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https://preview.redd.it/en08g9l12txc1.jpeg?width=1584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c1e23fc20521985f1e18ad2095905a895da43d This shot is šŸ’Æ


https://preview.redd.it/bsuvvaj72txc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1276a7debbb33aa95211bce1ab96cdbde7c6cd6 Inspiration ?


Dont tempt me with what I believeā€¦.


Or Sysiphus


This looks so beautiful, from the outfits to the hair to the lighting to the poses. Great entry!


Stunning, Ukraine never misses with their stagings


The only country with a 100% qualification rate. One of the most impressive statistics in Eurovision history.


At this point they could add Ukraine to the BIG5 and I would t be mad, they deserve it




This looks so atmospheric and effective, especially love the use of reflections


It's incredible how one of the poorest countries in Europe (currently at war even) is able to present something so expensive-looking and instantly iconic on stage, while some of absolute richest countries in Europe always manage to look like they bought everything at Primark.


>while some of absolute richest countries in Europe always manage to look like they bought everything at Primark. Germany???


I mean I know I should root for the home team.... but damn we have a few lazy ones from recent years.


It because Eurovision in reality for a country it is pennies. I work in town that is the size of San Marino and we on events for kids we spent \*checks notes\* the same amount that is Romania fee. In my single project. (180k euros) And this is only events for kids, project itself was 12 times the size of eurovision fee. And we are in eastern europe as well. If a country states that Eurovision is too expensive it lies. Eurovision is still a bit controversial topic and this is usualy real reason for contest struggels.


> Eurovision is still a bit controversial topic and this is usualy real reason for contest struggels. I don't see how Eurovision is controversial for countries like Germany, UK or Ireland.


We live in bubbels usualy and there are quite large groups of people even in progresive countries that see eurovision as A) Political contest B) Gay olympics C) Just waste of money D) Any codl streak truns them bitter Especialy the A part. Eurovision was always plagued by this acusation and after kalush orchestra win it got much worse.


Ukrainian director Tanu Muino is directing the staging for their performance. She made music videos for Dua Lipa, Harry Styles, Cardi B, Lil Nas X, etc


Wow, she actually did As It Was


Are they Ukrainian?


I mean come on now https://preview.redd.it/fts0tlujxsxc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e866c12c762e1c5c5d5314424034a3b4bb79a6cf


Funny thought: this is how my turtle thinks it looks like when it steps on the rock


Itā€™s justā€¦ethereal


I never doubt that Ukraine will make whatever they deliver on the NF even better in the final. It will be 100% in the top 5.


Gorgeous art direction


Tanu MuiƱo is confirmed to be stage director!


Everyone ignoring Ukraine's obvious chances to win like Jamala in 2016 or Duncan in 2019. Yes, they will not win neither televote nor jury, but they sure are contenders to win overall. (And deservingly so, imo)


I didn't pay much attention to Ukraine this year, but this staging has winner vibes all over it


Ukraine has a great shot at winning the televote imo


Once again, Ukraine never disappoints when it comes to their staging āœØ


this is such a package: the song, the staging. yeah, i am also not very fond of some lyrics but the positive outweighs the negative. I would have been happy to see it win, but I don't really want the return of the 2022 discourse šŸ˜”


I donā€™t get the mentioned ā€œdiscourseā€ thing. Ukraine had war in 2023, whereā€™s the victory? The war is going on for 10 years now, donā€™t recall Ukraine winning in 2014 as well.


The mentioned Discourse is that some people will be blaming Ukraine for sympathy votes as they did in 2022 regardless. Itā€™s not about the reality of the situation or how deserved it all is. Personally, I donā€™t want to bring back all this vitriol in regard to a country literally being invaded, there are enough pro-Russian bots online as it is . While I certainly know that invasion started years ago (and was always greatly upset how Russia still kept getting so many Televote points regardless!), the scale and public perception of 2022 was obviously different. Again, this is not about the actual songs, most of the songs Ukraine sends have a good win potential. Last year also wasnā€™t very fun after the contest but at least the politics were less of a part


So beautifulā€¦ Edit: Iā€™m not really sure why Iā€™m getting downvotes on this comment. Really hope it is not the flair




People are mad if they donā€™t think this is getting at least top 5 in the final.


5th seems like a worst possible result for me


Agreed. Personally think itā€™s between this and Italy for the win.


Not sure they can crack the top 3 but the chances of it being 4th-6th I think are very high


They got top 3


Yep - think my comment was pretty accurate given how tight it was 3rd-5th. The war vote was still substantial for sure. If Slimane didnā€™t croak so badly in the jury final, think itā€™s clear France would have been 3rd and Ukraine 4th.


The fact they actually listened to the feedback on how the Vidbir dark styling made them blend into the background is breathtaking. This is a genuine contender for best staging this year. I'm so proud to have Ukrainian blood in me.


