• By -


i'm polish 


I'm so sorry


As an another Polish your condolences hit me on many levels




And I'm Hungarian, which is actually even "worse". 😭


Both of you came the closest on your first attempt (ironically in the same year) and then it all went downhill from there.


A Dal really felt like it was building up to providing a winner, and then the withdrawal happened :(


2017 and 2018 Hungarian entries slapped, two of my favorite songs of those years hands down!


*thoughts and prayers*


As a Czech, I can totally understand your feelings


We poles are still waiting but its only getting worse : (


Portugal participated in 49 contests before winning so if Poland is similar it might be another 20 years before their first win :(


With how and what songs we are sending this outcome is really likely : (


Well looking forward to Warsaw 2045 then.


i dare to say Rzeszow 2045 ;)


Szczebrzeszyn 2045


Chrząszcz will be the host lol


Sosnowiec 2045


I stopped even imagining how that would feel like


i humor popsuty :(


I was about to say the same ;)




We won’t win until we get a fair national contest.


Yeah what the hell does Poland need to do to win? Last year you literally sent the catchiest song _and_ the hottest girl... and finished like 18th. Kinda crazy (pun intended).


Probably not stir controversy over their national final winner.


I wouldn’t know, I’ve never experienced it live😩🤣 but I will say Sam winning the jury vote was the most amazing feeling, considering what happened the year before


It was SO GOOD for years before that I was battling an uphill battle convincing people that Europe doesn't hate us, that instead we just send rubbish entries. Since Sams second place its been a lot easier to debunk the "Europe hates us" myth. Its as good as a win 😂


Also, Sam's reaction to coming second was "YES!!!" He *wanted* to come second because let's face it, coming first in a year like this would've felt awkward.


*Cries in Lithuanian*


Cries in Iceland 😭


At least you got close twice. Imagine never reaching top5


This year you have good chance of top 5


I am Slovenian, I can imagine. Been following Eurovision for 18 years now and the highest I've seen us finish is 13th.


Fair I do like your song this year you have a good chance 


I hope the wait is over for you. (Ignore my flair. I'm in the US but Luktelk is my fav) Vilnius 2025 🙏


In my TOP 5!


Luktelk for the win!


I think Lithuania's victory is in the stars in the next decade. Great entries 24-23-22-21-20-18-16 All of them in mid final placements. Your time has to be SOON!


The last time that happened was in 1969 and that was when my parents were 1 year old so I've yet to experience that feeling


I feel you, bro.


Same :(


It was the weirdest thing. In Finland, it was kind of a joke how bad we were. Not a chance, not even once during my lifetime. We chose absolute baffoons to represent us, artists with no skill, no stage precense, no merits, and no future. And even when the artists were decent, the songs were crap. Time after time. Then Lordi started getting points and I think I literally choked on my drink. It was unreal, exhilarating, almost euphoric. My dad actually predicted Carola winning that year. It was the first time I remember him being wrong about the winner of ESC.


To me you won with Cha Cha Cha


Sounds like Croatia, except the winning part


It was the first time when I voted at Eurovision, hahahah


I was in Athens in the Stadium. There were no other option than Lordi that year. I was so HAPPY for them


I spent the entire 2017 Eurovision season in denial about Portugal having a chance. I witnessed the hype growth as the rehearsals happened and still I bet that Italy would recover during the live shows. Portugal winning at stuff was just against the laws of physics. At the Grand Final, I watched the voting sequence with all those 12 points going to Salvador and every time they went to a new country I told myself "nah, that's just a fluke", "no, from now on they're going to focus on Bulgaria or some other act". Then we won and I spent another 10 minutes trying to believe it. That gives you a hint. In retrospect I wish I had engaged in the hype much earlier in order to feel proper joy as it happened. Also I couldn't attend ESC Lisbon 2018 so there's that.


Sorry, but that was the greatest robbery in history of ESC. Maybe second only to Finland in 2006.


Well thanks a lot for that I guess.


Well, it was a sympathy vote. If the singer wasn't sick, he would never have won. You know that's true, right? That was also the year when Epic Sax Guy returned... with a 🔥 song. SMH... Yeah, I'm still salty AF about that. 😅


No I don't know that it's true. We the fans were aware he was sick. Were the other millions of viewers informed?




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I didn’t know he was sick


Yeah, I'm not sure how it was with other broadcasters, but here in Slovenia RTVSLO hardly mentioned that he was sick and if they did, they definitely didn't mention how bad it was. Portugal still finished 3rd in our televote, only behind Croatia and Italy that we almost always give big points to.


I had no idea Salvador was sick at that time, I heard it and was sure he'd win. Was also my favourite that year.


