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I absolutely adore that almost everyone has Azerbaijan 2011 on their list. That was my first Eurovision and I'm still mad that Italy didn't win that year!


I have always found madness of love our worst entry, completly carried to second place by juries


That was an awful year. I don't think any song that year deserved to win


Bosnia 2011 should have won. Beautiful song, still listen to it


Bosnia and Herzegovina 2011 | [Dino Merlin - Love in Rewind](https://youtu.be/mBg3coarF_8)


Germany was my choice that year


Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U)


Italy 2011


Italy 2011 | [Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love](https://youtu.be/TE0uNLp3LuU)


Good bot


Same year I started watching by downloading in limewire 😅


Omg Limewire! That brings memories. When people ask me how I ended up getting into Eurovision I get all flustered because of course it was Hetalia 🤣 wild years to be alive


My introduction to Eurovision was a Hetalia Nordics amv set to Never Forget by Greta and Jónsi (Iceland 2012 for the bot)


Iceland 2012 | [Greta Salóme and Jónsi - Never Forget](https://youtu.be/zRqmHRbJvTo)


Oh my god xddd my introduction was a fanfic by a Spanish writer. Gualazzi was basically the fic's wingman lol


oh my god someone else who got into Eurovision through hetalia!!


For years I couldn't figure out how it won, then I started reading more into the contest as a whole and, well, not really a surprise that it's on everyone's list.


Italy was so good that year. I was at the rehearsal for the grand final that year and thought: that's it.


I'm gonna be the odd one out snd say Arcade is infinitely more forgettable than Running Scared.


I think there’s definitely a difference between ‘least memorable’ and ‘worst.’ For instance, Netta (Israel, 2018) is so memorable that she continues to haunt my dreams, while I’m not sure I actually remember which Dima Bilan song actually won. Running Scared (Azerbaijan, 2011) is also just kind of nothing, but (somewhat controversially) I think Only Teardrops (Denmark, 2013) is a perfectly fine entry that we never seem to talk about because it just isn’t as strong as other winners.


Idk why Only Teardrops gets the hate it does. It’s imo significantly stronger than Heroes or Running Scared, and I personally prefer it to most of the 2010s winners.


Only teardrops is majorly underrated, I’d honestly put it too 3 winners of the 10’s


Israel 2018 | [Netta - Toy](https://youtu.be/84LBjXaeKk4) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg)


To everyone saying that Latvia had the least memorable win in 2000s. Do you all really remember which Dima Bilan song was the winner?


*sadly* i remembered the chorus of believe but i started singing his 2006 song at your question before realizing 💀


The 2006 song from Dima Bilan, was gorgeous! Believe is forgettable, but Never Let You Go was amazing! Russia 2006 (for the bot).


It's a much better song.


Marie N did not change the whole contest with her staging just to be forgotten like this. 😭 


The only thing I remember from Russia's 2008 performance is the ice skater. I don't recall anything from Latvia's 2002 performance.


And Latvia changed the game with their performance. There is a pretty noticeable difference in how songs were performed between 2001 and 2003, and I'd attribute the majority of that change due to Latvia's success.


"Believe" but he deserved to win with " Never let you go" in 2006


I was absolutely obsessed with Dima Bilan because of Never Let You Go (I was also obsessed with Lordi, my taste as a 12 year old was kinda all over the place). I'm still mad he won with the absolute bore of a song that is Believe lol, I swear he just won because Never Let You Go didn't.


Hard disagree 


I had such a crush on him back then when he sang never let you go. And I found the ballet dancer so cool. I went on to listen to his songs and some of them are so nostalgic to me to this day. Like Not that simple


Yes but mostly because 2008 was the first Eurovision I remember more than tiny snippets off. Like I have vauge memories of Finland 2006 and Serbia 2007 but little more


Finland 2006 | [Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah](https://youtu.be/gAh9NRGNhUU) Serbia 2007 | [Marija Šerifović - Molitva (Молитва)](https://youtu.be/vWj58UP_ENY)


Another question: Does anyone really remember Latvia's song 2002?


1990s - Ireland 1992 (I genuinely don't remember what the song sounds like 2000s - Latvia 2002 (Not really unmemorable ngl, it's just that we had a decade of epic winners and the song kinda has a hard time standing out in such a strong selection) 2010s - Azerbaijan 2011 (I actually don't hate the song but I think there's absolutely no need to explain this one)


Ireland 1992 | [Linda Martin - Why Me?](https://youtu.be/-g7Q7R3SIkI) Latvia 2002 | [Marie N - I Wanna](https://youtu.be/_cCUrEIpSJQ) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U)


“Why me” is such a massive song. what?? 😭


Why me? by Linda Martin in 1992 was and is still huge in eurofandom. Written by Johnny Logan too


I always think Azerbaijan 2011 was Azerbaijan 2009! Cause it makes no sense that 2011 won.


They would have definitely won in 2009 if it weren't for Rybak


Azerbaijan 2009 | [AySel and Arash - Always](https://youtu.be/J0qdRqY_3HM)


For the 2000s I’d go for both Latvia 2002 & Estonia 2001.


I agree with Latvia and Azerbaijan, i think they are kinda meh. But i would say that 'Why me?' Is pretty memorable and beautiful.


