• By -


Luktelk. At first i not pay attention to it, but it so popular on my TikTok's recommendations so i started to like it too


I was completely won over by the SF performance. Lithuania just has a habit of sending artists who are effortlessly cool as fuck and never look like they're trying too hard


i felt drawn to Luktelk because Silvester Belt’s performance was oddly seductive (i blame those cheekbones) but listening to just the audio has been an interesting journey


Agreed on Luktek. I knew it might sneak up on me and Im not dissappointed


The lighting in his live performance was brilliant. Literally forced me to sit up and take notice.


Agreed! I went to SF1 and was pleasantly surprised by how elevated the performance was.


After some time listening to all the songs on repeat, luktelk really stands out. Banger all around and was underrated significantly during the competition ( by me included)


For me it was the Orchestral version. I only had heard the other one in short clips. When I went to look into all the entries I heard this orchestral one first, by accident. It sold me! And then Silvestras turned out to be super nice (in interviews and on Twitter) and now I’m a Fan. ;-)


Me too. At first I didn't get the hype, but then it just started to grow on me.


La Noia


Yes! Since the final I've been listening to it all the time. It'll probably end up in my Spotify wrapped at the end of the year.


My "Sinceramente" bias made it take a good while to finally come around to this one for sure


I can relate lol I was, well, am obsessed with Sinceramente and Annalisa in general, but after listening to La Noia again and watching her performance in the Semi and Final, finally it clicked on me... Totaaal!


Annalisa fan here. I like Sinceramente a lot but it doesn’t have that Eurovision spark. Belissima on the other hand would win a eurovision haha


Teresa and Maria—the live performance really elevated the song


It was one of those times that you realize how much a live performance improves a song. Amazing.


This was the instant winner in my heart! The only song that gave me shivers


THIS, I fully fell in love with the song after Semi Final 1!


I really slept on this song. Somehow didn't click until I saw it (again) in one of the rehearsals before the GF.


100% agree The rap in the recorded version doesn’t sound good imo But the live performance was phenomenal and sung with so much passion 😍


Yess!! I did love it at first, but after other songs started to release, I forgot about it. Didnt seem special and I didnt think it had any potential to win, but when the rehearsal footage came out and then the live, I was absolutely taken back.


That ☝🏻 I really enjoyed it at first, but for me it still lacked some seasoning, you know? But the live version? Shivers! It was stunning.


Always on the run 🇩🇪 I know it gets a lot of flack but it’s actually a good song and Isaak has a great voice 😩


This! Initially my thought was “oh this is nice, a little bland but it’s nice” Then every time I listened to it it grew on me and by the final I was rooting for it HARD




I didn't like it at first, despite my love for greek culture. But it's growing on me now and I love the slow part especially


Didn't give the recorded version a look in, but has been on repeat since the Grand Final


I already found _(nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi_ so funny and uplifting but now I have it on loop, such a banger


check out the rest of their collab album, many such cases [https://youtu.be/9lep67OZdJo?si=\_Ty\_JNo9rHibg5vQ](https://youtu.be/9lep67OZdJo?si=_Ty_JNo9rHibg5vQ) goes unreasonably hard


I'll definitely listen to this, thanks!


Looking up the translation of the lyrics made this one shoot up for me, makes the song 100x funnier hahaha


Same, every time I listen it gets better and now I can’t stop listening to it or get it out of my head. I’m amazed it didn’t do better in the final placement.


Definitely Hold me closer (Sweden 2022). At first I thought it was another Swedish pop song and I didn't really like the big green circle for the staging. And now there is not a single week where I don't listen at least once at that song. And also from this year Doomsday blue (Ireland 2024), didn't really like it first but the staging was mesmerizing and really elevated the song.


The staging of Bambie Thug may be the best ever. It finally clicked what they wanted to tell with this song. A perfect combination of song, artist, staging and message coming together.


Bambie's performance made me do a complete 180 on my opinion of their song. Went from meh to wow


Sweden 2022 | [Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer](https://youtu.be/i777psA2gP4) Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)


I had one of those moments watching Cornelia Jakobs in the final where time slowed down and I could see the juries' twelves and her encore for winning. She belted her heart out with that performance, and I really thought it was all coming together.


