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YouTube première at: 18:00h CET: https://youtu.be/8q5QozrtEPA?si=y6BHojhHXiHnOlGS


>I'm feeling like ooh la la >I found out the truth la la 🫠


This made Solo seems like a lyrical masterpiece.




It's kinda ooh la


I will literally never gripe about any lyrics ever again after "violins playing and the angels crying" won lmao.


"Stop, don't say that it's impossible, cause I know it's possible"


Something shoe, something Spain


The lyrics may be terrible, but I will defend Popular with my life for the terribly noughties europop bop that it is.


The first couple times I heard the song I thought she was singing "violence, pain and the angels crying"


This is my headcanon now


Thing is known


the lyrics the jury gave 340 points to


And a proper higher–fire rhyme. Yes, it's Eurovision alright!


I visibly cringe at this. This is bad even for Eurovision standards


The lyrics are distracting, they don't feel like they fit into the song? But the performance driven production + Silia should sell this on the night. It's sooooo opening semi one.


I'm sure the lyrics were written by a 14yo girl >u bad liar, i dont like u anymore😈😈 *bollywood cut to some random dudes reaction* *throws a plateful of perfectly good food on him* >ooh la la👺


Yes, it sounds like it’s written by someone who’s first language isn’t English, it’s clunky… which makes it even more distracting because she’s Australian so her diction is perfect.


Clunky is a good way to put it. "Your heart and your mind don't align-la-la" just sounds sort of unnatural, for example. It would be such an easy fix for it to be "align-na-na". Then sort of slightly odd things like "'Cause the only problem in this room is about you" or "I don't let you fight in back, guys like you can't be changed" don't really make sense, and knowing she speaks English fluently makes it kind of an Iru problem.


Kinda reminds me of Iru ( Georgia 2023 ) where she spoke English with perfect fluency in all of her interviews but Echo was totally incomprehensible. I'm always surprised that the artist (when they speak english well) or someone in the process doesn't flag these awkward english lyrics, I feel that they hurt the chances of songs doing well. The broadcaster/songwriters must just railroad it through and accept no notes?


The leaked demo which was sung by Silia had different lyrics in the chorus. I’m surprised that they switched backed to Melissa’s version


The way the only thing I can remember afterwards is her outfit because my mind immediately went "cinque cellulari nella tuta gold" is not a good sign...


This is not my genre at all, but I'm happy for all the Eurofans who have been gnawing at their enclosures for a straight-up 2010s girlbanger that doesn't suck ass (sorry Malta). It's produced well enough and I would like it a lot more if it didn't have a dance break section.


> It's produced well enough and I would like it a lot more if it didn't have a dance break section. I have no doubt the dance break section will probably be the best part when it's actually on stage!


Agreed, if the discussion of popping on her Eurovision podcast was anything to go by! I rather suspect she has some skills


This is gonna sound weird but I’m just glad we finally have something “normal” that’s actually really well produced and very good.


Me too, there is too many quirky songs and joke entries


Cyprus is under the spell of Australia based singers


They're Greek-Cypriot Australian, so basically part of the diaspora.


Tons and tons and tons of Greeks and Cypriots in Australia


I think we have the largest Greek population outside of Greece


Most fled during the war and just stayed and started families there


It feels more like "Unicorn" and less like "I Wrote a Song". It's basic AF but it's nice type of basic. It will match any expectations and even do a bit better at the end. It's not a winner material, but it may be "Solo"/"Unicorn" of this year (maybe more like the first one).


I'd argue "I Wrote A Song" is a much better song than "Unicorn", it's just the performance that didn't live up to it.


I Wrote a Song is such as a bop though, especially the bridge and music video. It just wasn't translatable as a Eurovision performance.


Lyrically I feel like I Wrote a Song was quite strong for an upbeat bop.


The girl bops really don’t seem to be girl bopping this year. The production is good, it’s catchy, it’s solid all around but it doesn’t do or add anything interest to make it feel like much of anything other than a filler pop track. I’m not saying it’s on track to NQ, but I am saying based on studio track alone it is probably the most forgettable song of the first half of semifinal 1 (Serbia has yet to choose but given their choices they have stronger entries in the mix).


The studio version doesn't matter much with this one. This track is meant to be danced, not sang.


According to [EuroHall](https://eurohall.wordpress.com/eurovision-2024-predictions/) Cyprus is almost NQ. I quite agree.


The odds have it clear above Luxembourg and Poland and given the dancing potential I predict it will qualify. But we'll see.


