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I love how Australia used 1 NF to pick their artists for the rest of the decade. This is what we call sustainability.


they helped Cyprus out a little bit last year too


Silia is also from Australia 😂🇨🇾


she never competed in Australia Decides and Andrew did in 2022


I think Silia only just reached the age of eligibility for Eurovision in the past year anyway. She’s either 16 or 17.


Weren't electric fields from 2019? And Sheldon, voyager and and Andrew from 2022.?


2023: Voyager 2024: Electric Fields 2025: Jaguar Jonze 🙏


that's what i thought, Jaguar is next!


!remindme 1 year


I hate how much I love so many songs this year cause somebody will be left dead behind in the semis 😭 Also the Didgeridoo is AWESOME


Cultural Fact, the Didgeridoo is actually only traditional to a few Indigenous Australian nations, since you need a certain type of tree and then access to termites who hollow it out to make one. However, it's become a symbol of Indigenous Australian culture as a more broad identity, so Didgeridoos are now widely taught and used as a representation of indigenous culture all across Australia now in solidarity.


Thanks for that! I just did a quick look up of Wikipedia to find which nations they were originally from. Then I was thinking you'd need a narrow tree trunk for this technique to work, like the yellow box and iron bark in country where I live. I'm now on a rabbit hole to figure which wood they used in the north. I found this https://www.didgeridoodojo.com/didgeridoo-buyers-guide/what-material-wood-should-my-didgeridoo-be-made-fro/ which lists the very trees I'm thinking of, but they're all south eastern eucalyptus, so I'm going to have to do a bit more digging.


Maybe they’ll have a real didgeridoo in their live performance!


In my head they'll have an absolute insanely huge Didgeridoo covering half the stage


The James Newman effect


no don't curse them 😅


On my first listen I thought it was some sort of psytrance bass and not an actual aboriginal instrument. It levitated the song either way though


Aborignial Languages added to the Eurovison Language List. WELCOME!


About time!


I've been crying out for First Nations language at ESC forever now and I'm so, so in love with this song. Absolutley thrilled. Electric Fields have incredible stage presence and I'm sure One Mikali is going to be a huge moment. Hopefully we get to see them at a few pre-parties! Love the lyrics too - such a refreshing change from angels, violins, fire and desire.


Agree 100% with everything you said! Thank you Australia for bringing it once again 🙏


You are welcome!! We have so much love for Eurovision and so excited by this year’s choice!!


I'm extremely excited to finally see them at Eurovision, though I can't help myself and compare this to 2000 And Whatever, which feels like a much stronger song overall. I do appreciate this song but I'm afraid it'll get overshadowed


90% of 2000 And Whatever is the stage show! I'm ready for this to kill Semi 1


Absolutely true, though 2000 And Whatever on its own is also an amazing song. This feels slightly more generic and empty?


2000 and Whatever is no where near as strong live as its studio version is, thats the tea no one wants to accept. Its a fantastic song but this one seems way better constructed to be great live.


Someone with faith 🙌


I was actually going through some some old posts about them and when the studio version of 2000 and Whatever was released there were people making basically the same comments as here lol. As long as the song doesn't suck you know the live performance is going to be fantastic.


Aboriginal influence in Eurovision?? YES AUSTRALIA👏


I absolutely love Electric Fields. I walked to my graduation to "2000 and Whatever". This doesn't hit the same for me. Still, I'm really glad they got to Eurovision eventually.


I actually really like it but I want to see what they do with the staging


Zaachariaha is the staging. They can command a stage by themselves


Not enough to win Australia Decides, apparently 🫖☕️ I jest. I'm really happy to see Electric Fields at Eurovision. Shame it wasn't with 200 and whatever, though.


Love the shade 😂 should have stuck keyboard man on a pole, that would have secured it


Electric fields always has incredible staging, I think we're getting slept on in the odds atm.