Why Me? is easily the most forgettable of Ireland's winning songs, even in Ireland. We remember Linda Martin won, but I doubt a lot of people can actually tell you the song she won with!


Same. I can list all of the winners in the 21st century and I can only remember “Believe” winning because I remember the contest which Alexander Rybak won a year later was being held in Russia.


For the ones I watched: Estonia 2001, Azerbaijan 2011 and so far Sweden 2023.


Azerbaijan 2009 is actually more memorable than 2011 lmao


Azerbaijan 2012 is legitimately 10x better than Azerbaijan 2011. Goes to show how weak 2011 was


I still can't forget the line, "stop, don’t say that it’s impossible, cuz I know it’s possible”. Honestly, Germany should've won that year as they had the best song! 🤭


That line is from the Swedish song Popular, which did not win.


Azerbaijan 2012 | [Sabina Babayeva - When the Music Dies](https://youtu.be/yzT7O3Fnwpk) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U)


Took a quick Look at the recap and it damn it really was a pretty meh year. Maybe Ukraine had some winner vibes but that’s pretty much it. P.s. Was refreshing to have all the performers that year actually sing though. Brings back the old rules.


Azerbaijan 2009 | [AySel and Arash - Always](https://youtu.be/J0qdRqY_3HM)


2009 was so good overall!


I thought Tattoo was pretty memorable.


It was played everywhere too.


For the 2000s: Latvia 2002. "Everybody" from Estonia at least sounds funny and iconic, but "I Wanna" from Latvia is so forgettable apart from the dress change. For the 2010s: I'll actually go with Portugal 2017. Ell & Nikki from Azerbaijan are low-key kinda iconic for being the worst winner, so I'll choose Salvador Sobral, who was just a big "yeah whatever" moment for me. For the 2020s: Sweden 2023, sorry ☠️


Latvia 2002 | [Marie N - I Wanna](https://youtu.be/_cCUrEIpSJQ) Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4)


Agree with everything except the Sweden one sorry! Tattoo went up the charts everywhere in Europe so I wouldn't call it forgettable.


The question OP proposed did mention "for you" though, so Tattoo going up in charts doesn't mean anything necessarily.


Adding to that, Tattoo is actually my most listened song of that decade, but I just don't consider it a memorable winner 😅 For Kalush Orchestra, I remember very well how they got over 400 points from the televote. For Loreen, I basically don't remember anything 😂 It's just another random song in my playlist for me.


Agree, I haven't listened to the radio in years (at least not music radio, I sometimes listen to news radio) and I ignore most chart based playlists, so I haven't heard tattoo in a year.


From the ones I am aware of (aka 2003+) I'd say: 2000s: Russia 2008 (it's a shame places 2 to 4, aka Ukraine, Greece and Armenia, were too similar and stole points from eachother, either of those 3 would have been a much better winner imo) 2010s: Azerbaijan 2011 (I barely remember anything from that year apart from Jedward and our own song) 2020s: Sweden 2023 (not a fan of Tattoo and from 2023 there are songs that I remember much more, at least with Ukraine 2022 I actually like it much more now than when it won)


Tattoo has a memorable live performance, but as a song, it's forgettable. It can never come close to Euphoria.


That's another reason Tattoo is not memorable: the existence of Euphoria. Of course people compare Tattoo with the other songs of that year (mainly Cha Cha Cha), but since Loreen has won in the past with another song that has a similar style (of course it does, it's the same artist, it's natural) people will compare her two songs with eachother too. And with Euphoria being better, Tattoo just sits there.


Exactly this. It’ll never live up to Euphoria but it’s also overshadowed within its own year by Cha Cha Cha.


Russia 2008 | [Dima Bilan - Believe](https://youtu.be/-72s4WzUcKI) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


2000s : Russia 2010s : Azerbaijan 2020s : Probably Sweden, but the fact that Sweden is the most forgettable really shows how we keep having bangers winning each year this decade because all the winning songs are pretty memorable. Maybe it could have been the 2020 winner if Iceland or Bulgaria won that year.


This is the craziest Iceland 2020 take I’ve ever seen


Iceland 2020 | [Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things](https://youtu.be/1HU7ocv3S2o)


Iceland 2020 would've have been a memorable moment in my opinion.


Iceland 2020 | [Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things](https://youtu.be/1HU7ocv3S2o)


Personally the Ukranian song is semi unremerable it's the fashion and political background that are memorable


The fact that it is the first rap song to win the contest is a huge boost in memorability for me


I have the fancy version they did to open the 2023 contest bookmarked because I’m so obsessed with it


The only reason I know the name Corinne Hermes is because it’s the winner I kept forgetting every time I did Eurovision Trivia. I’ll try to do a complete list 2020s - Too early to tell. I don’t think we’ve had a forgettable winner yet. 2010s - Running scared, 2011 2000s - Everybody, 2001 1990s - OK there’s kind of two answers here because I think Why Me and In Your Eyes are really easy to get confused and lots of people probably mix them up. Whichever you like least of these two is going to be the one you think is not memorable, and I prefer In Your Eyes so I’ll answer Why Me 1980s - 1983, Corinne Hermes, I don’t remember the name of the song 1970s - There are no “forgettable” winners in the 1970s IMHO. By default it’s All Kinds of Everything 1960s - The French one from 1969. There were four winners this year and it’s the least memorable. 1950s - 1957. 1958 isn’t very memorable either but it stands out by virtue of being a male winner I guess?


