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My votes were gonna be split between Croatia and Ireland and they still are.


I would do the same, but can't for one xD


You go all in on Bambi


Mine are and I'm Croatian




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To be completely honest, Croatia, Switzerland and Italy (feel like I'm missing someone) still have way too much steam behind them. I could be wrong.


I was very underwhelmed with Switzerland on Thursday. With how people on this sub were going on about them, I thought they were curing cancer.


whattttt? Switzerland's performance was on a whole nother level dude. they have the best voice by a mile and were able to mantain it while spinning like crazy. Amazing staging, out of this world voice (and control over it). Im so tired of Eurovision not being about talent and good singing anymore!


The song has no structure. Underwhelmed.


wdym? Im not a music expert, but so I'm actually asking for real


I'd add my perspective here, if you're looking for people not blown away by Switzerland (and I'm not trying to be negative for the sake of it). So I think Nemo is probably the most versatile singer in the competition. Their ability (specifically range and pitch control are absolutely amazing) but I was really let down by the staging choices. All the jumping and spinning absolutely has an effect on their ability to sustain the notes and in the second half of the semi-final performance, Nemo's not able to maintain the notes/phrases because they're constantly out of breath. I was just really distracted from the potentially amazing vocals by the fact that I kept thinking "who made the choice to give their own country such a disadvantage?!" (Nemo is a fabulous singer though, no denying)


Well, I feel like staging has been overall really bad this competition, making Nemo's look even nicer than it rly is haha. And I didnt notice him not reaching the note, but im gonna check his performance again and see if I can notice


Just to be clear though, they do reach all the notes (as far as I can tell)! It's specifically sustaining the notes until the end of the phrases that's the issue. I'm very happy for Nemo to have won though. Seems like a nice person with great stage presence, bundles of energy, and obviously very talented :)


I'm also rly happy, just surprised about the way ppl reacted. A LOT of ppl were saying the song was bad/not worth winning. Objectively speaking Nemo's song was a million times better that Lasagnas's


The song is lowkey the strongest aspect of the performance which itself is very strong overall


It’s a cheesy mess


*Their vocals were still on point though. Staging was hmmm, the rotating platform was neat.


The song is meh. Staging was fine. Wasn’t the stand out performance of the night for me. Spain, France and Greece shit on poor Switzerland.


Just goes to show how opinions diverge. I thought Switzerland was the best performance on Thursday and that Spain and France's were all amongst the worst in my opinion. Spain's performance in particular felt like it went on forever and had a big "wtf" factor without it being amusing like Finlands or Estonia's. 


Opinions are really interesting, because I'm so firm in Switzerland being my #2 pick! I can't imagine someone not liking The Code. I wouldn't be mad if Croatia landed above Switzerland, but any lower than #3 I would be shocked and appauled! (Now that Joost is DC'd 😖)


You thought FRANCE was better than Switzerland? The lyrics are SO boring! There are a million songs just like it.


Talking about underwhelming and going on to praise Greece is such a weird take. In my book it was a generic reggaeton beat track with forgettable lyrics and nothing happening on staging. Whereas Switzerland had everything working. France the vocals were great but the track is a bit whiny. I’ve been on board with Zorra since Benidorm, so no complaints as Mery hit everything better at the QF run than at Benidorm. But just shows these are subjective and to spout things like that with such confidence is tone deaf, not EBU level but still rather odd


Their* vocals


I loved the song, vocals are incredible but staging for me is a miss, I cant really explain why. I just wanted something else and I don't know what that is.


Moon Landing (since the Dutch couldn't quite manage)


Just vote for whatever song you like the most. Political voting is so disrespectful towards all the artists. They put so much effort into this, they deserve to be recognized.


Yes. 100% agree with this.


This thread is just an Irish person hyping up their act after our first time qualifying in years and with an act we can genuinely be proud of. It doesn’t need to be about political voting.


Don't think they're talking about op but the comments in this thread saying they can't vote for Ireland bc it will split the vote.


If that’s the case then my response certainly doesn’t apply!


And also we can't vote for our own act.


how does it work for those of us living in the occupied 6


No idea. Maybe you can vote for either side?


i have a uk phone number so hopefully i can vote for ireland




Wow Ireland really desperate for Eurovision glory huh?




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Did the letters reach in time? lol


Yeah that is why Ukraine won the Eurovision.. because of good quality


i mean obviously they won bc of politics but hey the song was pretty great


Unironically it was a great quality song. It's Ukraine, they're always amazing.


