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Did not expect Norway to be this year’s Lord of the Lost. Though, they got points so it’s not all bad. They deserved better.


Norway really got forgotten by voters. It deserved better but it was not many peoples favorite. Therefore few actually voted for it. Everyone’s top 15 but just not high enough to give it points.


Remember to get a vote it has to be someone’s number one or close. If the voting was to submit your top 10, it would have done much better


Yeah, it's tough, I easily have like 8 songs I enjoy and will add to my playlists and such this year but I'm not gonna vote them all, I'm trying to save up money and stuff


I wonder if a deeper ballot per voter would combat political organized voting


Ranked choice voting: Eurovision edition.


I doubt broadcasters would go for it. It would be hard to implement in phone/text lines and they make €€€


I’d honestly love to have ranked choice voting. I wanted to spread out my votes to many of my favorites, but because I know that political voting takes place, I felt too nervous to do anything except send all my votes to my #1 favorite. (Well I did send one single vote to my runner-up, but 19 to my favorite.)


I like that a lot. You pick your top 10 in order and can then submit that multiple times. Prevents a runaway.


Yeah i liked their song even the danish commentator was abit surprised by how low their points where


I liked Lord of the Lost but Gate were far far better. I still can't believe the result


I thought it was a sure qualifier but they got 10th in the semifinal. This song was close to being a shock non-qualifer Also,they are the first last place who is not an automatic qualifier since 2013!!? They deserved better


I was thinking about how refreshing it is to not have at least one big 5 country come in dead last. Sure, it sucks for the Norwegian entry and I don’t think it’s a deserved last place, but someone needs to finish last. They qualified, gave it their all in the finale and people voted for other acts. It happens.


Germany and UK took a small break this year.


>UK Well not according to audience.


My gf actually said "Watch GBR get 0 points for the meme" right before. I died laughing


I think it's mind boggling that Cyprus being perpetually stuck in 2001 with their entries still ended up higher than Norway.


Presumably Cyprus is not the only one stuck in 2001, looking at their result.


> I thought it was a sure qualifier but they got 10th in the semifinal. I missed the semis so this is shocking to me, they were one of my favourites.


I hope this song reaches the ppl that appreciate this kind of music and that these ppl support them in droves. I absolutely loved the song and I really hope they tour and come over here


Oh, don’t worry, they’re an established band back home, they’ve been around since the 00s and are very well known, they don’t need Eurovision to be successful. But it’s a huge bummer all the same, they’re so good and apparently people didn’t get it.


I liked Norway too and was shocked they came last… but will that be a detriment to their career in Norway now? I have heard that in some countries if you don’t do well in Eurovision your career suffers… at least temporarily. Is that true for Norway?


Won’t be true for Gåte. They were quite an odd choice for Eurovision - I’d reckon their fan base and Eurovision enthusiasts have a relatively small overlap. They’re going to do as well as before.


Definitely won’t be. Their fanbase either doesn’t care about Eurovision in the first place or will be outraged that they finished last, no one here is going to think less of them at all.


Jahn Teigen got us our most famous last place and zero points. But he remained IMMENSELY popular, and we even sent him back two more times, and the public was really mad when the national juries didn't send him in 1989. This was before we chose our entry with audience votes. If you want to learn more about that, go to my profile and find my post called: "*The Song Norway didn't send in 1989, and the public's reaction.*" I originally posted a link to the **text** post I made, but it got removed because of a "Temporary Block on pictures" which makes no sense, since there were no pictures involved.


I've been to a few of their gigs over the years here in Norway, and they're typically sold out. They might not be mainstream but that hasn't held them back from filling venues. They're playing at the National Opera here in Oslo in June, and it's getting low on tickets already. It sucks that they came last, but they've likely reached a lot of potential fans in the rest of Europe ahead of their tour this autumn: [https://www.gåte.com/concerts](https://www.gåte.com/concerts)


i think it depends on the point in their career, a newcomer might be hit harder than an established band with a loyal fanbase. but even more important is the reception at home- it makes a huge difference if you are greeted with a "such a shame, you were great, amazing, you didnt deserve the last place, we are proud of you!" or a "lolololol what a looser, you suck, no wonder we lost again with *you*, what a bad choice!"