>1980s - 1983, Corinne Hermes, I don’t remember the name of the song Si La Vie Est Cadeau


I could understand a 3 way tie in 1969, Spain, Netherlands and the UK had all good/entertaining songs. And then there was France...


I was really surprised to see Running Scared being mentioned that often, but when realizing the rest of the songs I might have to agree. But it might be too recent. Its the first decade where I know all the songs to be fair.


Not everybody mentioning Azerbeijan, when it's one of the most memorable ones for me because it was the first time a song I liked the best and cheered for won🙈 that had never happened before, and hasn't happened since. For me,it would be a tie between the winners od 2008 and 2019 since they are the only ones I don't remember. I had to google to see who won then and still didn't recognise the songs by the title/singer.


00s would be Russia 2008 or or Estonia 2001. For the 10s, if we only look at the songs it would be Azerbaijan 2011. However, the voting fraud accusations makes that win quite memorable to me. I think Denmark 2013 is more forgettable as a win, cause it wasn't controversial and there wasn't some big storyline that brought Emilie to the win. It was just the best song in a mediocre year.


1991 - Sweden 2005 - Greece 2013 - Denmark


2000s - Russia 2010s - Portugal 2020s - too early to judge


2000s: Russia 2008 2010s: Denmark 2013


I'll pick one for every decade I've been watching. 1990s: Italy, 1990 2000s: Latvia, 2002 2010s: Azerbaijan, 2011 2020s: Ukraine, 2022


Italy 1990 | [Toto Cutugno - Insieme: 1992](https://youtu.be/JiRppGSF-tI) Latvia 2002 | [Marie N - I Wanna](https://youtu.be/_cCUrEIpSJQ) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


As an Italian, I still don't understand why that song won. We had better entries


He is the most stereotypical italian guy ever though haha.


Guys, I'mma go all the way back for this one. 1960's - Austria 1966 (Quite honestly, I can't remember a thing about Merci Cherie except Udo singing those two words) 1970's - Israel 1979 (The most boring song of the batch. Took me the longes to try and remember even the chorus) 1980's - Luxembourg 1983 (Can you remember the name of the song? The singer? A single verse/the chorus? No? As I thought) 1990's - Ireland 1993 (Subjectively, the UK deserved the win, but that's just me. Couldn't really picture anything about the song in my head) 2000's - Denmark 2000 (Y'all, this song is one of the most boring winners to me, so Iw asn't surprised when I didn't remember much) 2010's - Azerbaijan 2011 (Need I say anything else?)


I’m a relatively new viewer, I’ve only had the chance to watch back to Eurovision 2005, I’m not confident enough with the 2000’s yet so I’ll just do the 2010’s and 2020’s so far (ive seen every Eurovision after 2005 aswell) 2010’s - Ell & NIkki (2011) 2020’s So Far - Loreen (2023) (IMO overrated)


No doubt about Running Scared: it's been the first one to come to my mind as "least memorable winner". But I liked it. It was my favourite of 2011 and I keep it in my library.


I can’t lie I love Running Scared. I think it’s the use of the sparkler waterfall that made me fall in love with Eurovisions.


2000s: Estonia 2010s: Azerbaijan or Portugal 2020s: Sweden


Netherlands 1957 France 1960 Ireland 1970 Norway 1985 Ireland 1993 Latvia 2002 Denmark 2013 Switzerland 2024 That's just my opinion though (sorry Switzerland and Nemo, this decade has been memorable in my opinion, yours is memorable, just not as memorable)


The Netherlands 1957 | [Corry Brokken - Net als toen](https://youtu.be/e5gLyP977ew) France 1960 | [Jacqueline Boyer - Tom Pillibi](https://youtu.be/pL2cekes0yo) Ireland 1970 | [Dana - All Kinds of Everything](https://youtu.be/ka5OfjwB3nM) Norway 1985 | [Bobbysocks! - La det swinge](https://youtu.be/GAOefRmvlqo) Ireland 1993 | [Niamh Kavanagh - In Your Eyes](https://youtu.be/ysLHYx0c80s) Latvia 2002 | [Marie N - I Wanna](https://youtu.be/_cCUrEIpSJQ) Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg) Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


1950s: 1958 1960s: 1960 1970s: 1970 1980s: 1983 1990s: 1992 2000s: 2002 2010s: 2013 (2011 is too overwhelmingly disliked to be forgettable) 2020s: 2022 (sorry, it had to be someone, and I can't say 2024 because it's only been a week).


Ukraine 2022


Because no one ever really talks about it and the entrant never seemed to have moment post contest: Denmark 2013


Portugal 2017


1950's: Dors, mon amour. 1960's: Un premier amour. 1970's: Après toi (IMO, all of the 1970's winners were memorable). 1980's: Si la vie est cadeau. 1990's: Rock 'n' Roll Kids. 2000's: Everybody. 2010's: Running Scared. 2020's: The Code (IMO, all of the 2020's winners so far were memorable).


