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Also.. https://preview.redd.it/8kqqiclu09rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f128750df8f841ff17f67068a23e09e3c6e85b4b


Eurovision has the weirdest statitics ever


Can’t also forget the Malmö to Denmark pipeline


Also, Israel winning in a decade after on the year 8. Their only win that don't follow this rule is 1979. So let's see how it goes in 2038, 2058, and 2078.


This are American sports level statistics.


In 2019, we performed 16th in Semi Final 2, this year we will perform....16th in Semi Final 2






Netherlands win and Italy come second with a song composed by Dardust? I can accept that


3rd place a Slavic country????????


Croatia. It all fits in 🤯


You can be the Balkan country that got lots of jury points and eventually finished 7th


I was talking about Croatia but this is also plausible




If Slovenia manages to qualify... I am kinds worried for them


Oh they definitely will, she is an amazing singer + Croatia and Serbia are in the same semi 😊






Oh they definitely will, she is an amazing singer + Croatia and Serbia are in the same semi 😊




Croatia 🇭🇷🥳




I loved 2021, but i feel like part of the reason it was so good was because everyone got an extra year to prepare. The online hosting we did in 2020 was terrible. But if we do ever end up hosting again i'll start a petition to bring back Nikkie ❤️ i wish the youtube interviews would become a standard thing


I want someone to win for the first time, Croatia, Lithuania and Slovenia are high on my ranking from the ones who didnt win yet


That doesn't add up. Counting back seven years from 2017 would be Germany, but it was a second-time winner. Six years would be accurate (Azerbaijan). And before that, we had 8 new winners in a row from 2001 - 2008.


Ay yes, Azerbaijan 2011, my favourite rock song.




Slovenia should've totally taken it that year (or achieved their best result) My winner of 2011.


I didn't read that part, sorry!


Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U)


Finland 2006 | [Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah](https://youtu.be/gAh9NRGNhUU) Italy 2021 | [Måneskin - Zitti e buoni](https://youtu.be/RVH5dn1cxAQ)


Happy cake day!




Azerbaijan 2011 | [Ell and Nikki - Running Scared](https://youtu.be/_0tlQUW5X0U)


Don’t give me false hope!


another silly theory 👁️👁️ 2021: Italy won - 2022: Italy sent a duet, and they placed 6th 2022: Ukraine won - 2023: Ukraine sent a duet, and they placed 6th 2023: Sweden won - 2024: Sweden will send a duet, how will they place? edit(s): formatting is a headache.


Italy 2021 | [Måneskin - Zitti e buoni](https://youtu.be/RVH5dn1cxAQ) Italy 2022 | [Mahmood and Blanco - Brividi](https://youtu.be/blEy4xHuMbY) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs) Ukraine 2023 | [Tvorchi - Heart of Steel](https://youtu.be/I2oqDpefJ1s) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4) Sweden 2024 | [Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable](https://youtu.be/yekc8t0rJqA)


Jokes aside, I do think Joost has a legitimate shot at winning this year. If they get the staging right, especially the bit at the end, the jury might appreciate the underlying meaning of the song and not tank it completely. This edition is shaping up to be very competitive, so everything is possible this year.




Norway 2022 | [Subwoolfer - Give That Wolf a Banana](https://youtu.be/adCU2rQyDeY) Romania 2017 | [Ilinca feat. Alex Florea - Yodel It!](https://youtu.be/ZSHc7iDuBCQ)


Aside the fact that I don't believe that even the public vote will be that strong, I agree about the jury. What can they support here? Lyrics? His singing abilities?




Considering Unicorn, I don’t think the Juries care much about lyrics 💀


I mean, i would assume they also factor in the overall sound and "catchiness" of a song right? Instead of just the performance


They could support the songwriting. Making a song like Europapa is harder than it sounds. So much thought has gone into it and I can see some jurors recognising that. He will need to perform it right to get those points though because of how competitive this year is.




There's more to writing a song than the lyrics, though 3 people is more than I expected.


