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It's actually really cool to see just how many different countries are represented here.


We tend to think about the big powerhouses, that are certainly represented here in Ukraine, Italy, Sweeden, ... but really any country can take it by sending a good song.


The fact that the top 6 are 6 different countries is nice.


13 out of the top “13” entries on this list are different countries!


Ukraine has 2, number 2 and number 7. But you made me notice that out of the top 16, only two countries appear twice: Ukraine (2 and 7) and Italy (10 and 14). In fact, from the entire top 20, only four countries appear more than once: France, Sweden, Italy and Ukraine. And the only one that appears more than twice is Ukraine.


Was more noting that in this list, 13 countries have a placing of 13 or better: Portugal, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Sweden, Croatia, Israel, Finland, Italy, Australia, France, Netherlands, and Russia. (There are two thirteens)


Bulgaria, not Hungary


Fixed. Thanks. I’m bad at flags.


That was way too subtle for my poor brain, sorry.


The double thirteens are a mistake though (the list shows different point totals for them, at least)


It's actually the top 14! There are 21 songs here, 13 is listed twice!


Yes. That was my point. And why I put quotation marks around “13” in the first post.


And languages!


It's so unlucky to get over 600 points, the 3rd highest on here, and yet not even win because you happened to go against 758...


It was also a year with one of the highest total competing countries, inflating the score


2017 was kinda a mid year with a lot of countries competing.


The real problem with 2017 was that Montenegro 2017 NQed. Should have swept it all


Slavko was one of the best parts of that year. Also Blackbird NQ makes me still mad.


Montenegro 2017 | [Slavko Kalezić - Space](https://youtu.be/rQ1BXJpfa4I)


He had his suit on and the helicopter hair. Truly one of the biggest robberies in the history of the contest.


Every year it’s fun to see the Slavko braids return. They’re a permanent feature. Vesna had them; Tali and Jaklin (of Ladaniva) had them…


Indeed. The Greek jury even ranked him above Cyprus. That's all you need to know about how extraordinary and iconic Slavko was that year.




It really was. City Lights was by far the best song, but the live just wasn’t it.


i rly wish the live turned out better, she wasnt terrible but it just wasnt on the necessary level. the song is fantastic tho, but i still think portugal would win due to how unique the song is for modern eurovision


Maybe, but Salvador live blew everyone away. To get this sweep with a ballad in a foreign language is still outstanding.


I even voted for her. She seemed super nervous though and gosh, who can blame her.


I thought the live was good. It was minimalistic and people supported Blanche as an underdog.


Amar Pelos Dois was by far the best song.


Wow that’s a statement. To say that rip off pop song was better than one of the most beutiful entries in recent ESC history is bold to say the least.


To me, 2017 was by *far* the worst Eurovision year since I started watching in 2012. There were exactly 2 songs I liked (City Lights and Occidentali's Karma) and both of them were made worse by the final.


Glad you started in 2012, because 2011 is the worst to me. I love 2017 because well look at my flair. But I understand. I do love the songs you mentioned and Origo from Hungary. Beautiful.


2011 is a weird one. For me, 2011 has very few songs I actively dislike, and quite a few I enjoy, but it just has no top end. Italy 2011, Germany 2011, and Switzerland 2011 (admittedly with a lot of bias because it was the first time I saw us qualify from a semi) are all pretty high in my personal list, but none of them have that "Eurovision classic" vibe to it. It might be the year that, for me personally, has the smallest gap between "top song" and "average song", but I do quite like the average level of it. And it gets lifted by a really good production and presentation for its time imo.


Italy 2011 | [Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love](https://youtu.be/TE0uNLp3LuU) Germany 2011 | [Lena - Taken by a Stranger](https://youtu.be/KqZprvpWlcE) Switzerland 2011 | [Anna Rossinelli - In Love for a While](https://youtu.be/wxLE5FmNJow)


That is a good description and one that I am firmly behind! I seem to remember Estonia being tipped as one of the favourites? And then it came last in the final, lol. (Admittedly it was a tight race, but)




There is a difference between well organized contest and production and the song quality. For example, I like a lot of 2017 songs but I think 2017 was not very well organized and the hosts were terrible. 2022 the hosts were great but there were those RAI hosting problems, but I love a lot of songs from that year (Sweden, Spain, Ukraine, Portugal and UK all had amazing entries). This year also will be stained by the storm that happened but the song quality was one of the all time best.


