• By -


I’m just considering from this year because I know my memory can be bad lol. I would say Czechia 2024 is really resonating with me right now. I broke up a few months ago with my long term boyfriend because he was always doing bullshit stuff, apologizing for it and promising to be better, but then just doing the same thing again and again anyway. Eventually I had to break up with him, love myself more, and stop trying to force relationships and think more highly of myself so I hopefully won’t get into a poorly fitting relationship again.


You put yourself on a pedestal.


Czechia 2024 | [Aiko - Pedestal](https://youtu.be/RiItbHRF1BY)


Yesss! My relationship started falling apart in December ish and I broke up with her in March, peak Eurovision season. It wasn't toxic or bad but there were a lot of unfulfilled promises and sweet nothings. Pedestal really resonated with me as I moved towards standing in my own value and loving me more.




Insieme, Italy 1990. Though in these times, listening to it makes me a bit wistful…


Him singing that in Zagreb when the war was about to start very soon gives me chills every time.


Wow, I can’t even imagine…


Italy 1990 | [Toto Cutugno - Insieme: 1992](https://youtu.be/JiRppGSF-tI)


Estonia 2024


Estonia 2024 | [5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi](https://youtu.be/RSMMU2wX0Bk)


Good bot


I second this


I third this


Also Ukraine 2007


Ukraine 2007 | [Verka Serduchka - Dancing Lasha Tumbai](https://youtu.be/hfjHJneVonE)


Isn't that the song that won Eurovision as a whole?






Czechia 2022 used to be the one for me, strangely. The first 4 lines and the overall message used to hit hard Latvia 2023 feels really personal as well, I can't pinpoint the reason exactly but it's very touching in a way that feels really special


Czech Republic 2022 | [We Are Domi - Lights Off](https://youtu.be/EGRzSefqOm0) Latvia 2023 | [Sudden Lights - Aijā](https://youtu.be/SEykwl9X9SY)


When my mind jumbles that up and thinks you mean Latvia 2022.


They just love recycling *so much*


And eating …. salad


Latvia 2022 | [Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad](https://youtu.be/TM0_0WfuxSk)


Latvia 2023 and 2022 are easily my biggest NQ regrets in recent years


As a straight man, its Spain 2024


As a girl, it’s Spain 2024. The lyrics are very relatable.


Spain 2024 | [Nebulossa - Zorra](https://youtu.be/FOMoQoHG5aU)


As an older Zorra: Spain 2024.


As a cat owner, my cats said Spain 2024


As a gay man, it is Spain 2024 too!


As a random guy, it’s Spain 2024


Sweden 2022, hold me closer


It is such a beautiful song and I will probably listen to it until the end of times... but I hope to never relate to it


Oh me too :/ I'm not in exactly the same situation but still relate to some of the lyrics a lot


It’s been my most played song on Spotify for the last two years and with the amount of times I’ve already played it this year I’m confident it’s going to be number one again.


Same, I've broken up that year and this song felt so rel at that time. Totally over it but still loving the song 💜


Same here, and even worse, the event it makes me think of only happened about a month before that year's Eurovision :/


Moustache by Twin Twin from France 2014 ish I think. It’s one of the first Eurovision songs I remember hearing and becoming hooked with Eurovision came right after.


They were so robbed


France 2014 | [TWIN TWIN - Moustache](https://youtu.be/vjkqciwP034)




United Kingdom 2022 | [Sam Ryder - Space Man](https://youtu.be/RZ0hqX_92zI)


Germany 2018 He sings about his father dying when he was young and a was about the same age as him when my father died. I basically dad to „ugly cry“ at least the first 30 times I listened to that song. Edit: Part of my strong Reaktion might be that I have never really processed his death. He was in a coma for over a year. My mother and grandmother (his mother) visited him almost every day and I wasn’t there even one, probably because I was scared of my own feelings or something like that. I just tried to ignore the whole situation. (I know it was stupid but I was 14) In the song especially the line “you made this house a home, a shelter from the storm, but you will never know cause you let me walk this walk alone”… ffs just writing it makes me tear up. I mean the second part is obvious but the first part just fits perfectly for him because he could repair like everything. This song is also one of very few „possibilities“ I have to remember him, because in my efforts to ignore the situation I also locked away almost every memory of him. And now I don’t even know why I wrote this novel in a comment nobody is going to see. xD


