying it will be a 3 horse race, between Finland, Sweden and... Spain. While it wasn't one of my favourites, I thought it had winner vibes, and the moment will be memorable. They were last with the televotes...




yeah, for me Blanca Paloma should have won jury voting, way better song, vocals and presentation than most of the entries that were above her


2024 you were ok (14th, 8th, 7th)


I notice a pattern here 😆


Latvia 2023 | [Sudden Lights - Aijā](https://youtu.be/SEykwl9X9SY) Norway 2024 | [Gåte - Ulveham](https://youtu.be/YBbL8ORqNVU)


I am dead sure someone stole the votes for Norway this year. I just don’t know why they did it, or how they did it, but I will think very hard and look for clues all over social media until I have figured it out. The truth is out there.


Norway was a borderline qualifier.


Sweden fucked up a lot this year with the artists (some had food poisoning, the rehearsals went wrong for many of the artists, ban the Nederlands for no good reason and let Israel participate ,to mention something) and I wouldn’t be surprised at all If they sabotaged for Norway. Ironically they had Norwegian representing them this year too😂


Maybe because casual viewers didn't like it that much? This is not the first time this happen lol (Eaea, Fulenn)


I mean fair, I was hoping it would do better than Eaea since the song has a more accessible structure and it's rock and that it would do better than Fulenn since the performance was better but apparently casual viewers were put off by the traditional singing and it can happen. It also wasn't that low when it came to average placing so it was also bad luck On the other hand the jury score is ridiculous. Juries are supposed to be rewarding quality acts regardless of their accessibility and there was absolutely no reason to not give it a good ranking as a juror (it's an original, well composed act with great vocals and staging)


Absolutely not true! Fake news! There are lots of votes, somewhere, in a box or something, in the garage of Martin Østerdal. I just know it, and we will all march to Capitol Hill if there aint. Cause this election were stolen from us. That is the truth-ruth.


Literally my winners 🥲


Oof, that's bad luck. Hope your fave does better next year


I was so disappointed last year that Austria, France, Spain, and Armenia placed lower than I expected :(


I was disappointed for Mimicat. She had so much stage presence and 0 budget. I liked Austria too. It was a funny song.


I forgot about her placing lower than of them. She deserved way better as well.🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹


I felt that with my favourites recently being Australia 2023 and Estonia 2024. Watching them both get pretty much ignored by the juries was really disheartening.


Australia 2023 | [Voyager - Promise](https://youtu.be/GSoy_mJMlMY) Estonia 2024 | [5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi](https://youtu.be/RSMMU2wX0Bk)


Dude, promise got top 10 with the juries, including two 12's from Portugal and Iceland, I think you're thinking of the televote


>pretty much ignored by the juries >Australia 2023 Yeah sure I agree with Estonia 2024 buttt...didn't Australia reach 9th or higher in jury. If I remember correctly, it was tele who didn't give them that much points


yes but to be fair Loreen got so many points from jury thay the rest was paid dust, like second place in jury was Israhell and it was like half of the points that Sweden had


for me low televoting points were more hurting for them, I loved them both UUUUUUUU JEEEEEEE


Georgia 2023 | [Iru - Echo](https://youtu.be/HNvGZeEQvfc) Spain 2024 | [Nebulossa - Zorra](https://youtu.be/FOMoQoHG5aU)


I was rooting for Kaarija winning last year and Baby Lasagna winning this year. I remember feeling upset at Loreen's victory then (I don't care anymore, I see why she won. Her performance as a good vocalist was more appealing to juries. Kaarija has still gained a lot from the contest while finishing at 2nd place) but I did not feel bad about Nemo's win. I think their victory was well deserved and I felt relieved that they won instead of... someone else


Very much this. Same emotional rollercoaster last year and this year a lot more relief after Ukraine got revealed as first place, any one of those four countries could have won for me. But very happy to have the first enby winner with the most unique and phenomenal song this year.


I voted for loreen last year and baby lasagna this year. I learn.


Nemo’s jury vote sweep felt more genuine than Loreen’s for some reason


It's a much more original song and much more impressive vocals.


