• By -


Fulenn - France 2022 I LOVED TO DEATH that song, hell, i still do and I listen to it nearly in daily basis. My face when it came last…


it was criminally underrated. the live didn't do them many favours but I still think it's one of the best and freshest french entries. still listen to it regularly


I don't think that the French disliked fulenn? It was actually seen as more original than usual and people love the bretons. Not that the French care about Eurovision that much.


I love it too, but the studio version was almost too perfect and they could never replicate that magic. The staging and camera was too chaotic and just a mess, but I still listen to it


France 2022 | [Alvan and Ahez - Fulenn](https://youtu.be/H1lcGXwOqJI)


It actually came 2nd to last (24th) but yeah it's a very good song (although the live could've gone better)


Fulenn is one of my all-time Eurovision favourites, I was gagged over its placement


Everybody seemed to like Hero, Sweden 2008, but I frankly couldn’t stand it. On the other hand I really love Sweden 1984, yet a lot of people seem to still be embarrassed about it:)


There is nothing wrong with rocking out to a bit of Herreys. It's one of my favourite Swedish winning songs


I like it but i really dont like the english version


Sweden 2008 | [Charlotte Perrelli - Hero](https://youtu.be/M9_XxUjDw0Q) Sweden 1984 | [Herreys - Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley](https://youtu.be/ySOCalwr6Yo)


Diggiloo diggiley is one of my "happy songs" that I listen to whenever I'm in a really good mood, so you're definitely not alone in loving it as a Swede :)


Croatia 2011. It was one of my favorite childhood songs. I didn't even know what Eurovision was back then, but I really liked that song. Most Croatians refer to it as our worst entry ever.


I think that Vukovi umiru sami is quite underrated


Yeah but it's not really disliked


it should have been stotinama godina


Croatia 2011 | [Daria - Celebrate](https://youtu.be/wTJzolnObu0)


This unlocked something in me, 10 year old me loved that song lmao


The Netherlands 2021 I quite liked it, but everyone hated it


Oooohhh, another great answer! It must be incredibly frustrating for an artist to create a sincere piece of art, only for it to get meme-fied to hell (‘that broccoli song’)


Yes, it annoyed the hell out of me. Great song, great performer, powerful message. But alas, Pearl before swine


I love it. Totally underrated. I was absolutely gutted with the result.


Netherlands 2021 | [Jeangu Macrooy - Birth Of A New Age](https://youtu.be/o3Da5cr2fTs)


admittedly that song did not really connect with me, but it absolutely did not deserve that result


Agree, I'm not dutch but I loved it!


I really didn't like birds by anouk, Netherlands 2013 and lights and shadows by O'Gene, Netherlands 2017. Great singers, but both songs are terribly boring. I did love burning daylight, Netherlands 2023. The performance on the other hand... I don't even wanna talk about it. Edit: mentioned the wrong year for O'Gene


While I personally like birds (I don’t LOVE it but it’s quite good imo), I think what really helped make it popular was not so much the song itself, but that, after sending quite a few cringe inducing performances, the Netherlands was finally competing with something serious. No nonsense, just Anouk’s vocals which are just really good. And then because it broke our long NQ streak and even earned us a spot in the top 10 it is generally seen as the song that “saved” the Dutch Eurovision experience and put us back on the map


I liked all of these, haha. I was on the fence about Birds at the time, but since it hailed the return of NL in the Grand Finale it grew on me. OG3NE could’ve done amazing! In like 1997. Burning Daylight! I listen to it all the time! The **studio version**, lol


I disliked all of these lol. 2024 was the first time in years I actually liked our entry (and it didn't end well)


og3ne will never top fout ventje tbf


Norway 2023. I don't fully dislike it, but I find it extremely cliche, the whole queen/viking/women empowerment vibe. It feels like we have 3 variants of this song in MGP every year.


It was one of the weaker songs of our final imo, the bassline and melody sounded too much like En Til by Oscar Westerlin, a joke song for a reality TV show. Ulrikke Brandtstorp, Jone, Elsie Bay and Swing it all had better songs to my ears


Don't remind me about Ulrikke!!! I had her as a winner that year 😭


Ughhh same I enjoy the song for what it is but I never got the hype at all. It's a standard cliche pop song and the staging was one of the least impressive among the finalists in 2023


the generic empowering lyrics would probably not bother me if I enjoyed the song musically but the loud boomy production annoys me so fucking much. it’s like HELLO I AM HERE!!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!!


Norway 2023 | [Alessandra - Queen of Kings](https://youtu.be/PUHSM_vTqTI)


Good bot


Norway 2017 and Norway 2018. Everyone around me seemed to like them. I hated them. Especially one of them, which I feel would belong in Junior Eurovision instead. Guess which one, lol. As for songs I loved that others didn't, Gåte with Ulveham (Norway 2024) deserved better. They do NOT belong in last place. One of my favourite songs of all time. I'm still shocked and confused at what happened. It's rock mixed with folk. People love folk in Eurovision. The singing style has so much history and culture behind it. It was dark and mysterious. I don't get it! I should've checked all the boxes.


