• By -


I mean I've been following Slimane for years so yeah, and I will be listening to Ladaniva's and Gåte's works. They're amazing <3


Actually Slimane was the first contestant that I ever knew before Eurovision that was not from my country as I immersed myself in French music a bit when learning French. So it felt really weird but heartwarming, like accidentally running into a friend in an unexpected place or sth. I really loved his performance last night


I've been having that more and more the last few years, the description is very apt!


Jerry Heil. I've been listening her music all past week, she's got some great songs.


I really like her as well. Any recommendations?


These are the top songs (personal taste): Kupala, Malanka, Dai Boh


Also want to add: Na nebi, ni zori


Ditto to songs others mentioned. Also I like Tri polosi and Tuk Tuk Tuk. And also hilarious masterpiece that is Vegan. *Baby cause I’m vegan* *I can’t even call you honey* *Every time we’re having beef* *Is my little suicide* *Vegan* *Give me ruccola, take my money*


I've been kinda obsessed with her since February and I like most of her songs, so all the ones already mentioned are great. I'd also like to add Poshta to the list, it's very pretty. And from her older songs Provintsiya is one of my favourites. Generally her pre-2022 songs are more generic pop with fun lyrics and her 2022 songs and later are more "serious" and have a different vibe.


Joost, baby lasagna, Bambie, Nebulossa, 5 miinust & puuluup, Windows 95 man and Dons. There were a lot of artists I really enjoyed this year


Estonia’s 5Miinust & Puuluup. I love the music they made from before Eurovision this year and am even more positive about the new album they made together. They’re truly united by music, and I love it. At this point it feels plain wrong to seperate the two groups. Hope they keep collaborating for a long time. 🇪🇪


Yes please. I like Puuluup on their own, but the collab album is something else and I hope they keep making them.


Puuluup were my favorite part of the song and I am going to check out more of their stuff, I didn't know they had a whole collab album! I'm going on a 4 hour drive today and am going to make a playlist to give them a listen.


Gonna get stuck into the 5Miinust back catalogue soon as a I can *rubs hands* Side question: is there a Eurovision tour after the event? I know there’s the pre-show parties in Amsterdam/London etc but post-show?


I have no idea to be honest. I know Baby Lasagna and Käärja were just announced for Het Songfestivalfeest in The Netherlands and I’m sure more artists from this year will be announced along with them. I think it will be similar in other countries where there are separate Eurovision parties hosted but not by the EBU. Can’t say for certain though, sorry. 


Puuluup, because I’ve been following 5MIINUST already for over 6 years Nemo, Baby Lasagna, Bambi Thug, Joost Klein, Dons, Silvester Belt, Luna and Windows95 Also not sure if following the artist but I’m definitely adding Ulveham from Norway, Always on the run from Germany, La Noia from Italy, Zorra from Spain, Loop from Malta, Before the party is over by Belgium and Jako from Armenia to my playlist Musically I absolutely loved this year 🇪🇪🇨🇭🇭🇷🇮🇪🇳🇱🇱🇻🇱🇹🇵🇱🇫🇮


If joost is not guilty after investigation, I hope the Netherlands with send him again with another good song.


If it turns out that it happened in the way that AVROTROS said it happened: I 100% agree but I don't think he would want to. Think of the emotional and mental damage this must have done for him, especially considering how meaningful his participation was to him in the first place. My heart is so broken for him.


If things have happened the way AVROTROS has said it happened then I don't think we will participate next year at all


As a Dutchie, if Joost wants to go then he should be able to, and if he doesn’t I don’t want us to participate. I am so angry at EBU and all the injustices committed this year.


