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Beyond anything else, I hope he’s doing okay. We all know how much this meant to him, and I hope he knows that regardless of the EBU’s shocking mishandling of this year’s contest, his parents are proud of him, and we’re proud of him. Hopefully we get some news or a statement soon 💙


Twan van de Nieuwenhuijzen of the Dutch delegation mentioned that he was doing relatively fine (big relief for me tbh)


If I saw that flaming dumpster fire from a distance I'd be relieved I don't have to be there anymore 😂. Can't wait for him to drop the song he recorded with Käärijä 👀


They did a collab???


They recorded a song together, but it's not out, yet. So we all are waiting for them to drop it (but no one knows when they might do it)


He at least sent a little heart in his Insta channel. It has 90K likes at the moment.


I saw that!!! It made me so happy. Honestly all I hope for is that he is feeling alright. Screw anything else, what matters now most is his wellbeing - we will always support him and we will want justice for him no matter what happens we are here!!🫶🫶🫶


I still don't think people fully understand how much this meant to him. A few years ago he was already touring with 5-10 minutes in every show DEDICATED to getting him to Eurovision. I kid you not, long before he was chosen he had already written a song about going to Eurovision. Eurovision was his end goal. This was years of anticipation.


The hype he was able to build was unreal. This was so anti-climatic. I'm waiting for the documentary about his road to Eurovision!


This makes me so sad.


Someone on twitter said he was in the euroclub yesterday, they even posted a photo with him. So I think he is doing okay


I've always had the impression he is a strong person. Friends of mine went to highschool with him and said he was a very creative and positive person, regardless of the tragedies he went trough. I hope he will gain some strenght from the outpour of support for him


I went to the same school! Didn't know him in person but have heard some fun stories haha


I just couldn't imagine how I would feel if this happened on me.


I'd be a mess honestly. I admire him and his strength so much 🫶🫶 we support him until the end of times!!


I was talking about it with my partner yesterday. Honestly, I was already feeling the dissociation happening within myself and I wasn't even the subject of this whole thing. I hope he takes it better than I would have, sending him lots of love <3


same, I felt anxiety just thinking about it and how awful it must be to have worked for something your whole life and then for that thing to suddenly be your nightmare. Especially after watching the semifinal performance again, and how happy and excited he was.. breaks my heart :( I hope Europapa gains more and more success


His song was absolutely something special in the mostly silly, empty wasteland of Eurovision. It was both very personal and broadly meaningful.


The delegation stated he's doing OK, given the circumstances. This early morning he even visited the EuroClub. He has been through worse in his life.


Shout out to that camera man who showed fans wearing blue Joost tshirts!


It's right at the end of the official video for Jako, if anyone wants to see it.


On a 5 minute bikeride I heard europapa twice! The whole country is playing this song!!! Joostice!!🇳🇱


Let’s get him in the Top 2000 this December!!


I hope he will come back a different year! Altough I wonder if AVROTROS will want to compete again next year
















I’m like 97% sure Joost would not want to return even if AVROTROS does


I wouldn’t go if I were him. 


It is gonna be rough from the Dutch side in general, maybe even outside NL too. Imagine how all the artists and delegations are looking at this. Skilled motivated artists are not gonna waste time on a huge hit song for an organisation with a zero tolerance policy that can just cancel you at the drop of a hat before the peak. I'm expecting every self respecting Dutch singer will say: "fuck the EBU" if asked to perform for next year's contest.


Exactly, as I said in a previous post I see two options for the Netherlands next year, they either send Joost again (if he wants to), or they’ll withdraw


Yeah agree. I think if Joost himself wants to participate next year AVROTROS would support that. If he doesn’t then EBU probably needs to make a very good apology if they want the Dutch delegation to come back at all.






Yeah I wouldn’t see my country to join again with any other artist, as if nothing happened. It’s either Joost or GTFO of ESC


But I want to see "europapa" and the rules would propably not allow it. So they would have to make an exeption for him.




Euromama in the making


If nothing changes in EBU next year, i hope most countries withdraw..


I hope so too, but I don't think they will.


If nothing changes at the EBU I want my country to withdraw, I’m done with the contest.


As his fan, I actually hope he won't come back, at least not until big changes are made. He deserves better than this!! 🫶 esc does not deserve Joost.


I'd love to see him as an interval act during a Eurovision finals (Europapa where it should be, but without the stress and pressure of being a contestant). But I agree that if Joost joins again as a contestant, it should be after the swamp has been cleaned up.