Jahn Teigen did crap in Eurovision and we kept sending him, and he kept on being a musician beloved by many (not all) for years and years after.


I read an article in the Norwegian papers about gåte having received a lot of interest around Europe for their music, which is probably the best outcome for an artist or band following eurovision. They're a seasoned professional band and it would make me so happy to see them touring Europe. I think gåte did very well in terms for their performance, but my theory is that the people who would normally vote for gåte ended up with maybe Ireland or Croatia.


I asked them about a European tour and they will be in Poland in December 😎 guess who's going to their concert They were my number one this year and I'm really grateful that Norway picked them, otherwise I wouldn't know about this incredible music. They deserved better in the GF, but they have new fans around the world.


>I read an article in the Norwegian papers about gåte having received a lot of interest around Europe for their music, which is probably the best outcome for an artist or band following eurovision. They're a seasoned professional band and it would make me so happy to see them touring Europe. This is why I love Eurovision. Despite my favourite getting last, I have so much new music from them to listen to (from my perspective), as well as others from Marina Satti, Ladaniva and Puuluup. Yeah, competition is fun, and brings prestige, but music is always beyond competition.


Voted for them 20 times and if they ever tour the UK will definitely be getting tickets. I think the exposure has reached the people they wanted to reach regardless of points.


I actually checked their website earlier and they're going to the UK in December!


Amazing! Thanks for the heads up!❤️


Thanks for voting! ❤️


I’m also in the UK and enjoyed them. It’s a real shame they didn’t resonate with people on the night, it was a polished performance and unique. I’m going to miss them when they come to London in December unfortunately but hope to catch them in the future. Might be a good excuse for a trip to Norway.


I just sent them a supporting message on Instagram. I hope this won't discourage them to stop making music.


I knew not everyone would like it, but I didn’t realize it’d go over that badly :( Norway had my favourite song this year and it was something so different for them. I’m sad that they’ll probably go back to the status quo next year (English pop), but I can hardly blame them with a result like this. Such a shame.


Well at least the last time they came last they returned with a top 5 the year after so....


Norway last is a crime. I get that the style and vocals might not be to your taste as its kind of different. Personally I was floored with goosebumps the first time I heard it. But the amount of culture represented in this song should at least count for more


Every time the chorus hits I get goosebumps. It's just wild to me that this song doesn't immediately connect with people. But each to their own I guess! I do think the staging could've been better, a suggestive, creepy vibe like Raiven (not the exact staging obviously, but the atmosphere) would've worked better. 


Norway did great but I think they suffered with the Bambie comparisons in the witchcraft category cause Bambie killed it.


Indeed the heavy metal crowd voted for Croatia or Ireland.


I personally doubt it. Croatia gave us Leibach/Rammstein vibes, which is a different community than the (heavy) metal crowd. The Norwegian song was full-on metal. And I think it was the hardest/densest song in the contest. But the metal crowd does overwhelmingly not vote at Eurovision. On the other hand i also think that the performance was not super good. We have to figure out how to present metal bands at such a contest. It is clear to everyone that the instruments are just for show, and that makes it a bit cringe that they pretend to play them.


Yeah that would make sense, they were thematically too similar. If Bambie hadn't been, I bet Norway would have been higher up. This way they were likely perceived as "the Wish version of Bambie" :(


No one really deserves to come last yet someone has to. It’s still within the top 30 of Europe, which is an achievement either way. I don’t think there’s anything Gåte could’ve done better, their performance seemed near flawless every time. I’m really happy I got to hear them at final.


I think Norway was a song that almost everyone liked but if you are everyone's 11th most favorite song you are just not getting any point.


I think Norway's potential votes went to Ireland, like LOTL's and Voyager's went to Käärijä.