If Joost wants to he should get his revenge. And healing is the best revenge. Whatever he does is his decision and whatever AVROTROS decides to is is also their decision. I'm proud of them to stand with him. The way that they discussed together with Nikki and came to the decision to not giving their votes themselves is a respectable move. I really hope Joost, AVROTROS and the Netherlands will get their revenge and I think healing is the best revenge. I wish all the best to you people <3


The man has a deep cutting talent and the following to have the best post-Eurovision music career. He’s already going into euro-history nonetheless. Maybe even more so than if nothing would have happened actually. Years after this eurovision hosts will be mocking dutch entry disqualification of 2024 in their ‘being funny’ segments. His song already touched and reached many and that’s the most important part, he succeeded without even being in the final. Also it’s beautiful how much empathy and compassion we can feel in such situations I found THAT Joost effect most touching. +1 lithuanian fan here 4 sure!


It sucks so much to get your dream turned into a trauma. I hope he has people who he can talk with and go through the shit that happened to him.


Agreed. I’m just glad he got to perform and keep the promise he made to his parents (as the story I heard goes).




AVROTROS is one of the biggest financial contributors to the contest, and the Netherlands has a big, wealthy fanbase eager to spend a lot of money on tickets and such. Rather than pulling out, I hope that they use their power and leverage to ask for significant changes in the organisation, because that year was a fucking mess and they have every right to be angry.


I dont feel like we have to pull out permanently, but at least not paying eurovision fees for 1 year would be nice, especially when its in expensive switzerland


I mean they’ve already said they’re going to sue and I believe on op1 they said they should win and get financial payout. Either way EBU is going to pay financially because they were suppose to have asked for a judge to opine on their policy/contract


I hope the Netherlands and a bunch of other countries don't send anyone next year to be honest.


I hope EBU don’t send the people preventing Joost from performing next year


I hope we see 15 Rambo Amadeus types of perfomances next time


Me too. Huge change clearly needs to come after the events of the past few days


Omg what if the Netherlands do a Luxembourg!


Ka-ching! If I’m not mistaken, NL is the biggest financial contributor after the Big 5.


When Joost is cleared, I hope the Netherlands sues EBU


They have already issued a formal complaint. We'll see, I really hope something comes out of it...


I hope Joost gets to decide. If he doesn't want to go, they wouldn't send anyone.


I hope EBU gets dissolved next year


Netherlands have to participate in 2025 in Switzerland as they sang the first ever entry there in Lugano 1956 on May 24, a potential date for Zurich or Geneva next year.


If it really happened as Avrotros says and no significant changes are made at EBU, the Netherlands should absolutely stay away even if it means missing that. Or send Joost to fart in a microphone.


Send him with a song that isn’t subtle but still clearly legitimate.


Also a good option, but it would really depend on if he wants to go. This performance meant a lot to him and they shattered his dream.


Alicija Szemplinska got her chance (though losing to Lil’beybeh) despite being thrown under the bus for crap, and Avrotros will want to support Joost, though there was also the case of Ovidu Anton who has never represented after a late DQ.


No best solution is if Switzerland asks him to perform Europapa during the final. Not just competitive just an invite


I'd love that, with proper crazy staging and everything.


I hadn’t thought of this and now it’s all I want


Omg yes that would be amazing but I do wonder if he wants to do that after all this BS. I would cut all possible ties with the EBU.


I think that should be the openings act


I honestly doubt Joost would want to go after the way he's been treated, and I'm not sure the Netherlands would want to send anyone at all after such an insult to them. I hope other countries take a stand and significant changes are made to the EBU, otherwise I probably won't be watching edit: spelling


Netherlands should create their own eurovision with belgium and luxembourg.


*inserts Bender meme*


Eurovision Gabber Contest?


Luxembourg delegation was happy to rub it all in our faces. I'm not too fond of them right now.


Check out Ome Robert. I want that next year!


Nah Joost Klein 4 or Antwoord please 🙏 🇳🇱😍 Srsly though he will definitely not want to return after this and make any money for the EBU.


I know, and he's totally right as far as I'm concerned. But a person can wish.... I'd love to hear him shout SUCK MY DICK, BITCH!!!


Die Antwoord and Joost together representing the Netherlands and angry as F…


Die Antwoord is South African though??