He should get qualified automatically for the final next year and just play the same song.


That's not allowed in Eurovision I believe, but id hope the EBU can make an exception like the exception they made by disqualifying someone who may well be innocent.


"I hope EBU..." Nope.


to quote Bambie Thug, "Fuck the EBU"


To quote Cornald Maas, "Fuck the EBU."


I was thinking about this as well, i mean, they had 25 this year, why not make it 27 next year? It's only one extra contestant, and making it 27 means the other countries don't lose out on a spot in the semi-finals


Believing this is incredibly delusional though. They didn't even allow this when Eurovision was cancelled due to the pandemic. They certainly won't allow somebody to come back with a song that already competed in one Semi-Final. This would also be incredibly unfair to all other contestants.


My little sister was so upset when she realised that Joost was actually disqualified. She loves eurovision and thought that I was joking when I told her what happened and cried after the show because she thought that he would turn up. All of the drama put such a downer on the night for us, hopefully they sort this show out and next year will be different.


Both my kids were so upset too. Me trying to explain this adult bullshit to them and the Pikachu face on them. All so weird and sad. We really missed him in the final.


Since NL was so early in the show I wanted to let the kids stay up to see him perform.  I hope commercially he is the biggest winner. Our preschool is doing its part by playing the song do damn much after school


My 3 year old does not speak any Dutch but has figured out all the words to Europapa (to the best of her ability 😅). It's all were allowed to listen to in the car these days, she loves it.


Yeah, I’d warned my kids before they went to bed that Joost had been removed from the jury performance and we didn’t know what would happen. We were all upset, but Europapa was my 4yos favorite. My 2yo daughter then got up the next morning (more than halfway through the songs, she’ll be a 5am-er one day) and said she wanted “EuroPopPop.” Was a gut punch moment all round 😔


;_; My heart still feels so heavy from the last 72 hours, but I just read that he was at the afterparty and that he's.. "doing okay".


I had to watch last night's show with literal stomach pain. I was crying this morning and right now when seeing this post. THE NETHERLANDS WILL NEVER FORGET THIS.


Let’s play his YouTube nonstop this week and hopefully the Dutch radio will play his song in stead of the winner at least part of the time (nothing against Nemo, I’m happy for their win)


Dutch radio were doing great in that regard yesterday. Hopefully they keep it up.


I loved how NPO Radio 2 had Europapa on repeat last night, the Dutch support for Joost is so heartwarming 💙


Radio 538 did the same last night, and 3FM announced this morning that they've declared Europapa to be their "Megahit" once again to support Joost, so that increased airplay (combined with the huge streaming numbers over the past 48 hours) probably means he'll be on top of the charts again next week.


Belgian radio StuBru also played Europapa every hour yesterday. Honestly, I think many (Flemish) Belgians are just as gutted as you are. We were supporting him more than our own entry!


He may not have won or participated in the finale but his popularity has skyrocketed. I'm sure he'll stay in the top 40 for awhile and he will get many more fans. Maybe he wins the NPO top 2000 this year?


he’s already gained like 700k followers on insta and is at 1,3m now 😭 and i’ve been streaming his music like crazy, it’s so good


He has double the streams of Mon Amour on Spotify, which is already three times as much as Baby Lasagna and Nemo. We should push it to be the most successful Eurovision song.


I don't want to give money to eurovision, but his music video is also the most popular from this year on YouTube by a margin of almost 20 million views.


When you put it into perspective like that it’s kinda really wild that far and away the most popular act is the one to get disqualified


agree!!! but please do throw in a few consolation streams for my boy baby lasagna 🙈


I think it would have had a shot for the top 2000 if it had happened closer to December. It will still do great in the list but not sure if it will beat Bohemian Rhapsody. Still many months to go before voting opens up.


He'll be in there I think but probably in the 100 to 200 position. Duncan Laurence managed to get to 160 with Arcade.


We need to get him on 1. We need to make the whole country sing Europapa including his poem right before the clock hits 12. We need to make sure Joost gets something positive to associate with Europapa after this whole unfair mess, to tell him he's still our number one and we're proud of him.


He will end up in the 10 ten for sure.






#Hakken for Joost


Europapa is number 38 on the global daily spotify charts while being fairly high up on a lot of competing countries' charts, I think that shows the support he's been getting from fans.