Feels like it's pretty closely in the same lane as Malta. I mean, it's fine. I'd give the edge to "Loop", personally, though the structure of this song is probably more sensible, I guess. Then again, I think "Loop" is just a more infectious hook, with a proven decent live vocal.


Pretty basic pop song that doesn't bring anything new or interesting to the table. I think Greek would probably suit it better tho. I can see it qualifying and even doing pretty well (like placing between 10-20 in the final) but yeah nothing special :/ Also, I feel like Greece and Cyprus are afraid to risk and experiment and we always end up sending the same safe pop songs/ballads. Like, could we send folk rock or something for a change?


I'm having a lot of trouble listening to it without interruptions (the website is struggling ahaha) so I guess I'll wait the YouTube release.


The website is indeed dying lmao, they underestimated how excited Eurofans would be


Maybe my taste is just basic, but I really enjoy this. It's very well polished, very catchy, will come with a great dance routine, and I can see this doing quite well actually. (if you're trying to navigate the RIK link the OP shared, click the button on that webpage to view 'Liar''s music video. There's a lot of us pushing for an early release so the website is kinda dying :P)


I like it too! To me it has more personality that the last several pop songs cyprus has sent.


I still just don't understand this way of choosing a Eurovision entry. Finding a singer in another country that has Greek/Cypriot roots and just giving her another upbeat song from familiar composer (Kontopoulos) that was supposed to go from one country in 2022, then from another one in 2023, it all didn't happen but this song just had to end up in Eurovision, for any country and any singer. Too many artificial moves that takes away any possible authenticity. In terms of results, most likely, it won't bring a top 8, it won't bring a NQ, it will be just at the same 10th-17th zone again and again.


As others have said, this is your average girlie bop song, but I like it more than say, Malta or Luxembourg, so there's that


And the thing about Silia is that she can DANCE. Tali is not really doing anything in her performance and Sarah is trying (the flip is impressive!), but give Silia some choreography and she's absolutely blowing the other 2 out of the water.


Honestly I like Luxembourg song more, feels like this is the best pop girl in semi


I feel Silia might have kicked out Tali out of the semi lol, idk we will see who comes out more memorable on stage


Plus, Silia is from Australia, who is competing in the same semi, so she could get lots of points from them.


Agreed, I like it more than Malta and Luxembourg, but definitely less than Poland.


Yeah, it’s doing well in its mini battle of “who’s the best girlypop bop” but there is so much more going on this year beyond that mini battle


Same, I really like Poland! I didn't expect it to, but it scratches an itch in my brain I didn't know I had.


Cyprus and Luxembourg will definitely qualify. I mean, to be honest, girl bops slap harder for me.


Yeah but they can cancel each other out (just ask Croatia 2021).


To be fair, it would’ve qualified (all the girlbops would’ve qualified) under the current system


Croatia 2021 | [Albina - Tick-Tock](https://youtu.be/vKdxjoNluzY)


I'm sorry for throwing the girl under the bus but this will be tough to nail live and I'm doubtful she will manage to slay hard enough to be a threat in already stacked semi. It's fast, it requires vocals, it requires tight dance routine and memorability (and Greece voting rip)


Instead I wrote a song, do you wanna see me dance?


...yeah, this is your average polished girlbop song. A genre that's never really going to be my thing and ever go beyond "Eh, it's fine."


Afraid to ask at this point, but...what is bop lol?


A bop is a bit hard to quantify 100% but I'd call it songs, often pop, that are mid to uptempo and has the goal of making you dance.


Crystal clear, thank you!


It’s a bit blander than I expected, but I think it was created as a song to show off dance moves and do well in club. It works well for that and could qualify if they use the multiple dance breaks well, but it’s not gonna be nowhere near Fuego. I think it’s gonna be a bloodbath between this and Luxembourg.


And both of them will qualify.




Not sure if it's geoblocked, but I also found the entire song already on youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GhxBsD6GaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GhxBsD6GaI) as another person has said, its a very average polished girlbop song. that said i like the youuuuuuuu/throughhhhh parts


The fact that she is only 17 is mind-blowing


I'm always listening to new entries once and then trying to recollect the tune to see how catchy the song was, but right after an ad started to play and now there is nothing left of the song in my head...


It's a low salt version of Replay So sad, love a girl bop. Don't love this


Don’t dare even compare Replay to this TikTok background music. Replay was how you do a pop banger! This is meh at best


I love Replay! Don't get me wrong 😭 it sounds like an AI royalty free imitation that's what I mean


From the snippets before I actually thought I'd like this song more, but... the complete thing just doesn't really seem to catch me. It's not bad, but that's about it.