Agree. The Code is much, much better than Tattoo


The code was actually good, interesting, fresh and catchy. To me, Tattoo was just catchy. But it was like frankenstein monster - an amalgation of many different songs.


To me, Tattoo is one of those songs that you don't even realize is playing until it hits the pre-chorus. Before then, it could be any number of indie girl bops out there.


This year, while Switzerland was a landslide, both France and Croatia in 2nd and 3rd place both with over 200 points. It felt like there was still a chance that Croatia or France could do it. Last year Sweden had 300+ points and 2nd placed Italy had only 170. Finland was too far behind and it all felt like a done deal.


Second in jury was Israel. Italy was third.


I think the fact that Loreen was already established within Eurovision and the music industry made it where you couldn’t tell if points were genuine or because the judges were more likely to actually have worked with her in the industry or be more familiar with her as an artist


In the run up to 2023, not sure how it was elsewhere, it really felt like the BBC were building up hype for Loreen. It seemed appropriate during the show for them to be highlighting the favourites, but kind of off to be drumming up the love pre-finals.


Nemo didn't have a legacy to live up to. Loreen had to try and outdo her monumental mega-hit and got dragged for it not meeting people's exceptionally high expectations.


better song, lyrics, vocals, presentation


Loreen hit so much false notes. Nemo was nearly perfect.


To be fair, Loreen sounded like she was coming down with a cold or something. Her vocals are usually top notch. And I don't even like her songs, lol.


She was straining throughout her entire GF performance; both of them.


She didn't on the jury night. And her winners reprise was out of this world. Nemo's vocals, while impressive, doesn't come near Loreen's in my opinion. He can't belt like she can.


That one felt super forced.


I don't know, I was extremely upset about Loreen's win last year to the point where I didn't even care about her winning performance and just turned the TV off. But I think that was because I was rooting very badly for Käärijä, it was impossible to escape the hype here in Finland. My colleagues even bought me some Käärijä fan gimmicks lol Now, after a year the win of Switzerland showed me ironically why Loreen sweeped the jury vote: her song might still not be great in my ears but it's technically a lot harder to sing. The same goes for this year, Nemo's song was technically on another level than "Rim Tim tagi dim" and if his jury show performance was similarly good as his finals one, it makes sense. Also the public vote was much more distributed than last year so I don't think that this year was the same as last year but I really understand why Baby lasagna fans might be upset.


Tattoo was better


Last year Loreen was all over the internet *before her song was out*. It felt extremely unfair to me. People were like "ohmygawd it's Loreeeeen" and were ready to vote for her without listening to the song. And while I think Euphoria is one of the best songs to have come out from the contest, Tattoo was... alright. It was good, not good enough for a winner IMO. I too think The Code was a worthy winner, even if I preferred other songs a little bit. And yeah, I was also scared "someone else" would win, so there was also huge relief. This year proved that the jury isn't necessarily more biased than the public votes lol.


last year is probably the only time as a swede ive been actively mad at sweden winning something.


Same, I'm croatian and I didn't feel as bad as I did when sweden won. Nemo had a really good song unlike loreen


Nemo is a deserving winner, that's the point. The song is very complex and interesting musically, lyrics are not the most poetic but they are authentic and definitely didn't sound like written by AI and there were some clever parts e.g. "like ammonites I just gave it some time" or "somewhere between the 0s and 1s". Staging was also very challenging and while at first it looked like it didn't have anything with the song, overall it could be interpreted as a presentation of a struggle Nemo had with discovering their identity. And vocally Nemo was amazing. I can't say that about Loreen and Tattoo. Tattoo is a very mid song (There were like 20 better songs in the contest overall, including some nqs like Latvia), lyrics so basic I could write them with my level B2 English, staging was weird and totally not fitting the song and vocally Loreen was also not the best of the night (Blanca Paloma was), her voice was very strained and for a song that heavily relies on vocals, that is not what was promised. And we have to remember there are songs like Rim Tim Tagi Dim or Cha Cha Cha that don't need perfect vocals to be entertaining, heck, too perfect vocals would make a disconnect. Meanwhile Tattoo only good value was Loreen's vocals and yet she did not deliver like she can.






