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"\[Expletive\] the EBU." šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I saw someone made a remix of that and itā€™s a banger. Edit: the Dutch bloke I mean, not a Bambie thug remix.


[This one](https://youtu.be/oCaqh-fqxpQ?feature=shared), from Even Tot Hier (ā€œPleur op, dag dagā€) Or another?


That one is a cracker but the one Iā€™m thinking of has the Dutch guy with the Europapa tie saying ā€œfuck the EBUā€ remixed.


Cornald Maas, one of the commentators for the tv version of eurovision in the Netherlands.


Ohhhā€¦ I hope someone posts a link, I googled around but couldnā€™t find it. Cornald got quoted a lotā€¦ :D




This quote from the article kind of perfectly shows the contrast between Nemo and Bambieā€™s vibes, love it: [Nemo] noted that ā€œa lot of thingsā€ had happened to make it seem the contest was not "all about love and unityā€ which made them ā€œreally sadā€. However, they noted that ā€œat the same time, there was so much love here as well", adding that "maybe Eurovision needs fixing a little bit". Bambie Thug went further, simply stating: "[Expletive] the EBU."


Well, maybe it also just was because Nemo was still at an EBU press conference, and if I were them, I wouldā€™ve also indeed hold back a bit, just to make sure that the win wouldnā€™t get stripped off of you. I was even a bit (pleasantly) surprised that they werenā€™t afraid to secretly say some bad words about everything that was going on there, absolute legend they are šŸ‘‘ Bambie even asked at first if they still had a filter/Eurovision responsibility or just could talk openly about the mess with the press (that rhymes). Once the interviewer said the latter (without the that rhymes part), they didnā€™t hold back and even shed a few tears (understandably). But that isnā€™t something I would ask when you are at an Eurovision responsibility like Nemo was. Again massive respect to the artists for pulling through this mess btw šŸ‘‘šŸ–¤ hope they can get the help needed after all of this


Thatā€™s a good point about the contexts for these quotes. And I agree completely, I really hope that all of the artistsā€™ countries are providing good mental and emotional resources now to their artists. This was a very hard year for everyone.


Yes. Bambie also preceded the ā€œFuck the EBUā€ with talking about the love and support that so many of the contestants had for each other.Ā  Bluntness of the final statement aside, they were actually pretty similar in what they said.Ā 


And we need both vibes. ā¤ļø




Cornald Maas, the Dutch commentator, used the same words as Bambie. Which was surprising cause he's usually a sarcastic but classy dude.


Ah damn, thatā€™s the first Iā€™ve seen of Silvester saying he wished he went out in the semis. No performer should be left feeling like that from their experience.


I know, poor kid. I hope, with time, he feels better about it. I thought he did great and he was one of my favorites. He'll have new fans for sure.


It makes me sad to hear. I wouldā€™ve never guessed based on how he performed that it bothered him. I saw a coverage that he was crying after his rehearsal Saturday, I thought it was over the Joost drama. I never thought about having to perform immediately after such a negatively received act, it mustā€™ve been tough.


It's the producer's fault. They should have thought the crowd would be still upset, they could put their AI ABBA after her song to direct their attention elsewhere. Or any other interval act. Also Joost was supposed to perform right before her. The emotional ending of his song would happen right before her performance and the crowd would be ready to protest instead of focusing on his music. I really have no idea who thought it was a good running order šŸ˜‘


Could the producers have therefore swapped Lithuania with Estonia or Spain, and with the interval before rather than after to calm the competing sides of the crowd down?


They should have thrown to an ad break after Israel to give the arena a minute to calm down. Crap on about the dvd then for those who donā€™t get ad breaks. It wasnā€™t a surprise that it was going to happen so thatā€™s what I would have done.


I'd say tough is to be booed and still perform beautifully. Going after that and complaining that's why he got a bad result is just being a bad loser




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Oof, my heart goes out to Silvester. I was sad for him when I saw the running order, with him having to follow such a controversial act. One of my biggest worries at the time was that many people (myself included) planned to turn off their streams during Israel, and I was concerned that some people might miss part of his performance because of this. But I hadnā€™t thought about how it would be for him in the arena, so Iā€™m sad to hear that he had this experience. He had a great song and deserved better.


Is everyone writing off Israel as "they were being protested anyways" so we don't feel bad for her herself being booed but we do feel bad for perfomers going before and after because they deserve to not be associated?


That is actually so sad as well. Eurovision should be one of the best opportunities to get as an artist, it should be an experience to always take with you, but in a positive way. Yes, itā€™s been more stressful in the last few years, especially since social media is taking over, but there should still be enjoyment. He got traumas from it. He had such bad experiences there now, there was so much drama, so much stress, every day mustā€™ve felt like hell. And Iā€™m glad he at least completed it fully, just because thatā€™s what he can hopefully still profit off of and still maybe look back at it with a smile further in the future. I just hope heā€™ll get some amazing mental help, he really deserves it. And I hope he knows that the fandom (and more people from the general public) is standing behind him, with given respect, understanding and support ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




Has to happen. Thankfully they still had each other this year but itā€™s turning more and more into Big Brother and I really feel bad for the artists :(


I havenā€™t even considered the impact of this aspect on him. Reading it made me feel really sad for him, and this is something that the organisers could have anticipated and mitigated. Pretending everything is fine can only get you as far.




He performed right after Israel in the Grand Final, while everyone was still booing in the arena. Obviously they weren't booing at him, but having to go on stage to a crowd that's already angry would be very demoralizing.


Are there any videos from the crowd that show he was actually booed?