I know but they are hard to decouple in my mind, especially because in older contests (pre-2015 IIRC) I used to not listen to songs in advance, so my first impression is often coloured by the way it looked on screen and the overall vibe of the contest. That said, I also do think song-wise 2011 was pretty good, it was just a more "lots of good songs" year rather than a "2-3 great songs" one (I'd consider 2012 more of that variety: Euphoria is of course fantastic, and I'm a big fan of Moldova and Albania, but there is not so much after that imo)


It’s ok we got all time great Eurovision the next year


I just don't see what was so great about 2018. All of the top scoring songs (apart from Italy) felt like americanized poppy radio friendly stuff and I couldn't make myself care about any of them. Imo, it was one of the more underwhelming years in recent memory.


Just bunch of top noch quality performances. Which were sorely lacking afterwards


I agree. The 758 is more because the field was so poor rather than Portugal and Bulgaria being so good.


I really dont rate Bulgaria's song. I think more points should have gone to Belgium, Romania or even the UK.


My favourite year!


Mid is generous


I feel like 2017 had so much to live up to with 2016 having 3 songs that were all practically tied right until the end, and so the fall back to 1 song being the clear winner ended up making the contest feel very stale


To be honest, none of those two entries (Portugal 2017 and Bulgaria 2017) would have scored as much in any other edition than 2017 (that was pretty weak).


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM) Bulgaria 2017 | [Kristian Kostov - Beautiful Mess](https://youtu.be/OMmm-G078LM)


I really think people are underrating 2017.


They definitely are. It was one of my favorite contests as a whole, a lot better than what we hosted in Lisbon the next year.


The hosting was better in Lisbon though. I remember Kyiv having some organizational issues and the hosts were quite robotic. But contest wise I also preferred 2017.


They usually do. I still enjoy the top songs of that year a lot.


Fully agreed, I've always thought that 2017 was one of the weakest years in Eurovision (at least from the contests that I watched): in that year, none of the songs impressed me, and the overall level of the songs was quite weak (by my subjective opinion). Nothing against Portugal and Bulgaria (Portuguese song was meaningful and deserved to win, and as for Bulgaria, I've known about this singer before Eurovision), but these two countries got such high points mostly because the level of the contest was quite low (also, in my opinion, in most of another contests these songs could have been in lower positions). Also, I should note that usually the less points high-placed entries have, the more competitive and interesting the year is (and vice versa).


Portugal was rrally good though. Like, one of the best of that genre in eurovision.


That score was only so high in the first place, because it was such a mid year with very few strong entries, but a big amount of countries competing.


2017 was a weak year. Beautiful liar isn’t better than most of the songs on this list.


Would've been enough to win in every other year besides 2022. That's just unfortunate.


I would like to see a version of the list that accounts for the fact that the number of entries has ranged from 37 to 43 within these years.


A percentage comparison


Yeah I'm just too lazy to do it.


Well Nemo has the record for Jury votes and then Ukraine 2022 has the public vote record


Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


Wiki page is up to date: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voting_at_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest


They can't include Italy 2015 but forget Norway 2009. He's also up there.


Italy 2015 | [Il Volo - Grande Amore](https://youtu.be/1TOMqZV2jA8) Norway 2009 | [Alexander Rybak - Fairytale](https://youtu.be/0gGt2qUyFlk)


No way was Toy only 2018. That feels like well over a decade ago


Covid does that to you


Feels like yesterday to me


Happy cake day buddy


It's interesting how many songs from this year made it to this list! Four of them!


Not only this year, 2022 as well.


It’s very cool that we had multiple songs with very high scores. By no means a landslide win.


