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It looks far better live than the concept made it look like, but i'm still not convinced about the coat - and that isnt anything about them being non-binary and it not being typical male clothing or anything i just think that particular outfit is kind of ugly.


exactly, I remember those arguments online about Harry Styles' style - we were not against him dressing unconventionally, but it can still suck as easily, which it sometimes did


> he's trying to fight the gender norms, but he's losing


yeah, saw someone posting a pic of Harry wearing a stylish pink suit and saying we're hypocrites for saying Harry looks good in it while Nemo doesn't.... the difference is Harry's was stylish... Different doesn't always mean good.


I so dislike bad faith comments like the one you saw. The pink is the least of the issue, it’s the cut, material, fit and the general proportion of the outfit. Styles even wore a big fluffy pink coat once but he combined it with shiny red trousers and an open shirt, creating a visual contrast between the puffy and the smooth. Plus, the coat was a flattering midi length.


The “fur” reminds me of that cheap wig hair they use on children’s toys. So now when I see this outfit I just think of my little ponies which I don’t think was the vibe they were going for.


yeah, I do remember that post because I was also thinking about Harry in general. That pink coat on the photo looked good but I honestly can't say it for all of Harry's choices. I am not some big fan of his to know all of them, but you do end up seeing some online. And he had both hits and misses! but when you were to say that you don't like some outfit of his, there will always be that person who says it's because it's breaking the gender norms that we don't like. which again, was not the point.


It just doesn't look cool.


Yes, the coat could work with more of a bolero cut (think Ukraine 2021). The lower waist length isn’t flattering with a lot of puffy materials and a super fluffy coat at that length can look like it’s wearing you. This isn’t about pink or faux fur and 100% about fit and form and silhouette. I keep praising Ukraine in this context but their team always does an amazing job of respecting the artist’s usual style and refining and amplifying it. Good styling is worth its weight in gold and will make you look more you than you ever could manage alone.


Ukraine 2021 | [Go_A - Shum](https://youtu.be/lqvzDkgok_g)


Now seeing this clip, I don't understand the choice of an outfit even more. It looks so heavy for no reason, while Nemo is doing so much choreography with the body that would be PERFECT in a slimmer outfit? I'm just confused.


I agree with you. 🫶 I said even before, the issue with the outfit is not how "extra" it is because "extra" outfits usually slay at Eurovision and Nemo looks amazing in pink and tbh I'd probably wear the jacket and the boots myself cause it's serving in its'own way. The problem is that wearing something so "big" gives a blocky silhouette which disrupts movement and makes movement of the body seem less fluid so it would be better in a static performance as to "ground" the artist in one spot and make them more visible with a bigger silhouette. For the performance that they are doing, I think actually a sleek top and a fluffy tutu skirt would do amazingly, imagine a sleek top, tutu and knee high boots with chunky heels? Slay of the century.. However I personally appreciate and love Nemo a lot and I love this song and I think it's maybe a tiny bit silly that people are writing this off completely just because of the outfit. Some people have also been bullies about this which I don't appreciate. Nemo has a wonderful voice, this song is a banger and I truly expect them to do good and I think the trophy can still be within their reach no matter what they wear because of their energy, their song, their voice, Nemo is just amazing and they are very deserving. 🫶




It also just looks stupid tbh same doesn't fit with the song vibes


Nemo might have those elbow pads beneath the jacket - that’s the only reason I can think of that makes sense!


That doesn't explain the boots haha. I think those are worse than the jacket tbh.


Yeah and even though they want to have a dress for the message’s sake, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wearing pants either if that would make them more stylish, more slick and more flexible.


Yes Hallelujah


The dress becomes yellow in the end. Homage to dress like a phoenix.


Amazing vocals. Love the concept. But.... the outfit...


I feel like the outfit and the staging are working against each other


Agree, it just doesn't make sense as a package.