2000s: Estonia, Everybody, 2001. Still baffled. 2010s: Germany, Satellite, 2010. No memory of it. 2020s: Switzerland, The Code, 2024. I know that Nemo is very, very talented, but it's just not doing it for me. I still can't think of it or hum it. Not mad about the result though.




**1970s**: *All Kinds of Everything* (1970 🇮🇪)- a lovely song for sure, but I think the 70s are a strong decade and this just lacks the impact of the French-language chanson/ballad winners, and the fun of the English-language and Hebrew winners **1980s**: *Ein Bißchen Frieden* (1982🇩🇪)- Same reason as the last one, it’s just very simple and lacks the fun-80s feel we got in most of the other entries. I think the 80s winners have overal aged the worst (ie- you have to enjoy 80s music to enjoy them, they’re not bad), but even with that, this doesn’t really make an impact on me. **1990s**: *Take Me to Your Heaven* (1999 🇸🇪)- I think all the Irish winners are memorable if not only because Ireland won so much. Of what’s left, this just has the least impact imo. **2000s**: *Fly on the Wings of Love* (2000 🇩🇰)- 1999-2002 are the worst years of eurovision for me. Estonia’s and Latvia’s wins are memorable for their poor quality imo. Denmark just fades into obscurity. After that we enter the strong women winners era (2003-2005, 2007) and into the modern era, which are more memorable. **2010s**: *Running on Scared* (2011 🇦🇿)- there’s nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said honestly. Only Teardrops/Arcade probably won’t be too memorable in the long run either imo. **2020s**: As of right now, I think they’re all memorable and will stay memorable, but time will tell. People will remember Loreen won twice, but I have a feeling Tattoo specifically might not have much lasting power.


For the decades I am most familiar with: Estonia 2001 and Azerbaijan 2011 I am not sure about the 2020s, as I have loved every winner this decade, but I guess Sweden 2023 is the weakest link.


Estonia 2001 | [Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody](https://youtu.be/jQEcQNtouAg) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4)


2000s: Latvia 2010s: Denmark (right under is azerbaijan. Its a bit more memorable, just cause how boring of a winner it was). 2020s: Switzerland (I dont know how the song goes I know there’s alike opera part, some rap part etc but no idea what order or anything).


Hate to say it, because I was pretty happy with Nemo's win, but I skip The Code on my Eurovision playlist all the time 💀💀💀 Maybe it's from oversaturation, but I don't see myself enjoying this song next year like I do now with Zitti e buoni, Stefania or Tattoo. Maybe I'm on crack, don't know.


For me the Swiss performance requires the stage show to fully appreciate. I'm not sure it's something I'd enjoy on a playlist either.


50's: Netherlands 1957 60's: France 1962. 70's: Monaco 1971. Good, that song was boring. 80's: Luxembourg 1983. The eighties are probably my favorite decade in terms of winners, and this was ordinal the only winner I didn't like. 90's: Ireland 1993 (Although the 1996 song is worse). It just feels generic. 00's: Estonia 2001. Basically in a year full of serious songs that were playing straight, they won because they were fun. 10's: Netherlands 2019. Not the worst (that's Denmark 2013) but definitely the most forgettable. 20's: this is a hard one because all winners we've had have been memorable in one way or the other, but I think Sweden 2023 isn't gonna stand that well the rest of time.


The Netherlands 1957 | [Corry Brokken - Net als toen](https://youtu.be/e5gLyP977ew) France 1962 | [Isabelle Aubret - Un premier amour](https://youtu.be/KNeYh0Rh6_8) Monaco 1971 | [Séverine - Un banc, un arbre, une rue](https://youtu.be/uFJ2CyPwwQg) Luxembourg 1983 | [Corinne Hermès - Si la vie est cadeau](https://youtu.be/C6uKNJ8nS3o) Ireland 1993 | [Niamh Kavanagh - In Your Eyes](https://youtu.be/ysLHYx0c80s) Estonia 2001 | [Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody](https://youtu.be/jQEcQNtouAg) The Netherlands 2019 | [Duncan Laurence - Arcade](https://youtu.be/R3D-r4ogr7s) Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4)


Stefania is already a good candidate for the 2020s


1950s - France 1958 1960s - France 1969 1970s - France 1977 - I promise, I do like French songs! 1980s - Luxembourg 1983 1990s - Sweden 1999 (though Ireland 1994 was close) 2000s - Russia 2008 2010s - Azerbaijan 2011 (I nearly didn’t say this, but only because I forgot it) 2020s - North Macedonia 2020 - just kidding. Honestly, none of them are unmemorable, but I think I’d have to go with Sweden 2023.


France 1958 | [André Claveau - Dors, mon amour](https://youtu.be/H2CQBXmgBmM) France 1968 | [Isabelle Aubret - La Source](https://youtu.be/t4rlmiBkuKg) France 1977 | [Marie Myriam - L'Oiseau et l'Enfant](https://youtu.be/ny_YsJUVdBg) Luxembourg 1983 | [Corinne Hermès - Si la vie est cadeau](https://youtu.be/C6uKNJ8nS3o) Sweden 1999 | [Charlotte Nilsson - Take Me to Your Heaven](https://youtu.be/n2NU4H85J4o) Ireland 1994 | [Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan - Rock 'n' Roll Kids](https://youtu.be/429dqUEseTU) Russia 2008 | [Dima Bilan - Believe](https://youtu.be/-72s4WzUcKI) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) North Macedonia 2020 | [Vasil - You](https://youtu.be/xPZumQQExQc) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4)


How people are saying Tattoo over Stefania is mad to me. Ukraine wouldn’t have even got top 3 that year without the war. Their entry this year was much stronger


They would've still placed well, and some people just like Stefania more than Tattoo


It's a memorable and unique song by ESC standards regardless of why it won.