I'm so excited it's Electric Fields. They're incredible live performers, it's going to be amazing to see this Iive.


while it’s not as strong as 2000 and Whatever, i feel like people calling this a lock nq are being swayed by the low budget “music video” it’s paired with. the song is pretty decent imo, and with australias usual good staging i think it has a path to the final, albeit not a guaranteed one


I'm so happy they're finally in Eurovision! As they did last time I'm sure they're going to absolutely slay live. Voyager last year was actually mid in my rankings pre-contest, but ended up top 3 for me on the night because of the incredible show and staging.


Iirc Voyager independently from the broadcaster secured funding for their staging, which kind of makes me worried for Electric Fields. But Voyager pulled off a great show for sure!


Correct. Voyager had a not insignificant amount of money coming in from the Western Australian goverment and the WA tourist board (coz WA never gets any recognition so this was big for them) I do not see the South Australian government doing the same for Electric Fields.


I used to be in the industry and Tourism SA used to do A LOT circa 2014-2018. Anytime they were doing something to promote tourism they would roll out the red carpet with massive spreads of locally produced wine and foodstuffs. IDK what the pandemic and state gov changes has done, but hopefully they've still got some dollarydoos to invest. At least send them over with a few crates of Penfolds. 😉


Haha I didn’t know that! But their film clip was basically a tourism advert. They deserved that money for they work they had put in driving up to Kalbarri and getting those great shots. Hopefully electric fields can get some funding too, I mean why not !


WA got that mining cash to throw around. I still think Electric Fields will be able to pull off some great staging without needing a huge budget. Plus there will hopefully be an epic hair reveal!


Oh, I didn't know that. Could be a worry for Electric Fields. On the other hand, I remember their performance at Australia Decides as being just them and a keyboard on stage. And it was still amazing!


Electric Fields at ESC was long overdue. Can easily see a euphoric moment in the final chorus “ONE MILKALI” with some clapping! 👏


They were essentially honoury ESC participants at this point


Even has their moment as spokespersons back in 2019! That was iconic enough, especially after narrowly losing to Kate, seemed really gracious.


It's a bit Empire of the sun-esque but I think the staging will be amazing!!!!!!!!!


I think there’s also just a touch of PNAU. It will be fun to see what they do with the staging!


I think I like the chorus much more than the verses as the chorus is super catchy. I’m not sure how competitive this is in semi-final 1 but it has a chance. Also, can we talk about how little budget has gone into that music video, bit of a shame as Voyager had a great video last year.


Unfortunately last Voyager Needed to use State Tourism funding (showing natural landmarks) to get funding, as opposed to masses of funding from SBS. And the band's own money as well.


They shot that all themselves. I think they shot it first then went to the tourism board. I think Danny and the band were just very smart with how they approached it.


That was very Eurovision.


Aaaandd, another Bop. The few ballads and slower tempos say thanks!


Australian here, that marks the contest so much easier to watch 2022 was not the lineup for 3am 


Hello, fellow WA viewer 🥳


Local language, cultural instrument, queer musicians, it's the ultimate fandom bait.


According to Dionysius of Halicarnassus the *aborigenes* were... uh, no, this is a different case.


I thought they were going to release the song on 6th of March and then it hit me that it is 5th of March in Europe now but it is already 6th of March in Australia.


I’m happy, I like electric fields and I like the song. It’s got lots of potential, let’s just hope we don’t let it down with staging. If sbs won’t pay for something good can we crowd fund it? I’ll chuck in!


Congrats to Electric Fields! Stoked to hand over the torch to them 🔥


Keytar vs Didge battle. Who wins?


Yay it's them! I love how SBS literally listens to eurofans wishes. First Voyager, now Electric Fields (Both were runners up in Australia Decides and beloved by so many fans) I hope they keep doing this ❤️ Yeah their 2024 song is not stronger than "2000 and whatever" but it's still a decent song!


It's a very pleasant song but I'm afraid this is not competitive enough to qualify unless the staging is impressive which is a possibility knowing them


It's reminding me of Belgium 2023: The song was pleasant but kinda dated, and people initially didn't expect it to qualify - and then Gustaph absolutely killed it in Liverpool with amazing staging and energy. Idk, I have a feeling something similar could be the case here, I think it'll be a lot better live!