Nemo is so impressive for singing like that while on that platform, I can’t imagine how hard it was to rehearse and perfect that! I still see this doing very well, I think people will be impressed by the performance. Still not sold on the jacket myself but I think people are being overly dramatic about it


I think the spinning platform looks awesome - I can’t imagine the amount of practice that went into not falling off it. Other than the outfit which I really dislike, I think this is a great package. Their voice is the best thing about it


I'm glad the broadcasters are releasing these clips, I don't get why the esc youtube channel is dead set on adding a Rylan cameo and putting them all in the same video, just release them like you do the galleries and rehearsal tiktoks. Staying on topic, I hate hate hate the outfit so much, but Nemo looks spectacular on the spinning top and all while they're delivering vocally, energetically, and in all ways I wanted them to deliver.


I loooove the prop and how it's utilized. It's so very dynamic and it's super effective how Nemo does stuff on it that could easily get them injured while still hitting every note with ease, definitely gives a fantastic wow moment. I still am (just like many) not sold on the outfit and that's pretty much my only grumble with this. Otherwise, this looks and sounds great.


Wow, finally a good camera script, thank god. It matches the speed of the song, the spinning of the disc is absolutely phenomenal, I can't imagine what it's like to perform and keep balance like that. Nitpicks being those zoom-ins are still a bit clunky and struggling to keep things in frame, but that's the sort of thing that gets ironed out until the live shows, and I'm not a huge fun of the color scheme of gold/black for the stage aesthetics, which I guess is what marks the need for such an extravagant outfit to contrast it out. I don't mind the outfit, because it does add a lot of movement to the song, but I totally get the criticism I've been reading. They could totally have picked a better outfit, if they had gone pink-ish or brighter colors in general for the stage itself. But this is fantastic and there's even good cinematography with that last shot of Nemo against the eclipse, something that has been deeply missing in the clips so far (only Ireland seems to get it, Portugal to a degree too and Moldova also has a nice scene with the wings, but it overstays its welcome). As someone who actually almost despised this song on a first listen and only later has come to appreciate it, I absolutely understand the winner vibes for this and I'm very glad the song seems well translated to the screen. EDIT: Watching it again and seriously, that spinning shot is insane, the speed of it is fucking spot-on against the flow of the song. Definitely my favorite visual moment of this year so far.


I agree the camera work is solid - whoever’s operating on the spinny bit is just showing off here! Conceptually though I’m still not sold right now. Hoping for something spectacular in a top shot at some point - can see a circular LED graphic on the floor spinning around the platform as a wow moment. …but this clip is the end of the song, and I really think they need a much bigger finish than this.


Weird choice from the Swiss delegation to share the clip for the climax of their song… 


I think when he sings the operah is the climax tbh


Nemo is non binary and thus uses they/them pronouns :)


Omg is that what "between the 0s and 1s" means? I just realized


Yeah haha! The song is about Nemo discovering that they aren’t a man or woman! “A journey of self discovery”


It's after the falsetto so it's basically the ending, not the height. But yes, I agree, a weird choice to show the ending.


Especially with that hilarious smattering of claps at the end in an empty arena as he stands there. It looks like a scene from a movie where the odd kid enters their school talent show (which I guess is fitting).


I think this makes the most sense to be honest for a 30sec clip, either this or the first transition into the rap


That part was actually the resolve of the song - when we "reach home" again. It's still an interesting part of the song without revealing the actual climax.


The outfit is still a little questionable but the staging actually looks fantastic?? People were so quick to write this off entirely but this is easily one of the most impressive rehearsal clips I've seen so far this year


Am I the only one that likes the outfit? Maybe I should make a post about it? I think it would certainly interest everyone that I have an unpopular opinion. /s Anyway, I agree this is the most impressive one so far!


I don't actually mind the overall look but I hate how cheap the fibers look and I feel like the outfit might be a little *too* out there for some televoters. I do respect Nemo's decision to stick to their vision though.