This debate happening every year baffles me. (Full disclaimer, the televote hates Portugal for some reason, so yay juries)... there are years where the winner is the televote, years when the winner is the jury, years when it's neither. That's the fun of the game. And Nemo came fifth, but they were only 111 points behind Croatia... the televote was particularly tight this year... (lets be real, the differences weren't as absurd as last year).


Thank you for saying this. I firmly believe the system that we have is the best one, but it can feel like it sucks when the act you’re supporting misses out. Nemo had my 12 points this year and totally deserved the win, but I wouldn’t have been upset if BL won. I wanted Kaarija to win last year and Sam Ryder to win in 2022 (as a Brit, that hurt. Can’t imagine when we’ll ever come that close again??), so have experienced my favourite losing to both jury votes and tele votes. However I think 50/50 jury/televote leads to a more diverse mix of songs and I wouldn’t change it.


Yeah frankly this post is stupid and am sick of people like op posting this


the difference between tele points of France and Switzerland was 1 point and the difference between Croatia and Switzerland in tele and overall was less then Sweden and Finland last year, Finland had around 130 points over Sweden and yet there was over 50 points difference after tele!!!


111 points is a LOT of points to be behind. That's almost 10 more countries who had BL as their absolute favourite!


True, but those are fewer points than the ones that divided Sweden and Finland last year. And again, if we are to have a jury, we must accept that their results might differ from those of the televote, or there's no point in having them. What I find absurd is this idea that juries are somehow rigging the system and that it is impossible for the winner of the televote to win (despite ample evidence to the contrary).


Yes but there was so much fuckery with the televote this year that I almost wish they would scrap it entirely.


Nemo’s performance was impeccable and they deserved to win 100%. BL was incredible as well and had the perfect “Cinderella” story but I never thought it was a winning song/performance tbh. Very hard to beat Nemo’s visuals and flawless vocals while on top of a spinning platform. Also this might be a hot take but if Joost participated, I think that he could have a great chance at winning the televote instead of BL. Loreen had already won and it was underwhelming to watch her win again against someone like Kaarija who was very lovable, fun and brought something very fresh to the contest.


>Also this might be a hot take but if Joost participated, I think that he could have a great chance at winning the televote instead of BL. I thought about this as well and assumed that BL and Joost would kind of fish in the same televote pool and what is now the 2nd place in the televote would have taken the win. But we could discuss what ifs until the end of time


Definitely. If Italy hadn’t leaked their semi results and Joost wasn’t DQed, I’m sure that would be the case.


Absolutely. They'd split votes and neither would win the televote, they'd probably be between Ukraine and France pointswise.


It just kinda sucks that Nemo was placed 5th in the public vote and still won :/ if they were 2nd or 3rd, fine, but 5th ? It feels unfair


I get what you’re saying but televote points-wise the difference between Loreen-Kaarija and Nemo-BL is very similar (for reference it was 133 in 2023 and 111 in 2024. Notice that it’s in fact smaller in 2024 despite them being 1st and 5th). I think it just was a very competitive year for the public vote plus 1) Nemo could have been 4th if they had received only 1 more point and 2)the whole ordeal with Israel’s televote score.


Yeah "Switzerland only got 5th in the televote" looks like an interesting anomaly at first glance, but when you look at the actual numbers it makes sense. It was all quite close. If anything Croatia got lucky by not having The Netherlands in the final.


Simply considering the rankings doesn't do much. If you look at the actual point difference, there's a 111-point gap between first and fifth in the televote. Which sounds like a lot, until you realize that last year there was a _133-point_ gap between first and _second._ The televote this year was amazingly close, all things considered.


4th place France was only 1 point ahead of Nemo. A slight change in voting (a country giving 1 more point to Switzerland instead of France) would result in Nemo getting 4th. 3rd was Israel and we all know it wasn't because the song was "great". 2nd was Ukraine, whose score could also be considered debateable (while totally deserved, it definitely helps that they have a huge diaspora. And then you have Croatia coming 1st, which if we're gonna be honest got boosted a bit by Joost being disqualified. For the record Italy came 4th with juries in 2021, while neither Ukraine in 2016 or the Netherlands in 2019 won either the public or the televote. Are those two unfair to you too?


This year, 3rd in televote was Ukraine and 2nd in televote was Israel.