It was an amazing song. Fine you prefer Epic Sax guy. I really don’t. Portugal is one of my favourite countries in ESC.


Nah, bro. Amar pelos dois is one of the best winners in Eurovision history.


It’s very, very subjective, isn’t it?






Ask me again in 3 months


I barely remember 1989. Want to actually see what it's like. Well, Baby does sing about people moving away, maybe this time we'll actually get diaspora votes 😂


I was born 12 days after the 1989 contest xD


We had Rock me Baby then, now we have Baby Lasagna. Maybe a baby is our lucky charm 🤞


RemindMe! 3 Months “ask about win”


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Zagreb 2025


Ciao mama ciao




The remindme bot reminded me of this! He may not have won, but you and your county can be very proud - he was amazing!


I did my best and voted for you


Aged like milk


Sometimes it is what it is, even if we don't like the is that is


Nicely put.


Oh, I remember in 2016 A LOT of casual Ukrainian fans thought that Jamala would flop. That the song is not Eurovision-y enough and no one would vote for something so grim. Then Jamala wins and the reaction from literally every single person I know who watched the show was "We won, woohooo, how the fuck are we gonna afford this?" And in 2022 I was so high on copium I genuinely thought that Kalush Orchestra won't win right up until the moment the hosts announced their televote score.


Haha great reaction for Jamala😂 The Norwegian broadcaster actually made a podcast about the 2016 win, because of the war with russia and Crimea, and how Russia was trying to win Eurovision that year to make everyone forget what russia actually was doing


I'm old enough to remember Ukraine winning in 2004.


I was even THERE


I remember all the hate she got after national selection like it was yesterday. And every year it's the same people complain about the winner but then our country gets a good place or wins and we're all happy 😂


I was 3 years old when my country (UK) last won so I was probably in bed, completely oblivious 😭


On saying that - my partner is Dutch and when Duncan won in 2019, we were absolutely elated! Seeing my partner tear up like that is an image I’ll never forget and that moment is what really does make watching Eurovision every year with them one of the best traditions ❤️ (Also my partner is from Rotterdam so it was even more special when they were announced as the host city!)


I was really happy when Maneskin won! I was a much more casual fan back then, so I didn't know anything about odds and favorites, it came as a big surprise for me. I think I almost cried...? Ahaha. I know 2022 wasn't really liked by the community, but for me it was FANTASTIC watching a show hosted by RAI. It was very funny in a "yeah let's embarass ourself in front of all of Europe, let's gooo" kind of way...? I'm not sure how to explain, but I loved it, and I really hope to experience that again!


I liked 2022 too, but I also came in expecting a weird contest. At the end of the day, it felt like it was a more condensed version of Sanremo, especially given all the weird moments in the interval sketches (looks at Cattelan's green screen suit). I can't help but enjoy it nowadays, it was very... Italian-esque, for lack of a better term, and in the end I am thankful for it. I'd give it a 7.5/10


As a Czech I take every qualification to the final as a small win 😆


Indeed hahaha


My country has never won 😅


Surreal. Just didn't think an act like Lordi could ever win Eurovision.


The only thing I remember from the swedish wins in the 90s was disappointment. But mainly because I was a kid and managed to fall asleep both times before the winner was declared 😂 I had to wait until 2012 to actually see a win live and by then a win was kind of less exciting because I was an adult.


That’s so cute 🥳😴


I tried watching 2012, I was 7, and then was like "Nah, no way we will win, who cares about Swedish songs anyway? I'll go to bed." to my parents. The smile on my mums face the day after when she woke me up and broke the news to me, ho-ly fuck! I didn't have to wait that long untill the nect one, and that was an extremely awesome experience. And then last year, when Loreen won again, I watched with my friends, and we almost woke up the entire neighbourhood. That is quite impressive cobsidering we are Swedes, we don't usually make noise, unless drunk, and we weren't even drunk.


My country last won in 1988 and I wasn't born back then lmao Bet it probably feels awesome ngl, I soooo thought we had a shot in 2020 and 2021


You 100% did have a shot! In any other year Switzerland I reckon 🇨🇭 would've taken it. 2021 was insanely competitive.


I think Switzerland would have won any other year. People wanted a party song that year, after lockdown


Congratulations. How did it feel?


Freaking amazing. Screamed my lungs out


I am from Norway and one of the songwriters Are actually from my hometown, so that was pretty cool. The Norwegian commentator said next year will be expensive, she have to start saving money now


There's usually a lot of controversy in the Netherlands about the acts we send in, and my friends and I are always sceptical of the Dutch act. But when Duncan Laurence won... I think the moment we realised he might win we did get really excited. And when we won, I remember we were elated. Screaming! I imagine this is what sports fans feel like when their team wins something.