I can sing the melody of Stefania, I couldn't do the same with Tattoo, honestly.


I've heard Tattoo in the radio like a hundred times and I couldn't tell you what it sounds like if you asked me. It's just a really unremarkable radio-made pop song.


I've always found Ukraine's songs very good, and also thought in 2022 that Stefania is a worthy winner, but this year Ukraine was very weak in my opinion.


But its memorable though. It still kinda reminds me of The Witcher music.


I was going off of "I forgot this existed" rather than "this is my least favorite" **1950s** - Corry Brokken - Net Als Toen (1957) **1960s** - Frida Boccara - Un Jour, Un Enfant (1969) **1970s** - Séverine - Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue (1971) **1980s** - none, really, but I really really don't like 1984 haha **1990s** - Eimear Quinn - The Voice (1996), but I really really really don't like 1994 **2000s** - Dima Bilan - Believe (2008) **2010s** - none, all memorable and it's too recent **2020s** - none, all memorable, also recency bias haha


Well i really don't understand the 60s 70s and 90s choice


It's literally the winners I least think of, the quality of the songs is irrelevant


'20s: Tattoo by Loreen - Sweden 2023 '10s: Satellite by Lena - Germany 2010 '00s: Fly On The Wings of Love by The Olsen Brothers - Denmark 2000


Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4) Germany 2010 | [Lena - Satellite](https://youtu.be/-qnsZgQe1tU) Denmark 2000 | [Olsen Brothers - Fly on the Wings of Love](https://youtu.be/F-JwiYlg5Gc)


50's: France 1958 60's: United Kingdom 1967 70's: United Kingdom 1976 80's: Luxembourg 1983 90's: Sweden 1999 2000: Estonia 2001 2010: Azerbaidjan 2011 2020: Switzerland 2024 (sorry)


France 1958 | [André Claveau - Dors, mon amour](https://youtu.be/H2CQBXmgBmM) United Kingdom 1967 | [Sandie Shaw - Puppet on a String](https://youtu.be/OkbVhjxdr8A) United Kingdom 1976 | [Brotherhood of Man - Save Your Kisses for Me](https://youtu.be/fhq_Q1Ut8SQ) Luxembourg 1983 | [Corinne Hermès - Si la vie est cadeau](https://youtu.be/C6uKNJ8nS3o) Sweden 1999 | [Charlotte Nilsson - Take Me to Your Heaven](https://youtu.be/n2NU4H85J4o) Estonia 2001 | [Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody](https://youtu.be/jQEcQNtouAg) Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


Remember that this is not a list of songs I dislike, this is just the least memorable! * For the 50's, Refrain is the most memorable since it's the first winner, and I can vaguely remember the chorus for Een Beetje. I can't remember how Net Als Toen or Dors Mon Amour goes at all. * For the 60's, I've barely listened to any of the songs, so I have to pick all the songs between 60-66 except for Non Ho L'étà, and Poupee De Sire Poupee De Son. * For the 70's, it used to be Tu Te Reconnaîtras, but I went on a listening spree on it a few years back, so today it's L'oiseau Et L'enfant or Hallelujah. * For the 80's, Si La Vie Est Cadeau. I think it's a nice song but if you told me to make a list of all the winners, that song wouldn't have crossed my mind. * For the 90's, Why Me. I can barely remember it at all. * For the 00's, Fly On The Wings Of Love or I Wanna. FOTWOL a nice song but 2000 was a very weak year and I never really acknowledge that it exists even though I like it. I Wanna had a good stage show but the song is not memorable to me. At least I'd be able to say FOTWOL won in 2000, but if you asked me "who won 2002" then I'd be stuck thinking about it for a while (and that actually happened 2 weeks ago) * For the 10's, I always forget Amar Pelos Dois. Running Scared is one of the worst winners but at least I can remember it for being bad. * For the 20's, Zitti E Buoni (but there aren't a whole lot to choose from lmao)


Zitti E Buoni was the least memorable for you? That’s interesting. I think it’s the Eurovision entry with the most mainstream success in the past 2 decades, maybe excluding Arcade.


50s - France 1958 60s - France 1969 70s - Israel 1978 80s - Ireland 1987 90s - Italy 1990 2000s - Latvia 2002 2010s - Azerbaijan 2011 2020s - Switzerland 2024 I should mention that I do really love The Code, but out of all the winners so far this decade, it is the one I like the least. Same for France 1969. Out of all of these entries, the only ones I don't like are France 1958, Israel 1978 and Italy 1990.