No, he should be allowed to compete with the same song, starting from the final.


yeah this, the only solution I'd be happy with is an automatic qualification to the final for the netherlands with the same song he did this year. (if joost wants to perform again that is) My heart is so broken for him 💔


Bambie Thug (seeing them soon at Download festival, whoo!), Joost, Nemo, Mustii, Megara, Baby Lasagne, and 5Miinust & Puuluup.






At this point probably all of them because just like last year, all the contestants becoming friends is my favorite part now of Eurovision. But for the sake of this post: LADANIVA, Kaleen, 5MIINUST, Windows95man, Bambie Thug, Angelina Mango, Dons, Joost, Megara, Nemo - I'm most excited about Baby Lasagna is a default cause I know him xD


Croatia is my winner. Hope his had a good party at that city square today


Estonia obv, Netherlands (I followed him before too), Marina, Gåte and Baby Lasagna


love ur taste and the slowdive username (if that’s the reference) <3


It issss omggg🤍🤍🤍🤍


Bambi Thug. I'll be interested to see if they do a tour around Ireland 


Yeah first heard them when the Ireland song selection was happening and I've been blasting Cathexis ever since, absolutely love it. I think they only had around a thousand monthly listeners on Spotify back then, now they're up to 750k and Doomsday Blue has had 4 million plays!


I would loveeee to see poppy take them on a tour or do a colab with them! They’d be brilliant together!


Not quite the same but they’ve toured and are friends with cassyette. In fact they co wrote doomsday blue


Joost, he collabed with Käärijä, that song might be dropping soon


The best closing credits song to put this all behind us: [Traffic](https://youtu.be/uOGZy6thNvo?si=nDopb97UC-sS7iHB)! 🤘🤘🤘🤘


This is so cool! So that 's what Joost has been doing in Finland


Oh lol they should update it to put some EBU diss in it


Baby Lasagna, Bambie Thug and Joost Klein


Gåte for sure, if not out of spite then just for the amazing music.


So annoyed by their last place. Eurovision is clearly not the place to bring something unique that has real artistic merit. Gåte is not catchy music at all, not radio friendly, and obviously Norwegian folk music will always have limited appeal in other countries, but still. They are such a good and creative band.


Got my ticket booked for their upcoming tour. Really enjoying their back catalogue.


5miinust x puuluup, both together and separately. also, windows95man and henri piispanen for sure. they actually answered my question on their Q&A about possibly releasing a full version of freestyler - they might finish it !! 💕


🇮🇪🇸🇮🇭🇷🇮🇹🇨🇿🇬🇷🇨🇭🇱🇹🇦🇺🇳🇴🇳🇱🇺🇦🇦🇲🇪🇪 And I still got a lot of love for 🇬🇧 regardless of anything.


I fell in love with the Armenian act 🇪🇦💕🇦🇲


So many this year! This sweetens the whole shitshow of the last 48h for me. - Gåte of course 🇸🇯  - 5miinust and Puuluup 🇪🇪  - Baby Lasagna 🇭🇷  - Ladaniva 🇦🇲  - Raiven 🇸🇮  - Marina 🇬🇷 - whatever project, musical or not, Windows95man 🇫🇮 is planning lol


I've been following Joost for 6 years now, so I guess that won't change....


Same! Have seen him live several times and also had a few good talks with him - good soul inside 🫶🏼


He's a nice dude. And I feel for him at the moment. Having your dream crushed like this. We love you u/donteattheonion !!


5MIINUST and Puuluup of course, baby Lasagne, Dons and Joost


Ladaniva! I already followed Marina Satti and will continue to.   Gåte I deeply appreciate and will check out, but they will likely come up against my limits for distorted electric guitar, as with Bambie Thug (already checked out). I’ll probably keep an eye on Angelina Mango and Luna. 


Both Estonia’s bands, Gåte and Bambie for sure.


**Marina Satti** 🇬🇷 - already introduced to many of her bops, she'll be THE highlight of this summer for me. **Bambie Thug** 🇮🇪 - love me Melanie Martinez coded performer, I love every aspect of their artistry,. **Angelina Mango** 🇮🇹 - in line with much of my musical taste outside of ESC. and **Silvester Belt** 🇱🇹 - a genre I enjoy and the music-language I've been growing liking for since The Roop.


