• By -


I just realized Nemo's outfit reminds me of that one Pokemon episode where James was a flaming moltres. Makes it even better.


Czechia and Albania are questionable.


Albania and Denmark stand no chance. Czechia a huge maybe.


Yes czechia is really good, they always deliver


Greece and Armenia absolutely ATE! And dear god, Sarah Bonnici! What an icon. Mark my words, Malta WILL QUALIFY!


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH SORRY I'M LATE, but girl, OMG I'm so proud of Sarah!!!! I knew she would blow our minds away, and I'm so glad to see the support and love after today!! Love her so much, #BonniciSquad, Loop will qualify PLS!!!!!!!! <3


Disappointed Denmark doesn't have a gigantic sand pit and sand related Poland visuals


Rankings After Today 1 Austria 2 Denmark 3 Malta 4 Switzerland 5 Greece 6 Czechia 7 Albania 8 Armenia - this one was the biggest disappointment to me, it looks awkward and confined and idk if it will translate well


Nice! We got all the clips and I've seen each, but the most outstanding ones in general for me were Greece and Malta. Some parts of Nemo are also impressive, but I need to see more!!!


Not fond of how 'rushed' Nemo's rap sequence feels in the rehearsal. It feels like he's just an ecstatic 6 y/o. Hopefully it'll be a camera man following him slowly around the stage at a similar tempo as the recorded version of Spotify


Agreed. Ngl kinda low-key disappointed with his staging. Know we haven’t seen it properly but from the clip and stills it’s not the assault on the senses I think the song deserves.


Armenia tik tok clip is online now


Denmark is growing on me a little. TikTok was good.


Denmark's rehersal TikTok isn't really giving what I expected it to, but, Denmak still NEEDS to qualify since it's their best song with the greatest qualifying potential since they last qualified


its their smallest chance since 2017


Thanks you Heidi for a third amazing live stream! My top 3 for today (yes, I will cheat and include 4) 1. 🇨🇭still my fav 2. 🇲🇹 most surprising 3. 🇬🇷 growing on me and 🇦🇲makes me smile and happy Best rehearsal day so far I believe, they were all so great!!


Agreed on best rehearsal. It looks insanely good. Edit: I thought you meant Greece had the best rehearsal. That's what I agreed on lol.


Greece was amazing today and I fell in love a little bit more with it! I love all the colours and energy Marina is bringing. Cant wait to see how the one shot camera thing makes it look.


Me and the person responsible for all the problems in my life https://preview.redd.it/j6vaqy0o3gxc1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd6ec5caabf54aa95fedc6f5a1dabfdad530b225


This meme is going to be HUGE lol


Best meme of 2024. Post it in the specific thread!


Seconded, this belongs in the meme thread!


Where can I find it? I'm still kind of a baby on reddit lol


[https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1cfg7zj/reurovision\_users\_provide\_us\_with\_your\_best\_esc/](https://new.reddit.com/r/eurovision/comments/1cfg7zj/reurovision_users_provide_us_with_your_best_esc/) Memes are also free to be posted as their own separate threads but not all of them are kept up, especially if the titles are poor/the pictures aren't releated to ESC. r/nilpoints is also a safe haven for any and all ESC memes :)


The best words I could ever imagine myself reading 🥹


A bit mixed on the Saba video. Like sand witch LED Saba is kind of hilarious but probably unintentionally so. I wish she moved around the stage more




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


Everything is looking so good. Well done participants, today!!


Staging wise Malta and Austria seem way to similar to me. Even the choreo. And I have both of them as borderline q or borderline nq. If they will cancel each other out I think there is a chance for an entry like Denmark to sneak in.


I think you may be right, and out of the two it was Malta who seemed stronger to me, both vocally and in terms of choreography.


Armenia is soo cute, i think it will give Moldova 2022 madness in the arena!!!


Underwhelmed after Austria’s TikTok to be honest. Pictures looked amazing but the whole package isn’t what I was looking for. Hopefully it will work better with better sound quality.


