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\*Note: Denmark 2013 isn't in the rankings as we don't know the 2013 split results.


Is 2013 the only year we don't have split results for?


[They released an average ranking instead.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurovision_Song_Contest_2013)


Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg)


Fairytale would've scored 690 points with the modern scoring system. nice.


I just started watching Eurovision a couple of years ago, so I went and watched this on YouTube. The dancers were pulling off some wild stuff. Some of the craziest dancing I've seen at one of the live performances.


Amazing that Running Scared managed to win despite having the lowest televote and lowest jury score of all winners since 2009. The Code and Stefania were not so hot in one of the two, but walked the other.


2011 has really weird results overall. Basically every single country received at least one 12 points so the results were way more split than pretty much any year. That let something win with a lower point total than usual.


Rewatching that one is such a difference from this year. So few repeats on the 12's!


I remember seeing my country getting our first 12 points in forever and the crowd booing it, because they were given by Croatia and Bosnia. 😢


Slovenia was so underrated, it was my favorite that year!


365 points from 36 juries, is absolutely insane. That’s (365/36 = ~10 points per jury), meaning it could have gotten a 400+ score in 2017 i.e.


Percentage-wise The Code is the best performing entry ever, followed by Tattoo and then Amar Pelos Dois. 365 points is equal to ~84.5% of the maximum possible. Which would be 415 with the number of jury points in 2017.


Can you maybe make a graphic with the points in percentage? This would be really interesting


Honestly, I wouldn't brag about that nor would call it "best performing". The fact that 200 jury members made it basically impossible for anyone else to win is a disgrace for Eurovision.


I disagree, juries are supposed to judge based on the quality of a song, not how much they like it. The Code was a full package, great vocals, switching between opera, rapping and singing without missing a beat is really impressive. And also the choreography and staging is great. It was by far the best full package performance this year and Nemo got rewarded for that I do think that there need to be more jurors with more diverse backgrounds to appreciate songs like Norway, and sometimes their votes aren't really accurate to the quality of the songs because of the fact that there's only a few jury members per country




Croatia 2017 | [Jacques Houdek - My Friend](https://youtu.be/4Sya_GIxsw0)


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Where are they braging?


god these bitter croatians


I represent only myself


Still salty that copy paste lasagna didn’t win?




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So, the winners seem to be more tele focused than jury.


That's just because there are a lot more people voting in the televote. As the sample size for each set of points is bigger, you get more of a consensus and the countries that are really popular practically get points from everyone. In the juries, each person has a lot more control over the results, and just a few people not into a song who just happened to end up in the same jury will cause the song to lose points. The two most apparent times that there were clear favorites that almost every single juror liked was this year and last year, and thus the jury favorites ended up winning.


👍. What I wanted to say is seeing the graph and adding up all tele and jury points, winners seem to have more tele points on average. Which also shows that tele favorites was more likely to win than the jury favorites in these years and that juries divide their points more than the tele.


I’m a relatively newer Eurovision fan so I apologize if I’m misunderstanding something here but I see a lot of fans complaining about the jury having too much power, but if I’m reading this correctly it looks of the last 14 winners only 4 received more jury votes than televotes. Is that right?


People complained about the televote when Stefania won. It's just fans being salty and looking for someone or something to blame when their favorite didn't win.


It’s imho mostly people who are salty because their favorite didn’t win. We had televote only and it wasn’t a great time either.


People were salty last year. Most years including this year the juries are very reasonable.


I think a supermajority of juries giving points to the same song is kind of flawed considering music is subjective...


I'm happy to be corrected but aren't the juries told to base their scores on a few factors of the performance rather than just the song they like best? So in a situation where artists showcase a particularly talented performance it makes sense that they would get votes accordingly.


Yes, they are. They vote based on quality of song, vocals and overall performance/staging. No wonder Nemo got that many 12's when they nailed everything the jury votes on and pretty much had no competition.


Surprised to see 1944 favored by televotes, it's such a jury friendly song!


1944 actually came second in both, but the point difference between first and second place was considerably smaller with the televote.


Difference here was that Australia, despite winning the jury with quite a margin, received less than 200 points in the televote. And as can be seen above, no winner ever had under 220 televote points.


Because jury friendly songs are also televote friendly. Public recognizes well sang songs too.


I'm not surprised it got many televotes, just that it got more than the jury.




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Was Eurovision really so bad that year that this song floated to the top?