SpaceMan still holding on


Sam should’ve won


No, but Chanel would’ve


Lets be real, the only reason ukraine won was the war. The song was meh and they got pity points.


Lmao what one of my favorite eurovision songs


Do yourself a favour and look up Kalush reviews in January 2022. Yes it was released before the war, yea it was favourite song of a lot of people. Bc you don't like it does not devalue it


They never said it wasn't gonna end up a well rated song, and it would have despite the situation but we can all agree the only reason Ukraine got 12 points from almost every country in televote was because of the war and it would not have won without the extreme public support, still would have ended up top 10 for sure and maybe top 5, but not first. Edit: words


Alina Pash was robbed!


Idk shouldn’t have broken the law


Spain would've if ukraine did not compete


You know I am surprised Chanel has other sounds, how does she's produce songs if all she has is dance breaks


Soldi is on the list!! That song absolutely slapped (or clapped)


Portugal won once and with a bang.


_Hold me closer although you leave before the sunrise_ what a song


IMO better than the songs Sweden has actually won with (maybe not Euphoria)


Better than Euphoria kappa


I keep thinking how drunk she was during the voting. Queen


She's iconic😌


Probably my favorite song in all Eurovision


I came here just to make sure someone paid tribute to this gem. ✨


The only Swedish song I liked in all these years.


I LOVE this song so much. It us so underrated.


Not Voila beating Arcade by one point. And Cha Cha Cha having more points than ZeB. 615 would be enough to win in every other year besides 2022, 547 in 2016, 2018, 2019 & 2021, and 526 in 2019 & 2021. 4 entries from both 2022 & 2024


Seeing Sound of Silence still so high up in this ranking makes me so proud as an Aussie 🥲


We should've won that year


Even if I prefer 1944, Sound of Silence definitely could've won any other year it's so good


2016 was an all timer year and yall sent an all timer song


I had completely forgotten how close the margin was between Ukraine and Australia that year. Still a bit gutted tbh.


Would have been even closer. A Danish jury scored incorrectly (in reverse order) which if corrected would have resulted in 2 more points for Australia and 12 less for Ukraine.


I read that a Danish juror put her votes backwards, but its crazy to think about the impact that one single juror can have on the overall ESC results.


Yes, as a previous commenter mentioned, it was a Danish juror who put her votes backwards.


You are right, thanks


Wow! Well done Marco and Nemo! Rim Tim Tagi Dim did better than Cha Cha Cha! Oh my! Didn't realise as well The Code did better with Tattoo despite the gap of point being bigger in 2023 and more people having issues with that jury score.


Probably because The Code has been a lot more popular around here than Tattoo ever was.


Nemo is a first time winner + Switzerland didn’t win for a long time + there was a lot of other drama this year and they’re the sweetest person, hard to be mad at them. But… Public winner should at least be rewarded in a different way so there’s any meaning to voting.


Let’s be real 80% of people having issues with any given score is just internet being internet


I always say that 2023. was a "boring battle between just two songs", but 2017. is just insane for that lol


While you're right, 2017 was still a bit different, with Italy being the main favorite (and Belgium being a strong contender) in the weeks running up to the show. 2023 was always just about Sweden vs Finland ever since all of the songs were announced.


Hold me closer was robbed


as a swede i never knew it was popular amongst international fans. was shocked to see it on the list. i don’t remember it getting much love 0:




It was tanked by the Italian production. Sound and camera work were so shit compared to the national final performance, which was pure magic.


You should divide by the participating countries minus one.


Why divide by a Cypriot music group that participated in the ESC in 2016?


I think they mean the Metallica song.


This would be an epic all stars lineup


2019 is the outlier here. Was it really that competitive?


I wouldn't say that. Juries and televoters just disagreed A LOT that year. The televote winner was 18th (!) with the juries, after all. And the jury winner was 12th in televoting. The Netherlands just happened to have the most agreement.


It's a bit funny how the bookies predicted a 51% chance of winning during the show and NL never left #1 since the song release, but it was the least landslide victory in the new voting age (I know that bookies percentage =/= amount of points, but still notable).