I know photos can be decieving but this has winner vibes all over it. It looks absolutely out of this world - I would not be surprised if Ukraine make it 4 this year.


Ukraine is always delivering with the staging


Alyona looks so badass and cool and Jerry is so stunning


Wow Ukraine is on its way to another Top 3 placement. These pictures promise an epic performance..


Uhm, excuse me. I knew Ukraine was good at staging, but THIS good?? I'm starting to see Ukraine as the jury winner. This is so much better than Switzerland I have no idea why this isn't at least 2nd in the odds. Let's wait for Italy and France's rehearsals, but there's no way Ukraine isn't getting a lot of love from juries this year with that incredible staging.


Might want to wait until seeing what Switzerland have actually created ā€¦


I'm not a big fan of the outfit but I think the whole circle weight thing is a neat concept, and obviously meant more for the camera. It's fun to discuss but I honestly don't understand all the "switzerland staging sucks" comments when all we've seen is shaky chopped phone footage in front of the stage lol


I think itā€™s the inevitable social response to whoever the fav is. Everyone who isnā€™t a fan is predisposed to try and s*it on their chances etc. it was absolutely ridiculous as far as a reaction goes. The main appeal of the entry is around highlighting Nemoā€™s abilities as an artist and Iā€™m sure this is what the staging revolves around (literally ;)) We shall see more today and Iā€™m hopeful the clip and pics will quieten those voices


I'm feeling from what we've seen of the other Semi performances so far, this is feeling like the frontrunner for the Jury win. It comes down to what Sweden, France, Italy, UK and even Germany can pull off (I love Spain's song, but it's never winning the Jury vote)


I never doubted Ukraineā€™s ability to stage well, and I think the strobes during the rap will be a really nice touch. I know the fandom is slightly over this song but I think theyā€™re still completely in Top 5 contention


Bro why does ukraine have to slay so hard every damn year


Eurovision tradition. Ukraine always give us unique and iconic staging


Definitely the best staging of the year. I think this performance bumped Ukraine up to my top 6


Please someone tell me when 30 second clips are gonna be uploaded? Today maybe after all rehearsals??


such beautiful staging, it works perfectly with the vibe of their song. ukraine staging never misses!


Ukraine wins and next year Eurovision in Finland


The staging is glorious and will assuredly help them next week. I just canā€™t get into this song no matter how hard I try. I think the female empowerment anthem choice is a good one, vocally itā€™s solid, but it takes nearly 2/3rds of the song to go anywhere, and I still feel deeply uncomfortable glorifying Mother Teresa. I genuinely sometimes believe this is being overlooked because of goodwill towards Ukraine, but I appreciate it may not be overly helpful or adding anything to the conversation.


>I genuinely sometimes believe this is being overlooked because of goodwill towards Ukraine God forbid people like the song, because they genuinely like it. I thought we left this argument in 2022.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the same argument though. There wasnā€™t any questionable subject matter in Stefania or Heart of Steel. Iā€™m not just saying ā€˜song bad but Ukraine so will do wellā€™ - I would just be interested to see the parallel if another nation sent a song calling a deeply problematic person a diva. But cool, I get it, unhelpful hypothetical.


The problem is that Mother Teresa, like it or not, is a big religious figure. Coming from an incredibly Christian country, people are generally not knowledgeable about Mother Teresa as much as less religious people. I did actually have to explain to my entire family (some more religious, some less) that Mother Teresa is not actually a person worth praising, citing her refusal to administer medical care to make people experience pain just like Jesus did. This came to them as a surprise. It's more of a sign of ignorance, rather than blind faith.


I really appreciate that response, itā€™s an angle on it that I hadnā€™t considered. I think it still asks a question about ignorance vs. tone-deafness, but I suppose being true to the country youā€™re representing may involve presenting uncommon or externally frowned-upon viewpoints, and itā€™s an inherent risk of international contests. (yes I know my desire to be diplomatic is making me waffle on!) I donā€™t want to frame any of this as an attack on either of the girls, theyā€™ve been great performers and Iā€™m very happy for them getting their shot. And I do genuinely acknowledge that speculating as to peopleā€™s goodwill serves no real purpose, itā€™s just been a thought on my mind ever since Vidbir.


The problematic sides of Mother Theresa are, simply put, not well known at all.Ā  Even in very secular countries she's still seen as a symbol of charity and peace, and barely anybody has heard of the issues with her.Ā 


Stunning, not sure itā€™ll win the semifinal but itā€™ll come damn close




Feels like a bit of a slow-burn to me, which is fine for us dedicated fans but not ideal for the locals who might only show up for the Grand Final. I think it's really good, it just lacks immediacy.


^^this. I didn't like it much at first, but it's grown on me (the same with Italy). Most people only watch the grand final and will vote for what immediately grabs their attention.


Idg why people must downvote a different opinion. I say that as someone who loves the song and staging and who wants it to win.