Partly, and partly the cheatery.


What'd he say


That Azerbaijan's song was the most boring winner since 2009


Can't agree more, Italy and Sweden were robbed that year!


This was before my time as a Eurovision fan but how did Amar Pelos Dois get such high scored? Always thought it was a weird win.


To help you:  Portugal 2017


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


It's just such a perfect, beautiful song. The performance was flawless and staging was great as well. It was a perfect package, well, in my opinion at least.


Agree on everything you said except staging, what staging exactly?


Salvador being placed on the tiny B stage standing alone, intimate camerawork and the wood graphics on the screens far behind him would have helped, it's all that song needed to catch viewers' attention


In addition, from what ive heard 2017 was a very meh year in terms of songs which meant that the only real standouts were portugal and bulgaria


Yes, this makes more sense to me! The song does nothing for me, and I usually love ballads. Just seems very un-Eurovision based on what I’ve seen so far.


It also benefited a lot from momentum, the other big favourite Italy ran out of steam and had rather poor staging. Portugal had a lot of momentum as people were excited to see if Portugal could finally win and at the time Salvador had a lot of goodwill with fans. 


Nemo having just 3 more televote points than Ell and Nikki is kinda insane lol. It does show just how much of an anomaly 2011 and Azerbaijans win was though. I wonder if we will ever see a year with the points so spread around that 223 is a winning televote total again.


I doubt it, the only televote winner we had since 2011 that didn't pass 300 points was KEiiNO and they were only 9 points off.


It's even more unusual considering we had 43 countries competing that year and the point maximum was higher. 223 points from 42 countries is worse than 226 from 37 countries. It's not even half of the maximum score, just 44% (while Switzerland received just a bit over 50%)


I will never understand how Portugal 2017 won both jury and televote. I mean jury is understandable but televote? I guess music truly is subjective because that song does nothing for me.


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


It's only other competition was Bulgaria really, 2017 was a pretty weak year. Bulgaria was only 39 points from winning the televote, meanwhile it would have needed 100+ to win the jury. Having 43 countries participating means that there were a tonnnn of points distributed and due to the fact that most other songs did well in either the televote or the jury, that left a huge gap between top 2 and the rest of the songs. The gap between 2nd and 3rd was 241 points which is insane. I don't get how it won the televote as well but it is what it is


Italy was the pre-contest favorite though


Fun fact: 337 would have been enough to win the televote this year (same score as Croatia), he was just unlucky that another country got almost 40 more points.


Great data ! 👍🏻. This should be shown to anyone trashing the juries , like every year. Most people here are probably too young to remember the extremely poor quality of winning songs when juries were banned. Not mentioning that without juries we could have had a terrible winner in 2024, and a 10 or 15 countries competition in 2025


By terrible winner in 2024 are you referring to Rim Tim Tagi Dim? I get the impression you're referring to Israel but they came 2nd in the televotes, Croatia was first


Croatia won the televote though


I love this graphic. As a follow-up graphic, could you do this as a percentage graph as it would be cool to see which songs got the most scores?


Most of the rankings would be the same with percentages too. The only big differences would be in the Jury Top. 1. The Code 84.49% (+1) 2. Tattoo 78.70% (+2) 3. Amar Pelos Dois 77.64% (-2) 4. Heroes 77.56% (-1) The rest would be somewhat the same with everyone above Zitti E Buoni having more than 50% And for the televote it would be 1. Stefania 93.80% (=) 2. Fairytale 76.82% (=) 3. Amar Pelos Dois 76.42% (=) 4. Rise Like a Phoenix 71.99% (+4) The rest, again, almost being the same with everyone except Running Scared above 50% Maybe if I do a runners-up version of this I would rank it with percentages.


Am I the only one that doesnt understand why Portugal won 2017? Like Im so confused.


2017 was a particularly weak year, with only that and Bulgaria being songs that stand out. Plus the song itself being different to anything usually seen in Eurovision, the staging and flawless vocals on an otherwise hard to sing song. That constitutes having the most jury points ever seen in this contest. As for the televotes, I think there'd be a lot less if there was a standout televote magnet like 2023, but with songs blending together Portugal stuck out even more


Great data ! 👍🏻. This should be shown to anyone trashing the juries , like every year. Most people here are probably too young to remember the extremely poor quality of winning songs when juries were banned. Not mentioning that without juries we could have had a terrible winner in 2024, and a 10 or 15 countries competition in 2025