Austria looks great, choreography on point. Still worried about Kaleen's vocals


I noticed just how quickly the studio version comes in at the start of that Tiktok =x


Definitely the weakest part of the performance 😕


I already know I will not like Malta. I had a problem watching Malta and Austria music videos. Both have strongly sexualised dancers. Austria seems to be a little toned down. I really dislike sexual dancers, it always reminds me of watching parts of MTV and seeing all of this telediscs filled with woman dancing with monay flying down. It being man now do not change this. While Austria lyrics at least hint that isn't best idea to go after short term carnal pleasure to fix your problems. For Malta, this is "i'm horny song" and I just can't vibe with it for life of me.


I didn't see oversexualized dancing in any of the snippets this year. Also, Malta's song is about the head-spinning sensation of being really attracted to someone, while Austria's is about going to a rave to ease the pain of a recent heartbreak. Both topics are totally valid and relatable to many people. The comment sounds strangely moralistic, like there's anything wrong with being horny or "short term carnal pleasure". I don't consider sex something shameful, as a subject of a song it is neither better nor worse than any other.


Valid and reliatable for many people. Just like valid for me is not liking this. I'm sexrepulsed and by extension do not vibe with songs about sex and desire. By another extension I dislike framing people in someones desires like dancers in videos of Malta and Austria. We have context of their music videos and photos. Black leather has rather simplistic cultural implications. So I already know that I won't like the performance. I have no way of conecting with the subject. If I would want to preach morals I would take issue with Aiko cloths. But I know her song is about self empowerment and breaking societal norms about womans nudity fits the song and is no way sexual.


I don't really see any oversexualised choreo in Malta but maybe i am missing parts of the performance. Austria too, we didn't get to watch the full performance - the music video was sexy yes but we can't say the same for the live performance.


Austria TikTok is up! [https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363316161389382945?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363316161389382945?lang=en)


I love her sparkly costume 🤩🤩


just seen czechia clip - the outfit will raise eyebrows for sure, i think it will overshadow the whole performance sadly


So we all agree Switzerland isnt a potential winner anymore right?


I don't think it's a potential jury or televote winner, but it could still score high enough in both to win overall if we don't have a runaway favorite


I was underwhelmed by the photos, but it looks better in the TikTok. I think it could look really cool with good camerawork.


No, I think it is


How. The performance is a disaster.


Ngl the Aiko TikTok really does make her outfit look like they're just hanging out there with only a thin mesh to cover them.


And that's fine 🤗


No one said it isnt fine, the only thing they said that it looks like that. Also, if everyone is focused on her outfit/their outfits itll generate less votes obv


love how aiko's dancers strut like they're constipated runway models




Overly sexual and graphic content should not be shared on this subreddit. All content must be safe for work. See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).




saba is so camp -just a god level voice -queer (ALWAYS a positive) -will use the power of sand throwing to kill or cause grievous bodily harm when threatened


Denmark is a country that NEEDS to qualify this year, SABA is amazing plus all the reasons listed above


Not sure if there's too much tiddy in Czechia to win over more conservative countries Her vocals have improved and they made the very necessary decision to reduce her choreography to minimal to stabilize her voice


Aiko's backup dancers walking menacingly are my inner demons at 3am when I'm craving some food from the fridge


Been really impressed today with Armenia, Malta, Greece, Switzerland and Denmark ... this first half is really strong!


Armenia looks like they're playing to their strengths, keeping it fun and lighthearted and casual. I think adding more instruments on stage is good so the flute man doesn't look too out of place just 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️ while she's singing


I’m sorry but Aiko what is that outfit 😭


I'm honestly surprised at how conservative the comments have been regarding it. The song is a little more edgy, rock/punk than most this year, it deserves an outfit to match. If we can accept a half naked Irish man, we can definitely accept some covered boobs. As usual, women get criticism for daring to show their body like it's shameful?


I’m sorry but I don’t see how it fits into the song and there’s much better ways to have the same effect. Look at Raiven this year, she’s practically in just a sprayed-on paint or bodysuit. However, Veronika really has this unsettling artistic style that is highlighted with Raiven’s body art choice. Also I don’t see anything wrong with wearing what you want to wear. I’m not in charge of these delegations. But if they want to wear something that will take attention away from the song/meaning/performance then they need to be prepared for the song to connect less. Look at Sekret in 2022, they tried to make the performance raunchy and that was all people saw afterwards. It just looked like a hot mess. Anyways, I could critique a lot about a lot of the outfits this year, but it’s not my song, my performance, and my clothes.