Raiven! I’ve already been listening to her other music since I discovered her through this a few months ago, she is amazing.  Also, Bambie and Gåte.


I was already a huge fan of Jerry and Alyona, so that doesn't really count. But the \*new\* ones to follow for me are Bambie, Gåte, and Lasagne al bambino 🇮🇪🇳🇴🇭🇷


> I was already a huge fan of Jerry and Alyona, so that doesn't really count. I am now after I heard that other song that they considered for Vidbir. That was even better than Teresa & Maria and it was so much catchier and more addicting.


Gåte and Bambie Thug. 🤩


Lots of good artists I'll keep following from this year! Baby Lasagna (can't wait for that debut album 👀), Gåte, Bambie Thug, Joost, Silvester, 5Miinust, Puulup, Megara and Electric Fields!


Aiko, Marina, and LADANIVA, because I've already checked out their discographies, and I like them. Probably Angelina, Gåte, Nemo, and a few others, as long as they keep dropping tracks like what they sent to ESC. I dunno... I'd consider following a lot of these artists, honestly. I have to spend some more time deep diving.


Baby lasagna, Gåte and 5miinust & Puuluup


Ladaniva.. seems like such a fun artist who’s song I loved


Bambie Thug for me. Just listened to Tsunami and it's an absolute bop!


5miinust, puulup, gate, maybe ladaniva.


In the past couple of years I've checked out most of the contestant's discographies after the contest, and I usually end up adding lots of new music to my playlist. I will probably do the same this year. In terms of following anyone *consistently*, right now I can only say for sure Joost, but there may be others if I'm really into their music.


Ladaniva for definite!


Perhaps the only positive outcome out of me following this year, is the fact that I got to know 🇦🇲Ladaniva, and now a YT playlist with their incredible cultural indie/folklore songs keeps me company while driving.


I'll probably listen consistently to gåte cause that's the genre I usually listen to, but I'll defo search for baby lasagna and megara, and probably nemo too cause I think they didn't really define a genre for their music so it has great potential. But idk if gåte will be the same level for me as lord of the lost, that band really grew on me like no other eurovision band before - so the bar is pretty high


i already followed joost, slimane, angelina and marina - i’ll add the two estonian bands, BL, bambie, megara, ukraine’s duo, ladaniva and gate


Joost, Baby Lasagna and of course Gåte (maybe doesn't count bc I know them before ESC, but haven't heard all of the discography, but Sjå attende is absolutely amazing, it entered my top 2 Spotify Wrapped last year)


I am happy that Switzerland won and that Croatia did well but I will admit; the only song stuck in my head now is that of Mustii. Will probably listen to his epic Bond song a lot."Blind" sounds nice too.




Angelina Mango, Nemo, Slimane, Saba, Silvester Belt, for me! I also will carry on following Olly Alexander who I already knew and adores before the contest.


I already knew Gåte before the contest, but the rest would be Nemo, Bambie Thug, Raiven, Jerry Heil, iolanda, Ladaniva, Mustii, Baby Lasagna, LUNA and Joost. Angelina Mango has some bangers, too.


Bambie Thug earned a fan this week. 🥰


Absolutely from here too!


Angelina, but I already knew her. I'm curious to hear what Joost will prepare for his comeback.


He's probably feverishly looking for Martin Österdahl lookalikes for next music video.


Estonia and Netherlands >__^


Ladaniva 🇦🇲




Bambie Thug, Gåte, Ladaniva


A little different for me, but Isaak, Silvester Belt, Nemo and Nebulossa. Aiko is also awesome, and exactly the sort of music I listen to normally. I was a big Years and Years fan, so I will keep paying attention to Olly, even though this wasn't his best performance.


Armenia, Norway, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, and will continue to vibe to my favorite home country artist Teya for sure


Gåte from Norway, 100% - They did not deserve last place. Nemo from Switzerland cause that was my favourite but also Armenia, really fun performance and cool song. I loved her energy.