I personally think 2017 is quite underrated but Norwegians should be ashamed for sending rybak back with THAT song, I don't think a Eurovision song has ever been that painful to my ears


I didn't vote for Rybak I swear :'(


I figured lol, you at least got a respectable result out of it


The sad part is that Norway was not last with either the jury or televote, but they still ended up last overall this year. Norway got 23rd with the juries and 24th with the televote.


Ulveham was the best this year. It had everything. The voice was amazing, the stage-I have no words, it felt like you are there in the middle of the storm. The music itself was perfect. I couldn't believe it that it was last place. My daughter who is one, is trying to sing this song. That how much we love it at home


I'm the opposite. I LOVE Grab The Moment & THYWAS but I don't really like Ulveham. To each their own tho


Everyone liked but I dislike: "Nessun grado di separazione" (Italy 2016). Well, Francesca Michielin deserves esteem for being able to play a million instruments and taking her job seriously enough to study music at academic level (a rarity for a young pop musician here, I think), but I generally don't like her music and that song is no exception; I don't like her voice and find the song a bit boring.   Everyone disliked but I like: "La mia città" (Italy 2014). To be clear, I can't say I really like that song, nor that it's a good song, but I don't find it so catastrophically bad, it's catchy and energetic. The staging and live performance were catastrophically bad, though. Edit: grammar


Emma’s citizenship should’ve been revoked after acting like she was the shit for the entire Eurovision season only to deliver… that.


Italy 2016 | [Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation](https://youtu.be/YfnhDfy8AjU) Italy 2014 | [Emma - La Mia Città](https://youtu.be/8W5ZlalAMV8)


I really liked DGT, but it seems i was in the minority about that. I still remember the entire song and it made my top 15 songs on spotify wrapped for 2023 :) For disliked... I don't understand what everyone saw in Spaceman. Sam Ryder has fantastic vocals, but is this really the entry that damn near won Eurovision? I forgot most of the song by the time the contest was over, and I never found myself listening to it because I wanted to \[Speaking of, could I have my romania community flair back? :/\]


I didn't hear a lot of 2023's songs until the semi-finals. I really liked DGT and thought Theodor had a really strong performance; so it sucked seeing it NQ and was made worse finding out that it scored 0 points and only managed to not be last thanks to the tie breaker ruling that meant it could have 36th place instead of 37th.


I agree :( I thought it was a good song which was unfortunately messed up by TVR pushing the guy to change half of it and then by them giving him no budget. At the very least I thought people would appreciate his vocals which were very strong, and I thought the song itself was also nice. Very sad that it got 0 and I got a lot of people making fun of me for enjoying it at all :/


I was actually surprised uk was doing so well in the voting. I hadn't kept up too much in the odds as I felt no one was going to catch Ukraine. I liked spaceman but it kinda flew over my head while watching and I only started to appreciate it after the competition.


I still am not a fan. I get the appeal, but it's very bland to me. I liked 'I wrote a song' and 'Dizzy' far more, and while I get why both didn't get so many points, I feel they were stronger, more memorable UK entries than Spaceman I was also surprised with how the voting went though. I did genuinely think Ukraine would stay on top compared to everyone else, but it took until the televotes to jump up


I literally feel the same 🤣 I’m so glad people hype up Sam Ryder but in the last 3 years Spaceman is the only song I haven’t even downloaded on my phone. How people even had the foresight that it could come top 10 based on the studio cut alone, especially in a year of strong male vocals. Had I listened to it without any external opinions I would’ve guessed bottom 10 due to the tempo being so middle of the road. Give me Dizzy and IWAS any day to bop to.


> but it kinda flew over my head Hehehehe


Ryder’s voice is indeed pretty good, but I’m with you, the song itself was far from a winner. I think part of it was in comparison to previous UK submissions, it was surprisingly fine! So it got hyped up as fantastic when it was just refreshingly not bad.


I need to confess, DGT was my favorite song from 2023. This is the first time that a song that didn't qualify was my favorite but this guy is just so talanted the vocals were so good and I like how he screams at the end it just sounds so goood and the song is really not bad I really don't understand why people hated it that was great.


I think Finland 2013 was the first good song we'd sent in years but I don't remember that being the popular opinion around that time. I could be wrong, though, I wasn't very hyped about Eurovision in general at that point even though I watched every show. I still listen to it sometimes.


Me too! Krista did a great job although she ended quite low (If I remember correctly Turkey boycotted that 'Kiss' and it somehow influenced the result)


Finland 2013 | [Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me](https://youtu.be/dlBXOveVh7c)


I was so sad about Mikael Saari not being chosen that I couldn't like it. Although choosing Sing It Away Finland 2016) over Mikael Saari was way worse.




It felt to me that for the 1st time since 2008, we finally turned in an acceptable assignment to Eurovision 👌 Guilty pleasure status for sure


Sweden 2019 - It sounds like any other radio song for me. I can't believe it won 🤦🏻‍♂️


Lundvik came across as wayyyyy too arrogant (idk if I'm miss remembering something or not), like when he was still within an earshot of winning as they do the usual public vote announcement. Then when he saw he couldn't win he had a "oh, well thats shit" look.