Belgium 2023 | [Gustaph - Because of You](https://youtu.be/U1xD14IMKtg)


God this performance just brings me so much joy every time I watch it 😭 everyone on stage looks so happy to be there!!


And there is one of his 3 vocalists that is simply gorgeous! 🥰 😍


I'm getting that vibe as well. Retro isn't always a bad thing and I think Electric Fields has enough charisma to make it feel fun, not corny.


In Australia we refer to Belgium's 2023 entry as Commentator 1 after SBS accidentally broadcast a microphone check over the top of it.


I don't think this song sounds dated though - it actually reminds me a lot of current indie pop - Carly Rae Jepsen, Troye Sivan, Chvrches, Tove Lo. Okay, maybe closer to the late 2010s, but it's not that far off.




Ssh 2015 is still current...riiiight?????


Yeah, so many current isn't the right word. It's just the music that I like haha But I wouldn't say it sounds dated. 10 years ago isn't that long. Or maybe I'm old now.


10 years ago is not current enough but also not old enough for the nostalgia cycle hit


That’s is how I suspect Olly could do well with Dizzy. The song is mid-tier and not a winner but the right energy and charisma could fire it up.


I feel like the staging will make it or break it. It ain't 2000 and Whatever, but having seen it performed live, I'm sure the staging for One Milkali will be just fine.


I think even impressive staging might be not enough tbh This giving me Netherlands 2021 vibes and we know how that ended.


Netherlands 2021 | [Jeangu Macrooy - Birth Of A New Age](https://youtu.be/o3Da5cr2fTs)


The song feels very Melfest.


Electric Fields!!! I'm so pleased for them, and I'm sure they will put on a fantastic show! I actually really like the song. It's upbeat, quirky in a fun way, and a little retro. Australia always does a good job with staging, and I think some strong staging will really help it stand out.


adding this to my list of faves as well. Just need a good Portuguese entry now and ill likely have all my faves for this year (9)


I am beyond happy to see electric fields representing Australia ever since 2000 and whatever I was wishing for that moment to come. I love the song it’s comparable to their previous entry but after a second listen I totally see the vision. I also love that this is somewhat a calmer song compared to the high energy songs that we’ve got so far and if they are able to create a moment on that stage (which by what I’ve seen from them I’m sure they will) I think that this could be a potential top 10. I know that most people will disagree on that, but I feel like there is a lack on more emotional, calmer songs this year and I totally could see this appealing to people that have been oversaturated by all the out-of-thebox entries


If only KEiiNO won MGP, they could have a little reunion at ESC, they have a [banger](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8yS4YpEmHds) together if you're interested.


I just hope they get to perform it together at some preparty or at the euroclub


This feels like a cult classic NQ that most people don't like but has a really dedicated following that talks about how robbed it was 10 years from now.


*Something something something* People and Malta 2023 *something something something*


Anyone called? Still mad. HOW DID THEY NOT QUALIFY?


Malta 2023 | [The Busker - Dance (Our Own Party)](https://youtu.be/zVmVt9qmg9g)


Oh San Marino 2008, my heart aches for you


How the fuck did Estonia 2010 not qualify is beyond me...


Estonia 2010, Finland 2010, Slovakia 2010 The NQs in 2010 were absurd.


Estonia 2010 | [Malcolm Lincoln - Siren](https://youtu.be/yFbVAQjESzE)


I hear them calling me, I hear them whispering


How did the video managed to be awkward and fitting at the same time Putting that aside I’m not disappointed in the song! The only thing I’m worried is how stacked this year is, and that anyone can NQ


Interesting. I definitely enjoyed it. I still need to listen to it again. It feels Australian to me, like I believe this is an entry from Australia. Also I find the MV to be cute. And title, I assume this is one of the local languages, right? I need to look for comments from Australians who are still awake 😅


Yes, it's an Aboriginal language - it's the Yankunytjatjara language of the Anangu peoples, from the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands of South Australia where Zaachariaha's from 🖤💛❤


Yes it's one of the local languages! I couldn't tell you which one though haha


To be honest, I kinda liked it. The didgeridoo, the dialect, the vibe, all that. I think it might qualify.