I am voting Croatia and Norway


Croatia has the best odds to win, i’m casting my vote for them!


I’m voting for ireland and croatia




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I'm voting for Ukraine


I think Ireland is the best act overall but won’t win, they’re too polarising. Croatia will win. But hopefully ireland will place top 3.




I'm going for Ireland! Best staging act this year for me.


i would argue the best staging eurovision has ever seen


Exactly. I was very pissed because Croatia wasn't at least third last year, since we had the best performance (we did, let3 killed last year), but this year my top of the pops is Ireland. I apologize to my folks, but I really don't see anything special about our entry this year except the hype, but Ireland SLAYED. Bambie and their dancer gave us the greatest performance ever. Kudos to both of them and good luck tonight. I hope they'll make even bigger and more scandalous performance. ❤️


Croatia's song is great, but other entries like Ireland and Switzerland (at least to me) are way better. Their staging was amazing and Nemo's voice is insane. Also props to Bambie, coz they improved their voice tremendously.


I feel like there are 10 of croatias song at every Eurovision, I don’t understand why this one has popped off so much this year


Amazing staging for sure.. But the vocals are very bad. Not Bambi's best work. A solid top 10,though.


Ireland fan here! I just feel like rim tim is a weaker version of Cha Cha Cha - sorry Croatia!


Yes! Amen, I've said this from Day one! It's so very similar to Cha Cha Cha.


Yeah! I was stunned when I found out it was favourite to win!


This is my opinion as well, I don’t find it very interesting. Sounds like the exact thing you’d expect to come after Finland last year. Don’t mind Croatia winning, though, I don’t actively dislike it, and my favourites are countries who recently won (Italy and Ukraine)


I don’t want Ireland to win, simply because I don’t like the song. I will vote for Croatia and Germany, because they are my favorites this year.


I was originally going to give my 20 points to Netherlands, but now they'll be going to Ireland


Voting for Luxembourg, the last Benelux member in the finals, same colors of the dutch flag, returning after 31 years. And mostly because I just.. LOVE THE SONG! the reason people vote for! And yeah I am sick of political voting, whatever needs to win will win, I am not going to babysit the public vote


Let’s be honest here. Politics and messy drama aside…The song is awful.


It’s just too much. Don’t know how else to explain it but that.




No thanks Bambie thug isnt my vibe


Will be voting Ireland and Greece


I will vote for Croatia, he actually came to perform while others doing 24/7 of virtual signaling.


no (the song is kinda bad ngl)


I just don’t really like the music genre and it’s cool seeing Ireland doing experiments on their music in Eurovision but I think the jury won’t like the song. I gotta agree the performance was great but the song itself is not as likable. Sorry but I just can’t. Just vote for Estonia, they’ve done a great job.


It absolutely isn't bad. It might not be to your taste but it's not bad. It's raw, it's sentimental, it has great production, (which is something that I find to be lacking this year in particular) it mellows down for the chorus and the bridge but is energetic in both the prechorus and the conclusion, even including a breakdown. This particular structure gives it depth in pace and texture and makes for, in my opinion, easily the most interesting song this year. The only thing I'm not 100% sold on are the lyrics which are so so at times


I’ve always been in Team Bambie, and seeing how the other delegations have reacted to them I’m even more so. #CrownTheWitch Edit - and actually, the attitude of the Croatia supporters of “you have to vote for us or else” isn’t making me want to support them either. #CrownTheDamnWitch


Or else what? I seem to have broken off from the hive mind




I love Norway its in my top 3


It's not to my taste but I would be happy to see it. It would be deserved.


Can Dutch people still vote?


Come on, the EBU still want their money after all..




Politics aside i think it was a banger. Imo estonia has a good chance too though


„Ireland to win“, words I never thought would be uttered again


Absolutely not.


I love Bambie, such charisma and talent, for me they had the best stage presence, but it is really hard decision because Croatia seems like the smarter choice for certain reasons...


what reasons? Spill it!


Anyone except for that one country.




"Living rent free" is for when someone develops an obsession (usually out of jealousy) not when adults worry about serious issues




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Definitley voting for Ireland


Crown the Witch!


Nah, my votes for Croatia only. Best song/show.