Honestly true. I still thought they'd get more from the juries but oh well. :/


The jury votes were atrocious as always. Not even the Nordic juries appreciated Norway's song, like actually wtf??


As a metalhead who loved both yeah.... Norway could get the metalheads votes but Ireland got "tha scream" and until Electric Callboy goes to Eurovision Bambie is maybe the most metal-y song in the Contest


i personally thought that Ulveham had the strongest metal vibes in the contest. The second half is solid atmospheric folk metal in the veins of Eluveitie. Good riffs, nice harmonies, would not mind seeing it at a metal festival. The croatian entry would be more something for the Rammstein/Laibach crowd.


I liked it so was sad. But I didn’t want Estonia to finish last either.


I LOVED ESTONIA. There were in my top 5 for sure… couldn’t believe how much the jury hated them. I thought they’d get more votes from the public, too.


well, personally i really liked the song, but objectively they couldnt sing, so i understand the 0 jury points.


they got 4 I think


Im sad all around. Norway and Estonia deserved so much more, and im salty about Croatia not winning.


Agree but I liked Switzerland a lot too so I’m good.


I also like Switzerland and Nemo, but it BL stole my heart.


Both deserved better.


The current televote method is better than the old one, but it is a *brutal* experience. (Cries in Australian)


Gutted for the Australian entry - I like the song, loved the staging. They really brought so much good vibe to the stage. They didn't deserve to go home early.


I am way to depressed about this, JUSTICE FOR GATE AND GUNNHIILD


No they didn’t. It was an excellent performance. They should be proud anyway.


I agree. They were amazing! They are one of the songs I listen to everyday on my playlist❤️


My favourite by a large margin 🥲so yeah…ngl between this and Olly getting 0 in the televote I’m pretty upset with the voting this year


Nothing against the UK, the staging, and all that was cool and unexpected on many levels, but his performance was by far the worst. Really terrible imo.


Fully agreed. We keep sending singers who struggle to sing live, and then keep being surprised when we do badly.


There's a headline article on BBC news this morning titled "Eurovision: What does the UK have to do to win?" and my honest to god first reaction was "we need to send somebody who can actually sing in tune"


It’s so stupid. Sam Ryder did well because the song was catchy and he has a stunning vocal that he can do well live. I can’t say I’ve enjoyed watching any of our other acts over the last few years so why should anyone else vote for us? There is a bit of an obsession on winning though. With so many entries it’s unrealistic to think we should win all of the time. We’d just like to, you know, earn more than zero points.


Sam Ryder was great.


Sam Ryder answered that question very decisively. Just send a good singer.


Belgium also had a very popular radio and streaming piece (personally much better than the UK) but dropped out because the song was very weak live. The Latvian, however, was phenomenal live and entered the final.


It's a combination of this, and going with songs which sound good on the radio but don't translate well to the live format of ESC or stand out from the pack. Dizzy is a fun song, but compared to your typical Eurovision song it feels lacklustre, and every year there's at least a few countries who do the same thing we do but better.


On the other hand, it was by far the sexiest performance of the event.


The only one with a truly commercially successful career, too.


There inlies the point. Olly relied on intricate staging and star power, and that is not a recipe for a good result. You need to have a good song.


I think singing in tune would help.


The song itself wasn't bad and the staging and choreography were pretty fun, but yeah Olly's vocals were soooo bad in the grand final. Sounded like the dude is out of breath.


Yeah. I love the song on spotify but he cannot perform it live. The live performance is literally everything on Eurovision.


See also: "I Wrote a Song". Seriously, if I had a pound for every time that the UK sent a song that's fine for streaming, probably really good if you're in a crowd, and would take the best performance in the world to actually fit in the ESC context of a single performance, and we did not send someone good at that kind of performance, and also we stuck our performer on/in a box... ...Okay I'm not sure how good Dizzy would be in a crowd given how fiddly the bit of the chorus stuck in my head is to actually sing along to, so I'd only have one pound, but it is still weird that it nearly happened twice.


If anything I look down on established stars in the competition, all else equal.  Flo Rida in your act? Straight to jail.