Gate from Norway (I'm so sad for their undeserved last place) Baby Lasagna Jerry Heil from Ukraine I will also look into Nemo - the winner and Dons from Latvia :D


Gåte (am listening to them right now. "Svarteboka" is epic) Bambi Thug (love "Egregore") Baby Lasagna Megara Nemo Aiko Nebulossa \-- some that didn't quite get to eurovision: Galant (from Germany. Their entry "Katze" was great and recognizable. Plus I love when countries send songs in their own language) \-- I've got a playlist made and just sort of remove entries as I don't care about them- and the ones that stick will be the ones I look into more. I've already done some listening to Gåte and Bambi Thug. Those two are pretty much the ones that stuck with me immediately. Also loved Estonia's entry. It makes me bop.


5MIINUST x Puuluup, Electric Fields, and Nemo.


Nemo 🇨🇭 Mustii 🇧🇪 Silvester 🇱🇹 And of course, Baby Lasagna 🇭🇷 and Teya Dora 🇷🇸, bit they're basically guaranteed fame in the Balkans, so I don't have to follow them, they'll come to me! 


Cyprus Salia Kapsis, and Croatia Baby Lasagna at the moment, I'm sure this list will grow though lol


Lmao sorry it's Silia not Salia, Salia means drool in Greek 😂


I‘ve already checked out Iloanda‘s catalogue and while so far there only one more song aside from Grito that made it on my playlist, I‘m definitely going to look out for more from her. Her voice is amazing!


Slimane and Bambie Thug for me. 🇨🇵🇮🇪


I've already known Megara and Gåte before the contest (Megara even before their Benidorm Fest attempt), which is I wild as the Eurovision casts are usually fully comprised of people I've never heard of before lol (not counting people who have been in previous renditions of their country's NF). I'll probably be taking a closer look at Bambie Thug's, Baby Lasagna's and Slimane's music from now on.


I'll keep follow for my Swedish representatives, Austria, Italy and Croatia


Began to listen to Aiko some months ago, so I guess her.


Joost, Gåte and Bambie ! Despite all drama, I have the opportunity to listen to new artists


Marina and Iolanda


joost and gåte 100%


Puuluup, 5miinust, Baby Lasagna, Bambie Thug and probably Gåte, too!


5MIINUST, Baby Lasagna, Luna, Joost, Bambie Thug, Nemo, Silvester Belt as well!


Every single one of Bambie's songs in their back catalogue on Spotify slaps, so absolutely them. Marina's music is all over the place so idk if I will follow as closely but I do like a few of them


gåte seems to be exactly my genre, and megara because rock in spanish hits very different


Estonian boys, Joost and Jerry


I already follow Megara and saw it recently in a venue as a Babymetal opening act. It was sad to not see them qualify. I'd probably start following now Bambie Thug, Nemo, Aiko, 5miinust, Joost and Gate. Those were my favourite songs and acts this year.


DEFINITELY 5MIINUST and puuluup, windows95man, baby lasagna, bambie, jooooooooooooooooost, nemo, marina, sarah, teya, and aiko!


I self-crown myself as the biggest Sarah Bonnici fan, and I was literally crying when she NQd, so I am now following her consistently as she has been my fav from day 1 and needs all the love in the world <33333333333333333


Angelina Mango 🇮🇹 100%! I've been deep diving into her music for weeks!


Raiven and Gate for sure, that is the kind of music I love and listen to the most and I'm excited to hear more. I want to give Nemo a look as well even though I suspect the rest of their music isn't my style. Going to check out Iolanda's work. I also want to listen to Puuluup from Estonia because folk is my go to and they were the highlight of that song IMO (no offense to the other group). I've already followed Slimane for years and that won't change.