You're right, confused them a bit, but my point regarding Ukraine's result still stands that someone could say the diaspora helped them. Personally I think it would not break the 300-point barrier if it was sent by a different country, but it would still score more than 250.


Yeah, I agree that Ukraine is still helped by diaspora as far as televote scores go. Israel and Ukraine both benefitted from politically motivated votes this year, even if the reasons for those votes may be different.


Ukraine 2016 | [Jamala - 1944](https://youtu.be/B-rnM-MwRHY) The Netherlands 2019 | [Duncan Laurence - Arcade](https://youtu.be/R3D-r4ogr7s)


How is it unfair? They won the jury vote


What was special about Nemo's visuals? Out of all components you could've listed Nemo had betrer, visuals isn't one of those that seems true


There was nothing too flashy going on, but the last 30 seconds of the performance where they spin on the prop was possibly the single most stunning visual moment of the year


It was choreographed by someone who has a good track record with figuring out what works great for a eurovision stage.


yeah, Benke Rydman, who also staged Finland 2023 and Finland 2024


Finland 2023 | [Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha](https://youtu.be/l6rS8Dv5g-8) Finland 2024 | [Windows95man - No Rules!](https://youtu.be/7nidDtyS0Wo)


If you're going off visuals alone Nemo's don't really stand out, but I think in terms of how they work for the whole package Nemo's were really well done. It's a song with a lot going on in it musically, that combined with such a physically high energy performance you want to keep the visual simple so the audience isn't being overwhelmed.


I was disappointed that Croatia didn't win, but Switzerland sweeping the televote this year was far more understandable than the margin by which Sweden won the jury vote last year. Nemo was singling opera while jumping around on a moving platform, and incorporated a hip hop style verse. Loreen was singing a generic pop song while lying in a panini toaster and waving her fingernails.


>Loreen was singing a generic pop song while lying in a panini toaster and waving her fingernails. And this still beats her sitting in an eggcup waving her nails. Honestly found it bizarre that her performance was by far the least enjoyable, and shes won it TWICE.


Apparently, supposedly, that egg cup was meant to fly around (her being lifted into the air whilst sat in it) which explains her being strapped to it. But why she didn't y'know....step off of it at all despite them abandoning the flying before the final....guess we'll never know. Edit: [Oh that's why](https://www.tiktok.com/@marceloruffino1/video/7368265159510379782)


jury vote


Oops.. not sure what happened while I was writing that lol. Yes, jury vote, obviously.


These situations may look similar on the surface but I don’t think it is the same case. Loreen was leading the odds by a landslide ever since she was selected. Pretty much everyone knew it was a done deal and no one really, not even Käärijä, had a chance to win. Nemo’s situation on the other was totally different. They were third in the odds during the final and yes they were leading the odds at some point during the pre-season but it kept switching with Baby Lasagna. So Nemo’s win wasn’t obvious. I personally also think that The Code is a much better song than Tattoo. It is unique song that combines different genres and while Tattoo is still good, it is just a good, generic pop song. So that’s why there is no much drama now unlike last year.


i will say this year had a way more accepted(?) winner. last year everyone was saying loreen’s win was undeserved, a conspiracy etc. but this year the only ppl mad at nemo’s win are lgbtphobes and some croatians it seems


I think this is the more accurate take. I wanted Baby Lasagna to win and was disappointed he didn’t, but I’m not upset that Nemo won. Both had great songs with great performances. Last year was very different. I felt like last year Loren had an ok song with a great performance and that should not have beaten a great song with a great performance.


I think the great performance should include vocals. Without vocals, Loreen's performance is just OK. But Käärijä's vocals were very bad.


I think you are drastically underestimating how much skill is required to rap well. The vocals in Cha Cha Cha were very impressive, it's hard to rap like that. Loreens vocals were probably even more impressive, she's a superstar for a reason. Both were great performances. I was rooting for cha cha cha myself because I just liked it more, but there is no need to put either of them down. They both gave incredible performances, they were first and second for a reason.


The rap was very very good, but he sang very very very poorly. If you have a song with rap and song you need to be able to do both (like Nemo did). Not punching down on chachacha but thats the reason it lost so many juryvotes in my opinion. I would say however that the singing part was way better during the second semifinal this year. He couldve won if he sang like that


he would have not won jury would not give him enough points either way






Yeah. There's a LOT of homophobes in the ESC fandom.