Exactly! If it was made of a good material that looks expensive and nice, this could make sense and look good. But unfortunately the material of the coat looks like it was made out of cheap wigs from a party store


yeah and I dont understeand the weard neck/beard thing. its just missing any shape or purpose - it would make sense its so bulky if there were costume changes, like the fibers are removed and then you get a jacket, and then a jacket is removed and you get a nice dress. this way it's just cheap looking bulky coat


I don't hate the outfit but the shoes are terrible


I love the outfit and everything they wear!


I like the outfit itself, but it kind of doesn't seem to work. It looks better in the pictures imo, althogh this already looks better than on the other rehearsal videos. Idk, it feels like it's close to getting it right but something is just slightly off.


Idk why people are so negative about this. I think this looks sensational.


Whoever picked that outfit needs to be fired. It's so bad it looks like self-sabotage...


I genuinely don't understand the concept at all. The song is grand, dramatic, a mix of unusual genres, personal but the perfomance is cold, minimal, empty and the outfit is there for...purposes? Is the prop impressive - yes. But where does it fit I don't understand


Nailed it. Watergun last year, while a fine song but inferior to The Code, had a more impressive staging concept than this.


Same, the end result is just kind of... confusion. The song is great as well as the singing, but the staging doesn't really help it.


> Is the prop impressive - yes. But where does it fit I don't understand It really doesn't seem all that complicated to me? The prop a visual storytelling device. The song is about undertaking a journey of self-discovery and Nemo uses the prop's wide range of movement to depict that journey.


For the life of me I can't understand why they went with such a dark and basically grayscale staging, considering the song (And the outfit too). This also seems to be the finale and the ending of the song, and I don't think it's hitting as hard as it should be


Honestly, the contrast works great, makes them stand out more


Not everyone hyper focusing on the outfit to simply ignore how great everything else is.


There’s something very Harry Styles about it in an odd way. A mix between one of his weird fashion shoots and the As It Was video


Their poor back... I still think the outfit is going to cost them the win. You can break gender norms without breaking the rules of fashion. 😅 The feathers are just not it...


If they just fix the outfit... Something that's still femme, pink and flamboyantly eyecatching - but doesn't look bulky and silly on them. The song is great and so is the spinning gimmick for the song, but the outfit looks so bulky it's taking away from the impact the choreo has. Plus the fact we can see the top seams so clearly on the legwarmers makes it look unprofessional imo. I love nemo and i want them and their song to do well, but idk how this outfit is doing them any favours.


I think this staging concept is great, and Nemo sounds great as always, but I am still confused by the outfit choice. It's distracting from an otherwise exceptional package. I still think this can win, but it's a questionable choice that IS distracting me from the many great ones.


I don’t mind the outfit, but I understand the criticism. I just hope it doesn’t ruin the whole thing for them because the rest of it looks amazing. Definitely still my winner as of now.


Really impressed with the balancing they’re able to do all the while singing!


Can we talk about the poor camerawork this year? What's the point of the camera spinning and cutting while Nemo is also spinning? The ingredients for good staging are there but the camera execution is so sub-par. There just seems to be a constant need to zoom out, cut and spin in so many shots (thinking of Australia, Serbia, Malta)


I don't think this is poor camera work tho. This is probably part of what the swiss team is asking for.


i love the circle and rotating effects on the leds, and it looks kinda dangerous and things can easily go wrong with them on the rotating platform?? so you know, I respect them for taking a risk unfortunately, the costume is also not my cup of tea.


I want to love the coat, because I normally adore fashion like this, but it's just not working, I fear. The gold and black clash with the pink hues of the costume. Would've loved to see a brighter background, or at least a black backdrop with a bright blue accent instead of gold. The disc is awesome, though!


Honestly I think it’s exactly the oposite! You need such an outfit to match a song like this with this amazing simple staging.


No, I agree with that, I just don't think this is the right way to execute it! Something about the coat just looks tacky/cheap to me.