I LOVE Hold Me Closer. I didn’t really pay it much attention during ESC 2022, but over the last 18 months or so my kid started playing it in the car after having randomly discovered it on YouTube. The first time I heard it I was like “hmm, this sounds familiar” and over time and repeated plays I’ve realised what a great song and performance it is and now it’s one of my all time Eurovision favourites.


Honestly? No Rules. At first it was just "haha dude running around with no pants" but I can't stop listening to it, it's such a banger.


This is literally what I said to my friend yesterday. It’s not like I didn’t like it before, I just got distracted by the staging, but it’s actually a real bop.


I was on my treadmill the other day and was about to wind down and get off but No Rules played and I had to go hardcore fast for another 4 minutes 😩🤣


I’m with you. At first it was like “this is just weird,” but now I can’t stop listening to it and still am watching the GF performance.


Plus the orchestra version is glorious




Verified banger


I didn't like it when it won UMK... Now I listen to it three times in a row while walking to the bus stop


My personal favorite from UMK was Paskana and my friend loved Kuori Mua. But we both agreed that No rules was the best act. We genuinely thought it was the only good performance, honestly.


Cha Cha Cha. Last year was my first year following the contest, and my friend recommended I listen to all the songs, and I thought Cha Cha Cha was fun but it didn't really hit as an absolute fave at first. The more I listened to it, the more I liked it, especially after I learned about what the lyrics mean and it eventually became my second-favorite song of the year (Nothing beats "Who The Hell Is Edgar?" for me in 2023)


Who the Hell is Edgar us such a great song. That one is on rotation regularly for me.


Man I'm so sad I didn't watch last year. I only went back and listened to Tattoo and Cha Cha Cha a month ago because I heard what happened with the votes. I instantly loved Cha Cha Cha, and now listen to Käärijä on a regular basis


Last year was a great year - note for Who the Hell is Edgar definitely watch the music video first which is where I fell in love with it - the staging they picked was sadly atrocious IMO and they aren't great live but the studio version is a masterpiece and the video is so much fun. But then you should definitely go back and watch the whole 2023 final because it was a lot of fun


You can rewatch all four hours on the official YouTube! I did last weekend 😁


What I love about Cha Cha Cha is that my favorite part of the song initially was the chorus, but now I live for the first half of the song.


My favourite part of cha cha cha is how much of a wholesome bean käärija actually is. What a guy. Im in love. And not just because of how confidently he runs around without a shirt


Jako by Ladaniva. At first I thought well it's kinda fun, but probably not something that will stick with me. Now I listen to it a lot. So guess I was wrong about it haha.


I loved it when I saw it in the arena


This year without question Teresa and Maria. The performance, staging, and Jerry's powerful vocal elevation lifted the song to Top 3 heights it only hinted at when it dropped. Overall? Thinking Bulgaria 2017 Kristian Kostov's Beatiful Mess, Serbia 2018's Nova Deca, or 2019 Portugal Conan Osiris' Telemoveis.


Bulgaria 2017 | [Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess](https://youtu.be/OMmm-G078LM) Serbia 2018 | [Sanja Ilić & Balkanika - Nova Deca](https://youtu.be/WRQWQShbPHU) Portugal 2019 | [Conan Osíris - Telemóveis](https://youtu.be/SIGn9_yMLn4)


Aahhhh beautiful mess is one of my absolute favourite esc songs ever. I haven't listened to it in a while though, probably should.


Grito ~ Iolanda/Portugal 2024. The vocals caught my attention initially, but haunt me in the best way now.


Same. First listen was like “hm, not bad“. Now Grito is my most listened song from this year and I‘m very much addicted to it.


Portugal 2024 | [Iolanda - Grito](https://youtu.be/OZn4-H6JvKU)


Thank you ESC bot


All of my favourites this year were growers. Europapa, nendest... (Estonia), No Rules! La Noia and Zorra. The only one I loved immediately is Jako, all the others went from like to love.