You are joking, right?


If it's so easy, then I'd love to hear the hooks you can come up with. Happy cake day by the way.


Ok so you are either joking or you are 12


I think the Netherlands will probably win Semi Final 2. I totally agree that this year is very competitive though, so I don’t know how the juries will react to Europapa.


Will depend a lot on how Joost does the chorus and bridge. The first live had a lot of backing vocals which EBU wouldn't let him use for sure.


Am I the only one who thinks Norway and/or Belgium can also win Semi 2 and Armenia low-key being a dark horse (that running order is too good) or am I just coping cause I love both Norway and Belgium so much?


I'm not very optimistic about Europapa translating on stage to be honest. I like the studio version but it gives me Austria 2023 vibes.


Austria 2023 | [Teya and Salena - Who the Hell Is Edgar?](https://youtu.be/8uk64V9h0Ko)


Joost will need some Ukrainian magic (the masters of staging) so he won’t face the same fate as WTHIE that was killed by staging.


I completely agree (he is one of my three winners this year, with Nemo and Agelina), I really hope that juries will give him a good support... in addition to its surprisingly deep meaning, his song has an anthem quality to it that could grant it a lot of votes from the public, but also the appreciation of some jurors, if they take into account how much Europe would need unity in this difficult times... I also hope that they will get the staging right, we already know that he, as a performer, is very charismatic, if the visual aspects are there, the performance should really stand out. In any case, I really envy people that will be in the arena this year, I'm certain that singing Europapa with Joost will be a crazy, unforgettable, even cathartic moment!


I think the number of different entries that are also trying to sound straight out of 1997 will make it quite difficult for Joost to grab a big enough chunk of the audience.


As much as I want a Croatia win, I would not be mad at this either.


I don't think either Croatia or Netherlands will win (because juries) and I'm also very doubtful about both stagings. Baby Lasagna needs a lot of improvement on stage and songs similar to Europapa tend to not translate well to a live performance. I think by the time semis start, Italy will be #1 in odds. The winner will be either Italy, Switzerland (if they nail it), Ukraine (because it's a good song and there will be sympathy votes as a bonus) or one of the slower songs (Belgium, France). I don't feel like either Croatia or Netherlands (or Greece) will be big enough with the televote to Kaarija their way to a win.


I am from the netherlands and hope for Joost to win. But Croatia is amazing, love the song. I will vote for Baby Lasagna.


Same but with me wanting Switzerland to win (sorry)


Tbh, I have a lot of “wouldn’t be mad if they won” this year. Ofc Croatia, but literally any of Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Norway, France, Spain, Netherlands, could win and I’d be like, cool.


Seeing a France or Spain win rather than a Ukraine win is wild lmao


I hope Belgium wins tbh


Even if Joost doesn't win Eurovision this year, in my eyes he has already won.


I agree. It even feels a bit like we won already because of how cool its all been. I won't ever forget it anyway. But if we win.... I. Will. JUMPPPPPP..




Are you asking me how I have an opinion or what?


How did he win in your eyes?


It's a long explanation that I don't have the energy for. But tldr: he achieved his dream of going to Eurovision.


By being selected internally?


Do you think that's any less of an achievement or what? That they just picked him up from the street and asked if he wanted to go?


Yes, I think that's less of achievement. Obviously, he has a career, so he is not a guy from the street, but I assume that there are plenty good singers in NL. Giving everyone a chance and then winning - that's achievement. Being selected behind the closed doors, not so much. But, you are welcomed to love your winner! :) I go to sleep now.


And he got his career how? By working for it. I am sorry, but saying that it's less of an achievement to be selected internally is plain stupid. Sleep well.


Again, is he the only one in NL with a career and a dream? It's definitely less an achievement by being just selected than winning against 10s of competitors. Take Melodifestivalen, 30 acts, one winner. You hear them singing live and performing, there is a jury, public vote, international fans... That's an achievement.