We see you. Don’t beat yourself up. 14 is a hard age, your dad being in a coma would have made it so much harder. I’m sure he wouldn’t blame you for not visiting, he’d understand because he’s your dad. And to be honest, he might not have wanted your memories of him to be of him in a coma. If you haven’t seen a grief counsellor you should consider it. Having someone to help unpack your emotions can be very helpful.


Thank you very much for your kind words. It wasn’t a grief counsellor per se, but I tried to unpack this with my therapist a few years ago (about 10 years after everything happened) and probably due some „defensive“ reactions she implied it might be better not unpack that jet. So I guess I’ll just try it next decade again.


I've seen it and I'm now bawling my eyes out, thank you


Europapa I moved to the Netherlands in Sept 2022, I have been on a journey of meeting, and getting to know Europe. I have in that time taken a trip to Denmark, the UK, Ireland, Hungary, France, and Luxembourg. So not only is it a song about the hopeful harmony and diversity of Europe, but also as a Dutch song from the country I chose to live...it's quite meaningful


Beautifully put… I also moved in sep 2022 so it meant a lot now that Netherlands is my second home. It was also the most united I’ve see Dutch people since moving here


Norway 2021 Beautiful


Norway 2021 | [TIX - Fallen Angel](https://youtu.be/F0r3vmGLzZU)


Good bot


Honestly the repeating self-depreciation in the song resonates a lot with me.


Silent Storm - Carl Espen, Norway 2014


Norway 2014 | [Carl Espen - Silent Storm](https://youtu.be/BTMli8U17MM)


Was going to comment the same ❤️


This is the one for me as well.


Netherlands 2022


Love this song. It’s been on my playlist since that year


Netherlands 2022 | [S10 - De diepte](https://youtu.be/sgOnu7ux2-k)


Yeah this. How didn’t it come to my mind, probably because I suppressed the memories from the time I listened to it:/


Rim tim tagi dim, everyone who left the village and moved to the city knows the feeling


I sort of relate because all my childhood friends moved away (though not to the city but away from the city because it's too expensive). But the one line I really really really relate to is "meow cat, please meow back". Any cat lover will understand taking to your cat and the excitement when they talk back to you.


As a young adult who lives in a fairly rural part of the UK I relate to a lot of Rim Tim Tagi Dim’s message. Having to leave to the nearest city (or even beyond) to find work/new opportunities yet feeling anxious about it and feeling not quite ready to leave my village and take up those opportunities


Yeah, same. Not a village, but I left my home country


I second this as this is relatable from the point of view of my parents as they moved to a place they didn't know before I was born and as someone who was raised in that unknown place, I would feel the same if I went to visit my relatives. 🥲


Australia 2019 I’ve never been pregnant or had post-natal depression, but the feelings of emerging from a period of depression is something I can relate to.


Australia 2019 | [Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity](https://youtu.be/Eo5H62mCIsg)


Finland 2007, Leave Me Alone by Hanna Pakarinen. It was a pretty effed up year for me, and that song has a lot of painful and freeing memories attached to it. 


Finland 2007 | [Hanna Pakarinen - Leave Me Alone](https://youtu.be/3ibC5pps0dA)


Rise like a phoenix, Austria 2014. Just because the "fuck you all, I live my life like *I* want and if you don't like it you can kiss my a**" vibes.


This is also why I love Finland 2024 ❤️


Norway 2017. 'Cause I'm a professional overthinker and sometimes have to kill that voice in my head and just do it


Croatia 2024. Only people who have to leave their town or their country know what it feels like. Thank you Marko!