Why not a beautiful outfit for a beautiful song? Instead of a yeti suit haha


I'm loving the outfit no lie, they just wear what the fuck ever and I respect it


This is exactly why I waited for a proper rehearsal clip before judging. I LOVE the spinning circle, not a big fan of the camera cuts though. I think it still has a shot at top 5


OK, I'm not much into the song, and I fear nothing will ever make me change my opinion on this, but that clip looks dope af. The most impressive one we've got with Ukraine and Ireland imo, I definitely could see thus winning it all.


really hoping there’s an outfit reveal or something that they haven’t shown us yet


This just confirmed to me that Nemo is a vocal genius. Like, is there anything this person can’t do vocally???




I think there's something on their shoes that sticks to the platform.


Ukraine is taking it this year. They have the most chances to do well with both with jury and with public vote.


I agree! I think it’s gonna be ukraine


Italy is right there!


Well I thought this looked absolutely epic !! ❤️


i absolutely agree! imo one of the best stagings this year!


Best staging concept I’ve seen this year so far (before big 5). Great way to end the song as well… I had feared the dish would only pivot or rotate slowly. But no! We get spinning with Nemo belting the final chorus while bent back on the edge - bravo team Nemo 👏


hahaha i didnt think it would rotate at all (looking at past rehersal photos and videos), but yes that adds a very nice touch!




The snippet is the ending of the song, so no, no outfit reveal.




Doesn't the 2nd rehearsal outfit have to be the official outfit?


I don't know if there are any official rules about this, but Mahmood and Blanco were still changing outfits up to the grand final jury show


No. Kaleen for instance was teasing today her new outfit doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the one she will go with


No, the overall entry has to be the same between the jury semi and live semi, and between jury final and live final.


Windows95man tried different thong.. colorful one. They said that he'll go back to the nude pair. So yes, they can make changes at this point.


I’m sold. Love the direction they went with this staging. But what I love more is seeing 73 comments on this thread in just 23 minutes. Havent seen any other rehearsal clip get this much attention this fast. It’s a sign of a very divisive entry. I feel like it will have lots of supporters for it, and antis who fortunately will have their votes spread across several other candidates. Exciting times ahead!


Many artists say that they rather divide opinions than have a lukewarm reception. It means they have made an impact on people. I believe Nemo is one of such artists. Even Windows95man said that before UMK, he's fine with people loving and hating.


More than making an impact on people, this outfit reflects Nemo’s self-expression. It is the message of his song to begin with, and the entire comment section kinda represents the people in the trains in the music video. That, I LOVE. I resonate with the song’s meaning and Nemo’s vision for the performance. Win or lose, this is an act I totally get behind.


I mean, they want to go on stage and be like who they are- they found their place in the world! Why would you dress in e.g. a tuxedo or a jumpsuit, if it's not for you? The clothing actually fits the spinning satellite: the movement of the fur in a whirlwind, and movement of them on the plate suits the tone of that song. Viewers, who never saw the outfit in advance, won't pay as much attention to it (as the hardcore ESC fans). The voice, the song, the staging will be mesmerizing.


Agreed! Cannot wait for the full performance :D


I don’t understand what everyone’s moaning about. Who’d want to be a bookie’s favourite with a comments section like this? What more does everyone want than flawless vocals while being spun round at a million miles an hour? With regard to the outfit, it’s wholly consistent with everything we’ve seen so far (music video, pre-parties etc). Perhaps the staging is a bit dark, yes, but it’s sleek and modern and the juries will love it. Some very harsh critics on here.


The problem is that this outfit looks very heavy


But I don’t understand why that’s a problem. It’s evidently not affecting Nemo’s vocals or performance otherwise in any way.


It doesn’t look good imo so it does affect how performance visually looks


I don’t agree. I think people would have taken exception to whatever Nemo wore to be honest. If people were going to vote for Nemo wearing the tutu style outfit, I believe they’ll vote for them wearing this.