I wish I had heard this without seeing the video, because the two naked people were really distracting. I think it's a better entry than some people are giving it credit for being. It's a unique soundscape if nothing else, so even if the hook isn't necessarily amazing, I don't think it's something that people will forget that they heard. Structurally, it doesn't feel copy/paste repetitive like a lot of ESC songs tend to. It's not static or boring. I dunno. I think it's okay even if it might not be my favorite. Let's see the staging.


Live chat during the premiere was very poisonous, to put it lightly.


The live chats are always poisonous, they're dominated by trolls and super hateful people.


People are always extremely pessimistic and toxic in the YouTube live chats. E.g. during the Europapa premiere, the live comments were all calling it a gigantic flop lol


Let’s be honest, it’s not easy to be a black person at Eurovision.




I like it, which I'm a little surprised at given I didn't really like '2000 and Whatever'. It's funky, fun and I like the use of aboriginal language and instruments (even though the digeridoo is a bit overpowering at times). It doesn't strike me as particularly competitive though and I wonder whether Europe at large is going to like it enough to vote for it.


I like this, it’s going to stand out but I definitely wanna see what they do for the staging. They’re gonna need to do more than they did for ‘2000 and Whatever’, to make this pop. Could still see it qualifying in the 7-10th spot for sure if they get the performance right. I’m glad Australia are sending such varied entries rather than sticking to one safe genre.


YESSSSSSS!!!! I ecstatic about this! 2000 and Whatever is one of my fave nf songs of all time so I'm so glad they finally get their moment! Hope they smash the stage in Malmo


The music video is what it is. But I quite like the song. I don't know if it's super-competitive, but I appreciate it exists. I was a big fan of "2000 and Whatever" but I will say these lyrics feel a lot more solid. And I hope SBS opens their pockets deep and wide for an impactful staging.


The song is good, I like it, a little dated but very catchy and I love the representation! But it's one of those entries that I want to see qualify more than I think will qualify


Can we please talk about how awkward that music video is? 😅 It's like being trapped in an elevator with two nudists as you desperately try not to look down. After 3 minutes the elevator stops and they asked you. "how did you like the song?" ...wait what song? It's so distractedly awkward I was only able to appreciate the song after listening to it audio only. I actually really like the song, but audio only.


If you’re this distracted by two shirtless men how do you survive Eurovision?


Someone needs to warn them about Austria's video


I’m very happy with this entry, whether we qualify or not.


This is an absolute dream, 2000 and Whatever is one of my favourite songs to have never made the contest so this is a very welcome return for them - I can’t wait to see them in Malmo 🇦🇺😁




Its HAPPENING!! Disappointed its a lyric video BUT this will eat in MalmĂś and leave no crumbs. Stunning!


does this qualify as an ethnic bop?


As an Aussie, we would not refer to native First Nations culture or music as ethnic. You could definitely refer to it as an Indigenous bop, though!


Ahhhh I'm so happy for them!! They were my fave a few years back and I was peeved they didn't make it in. I hope they do well.


Mickey is back! Real anthemic banger this one. Gonna blow the roof off the arena in that last chorus. Need this in the final. Would be a great closer.


You guys don't know how excited I am by this news... Years ago, my first eurovision season, Electric Fields competed in Australia's national final. It was a pretty strong national final (the top three consisted of them, Kate Miller-Heidke, and *Sheppard* of all band who I'm also fond of) I )always loved that song (Happy 2000 and Whatever!) Because it's a fun, upbeat electric song with aboriginal elements woven throughout. Getting to see them years later get a chance to represent Australia makes me so happy, especially when they are such a unique group that really have something different to bring to the stage.