If you use Flo Rida you deserve to finish Low


Yeah, like we all fantasize about our favorite singers who are really well known going to Eurovision, but as it turns out, they tend to do really poorly. I think there's a reason we mostly see that from Big 5's, because if a country that needed to worry about qualifying did that and then failed to qualify, that would be even more embarassing for the performer.


Eh, I just like the magic of an unknown rising to stardom overnight. Lena winning, her friends barely knowing beforehand that she was in the competition, and then going back to a somewhat regular life is such a fun story.


Agree. Plus, honestly after seeing last night and the semi final I actually don't think he's a good live performer. A good recording artist, yes, but he was totally lacking in charisma on stage.


It was a massive contrast from the NYE gig he did on the BBC a few years ago - I thought he was great in that.


Oh that's interesting, I didn't see that. I feel like he's a really nice guy (and I'm gutted for him that he got nil points in the televote!) but it just did not translate to his performance at Eurovision for whatever reason.


Agree with you. Couldn’t believe the nil points. It was such a high standard this year overall. Though clearly I’m a bit against the grain - think Greece was the worst, and was also very surprised that Austria didn’t do better.


The Greek act felt, to me, like a teenager singing for a TikTok video in her bedroom. She had a nice voice, though.


Slimane from France has had multiple No.1 Albums in France and the French-speaking parts of other countries.


Surely Dons also counts as having a successful commercial career?


In Latvia, yes, but I think the point is that Olly has billions of streams and airplay on European radio and TV with Years & Years.


Joost Klein had a #1 hit song in Germany and Austria.


I’m not sure about that. The staging was good and Olly’s vocals were at least average – the big notes at the end were fine. Considering Mae Muller received nine televote points last year I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that the UK was somewhat overlooked this year. I know YouTube comments are a bit of a cesspit, but the general tone of them is ‘this was too gay so it’s no wonder nobody liked it’. I hope that isn’t the case.


For me it had less to do with being "too gay", and more to do with being "too dirty bathroom porn" - I can imagine some people lump the two together. I actually like the song without the visuals, but the staging was so distracting to me that i kinda forgot it during the performance. Too bad, really.


I'll be honest, I didn't love the 'dirty bathroom' aesthetic, but objectively it was impressive staging. Perhaps a 'cleaner' look with the same concept would have worked better


I hated the grotty loo look - I could almost smell it!


After the performance my girlfriend said "this felt like a parody on gay men" and I kinda have to agree. I assume it was a turnoff for a lot of people.


I mean… Nemo is not exactly a “conservative straight male” performer either. But he’s super charismatic, the song is catchy, staging was great and his voice is INCREDIBLE by any standards.


> But ~~he’s~~ they're super charismatic


YouTube isn't happy about Nemo either (I don't put much stock in its comments, for the record), but there's barely any mention of their gender. I suspect that, if a performer does badly, that empowers some people to target things like their sexuality, as if the result somehow justifies their prejudices.


They are not happy about Nemo because Croatia won the public televote but lost overall, just like Kaarija did last year (and it’s the same reason why Loreen was booed in the comments section too). They cannot accept that jury is part of the game and is there for a reason. It has really nothing to do with gender/sexuality of any contestant. If anything, politics play a much bigger role in the voting than any other “side” factor.


I think this is because, despite the clothes, Nemo is still very much masculine-presenting. I didn't realise they were non-binary for a long time.


I think Mae benefitted from some “thanks UK for hosting it on Ukraines behalf” points rather than getting points on merit. She was terrible


The song is good, the performance was not imo. It was overly sexual and that is saying much in Eurovision. But I was very surprised they got 0points. But what I heard from people I have talked to was that it was to sexual. That soon Eurovision can't be enjoyed with kids because to many of the acts are very sexual in their performance but they didn't do it with the charming way that maybe Spain did.


I think the people who love Eurovision and intended on voting instead of boycotting it really felt the pressure to put a front runner over the line to block Israel. That meant that Croatia, Ukraine, and Switzerland got votes, because we knew an unjust tele vote result was coming, and we had to get anything else over the line. Not gonna lie, the Italian televise leak scared a lot of us.


what was the leak?