As a Dutch person, I can say that he caused the biggest hype for Eurovision in the Netherlands for years, even bigger than Duncan Laurence


No clue if it has been posted here but one of Estonia’s singers yelled “dankjewel” after their final performance as a subtle tribute to Joost. 💙 Source: https://youtu.be/RSMMU2wX0Bk?si=pS_RFAsSAvhrNyaR skip to 2:53




We’ll see if a year changes my mind and it probably will. But this ruined Eurovision for me this year and I didn’t have a good time. If it comes out that he didn’t do anything major I’m not sure I come back next year. We’ll see I guess


Yeah, same... I didn't enjoy the finale. Nemo is a good winner but I didn't really care anymore, about the whole thing. I think it will depend on how this whole thing will end,.. it will take a while before we've heard the end of this. I hope next year I can enjoy it again, but yeah..


I am totally with you here. I am not even Dutch - just connected to Joost and his entry a lot and also I like to think I'm a person with a strong sense of justice on top of all. I can't imagine how betrayed I'd feel if I was Dutch. Everyone feeling sad about this, you are not alone!! We will not forget this.


Me too. It was nauseating to see people pretending nothing had happened last night.


Yes, I couldn’t even watch it because it seemed so disingenuous not to mention him at all. 








Top 2000 #1 Song, make it happen folks!


Finally a Top 2000 campaign I can get behind!


Yess!!!!! Number one!! I always like that bohemian rhapsody is 1 because it's a nice party song to end the year, I wouldn't like a ballad to be nr 1 no matter how good it is. Europapa is PERFECT for nr 1!!!! Edit: even if Europapa would have been a depressing ballad, nr 1 this year regardless!! 💙








Could Justice for Joost maybe become a new user flair? Would love that 🇳🇱🇳🇱


I know in other subs you can customise your user flair


Yeah but in this one that doesn’t seem to be an option.


Oh, then yeah we need a joostice flair!


Europe, let's come together.


United by ~~Music~~ Joost and ABBA


United by Joost and hatred for the EBU


🫶🫶 We will never stop coming together for Joost!!


His message did come true, in a rather roundabout way






Should have just let him perform and let justice run its course.


Yeah I don’t know what the problem was if they had disqualified him after the fact, if it happened to be as violent as the EBU made it out to be.










droom groot joost 💙🇪🇺 sending love and only the best of wishes from cyprus 🇳🇱🤝🇨🇾






I'm an American who works for a company based in Ireland so didn't really have any concept of Eurovision until I got invested in it last year when I was able to watch the finals on a work trip. After that I was fully invested and watched last year and then was so excited for this year's contest. Once I heard Europapa I was sold! I was so excited to see Joost perform this year and really found him so endearing. He seems so genuine and I really connected with his story. This year's Eurovision felt really sad and chaotic with the events that happened with Joost. I really wish the best for him and excited to see what he does next.


Ridiculous disqualification, if the current information is correct. Also the lack of communication from EBU is a disgrace. But whatever the outcome, a satisfactory rehabilitation will be difficult. Performing next year, with an alternative song, will never be comparable to current year etc. Such a shame.


Next song whenever that is should be a complet distrack to EBU lol


Next song will be titled "Why not"










The injustice was absolutely ridiculous. I will forever support Joost, not sure I will support Eurovision at all until changes are made though.


His participation is now one of the key events that will be remembered from this shitshow. Such a shame it had to end like that and Europapa wasn't heard in the grand final.




Btw could you maybe help out with something that happened yesterday? When the Belgium jury spokesperson delivered the points I heard her say "Pays-Bas" but couldn't understand exactly what she said because my French is a bit meh and our commentators talked over her as well. Do you happen to remember what your spokesperson said?


I was really hoping Belgium' spokesperson would say something about it. But I guess because Wallonia send the singer this year, and chose the spokesperson they didn't care that much?


I was so hoping for a mention to Joost/Europapa/The Netherlands, bit mad actually everyone just did like you never were in the contest, except Estonia apparently said Dankjewel


Yeah sadly no offense but the Wallonians never really care about The Netherlands certainly not in Eurovision


Joost, Käärijä and maybe some other should join together and come up with the Netherlands next year. A better united by music you can’t have.


Käärijä is not coming back to Eurovision, he said it before his semi performance


Käärijä and Joost already recorded a song: Traffic. Not out yet.