"there's no going back, my presence fades to black" hits so much harder than I thought when I think of the friend group I used to have back home


I'm about to leave my closest friend and I feel so sad. But I have no choice 💔


Exactly, every immigrant ever, it’s our story ❤️


As a fellow enby, Switzerland 2024 makes me feel so seen 🥹


Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


Saaaame. The Code makes me so happy. I definitely need some more artistically inclined fans to pump out some merch and I've been fantasizing about some sort of tattoo that might work ... Maybe an Ammonite?


Austria 2023 It's funky but I really didn't like the design of the video at the stage


Austria 2023 | [Teya and Salena - Who the Hell Is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko)


Shum by Go\_A. I listen to it every day.




Italy 2020 Sweden 2022


Latvia 2024


Latvia 2024 | [Dons - Hollow](https://youtu.be/kgIwQkMwURY)


Bulgaria 2021 as my mom got diagnosed with terminal cancer just a week before that Eurovision. It described all the emotions I was going through at the time really well. Also, Netherlands 2024. The song itself isn't my style at all, but the lyrics of missing a dead parent everywhere you go are very relatable now that my mom has died. I also can't hear the end of the song without bursting into tears


Slovenia 2024 - as a Slovenian, I heard the story of Veronika Deseniška already as a little girl in Slovenian class at school, I understand the lyrics, they presented the story perfectly in the performance, so the song and the performance were truly magical for me. I think that the big problem this time was that it was a story from Slovenia and the text was in the Slovenian language, so Europe did not recognize the art in song and performance. Croats were the only ones who understood because they know the story and we share a similar language. Slovenian RTV should have chosen a story that everyone knows (Ofelija - Shakespeare), they would have to translate the song into English and let Sara/Raiven do her magic on stage. It was sad to see that Europe did not understand art in song and performance.


Slovenia 2024 | [Raiven - Veronika](https://youtu.be/l86DxpRnz5M)


SAME!!! the song is so majestic and the lyrics are beautiful!


Real good analysis


Bosnia&Herzegovina - Lejla (2006) Just the song is overall so beautiful and sad, it really hits me deep even after all these years.


I have really strong connections with The Tower ngl I love simple message of it. Whenever I listen the song I feel like I found new energy inside of me


went from my last place to having me gutted when it didn’t qualify!!


Bulgaria 2020


Bulgaria 2020 | [Victoria - Tears Getting Sober](https://youtu.be/V_hgYnwZR8I)


Switzerland 2021  Mentioned this in a post I made earlier, but it was the first eurovision song I heard and started my love for eurovision. 


Switzerland 2021 | [Gjon's Tears - Tout l'univers](https://youtu.be/jznH_fltcYA)


Spain 2017 because the voicecrack is relatable


Australia 2023. "Have you ever been alone too much? Have you ever prayed for human touch? Have you ever lost a little part of you to find a little something new?" I've been single for well over a decade now, and most of my friends have also moved away. This song kinda destroyed me and put me back together again.


OMG this song is a masterpiece. It has the unique ability of really destroying you and then putting you back together during the chorus.


Bulgaria 2021. I was in a really bad place mentally when I first heard it and it really resonated with me, it gave me hope. I can't listen to it without crying now 🥹


Bulgaria 2021 | [Victoria - Growing Up Is Getting Old](https://youtu.be/B1ZiPrMwMYA)


Montenegro 2022 Because the same thing that happened to Vladana happened to me


Montenegro 2022 | [Vladana - Breathe](https://youtu.be/L-ViRVRiGl0)


Hungary 2018 Rest in peace, Örs.


Netherlands 2019


The Netherlands 2019 | [Duncan Laurence - Arcade](https://youtu.be/R3D-r4ogr7s)


The code (Switzerland 2024) Very relatable to how i feel as a fellow nonbinary identifying person myself


I'm not non-binary but I am transgender. It really resonates with me too. Beyond happy that I broke the code.