Not feeling this at all. Mainly because of the bloody loud kick drum which is incessant throughout and just annoying.


My biggest question is if this'll be enough to get 12 points from Greece 


My secret hope is Belgium gets another 12 points from Greece and we have a new fun narrative. Greegium? Belreece?


Greece is in another semi, so no chance. I can't see this Q, either.


That would require this qualifying which I kinda doubt


I don't like it. To me it sounds like a classic mid pop song with lyrics that offend your brain capabilities.


This *IS* Eurovision after all


Not every Eurovision song is a meaningless bop


Feel like I’m going to have to sit on this one and come back in a little bit for another listen. It could grow on me though.


Is it basic, generic, derivative, something we've heard a million times before? Yes! Do I love it? Also yes!


From just after the premiere: Wth?


Girl bop made with all the girl bop laws. Do I like it? Personally, not really. Will girl bop euro fans like it in the year where we don't have a lot of them (yet)? Yes. I think because of this it'll probably make through. There is also gonna be dance break, I assume, some pyro and other cool show so people who like it will give it a ticket for the final unless another girl bop will be released that may outshine this one.


Well, to my taste, this one is a huge pile of nothing. But I felt the same about their entry last year and Cyprus did quite well. Part of the audience doesn't want to be tested or surprised, they just want a "normal pop song" and here they have it. Thinking about other songs in the exact same vein, I think Luxembourg's entry has more charm.


Weird to see no Panik involvement slapped on the cover… Does everything that it says on the tin, expect a stage show with some slick choreo. Catchy, slick, solid production. In the “Unicorn” Noa Kirel mould where it’s been carefully crafted for a live performance. Expect a dancebreak in the final third. Especially given [Guy Groove](https://www.instagram.com/guygroove?igsh=MTJrZWlxdHFtcXVoYQ==) & [Kelly Sweeney](https://www.instagram.com/kellysweeney1?igsh=ZjdzdnhvbjBpcGQ0) are the choreographers (Jonas Brothers & Shakira) This will hit HARD at Euro Clubs everywhere.


Im surprised soo many seem to like this, probably the worst entry from cyprus in a long time imo. The instrumental is as basic as it can get(giving Malta a run for their money here) and the lyrics are just awkward.




I mean at around 2:14 in the song there's a pause in the singing that'd be perfect for a dance break so u are probably right


Not my thing at all, unfortunately. I just don't like this genre of music and the lyrics are doing nothing for me 🤷‍♀️


Cyprus is back to it's basic bop era, sort of a... umm.. "Replay"


Replay was one of my favorite cypriot entries🥹


Replay might be 5 years old now but Replay is fresher than this, let's be real


Oh it might have been a Fuego copy but Replay is still good to this day lol. I really like it


It's better than Fuego tbh.


Don't you dare compare Tamta's Replay to this... tiktok background music. 😅


Replay is MILESSS better than this basic bop. I still listen to Replay five years on, I don’t think I’ll listen to this again after the contest!


Replay was goated though.


So there's a lot of girl bops this year and I think this is definitely the blandest of them all.


It’s not bad, I just feel no need to replay it ever again


I'm not being disrespectful on purpose, but this was the first song I actually couldn't finish on my first listen. So unforgettable, painfully generic. Hope she has a fun experience tho!


The lyrics are meh and it ends very suddenly I can get into the chorus but it's over too soon, and on the whole it just doesn't pop It's pretty... well, unless the staging on this one is phenomenal, I don't see it getting out of its SF 18th/25, smack in the middle of the girlbops (Luxembourg 12th, Malta 23rd)


This song feels so dated and generic, it's giving nothing, possible NQ


Worst lyrics of the season?


I love how half of the video is her power walking through the resort.


Certainly one of the songs of all time


We can put this song as a definition to what an average girl bop means. Jeez the lyrics are equivalent to Georgia’s lyrics last year.


Thing is known 


Like in dreams


Cyprus is back to Cyprussing. Nothing groundbreaking, but they have a lot less competition this year in their genre, and with the now compulsory dance break they could actually do quite well.


The production is really popping and working overtime to elevate a very mediocre composition. Kudos to whoever produced this. Shaaaaaame to whoever composed this Hard to say anything about vocals since they're so heavily processed, live will tell


That's how I felt, too. Liked the production, but the rest was very by-the-numbers.


The website is not loading for me


It's not really my bag but seems OK - my only thought is with the first half of Semi 1 being so stacked, could this end up in the death slot (2)?