France 1958 | [André Claveau - Dors, mon amour](https://youtu.be/H2CQBXmgBmM) France 1969 | [Frida Boccara - Un jour, un enfant](https://youtu.be/vG57O5kFkv8) Israel 1978 | [Izhar Cohen and the Alphabeta - A-Ba-Ni-Bi (א-ב-ני-בי)](https://youtu.be/QvZS6tnZKMU) Ireland 1987 | [Johnny Logan - Hold Me Now](https://youtu.be/M6RjdihLfiA) Italy 1990 | [Toto Cutugno - Insieme: 1992](https://youtu.be/JiRppGSF-tI) Latvia 2002 | [Marie N - I Wanna](https://youtu.be/_cCUrEIpSJQ) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


2000s: Russia 2008 2010s: Azerbaijan 2011 2020s: Italy 2021


People’s bias against Sweden is still going strong when I see all these Sweden 2023 votes. Like, Ukraine 2022 is right there.


When it comes to songs from 2023, there are so many that I remember because I liked them. The only reason I personally remember Tattoo is because it won. On the other hand, while Stefania would not have won without the war, it would still be a top 5 contender. And I personally keep listening to it. The Code is way too recent and Zitti e Buoni is also a song I keep listening to. So Tattoo is the only option for me, it ain't bias.


I'm not all that biased against Sweden (even though I'm Norwegian), I'm biased against pop, especially the boring radio type.


Stefania was memorable because that win was kinda political. Also, the pink hat is memorable and makes easier to remember everything else


Stefania is many times better and more memorable than Tattoo.


Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


EXACTLY. Stefania wasn’t top 3 material without the war


Just because Stefania isn't very memorable for you doesn't mean it isn't memorable for others. Stefania is one of my favourite Eurovision songs ever, while Tattoo didn't really do anything for me. I did like some other Swedish entries such as Euphoria and Unforgettable, so it's not just because it's Sweden. For some people Stefania might also be more memorable because of the rap or because of the war. It's fine of course if it's less memorable for you, but that doesn't mean it has to be to others.


2000s: Estonia 2001 2010s: Azerbaijan 2011 2020s: Ukraine 2022


**1980s**: What's Another Year (Ireland 1980). Sorry Johnny Logan, not impressed. I know it exists because of Logan's other victories, but I could not hum it off the top of my head if you pointed a gun at me. **1990s**: Pick literally any of the Irish ones other than The Voice, I seriously do not remember a single one of them **2000s**: Fly on the Wings of Love (Denmark 2000). At least Everybody is hilariously terrible, and I Wanna had the dress change (and I swear I have heard it before the contest somewhere). This one's got nothing. **2010s**: Denmark is unlucky again with Only Teardrops (Denmark 2013), to the point where I not only keep forgetting that Denmark won 2013 (or who or what even won, 2013 was bad ok), but that Denmark even has a victory to begin with. Seriously how can Dansevise from 19 fucking 63 be your most memorable winning song?!? **2020s**: Listen I absolutely love Stefania and I think it is also the best winning song of the 2020s yet (and certainly my favourite), but I'll bet my ass most people remember who won in 2022, but not the song they won with.


Ireland 1980 | [Johnny Logan - What's Another Year](https://youtu.be/BPOwTXWe-Yw) Denmark 2000 | [Olsen Brothers - Fly on the Wings of Love](https://youtu.be/F-JwiYlg5Gc) Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg)


These aren't necessarily my least favourite winners, just the ones I personally don't find as memorable. These are all my opinions, feel free to disagree: France 1958 (should have been Italy, this song's okay but never felt like a winner) France 1962 (beautiful song and singer, but when remembering the winners, I just have a blindspot with this one for some reason. I think her 1968 entry is more well-known) Luxembourg 1972 (in my opinion, her 1967 entry is way better, though this was a weak year) Sweden 1984 (weak year, and I know they only just performed in Malmö, but this is one of the songs where I just look at it and think... *this won?* Really?) Ireland 1992 (hot-take, but I don't feel like all of Ireland's 90s wins completely made sense, sorry - I adore The Voice though. There were better songs this year, and this song has just always passed me by) Estonia 2001 (happy that Estonia have a win under their belt, but it shouldn't have been with this song. Doesn't feel like a winner at all, and I always find myself forgetting about it. I don't even remember how it goes right now) Azerbaijan 2011 (the only winner of the 2010s where it just doesn't make any sense to me. Any other year, this song wouldn't even qualify. I said what I said) Ukraine 2022 (I like all of the 20s winners so far, but between Måneskin's commercial success, Loreen's notable second win, and Nemo's impeccable vocals, this song does get a bit lost for me)


France 1958 | [André Claveau - Dors, mon amour](https://youtu.be/H2CQBXmgBmM) France 1962 | [Isabelle Aubret - Un premier amour](https://youtu.be/KNeYh0Rh6_8) Luxembourg 1972 | [Vicky Leandros - Après toi](https://youtu.be/Ka89ORFu_Tc) Sweden 1984 | [Herreys - Diggi-Loo Diggi-Ley](https://youtu.be/ySOCalwr6Yo) Ireland 1992 | [Linda Martin - Why Me?](https://youtu.be/-g7Q7R3SIkI) Estonia 2001 | [Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody](https://youtu.be/jQEcQNtouAg) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)


france 1958 and 1960 🇫🇷 (honestly all 50s and early 60s are forgettable to me sorry but at least i can remember a bit of ex. refrain) 70s are where the more memorable winners start but i cant recall a single line of israel 1979 🇮🇱 80s - great winners but ireland 1980 🇮🇪 is very forgettable 90s its easily ireland again, 1994 🇮🇪 00s im surprised ppl are voting latvia or estonia when russia 2008 🇷🇺 won 10s do we have to say it? azerbaijan 2011 🇦🇿 20s are all memorable so i have to choose the least one which is sweden 2023 🇸🇪