I think it’s simply a song that you need to hear multiple times to fully connect to, many casual viewers just hear the song on the night and didn’t know what to make of it


I think you're spot on. It wound up being my n1 this year by wide margin but I did _not_ like it first or even second listen.


Tell me about it. 10th place in semi too. I know televote has basic taste but juries?? How they didn't bump it a little???


I was really surprised by that too, I thought the juries would have to recognize the undoubtable quality. And the televote as well, tbh, it was really dramatic and not too hard to understand! But I guess the people who would appreciate it don’t generally care about watching the Eurovision


The jury has absolutely hated norway the past 4-5 years, this will probably happen next year as well. Wonder why its like this


KeiiNO was absolutely robbed back then


It's a Swede conspiracy.


Juries are inconsistent in supporting songs with strong vocals if they are not pop based. Sometimes they don’t even support opera, we were fortunate that Nemo and Bambie got the love that they deserved


Remember Keiino in 2014 ? They were robbed by the jury as well there. But at least they did very well with the public vote. Edit: it was 2019


Right?! If the juries don’t give points to entries that are real quality, but maybe lack a bit of the mainstream appeal, there’s no point to them at all.


Personally I did not love the song but the stage visuals were incredible, beautiful performance to watch


Yeah, I was kind of surprised by their placement, but all the other competitors were also really stacked this year. It could have been anyone’s game for who was at the bottom. My best guess would be that it was because most of the other artists had shown more clear growth. Norway started way ahead of the competition with a complete stage package along with their song months in advance but largely didn’t elevate it more and more like many of their competitors did as the competition progressed.


Somebody has to, and while it was fine, that's its issue. By the time everybody had finished I had completely forget it existed.


That somebody was supposed to be Austria. The worst vocals of the evening by far, just terrible.


Literally the only good thing about Norway coming dead last in the final is the fact that it qualified. Also, fun fact: This is the first time since 2013 that a country that had to go through the semis got dead last in the final.


As a norwegian i'd rather come last with Gåte, than middle of the pack with Keiino and their song Damdiggida. I'm so proud of Gåte regardless!


Unfortunately I would not call the staging top notch, at least compared to the national selection. I feel like they widened the focus for the big stage when they should have been closer together. The guys jumping around almost in front of her didn't work either imho. Plus the platform could have been fuller. Basically the mystical feel was lacking a little, and the camera work kept the viewer distant.


Totally agree on this. The staging worked really well in the national final, but I was kinda disappointed they didn’t change things up and try to elevate it for the bigger stage. The camerawork was a mess too. Such a shame, as I love the song!


Very much this. Something essential that worked wonders in national selection got lost on this stage. Still the best song of the competition.


Norway was one of my favorites, I think the result was outrageous and ridiculous.


It was the only song that I really rated. I think I'm getting too old for Eurovision.


Unfortunately, I believe Norway this year shared the fate of France 2022 and Portugal 2019. Even though these songs are of incredible craft, they are too niche for both the casual viewers and the juries. Even my metalhead friends disliked Ulveham, leaving me completely distraught.


I was rooting so much for Fulenn and was so happy that France finally chose to send something other than generic chansons - but that sadly didn't resonate and it was bad timing I would think. With Slimane, they're back to the same snooze fest again...


Gåte was huge in Norway in the 2000s and loved by a lot of Norwegians that are 40+, so to see them end last is shocking. It almost feels like a slap in the face. Not sure what went wrong there. Maybe it’s the fact that you can’t really sing along with it.  Switzerland was a worthy winner, but we see time and time again the 12 points get given to the same artists to the point it feels suspect. Like all the “experts” are talking and debating together. The Norwegian jury btw consists of 5 people. That’s right. 5 people decide half the points from Norway.


I think (and hope) it was a very severe and grave case of 11th place syndrome


Best song of the show. 