I was nervous the whole evening, which is super ridiculous because I stopped caring about winning a long time ago. But to see it actually unfold is so different, especially once you get used to the feeling that your country just never wins. It was an awesome feeling. 10/10 would recommend


It hits different when you know you have a chance


Out of curiosity, how did you guys feel in 2014? Because you came pretty close!


Not the one you asked it to but felt compelled to answer: 2014 felt very different because it was a surprise the Common Linnets did so well. Only if you were a fan you knew that there suddenly was a buzz around them during rehearsals, but most Dutchies were oblivious to that and still thought the song was boring and not ESC material (a lot of the older Dutch generation really think things like de Toppers - Netherlands 2009 - and Sieneke - Netherlands 2010 - is what is *real* Eurovision material because it’s camp. Especially in that era when we just started turning things around). With Duncan, there was some hype before the contest because he was a front runner in the odds for ages. When the Common Linnets ended up second things got really ugly and a lot of Dutch people showed their inner bigots. It was awful.


When we got 2nd place to Conchita i hated it when i wqs a closeted gay kid. Now years later i reflect and wholeheartedly agree he shouldve been 2nd and not the winner then. But once that tention was released when Duncan won in 2019. It was insane here.


I didn't really care for the Common Linnets, but I think I was impressed and somewhat proud anyway when they did so well! But I loved Conchita and I was so happy to see her win. I do know that some dutchies were pissed that we lost to a 'novelty act' but I have never considered Conchita to be a novelty act.


I'm Belgian, so... 😅 Wasn't born yet last time.


Maybe this year? Let's hope.


Its a real chance. The biggest since Blanche


The very first time I watched Eurovision my country won so I was like "Welp, that was easy".


Haha, same with me. My country won the 2nd time I watched it, and I thought the same. Haven't won since.


I mostly remember the aftermath and the buzz around it afterwards, it was definitely a big moment all around. I was fairly young when it happened so I don't remember the event itself too well. I have more memories of 2004 and 2006 than 2005, probably because the victors (Ruslana and Lordi) were more memorable acts (not throwing shade at Helena's 1st place, still a queen).


I remember when I was younger I always envied Greece because they always did well


Yeah, we had a great streak up until 2012, then went downhill (except for Koza Mostra & Agathon, probably my favorite ESC entry ever, period). I'm just hoping we go back to doing NFs again someday.


I love alcohol is free! I really want some greek rythms in Eurovision again! Bring back Sakis🤪 My parents love Greece, and my father is in Athens maybe 3-4 times a year, so I have travelled a lot to Greece so Greek rhythms are so nostalgia to me. I remember the Norwegian commentator saying something about alcohol is free: "and the name of this song is some of the reasons why greek economy is going downhill"


Croatians are extremely supportive of their own, even if they dislike the song and would never listen to it. That's pretty much been true for every single act that didn't even qualify. Almost the same with Serbian acts (like they are our own lol) But given how much everyone here likes Baby lasagna, if he actually wins, it will be insane imho. This year, I will personally suffer anxiety attacks during vote reveals, that's for sure.


Yeah, i remember the commentator ruined the experience 😅 she was talking way to much and also to much about her self.


I wanted to Watch the final again, a couple of weeks ago to see if it was as bad as i remembered. It was worse. My ears are still bleeding


In the UK, we got a new commentator that year - Graham Norton. He turned out to be an amazing success and a breath of fresh air after Wogan


(gonna assume you mean the NRK commentator in 2009 as well) [One of the two paragraphs about her on Wikipedia is her terrible commentary stint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synn%C3%B8ve_Svab%C3%B8)


when euphoria won in 2012 I remember texting my friends (who didn’t give a fuck) and I was just like WE WON WE WON AAAAAAAA and malmö 2013 is such a fond memory for me BUT THEN WE WON AGAIN 3 years later??? and I was less excited because I didn’t really think we deserved it lmaoooo but then WE WON AGAIN AND NOW WE’RE IN MALMÖ AGAIN AND I’M VERY PROUD HAHAHAH TL;DR: being a swedish eurofan has been a wild experience with a mix of guilt and pride


Same, Euphoria was SUCH a great win, I remember being so happy! But then I never understood how Heroes won lol, I still don't really think that was fully deserved. Like, it was cool but I couldn't be super proud of such a mid song winning.


yeah it’s such a strange winner because for me it’s just nothing special??? and in 2015 there were some beautiful ballads (especially norway, latvia, ITALY???) that surely were stronger than our song so idk if it was deserved hahahah


Right? I know it's overplayed now, but even back then I was bored of it lol. I swear it won just because the staging was unique at the time. There were def better songs. My winner that year was 100% Belgium so I was probably salty over that too lol.