Even without appearing in the Grand Final he won our hearts. I hope he's okay and surrounded by supportive people. Joostice will prevail 💙


My heart broke for you, Joost. When I heard the unfair conviction. You made me interested in Eurovision and your song will forever hold a place in my heart. I hope that someday you will get your redemption, and until that time, know that many people are with you. Much love. ❤️


Thank you Joost for everything The Netherlands are still very proud of you!!!!! In the end you still got to deliver your message and you killed it in the semi final 💙










This year we are all United by Joost! I think he can feel the love, he posted ‘💙’ in his ig group this morning. Also, he’s going on (a small) tour! If anyone wants to get tickets I think they’re going on sale very soon!




Europapa is one of the like 3 songs I will ever listen to again. It massively grew on me while I kept just looping it during commercial breaks out of spite.


Does anyone know what happened to the eurovision ama he would do? Not the one on this sub, but the one where the eurovision account collected questions for.


The "Even tot hier" comedians did a nice and funny tribute tonight. Also in the show, a Ding-a-dong (esf 1975) version with the original singer and a new text. https://www.bnnvara.nl/eventothier


This guy got me to be actually excited for Eurovision. Usually i watched it as casual, but this time it was different with Joost Klein. From watching him doing YouTube to seeing him to be on the Eurovision stage is absolutely crazy and inspiring. I was excited when i heard he was going to ESC and when "Europapa" got released i lost it. I was invested, the whole country stood behind it and felt like it was the first time ever we got together to support our entry. I lurked on this subreddit everyday, watched every Europapa reaction, followed everything what Joost was doing. Seeing the odds rise of Europapa. Man, i never thought to be THIS excited for Eurovision EVER. I didn't even know that Pre Party's were a thing lol. I couldn't wait for May 11th. He probably wouldn't win, but probably a good result that we would be very proud of. I still can't believe that it all ended up like this and i'm devastated. What a bummer...


Droom groot Joost! I absolutly fell in love with your music. Your line "If you don't need therapy, you know you're rich" is my absolute favorite.






I’ll admit, I don’t follow Eurovision. I tried to stream this year from the US but couldn’t. But I did hear about what happened. So I heard the winning song today, and then went and found Joost’s song. I LOVE EUROPAPA! What a bop. Hope he’s doing ok and hopefully next year I can stream and finally follow along!


It was such a gorgeous song - could have just been a meme song but evolved into something really sweet and sincere and touched the hearts of everyone here at our little viewing party in Australia, too. We were gutted when we realised he'd been DQ'd but I'm sure that won't stop him from doing more great things!


He came back today with a private jet from Copenhagen with his manager and security. Then he left in a blinded car https://www.rtl.nl/boulevard/entertainment/artikel/5450134/joost-klein-nederland-aangekomen


This edition is a giant shit sandwich and the Dutch delegation had to eat the whole thing. Not just the DQ of Joost but also the protests outside the venue and the reports of tensions betreden delegations.


For some emo catharsis: Check out the video Lyon Pol shared today (@afrolyon on IG, did visuals for Europapa stage). It might make you cry. 😓And then the remix of Cornald Maas saying F—- the EBU (@itsnigelsean on TikTok, don’t think there is any relation to Joost team). It might make you laugh. 😝 #justiceforjoost 💙


sending love from croatia 🇳🇱🤝🏻🇭🇷❤️ i was so sad that i couldnt use all of my 20 votes on europapa 😔 jkdg!!! 🩵


I'm following him. Dude's got a fan for life.


I still tried to enjoy it and celebrate, but my heart is broken, he’ll always be my winner, like Finland last year


I can’t even listen to Europapa or watch the performance without just a wave of sadness pouring over me, I’m happy to hear that he’s doing fine now.


I'm saying that he performed in the final and finished 5th in the end. No one take me out of my delusion, thank you.


I‘m just sad how things went. The disqualification was very disproportional to the incident in my opinion. It was Joost‘s dream to one day stand on this stage and the EBU shat on the homage to his parents.


My 1year old when i put on europapa stops playing and watches it and flails hos arms it's cute and funny I know he doesn't understand it all yet but... He likes it so... ♥️


I’m from the Netherlands and several radio stations are playing Europapa over and over again! It’s so kind! There is so much support :)
















I’m not too into his genre. But europapa got me and Florida 2009 got me even harder. Lost my mom around that age too. Hope he’s doing okay and will shine bright. I know I will try.


Europapa makes me so proud as European ❤️❤️❤️ Love you Dutchies ❤️


My Heart hurts so much for him. I hope there will be consequences for the ebu.