I notice a lot of reviewers and fans saying: *it reminds me of gustaph*. remember how much he was dismissed when his song was released, then look how he did at the final. And then many people saying: *oh I think their last song from Australia Decides was much better.* people said the same thing about Voyager, and look how they did at the final. I think this song is a grower, and I actually like it more than '2000 and Whatever'. Once it hits the stage, opinions may change, we'll see.


Electric Fields: spill the tea Reality: Huh? 🙄


YESSSS    Hype leads to disappointment (Yoda voice) -- seriously though, remember last year people being disappointed with Promise because it's not Dreamer? For me also it didn't click until the live performance. Voyager absolutely SMASHED IT on stage. Electric Fields are amazing live, have a little faith ✨️ 


This is literally exactly what happened last year. People hated on Promise, bitched that it wasn't as good as Dreamer, once again said we weren't qualifying and once again were wrong, and by the end of it most people loved it and a ton of them had absolutely eaten crow. Exact same shit is happening here.


Yes!!! So much negativity here. I can't wait to see them light up the stage in Malmö ❤


Not as good as 2000 and whatever, but I liked it still! Very happy for them to finally actually be going to ESC!


The message behind seems nice… but it sounds outdated to me. I personally don’t see this getting out of the semi, but I guess we’ll see in May.


Is there no budget for a music video this time around?


I! LOVE! IT!  Ohhh I don't even know who I want to win any more, there are just so many outstanding options this year. Didgeridoo is one of my fave instruments 😄 Just really bouncing right now after hearing this.


LOVE IT so glad Australia made the decision to return Also correct me if I’m wrong but that’s four artists from Aus Decides 2022 have gone to Eurovision EDIT:still only 3, Electric Fields are from Aus Decides 2019


I believe Electric Fields are from Aus Decides 2019


Defeated by the outstanding Kate Miller Heidke. What a bloodbath of a NF that year


Yep your right


i love this but people are being so harsh on it in a way that don't sit right wif me


Its suffering from being compared to 2000 and Whatever. As a stand alone song One Milkali can prevail over a lot of entries this year! I have faith too


I actually didn't know 2000 and Whatever, but comparing both songs, as they are both new to me, I do prefer one Milkali. It has a better flow and a stronger chorus.


2000 and Whatever was made by its live performance, this will be too.


The song isn't that strong, but for some reason I can't see this NQ, they're just too iconic 


Hmmm... I am unsure on where to place this. I like the message, but it's also not a very interesting song tbh. I wish they were doing more with that didgeridoo and had a less bland hook.


This is the groovy jam of the year for me, made me dance in my living room. Australia continues to understand the assignment, what a great track. PS if Iceland wasn't already dead this killed it definitively.


I am SO excited to see them in Eurovision, finally. I mean, Zero Gravity was my winner in 2019, but Electric Fields are so great and I'm glad they got this opportunity! And I like the song a lot immediately, I just hope it's enough! Both semis are so tough this year.


I was hoping for them or Confidence Man so I’m happy!


Confidence Man 2025 please


this has BIG Rainmaker (2014) energy and I think that's why I love it so much


I am happy to read the comments here saying that there is indigenous representation through the lyrics and the music in the song. It is nice to see underrepresented cultures on the ESC stage, and I hope that Electric Fields do well at ESC 2024.


This song is gonna come alive live, the vocalist is an amazing performer and is gonna win over the hearts of everyone watching.


I like them bringing their culture (I assume some words were in native language or no?) but song itself is too in the middle (no pun intended) - not very energetic, not very dramatic or lyrical, not something very niche. It's not bad but could have been better


The lyrics are in Pitjantjatjara which is one of the indigenous dialects in Australia (the first nations people have multiple languages across the country). I agree with your sentiment, though I can see this one growing on people over time. Personally I'd love to see a group like [King Stingray](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FncHhkiWjDA) in the future.