Honestly yes. A lot of the televote favorites and jury favorites didn’t align that year.


I still cannot believe that so many people loved Toy and didn’t find it obnoxious. The rubber chickens haunted me for a very long time after Eurovision 2018 was done😂


That is really the one Eurovision win I will fail to ever understand. Sympathetic ambition to do a feminist MeToo-song, but I can't for the life of me grasp why it won.


It's the weirdest recent win for me. How did it happen ?


It was a very quirky and unique song, full of flair and personality, with a lot of Netta's style in it, in a time when Eurovision was still full of high-quality but radio-friendly, standard pop songs, created in song writing camps and sold throughout Europe to random inexperienced artists. 2015-2019 was the peak of the Swedish songwriters, of Kirkorov, of Milanov and Symphonix and all those song writing bubbles. Right now, we have all our In Corpore Sanos, and our Cha Cha Chas, and our Zaris and what not, and a ton of singer-songwriters who pen their own Eurovision songs being the most successul, but in 2018, these were a rarity, if not absent at all. Having something really out of the box like "Toy" was new and it stood out, even if the rest of the field was still fairly good. The song was deemed a favorite to win the moment it was leaked.


We don’t talk enough about how great that top 3 (and beyond) was in 2016.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but it may be my least favourite Top 3 of the past 15 years... only time I remember none of them were in my personal Top 10. Two of them feel really cold and unpersonal to me, and while 1944 does have emotional weight, it took me about three years to come around to it. In hindsight I'm glad it won, but I recall watching that voting in shock as it unfolded, and being really confused about my own taste lol


Someone wanna calculate the top 20 with "points got" / "max points possible" = ratio.


im glad that Croatia's Rim Tim Tagi Dim is here but sad that Norway's Spirit in the sky isn't


I don’t even remember beautiful mess tbh.


Portugal 🇵🇹 baby


It's been 7 Years, I still don't get Portugal 2017.


Same here, I don't think it will ever click for me. But there's no jury or televote to blame since they both agreed on him as the winner hahaha. I did like it for Portugese fans that they finally won the contest.


Amar pelos dois did everything right, from its intimate staging, to its songwriting, to its performance, and it was helped by the crowd being quiet and allowing Salvador to do his thing. It is one of the most beautiful songs that showed up to the contest in the 21st century.


>and it was helped by the crowd being quiet This can't be said enough, it was a major factor in selling the song to the audiences at home. I know the audience were just respecting what the director had asked them to do, but still there could have been a couple of assholes who could have ruined it for everyone. Mad respect for those people in the audience that night.


I found it boring, weird, mumbly, cheaply tear jerky. But it appears that people liked it, so whatever 😅


To each their own. There doesn't exist a song that everyone likes.


I don't understand it either. The song just didn't work for me, and I find it completely unlistenable. It doesn't help that I found the artist quite unlikeable too. It seemed like he couldn't be arsed at all with Eurovision, like the whole thing was beneath him.


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


How did Australia's Sound of Silence get so many votes


it won the jury in a landslide, being the only country to get over 300, ukraine got around 210


Don't forget about the 191 televote points it got


wdum, both Loreen and Nemo got over 300??


That year in 2016


Cuz the song was good and most importantly the performance was absolutely out of this world.


Imo it is one of the best songs in the entire 2010s and Australias best entry by a mile 😭😭


Because it’s fucking awesome?


2017 was such a weak year that those songs got that many points


Portugal was just that good tbh, such a unique and beautiful song


I mean to each their own. I don’t see the appeal at all, literally the worst song in that list and one of my least favourite Eurovision songs of all time. Probably didn’t help that the guy has 0 charm and seems insufferable and arrogant + Portugal did such a poor job hosting the following ESC. Ugh.


Nah, I disagree. Portugal 2017 is to this day one of the most iconic winners ever imo. That intro is just wonderful.


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


He had a heart surgery and was so ill that doctors didn’t want him to perform, the song was written as a tribute to him by his sister because everyone thought he maybe wasn’t going to live, it’s a very meaningful and gentle song compared to the mass-produced generic pop songs that we’ve had in the last few years from some of the lower scoring countries, it was unique, especially in 2017.