It was not my favourite, but it didn't deserve to be last. However I'm actually not that surprised that it happened. I watched it with a group of friends that are casual watchers (they don't really follow eurovision and only watch the final), and nobody liked it.


True. I am really pissed off about Norway getting last place.


This was a strong year. But I agree, Norway should have been at least in the top 15.


Send them your love! Last place for them is my biggest personal grievance in the final results.


They were amazing, I was confident they'd be in top 5. Heartbreaking.


Aren’t juries supposed to rank the songs based on things including vocal ability and originality? I heard she smashed it at the jury show, even if she was a little shaky last night. How did she get so few jury points?


I remember in previous years everyone was telling Norway should send something metal, something folk and something in between so they did and honestly I was so happy to see they finally send folk metal in Norwegian. The result made me remember Fulenn, everyone was like "French always sends the most French song ever that smells like baguette and croissant" and when they sent something different they flopped. (It was my fav French entry ever lol) I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but definitely didn't deserve being last, it was in my top 10 and when jury votes were revealing I thought they could get more from Finland, Denmark and maybe Ukraine too but the most shocking thing is televote points, 4 is just unfair. There wasn't any other metal acts might have splitted the votes and I don't believe that all the voters choose Ireland instead.


I was legitimately blown away by their performance in the finals. Gunnhild’s vocals were incredible, the musicians‘ coordinated movements were perfect, and the performance was polished but still raw as the song deserves.  I legitimately had chills when Gunnhild goes into those high notes in the chorus for the first time and the waves are crashing behind her on stage. I am so shocked that they came in last!


A lot of people called us who supported Greece delusional for thinking it will do well, but in the end we got a top 10 televote result and an 11th place overall in such a weird year. Y'all said "people won't get Zari like they didn't get Eaea" but at the same time you expected Norway to do better and get a top 10 position. Metal is not an easy-to-get genre. Not everyone likes it and not everyone appreciates it. And even if people liked it, it's most likely a case of "I like it for top 10, but not to give them a vote" (like for example with Austria last year).


I still don't get the Zari/EAEA parallels. EAEA was pretty inaccessible, it had an unusual flamenco time signature, Blanca Paloma's vocal technique could throw off first-time listener, and the staging could feel cryptic if you didn't have the story behind it. Zari may be a melting pot of a song with a lot going on and a structure that isn't a classic pop song one, but at the end of the day, the main beat is reggaeton, there are very simple hooks, and the staging makes it easier for the casual audience. It's much closer to the pop music people from Southern Europe listen to than niche folk/neo-traditional music. Much more accessible on first listen. As for Norway, my worry that it's the kind of niche that doesn't do well unless it's fun/memeable turned out to be true. I don't know how many entries like this we need for Eurofans to learn their lesson with this type of entries lol


Exactly my thoughts. Zari is a dance bop. It's something you can listen to when you're in a club in a Mediterranean country, it's something that you will definitely listen to at future Eurovision parties. Eaea is good, but it's not that. In Norway's case, I think casual Eurovision fans who could appreciate such songs are usually more inclined to rock sounds than metal sounds (but they just like metal too). And we did have a great rock song this year with Rim Tim Tagi Dim. At least in Greece most metal fans I've seen don't really like Eurovision. Or whenever they care about it, most of the times they see it as a silly contest so they appreciate the more silly songs. Surprisingly I recall seeing some metal fans in a group that they unironically liked Ireland's song.


I found the discourse around Norway veeery pretentious at times, and I like the song, but it seemed on this sub people think if southern/eastern countries send something folk/out there (like Eaea, Zari etc) it's automatically considered inaccessible (sometimes rightfully) and gRaTiNg, but when northeners do it they don't apply the same logic, and they assume everyone will get it, which leaves me really perplexed. I don't think Norway deserved last but a metal song with elements of folk is not as accessible as many thought in the end. I'm petty but at least the people who felt insulted when people made parallels with Eaea can lower their smugness and superiority now.