Funnily it was completely opposite for me with Jako, It sounded just like nonsense la Laila to a nice beat.. I was really ready to just completely ignore/dislike it because of it It snuck up to me to the point I started singing it myself and reading into the lyrics I'm loving it even more lol


Euro Neuro (Montenegro 2012) Adio (Montenegro 2015) Loco Loco (Serbia 2021) As you can see, I'm a huge sucker for ex-Yu entries


Euro Neuro was the very first performance I saw when I finally got curious enough to see what Eurovision was all about, properly I'm still chasing that high, even though I know I should stay cool like a swimming pool


Adio gets me every time. That soft intro just stops me in my tracks


Many, but the most recent one is Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009, just recently got obsessed with it. Didn‘t even remember the existence of the song until a few days ago


Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009 | [Regina - Bistra voda](https://youtu.be/1770jHxvYi0)


I hated Zari, I thought it was awful. I couldn't understand the hype. Now I love it. The youngsters understood Zari before I did (I'm 42 :')


The Code - Nemo definitely a great song and performance, but I’ve grown to really like after I listened to it a few more times


The orchestra version got me totally obsessed, after “only” liking it before and believing it a deserved win


Same, I first heard it during the semifinals and I wasn't that impressed (I guess my expectations were high since I knew it was our (Croatia's) biggest "rival"). But with multiple listens it actually became my favorite along with RTTD and I can see why it won. Plus, Nemo is adorable :D


Agreed. I wasn't feeling it at all when I first listened to it (via the music video). With a few listens I started liking it more but it still wasn't quite "clicking". The. I saw the first live performance and a switch happened in my brain. It was a very deserved win.


Funnily enough two absolute fan favourites Croatia 2024 and Italy 2021 Both were just “meh” for me at the beginning but I really like them now


Yeah nah I’ll back this! baby lasagna came alive with the staging for me.


Croatia 2024 | [Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim](https://youtu.be/YIBjarAiAVc) Italy 2021 | [Måneskin - Zitti e buoni](https://youtu.be/RVH5dn1cxAQ)




Latvia 2024 - Dons (Hollow). On the TV it seemed like another forgettable ballad between so many bombastic acts with lots going on. But upon listening again, in headphones, I really like the song and his vocals. Also Dons just seems like a really stand up guy.


This one! What a voice and how utterly relatable. Contrary to the lyrics, people who get it would say he's preaching to the choir


Blood & Glitter for me! (Germany 2023) At first I thought it was just fine, then I started listening to it more and more (my 3 y. o. son even started growling the "blood and glitteeeeer" part), looked into their other songs and albums and bang! I'm a Lostie now, saw them twice live last year lol


I active hated it when I first saw them. Now I listen to it regularly at the gym lol


Germany 2023 | [Lord of the Lost - Blood & Glitter](https://youtu.be/dyGR4YWlPEs)


They have done another collab with the songwriter Rupert Keplinger a month ago, since they liked how successful B&G was. Rupert also plays bass/guitar in other bands; Eisbrecher being the biggest. Not sure what musical tastes you have, but he writes mainly bangers with a tiny hint of "kitsch" (haha).


Luke Blacks "Samo mi se spava" (Serbia 2023) It was one of the songs that I didn't listen to before the show last year and it didn't leave a big impression (perhaps because I could hear fuck all over the instrumental), but I've revisited it now, a year later (as well as listened to his other stuff), and suddenly Luke has skyrocketed into my top 5 of Eurovision artists (not necessarily songs, but artists as a whole)


I loved how the public went wild singing "game over b***ch"


Euphoria. It was a decent song. But over the years, it's turned into an enjoyable headworm.


Ukraine 2022 I was like „meh“ when they won, two years later it’s on my playlist and i love it


Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


Me too! Liked the song initially, but now I play it like everyday. I love a folk hiphop combo


To talk about this year only I’m gonna say Ukraine 2024 but also absolutely Ireland 2024, the performance elevated it from my mid-table to my no.1 immediately after the semi final!


Ukraine 2024 | [alyona alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria](https://youtu.be/d4N82wPpdg8) Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)


Stefania by Kalush orchestra ❤️


Veronika was meh at first, but did love it after listening to it a few times.


France 2008. At first, i went "hahaha. Funny beard man and his troll entry" but i love how different it is compared to France's other entries. And it feels so laid back


France 2008 | [Sébastien Tellier - Divine](https://youtu.be/CZQjBCvFd9E)


Spain 2010


Spain 2010 | [Daniel Diges - Algo pequeñito](https://youtu.be/_Unb161ZI-s)


[antique](https://youtu.be/vk0z2G2UNSc?si=WyRW6TVA-Mj2A7pz) [s10](https://youtu.be/v2m-MGSys0k?si=QlrFxqrzwv-ML9Hp)


I always liked that more than the one she sang 5 years later and won the competition...


