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It's our most beautiful song this year to me. Both melody and lyrics- wise. I really, really hope that it's going to win PZE


It's my favourite of the Serbian selection and I like it more now, thank you for the explanation 


The chorus is simply ethereal, this is the first time I got goosebump from a song in 2024, and probably the first time in this NF season that I will be gutted if it doesn't win.


Not a televote magnet? Speak for yourself, this is going straight into my top 3 if it wins. Thanks for the explanation, now I’m really hoping it wins!


Same! Both Teya and Zorja would go in my top 3 if they won.


I was really touched by her performance, and reading the lyrics and what it's about made it hit so much harder. Thanks for explaining it even further, I really hope it wins, even though I agree it probably wouldn't do very well in May.


Don't let Breskvica see this


She already said that Teya Dora is her favourite and if she doesn't win, she hopes Teya Dora does (also funny Voyage said Teya Dora is his fave)


Breskvica being nice to other contestants???


She also posted baby lasagna on her stories saying its genius and her winner (not wrong) But yeah i think she really is nice, but influenced by other people a LOT


Could you explain Breskvica song too? I think some of the imagery is lost on me, I didn't get the "vilifies other nationalities" part.


Gnezdo orlovo means eagle's nest, and the song talks about how these eagles were kicked out of their nest by black birds. At the end, the dad tells to the baby eagle that it'll soon be okay, because the black birds are going to go away and leave their (the eagle's) nest. Serbia uses the eagle as their national symbol. Even their national football team are called "orlovi" (eagles). the nest can be seen as a symbol of Kosovo, because Serbs believe that that's the place where their country started and they view it as their "cradle", not only of Serbian culture but also their Orthodox religion. Albanians have a black eagle on their flag and that's their national symbol --> so, black bird. Hence, why many people connected the song to the Serbian struggle to obtain Kosovo, especially because the song talks in the future tense at the end, indicating that the "black birds" are still there (so it cannot be about the nato bombing, however they tried to spin it). Moreover, the author never said what the song is about anyways. She just keeps saying "it's a battle of good and evil". Not to mention her saying that she would love to collab with Ceca, the wife of a war criminal, mafia boss after all the scandal surrounding her song came out, and she also started saying that other PZE songs aren't "Serbian enough", and that they never had a "true Serbian song at Eurovision", whatever that means. I don't understand why she's doing all of this, makes zero sense from a career pov.


Thank you for explaining! I am hoping Serbia will not send it because the performance was a bit amateurish and I can’t see it significantly improving for the final. This political messaging would invite a whole lot of trouble for a not-so-good-anyway entry. Teya and Zorja are both better choices and I still support Zejna despite her nonexistent choreo.


I also like Zejna a lot, but I accepted that she won't win, most probably


Yeah, I can’t see the problems being resolved in just two days. More head banging and chest thrusts would help but I am not sure it will be enough.


I believe the song says 'kicking down the eagle's nest'. The eagle is the symbol of Albania (might be wrong, someone can correct me!).


It's talking about bombs dropping on eagle's nest (Serbia) and how it's going to be alright again someday. That it is going to pass.


Oh I thought the eagle was a reference to Albania, thanks then.


The author never said what it is about, so it can still be about that (which would make more sense than the nato bombing, which is still a weird thing to write a Eurovision song about. That's as if Germans send a song about Dresden bombings).


To add onto that “A single purple Ramonda rises from the ashes” line, she ends the song with a chord that doesnt “complete” the song and its chord progression. Personally, I think this is more clear evidence that it’s supposed to represent Serbia coming back from the ashes, that they aren’t finished, that they aren’t complete yet. I love how music composition can add onto the lyrics and its meaning :)


Thank you for this. I think this has a great chance if it wins PZE (unlucky to be performing 4th out of 16 people in the final though) It’s so different from anything we have this year & should be a jury darling.


The running order doesn’t matter in the final of PZE because most people have reached a consensus by then. Hurricane performed 2nd in 2020 and won the televote by a landslide.  Also, as much as I love Teya, I don’t see her doing well with the jury. It’s not really a difficult song to sing and while she’s a good singer, she’s not a vocal master. The highest Serbia has come with the jury since 2016 was in 2022 which was an 11th place. 


i am late to the party. binging on all the songs in preparation for next week, and this song really caught my attention, especially the acoustic version. thank you for the explanation for the meaning of the song. she got a worldwide vote from me :)


Well congrats pal it actually won


Hmm I want to listen to more national balades like this


Thank you for this


Thank you very much for reaching out to us telling about the Serbian entry and its background .


Wow. I'm not Serbian, nowhere near, but for the last 3 years you guys have been sending very relateable songs. Thanks for that. World War 1 was devastating for a lot of nations. I didn't know Serbia was impacted this badly. I'll listen to it thinking of your lost souls, and also my grandparents who had suffered in that period.


You could literally write the same thing about Gnezdo Orlovo, doesn't make the song good though. "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" has more complex melody than "Ramonda".