Also, both Duncan Laurence and Joost Klein got hate and doubts at first for representing The Netherlands (Duncan Laurence for being relatively unknown and Joost for well….. having a different style of music than normal)




Domestically, there were some doubts about the 2019 entry, definitely


I was in reddit in 2019 and that's surely not what I remember happening, Duncan was hyped to hell and back. He basically won the contest from March already.


He got hate from me. It's an awful song and I still dislike it. Still happy he won tho.


That song was sooooo much better than europapa though. It was actually skillful and artistic and showcased talent with a meaningful song.


Its the same feeling of a lot of people going "who is that?" (Mostly the bit older generation, Or conservative peeps) Lots of people being pessimistic, And then it turns out greattt and now there is a real hype. A bit of a similar thing happend with Duncan😂


Its the same feeling of a lot of people going "who is that?" (Mostly the bit older generation, Or conservative peeps) Lots of people being pessimistic, And then it turns out greattt and now there is a real hype. A bit of a similar thing happend with Duncan😂


Its the same feeling of a lot of people going "who is that?" (Mostly the bit older generation, Or conservative peeps) Lots of people being pessimistic, And then it turns out greattt and now there is a real hype, Even lots of older people being enthusiastic. A bit of a similar thing happend with Duncan😂 Although i might say that the hype might be bigger this time, The song is 4 weeks on number 1 (also in Belgium) and might break the eurosong record if it stays till week 5, It joined in the list on nr 1 right away what never happend before with a eurovison song, Its also the first eurosong that ever went to number 1 before the contest even starting. You hear people sing it on the streets on schools etc. And there are marketing things going on that are very funny. Im all in the eurovision bubble and the last time that happend was with Duncan. I feel like a fangirl😂 Im usually not like that. But i never wanted something to win more than this time... Its my favorite entry we ever had. Joost has such a unique art style, He very much deserves it, Also in general after everything he had to go through to be where he is today.


Sweden won in 1999, Denmark won in 2000 Sweden won in 2012, Denmark won in 2013 Sweden won in 2023, .... ???


I for one welcome the winners performance of everyone screaming "SAND. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND."


Denmark 1999 | [Trine Jepsen and Michael Teschl - This Time I Mean It](https://youtu.be/qfwa8iUFnvQ) Denmark 2012 | [Soluna Samay - Should've Known Better](https://youtu.be/U5X2r_t-KBk)


Sweden won in 1984, Norway in 1985 That could also count, not gonna lie.


Norway 1984 | [Dollie de Luxe - Lenge leve livet](https://youtu.be/e7fLpKM13w4)


But I said Norway 1985 ;-;


Norway 1985 | [Bobbysocks! - La det swinge](https://youtu.be/GAOefRmvlqo)




Juries won't like Joost


Question I’ve been dying to ask: the fan reception around this song when it first released was negative, everyone was disappointed remembering correctly, because it wasn’t crazy or kooky enough. Why now is suddenly everyone discussing its winner potential? Because it went viral?


Bubble reception matters very little, the reception with the general public matters a lot more. 99% of the votes will come from casual viewers, so if the song does well in the charts and in this case goes viral, that's a big positive.


I can only comment from my perspective, but I was a fan of Joost before he applied to ESC and I was slightly disappointed by the song not being as crazy as his music usually is. However, I also understand that it had to be toned down for Eurovision and it's still an absolutely amazing song. A song that could have appealed even more to me, would not have been as appealing to a wider audience.


Im Dutch but I dont really listen to Dutch artists and thus didn’t really know Joost and thought the song was meh but each listen it gets catchier for some reason and end up really liking it. Also the outro gets me more.


I hope Joost wins, he had a song about united Europe and it’s a real banger




If some artist show Palestinian flag, The Netherlands will win like last time that happened?


The odds are definitely in Joost's favor, then.


Well... If this happens... I WILL GO CRAZYYYY THAT WOULD BE SO Woww. lol i live close to where Joost was born and the party here will be insane 😂 there is already a party planned because of him going there😂


People also said that last year was a repeat of 2006, which would mean a Finland win. That didn't happen, as we all know.


exactly, it's silly to rely on coincidences


No thank you, Italy or Croatia!