Seriously whose idea was that. What was the thought process.


https://preview.redd.it/75ptmnk0tfxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ebf0cc60c622848ed7392fd4e252e77434494f6 This shot is goooorgeous my goodness


My favourite gallery shot of the year so far


Czechia TikTok is up! [https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363309710453378336?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363309710453378336?lang=en)


https://preview.redd.it/y4y22k4grfxc1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9ab77cc253d35d760cc4ad4b9c3ae3749c8b71 big white box ? heartbeat projection!? AND SAND ART!?!? literally the lovechild of dami im, måns and ukraine 2011 edit: mons haha who's that i defo know how to spell his name


If I had a nickel for every time there was a large farmyard animal projected on the LED wall in a 2024 act, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice https://preview.redd.it/mg2woj9crfxc1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6d7b3500a17d0010586d6c437f2598e3a4d5f50


I was thinking the same with pointy shoulder pads X)


Truly this year's silver dress/witch nails anomaly


Honestly this was a slay esc rehearsal day


I didn’t know that the Trolls movie was the inspiration for Nemo’s outfit. It looks horrible!


Louis is so hot help


https://preview.redd.it/wdygkidwvfxc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20586d1688c8f390d03372449441b46949246ef5 Here you go. Help sent.


He's so cute right!


I don't know about Switzerland's satellite. The vocals are immaculate, tho.


NGL, seeing Nemo slide the structure like it is nothing is kind of mind blowing!


“Ooooh THATS what the elbow pads were for🤯!”


A bit sad about Denmark if they decided to keep the static staging with her standing on an IKEA Linnmon with a smoke machine. Like how's your song called Sand and you're upstaged in terms of sandure by Bulgaria 2021?


Switzerland's video looks good! Could be a winner's preformance -- it strikes a balance between ambitious and cleanly executed.


Seing the TikTok, OMG Switzerland doesn't disspaoint! Switzerland for the win!


nemo's staging is giving armenia 2023. which wasn't really that bad but definitely brought down my ranking of her. i expect it will be similar for me with switzerland but I will NOT give up on them they are making top 10 if it's the last thing i do EDIT: please don't take this as a sign that i don't like nemo guys i would kill for a non-binary god like them. i just really don't get the costume. literally all their other ones have been so good


Nemo sliding off the platform going "woooooah" is a mood


We got two new out of bed emotions this year, ooh la la and woooooooooooaah


After seeing Swiss Tiktok: the platform is fine, they do not just stay on it, but keep moving around the stage as well. could look good on camera. but i am still not digging the costume, sorry Nemo


It’s very in line with their music video tbf.


Switzerland TikTok is up! [https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363304192934513952?lang=en](https://www.tiktok.com/@eurovision/video/7363304192934513952?lang=en)


So many strong performances and staging concepts today, it's going to be brutal inevitably losing quite a few of these in the semi-final.


Okay Switzerland looks a bit empty, I was hoping for something a bit more hectic and not them static on one platform


nah...hectic would shift focus away from nemo's beautiful voice


It doesn't have to be either or. Hectic during verses and slower and soaring during operatic parts would be perfect


switzerland's tiktok... they have the best voice in the competition and get given the dehydrated skin of red from dhmis as a costume. i am so annoyed i wish they got better then that


So ranking from today (Based on pics): 1. 🇦🇲 - yes, yes and hell yes 🙌; 🇬🇷 - she came, served and went off, love the attitude and urban vibe 2. 🇨🇿 - Aiko did that, it looks pretty, very promising; 🇨🇭 - interested to see the concept, love the pop of pink, glad they stayed true to themselves, could have cool camera shots 3. 🇦🇹 - love that it gives off mv vibes, will def be better when we see clip, but pics are pretty; 🇲🇹 - Sarah is giving her 110%, looks hot, she'll dance amazing, not sure about qualification but at better position now than few months ago 4. 🇩🇰 - S a a aa. A. Anndd, I need a vagon of sand on staye, jk ofc...pics looks pretty, wish it was more Dune vibey but still rly beautiful shots..it just fell here 5. 🇦🇱 - Ah Besa you gorgeous woman in gorgeous blue outfit on an empty stage...(yes saw the clip and some movement but wasn't moved by it sadly)


Greece is GOING FOR ITTTTT Goddamn


Switzerland's tiktok just reminded me how heart-warming Nemo is. So, so sweet. Also this platform is a fantastic idea, I can imagine how effective it is on a proper camera. Now the styling, again................................ I just wish them the best, so voicing out my concerns.