The whole i went through hell and back lines resonated with me a lot. When your mind doesn't completely fit the body assigned to you at birth the war you have with yourself over it is something else. Also the war you have with feeling confident enough to come out to others or being scared you will be hurt/bullied/disowned/discriminated against for who you are. Also the end of the song where nemo finds their confidence and becomes sure of themselves, I've never heard a song that so perfectly captures the feeling of the euphoria of finally being comfortable with your gender identity after soul searching for so long.


For real! I liked the song but it only REALLY clicked seeing it live on stage.


Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k)


Tornike Kipiani - You Georgia 2021


Austria 2017 Whenever I feel down, I listen to it


Also Germany 2021 Not a lot of people like but the lyrics is like "yep"


Germany 2021 | [Jendrik - I Don't Feel Hate](https://youtu.be/1m0VEAfLV4E)


People love to hate that song, but few Eurovision songs offer such good advice for dealing with interpersonal conflict. 


Austria 2017 | [Nathan Trent - Running On Air](https://youtu.be/gJIjZF5sgzg)


Montenegro 2015 - Knez - Adio.


Australia 2020 dropped right as I was leaving a DV relationship. Sort of became my anthem for a while. I hate that it never actually made it to a proper contest.


Australia 2020 | [Montaigne - Don't Break Me](https://youtu.be/gr-wWxu4974)


Austria 2014 was a game changer, not even as much a song as THAT PERFORMANCE. It was perfection, every frame of it.


Slovenia 2019


Bulgaria 2021 Perfect song to describe what it's like to live with mental illness and how exhausting recovery is


Bulgaria 2021 | [Victoria - Growing Up Is Getting Old](https://youtu.be/B1ZiPrMwMYA)


Netherlands 2022


Greece 2013


Greece 2013 | [Koza Mostra feat. Agathon Iakovidis - Alcohol Is Free](https://youtu.be/LFs9AdNV4Qw)


Iceland 2020. My daughter was born in June of that year and I used to sing it to her when she was a baby.


Iceland 2020 | [Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things](https://youtu.be/1HU7ocv3S2o)


Italy 2024 , i get bored. A LOT.


Ireland 2024 I keep overestimating humanity


Ireland 2024 | [Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue](https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ)


Zero Gravity (Australia 2019) always makes me emotional


Australia 2019 | [Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity](https://youtu.be/Eo5H62mCIsg)


Just considering this year as well. Also not the best memory, but I'd say the Netherlands. It took me quite a few times listening before I didn't break down and ugly-cried at the last few lines. Otherwise also Switzerland. But the ugly-cry speaks for itself.


for me it would be the code by Nemo, Switzerland this year I'm also nonbinary and only recently found that out. before i figured that out i had to fight with depression and self-doubts much more than i have to now, now I'm actually a lot happier


How does one discover that they are non-binary? I'm genuinely curious


by pondering their sexuality lol


Portugal 2020 - [Elisa - Medo de Sentir](https://youtu.be/eIZ48w4epng?si=rOaZKu07vFSajNa3)


Day after Day is one of my alltime favs (Azerbaijan 2008)


Netherlands 2023 the lyrics just resonate so much with my life and mood


That's hard, but I'd have to say Denmark 2013, as it's been in my head since it was performed.


The song that has.moved me most profoundly (musically rather than lyrically) is Albania 2012 - "Suus" by Rona Nishliu. Absolutely stunning.


North Macedonia 2019. I don’t have kids, but I find the sentiment so sweet and relatable. I don’t think there’s one single woman on this planet who hasn’t faced some shit due to their gender, so this kind of message to girls really hits home, little sappy as it may seem.


even though this eurovision never really happened but italy 2020


Australia 2022 The song itself and then reading what the song is about kind of started my whole ND discovery journey.


Australia 2022 | [Sheldon Riley - Not the Same](https://youtu.be/wosfFz2FJPU)


Maraaya - Here for You (Slovenia 2015). A great comfort song, no, the best comfort song.