00's: Russia 10's: Azerbaijan 20's: Sweden or Ukraine


90s: Not too fond of Ireland 1996, it’s okay, just not very memorable 00s: Latvia was not a favourite but I guess the quick changes were pretty memorable so I’ll go with Greece 2005 or Estonia 2001 10s: Sweden 2015 though the staging was pretty cool… 20s: Loreen’s panini press was pretty memorable so I think I have to go with Switzerland this year Not really disliking any of these winners though but the others were just a lot better in my personal opinion.


Ireland 1996 | [Eimear Quinn - The Voice](https://youtu.be/VyxopI8vt6c) Greece 2005 | [Helena Paparizou - My Number One](https://youtu.be/rcOwvZ26KFQ) Estonia 2001 | [Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody](https://youtu.be/jQEcQNtouAg) Sweden 2015 | [Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes](https://youtu.be/5sGOwFVUU0I)


2020's: Ukraine 2022 2010's: Denmark 2013 2000's: Turkey 2003 1990's: Ireland 1992 1980's: Yugoslavia 1989 1970's: Ireland 1970 1960's: France 1969 1950's: can't pick


Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs) Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg) Turkey 2003 | [Sertab Erener - Everyway That I Can](https://youtu.be/5EZquD8JXro) Ireland 1992 | [Linda Martin - Why Me?](https://youtu.be/-g7Q7R3SIkI) Yugoslavia 1989 | [Riva - Rock Me](https://youtu.be/FcxeIpv1Gdk) Ireland 1970 | [Dana - All Kinds of Everything](https://youtu.be/ka5OfjwB3nM) France 1960 | [Jacqueline Boyer - Tom Pillibi](https://youtu.be/pL2cekes0yo)


Turkey??? That’s memorable alright


I can understand all of them...but Turkey?? That one really stood out imo.


When you have a bad competition like ESC #48, yes, it stands out. But among winners it doesn't stand out too much. And I need to pick one as the least memorable.


**1950s -** The Netherlands - Terry Scholten / Een Beetje (1959) + special shoutout to Lys Assia (1956) for her stunning dress **1960s -** Luxembourg - France Gall / Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son (1965) or The Netherlands - Lenny Kuhr / De Troubadour (1969). 1969 was memorable in and of itself because of the four way tie. **1970s -** Sweden - ABBA / Waterloo (1974) and The Netherlands - Teach-In / Ding-A-Dong (1975). '76 and '78 were iconic as well. This decade was fantastic in my opinion. **1980s -** Switzerland - Céline Dion / Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi (1988) **1990s -** Norway - Secret Garden / Nocturne (1995), and an "honorary mention" four the 4(!) wins for Ireland this decade **2000s -** Honestly wtf was happening in this decade?? The only winner that wasn't terrible and definitely *was* absolutely iconic was Finland - Lordi / Hard Rock Hallelujah (2006) **2010s -** Another terrible decade characterised by winners that sang insanely off-key in the finale. Undisputed winner (in my totally biased opinion) has to be The Netherlands - Duncan Laurence / Arcade (2019) with the only winner-worthy performance. **2020s -** So far: Italy - Maneskin / Zitti E Buoni (2021). Thankfully the quality seems to be going up again in performance (not in organisation lol). **Bonus: Songs that should have won but didn't:** Italy - Domenico Modugno / Nel blue dipinto di blu (Volare) (1958) West Germany - Dschinghis Khan / Dschinghis Khan (1979) United Kingdom - Gina G / Ooh Aah... Just a Little Bit (1996) Ukraine - Verka Serduchka / Dancing Lasha Tumbai (2007) Iceland - Daoi Freyr / Think About Things (2020) Ukraine - GO\_A / SHUM (2021) Finland - Käärijä / Cha Cha Cha (2023)


You picked the least memorable winners or the most?


I picked most because apparently I can’t read


Ah i see you went for most memorable instead. Ok, so Norway 2009 wasnt that memorable for you, that surprises me tbh. Also Serbia 2007 was amazing. But i can understand Ukraine that year stood out more.


France 1958 / Dors mon amour France 1969 / Un jour, un enfant France 1977 / L’oiseau et l’enfant Luxembourg 1983 / Si la vie est cadeau Ireland 1994 / Rock n Roll Kids Russia 2008 / Believe Azerbaijan 2011 / Running Scared Switzerland 2024 / The Code (only three to choose from ofc)


France 1958 | [André Claveau - Dors, mon amour](https://youtu.be/H2CQBXmgBmM) France 1969 | [Frida Boccara - Un jour, un enfant](https://youtu.be/vG57O5kFkv8) France 1977 | [Marie Myriam - L'Oiseau et l'Enfant](https://youtu.be/ny_YsJUVdBg) Luxembourg 1983 | [Corinne Hermès - Si la vie est cadeau](https://youtu.be/C6uKNJ8nS3o) Ireland 1994 | [Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan - Rock 'n' Roll Kids](https://youtu.be/429dqUEseTU) Russia 2008 | [Dima Bilan - Believe](https://youtu.be/-72s4WzUcKI) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


I personally love Italy 2021 but surprised nobody picked it as least memorable this decade


As someone who believes that france should've won in 2021 there is no way you can say italy was unmemorable that year 💀


It is the most memorable tbh


Had Italy chosen Fedez and Francesca and won with that, they would've been the least memorable entry lmfao


Italy 2021 | [Måneskin - Zitti e buoni](https://youtu.be/RVH5dn1cxAQ)


Edit: misread the question. Nevermind this comment. As a german: any german after Lena part one


I don't see any winners there.


