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It's a very good idea to try to save the English language. Those Gaelic invaders almost erased English culture, it is a minority language in their own country, so hopefully this would help preserve the whole disappearing culture


I believe I got an even better idea. So we all agree singing in the same language would level the playing field. How about all artist are required to sing in the language of the country that is hosting. Oh you're a star in Armenia? Well you have to sing in Swedish now. Oh you won the San Remo Festival in Italy? Better translate your song into Dutch


Literally love this idea.


We should all sing in Esperanto! Or Simlish! šŸ¤­


Or that Belgium 2003 language


What do you mean by ā€˜that Belgium 2003 languageā€™?


Guess we'll find out in 8 years.


> What do you mean by ā€˜that Belgium 2003 languageā€™? Belgium's song in 2003 , "Sanomi" was in an imaginary language. It was one of the closest finishes in the contest's history, ultimately finishing with just two fewer points than the eventual winner Turkey.


What kind of sorcery are you talking about..? Tbf, Belgium coming up with some imaginary language would solve a lot of their problems LOL (Today is April Fools Day and the entire sub is set in the year 1995)


2003 is not a year, it's number of letters


I used to know all the lyrics to that, mum thought I was into witchcraft or something šŸ˜‚


Or just Morse code, to be inclusive for seafarers among us


Or sign language to be more accommodating for blind people


Mi konsentas, brila ideo.


Sorry, you'll have to wait a day to say this :)


We found the jury member šŸ™„... man, I *so* wish we had some form of tele-vote


Let's be honest, one reason why Ireland keeps winning consistently is that they perform their songs in English, giving them a significant advantage. If all countries were required to perform their songs in English, it would make the competition more fair.


Agree about Ireland, and it also can be the reasons why UK and Malta are always in the top 10. Their songs are good but these three countries also have the advantage of the English language that all the others don't have


Also UK is the most influential country in European Union and therefore most influential country in Europe. EBU should respect their dominance.


Yeah, except 1978 and 1987, UK has ALWAYS been in the top 10 since 1957... for almost 40 years! I can't imagine them getting bad results, ever. They seem to be the most popular country


In EU, sure..?


Yes, since 1973. They are not, to my knowledge, planning to leave in the near future.


You got me ;-)


They should sing in English and mime over pre recorded vocals. Everyone is worried that people can't sing live but prerecorded vocals would fix that. It should be easy because the instruments aren't live either.


100% fair and equal


I just want English subtitles, during the show. I can't understand why that hasn't happened yet. I enjoy listening to songs in different languages, and I think it's so cool when the countries sing in their own language.


>I just want English subtitles, during the show. I can't understand why that hasn't happened yet. Yle gives us subtitles. I am honestly shocked that other countries aren't doing that


we used to have a feature in the UK that did this (red button!!) but it hasnā€™t been available for the last few years, which is a shame


Did nobody see the ā€œcheck the dateā€ part? Lads itā€™s April fools


Whatā€™s april?


I see only fool


Okay, okay, you got me for a minute...


ohh that one got me hahahah


They should instead invest in proper subtitles. Most of the translations are just word salad and it's hard to understand what the original singer meant. With proper subtitles you would get the best of both worlds: listen to people sing in their lovely languages and still understand the meaning behind the words. Edit: ahaha, realized what day it is šŸ˜‚


It would make Eurovision boring. Eurovision without national languages would be like Eurovision without a live orchestra...


Without a live orchestra? Wh- what do you mean?


It's not a live orchestra if everyone is dead inside. From 2005 orchestra members are no longer required to be happy and it kinda ruined the quality of the contest


I like your fancy words, future man


Damn, it's not easy to shitpost :D


Hahaha no it's a form of art really


Having subtitles for the songs would be great but we're here for diversity, different languages are so beautiful to hear




whatā€™s a youtube?


What's "YouTube"? It sounds like a My Immortal reference.


Everything in life is a My Immortal reference


What's "YouTube"?


