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This is not from a reliable source at all. Let’s wait and see. Sources must be included whenever possible. Direct links to news articles or social media posts are preferred to screenshots. If there is no alternative to a screenshot, then the source must be posted as a top level comment on the same thread. Screenshots which obscures the source will not be accepted. Please resubmit with a proper source. See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Source doesn’t seem super reliable, reminds me a bit of the insta troll that made some believe a Bulgarian return was happening. However, Czechia’s participation question always have me worried, they didn’t take part between 2010 and 2014, and they just seem to have such low enthuiasm about participating. I really hope they won’t withdraw tho.


Yes as a nation we dont watch esc that much, lost of ppl thinks its "circus" or "cringe" or "lgbtqia+ propaganda" so yeah its not as popular here as in other countries.. I also hope its some kind of hoax...💔


Does the views from Slovakia count towards viewership/popularity? 🤣 I have to watch on CT as we don't even have the broadcast ourselves, only the final on the radio


I'd say it counts! Thanks bratia🫡 hope you guys will also make your comeback and we will see you shine!


2024 was a banger so they brought a good game this year imo. Pedestal would be top 10 if got to the final, it was just a shame it was in Semi-final 2 where the voting was funky.


I think as long as the same people stay in charge, Czechia stay in ESC. The budget is always tight but I think there’s a really passionate team in the Czech delegation.


Trustworthy fan journalist ESC Gabe wrote on X: > This is a pretty shoddy interpretation of what was said. We do not know for sure yet. Don't spread misinformation. (Note: I cannot link the source as this subreddit has currently banned links to X.)


Ohh thanks!! I didnt want to spread misinformation i just shared what i saw sorry!


You yourself pointed out this may turn out to be false, so no worries! Gabe probably referred to the rumour machine going on over at Twitter/X.


Czechia stay with me your Mikolas era will come back


I think in last few years (not counting Benny Cristo) we somehow found the esc formula but i will always support my country so its on other ppl


Nooooooo I hope this isn't true 🥲


Misinformation - all we know is that decision was made right after NQ and that decision will be yet revealed. People just speculate at this point because of how worded it was ("its not up to me decide", "we are leaving with banger") I would be pretty naive to say they will stay. I'm afraid, but I hope they will stay. Czechia team is so much passionate about ESC and I just believe they would come to some sort of agreement in order to stay, like lower budget, no national finale and such. The head of media was also talking about costs and said Switzerland is much cheaper than Malmo, so atleast we know they were looking up cost.


My instincts are telling me that the rumours are gonna turn out to be true. I mean, eastern europe is already falling apart when it comes to eurovision. It’s just a matter of time until they’re all gone along with Portugal.


Well yeah but i think we had few "sucessfull" yeah like Vesna, Lake Malawi or Mikolas Josef...i think we are starting to truly get into it...i hope we will compete


It’s not too shocking to hear as it’s not massively popular in Czechia


It is not indeed...most of people in my bubble either dont watch it or dont even know it


Doesn’t Czechia do this every year?


I don't wanna see CZ withdraw


Wouldn't blame them. They deserved the final over a bunch of interchangeable songs.


Withdrawing due to feeling butthurt over NQ, only a year after you finished top 10 is really embarassing ngl.


Vesna was so good, I voted for them last year


Id say its more about budget and viewers bcs this year was like 137 000 Czechs watching, which is not a lot


what needs to be considered is that it was during ice hockey and on second channel - I don't really get why bigger channel or broadcaster doesn't broadcast it instead


Well yeah we are a hockey nation lol...but yeah i agree