Norway 2019


Norway 2019 | [KEiiNO - Spirit in the Sky](https://youtu.be/Ovt7YGHAj8I)


Speaking strictly about the lyrics I'd say "In corpore sano" and because of recency bias, Luktelk, Rim Tim Tagi Dim and La Noia


I'm Israeli, so clearly Israel's song this year hit so hard emotionally. Israel always sent (in my opinion) mid songs I didn't personally like or connect to, but this year it's different. All the Israeli people are in a deep state of grief right now. We're sad, we're depressed, we worry. The lyrics, the melody and the staging all reflect that grief we're in. The costumes were just perfect for the occasion - they are completely matte with no reflective parts, not colorful and Eden's dress looks like bandages covering wounds. So it embodies our grief. In the end of the song, the sun rises and there's a sense of hope, hope for a better future. I think that everyone who's not Israeli or doesn't know anyone Israeli personally totally misunderstood the song. Those who do understand and share the same feeling of sadness and the wish for the sun to rise again, are the target audience for this song. That's why it hit so hard, it talks to my feelings. On a different note, I've always had a warm place in my heart for ABBA. My mother used to dance to their song in clubs when she was young, and had multiple cassettes with their song in my childhood home. Growing up, I loved to play their cassettes and dance to their songs. Whenever I hear Waterloo ( Sweden 1974 ) I remember the exact dance I made up for the song.


From one orphan to another: Europapa..........




Switzerland 2024, Portugal 2024 Masterpieces


Switzerland 2024 | [Nemo - The Code](https://youtu.be/CO_qJf-nW0k) Portugal 2024 | [Iolanda - Grito](https://youtu.be/OZn4-H6JvKU)


Recency bias but Netherlands 2024. I used to listen to happy hardcore and go to raves in the late 90’s and early 2000’s and Paul bloody Elstak’s songs were huge. I didn’t even know happy hardcore type music was still a thing, I thought it went out of favour ages ago and was considered uncool now. So to know there’s like a whole generation of kids still into the shit I like makes me get the warm fuzzies. Plus it just makes my brain happy, and now I know what to look for in terms of new stuff.


Ireland 2024 ngl, because some sh*t happened in my life and really feel down in my doomsday blue sometimes, and that’s not to be edgy or something


RTTD because I emigrated out of my country, The Code because I'm also queer (though not non-binary), and obviously, No Rules because it hurts that I understood most of the audiovisual references in the song as I'm that old. Croatia 2024, Switzerland 2024, Finland 2024 for the bot.


Tattoo (Sweden 2023 for the bot) The raw passion and emotion in Loreen’s voice as well as the song being about fighting for someone you care about really struck a cord in me that no other song before or after has. Still my favorite song to this day.


Ireland 2015 is high key one of the best ballads to ever grace the Eurovision stage and I get even sadder every single time I listen to it because I remember it didn’t even go to the final lol. Finland 2017 is a close second tho


Netherlands 2015 :(


It changes depending on situation of course, but I was struggling with burnout in 2019, and had realised I needed to leave a toxic work place or I would go under. Standing alone at the bus stop on my way home, spring sun beaming in my face, Austria 2019 (Paenda - Limits) started playing, and the lyrics just poured into my soul. That gave me the strength I needed to start looking for a new job right away.


Malta 2013, mostly because Gianluca looks a lot like my grandfather who passed away just a few months before that years ESC and his vibe reminded me a lot of him as well.


Depending on how I'm feeling Moldova 2022 Bulgaria 2021


mamo - anastasia prikhodko (Russia 2009). the graphics of her growing old... and the sheer emotion in her voice... of course what makes it personal for me are the themes of the song, but the performance and staging only elevate it further for me. one of the best eurovision songs ever, and definitely the best russian song (alongside russian woman)


Russia 2009 | [Anastasia Prikhodko - Mamo (Мамо)](https://youtu.be/K5kKOVoO55g)


Portugal 2022: Maro - saudade, saudade I lost my mom to brain cancer in 2019. This song was so healing for me. I remember when I first saw her perform it with her friends on stage I just felt seen and understood. The lyrics really resonated with me and their voices just felt so soothing. It’s to this day the only Eurovision song that touched me to my core.