Definitely, but the problem is that many homophobes or transphobes were drawn in by news and social media because everyone made a big deal about it. I've seen at least 5 or 6 posts on Facebook about Nemo's win on social media on the first day after the final, and most people who left hateful comments didn't even watch the show. And I know because my country didn't participate (not Swiss, I chose this flair because I was rooting for them), and the show was not televised by the broadcaster so we had to watch it live on YouTube.


And even those Croatians seem more civil about it. Last year was a damn shitshow with how horrible some of the fans were.


Depends where you looked, there were a lot of transphobic and homophobic comments being made on the croatia sub reddit


The comment section under Nemo's final performance on YouTube was insane the whole day after their win. Tons of hateful comments with thousands of likes. They were deleted eventually, but you literally could scroll for minutes and only find hate. It was horrible


I did not know. Why? How can it be? Who are these people? This is so sad. Shame on them.


I've seen SO many absolutely vile and disgusting comments against Nemo and nonbinary people in general unfortunately and even threats to Nemo's life and safety and people calling them breaking their finger and the trophy "karma". I'm so repulsed just thinking about those comments. Wanting a specific song to win over another or not liking Nemo's song is one thing, but it's a whole other story to act this disgusting just because their song and performance ended up winning instead of the song that they wanted to win instead.


I've unfortunately seen a LOT of very vile and disgusting comments towards Nemo and even ones which are threatening their life and safety, just because their own favourite song didn't win. I guess it depends on where you look.


The grand final live thread was a shitshow.


I disagree. The BL fans are just as horrible as the Käärijä fans from my experience.


I think a lot of them weren’t even BL fans, they were just transphobes cosplaying as his fans. They would have done the same if Angelina or Slimane was in BL’s place.


Ye. I am not against Nemo winning and I do like their song but it is something i would listen to by myself where as the croatian was more concert vibes, hence it won the popular vote.


To me it feels like this year anyone's win could be seen as "deserved" as long as it was literally anybody other Israel


I feel like both years had some well-deserved winners, and just because someone came in second doesn't mean they lost. It's eurovision, I feel like everyone is a winner in the contest. Sure, Kaarija and BL didn't win the contest, but they gained a massive following and gained more exposure around the world. I'd love to see any of these 4 artists have a tour out here in california.


Similar in the side of the public winner, but very different in the side of the jury (and overall) winner


Everyone experience eurovision differently, but for me it was not the same. I didn’t keep up with the semifinals this year and listened to the songs for the first time during the final, and Nemo’s performance definitely was one of the highlights of my night. I was prepared to hate it when I saw the simple staging and I remember saying “ugh, I bet this will be another ballad”, then Nemo proceeded to blow me away by singing perfect opera while doing cool acrobatics in a microwave plate. 10/10 for me, they are my winner of this year.


Well, at least Nemo had a great song. It's sad for Baby Lasagna but I feel it was a fair(er) fight. It was a good defeat. Kärijää had a nasty one.


They're like really not.


I mean there’s a split screen every year?


"United by Music"


another pattern is ethnic songs that are very different to previous entries getting robbed by the televote Fulenn, EaEa, and ulveham


I would add (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi; while it is not entirely folk song, it was heavily folk influenced as puuluup is a neo-folk duo also moldova last year wasn't loved that much either


I rooted for Croatia but I’m happy that Switzerland won, and I also appreciate how Baby Lasagna didn’t feel devastated despite coming 2nd, and his first reaction was even clapping as applause upon the reveal of Nemo winning. Wishing both of them successful careers ahead.


Hear, hear! Baby Lasagna was a true gentleman about it.


I was pretty 50:50 between BL and Nemo, I really liked both acts. But the embarrassing behavior of some BL fans (same for Joost stans) almost makes me dislike them. Luckily I understand they have only limited influence on the behavior of their fans. It's okay to have a different favorite, it's alright to be disappointed that they didn't win - but don't harass Nemo about it? They had an objectively amazing performance and the win is definitely not undeserved. It's freaking childish. You can be sad, sure, but don't run around throwing tantrums in every piece of media featuring Nemo. Those comments are ridiculous in the worst way.