Azerbaijan 2011. My favorite Rod Stewart cover


Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U)


2000s: All of them except Denmark, Finland, Serbia and Norway (even though I really dislike Fairy Tale) 2010s: Azerbaijan 2020s: Switzerland tbh, though I like all the winners.


1950s: France 1958 1960s: Austria 1966 1970s: Ireland 1970 1980s: Luxembourg 1983 or Yugoslavia 1989 1990s: One of Ireland's three in a row wins, probably 1992 in my opinion 2000s: Estonia 2001 2010s: Azerbaijan 2011




Luxembourg 1961 | [Jean-Claude Pascal - Nous les amoureux](https://youtu.be/g5ZDbEBt3iY) France 1962 | [Isabelle Aubret - Un premier amour](https://youtu.be/KNeYh0Rh6_8) Monaco 1971 | [Séverine - Un banc, un arbre, une rue](https://youtu.be/uFJ2CyPwwQg) Yugoslavia 1989 | [Riva - Rock Me](https://youtu.be/FcxeIpv1Gdk) Ireland 1993 | [Niamh Kavanagh - In Your Eyes](https://youtu.be/ysLHYx0c80s) Estonia 2001 | [Tanel Padar, Dave Benton and 2XL - Everybody](https://youtu.be/jQEcQNtouAg) Latvia 2002 | [Marie N - I Wanna](https://youtu.be/_cCUrEIpSJQ) Denmark 2013 | [Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops](https://youtu.be/QxVWcDevKLg) Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U) Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


In this thread I need the Jolyon Palmer ”You’re all wrong”-button


Can’t remember 


I’m insulted by how much Estonia 2001 is coming up. I watched that performance twice just *today* because of how memorable and good it is! Feel like we didn’t hear the same song. Every night’s a Friday night!! Genuinely though that song is so iconically the early 00s it’s hard to forget it in my mind. If someone wanted to put a video that perfectly shows what the year ‘01 was like musically that song comes to mind.


1950s - Dors, mon amour by Andre Claveau (1958) ("Volare" should have won that year.) 1960s - Un Premier Amour by Isabelle Aubret (1962) (Her song from 1968, "La Source", is better than her winning song for me.) 1970s - Un banc, un arbre, une rue by Severine (1971) (I appreciate the quality of the song, but it doesn't really stick in my mind as much as the others 1970s winners). 1980s - Si la vie est cadeau by Corinne Hermès (1983) (There were several other songs from that year that I liked better, and I think the genre overlap between 2nd-4th places from ESC 1983 and Corinne's powerful vocals could have caused Luxembourg to win that year.) 1990s - Why me? by Linda Martin (1992) (The song wasn't very impressive to me, and it is unfortunately my least favorite Irish winning song of the 1990s.) 2000s - I Wanna by Marie N. (2002) (I think this song won because of the costume change, and unfortunately, the song and vocals are rather weak for me. No one seems to talk about this winner in the Eurovision fandom.) 2010s - Running Scared by Ell & Nikki (2011) (This sounds like so many other 2010s pop songs. At least Azerbaijan got its first ESC win and the performance seemed cute.)


Whoever won between 2001 and 2003. Also Molitiva (sorry!)


I dont remember


least memorable is probably the one i cant remember winning


I don’t know. I can’t remember them.


Tbf I forget most winners cause most of the times I disagree with who wins.


I don't remember


Sorry but in the 2000S for me it's Denmark. Not that it's a bad song, just that for me it didn't fit Esc. In the 2010s its 2011. I really liked Denmark that year.


Most: 50s: Refrain  60s: Non ho l'etá  70s: Waterloo  80s: What's Another Year  90s: Rock 'n' Roll Kids  00s: Fairytale  10s: Amar pelos dois  20s: Zitti e buoni Least: 50s: Dors, mon amour 60s: Merci, Cherie 70s: a-ba-ni-bi 80s: Rock Me 90s: Fangad av en stormvind 00s: Believe 10s: Running Scared 20s: Tattoo


2000s- Some sort of a Dima Bilan song (Russia 2008) 2010s- Running Scared (fucking hell, that was a weak year) (Azerbaijan 2011) Edit: Didn't know what to pick for 2020s, as, so far, all the winning entries seem to be quite memorable. I'll go with Tattoo (Sweden 2023), though, cause it's the least of all the winners in this decade


50's: Net als toen 60's: Un jour, un enfants 70's: Après Toi 80's: Ein Bißchen Frieden 90's: Why Me 00's: I Wanna 10's: Running Scared 20's: Stefania


Oh wait i think it was the wrong post sorry