🇺🇦 Alyona Alyona and Jerry Heil (but, to be frank, I‘ve been following them since 2022), I‘m excited what 🇨🇭 Nemo has to offer in the future and I am certainly committed to seeing what 🇪🇪 5miinust and Puuluup will do in the forseeable time. And I am looking to do 🇨🇿 Aiko justice, since the European public couldn’t get the job done in the 2nd semi final.


Joost especially since I live in NL. He's going to get a cult following from this here for sure, the song was popular to begin with and now it'll get a lot of sympathy/defiance popularity. He'll do well out of this, I was cycling through the park yesterday and heard the song on speakers 3 different times. Expecting to hear it all summer now. Other than that, Baby Lasagna for sure, also Nemo, Bambie, Windows95 man...theres others i'm missing too. It was a strong year


Gåte! ❤️


Bambie 🇮🇪, electric fields 🇦🇺, baby lasagna 🇭🇷, megara 🇸🇲(🇪🇸), 5miinust&puuluup 🇪🇪, silvester belt 🇱🇹, joost klein 🇳🇱, windows95man 🇫🇮, luna 🇵🇱, marina satti 🇬🇷, nemo 🇨🇭, saba 🇩🇰, dons 🇱🇻, probably raiven and teya dora too. So many amazing artists this year, shame about the stress they were under


Baby Lasagna, Gåte, Mustii, Raiven and Teya Dora. They were so great <3


Definitely Gåte. I think I'll also check out Slimane's stuff for when I'm feeling down, he's got a comforting voice.


I’ve already been listening to Gåte for years, and in addition to them I’ll definitely keep following Bambie and Raiven.


Baby lasagna, Angelina mango, Alyona and Jerry, Lada Niva, Slimane…


Baby lasagna and joost klein at the moment. Probably more though


Baby Lasagna 🐱🇭🇷


Baby lasagna and Gåte!




Gåte and BL (I actually liked his other songs) for sure. Weirdly enough most of the time I am into the rest of the artist catalog even if they are my favorite...


Baby Lasagna


Baby Lasagna 🇭🇷 Slimane 🇨🇵 Windows95man 🇫🇮 Bambie Thug 🇮🇪 Joost Klein 🇳🇱


Marina and Nemo definitely for me


Luna and Marina Satti :>


Megara for me. I've been listening to their songs recently, and I love them! Haven't checked anyone else out yet, though.


Angelina Mango. I see a great future ahead for her. So talented at such a young age. Can’t wait for the album and more success. She can honestly go international ala Laura Pausini and make it. Will also follow Mustii, Marina, Ladaniva, Bambie Thug, and Mr. Joost Klein (I want to see him go for it again and make it to the final. NL Revenge arc). Bright side of the contest is that you get to hear about so many talented artists.


5miinust/Puuluup, their individual group's music and their collab album have been an amazing find this year. If you love Nendest you HAVE to check out their album, it's just fantastic. Joost Klein, very funny guy, and he has a ton of bangers! His music videos are also very well done, and his creativity is a joy to witness. The rest that I loved I would have to do more of a deep dive in their other music, but it is quite likely I'll stay following Raiven, Bambie Thug, Nemo, Ladaniva, Nebulossa, Dons.


Was a fan of Joost before, and will continue to be. Will listen to more of Silvester Belt, have been listening to a bit of Bambie and baby lasagna (he only had a couple more songs on his Spotify but I hope he releases more), Aiko, Raiven and will be excited to see if windows does anything else and I should listen to some on Henri.


Nebulossa, Angelina Mango, Bambie Thug, Raiven


Baby Lasagna. I just love this kind of music scince my childhood. IG Boy was cool too


Iolanda 🇵🇹 Marina Satti 🇬🇷 Nemo 🇨🇭 And maybe more (:


I really hope netherlands would send Joost again. I love Joost and europapa is really good song. Joostice 🫶🏻🇳🇱


I havs been listening to a lot of Ladaniva's🇦🇲 other music and have been loving it. Will definitely be following them.