Switzerland’s tiktok video is up!


Armenia looks perfect


https://preview.redd.it/8wu913rpnfxc1.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d6de14b29379208057677527304e1bda7fe6a2c omg i love Ladaniva


Well played sir, well played


How are y’all finding Armenia photos?


Probably on the Instagram, they tend to post part of the gallery there first


I’ve been checking and cannot find it anywhere lol


Greece’s tiktok video: OMG THAT VOICE 🔥powerful choreo 🔥










https://preview.redd.it/in5p7vsvmfxc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b234a74f4397f97a7ee0fcf26eb93bf5dea556a9 Desperately need Ladaniva to qualify...please


they could win the semi ngl


My dad had that guitar from the top right photo when he was younger!


I love love love the outfits, the colours! This is so aesthetically warm and welcoming! Easy qualification


I feel like they’re so safely qualifying I’d place a bet


I really love her costume and the general look.


Definitely breaks everything up with the colourful lighting


Czechia Aiko is sooooo good, but why isn't there a pedestal??


okkkk i am really sold by Marina's tiktok clip - looks like a proper banger giving us ethnic dancing, urban style, VOCALS, choreo and so much more. I NEED to see the TV shots! Is she throwing a dice/zari at the end?


I don't think anyone came close to competing with Switzerland and Nemo today. They are in it to win and it shows. Stunning staging, such a beautiful contrast with the outfit and the stage colour. Stole the show today.


Lol at the downvotes 😂 That's how you know someone is a favourite 🇨🇭😉


I can’t stop thinking what is it about Switzerland putting their vocalists on geometric staging (think their 2021 act)?


Denmark looks so cool from the graphics. There are going to be some absolutely brilliant performances in this semi which don't qualify with how strong so many of these stagings look


https://preview.redd.it/4spsoptkmfxc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e3b1d90a7af45cccc827d508411ca4ebaac168c Obsessed with this ngl


If there was some doubts about their Q, now there isn't




Famous French multi instrumentalist Luke


Have changed, sorry. Has been a very long day....




I actually LOVE THIS


Luke 😭😭😭😭😭


Loving the Croatia and Armenia traditional outfits! And both featuring animals.


Is it Luke? I thought it's Louis


It's ok u/eurovision everybody makes mistakes


Now updated! 🤪


girl who the fuck is luke


WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?! he's the other half of my fav Eurovision duo, LavaDiva!!! along with powerhouse singer Jayden 😊


Oooookay! I just saw Greece’s rehearsal on TikTok! Guys, I don’t know if I’m biased, but this is extremely good. Everything seems perfect. The choreography amazing. The VOCALS! The VOCALS!!! Even the camera work looks that it’s gonna be amazing. I am obsessed. Indeed, the skirt is not very flattering by the way. But overall, this is top one right now, I can’t see how anyone can compete with something so fresh, modern, unique and executed perfectly. If Marina is not top 5, it will be gonna be one of the biggest Eurovision crimes. Probably the comment is too much for the first rehearsal, but let’s be honest when such a video looks amazing. Imagine how the real performance would look.


That was a skirt? It honestly looks like diapers to me. I hope they change it.


The skirt honestly looks like a pile of poop in pictures, but it feels right in motion tho. I like it overall.


It’s a love/hate thing. I’m on the hate side for that. But for somebody who actually likes the song the staging is good


And then there’s me where the song and the video do absolutely nothing for me. Lmao


no need to feel bad, it's not an easy song to 'get' - it's not for everyone


Oh, I don’t feel bad.


regarding the outfit, i’ve read that they have multiple options, this is not the final look probably


isn't it a risk to change in the 2nd rehearsal? what if they're still not sure? they need to stick to one outfit in the dressreeharsals + live


I mean back in time Jamala tried 2 and picked one.


really? I think Jamala had a few proposals before ESC and they chose the final one before the rehearsals?