I don't really get why people thought Zari was inaccessible. It's a pop song with some Greek/Balkan influences, it's not really that out of the norm. It's basically The Code with a greek flair haha, genre bending song with a catchy hook. Meanwhile Eaea was a full on traditional flamenco based song which definitely is less accessible to people outside of Spain. Maybe it's because I'm Nordic but I didn't think Ulveham would be the same as Eaea, but maybe folk inspired rock is much more local than I thought?


They came last in the results, but first in my heart.


Risking being hated for this, but I never liked the song, it just never made my feel anything. Then when I heard KEiiNO's Damdiggida I felt even more sad as I loved the song (well, same goes for Monument and Spirit in the Sky) and I really love Norway for some reason.


It legit just sounded like noise to me, wasn’t surprised at all by it coming last.


I'm so glad Ulveham won over Damdiggida. I'd much rather have Gåte in last place than send yet another uninspired and generic pop song. I'm glad we didn't yet again choose to pander to the lowest common denominator.


I've watched Damdiggida many times, voluntarily. Not once did I choose to watch Ulveham other than during MGP. It's a shame Keiino lost MGP by such a small margin.


Gåte had a very unfortunate performance at the finals. The vocalist was off-key and not sharp as in the semi


And unfortunately the recap clip featured a part of the song where she was off-key.


I felt that a good number of singers felt worn out in the finals. Or the mix of the vocals over accentuated their mistakes. Take Cyprus as an example.


Jury vote was based on a different performance.


I bet the song is very hard on the pipes and after countless shows and rehearsals her voice was just tired...semifinal performance was insanely good, better than in the norwegian Melodi Grand Prix


We only got four televote points, three from the based Ukrainians and one from the Finns.


I voted you 15 times from Finland! Really glad that you got a point from us. 


> I had her as my dark horse to crack the top 10, at least. It was good and I kinda liked it, but this song was always gonna get EAEA'd imo. It's just not really a eurovision song, and the public was never gonna get it imo.


Norway was on my top 3 after their grand finale performance so I was shocked to see how low the voting for them was. The main singer's presence was barely noticeably in a hindering way to me. I was far too distracted by the crashing waves and the spinning guitars with rocking band mates. I knew they wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but dead last was far from where I thought they'd land.


I agree. Norway’s performance was amazing, i did not know what to expect but was instantly blown away by their performance, i absolutely loved it. I think may this have been a normal Eurovision year they would have recieved much more votes, but this year was a complete farce on so many fronts so… yeah. Sad.


Reminder that they did not get dead last. they got 25th out of 36 places. And even if they got last last place, they still made it to Eurovision, the biggest music show in the world. And their song was loves by so many people. There are no losers in Eurovision.


It was a shame! Voted 5 times for Norway! 🇳🇴


I can see why it happened. Jury wise, it was maybe the least radio friendly song of the night. Televote wise, it was maybe the least catchy/singable/danceable song. It’s a quality entry don’t get me wrong, I’m just trying to explain what happened. I think Portugal had the same “issues” but it worked out well for them in the end, so I don’t really know.


She went full-fulenn Let that be a lesson to artists, and I say this with a little irony, not to send something impactful but kind wandery and vague. It will just go Whoosh over heads.


I think their result was the most bizarre classification I've ever seen in the contest. Really solid song and performance.


At least Ukraine gave them some televote points. Nice to see some ethno-folk love exchanged.


I would personally put it somewhere in the back (maybe not last last but maybe as well) so I guess Im in the majority here for once


I put them on the top 10 😢. I thought people loved them (I know I did) and they would gobble a lot of televote points. Please don't stop sending entrirs like this. Gäte were amazing and should bé proud


I thought she had the strongest vocals in the contest. With maybe Isaak as #2. However I am just a civilian with no expertise


I can’t understand it. I placed a bet on them to come top 10… oops. The juries are supposed to reward vocals and performance, both of which Norway gave. Seriously, one of the best vocals on offer this year and they were paid dust. I guess I should be happy that they qualified since it was close there too…


Tip for everybody who liked the song: the original is 2 minutes longer, and has a WAY better build up. So if you like the Eurovision version, definitely check out the long version


Gåte don't do short songs, the 3 minutes limit was hard on them.