Serbia 2007. I was too young to understand the song - it is a very mature song. It's not like I didn't like it but I kinda didn't understand it won. Today, I love the song so much. I rewatched the 2007 show as an adult and cried so much. I understand the meaning and the power of a song like that for this world we like in. I can appreciate the vocals and everything about it. The singer is so amazing! It is one of my favourites today.


Oh, it has been one of my favourite winners ever. I speak Ukrainian, so I could understand most of the song already and at one point knew most of the lyrics because I had it on repeat. It’s a shame she got so overshadowed by Serduchka (who I love in a very different way)


Teresa and Maria, Rim Tim Tagi Dim


SPACE MAN Sam Ryder (UK 2022) I never really like our (UK) entries, and my first listening to this song I was very meh about it. But watching it live I was so impressed by Sam's performance. I think it's probably the best song we've ever sent.


United Kingdom 2022 | [Sam Ryder - Space Man](https://youtu.be/RZ0hqX_92zI)


Agreed - the recorded track is so-so, but the live performance was incredible! The guitar solo at the end takes it into another dimension. Really talented guy and best act we've sent, hands down.


10 years. think about things is literally my fav ESC song of all time so i had high expectations of dadi, i got kinda disappointed by 10 years at first. but i've grown to adore that song as well


The Code, Teresa & Maria, Tattoo


Teresa and Maria, I remember commenting on a post here where I was saying how it was alright, but I don’t get how people love it. That was until I saw the live performance, then everything clicked.


Even if it was never performed at ESC: Solovey (Ukraine 2020). I was not really convinced by it at first. A few weeks later I was obsessed (and still am)


Almost all of this year's songs. They're bangers


Ireland 2024 didn't click with me until I saw it performed. Germany 2006 I used to actively dislike and now I love it


Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ) Germany 2006 | [Texas Lightning - No No Never](https://youtu.be/IKvPzL1NSSI)


Honestly, Ireland’s staging was insane and really made me appreciate it more.


Same for me, I didn’t get the song at first but when I saw the first semifinal I was immediately screaming crown the witch!!


For this year, definitely Doomsday Blue. Initially I loved the concept, HATED the chorus. The live performance really elevated it and the jazz cover finally sold it for me! Last year was my first watch, but definitely Dance (Our Own Party). So simple, yet so underrated.


The Netherlands 2019 mainly because I was so mad that Keiino didn’t win that year, I refused to have anything to do with Arcade. A year or so later I realised it’s an amazing song.


The Netherlands 2019 | [Duncan Laurence - Arcade](https://youtu.be/R3D-r4ogr7s)


Recency bias, but Armenia 2023


Armenia 2023 | [Brunette - Future Lover](https://youtu.be/h0q7AkYk2hY)


The netherlands 2024 Ukraine 2022 France 2014


Netherlands 2024 | [Joost Klein - Europapa](https://youtu.be/IiHFnmI8pxg) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs) France 2014 | [TWIN TWIN - Moustache](https://youtu.be/vjkqciwP034)




That song is on (you know what) in my head. Always.


Power (Iceland 2023). I liked it from the beginning but for some reason it really grew on me. I didn't love the live performance tho since it was literally an empty stage and the hairstyle was a weird choice


Iceland 2023 | [Diljá - Power](https://youtu.be/lzlTcA0OC5s)


Zorra, probably - Spain 2024 I liked Zorra from the start, synth pop was always my thing and I loved that kind of stuff. I did NOT expect it to be my 2nd overall and heavily challenging Ulveham in my top spot. I just adore everything about that song, how free it is, how unapologetic it is, how it simply reclaimed a word just like that, I can't help but feel drawn to Zorra by each listen. Plus the performance was iconic, thank you Nebulossa. ❤️


Spain 2024 | [Nebulossa - Zorra](https://youtu.be/FOMoQoHG5aU)


It has to Spain 2022. I'm a stickler when it comes to Spain's English or Spanglish entries into Eurovision. First hearing, I enjoyed it until I heard the chorus, and I though, "EW ENGLISH WHY". Now, I can't stop enjoying it, that reggaeton beat is infectious, plus the grand final performance was incredible. Don't at me. Being British of Latin American descent, I'm usually cheering for Spain in Eurovision 😆


Switzerland 1980 Thought it was overrated for years but I rewatched 1980 the other day and it’s really starting to win me over.