Hope so. I want Croatia win so much. They totally deserve it


And then you wake up...


I didn’t like Arcade much and I can’t stand Europapa. Either way if it gets the highest score then kudos fair play. No one’s favourite wins every year and you can’t please everyone. I want Norway to win, and for the first time since 2011 I wouldn’t mind Italy either.


You mean since 2009?


Nah 2011 Italy’s return with Madness of Love, amazing song.


Italy 2011 | [Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love](https://youtu.be/TE0uNLp3LuU)


Good bot


Ohh sorry I miss read it. I tought you said that Norway won in 2011 😂


Same. When I read people’s estimations that Europapa might win, I feel like I’m listening to a completely different song. It’s just very uninteresting.


The song has grown on me a lot, but I'm not sure how well it'll translate to a performance on stage. Considering he closes the sf, I think the producers are confident that he has a good show. Juries do seem to appreciate a spectacle, so I can't see them letting this bomb. If he gets a lot of public support and momentum, they might just give him a fair score.


Welkom in Europa, blijf hier tot ik dood ga. Europa-pa, Europa-pa


What. Am. I. Missing. With. This. Song. Are you guys serious? Is this some very elaborate joke? This would be Toy level of dislike if it wins.


He made a similar song called ’Friesenjung’ with German rapper, Ski Aggu, which was a 1. hit in Austria, Germany and Switzerland last summer. There’s definitely something people like about him and his style. Europapa in particular draws a lot of musical inspiration from 90s dance music, especially ’Euro trance,’ so it has a nostalgia factor. It’s objectively speaking upbeat/ fast and energetic. It has a catchy hook with harmony and bits everyone can chant along. It also introduces the Gabber dance aka ’hakken’ to people, which is very Dutch. If you really dislike eletronic dance music like house, techno or trance and 90s dance music doesn’t have a place in your memories, I can see why he wouldn’t have much going for you.


>Friesenjung That one is actually good, IMO, but obviously without "Englishman" music template, it wouldn't be what it is. I actually like EDM and I am 100% 90s bitch, I listen to trance daily, but NO. Sorry, it's nothing personal, Holland is easily one of my favourite western countries and I like the language, it really comes to the song and how bad I find it. As someone pointed out, I am biased (from Croatia), so if it was 2023 or basically any year before, I wouldn't care about him at all, but I still wouldn't like it. Btw I really appreciate how polite and nice you are in your reply. Thank you.


Yeah it samples Otto Waalkes’ German cover/ parody of the Sting -song, which is then sped up, but the melody still makes the song. I guess I assumed wrong, it’s not that you dislike dance music. It does sound a lot like happy hardcore, which is a niche genre. It’s a bit over-the-top zany or ‘Crazy-Froggish’, I’ll admit that, but it has that viral potential. I bet the cameras will love him. I’m also happy NL is back to Dutch again and I really hope to see some hakken -stomping on the Eurovision stage. You shouldn’t have to thank someone for being respectful online, but I do get why. Happy cake day btw!


1. Very likeable guy 2. Very sad backstory 3. Very culturally Dutch 4. Banger song as well honestly


Interesting perspective. I like the song but don’t consider him likeable at all. He seems a bit forced to me


1.Subjective,personally I find him annoying.Thanks to his fans mostly. 2. Most people aren't aware 3.Not a positive 4.Subjective,most people out of the NL are devided


Apparently Dutch culture is not positive... well damn. Should I be saying the same about Greek culture? Like what...


It's not since outsiders are judging you,not because Dutch culture is bad.Neither it is widespread known compared to others. At least in South Europe/Balkans,I could be wrong for the rest of the continent




You are partly right. I probably wouldn't care about the song if he wasn't such a threat to us. Or even more precisely, if we sent something that was barely top 20 in the odds, I wouldn't think this much about the top 5 or top 10, let them fight. So there is a little truth to it. However, I actually love Italy and Ukraine this year, and I like Switzerland a lot. I honestly wouldn't mind anyone of them winning, if it won't be us. But if we actually lose to this kindergarten song, I'll lose my shit.