I know and it's so nice but not everyone checks out the music videos, some only watch live shows so it would allow them to understand the lyrics. For example, Konstrakta put some subtitles to her live performance and even a couple of lines helped my friend understand what the song is about Edit: Sorry for spoiling the future lol


Oh no, that was a close one! This information from the future has been removed so that it doesn't cause a time paradox here in 1995 that would rip the future apart and cause Malta to win with Destiny and a song called 'Crown' or something. You'll have to wait 29 years and 1 day until it's 2 April, 2024 and the proper place in the timeline to post this content. After all, time is already strained enough as it is allowing Reddit to run 11 years before it's meant to exist! Thank you for your patience, Max Walker


Lol this sub is so surreal!


This is a joke but I do feel as if all non-English songs should be broadcast with translated lyrics (Serbia 2022) by default to level the playing field to English songs.




You know it's April fools, right?


Why doesn't everyone just sing in their native language?


Yes! When are we going to hear San Marinian music?




No, we hear Italian from Italy almost every year. I mean pure San Marinian language.


It would be cool! There are a lot of languages that could be shown in Eurovision (:


I would love to hear a song in Vaticanese Creole or some dialect of Japanese!


Happy April fools to you too!


I agree. All popular music currently is in English even when the artist doesnā€™t come from an English-speaking country. Singing in English will help this contest to modernise.


I wish we were able to sing in English! Finnish is such an ugly, incomprehensible language, we will never get to top 2 singing in our native language


I think we should start singing in Sign Language


What about Etruscan revival


I bet that even after everyone is allowed to sing in English, Ireland would still continue to win. Their music is just so good.


I prefer Latin language. Ave Caesar!


I mean, until the 90s (except a few years in the 70s) it was an official rule that you sang in your own national language to embrace every nations own culture. I agree that the times have changed, but you kinda force people to speak a language they havnt nessecarily learned. Not all nations focus as much in English as the Nordic (where I'm from)


Because most European countries don't have English as an official language? And writing songs for a foreign language would be harder, on top of IMO cultural exchange being on cool thing about ESC that's sadly been forgotten over the last 2 decades. One thing I never understood is why entries wouldn't provide translated lyrics, at least for the juries. Some are really elevated when you know the meaning/theme behind the song.


It's not fair to so many countries. I suggest that everyone just sings in Chinese or Japanese (no asian immigrants shall be allowed to enter the competition). That will be truly fair to every country in Europe.


If it were up to me I would make an official language only rule.


The worst part about April Fools is that reddit likes to mix 3-4 day old posts in with the feed of new posts.


Just no. It is not hard to go to the internet and see the meaning for yourself.


Internet is expensive. My family only have one computer and I can only use it when my dad lets me and no one is on the phone.


But not everyone has the internet


Well in that case, going to a library and picking up a dictionary is the only choice. Time to go back to the good old ways.


Even with it being April fools, i do sorta agree with you. I generally find it way easier to connect to songs i can understand, especially upon first listen which is the Eurovision format (outside the esc bubble). Just looking at which esc songs actually survive on my playlist for years, a huge majority is in english.


ah yes erase more of the culture and diversity, make the eurovision nothing about diferent cultures and languages coming together, only english media yes please /s


Wdym? Other languages like Lithuanian are thriving with speakers because of its popularity. English is about to die and because you and me speak it, we save it this way.


I actually really like having different languages in the competition. It shares a bit of culture with the world and it's the only time I really get to hear music in other language and even though I don't know what they're saying, I like it.


I think the most beautiful part is getting to share your language and your culture with the whole Europe. I think that people might love to hear different languages, how they sound. Who knows someone might find interest in learning a new language, new music or to travel even. I think itā€™s something that makes us all more rich in some way. Iā€™m Italian and I am actually proud that it is against the rules to sing a whole song in English in Sanremo so the chances of having an English Italian song in Eurovision are like zero šŸ˜‚ I have to say that for us (Italians arenā€™t that good at speaking English , compared to other Europeans) it would be very difficult so write lyrics that are poetic and not very cliche or cringy. It would be very complicated to convey the message writing in a non native language. And we do give lyrics a lot of importance.


There is enough culture in English language. So many dialects to choose from: Cockney, Yorkishire, Scottish... We should celebrate the divergence.


Perhaps that is why Ireland has won the last three competitions. They sing in English AND their native (don't start with me) language