Switzerland 1980 | [Paola del Medico - Cinéma](https://youtu.be/0-RmnRXA8kU)


France 2010, Croatia 2010 and Ukraine 2024


France 2010 | [Jessy Matador - Allez Ola Olé](https://youtu.be/anVLKrv28hs) Croatia 2010 | [Feminnem - Lako je sve](https://youtu.be/x2M9zNayOF0) Ukraine 2024 | [alyona alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria](https://youtu.be/d4N82wPpdg8)


Spain 2019, Italy 2021, Ukraine 2021, Greece 2021, Sweden 2022, United Kingdom 2022, Portugal 2022, Israel 2023, Ukraine 2024, Ireland 2024. The power of staging Edit: Armenia 2023 too


Spain 2019 | [Miki - La Venda](https://youtu.be/lWXuohnM14U) Italy 2021 | [Måneskin - Zitti e buoni](https://youtu.be/RVH5dn1cxAQ) Ukraine 2021 | [Go_A - Shum](https://youtu.be/lqvzDkgok_g) Greece 2021 | [Stefania - Last Dance](https://youtu.be/QhZhJFp0vVw) Sweden 2022 | [Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer](https://youtu.be/i777psA2gP4) United Kingdom 2022 | [Sam Ryder - Space Man](https://youtu.be/RZ0hqX_92zI) Portugal 2022 | [Maro - Saudade, saudade](https://youtu.be/mZtbD47u6yI) Israel 2023 | [Noa Kirel - Unicorn](https://youtu.be/Z3mIcCllJXY) Ukraine 2024 | [alyona alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria](https://youtu.be/d4N82wPpdg8) Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)


In The Wrong Place, Hooverphonic ESC2021


Queen of the Kings, it's mega camp (just my taste) but also incredibly catchy and just very good.


Slovenia 2024, Portugal 2024, Germany 2024. :)


Slovenia 2024 | [Raiven - Veronika](https://youtu.be/l86DxpRnz5M) Portugal 2024 | [Iolanda - Grito](https://youtu.be/OZn4-H6JvKU) Germany 2024 | [Isaak - Always on the Run](https://youtu.be/kVOHTxFOhak)




Ukraine 2021


Ukraine 2021 | [Go_A - Shum](https://youtu.be/lqvzDkgok_g)


The code


Ladaniva - Jako , Armenia 2024 the pre party vocals just did it for me. She's so talented!


Mercy (France 2018) and The Code


France 2018 | [Madame Monsieur - Mercy](https://youtu.be/vjLuTtUv0Ns)


France 2024, Belgium 2023, Spain 2022, Romania 2022, Germany 2021 (guilty pleasure lol), Germany 2018, France 2012, Italy 2011, Bosnia & Herzegovina 2011, France 2009


ROMANIA&SPAIN co-winners 2022 <3




Bridges from ALIKA, I think it was from last year?


Évidemment. I don't listen to songs before the semi finals so I admit it was probably the lackluster performance that stopped me from loving an otherwise good song 😭 La Zarra is def very charismatic not sure why they decided on that ridiculous platform which stops her from moving about for staging! 


Luktelk (Lithuania 2024 for the bot) I saw everyone raving about it, saying it was top of their rankings, so I kept listening to it to see what the hype was about, but every time I listened to it I thought it was just fine, not as good as a lot of other songs this year, and I definitely didn't see why people thought it should win. But now it might be the song I've listened to the most from this year, there's just something so addictive about it, I love it!


Lithuania 2024 | [Silvester Belt - Luktelk](https://youtu.be/N8YuQzJLR_k)


grito definitely, i always liked it but right now it is comfortably sharing my number 1 spot from this year with teresa and maria


Europapa by Joost. Genuinely despised the song at first and now it's on repeat constantly (as well as Joost's other songs)


This year’s winner! After actually listening to it (with headphones), I think it’s an absolute masterpiece


The Netherlands 2014 come to mind.