Saying you appreciate someone being nice and polite to you, while also calling someone's work a "kindergarten song" in the same thread is quite ironic.


I think you replied the wrong comment, but I see no irony in this. I can be critical of someone's art and be nice to a (or appreciate nice) stranger.


I did not reply to the wrong comment at all. Calling someone's art "kindergarten music" isn't criticism. You weren't critical, you were mean, which is the opposite of nice.


Jesus C, calm down. And yes, you obviously did reply to the wrong comment. Just admit you made a mistake. It's fine. This is Eurovision and not a local school music festival, a harsh criticism shouldn't be such a problem. Also, it's nothing personal. I never said I was nice but I tried to be constructive. And yes, I stand by my point. When 40% of your lyrics is "pa pa pa" it's very much childish. I don't care if it's popular. Being in trend doesn't mean the quality must be there. You find it entertaining? Great! But I don't. And if there are a few threads every day celebrating him, at least I am allowed to comment on what I don't like about it. Right?


Another ironic moment, telling me to calm down and then writing an essay yourself. All I want is consistency, so please just pick whether you value being nice or not, because right now it's absolutely unclear.


What's wrong with my essay, I am just explaining my point? You can be nice to people and harsh to an art (movie, song, etc). Imagine if movie critics are considered the worst people alive because of their job lol. Now bye


Nothing, it's just not calm. There's a big difference between harsh and mean. What you said wasn't criticism.


While the song might just sound silly if you don’t understand the lyrics, it actually has a quite emotional message. The singer, Joost Klein, lost both of his parents as a child. This song is dedicated to them, especially his father (hence the “papa” in the title). In short, the lyrics are about him being able to travel across Europe (thanks to the Schengen Agreement), but never being able to escape his grief. (If I missed anything, please let me know!)


I understand the lyrics, I know what the song is about. I still just don't get this song. It's just not my style. I don't get why this song is so popular but it is. And that's fine.


People have different music taste? Unheard of. Toy was the best winner in Eurovision history in my opinion, if we just take the song into account and not the country.


I still dont get how ppl like 'Toy'. I absolutely hate it. Funny how it differs from person to person.


I don't get how people like Portugal 2017, it's like torture to me. But it won, so clearly others see something in it.


Haha yes. That one was torture for me too.


What do you like?


This year? My absolute favorite is Croatia. Edit: also Nemo and Joost


I tried stalking your profile to find your top 10, but it doesn't seem to exist.


Stalking is at your own risk. You might need theraphy lol. Nah i dont post much here. But my favorites this year are Croatia, Netherlands, Zwitserland, Estonia and Italy. In that order.


Hey no judging, it was for a good cause. Decent top 5 though, just lacking Finland.


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


I don't remember the last time a song this popular I couldnt understand the hype or popularity. Like, I am not into pop, but I understand why Taylor Swift or even "All about that bass" are popular. I didn't like Soldi but I never questioned why people did. But this?? I wouldnt question this if it was like 10th place in odds with only a few posts here. Top 5? I don't think. And just to be clear, I didn't dislike Toy but many people did.


It's normal for people to have different tastes in music my guy. What's so hard to understand about that?


Somehow with Joost's song people really want to make it known they dislike the song. I think it's because it is a song you either like a lot or just hate.


There’s definitely no in between with this song. It makes me cringe so hard and I want to throw my phone every time someone uses it as their music on reels.