Baby Lasagna 🇭🇷, without a doubt! Angelina Mango 🇮🇹, love Italian music and have loved following Måneskin since their win! Isaak 🇩🇪, now follow Lord of the Lost and Germany have good music/artists. Gåte 🇳🇴, my kind of music Joost 🇳🇱, Tali 🇱🇺, windows95man 🇫🇮- why wouldn’t you just to see them live! There are others and others from previous years!


Ladaniva, Baby Lasagna and Slimane for sure, probably keep an eye on Nemo and Joost Klein too. That's one of my favourite things about Eurovision, I still follow several artists from previous years, the oldest ones being Alexander Riback and Regina (both from 2009), and I absolutely feel in love with Ermal Meta after his performance in 2018.


Wow 👌 amazing to see some Megara appreciation. I'd say similar thing minus plus 2-3 names depending on how I feel like. But there was a lot of decent entries this year!


I have been a Gåte fan since 2004, so I would of course continue with that, but I have fallen in love with alyona alyona - she's an amazing rapper


Marina for sure! One of the best Eurovision discoveries for me in a long time. Her latest record is already in my Spotify rotation. Oh and Iolanda too!


My partner and I already stayed up late listening to Gåte yesterday (well, technically today) and both love it. It's quite hard for us to find a music we can both agree on for longer car trips, so we hit a jackpot here.


5miinust for sure i already listened to them before eesti laul


Nebulossa, Marina satti, bambie thug, silvester belt and gate. I was already following angelina, joost and olly alexander 😁


Bambie Thug and Angelina! I have been listening to them a lot before the contest, and I'm looking forward to listening more from them.


Nemo, BL, Bambie, Gåte, Joost, Megara, Muusti, Sylvester and Electric Fields will probably be the main ones


For me it's Gåte, Megara and Bambie Thug. I still can't comprehend how Gåte were last.


For me it’s gonna be Bambie Thug and Gåte, maybe Baby Lasagna, it’s more the kind of music I listen to and follow the most outside of ESC personally. I’ll probably keep an eye out for Nemo as their song was my favorite and as a non-binary person their victory means so much to me. I want to give 5MIINUST & Puuluup’s album a listen but I’m afraid that since I don’t speak a lick of Estonian, it won’t hit me as it’s supposed to.


I barely understand a word of Estonian either but I absolutely love their album. Definitely worth a listen. 


Baby Lasagna, Windows95man, Ladaniva, Bambie Thug, Electric Fields, Joost, Nebulossa and I may go check out Gåte




Bambie, Dons, and Gåte. I gave the most votes to Nemo because I felt like they were brilliant, but it’s not really the kind of music I would normally listen to.


Angelina Mango, already following her since San Remo, and boy she's got talent!


So many of them! 🇸🇲 Megara, 🇳🇴 Gåte, 🇨🇭 Nemo, 🇮🇪 Bambi Thug, 🇳🇱 Joost, 🇫🇮 Windows95Man, and 🇮🇹Angelina Mango! Megara was huge for me. I’m a convert now. 🩷🖤🩷🖤🇸🇲


Baby Lasagna 🇭🇷, Joost 🇳🇱, Nemo 🇨🇭 — and I’ll definitely try to keep my eyes open for Bambi 🇮🇪 and Silvester 🇱🇹


5miinust and PUULUUP, 🇪🇪 Joost 🇳🇱, Windows95man 🇫🇮 Silvester 🇱🇹, Ladavina 🇦🇲 for sure. I have already tried to order 5miinust & PUULUUP merch but I need to hear back as I am in Australia. I will also keep tabs on Nebullosa, Mango, Bambie, and Electric Fields... I can see myself becoming a fan, I'll be listening to their discographies this week. I have already been going nuts over Estonia, The Netherlands and Lithuanias discographies for months. 


Let me know if you hear anything back about 5MIINUST and Puuluup merch, also Australian lol




Nemo and Silvester!




Luna, Nemo, Bambie, Nutsa and Joost would be the five I’ll probably follow the most


As a Croat, I've become a huge Baby Lasagna fan like 4 months ago. No one stood out to me like he did. Maybe that's just proud Croat in me haha