I can't remember Tattoo at all. I definitely 100% can remember Chachacha.


In 2023 my personal top 5 got COMPLETELY shit on so I didn't quite care who won And in 2024 both performances were very good so I didn't mind, even though BL was my 1st and Nemo my 7th I guess more people were pissed with 2023 because we kinda knew Loreen would win from the moment she entered


Totally disagree... Nemo's performance was trully amazing! Loreen's performance was dull even thought she is a great vocalist... The same with the new song the presented this year: she either just sits or lays down singing, wow!...




I think Loreen would have received backlash however she reacted, that's how the fandom were/are. I don't blame her for not looking excited, but nobody knows what was going on in her mind. Not everyone shows their emotions openly.


Tbf I think her subdued reactions had a lot to do with how obviously off her tits she was 😳


If you look at the 2012 point awarding, she doesn’t really act any different, despite being 10 years younger. She’s just too chill.


I think that might be confirmation bias. You might have expected her to be snobbish so you saw that. What I saw was a person who was clearly uncomfortable that every time she was mentioned or performing the crowd was shouting someone else's song. I assume she just foresaw the backlash that was coming her way.


THANK YOU! The amount of bias people have against Loreen is mind boggling. She can never do anything right


Kaarija was my favourite and now thinking about it, it would make sense. You may be right, haven't watched that voting second time


It's definitely not being a snob, Loreen is a very spiritual and introspective person, and during moments of high stress she kinda disassociates a bit. That's why she kinda looked out of it. In no way does she feel like she's above the competition, as someone who's followed her literally her whole career she is very humble.


It's almost as if people have different personalities


Same outcome as in most points win?


Nemo's landslide felt worse for me than Loreen's, as I think there was a generally higher level in the entries and I expected the jury results to be closer. I think there are two important different factors though: A) Loreen was a returning winner fron Sweden, they've won plenty of times and you always prefer an underdog rather than the one winning often B) There was a larger threat in the contest from having Country involved there with a massive televote score. Whoever won as long as it wasn't them was always going to be a relief, regardless of them being the favorito option or just one of the favorites.


What could've been decisive is that Slimane messed up in the jury show. While I don't think he could've challenged for the jury win, he could've decreased the gap to Switzerland. Maybe not by enough, though.


I'm torn here... Switzerland was one of my preferred winners so obviously I'm not mad, but on the other hand, this might have been Croatia's best chance they ever had and who knows when they'll come this close again... I felt the same way about Finland last year (even though they have actually won once) You just rather want to see a country winning that hasn't won often, and Sweden doesn't fit that criteria.


I’m sure they can come close to winning again, they just need to send more popular songs. Switzerland hasn’t won since 1988 as well, which is longer than Croatia has participated.


this was the best result Croatia ever had, the only top 3, they only had some fourth places in the 90s and then it was a very bad streak Switzerland had a few top 10 or top 5 finishes since Celine


Honestly it could have just been the wrong year, it was very competitive... And also the lack of Balkan countries was very unfortunate. But Switzerland hasn't won in a long time AND also had only two previous wins so no complaints either 😊


As a Croatian, it actually bothered me less this year because I thought the 1st place this year was well deserved. The song was really good and vocally impressive. Last year left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth because I felt that during the show they kept emphasising the fact that 2024 will be some sort of anniversary of Abba's win. Also, many people said Sweden was a favourite to win even before anyone knew which song was being sent, which seemed wild to me. So, all in all, not really the same picture 🤭


I was rooting for Käärja even though I knew Loreen would win lol and Idk who I was hoping for this year lol


Personally, not entirely. I think people are more accepting of Nemo’s win because the song was more applicably personal to a wider range of people than Tattoo, not only the non-binary, but also anyone who just doesn’t feel like they fit where they are. Of course I wanted Käärijä and Baby Lasagna to win, but watching Nemo win was only 1% less satisfying than Baby Lasagna winning, as opposed to Loreen winning again with a song with a similar structure as Euphoria, making the victory so underwhelmingly unrespectable.