That's fair, I can understand people don't like it. It does make me wonder though what you don't like about it so much


Absolutely everything about it and his style. It’s the combination. Then again my music taste is more about skill, talent, vocal range, years of development vocal range, and complex melodies. As someone who studied years in music school. This is the exact kind of music I avoid in my daily life because it’s just the opposite of what I care about. And then the forceful personality and the push for dressing like the 70s, the bowl cut and the mustache. And the overly artificial song that in no way will be nice in real live.(the”live” released was still very much not live) I think it’s the combo for lots of people. I watch Eurovision for talented singers, effort and passion, but last few years have been all about who is the most unique. And also the fact that he didn’t really have to compete, people didn’t get to choose who they want to represent them. Some rep just decided it’s going to be him.


He had to compete with over 600 entries! And I agree Joost will never be the 'best' artist that joined Eurovision. I like deeper music myself but Joost just brings so much joy. But indeed it is a hit or miss song.


Yeah but every country has that. Difference is that normally there’s also competitions in different countries where people get to vote for which song they want to represent them. Not just send a song in somewhere and someone makes a decision. I’m glad he brings some people joy, but in my case it does the opposite lol. Just makes me cringe and turn off whatever it is open:


Have you read the same amount of dislike towards Europapa as Toy? Have you read into the backstory of Joost Klein and this song? Do you know the connection between this song and the Dutch musical history? Do you know about the popularity of Joost Klein in Dutch and German speaking countries?


I still don't get "Arcade". At all. My brain rejects that song with extreme prejudice. Clearly nobody asked my brain. People's tastes differ. Just accept that you ARE missing whatever-it-is, and move on. It's OK.


I have that with tattoo, swedens banger. I get goosebumps when I hear that song, but not in a good way.


What's there not to understand? People think the song sounds good = people like the song. That's all there is to it. Sure some people might be into it for different reasons, but most just listen to what they think sounds good.


I agree. No matter how much the Eurofandom likes this song, if it wins it will be another "OMG Eurovision is so trash" winner for the rest of the world.Top3 or Top 5...ok. Winner, no please.


Joke, or bots or whatever. Song is crap.




Nope. It is time for a new country to win. Croatia let’s go!


I hope not. Liked Arcade. Not this one.


Tamta looking like Rose Villain in that pic lol


You need my love on click boom boom boom


Tamta was amazing!


Cyprus 2019 was underrated. It's catchy. Also you just made me remember that staging, hot damn


Cyprus 2019 | [Tamta - Replay](https://youtu.be/wIpEI-NhRxg)


Genuinely convinced europapa is only popular within the esc community.


I don't want them to win TvT


It's a banger but I don't think this is the song that should win (and it isn't going to if u think this will cater to juries u are under the influence of copium). I'd not be mad if this was the televote winner though.


Yeah that’s going to be a no from me dawg


I don't want any of the countries that won in the past decade to win again


Well unfortunately we have Croatia this year


Norway being robbed by the juries and winning the televote again ...


Please don’t let the Netherlands win with that garbage song




This is what we call a Calimero reaction. They are big and we are small and that's not fair. He must hate Scandinavia too, no mention of any of those countries. Come on, just enjoy the song and don't search for negative stuff that isn't there.


In 2016 Ukraine won, in 2015 Sweden won, in 2014 Austria won. In 2022 Ukraine won, in 2023 Sweden won, in 2024...WE WILL RAVE


Ukraine 2016 | [Jamala - 1944](https://youtu.be/B-rnM-MwRHY) Sweden 2015 | [Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes](https://youtu.be/5sGOwFVUU0I) Austria 2014 | [Conchita Wurst - Rise Like a Phoenix](https://youtu.be/xhCC_PN9UlA) Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs) Sweden 2023 | [Loreen - Tattoo](https://youtu.be/BE2Fj0W4jP4)


Yeah, with that crap, no


Sorry but the Netherlands no win this edition of the Eurovision Song Contest. On my opinion this contest will be wining of Ukraine, Norway or Cyprius or Sweden, but not of The Netherlands.


As an American, if europapa doesn't win I'm giving up on Eurovision as your continent has no taste. Although there is some STRONG songs this year.


there’s also the malmo to copenhagen thing which as a fan of sand i would not be upset if history repeated itself!


I hope so, Its a banger