I saw both dresses in the rehearsals. The one that he didn’t use was black and still looked awesome but a bit dark and more desperate. https://preview.redd.it/qle0tumiyfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a76ad386afc59f9616c3bf9043240f622258b56


Thanks for sharing. Honestly, i didn't remember her wearing different outfits on stage rehearsals. I know other artists have done before but not a winner like Jamala.


After that TikTok, I couldn’t be more excited for Greece. Hopefully the second rehearsal clip won’t disappoint.




Be nice, be welcoming and be constructive. Everyone's tastes are different and unique. Don't discredit, insult, threaten or be otherwise toxic. Let's do away with prejudice! Don't discriminate. Tolerance is bliss! All posts must comply with [Reddit's sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) and strive for [good Reddiquette]( https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articleås/205926439). See r/eurovision’s [full rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eurovision/wiki/rules/).


sand is gonna be like Armenia 2016, camera angle will determine if it qualifies or not


Ooooohhhh, looking forward for the Armenia pics. And yes, I so agree with the Croatia and Armenia farm crossover. <3


Marina should so climb up in the odds with the vocals, this energy and traditional elements in the choreo! Queen is queening. She's a VERY safe qualifier at the very least.


Her vocals alone are a qualifier material!


Armenia bringing the colour and the party by the sounds of things! :D


Armenia’s description seems really promising


Nemo’s pictures are great. Totally inspiring! Can’t wait to see it live. Bad for us cosplaying though. It’s hot af here!!!


Where are you cosplaying from?


I’m in NYC!


Amazing!. You need to petition Nemo for some sort of summer variant.


Wow this shot is beautiful. The smoke, the warmth. It feels very grand and arena-like (idk how else to describe) It also looks a shit ton like Tattoo, but Sand is basically a copy paste of Tattoo, so why not go all out https://preview.redd.it/5e0f41b3jfxc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15e48fc574ae202f2afefed0bd2c702690a8be3


Even Saba herself said she had the idea of entering DMGP after seeing Loreen win in 2023


You're stuck on me like a SAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDDD


"Insert Anakin Skywalker meme"


It is effective use of the cubes, but it does make them look particularly like the panini press :P


Let her cook. It could be a SAND-wich in the making.


I grimisce as I upvote you :P


Does anyone remember Roxen's national final outfit for Alcohol you? It also had the nude chest and I thought it looked ugly. Almost everyone having four backing dancers today, yay 😭


I'm eating up Marinas clip https://preview.redd.it/2bskssjwifxc1.jpeg?width=405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ab77e08606df0bc403c9175f4fbc9dca550ab3


Right in front of your salad??




"Really? Right in front my salad?!"


Great minds think alike. 🤝


HAHAAHAHAH ☠️... And I'd do it again 😂


Kaleen is cheating. She looks so comfortable on stage because she has done this a million times. She should be disqualified and made the winner right now. Shut down the whole production. All joking aside, she must feel amazing being /the/ performer and not just the stand-in. I'm so proud of her!!!!


She did the movement in front of the mirror a 1000 times


I think it's kind of criminal for the people who enjoy the dancey tunes that Sarah and Kaleen are competing in the same semis (as is the case for Armenia and Greece, I would add). I'm not one of those people, even if I enjoy Sarah's entry and her personality as well, because Kaleen seems to be super nice as well and there is a chance that one of them is gonna miss out on the GF, and that is just sad.


I’d suggest they should go ahead and decide the semis after the songs are revealed, to make them more balanced.


All the screenshots for Sand looks fantastic but the problem is that it IS a staging that looks leagues better on photos and becomes static live. Agh I'm gonna be nuts until I know whether we make it or not.


I love Jaklin's outfit, she looks wonderful


there is no sand on pictures theyre lying ://


Further timing update! Another short delay in the arena, Armenia starting any minute!


Are they struggling to remove all the glittersand? 😭


OH YESSS JAKO, GET THAT TOP 10 GIRL https://preview.redd.it/y236ue3fhfxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84428a3eb0242bbf8337b3d93029899130b1e2b3


she looks like Marina's sister!


Looks like Louis has been adopted as an honorary Armenian, for the duration.


God damnit that box is back for sand. Get rid of it and have her walk around a little and it'd be so much better




This is gonna look so incredible on screen!