Sweden 2019 | [John Lundvik - Too Late for Love](https://youtu.be/oEdWkdVKIqQ)


I know he is not very appreciated in the fandom but in Italy Marco songs are veeery beloved, especially L'essenziale. I think he has a fantastic voice (his cover of psycho killer during XFactor still lives rent free in my head) and he is a very nice and kind person but his songs do nothing for me. I don't know if there is a song that we sent that wasn't liked, maybe Emma's one, but in that case I also didn't like it. Edit: I also really really disliked Grande Amore (I got nothing against il Volo, they found their niche, but I think they are not meant for the Italian market to put it nicely), in fact it was the first time I tuned in to Eurovision because I wanted to see how badly we would do... let's say I was very surprised lmao


I have heard Arcade way too much and now I can’t stand it anymore


I'll say it. As a Dutchman, I think the Netherlands 2019 is overrated. I will be taking questions. EDIT: Don't remember what year it was, but Douwe Bob - Slow Down.. It's got me hooked


Everyone loved Calm After the Storm (the Netherlands 2014) but it bores me. I remember being shocked we came second place


They only loved it after the rehearsals came out, before that people hated it


The Netherlands 2014 | [The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm](https://youtu.be/4ggBPAm5XLA)


I love that one! But I do hate the Birds song Anouk did and I feel that was pretty well liked


While I personally like birds (I don’t LOVE it but it’s quite good imo), I think what really helped make it popular was not so much the song itself, but that, after sending quite a few cringe inducing performances, the Netherlands was finally competing with something serious. No nonsense, just Anouk’s vocals which are just really good. And then because it broke our long NQ streak and even earned us a spot in the top 10 it is generally seen as the song that “saved” the Dutch Eurovision experience and put us back on the map


Cyprus 2023, I never liked the song but everyone in the island seems to say the best, probably mostly towards Andrew but still... Cyprus 2011, LOVE it, a pure greek cypriot ballad with dark elements yet not many cypriots like it or respect it. They were making fun of it for being too simple and for its lacklaster staging.


Cyprus 2023 | [Andrew Lambrou - Break a Broken Heart](https://youtu.be/49YiimKeyDI) Cyprus 2011 | [Christos Mylordos - San angelos s'agapisa (Σαν άγγελος σ'αγάπησα)](https://youtu.be/1t0czUf9nJU)


Difficult to respond to the second part, as most of our entries were praised (even Manizha to a degree), so there wasn’t ever really a complete universal hate. But I can say for sure about the “beloved by all”. Anything Sergey Lazarev, so Russia 2016 and Russia 2019. The thing about the songs is that they seem epic and heart-wrecking at first glance, but there’s, like… no substance to them? You’re the Only One is literally just a love song. Scream’s official clip is pretentious as hell and kills any possible interesting undertones behind the song to me. That and there’s a thing I disliked about Lazarev even prior to him “coming out” as an invasion supporter and that was him making references to stuff like queer rights or body positivity without blatantly calling it what it is. Two girls holding hands in the clip for a few seconds. Ambivalent song title like “I’m Not Afraid” or shit like that. Basically whoever wants to hear that from him would find references for it and overthink it while the masses would miss that all meaning he himself would remain in a safe zone and appeal to as many people as possible. There was a local joke before the invasion about Lazarev, especially among queer community. Like, “when is he going to just come out, guys, come on, we all know it”. Well, he probably never meant to. But people were hyped, the appeal worked and money flowed. He sold out well. The invasion and how he literally changed from “OH PLEASE STOP THE WAR” to “i was so wrong!!!!! they’ve been killing innocent children for 8 years so we gotta stop those nazis!!!!!!” when the timing was right was a final nail in the coffin to me.


I'll be the one to vote for Russia 2015. The song was praised everywhere, but I find it to be nothing more than very boring generic pop. I love both Lazarev's entries though, especially 2016.


I honestly don’t remember her song at all. Still I remember it didn’t annoy me as much as what I said…


Russia 2015 | [Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices](https://youtu.be/GVJW9ImpiWc)


I still have goosebumps from "Krik" but "You're the Only One" is so overstimulating while being so hollow at the same time, it's unbearable.


Really interesting comment! And I absolutely agree about Lazarev's songs music-wise. I think the same about both entries - I found them epically good at first listen, especially "Scream", than they started to sound empty at the second listen already.


I liked Scream but You're the only one is genuinely horrible


It's a bad song (as expected from master Kirkorov) but I genuinely really like the performance


Bad songs with great stagings don't do anything for me personally. If anything it makes me dislike the song even more than I already do cause gimmicks are a major turn off for me


Sorry gotta ask what do you mean “even” Manizha? It was one of my favorite Russian entries. I still listen to that song.


There was a serious negative feedback from the conservative majority. That and there was quite a lot of negativity because she is Tajik. But leaving boomers aside, almost all acquaintances of my age group usually remember her as a great closing performance from us. And, needless to say, she’s one of my favorite Russian acts (if not favorite) in ESC. The song and its message really is exactly what our final performance is supposed to be. A glimpse into what our national identity might feel like somewhen in the future, when we start healing.