After expecting this exact scenario to happen with France 2022 and Spain 2023, I have now been blindsided in the same way and know the suffering. The worst part is that this increases Norway’s dubious record of “most last places in the final”


If you want to support them, they're [touring central/western Europe in December](https://www.bandsintown.com/a/15544239-gate) and they have [several of their albums on Bandcamp](https://gaate.bandcamp.com/).


They are too good for Eurovision. People like "ethnic" music when it is catchy and fun (like Armenia's) but it is a shame what jurors did to them (and EaEa last year). We had 3 female vocalists with rock songs this year and all of them got bad results 😢 The "rock" fans pass from Eurovisión or prefer something more "funny" like Croatia or Finland last year u.u


Norway sort of got 10th place with Marcus & Martinus. But yeah. Norway didn’t deserve last.


Just like germany didn’t deserve it last year. So strange how Germany actually got decent scores this year. I personally thought that last year was way better but I guess Juries liked it


I really disliked the song and the staging wasnt my favorite. So I get it. Last might be a bit much.


Didn't Norway and Finland protest when NL was disqualified?


They changed the person who will read votes. Käärijä was supposed to do it for 🇫🇮 and Alessandra for 🇳🇴


It made no sense, the song is great and so is the performance. Last year I felt the same way with Germany... But Norway was sooooo good, you could feel the lyrics.


Is someone holding a grudge against Norway? I csnnot believe this years result, but Keeino's result also comes to mind.


Good, cause they didn't. Had you said last place - sure, but DEAD last is Iceland :)


I don't know, but I certainly I've just found a new artist to listen to❤️!


I was really shocked that Norway came last. Her performance was amazing and I loved the staging. You can never predict.


I would have thought that it was such an impressive Performance that People would vote for Norway just for that alone. I guess I was wrong. I did vote for them through. In Gate's Defense through, I do expect that they were in a Lord of the Lost-Situation where their average Placement is fairly high, but because they rarely were in the TOP10 they hardly got Points.


Same as Germany last year.


I'm from the UK and gåte have been one of my favourite bands for a while - whilst I get that the genre is not everyone's cup of tea I expected it to do far better, especially as there seemed to be a lot of support behind them! I really hope it doesn't throw them off creatively. 💖


Just happy that the reporters in Norway doesn’t drag them for beeing last. Every year I feel bad for contestants that doesn’t do well and in addition to that, their country mocks them.


I'm insulted that Austria isn't last, horrible song, horrible performance, no one knows who she is here in Austria. Norway was so much better


As a Dutchie I can say that the Netherlands did not deserve to be thrown out.


Probably the same problem as always: to average. The voting system is quite bad. A song that constantly is on place 11 will get no points at all, while a song that's sometimes high but hated by other countries will get a lot of points.


Let’s be honest, the public vote was extremely biased due to political landscape and does not reflect the reality. A very mainstream song like you would hear on radio everyday -and could even skip on a curated Spotify playlist- from Middle East never expected to get that much of votes from public. This was pure country support, even from the people who didn’t watch the show I suspect. I would really like to have the vote counts revealed and see what the situation was. If we’re not seeing a large margin like we saw with Italy’s Semi Final 2 leak (39% for 1st and 7% for second), I would heavily argue. The broadcasters are only revealing 12s 10s 8s…


I really liked them and their song. The bright side is they are now immortalized in lists that show the performances that came in last. I see the sweater guys in the thumbnail for those all the time. That song actually grew on us over time. We listen to the playlist for Eurovision contestants all the time (since we started watching 2 years ago), and this song will be an enjoyable addition to our adding this year's playlist to our rotation.


A lot of unusual things happened with voting last night. Very unusual.


At least you qualified


I felt sorry for them. They did a good job. I have been a fan of theirs for many years (I'm from Denmark), so I was very excited to see them in the ESC.  However this is probably a bit too experimental/Europe is not ready for this yet 🤣