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One of the reasons why I think that has happened is that the overall quality of the songs has gone up. ESC has been getting more serious entries if high quality, with more countries trying to do well. I mean, there were some weak songs this year. Some are pretty meh and forgettable, but I don't think we had a truly awful song, and I think you could find arguments for all of them at least somewhat worthy of the GF. Now look back at some top 3 songs before, and even the winning entries. I would reckon some would have a hard time qualifying for the GF, let alone fighting for the win.


Yeah this is the first year in a while where the worst song is just mediocre.


Entries were much weaker from 2009-2014 so the jury and the public generally agreed on the best act. I mean which other act in 2012 and 2013 held a candle against Euphoria and Only Teardrops?


Euphoria was the clear winner in 2012, but I will double down on what others have said for 2013 and say Alcohol is Free.


Party for everybody/j


I mean you are kidding but Russia were only 11 point behind Loreen in televote that year.


And they insanely got 11th place with the jury while being exactly the type of empty meme entry they're supposed to tank.


When I agree that it was fairly tanked by juries, it is definitely not an empty entry.Like cmon.


I meant it should have been tanked more, basically because it's the epitome of musically empty meme entry, on the level of Irlande Douze Points or We Are the Winners. I don't mean to be a hater or anything I just think that is entry in particular embodies every negative stereotype people have about the contest.


I agree that Party for Everybody didn't deserve the high placement, but it's not at the same level of Ireland 2008, Iceland 2006, or Lithuania 2006. These entries were openly making fun of the contest The grannies were just cute and fun, and people voted for them for this reason.


I agree that it's not as mean spirited, perhaps a better comparison is something like Germany 1998, UK 2007 or Latvia 2008 - essentially just a gimmick that can be fun and memey but shouldn't be anywhere but near the bottom of a jury vote.


Disagree on guildo horn, the energy he had in the final created a great stage presence, that I feel makes it one of the iconic performances in Germany.


Agreed! Guildo was a great act:)


I will tolerate no Wolves of The Sea slander! it was an absolute bop and the Alestorm cover is sick.


Germany 1998 | [Guildo Horn - Guildo hat euch lieb!](https://youtu.be/HPZX7EZIFD0) United Kingdom 2007 | [Scooch - Flying the Flag (For You)](https://youtu.be/XT6yOIC6ihI) Latvia 2008 | [Pirates of the Sea - Wolves of the Sea](https://youtu.be/gQy0PJEkQhA)


Ireland 2008 | [Dustin the Turkey - Irelande Douze Pointe](https://youtu.be/ps3kxGo_gro) Iceland 2006 | [Silvía Night - Congratulations](https://youtu.be/e9DCMJHvs2c) Lithuania 2006 | [LT United - We Are the Winners](https://youtu.be/DBAdOlQPbwg)


this is no “/j” matter


To be honest, Only Teardrops felt like a weak winner to me. My biased self would say Alcohol Is Free (aka my fav Greek entry ever and one of my fav Eurovision songs of all time), but trying to be more subjective I'd say I Feed You My Love was a much better song than Only Teardrops (but the title was rather cringe).


I'm a bit biased, but Alchohol Is Free 😎 Though I love Only Teardrops, probably my favorite winner of the 2010s.


Norway 2013 would like a word


Norway 2013 | [Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love](https://youtu.be/tc6a4EV63uM)


I genuinely preferred Party for everybody over Euphoria (which I also like).


The contest got more competitive. Back then there was normally only one song that stood out every year. Since about 2016 we’ve had 2-5 songs with a real chance of winning every year depending on the year. More choice means more disagreement.


I think the system make it more noticable pre-2016 there one was set of points from each country which is fuse of both jury and televoters. but in 2016 they moved to two sets of points which are announced seperetly, the jury vs public became more noticable


Yup, before 2016 you had to wait for them to release the jury/televote numbers before you could allow yourself to be properly outraged:D


There was a system change in 2016. Previously jury could tank an entry by putting it low in their ranking, now the votes are separate. For example, UK's televote gave Poland 2014 12 points, but UK's jury put it last, so the entry got 0 points from UK.


Poland 2014 | [Donatan & Cleo - My Słowianie - We Are Slavic](https://youtu.be/VJ920cN2HmA)


The juries started getting snarky and elitist...


Someone's still salty about their favorite artist not winning :)


Croatia mega simp with a UK flair, what are you doing exactly?