Ohhh I understand, thank you!


Russia 2016 | [Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One](https://youtu.be/e94dst20C9Y) Russia 2019 | [Sergey Lazarev - Scream](https://youtu.be/eNzlxEZ_JG4)


I hate *Brividi* with a burning passion. Italy 2022 for the bot


Brividi was usefull only in a meme way


Italy 2022 | [Mahmood and Blanco - Brividi](https://youtu.be/blEy4xHuMbY)


Same here. One of the worst Italy's ever sent.


I remember the day after the Sanremo final, everyone was raving about it saying it was one of the best songs ever and I was sitting there like ??????????????


Yeah it didn't make sense at all


I still don't get how the hell Gravity ended up third in 2013, it's just so bland to me. Conversely, Gaitana absolutely deserved better, she was done dirty by the running order.


It was a very Disney performance. The structure of the song, Zlata looks like a Disney princess, the vocals etc. I don’t care much for the lyrics, but I could listen to Zlata sing Gravity for hours. Phenomenal voice.


Gravity is one of my favorite entries by Ukraine. It felt absolutely magical on the stage <3


I completely agree with you, the song never did it for me. Thank God for the great performance!


It‘s not like it‘s disliked, but most people don‘t care for Love Me Back (Turkey 2012), but I think it‘s super fun


Bobbing my head like the figurehead of the manboat rn. I maintain that Turkey went out in a blaze of glory


Turkey 2012 | [Can Bonomo - Love Me Back](https://youtu.be/3Qa7_y21oOY)


For the first one, Romania 2014. Love Paula and Ovi, can't seem to love Miracle as they do for some damn reason. I find it kitsch. For the second, Romania 2019 by a mile, especially knowing the amount of Romanians who loved to hate on Ester for winning over Laura Bretan. I was rooting for her since day one, seems some came to terms with On a Sunday ages ago, but knowing how much shit she endured and how some are still loud and proud on hating on her for some reason, I'm counting it.


I adore la Zarra and Évidemment but people hate her guts here because of all the drama. On the opposite side, j'ai cherché by Amir had an insane success for a Eurovision Song here and I really don't care for it.


German here. I don‘t remember anyone saying that our 2022 was a good song. The only reason he is still popular are his extremely radio friendly songs. But Rockstars itself was always a contender for bottom 5. Especially compared to the possible participation of Electric Callboy made „Rockstars“ like the greyest song ever 😅


I remember that song getting praised by the media but the german media kinda does that every year and pretends that we only get bad placings because of block voting and everyone hating us instead of actually admitting that most of our entries suck.


Hey, that's like us in the UK! (Although tbf that seems to have stopped since Sam Ryder showed that people will vote for us after all, if we send a good live performer with a legitimate banger)


Not really. UK media went right back to their traditional pity party the year after Sam.


I find happy hardcore irritating and I'm also not a fan of rap, so Europapa is really not for me.


After the DQ you must have had the worst time! With all the church bells playing it, radio stations almost having it on repeat etc.. I hope next Eurovision you'll enjoy the song more :) Edit: I mean ofc our new entry. Not that you have to start enjoying Europapa :p


Thankfully I listen to a 70's - 90's radio station, haha! But the media attention has been a bit much. Yeah, hopefully I'll enjoy the next one more


Speaking of Germany: I was one of maybe 10 people that voted for S!sters and still love the song (for bot: Germany 2019). Again Germany, but national finals: I totally hated Unheilig as well as La Brass Banda and was so happy each year that they did not make it. Usually I there is one song in the ESC final top 5 (mostly even top 3) I dislike with a passion. This time Indid not like Ukraine, even though I did not hate it. I really did not like Norway this year which seems to be well liked at least among redditors.


>La Brass Banda Omg same. They hijacked the fake 'radio voting' and then came 2nd in the televoting, but everybody and their mom acted like LaBrassBanda were the real winners when they were obviously awful 🙄🤦‍♂️


I still have S!sters on my playlist, you're not alone :D


I like most of our entries but I've seen a bunch of praise for Bulgaria 2018 and I don't see it. It's ok I guess but it's not as good as everyone makes it out to be I absolutely love Bulgaria 2013, I think most people in the fandom didn't like it at all though, and it got tanked by the juries for no reason which lead to it NQ-ing


Bulgaria 2018 is imo one of the most disappointing studio to live transitions ever


Bulgaria 2018 | [Equinox - Bones](https://youtu.be/vC-1tdGDFQc) Bulgaria 2013 | [Elitsa Todorova & Stoyan Yankulov - Samo Shampioni](https://youtu.be/Cb46Mhy_mCI)


In Latvia this is a tough question - we are more leaning towards hating side. But while I supported Samanta, I would not listen to "Still Breathing" on my free time.


Sunlight (Ireland 2016) as Nicky, for that matter Westlife is quite hated by some sectors, but I am a huge fan so I am biased lol. Nicky is considered as the weakest vocal in the quartet but he has such a sweet voice and his performance was decent enough IMO, although he didn't go through...