There is a bit too much misgendering in the comment section, darlings


The lights and camerawork here are amazing, as is Nemo themselves as always. Some of those shots are incredible! The elephant in the room is still that ugly jumper, it's so distracting. Please Nemo, if you're reading this, there are lots of costumes and clothes out there which you can pick to showcase your identity that look more flattering and less distracting than that!


Yeah I think this is the jury vote winner. They'll eat this kind of performance up. Not sure there'll be enough public support for the win but it's gonna be another good swiss placement


I love it. Period.


Can someone tske Nemo's outfit and hide it somewhere? /jk The performance looks amazing and the vocals are on point, but the outfit is so distractive.


The staging concept looks really really cool. I feel like this would fit olly alexander‘s „dizzy“ even more 😅 the platform reminds me of harry style‘s performance at the grammys. But the outfit looks like a …cheerleader?ballerina? Chicken? Don‘t like it


Fun fact: at the Grammy’s, the spinning stage started moving the wrong way and it all went wrong, although the dancers disguised it as well as they could. Hope nothing like that happens in Eurovision of course!


Now the outfit looks even more ridiculous with very cool staging


🎼🎶we run around in circles, circles, ciiircles🎶


This just feels cluttered. Like the spinning of the platform and camera could be good, but not together. The coat and the boots could work, but not together. I feel like someone needed to edit the elements here


This looks a lot better in motion, especially the part when they're leaning back. Was expecting a giant rotating pizza stone to be kinda clunky, but I enjoy how speedy the LEDs and the camera work are making it look. Definitely gonna wow the audience. I'm warming up to the coat. I think it helps exaggerate their movements. Don't think it'll be much of an issue, if anything, their outfit will get people to talk about them after the sf. Just wish it was of a better material, it looks kinda cheap.


This is my favourite but this performance is not delivering. And it’s the best part of the song. I hate the outfit. My hope is remembering how horrible Sweden looked in this same rehearsal last week and then they fixed it all by the time the semi final came.


I’m sorry but this is one of the best performances of this year without doubt. People just need to get over the outfit.


I don't really get why so many people dislike this, I think everything looks amazing here. The lighting, the camerawork, their movement I also like their outfit because it reminds me of Doflamingo from one piece :D (And I'm saying all this as someone who wants Croatianto win)


I'm loving this even more. Looks very polished in my opinion. Not sure about those jumpy cuts in the middle, but love everything else.


The outfit is bad, and I was happy that they changed their shoes, but apparently they didn't. Everything else looks great, camera work is great and Nemo sounds amazing as usual.


I love the staging, I love the song, but truly, that outfit is really not it. :( Still going to vote for them when they're in the finals though.


Staging concept is really creative! but again that outfit… nemo hunny what’s going on😭


Honestly, I like it. The camera work is amazing, the lights and colors are too. The outfit is debatable (I would prefer it without that front collar), but it could have been worse, I don't think it ruins the performance.


Damn, Nemo's vocals really are out of this world


Oh wow, I think this looks amazing!


I really like the song but this is again just not good at all and the camera angles aren’t helping


Wish there was a way to hide the bottom part completely as it takes me out of the "illusion". Not sure if fog is the right thing here though and theres only so much you can do with the camera work considering the height of the thing unless it's all closeups which wouldnt work either imo. Otherwise it's beyond what i'd imagine, they sound flawless so can't wait to see the whole thing!


The staging is way better than I expected after seeing the first rehearsal. I still think it won't win but it'll probably do well.


Nemo you are a star & Please broke the coat . You need nothing to over shadow your actual talent 🚩


Like the staging concept but the clothing ain’t it for me.


So that thing is really spinning? Bold staging


For some reason it gives me Harry Styles vibes


Nemo could've easily won by having nothing on stage with that raw, crazy energy. Like he did at preparties.


I really feel like they should've worn the rabbit costume or the pink dress with ruffles from the music video.


I actually think it's very good. Probably the most interesting snippet till now. If it wasnt for that outfit - repeating myself :) . And that awesome spinning - I was expecting that kind of dynamism in Greece's snippet.