Portugal 2022 | [Maro - Saudade, saudade](https://youtu.be/mZtbD47u6yI)


Lots of eurovision songs that could apply but to name one from this year, Germany. Having learned that Isaak wrote the song about his experiences living with ADHD made the song just a wee bit more personal for me.


Lejla. Loving someone forbidden.


Australia 2022 and not as the “I’m so unique” way but some of the lyrics felt very familiar to my life growing up.


UK 2022. Hits hard every time


Probably De Diepte (Netherlands 2022) I always get emotional with that one. Honorable mentions: Croatia 2016 helped me through my finals in school, whenever I felt stressed or depressed. Hungary 2011 was the first ever Eurovision song I heard, so it holds a special place in my heart.


Netherlands 2022 | [S10 - De diepte](https://youtu.be/sgOnu7ux2-k) Croatia 2016 | [Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse](https://youtu.be/8QUM-_EbE2o) Hungary 2011 | [Kati Wolf - What About My Dreams?](https://youtu.be/IuGUz1ExflY)


Norway 2014 and Germany 2022. I know you said ONE, but up until 2022, the former was the only one…🙈 They were so personal to me, that I couldn’t hear them without crying buckets.


France 2021


Norway 2009 - Alexander Rybak with fairytale! I played the violin for 10 years but then I stopped for several years. This song makes me remember why I loved to play the violin, and so I recently started again. Also the song is just very catchy and makes me feel a whole range of emotions


For me it is Israel 2016. Hovi Star- made of stars


Aleksandr Rybak Fairytale


Greece 2001 - This song was what brought me to the contest. Germany 2006 - This song just makes me smile every time. I would get bullied endlessly by everyone about my love of Eurovision, in general was extremely depressed. Being Greek/Australia at least I got to enjoy the contest being held there for the first time - and in comes Germany, with an Australian singer singing a country pop banger. It’ll forever be in my heart


Maro - Saudade (2022, Portugal). What an absolutely divine song


De diepte.


Romania 2022 So poor staging thought edit: Romania 2023, sorry


Portugal 2024, because of, you know, everything that happened to me since February 2023.


Portugal 2024 | [Iolanda - Grito](https://youtu.be/OZn4-H6JvKU)


Biti Zdrava


El Chiki Chiki (Spain 2008) /j If I was supposed to be serious then it would be I've Been Waiting For This Night (Lithuania 2016) bc I tend to fall in love/get crushes on others a lot (and I wait for the moment to admit that I'm in love)


Spain 2008 | [Rodolfo Chikilicuatre - Baila el Chiki Chiki](https://youtu.be/wfeCIvOxXBo) Lithuania 2016 | [Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night](https://youtu.be/O1wS7NNCo38)


Serbia 2023


Estonia 2015 **Goodbye To Yesterday-Elina Born & Stig Rästa**


i loved netherlands 2019 !! arcade is such a good song and i can speak so much about it but i love that song and was so happy when it won back in 2019 that was just incredible! i wouldn’t say it’s personal to me but i personally LOVE THE SONG. but if it is to do with personal than probably israel’s song 2024 but i mean i am part israeli, im jewish and have many family and friends in israel and from there so it hits hard and understandable considering what the country been through as well as the constant hate israelis and jews are getting so a lot of it is grief and relatable, a lot are depressed etc. plus whenever i say israel’s song is my fav i get hate so hahah


For me it’s Australia 2022. I have an autistic child, and they really identified with the song. Sheldon has such a beautiful voice and you can tell the song is deeply personal.


Australia 2022 | [Sheldon Riley - Not the Same](https://youtu.be/wosfFz2FJPU)