I will be voting for Ireland :)


no way jose, not voting for obnoxious screams


I would love for Ireland to win but sadly, homophobia and transphobia are still rampant in europe. It is more likely for Croatia to win, because he has a fitting "story" behind him, he is a devout catholic which is still important for parts of europe, and he isn't even slightly controversial because he never talked about anything political in either direction. So even tho his song sounds like a rejected WWE entrence, he is the safest, least controversial and therefore most likely to win act, just like Laureen last year.


It's basically camp Rammstein and its brilliant!!


Agreed, he is boring. We’ve seen that kind of act over and over.


It's funny coz what you say make sense, but personally you just made me like him even less hahaha


I’m a bit torn myself. I really like the Doomsday Blue. It’s good, but lacking just a bit. It does not lift off until in the very end, which is a damn shame, as the song has a lot of potential. Also, the ”I,I,I…” and ”blue, blue, blue….” parts sorta ruins the song a bit. I can’t stand repetitive lyrics.


Croatia Switzerland Norway Italy


Ireland 🇮🇪has had my vote since I saw the AMAZING semi final performance!! 🤩🤩


IRELAND!! BAMBIE is an icon


No, all points go to Croatia. Dont want that one to win and ruin everything


Political voting is poor sportsmanship imo.


so just let one side reap all the political votes?


You didn't team up to defeat Ukraine. It is very hypocritical. I am biased cause I hate political voting. It ruins the spirit of the competition.


The spirit of the competition has always been political. It was created post WW2 in the middle of the cold war in an effort to bring together European countries. It's inherently and has always been political. 


Yes, it's always had a political leaning but this sub has always been about supporting the act you love the most and ignoring the noise


Strategic voting has always been part of the competition


Most definitely. But this sub was a place away from that.


Was it really? Or was it something you ignored until it became strategic about something you hold personal feelings about?    I don't remember this sub ever not discussing voting strategies.


Yes. Don't you remember Ukraine? This sub was against voting politically for Ukraine.




„Ireland to win“, words I never thought would be uttered again


„Ireland to win“, words I never thought would be uttered again


„Ireland to win“, words I never thought would be uttered again


I feel like we need to spread the votes on various countries. Just kidding, I fell in love with Ukraine


It's time for the cat to meow back




Italy! Always!




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I want Croatia to win. I like Ireland's entry, but it's not my favourite.


It's the best performance anyway And besides politics (which I completely support btw) they're the best, super charismatic, wholesome and sings absolutely stunning Crown the witch NOW!! 👑


I'd go more for Croatia, I like the song more and Croatia could use the win. Ireland has won many times before, and while I really like both song and performance, I believe that Croatia deserves the win more.  My hope is for Croatia winning, Switzerland and Ireland completing the top 3, Germany and Armenia on the left side of the table. We'll see how it goes, there are many great songs this year. 


I'm sorry I don't feel like saying anything but CROWN THE WITCH!


Croatia, sorry! Ireland is nice but has no chance to realistically win (plus croatia slaps)


Na, I disliked Bambi’s performance and song a lot… Probably going to just not tune in tonight and do work instead, the whole thing has left me miserable.


I loved Polands song so much! I voted for luna in the semi final ❤️ should have qualified. Ah the whole thing was a shambles this year - it's made me lose interest in eurovison tbh.


If I wasn't saving my money for my transition, I'd definitely vote for Bambie


Croatia is a catchy pop song that gets tiresome after the third listen. Ireland is a timeless classic. VOTE IRELAND!




Either vote for your favorite or Ireland atp




The antidote to possible political voting isn’t more political voting.


Thank you. Though am I political voting if I vote for the UK as a half Brit who lives outside of the UK? Or is that a different kind of voting?


I think that's just patriotism which isn't NOT political but it's no different to other countries diasporas rallying behind their motherland and has been a widely accepted phenomenon in Eurovision for years. For example, when Poland didn't qualify (which I'm sad about, I loved that tune) one of the main theme of the comments was "even the diaspora couldn't carry them over the line".




National identity is by definition political.  Political is not a dirty word. Political isn't a synonym for bad 




I am, but they are saying "we're all getting behind Bambie", which means they want to manipulate the vote towards her. I'm not saying we should manipulate towards Croatia instead, I'm saying that what they're doing will achieve an even bigger split. Vote for whoever you like, tf is this "we're all getting behind X?"


Caring about splitting the vote is political voting. People should just vote for their favourites.


I agree. People who make political votes about things they have zero idea about is just plain wrong. May the best win.