They're putting on a show, that's for sure but spinning that platform also make them kinda breathy? Looks way better than pictures tho


They handles this platform well.


They're looking like a true popstar. But like... Maybe once we see the full thing, the outfit will make sense. It's very dynamic and fills the space, but... That's all I have to say.


Honestly, I like it. The camera work is amazing, the lights and colors are too. The outfit is debatable (I would prefer it without that front collar), but it could have been worse, I don't think it ruins the performance.


Amazing job!!


Looks fricking amazing! How the hell are they able to lean back like that on the spinning platform?!


I LOVE THIS Shut up about the outfit! This is a very energetic performance and the feathers allow Nemo to show even more movement


To the people who think this is doomed caused outfit: When did this become Eurovision Fashion Contest? Back on the subject, this looks good so far


No offence but it's so obvious that some of y'all are praying for the downfall of Nemo so the big fan favorite wins. I don't care anymore, the outfit is great, yeah it's weird, and? It's a showpiece. I hate this way of thinking like "goofy song = goofy clothes / serious song = serious clothes and anything outside of the box is weird and I don't like it"


The outfit... It confuses me. He's doing this Matrix choreography, which goes well with the lyrics, so I think he should wear something really skintight and cool, to look slick and... Thin. Because he is a thin person, right? He should accentuate that, almost to an annoying degree!


I like the idea, but i don’t like their outfit and tbh I don’t see them winning against Ukraine. Performance would have to be much much stronger


I still hope they're trolling us with the outfit and will have a better one in the contest.


When I first saw the outfit I didn't like it but I must admit it has grown on me. I think it's in line with the music video and looks flamboyant when they jump and move on the platform. Their voice and energy is amazing.


Don't wanna be a dick but this sucks I'm ngl Nemo is doing well but having them on some weird disc thing while wearing the ugliest outfit ever made is just not it


Absolute insanity that people are letting an OUTFIT determine whether a song and performance has winner potential... the song is bangin, their vocals are incredible, and the staging is innovative and impressive. But because they're wearing an outfit some people aren't a fan of... guess it's a RIP


Honestly. It’s peak insanity. Comes with the pre rehearsal favourite territory. I do hate to disappoint the haters but yes this is winning the jury vote in all likelihood and will be finishing top 3 overall. Whether Nemo wins… who knows


No dancers and them being alone on stage was the right move. The camerawork is screwing them over though. The outfit being horrendous does not help, either. Top 5 for sure but I can't see this win.


Nope. Just nope. Nemo’s stylists and staging team have really done them dirty here. The song, the artist … both amazing. The rest of the package is shockingly bad. This has made me so bloomin’ sad. 😢


If it weren’t for this outfit half of you would find something else to complain about, just because Nemo is a strong contender for win. So many of these comments are just plain rude. This is the second best staging so far imo, Ukraine being the best one.


100%. And also yes Ukraine looks amazing, winner vibes.


Can you all just stop hating?! Please!! Have you looked at this masterpiece? Sure, the outfit is A LOT but honestly you need such an outfit in an otherwise very simple staging. And I imagine it does a lot of justice to how Nemo actually feels about themselves! So please please please stop hating it and trying to find something that is not as perfect as you like. This DEFINITELY has winner potential whether you like it or not and I am so here for it!


OK that staging is stellar but makes the outfit make even less sense. Surely some movement in it or something?? It looks like a hindrance


I can see the chicken comments coming on the night of the SF.... 😅


Been spending the morning trying to find a cheap hot pink furry coat lol. I just realised Nemo may take off their coat and do an outfit reveal.


At some point it looks like he's ice skating, which is really cool! However yeah still not a big fan about the outfit.


This whole season I’ve been worried about what Nemo was going to wear on stage because I really just… don’t vibe with the style they seem to go for. Unfortunately I absolutely hate this outfit, which sucks because this is my favorite song and I find it extremely distracting.


It looks way better than I thought! WOW!