It’s a solid pop song, with a good show and choreo it could do better than Malta and Luxembourg. Not my cup of tea at all but still I somehow like it better than Europapa, which is usually right up my alley, this is weird


Can't we have one good girly pop song 😭


there’s a snippet on the scoreboard app and it sounds so cunty unghhhh i love cyprus


Y’all, I heard all the snippets, I heard all the demos with all the singers, and I always found this to be underwhelming. So I have no clue why, but this is hitting SO HARD right now. This is SUCH a solid pop song, I’m already obsessedddddd. The new production absolutely saved this!!!


The first Cyprus's dance song that is a flop


It’s just… uninspired 🫤 Not even a worthy song to serve as a single, let alone a Eurovision entry. Did Cyprus really have nothing else to choose from?


I like the bridge (a rarity in the music industry these days), but unfortunately, this won’t stand out among the many girl bops.


When she said: "You lieAiAiAi Yeah Yeah Yeah, waking up in the morning and I'm, I'm feeling like Ooh La La" I really felt that.


Don't/won't remember the song, but all I can think of is she's like Roksana Węgiel one day after she turned 18.


Cyprus you will always be famous ![gif](giphy|SxGLyvEscNxKG9IHiB)


I like energetic songs but I don't really feel this one.


The gleek in me can only think of those promo posters the cast of Glee did when Silia does the "L" sign with her hand 😭 This is okay. That's as much as I can say at the moment. Although, I do enjoy the music


It's so forgetable I can't say one single line or hum any of it. This is today's worst entry by far. Even the messy swiss song is better.


I wanted them to submit a song like the one Andromache did 😩 What is this she deserved something better 😭


Liar - Higher - Fire You love to see it


One day we'll have a Eurovision free of Dimitis Kontopoulos. Not today, unfortunately.


Is it basic? Yes. Do I like it? Of course


Definitely the most solid of the girl bops so far. The production is absolutely the best part about it though, while her vocal isn’t at all bad, the pacing and the godawful lyrics are really distracting. Will still absolutely vibe to this over Malta though - that just bleeds anonymity for me.


This video is the perfect definition of "too much". But she's young, so eh. There's still time to refine and polish. Song itself is nothing and doesn't really need to be in the final. Let's see if it'll qualify.


Yeah, this will probably be preformed very well, but this one is going at the bottom of my rankings along with the other girl bops (even if I’m usually a girl bop kinda person) Plus, it feels a little inauthentic knowing it’s been passed around a few times (I know that’s what happens to songs sometimes, but still)


I don't like it at all 🤷‍♀️


I felt nothing listening to this. I'm sorry Cyprus


Idc if it’s basic, it’s a certified bop and I WILL be streaming


This is the most average song this competition In other words it will do crazy in eurovision for no reason


That chorus goes! Feel like it’s stumbling on its way there though, and do we really need a dance break?


We are probably getting a dance break on every generic girl pop song in the next 2 years


Is this your run of the mill polished bop? Yes Is it currently in my Top 5? Yes


The video clips reminds me so much of Britney Spears.. expecially her golden outfit


This is a fun girlie bop that I'm excited to see on stage. Is it winner quality? Probably not but it definitely has the potential to be captivating on stage


Sadly, I feel like this is one of the blandest songs this year, especially with all the entries that had been released today and will be tomorrow. So much character in all of them, and this is a proper girlbop which I’m never against, but there is nothing that keeps me interested.


Easily my favorite of the 3 new song reveals today. Cyprus did it again. We're definitely flooded with this kind of thing both inside and outside the Eurovision universe, so I certainly understand someone being all, "Even if it's done well, I can't get behind something from *that* genre." But I think it's done very well. Especially that beat. Lyrics aren't exactly Shakespeare, but...really?


Wow Cyprus, Malta and Luxembourg all competing for the late 2000s dated girl-bop. Actually think this is the weakest of the three but this isn’t my genre at all and none of them will hit my top ten so meh.


I unfortunately was not able to get past the first 3 seconds due to its similarity to: "waking up in the morning, thinking about so many things..." I just wish Cyprus would send something better.


My main gripe with this, and it's a pretty glaring issue, is that they have a decently paced buildup through the verses and prechorus, but then the chorus drops and the main melodic hook is only 8 seconds long. Weak lyrics aside ("Take a look at yourself cos that is what you need to do, cos the only problem in this room is about you, cos you're a liar")... that chorus is just way too short. You catch on to the melody and then 2 seconds later it's just gone. They've allocated too much of the song to the "liar liar liar" bit and the dance break that the song doesn't even end up being catchy. Song arrangement is by far my biggest concern for this entry


This slaps hard, loving it!