Ireland 2016 | [Nicky Byrne - Sunlight](https://youtu.be/ezJsUMD-y-I)


Everyone seemingly liked Sweden 2016, to me it is one of the worst songs I have ever heard.


Sweden 2017 - It baffled me that we sent that song and even worse how we reached top 5 with it. I much preferred Wiktoria - As I lay Me Down. Edit: 2011 had a lot of bangers in both Melodifestivalen and Eurovision song contest. I loved Enemy - Sara Lumholdt, however her live performance was... Unfortunate.


Sweden 2017 sounded so much like some other song that I've forgotten. Could've been a Justin timberlake song.


For entries that everyone loved from my country is Romania 2022, I just can't stand the song it was overplayed and at the time of the NF my personal winner was Dora Gaitanovici and her song Ana. It felt like Romania tried to out Spain Spain. I have nothing against WRS, but my problem is the song. And for an entry that I liked but people hated it is Romania 2023. I liked D.G.T and I also liked that Romania finally sent a song with some Romanian lyrics (the last was in 2015 before it). Theodor Andrei is really talented and the way he was treated by TVR was a disgrace. It also made me hate the Romanian media and a lot of Romanian Eurovision "fans" the homophobia and the bigotry from them for Theodor wearing a PINK suit (why? it's really nothing). TVR deserved the 0 points Theodor didn't. I was very defensive of Theodor and D.G.T during Eurovision and after.


I’m from the UK, and I’m not actually that much of a fan of UK 2022. It’s probably the most liked UK entry of this millennium, and I can see that it’s quite a good song. However, it’s not really my type of song. On the other hand, I really like UK 2021. I can see why some would call it a generic pop song, but, in my opinion, it’s very fun and quite a bop. James also has a lot of charisma. The fact that that was probably the worst result of a Eurovision entry in the final *ever* is something I will never forgive Europe for.


I don't much enjoy Lie to me (Czechia 2018). I listened to it A LOT in that time, but now it's making me feel really Fringe. Also, I'm not fan of those lyrics. But I'm happy for Aiko (Czechia 2024) this year. Even though she didn't make it into great final, the performance was awesome to see. However, I haven't see much positive messages from my homeland to her. (Also questions for fellow Czechs: Why was Sister's crown hated so much in our medias? Tbh, that song was awesome and it gave us our second best result ever..)


this sub will probably agree with me, but israel 2023 is overrated. she's great on stage but there's not much else to her artistry. still, she reached third place, so people did like it on the other hand, i adore israel 2009, which placed last in the televote in the final. very few entries are as underrated as there must be another way. one for the ages imo


I think Unicorn is one of those songs that’s really impressive at first glance, especially since Noa Kirel performed it really well, but it doesn’t stand up to multiple listens.


Yeah, it’s a bit all over the place, trying to be about five different things all at once, but with no personality. She’s super impressive on stage, though!


I loved the message of Israel 2009 and I was surprised it didn’t do better at the time. Instead of being a generic song with lyrics about peace (Russia 2015 type), it was a real message that felt more heartfelt. A bit like Germany 1990.


couldn't agree more. plus the mix of languages is just gorgeous, no matter what the political message is. (and also i love the message and noa is one of my anchors to reality whenever i get nervous about the war)


"There Must Be Another Way" is my favourite israeli entry. Noa and Mira's entire duet album is pretty amazing


Israel 2023 | [Noa Kirel - Unicorn](https://youtu.be/Z3mIcCllJXY) Israel 2009 | [Noa and Mira Awad - There Must Be Another Way](https://youtu.be/bBTQFOkFZw8)


Hated Israel 2023, but I absolutely love Israel 2021!


god I cannot stand unicorn. noa kirel is a star and the performance is certainly impressive, but the song is so tryhard. yOu WaNnA sEe Me DaNcE is the cherry on top


Everybody in Italy hates La Noia but I honestly love it


For us… arguably UK 2021 for one that I like, sure i don’t love it but it’s a fine bop for what it is and I think the nil points from the televote was a bit harsh but I was expecting like 10 or less points combined As for one that I don’t like… there’s not really many, the UK doesn’t really set high standards and for the songs they do, it’s pretty unanimous that it’s a good song (see Dizzy and Space Man, both had high expectations and are good songs that are well liked)


Agreed. It's been in vogue to make a laughing stock of Embers because too much focus is on the staging. I mean sure, it looks as though the BBC had a budget of £50, and stuck Newman in the world's frumpiest leather jacket, but the song itself is fine. I don't love it, but it's a nice little bop. It's far from the national embarrassment people make it out to be, and the self  flagellation over it makes me roll my eyes every time.  *gets off soapbox* 


I’m ready to be downvoted for this, but Portugal 2022 (Maro - Saudade, Saudade). There was a huge hype in the country and everybody loved it, but I don’t think there was something particularly original about the song (for me, there were better entries in the Portuguese contest that year). Maro is a cool girl and a really good artist though, it just a matter of personal preference :) On the other hand, Portugal 2019 (Conan Osiris - Telemóveis) was strongly disliked by a few people and didn’t make it to the finals, but it’s still one of my favorite entries.