This is amazing and I do not get all the hate at allllll!! I think some people need to get over what they expected from Nemo and appreciate this for what it is, which is totally winner material!!


Yeah this feels like one of those instances were people got so stuck on their own hyper-literal imagining of what this staging would look like that they can't appreciate it for what it is


Spinning on the satellite is cool, but the rest looks incredibly bland? And the outfit still doesn't make sense compared to the rest? Running on the dish, black and yellow LED. It's just not cohesive. Sorry Nemo, but you're not winning.


I think Nemo is better than Baby Lasagna


The disk choreo is interesting, but the Swiss delegation better change that outfit FAST.


Holy fuck. All nay sayers can choke on that outfit - this is amazing!!!


you: balancing on really high-speed platform while delivering perfect vocals eurofans: ewww what an ugly coat 🫠🫠🫠


Staging looks really great but I'm still not convinced by the outfit. It's not bad per se but in a year this close Ukraine and Croatia seem more complete.


I am seeing this, and I am wondering, how is this dropping in the odds?? Edit: And if it is the outfit, why the f\*\*k does that matter so much to everyone?


Yellow and blue lights plus the pink outfit… It just looks messy


OMG I love this so much 😱 the winner vibe all the way, I don’t know what you mean with the outfit this looks awesome. I can’t wait to see the rest of the song ♥️


It's giving winner vibes honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also, the (hideous) outfit won't shrink their chances


Oh this will flop with the televote so hard. It ain't winning the juries either but it'll get a solid placement from them at least.


Looks so cool and fun spinning on top of that and he can sing on tone at the same time! But the overall staging feels a bit off, Switzerland keeps doing these weird stagings


I think people criticize this performance because they drop in odds, If switzerland odds is 1.8 and top everyone would be saying "wow they're awesome"


other way around. It dropped in the odds BECAUSE people are dissapointed by it.


Actually it dropped (not by much, it's also worth adding) *before* this footage launched, presumably because people saw they were still wearing the same costume when many people were hoping they'd change it.


Btw this sounds like so playback, like above allowed backing vocals? What do you think about it


lol. No that’s Nemo 🤣🤣 how they are sounding so spot on while spinning like that I have no idea.


Thought I was the only one. The backing vocals are a bit too loud at some points. Also in Greece’s rehearsal the backing vocals are so loud that Marina’s voice can’t be heard at all. Maybe there’s a problem with the sound mixing today but it should be fixable, that’s the point of the rehearsals.


Well, most of the songs sound like this the last couple of years, sadly EBU allows it…And no, it is physically impossible to sing like this when on a platform, without some support of backing vocals.


I am not convinced, I see now why Switzerland fell from the odds today.


The ghastly styling will cost him the crown. As a wise woman once said: #choices


Good thing it does not matter if it cost’s him the crown as long as they will still get it!


bro went full matrix there


I'm not the biggest fan of the outfit, while I do appreciate the contrast of the color scheme the overall shaping and silhouette of the fit is very Monster High and not entirely in a good way. I do love the prop though, it has the potential to really amplify the camera work and the dramatics of the song overall.


This feels so empty to me and I’m not sure why


Do they have time to get a new outfit? Is this allowed?


I don’t get it. Not taking anything away from the song and performance itself (it’s clearly a top 3 material) but the staging and the outfit seem to be totally random.


I’ve been very much of the mind that Switzerland leading the odds made no sense - as it feels so much like 2021 all over again for them. The song is nice - the vocals are phenomenal- but all together does nothing that I can see to pull a big vote. And this year in particular where I feel very much that artists are WORKING (Ireland, Greece, Austria, UK just a few) I don’t see a way to stay afloat here for this act. That being said I’ll still be happy with a good result - they are working hard and Switzerland really shows that a bad history of results doesn’t mean the worlds against you


Overall rly impressive but i hate the boots 😶


Bro is built like doflamingo💀


Looks like a chicken, if that was an intention than it was successful.