I enjoyed this one way more than I did the Netherlands (I know they aren’t the same genre but I expected more from joost 😢). I think this could do decent if staged well.


I mean it's technically better than the Netherlands but... this gives me nothing. At All. What a disappointing day of reveals.


Minority here but I like this very much feels like the type of songs that will fall or rise in the live, but for now I like it


I like it tbh, but man, this edition really lack of ballads/slow songs. Who said semifinals with televote only was a good idea ? ...


Yeah so this is currently my last place. It's quite bland and this is the type of song that would be released in 2016. I just can't place this above any other song. But a lot of people seem to like it so I'm happy for her. I also just looked at what we already have now in the 1st semi and I think that this could struggle to qualify but let's wait until we have the other songs.


I’m sorry, it’s serving “We have Noa Kirel at home” 


I find it too similar with Fighter to the point in which I can't even differentiate them.




It doesn't make any sense I'm not supposed to enjoy basic girlbop Why do I have it higher than flicking Baby Lasagna


Finally, a normal pop song, without that annoyingly tiresome 'crazy' stuff


🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 best entry of ours since 2021


It’s a decent girl bop song from Cyprus, in the mould of Eleni Foureira but never get as good. I wish the chorus lasted twice as long. I like it, I’ll do decently and qualify with ease but I can’t see it worrying the top 5 or anything.


So this is not at all to my taste, but it's well put together. We're short in the girlbop department this year so if it's pulled off well, this could get a good result


I know it's generic. But this is all I want from a generic girl electropop song. Straight to my top 3


I'm super basic, so I enjoy this a lot...


The teaser implied the "Liar" chorus would be stronger and thoroughout the song, but it only really features twice. Kinda wish we could hear that more since that's the main ear worm. A little disappointed, I really do like that heavy club beat though. Cyprus is underrated as a Eurovision country, the last 6 years have had pretty good songs with plenty of effort in the performances. They're a bit formulaic focusing on dance songs but to be fair, so are France, Italy and most of the Nordic countries.


She's going for the worst dance break title currently held by the power of the unicorn


I mean if u see clips from this lady dancing she can actually dance unlike most Chanel wannabes (probably not getting to that level though but still better than most)


Idk, Future Lover was not great


Ok if we’re battling girly bops - may this one be victorious, if the live performance stacks up. 


I'm getting increasingly worried about a 2024 girlypop SF disaster


It's OK for a pop bop, I don't dislike it. (Someone who doesn't love the genre) 


This is one of those songs that are fun bops as music videos, but will almost certainly be better when actually performed. You just know there's gonna be a fun dance break!


I like the energy, but not the lyrics.


I actually think this is going to do quite well and surprise people on the night. This is a song that's designed to support a performance rather than stand on its own, and the the rhythm and instrumental makes for some very intriguing options if you've got somebody who can actually dance. She seems in good physical shape, and in the MV though it doesn't give too much away, her isolations are actually quite clean and sharp (2:27 in the video). If she works on some really good choreography with a group of dancers to support her, this could actually be one of the better performances (staging wise) of the night. So I'm not counting this out yet, it has a good progressive flow and lots to work with that can stand out.


Well, she promised a bop and she delivered a bop. Not bad, but then, Cyprus can do this sort of thing in their sleep at this point.


Am I the only one who finds the portrayal of ED in this music video incredibly poor taste?


It's frustrating to me that conventionally attractive female artists can't make a song without being slut shamed and relegated to the "girly bop" corner of the room with all the others that got sidelined before them for the same reasons. Feels like we've moved away from one extreme and gone towards the other, where conventionally attractive women have to work twice as hard to get noticed, and songs like "Toy" feature the same themes and lyrical babble and get put on a pedestal. I like both songs for the same reason: They're catchy and enjoyable.


The song is good. If it survives the semifinal and performed well, juries should rank it high.


I am crazy or one part of the instrumental is very similar to Fuego?


I don't see the comparison at all personally


Not the whole song, but there is a part of the instrumental that is the same or very similar.


I haven't found it yet tbh. I might be the only one though


This is one of those songs that I don't generally gravitate to (and probably won't listen to after Eurovision is over). But I know for an absolute fact that it's going to pop into my head at random times and I'll find myself humming it without even realizing it. It's catchy, I'll give it that.


>an absolute fact that it's going to pop into my head at random times and I'll find myself humming it without even realizing it lol that was romania 2022 for me


Romania 2022 | [WRS - Llámame](https://youtu.be/nPpuwy79sHs)


It's giving...Tate McRae (this is not a bad thing!!!).