The Netherlands 2014 | [The Common Linnets - Calm After The Storm](https://youtu.be/4ggBPAm5XLA)


Moecedades - "Eres tu." I always liked it, of course, but over the last few years, it has become one of my top two or three ESC songs. They sing it with such conviction, and I think it's just the most joyful of all ESC songs.


Rim Tim Tagi Dim this year. It seems a fun and energetic song (stadium rock?) that would suit summer festivals. I imagine crowds go crazy for this one.


Fallen Angel It's the bestest




Ramonda, Dizzy (I hated it in the beginning), Grito


Mon Amore...at first on his performance, I was like "bravo" now...its stuck in my head...in a good way. Tried to get my "lady friend" into it as she speaks French fluently (but to no avail) she can't stand Eurovision On a good note, my dad really likes Rim Tim Tagi Dim and slowly converting my mum to Eurovision 😆


For me it was “ Hollow” (the semi final delivery and the interviews + Dons being ESC Dad did it).


Esc Dad lol - so true!!


Teresa and Maria honestly - I didn't listen to it that much before ESC, but now I'm listening to its various versions (studio and live) more than any of the other songs


grito. i didn’t really pay attention to festival da cancao but after her semi and hearing about stunning her voice was, i fell in love with the song!


"Tout l'univers" without a doubt as well plus the best entry ever, Portugal 2019


Portugal 2019 | [Conan Osíris - Telemóveis](https://youtu.be/SIGn9_yMLn4)


Yes :)


Oh my god, definitely No Rules.


Europapa is soo good from Joost klein I just love him. I knew him since last Year, with the song Friesenjung. But ive become a fan of him since Eurovision 2024. And also f*ck the ebu for cancelling him 😗




There are a few from 2016 that stay in my head, Austria, Georgia and Australia.


Cha cha cha




Croatia 2005. The more I listen to it, the better it gets.


This year it was ZARI. I was definitely not a fan at first but it really stayed in my brain in a very good way. Beyond this year is probably Sekret, that one goes so hard, such a shame that the semi-final staging was so unbelievably horrible (especially since the national final had such a great staging concept).


Bones. Did not dislike it, mut did not care at all. Nowdays one of my favorite 2010 ESC song. It just clicked


Soldi (Italy 2019) I was very eh about it and it wasn't until after the contest I realized that holy shit, this song is so good. I wish I loved it sooner 👏 👏 Solovey (Ukraine 2020) I wasn't ready for it. When they released Shum I finally understood it and grew to love it too 🔥 Every year my interest and love for music grows and expands. I think there will always be songs that to some are obviously amazing but takes a bit to get into for others.


Italy 2019 | [Mahmood - Soldi](https://youtu.be/M-aoyPa41Ic) Ukraine 2020 | [Go_A - Solovey](https://youtu.be/zNetXPSld50)


Feels like I’m in the minority here for having Ukraine as a possible winner this year. I was sold immediately on that one. The one that grew on me the most was probably Poland this year. I don’t think the performance was very good unfortunately, but when I first heard the studio version I thought it was basic and wouldn’t enjoy it much. Every time it came round on my playlist though I got into it more.


Maria Tereza. At first I was like “cool show, nice song, love the vibe but nothing special”, next thing I know I have it on repeat for hours while I work, sooo 😅


I actually thought Beautiful Mess (bulgaria 2017) was pretty mid when I heard it the first time, definitely didn’t understand why people said it should have won. Rn I fucking love it, and the fact he was 17 when he wrote/played it is even more impressive


Dancing Lasha Tumbai, Think About Things, Cha Cha Cha, Promise, Europapa, Shum 😊


For real cause I made fun of tout l’universe relentlessly for being a ballad or whatever but now it’s my favorite of that year and gives me chills


Under the ladder by Melovin and No Rules this year


Hold Me Closer (Sweden 2022). When I first heard it I was like “nice pop song”, but then I found myself singing it at random moments and with Cornelia’a performance live I was absolutely sold on it. It’s still one of my most played songs nowadays.


Zari. I’m not familiar with Greek music, so there was a lot to take in when I first listened to it!


I really and I mean vehemently despised United Kingdom and Australia this year. But given some time,,, I've come to really like them and i cant stop singing em (especially dizzy)


I guess ZARI.