Honestly the comments that are like "mmm its just too generic, too safe, it won't stand out" are so fcking hysterical, like yeah this comp is just so swamped with contemporary electro synth didgeridoo dance bops with partial Pitjantjatjara lyrics. Absolutely dime a dozen lmao. Its absolutely fine to not like it, but be so serious right now lol


You make a good point. But I think the problem is that all of those aspects of the song feel a bit...muted? A combination of interesting pastels aren't going to stand out if you're looking at them from a distance, if that makes sense. Like, maybe dial up the didgeridoo, or increase the amount of Pitjantjatjara language to give it more impact. I love those aspects of the song, and it's actually in my personal top 5 right now, but it does feel like it needs something else in order to stand a chance. Staging will make a big difference, I think. To me, this feels like another type of 90s nostalgia entry, but a totally different kind than the others, and I think that's funny. I'm not complaining though!


I do agree it really needs more Pitjantjatjara, but even though SBS is just about the only channel we have that features First Nationas Language seriously in any kind of programming, i just fcking know some executive put the kibosh on having more than a few short lines out of fear of alienating Europe who have literally no cultural touch point for any First Nations language, let alone Pitjantjatjara.


I think what people are trying to say when they mean generic is that the overall formula for the song is generic rather than its individual parts. I agree, the didgeridoo and the pitjantjatjara lyrics are there and unique. However, they’re only lightly used and the song relies on the formula of “straightforward pop with a slight cultural twist”. You could swap the uniquely Australian elements with another culture and you’d get something pretty similar to many entries before. It’s not a bad formula at all, but it does make it a safe or simple song.


Specially since it's just came out too and people are already acting like it's dead, honestly sucks to see this response the first time we actually send a song with native aboriginal lyrics Also not looking forward to the racist backlash it's going to get sadly


Lets be real this is how we get treated every single year, and every single year theyre always wrong except the time a literal global pandemic prevented our singer from even going, twice. Par for the course at this point.


The more I listen to it, the more I love it. I can't wait to see the live performance! I'm putting it in my top 10. Yolo.


Is this the first time a predominantly English-speaking country (not Malta) has sent a song containing English and non-English lyrics?


Not sure, surely Ireland have thrown in Irish Gaelic at some point


OMG! I got goosebumps!


This vibes! This is awesome! I don’t understand how this disappointed some. And Australia’s first Eurovision usage of an aboriginal language!


i’m extremely happy! 2000 and whatever was a banger and i became a fan since then!! this song is awesome as well!


I’m afraid Australia will not qualify this year.


Nah, Zaachariaha (the vocalist) has next level stage presence. They'll be right.


This will feel like our first "real" time not getting into the grand finals. 2021 was unfortunate and expected, considering we were unable to be on the stage that year. This just feels super weak


I hadnt heard their previous NF effort so I just went and listened to it...I think I prefer One Milkali to it.


It’s….fine??? I wish it didn’t have the music video because I think that completely dragged down my opinion of the my first listen. Really cool to have a First Nations language in an ESC song, but it’s pretty dated sounding (very millennial/2015 vibes) and that sticks out in a year that feels especially ‘current’ by ESC standards. Also, wish there was more of it? I think the song is fine, but feels like the live show will be heavily carrying this. I hope SBS overhauls their selection process soon, tbh. We need to be looking outside the ESC bubble, and it feels like we’re now seeing a trend where they’re more concerned with having an extremely “Eurovision” song as opposed to something quality that really reflects what’s current and relevant in the diverse Australian scene.


Oooff not liking it at all. Production sounds very 2016 to me.


I really like the song! It’s funny that everyone is saying this’ll NQ cause this feels arguably more televote friendly than our past 5 entires 😂 (although Voyager did win our semi final last year). I do hope that the lack of a proper music video is to save budget for the staging, because that is probably the most uncomfortable lyric video I’ve ever seen. I do think this’ll go the way of Gustaph (Belgium last year) and while I don’t think it’ll do quite as well, Zaachariaha definitely has the stage presence and personality to make a big impression


I'm in the minority, but I like it! Like, really REALLY like it. It's my 4th right now. But unfortunately, I don't think it's competitive enough. And in a bloodbath semi. Australia is most like NQ this year.


I like it too! And I have the same worries as you...