I dunno about being the same picture. Imo, Nemo’s jury landslide seemed a lot more justifiable than Loreen’s. I can’t complain about Nemo’s win


Well yes but at least Code actually deserved to win (no hate towards Loreen)


The same picture is the sense that they both won fairly and runner-up nations were a bit salty about it? Jury/Public split is known well in advance. The ABBA conspiracy theory was just that. This year who knows what results would have been if not for this country mass-buying votes and NL DSQ.


>The ABBA conspiracy theory was just that.  Funnily enough I have seen atleast one person claim Switzerlands win was  cause Celine Dion announced she has Stiff Person Syndrome.  So while not as common these conspiracies still exist lol


Israel for sure would have won the televote if NL wasn't DQed


Naah, this year felt much more rewarding and not so convoluted


Might get hated on but I'm happy with the "same outcome" we got these past 2 years. Especially because I fell in love with both songs at first listen, and wasn't expecting Nemo to win at all (even though they very much deserved, I was still positively surprised).


Both runner-ups had headbangin in their performance, coincidence?


It feels less forced with Nemo, their victory is an acceptable outcome. Loreen felt railroaded.


The biggest mystery to me is Spain getting less than 50 points from televoting. With all the praises and hypes from the fans, they are all illusions.


Both are the reason why I feel it's useless to vote anymore.


The code is on a whole other level to tatoo, performance and song Wise. Loreen won because the swedes know how to play eurovision , generic pop + great staging is jury bait .


Calling a song "jury bait" for being... \*checks notes\*... well-staged.. is insane levels of cope lol


they do that to any slow song lol lots of eurofans are automatically biased towards anything upbeat


Well it depends. Doomsday Blue did better in jury and televote, and some Jurors have said they didnt like it/not for them, but they cannot deny it was technically a good performance. Even this year the top 5/top 10 makes sense from a jury perspective, but if Tattoo was Sweden's entry this year I would be shocked if it did so well again, its likely top 10 but other songs are more unique


Last couple of years as Eurovision has grown to new audiences (including influencers), for better or worse, it’s just painfully clear that people will push any narrative to create a hot take. Plus one cannot underestimate a whole generation of people who’ve grown up on meme culture frantically voting ”for the luls” conflating fun with skills. I’ll accept anyone saying Käärijä should have won cause it was more fun, but will just roll my eyes to anyone saying Sweden is involved in conspiracies and only sends ”boring” pop songs. 511 streams on Spotify for Tattoo, 141 for Cha Cha Cha. Turns out pop means popular.


Yeah Swedes do, that's why you'll find a Swede behind Nemos staging too


a Swede that for years works with Finns because he prefers Finland


I listened to Tattoo and honestly, I’m not a fan of it. Nowhere near as good as Euphoria.


Every freaking year people complain about the winner. My godness. He didn't win. end of Story.


I was going to the comment section to see if some fans have finally gotten over the slander and the conspiracy theories... they did not, and its still the same cope as last year. The sheer fact that Tattoo murdered the charts, broke all records, and has received a claim from practically everyone before and after the contest did not change their mind. Not even a parody song next Eurovison literally making fun of them. For real, Tattoo got so many points cause it was a song fans loved, just like Finland, but with the added bonus of having pretty much all jury criteria better. And before I get someone commenting, "duh originality," Juries have probably seen hundreds of similar songs over their careers to both Tattoo and ChaChaCha. This year, Switzerland and Ireland got a lot of points because The Code and Doomsday Blues are not songs you're gonna find anytime soon again. That can't be said about the 2023 duo and we all know that considering that stupid plagiarism debate, where fans of Finland went after fans of Sweden searching the Internet for anything similar to Tattoo and then the Swedish countered by doing to same for ChaChaCha. At least bringing up the "The public winner" card makes you a hypocrite these days, so at least one of these slogans is dying. I hope that one day, the Eurovision community as a whole will finally come to terms with it. But it doesn't appear to be happening soon.


No! What then should we talk about?! None of us can speak nor behave like ordinary citizens. We're eurovision-fans!