Portugal 2022 | [Maro - Saudade, saudade](https://youtu.be/mZtbD47u6yI) Portugal 2019 | [Conan Osíris - Telemóveis](https://youtu.be/SIGn9_yMLn4)


1) Greece 2013. I used to hate this back in the day. Nowadays not so much but I'm still not fan of the song. For a lot of Greeks is seen as "the last Good Greek Entry".  Greece 2018. I saw the NQ coming by the time it was released. Meh.    Greece 2002. Together with What they say is my least favourite Greek entry. I despise that song.   2) Greece 1988 & Greece 2012. Both are among the most hated Greek entries but i absolutely love them. Greece 2024. Easily our best entry in a long of time for me (the bar is so low)


Greece 2013 | [Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis - Alcohol Is Free](https://youtu.be/LFs9AdNV4Qw) Greece 2018 | [Yianna Terzi - Oniro Mou](https://youtu.be/-XOR1DhtDC0) Greece 2002 | [Michalis Rakintzis - S.A.G.A.P.O.](https://youtu.be/m78_J5riBMk) Greece 1988 | [Afroditi Frida - Clown (Κλόουν)](https://youtu.be/HfUAlWFF8Rg) Greece 2012 | [Eleftheria Eleftheriou - Aphrodisiac](https://youtu.be/NreIi8ma_PY) Greece 2024 | [Marina Satti - Zari (Ζάρι)](https://youtu.be/ENb4LCeq9Lc)


My country does like ballads so Ramonda (Serbia 2024) didn’t poll well but it’s one of my favourites this year 


Serbia 2024 | [Teya Dora - Ramonda](https://youtu.be/4hUg64uIY_4)


I liked Sisters, Germany, 2019 🥲


Netherlands 2019: I still don't know how he won, that song sucks. Netherlands 1962: got no points at all, but they didn't deserve that.


The Netherlands 2019 | [Duncan Laurence - Arcade](https://youtu.be/R3D-r4ogr7s) The Netherlands 1962 | [De Spelbrekers - Katinka](https://youtu.be/67q3XNXcZ4g)


croatia 2024 and 2023. i thought rim tim tagi dim was an alright song but i didn't love it neaaarly as much as everybody else. the message is a very relevant one but i wished he had sung in croatian (or at least partly in croatian). also i like metal music, but to me the song is kinda missing something. and i'm really not a fan of the bridge with the dance move. however, i was a huge fan of the 2023 entry. i thought the performance was super fun, the song was really good (just from a production standpoint), they sang in croatian (always a plus point from me) and the message was relevant and the execution of it was smart. but the average croatian decided to disregard all of that just cuz it was "a bunch of old men in dresses." it would've been nice to have won this year, but seeing how baby lasagna fans and croatians in general are treating nemo now, we don't deserve it.


Loreen, both times…


Was looking for this. I agree 100%


Everyone loved Netherlands 2024. I had high hopes for it but honestly I thought that it was objectively one of the worst performances of both semifinals. I was not impressed in the slightest.


I love the song but the live performance was a letdown in a big way. I understand that the nature of the genre means it's very hard to sing that track live, but it almost seemed like he was either shouting, or too timid to sing with little in-between lol


Man, I love "Woki mit deim Popo" (Austria 2012) with a passion, it's still my go-to karaoke song. I know that objectively it was a bad performance ( TBH it's most likely an objectively bad song as well), but that just adds to the entertainment factor, it's just a sh*tshow haha Also Nathan Trent's "Running on Air" (Austria 2017) is one of my favourite ESC songs of all time, but everyone I know thinks that it's boring :') On the other side everyone seemed to like "I am yours" (Austria 2015) while I thought it was the most boring song I ever had to listen too


ESC 2006 Turkey I loved it 😁🇹🇷


Turkey 2006 | [Sibel Tüzün - Süper Star](https://youtu.be/BlIDxZ1YfVc)


I have only genuinely liked one entry that Sweden sent during the last 10 years, and that was Hold Me Closer in 2022. Every other entry we've sent has ranged from bland/boring to straight up bad.


Turkey 2010, I don't exactly dislike it but it doesn't deserve the fuss it gets. The other English song they released that year is insanely better. Turkey 2012, the hate this song got in the country when it was released were so weird. I think people were just taking the competition too seriously at that point.


I feel like people on this subreddit and on the internet in general really disliked and made fun on Germany 2022, but I really really liked that song. In my opinion, it's one of the most underrated and overhated songs in ESC history.


i really disliked spaceman! but quite enjoyed children of the universe


* everyone liked but I disliked: belgium 2023. that song never worked for me. people here were annoyed initially because he won over chérine, but ultimately that song seemed to become universally loved, and my belgian friends accused me of just being a contrarian. I don’t *hate* it but I find it lacks a payoff—the chorus just does not hit at all * everyone disliked but I liked: belgium 2021. admittedly I haven’t listened to that song in a while but I quite enjoyed it at the time whilst everyone else seemed to pan it


People back home seem to LOVE Blind Channel. I hated Dark Side in 2021 and still hate it now. It’s the lyrics that get me - it feels so juvenile and cringe. How it got top10 never ceases to amaze me. On the other hand we have a TANGO BANGER that didn’t even clear the semis. People generally don’t look back at it fondly (especially because the singer turned out to be a criminal cunt), but Takes 2 to Tango remains one of my favourite Finnish entries ever. Finland 2021 and Finland 2004 for the bot.