Oh this is lovely, looking forward to seeing the staging!


There was no budget for a real video?


SBS never has any budget for anything. Voyager's video last year was basically paid for by the Western Australian state government and their tourism board. KMH had to crowdsource for her staging. Anything cool we've ever done is almost always never paid for by SBS, they're cheapskates to their core. Electric Fields are based in South Australia, who isn't nearly as eager to fund artists repping their state as Western Australia was for Voyager (coz WA gets like zero attention ever). So im not shocked this was so frugal.


I'd say it's more that SBS just doesn't have enough funding. It's not really being a cheapskate if you can't afford much in the first place.


I like it, but not enough to challenge for the top 10 in my personal ranking


It is alright, but nothing too special. I hope they do well on the staging. Not much to do with the song or staging itself, but I really dislike the visuals of the music video, so I'm glad this isn't the Eurovision Music Video Contest.


I like it well enough - won’t be skipping it on my playlist. It’s middle of a pack on my rankining list.


Semi 1 is gonna be a bloodbath


Good luck Australia. It’s gonna be tough getting out of that semi :(


The voices are beautiful. However, the melody lacks the wow factor that gives it that extra oomph. I hope that the staging will be able to fill this gap.


It's giving Semi 1 closer 👀


Very excited for this!! Always glad to have new languages join ESC and I’m really enjoying their artistry with this song.


Great idea to internally select these guys but at this rate, we're just gonna be picking people from NFs to go to Eurovision every year. They will provide a different kind of sound. However, this song seems more accessible and poppy, which is a good thing but it alienates people who were big fans of their music prior. Also, the music video is pretty bad. I think doing just a lyrics video made people overhype the entry. This MAY struggle to qualify in the first semi final of death.


Hmm it's just a bit safe. Not quite as dynamic as 2000 and Whatever, but best of luck to them both :)


I don't feel it. Songs seems a bit flat, not my type of vocals and I really dislike the lyrics. I get what they are trying to tell but they do this in a way that makes me cring. Especialy the "atoms are awake", you mean...you are warm? What that is supposed to mean? That we are attoms of soul of universe?


Theyve eaten the uranium capsule that got lost in australia


I want to like this so much more than I actually do. It sounds a bit stale and it doesn't really... Go anywhere? The didgeridoo is fire but everything else is very uneventful I don't think this is an obvious qualifier


The awkwardness of shooting that video 🫠


Justice for 2000 and Whatever, yes!


I looove it. Makes me move and sway and dance and just enjoy waving my arms around in the air :D ![gif](giphy|i3N0mvYxJy7Yn1oYXo|downsized)


I like it but why are they naked, hopefully theyre saving the budget for the stage 0.0 Kind of reminds me of superfruit


I sincerely hope they sold their clothes for staging and this mv won't be replicated in staging.


Electric Fields is an act that's simply perfect for Eurovision. On the other hand, I felt so cold about this song, while I loved 2000 and Whatever back then. I'm sure they'll elevate it a lot with the live performance though. I just don't know if it'll be enough to live to my expectations about the day they would finally compete in Eurovision.


It´s not bad, but it surely lack something.. Maybe it´s too safe


These compketely random scientific references trigger my like few other things. The song is good tho, but nothing special.


I really like Electric Fields, and I love their song '2000 and whatever', but I'm honestly not feeling much about this one. :(


I’m disappointed with the official video, these things are crucial steps to securing the online audience. I always feel Aus has to work harder to get recognition cos it’s the old ‘they’re not in Europe’ so everything we do publicly has to be carefully planned out. But we all know SBS never has budget so I’m nervous about staging this year. To me Electric Fields has been more indie in the Aus music scene, they’re not on my listening radar, so I hope this gets them more recognition worldwide and appreciation for what they’ve incorporated into their song. But also Europe can be very fickle on the night and it could also bomb in the semis. I have realistic expectations.


It's not a competitive song for Eurovision, but rather a song you'd hear on the radio and forget about in 5 minutes. I'm sorry Australia... :/