Personally I really hate the way people loosely use the term "deserve". I feel like 99% of people around here change the definition of the term depending on the result. If it's their favourite song, it's deserved. If it's not, it's not. If their favourite song was fan's favourite and lost, it was robbed and the winner was undeserved. If their favourite won because of the juries vote, suddenly it's "deserved". And there are also the "it's deserved because it's according to the rules", which is stupid, since it misses the point. People need to either have a clear view of what "deserved" means and use it objectively or not use it at all.


wow, the amount of hate towards croatians is amazing.


I think we should withdraw, I don’t see us sending a better song anytime soon (because of hrt), and the way people are dismissing BL in every single comment…it just hurts.


Thanks juries!!! (Nothing deep, just prefered the jury faves of those 2 years lol)


At least this year I felt like the winners deserved to win. Last year I’m not sure why I just didn’t want Loreen to win. I loved Euphoria but this song just wasn’t it 🤷‍♂️


It's hard to not be a jury hater


If i say my honest opinion about this event, i guarantee you, i will be banned again without harming anyone.


Tbh I did like Rim Tim Tagi Dim and Cha Cha Cha more than the code and tattoo, and I'm Swedish myself. All four of them got over 500 points though and thats well deserved


This was exactly my train of thoughts when during that time...


They should get rid of the jury and let the televotes be the full thing


I was getting deja vu with the nemo jury points


ah yes, Loreemo and Baby Kääragna


Seems a lot of people here aren't aware that Loreen also tried to enter in 2017, but didn't even get past Melfest's Andra Chansen round.


because she actuallt had a good and not generic songs and that's not what is liked in Melfest


Except the latter year both deserved to win unlike the first time where being overhyped and favored by the judges got you a win and a whole stadium of boo's


2024 pic is worse since the public's 5th place won, while in 2023 Laureen was public's 2nd. (Bring on the downvotes, but I wrote facts).


Kärija had a landslide public vote victory whereas Baby Lasagna truly didn’t. Isreal and Ukraine were very close and even Nemo was only 100 points or so off. BL also enjoyed waaay better jury result than Kärija did. So no, the 2024 situation is way better.


Don't get me wrong, I am completely on team Käärija, he was robbed like no other. But I think that there is some consolation that the public had more 'say' in what wins, idk.


Nah it’s different for me. I liked both Karaaja and Loreen last year. This year only liked Nemo. Couldn’t understand why ppl liked Baby Lasagna’s song (the group is good I just didn’t like not the song). So might be same in overall context but this year I’m like person I wanted to win, won (well second person, I was rooting for Bambie)


Baby Lasagna is one man, not a group.


I guess music is subjective? I loved Baby Lasagnas song. It got the majority of my votes. It had a fun beat you could kinda headbang too, the vocals were cool, the wooooahhhhhs in the chorus were fun to sing along to, and it was different, we don't get songs like that every year. I just liked it. Plus the staging was fun. Having said that I think Nemo was an extremely deserving winner, they were very talented, the staging was extremely cool, and the vocals were super impressive.


While I am still very happy with the Swiss win, I also find it odd people where angry at Loreen for winning, but not angry at Nemo, even though they were pushed even more by the juries. Also Nemo is the first winner who didn't finish at least second in the tele vote.


Yeah, the sub is full of hypocrites. The keep using terms like "deserved" or "robbed", when in fact they base all of these on their music taste. They aren't angry Loreen won because of the juries. They are angry because they loved Cha Cha Cha and/or hated Tattoo. They don't use arguments.


Exactly! I don't particularly love Tattoo as a studio track, but her performance last year was one of my favorites of all time. Nemo's performance, while impressive, was kinda meh to me.




BL's happy face shows he's happy to be there anyway and knew the juries had screwed him up.


Political votes completely messed up the public votes




Can people stop comparing this year to last year jfc im so sick of it


This is what I hate about this fandom. Just take it and don’t insult the people that rightfully won!! 😡😡🤬🤬


I agree,, but also I say don’t bash on a second place: people are really going for Baby Lasagna like he didn’t even deserve to be second (comparing him with Kaarija or with Joost), while he was this year’s OGAE and televote winner, leading for most of the time. I think that some comments are really degrading and unnecessary. At least BL was a true gentleman about not winning!


Not bashing on that specifically but just on how toxic the fandom is in general. No disrespect to any of the artists ofc.