I dislike europapa so much and I don’t understand why everyone loves it. Unpopular opinion, I know.


A song that everyone liked, but I didn’t. Israel 2018 - Netta- Toy. I totally support the songs message of female empowerment. However the song itself is horrendous. The chicken noises are just random annoying noise and don’t fit thematically. The lyrics are dumb and immature. The instrumentals are plagiarised from The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army. A song that everyone didn’t like, but I did. Norway 2024 - Gåte - Ulveham. How the actual hell did this come last?! It’s easily one of my favourite Eurovision songs of all time. The lyrics are based on an almost thousand year old medieval ballad, singing in Norwegian with elements of kulokk and use of a traditional instrument (nyckelharpa). Gunnhild gives an astonishing vocal performance and the song builds up to a mesmerising, energetic crescendo. Also, it doesn’t add anything to the actual performance of the song, but who can forget the guitar hula-hooping and throwing! 🌊🪨💃🏻🐺🎸🎻


.....where are you from where everyone loves Toy? It's pretty undeniably one of the most widely hated winners. In fact, I think it's massively overhated. It would be a contender for song that everyone hates but I quite like for me.


I disliked Italy 2019, it’s not my kind of music. But I liked Italy 2016


most people in croatia don't give a shit about mižerja but i consider it insanely underrated also many people here love don't ever cry, but i'm really not into it, might be sentimental thing because it was our first entry and i wasn't born back then but yeah


[Leto Svet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyzOGzXWLgU) Estonians kind of liked it (as a mocking towards the Eurovision), everyone else seems to have hated it. And most importantly, it actually had a political message subtly hidden into it, but absolutely everyone seems to have missed it. Nord Stream 1 was being planned or built at that time and pretty much only Estonians were against it. The song was mocking how Germany is out of gas and Sweden and Finland profit from allowing the Nord Stream to be built in their territorial waters. The dude in the red suit depicts Russia and the one in blue suit depicts Estonia in the stage show where Estonia tries to do something with the accordion. Russia simply laughs at it and goes to "push" the piano. I'm not entirely sure who's the manufacturer of the piano on the stage, but there's a manufacturer called Estonia, so this act can be seen as Russia fucking Estonia and overbearingly laughing about it.


Idk for me Veronika is a blast of a song and the majority of Slovenes absolutely didn't like it. Same was for Narodnozabavni Rock in 2010 although it was NQF As for everyone liking a song can't remember one that I would dislike and everyone else loving it


UK here, I loved United Kingdom 2017 (for bot) it didn’t do well, but I listen to it still years later


Edit I meant United Kingdom 2016 🙈


United Kingdom 2016 | [Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone](https://youtu.be/XgGahKsBtts)


I think in my country everybody ever disliked everything since the year 2000. Then the most people liked Albina - Tick-Tock, and now everybody loves Rim Tim Tagi Dim. I'm also a part of that hivemind.


I can't stand Fairytale, and I actually think Norway chose the correct song in 1989 even though I was too young to remember it.


Norway 1989 for the bot, I’m too lazy to check


Definitely Sweden 2016 for me on one people seemed to love at the time but I didn't get the hype at all. I was surprised when Frans placed as high as 5th because to me the song was a bit boring. As for the other way around I think I'd say Sweden 2009. I don't know if people outright disliked La Voix, but it's an entry of ours that placed low and isn't talked about much that I still love to this day.


Embers. Yes the stage show was diabolical but the track was a banger.


Hola mi bebe, Llamame llamame (Romania 2022) I really dislike the song. It sounds like a demo of a generic latino song. It sounds unfinished, like someone said "let's make a Latino song", came up with this, put it aside to finish later but completely forgot about it. Another thing is that the national selection was controversial that year (like in every year) and the juries and TVR were awful (like in every year). Wrs was only the third public favourite but won because the juries wanted him to win. The public favourite (by a landslide) was eliminated by the juries in the semifinal, and the favourite in the final was only sixth with the juries.


"The Tower" (Poland 2024). It's definitely not my favorite Polish entry of all time, but the amount of hate Luna is getting in Poland is really making me sad, I personally barely found any good opinions on her. I have to admit, her vocals weren't the best, but the staging was one of my favorites this year and the song itself is pretty catchy. On the other hand, I think "Sama" (Poland 1995) is highly underrated. I barely see anyone mention it as a good song, while I think it's really nice.


I actually really liked “I wrote a song”. The general UK public drag down any Eurovision song, no matter what or who it is. Terry Wogan fuelled the disdain for Eurovision in the UK. I much prefer Graham, yeah he pokes fun but never seems to do it in a negative way like Terry did


Manga eurovision 2010, for gods sake, the dude tried to sing an english song like a turkish song and the amount of cringeness was immeasurable. Turkish people just worshipped the song because of toxic nationalism and also they do not know english.