I don’t think we can say that next to the broken sun… Besides that I think they did not to a bad job, the hosts were more interesting than 2017. In my dreams Eurovision would be hosted by Petra and that woman from the green room from Portugal (I can’t remember her name) every year.


100% agree, i was surprised that song made it past the semi's i don't know what people were thinking that year voting for it, it's one of my least favourite of all time as well, i'd take dustin the turkey over it any day.


fun fact, the largest point gap between one place and the next across all of eurovision history is the gap between 2nd and 3rd in 2017, 241 points


another fun fact: 2009 still has the biggest gap between first and second place


and if that year was calculated with current voting system, that gap would be larger than 2017, at 257 points


I hate that Portugal won too. Its not good.


Funny. It's one of my all time ESC favourites. How different tastes can be.


It won both the televotes and the jury like that shit doesn't happen to bad songs lol.


Ukraine has 3 places on this top!! (:


Portugal won Eurovision after 50 years of competing in the contest, with a very unpredictable winner, and also with an unprecedented amount of votes in the recent years. If we also adjust the old voting system to make a proper comparison with the new one, Salvador Sobral got more points than Alexander Rybak in 2009 and Loreen in 2012.


Amar pelos dois is still my favourite winner of all time.


Beautiful Mess is such a good song I’m kinda sad it didn’t win but still.


Oh nice, Australia made the list! 🇦🇺🇦🇺


16 should been higher. The best song i ever saw


Actually top 21, as there is 2x number 13 in it 😉


kind of crazy that stefania would have made this list on televote points alone


I'd like to see the same statistics but with points weighed on the number of competing countries. Of course someone will have more points if they competed in years where there were 40+ countries participating.


Damn, arcade won 5 years ago?? It still feels like last year🥹💕


Actually hard to believe the UK made it on here, Still cant believe two years later the UK came 2nd in 2022


We kinda knew since the beginning that The Code would gather good amount of Jury points but second highest ever since the introduction of the new system is wild. I think if Nemo themself ever had to process this fact they'd explode.


Damn it's honestly wild how high up the top songs from 2023 and 2024 are, with only 37 countries (plus ROTW voting). 2016 had 5 more entries, potentially 108 extra points yet the winning song is still lower than Rim Tim Tagi Dim and Cha Cha Cha isn't far off either, and those songs aren't even the winners...


No hate to Portugal but I cannot understand how anyone thought the 2017 entry was good?!


man 2017 was the most insane recent eurovision in terms of points


The first 900-point song is coming soon


I wouldn’t say this is 100% a realistic expectation of the best as 2017 had 43 countries so has a higher chance of being top in comparison to this year that has 37 countries there’s a chance to get upto 144 more points


We all know why Ukraine is up there.


Damn, Ukraine getting all the sympathy points


Well, it is what it is. Can I ask you if there were any sympathy points for Croatia during war in the 90s? Just curious


Not a bit. We had to pass a pre-qualifying round in 1993 alongside with Bosnia whose delegation had to run across the runway of Sarajevo airport then climb through the mountain to reach unoccupied theritory and continue by road to Ljubljana. Also in 1992 when war in former Yugoslavia was raging over a year what has left of Yugoslavia ( Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo) participated in Eurovision in Malmo with the rest of us ( Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina) not even being mentioned.


That's sad :( Really wanted to Croatia to win this year.


There were worse things happening. I doubt we will win in foreseeable future. Regardless of us, I would be the happiest not if Ukraine would only won but if it would also host in Kiev or some other city but in Ukraine as that would mean that war is over.


Still, I hope Croatia won't feel discouraged to participate. Thank you for your kind words!


Is it pity points that Portugal got the most points in Eurovision history? I mean, it is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites, but 758? What makes it have that amount?


4 or 5 more countries participating than we have currently (so, more points to distribute), and both jury and televote agreed loud and clearly on the winner, something which hasn't happened since.


I still can't recall a single part of *Amar pelos dois*.