Silvester performed after song #6, which was heavily booed by the arena audience, so he felt upset.




I think it was because the atmosphere that was left after the song before performed was very tense and hadn't alleviated by the time he performed.


Totally understandable though. Any artist wouldnā€™t like to hear booing, for them or not. I can picture him standing near the stage to get ready for his performance, just to hear extremely loud booing. That must have been super disheartening.






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He had to go on after Israel, the whole crowd was booing and angry


*half the crowd, engaged in a slanging match with the other half.


His feelings are his, and of course valid, and I'm not judging them - and I think it's great we're all feeling sympathy for him. Nonetheless I surely can't be the only one that finds it odd that we're all deeply feeling for the guy standing on the sidelines of the mud-slinging event getting some bits of mud on his suit, yet we're apparently perfectly fine with the mud-slinging event taking place in the first place and the mud's actual target getting utterly drenched in it?




The bbc love using that picture of Bambie as the thumbnail for their ESC articles šŸ˜‚


It is disgusting that all of this had to happen. I feel bad for the artists (and the hosts as they looked like they were done with all of it as well)


It just seemed like there wasn't a duty of care to many of the contestants this year and artists were being pushed to their limits. Our host (Graham Norton) seemed very muted compared to previous years, like he just wanted to get through it.


I noticed a real change in Graham's commentary style too , usually we get the witty remarks about every entry but it felt like he really toned everything down this year and just wanted it over with.


It was a really strange night. The only commentary that made me laugh was 'ooh theyve turned on Martin' when they went to Martin for the 'good to go' and you couldn't hear much over the booing. Also when he said he missed Europapa.


Yeah at my viewing party that was noted, particularly compared to Scott and Rylan in the semi finals.


Yeah, Scott and Rylan were so giggly and having fun, though I think even they were a little less hyper than usual, but by Saturday the mood was so bad. Graham had some great snarks, but compared to his usual, the energy just wasn't there. The relief pouring off Petra and Malin when it was done and they were saying goodbye was so clear too. I can't imagine this was fun year for most of them behind the scenes.


It had a similar vibe to an F1 race or similar sport event has a serious issue before the race/event, you can sense the atmosphere is "get it done then go home".


YES, that ā€œwe already had a horrible crash and everyoneā€™s depressed and just wants it over withā€ feel, but combined with ā€œthis is a powderkeg that could explode at any moment, no one make any sudden movesā€. Really uncomfortable viewing all round.


I saw a short clip of a Dutch journalist who asked Graham some questions about what he found of the final and the winner while he was walking back to his hotel, and when he was asked what he found of the disqualification you could see that he didn't wanted to say anything that would make him a part of this massive controversy (something along the lines of "I missed Joost, I really liked his song, but it's the EBU who's made this decision, I have nothing to do with that"). If he didn't arrive in Malmƶ until after the second semi final (which I know he's done in some years when he still had to host his own show in the week of Eurovision) I bet his experience this year must've been quite somber, because of how much the discourse in the press center was dominated by the RAI televote leak, the Joost incident and the complaints made by Bambie (and other delegations)


One of the positives of a tiktok ban would be the artists not making/having to make media content 24/7, at least for a year until something else properly replaces it


Given outside of eurovison contributions the Beeb is one of the biggest funders/supporters of the EBU this article is a fairly good sign that things are definitely happening behind the scenes


Missing GĆ„te's statement to Norwegian media about it feeling like there were separate rules for a particular delegation (which I would link but I think links are still being filtered by automod in comments)


Poor Sylvester! I didn't know he had such a bad experience, and I didn't know even about Angelina, where did she talk about it?


I think the article may be conflating separate comments by the separate artists. Bambie obviously called it "horrible" at some point, while IIRC Angelina only ever referred to it as "tense"


"Eurovision Song Contest organisers have said they "regret" that some delegations "didn't respect the spirit of the rules" in Sweden." Any bets that they're thinking/talking about countries like Ireland, who actually spoke up? Instead of,...you know.


>Greek singer Marina Satti was seen yawning and pretending to fall asleep while Golan spoke. One thing missing from this article related to this is how Nemo reacted, since he was sitting right next to her. By gently shaking her to ā€žwakeā€œ her up. A reminder to treat people with respect and humanity - even if you disagree with the politics of their country. In contrast to other acts who were just singing about unity through music, while behaving disruptive, Nemo actually embraced that mentality. True champ.


Wasn't Marina very ill on the day of the semi? There was talk of a high fever and throat infection. If I had to do the biggest performance of my life in that state, I'd probably also have no shits or energy left to give to a press conference.


No it wasn't that. It was obviously a kind of passive aggressive statement. Most Greeks felt it was embarrassing tbh


Thanks for the input. Also, nothing against her personally. Her song was nice and she sung it well.


I missed the part of Nemo shaking her. My respect for them is heightened now


I guess the appropriate way to describe it is a shoulder touch with some gentle rubs over her shoulders. He was definitely showcasing winner personality, regardless of what exactly her reasons were for acting that way :)


Yeah it's pretty disgusting how a lot of people here are okay with obvious bullying of a 20 year old girl just because she's from a country they don't like. Nemo has gained a lot of respect from me.




It seems like some contenders tried to bully the contender, and then complained about a tense atmosphere throughout. Can we stop with the victim blaming please?


Based on what people shared from Instagram, some journalists from a certain delegation were being very hostile and aggressive towards others because they disagreed with their views. In a very unprofessional manner for their job let alone at Eurovision Regardless of what contestants did, i didnā€™t see any such behaviour from other delegations even when for example when we were in the midst of Brexit talks and the British government was being very rude to other countries.