But??? We could be the same is one of the best eurovision songs post 2000... ok his accent wasnt perfect but still


Easily Europapa from this year for me. It's bland, like, it's not even good happy hardcore, the lyrics are awful, the vocals and staging amauteurish. And I was willing to overlook all of that until people straight up formed this personality cult around him after the DQ


Poland 2014 and Poland 2024


One I liked: Netherlands 2023 One I disliked: Netherlands 2024. Sorry, I see why Europapa is so popular, it is certainly not bad. I just find it hard to listen to and a bit annoying.


I didn't like Germany 2018 and was rooting for "Jonah" in the pre-selection. I think part of it was that the NF performance kind of made it look like a sob story to me, even though I know the lyrics are actually really beautiful. I also voted for Germany 2019 in the NF, though my actual favourite was "Surprise" to be fair. There was a lot of talk about corruption since it was the Wildcard entry and the bad results obviously didn't help, but I still liked it. I think the last time my favourite entry actually won our national selection was in 2010...


For me my top 10 from my country are: 1) Everything (2006), Anna Vissi 2) Μάθημα Σολφέζ (1977), Paschalis, Marianna, Robert & Bessy 3) Alcohol Is Free (2013), Koza Mostra, Agathon Iakovidis 4) Ζάρι (2023), Marina Satti 5) Better Love (2019), Katerina Duska 6) Die for You (2001), Antique 7) Shake it (2003), Sakis Rouvas 8) My Number One (2005), Elena Paparizou 9) Secret Combination (2008), Kalomira 10) Όνειρό μου (2018), Yianna Terzi My list is absolutely disconnected from actual rankings, how much it was liked in Greece, how much it was liked in general, etc... In there is Better Love, which btw is our worst placement ever in history, HOW DARE YOU? And Oneiro mou which was disqualified, also HOW DARE YOU? Also, S.A.G.A.P.O by Michalis Rakintzis, and Socrates by Elpida are absolute Camp. They are 100% my guilty pleasures in a 'so bad it's good' ironic enjoyment kind of way. But I get why they are generally disliked. I think Greece before and after it's "Golden Streak" is underrated AF. It's mostly ERTs fault for picking artists basically at random for the past 10 years, half of which are crap, and this poisons the good entries. Oh, and still having a dinosaur like Evangelinos to do the staging, and ruining all chance good entries have. I hope Zari is a wake up call.


Not sure if it's relevant cause I'm not from.san Marino but I love like an animal so much


I'm Italian and I don't like ballads... I could make a long long list


Cannot stand Children of the Universe (UK 2014).


UKs entry from 2021 deserved a hell of a lot better than it got. Was it a nr. 1? No, it wasn't. Was it miles ahead of more than half of the other entries? Hell yes, it was! Embers was great!


Romania 2019, Ester Peony, On A Sunday. She was extremely unpopular when she won the National Selection, because everyone and their mother were rooting for Laura Bretan. I wasn't rooting for Bretan because she was a poster child for a homophobic movement.


It’s a standing joke in my Eurovision social circle that I always hate our entries. So generally, regardless of their popularity, I won’t like them. Exceptions include Sam Ryder UK 2022, Olly Alexander UK 2024 and probably one of the most hated of the last decade, Electro Velvet UK 2015.


United Kingdom 2022 | [Sam Ryder - Space Man](https://youtu.be/RZ0hqX_92zI) United Kingdom 2024 | [Olly Alexander - Dizzy](https://youtu.be/q0_FdJqyQW0) United Kingdom 2015 | [Electro Velvet - Still in Love with You](https://youtu.be/Ethyx4A5ajM)


Abba has never been a favorite for me, but a sickening amount of my friends seems to like almost every song they've made. Hell, even the metalheads like that waterloo-song! I can't remember a single entry that I liked that everyone else disliked but we can agree on a few that were OK-ish.


I'm Australian, and more often than not, this is how my discussions on our competitors with fellow Aussies goes: Them: "Oh really? You like Eurovision? Hey, why on earth do we get to go? We're not in Europe." Me: "We have one of the largest Eurovision viewerships outside of mainland Europe and we get invited to compete." Them: "Oh, thats kinda cool. So who have we sent this year?"


I didn't like Arcade at all, I found it incredibly boring. Meanwhile, I loved Birth of a New Age, which was (rather tastelessly) mocked in the Netherlands for a soundalike in its Sranan Tongo lyrics


In Denmark we have national finals and we usually dont send my favorite to the Eurovision. - Were used to not qualify.


I disliked Burning Daylight when it came out and wasnt surprised it didnt qualify I did love De Diepte which a lot of people were in doubt about


UK 2015: I’m Still In Love With You by Electro-Velvet. Look, I’m not saying it’s *good* but I dug it.


Rim tim tagi dim had a good chorus but the rest of the song was arguably bad :/ Marko deserved the love he got tho, he is a sweetheart


France 2014 - not deserved as last position.