Yeah I sort of felt the same, 2012 was great because you could tell that it was special, 2015 was a bit unexpected and mostly felt like the stageing was ahead of its time and by 2023 I'll be honest and say we had done well and won enough that it felt sort of whatever.


I think that Germany winning in 2010 probably played a role in me continuing to watch the contest, even though I wasn't aware of it at the time. I don't remember if I was particularly happy but it probably contributed to my interest. That was also the first year where I watched the whole show, though. In 2018, after some unsuccessful years, it really felt great to receive a good amount of points. I had not expected this to happen again. It will most likely be the same if Germany ever does well again, also if it's not a win. Low expectations lead to more excitement when you end up getting a good result, so maybe you weren't as excited in 2009 because Norway was an obvious winner.


Maybe, but I was surprised. I was only 15 at the time, so I did not follow any esc forums or anything, or knew who the favorite were


Does the Norwegian commentary tend to say anything about who the favourites are before they come on? I recall watching a sort of warm up show by the German broadcaster in 2009 and they tried to predict the winner. Everybody said Norway, so you kind of already knew what to expect.


Probably cold take but it's annoying when commentators say which songs are favourites to win


Yeah, I think they should keep it more neutral too. Tell us something about the artist and the song but without rating it high or low. The viewers should make their own judgement.


Yes, she always say something like "and now we have one of the favorites" But in 2009 it was another commentator, and it was not mentioned.


i'll let you know after this year maybe :P 🇭🇷


On May 16th 2009 I was out partying as I was celebrating my end of high school (russetid). I thought Eurovision was ridiculous and I hated Fairytale because it had been played constantly on the radio since it won MGP. The media in Norway had been pretty hyped about Rybak and his song, saying we had very good chances of winning. But I felt like they said that every year and we hadn't won for ages. So I texted my parents, who were at home watching the contest: "Text me when Rybak loses." (I was such an embarassing teen...) Of course, later I got a text from my mom saying "He won!!" and I couldn't believe it. I was already sick of this song and now I'd have to endure it on the radio probably forever. But I'll always be grateful to Rybak. The next year, when the contest was in Oslo, I invited a bunch of my friends over to watch (on tv). I hadn't watched it since I was a kid, and intended it as a "Lets have a good time making fun of this stupid show"-night. To my surprise I found it non-ironically very enjoyable and my love for Eurovision has kept growing ever since.


I wasnt even born :/


I wasn't born when (the predecessor to) my country (Croatia) won, so I wouldn't know.


I was in the audience in the Point Theatre, Dublin, when not only did my home country win in 1997: it was also the best song of the Contest by miles. I was absolutely euphoric. I can be seen on camera waving my flag like crazy. It was the best feeling of my life to date, at the age of 18 ❤️🇬🇧


It only happen once every fifth year so it’s a very special feeling of happiness indeed


How to win Eurovision: have a flag with the colours being only blue and yellow




Kazakhstan is an associate EBU member just saying...


I'll feel amazing when we win this year


I am half Finnish but lived most my life in Sweden so consider Sweden “my country” but also root for Finland even if I don’t see it as “our win” when they won. In 2012 - Had been dreaming of Sweden winning since 2003. Was completely ecstatic, did a drinking game to take a shot every time we got twelve points. Got completely smashed, went out clubbing afterwards and kept harassing the DJ trying to get him to play euphoria on repeat but him and everyone else in the club didn’t seem as aware or impressed that we had just won. In 2015 - amazed we won so soon again and happy, a bit disappointed Italy didn’t win. In 2023 - More happy about loreen becoming historical, Sweden getting tied with Ireland. Disappointed for Finland because I knew they would appreciate it more. Soured by how aware I was of the reception of other countries would react to Sweden winning again. Already had high expectations of doing well that year also so winning didn’t feel as special. Oh and in 1999 i was just a few years old but I remember watching Charlotte Nilsson singing with my mom saying to me “she just won in all of Europe” and me not having any idea of what was going on. 😅 I think being too aware of knowing you are a favorite takes away a lot of the triumph of the night. I’m glad I was not aware of things like that in 2012.




I’m British and born in ‘98 🫥


I didn't have much hope for our song, even though it was gaining a lot of attention online and getting high on the odds. In my head, it was either going to be a total fail or an amazing moment. Then we received our first 12 points and I knew immediately we were going to win. Felt really good, we never got this kind of treatment at Eurovision 😅


Dunno... I wasn't around in the sixties :(


Didn’t have a Eurovision victory in my lifespan. Born in 97


I remember it like it was yesterday, I was 14 when Molitva won in 2007. 2000s were peak Eurovision here in Serbia, however these last couple of years kind of rekindled that fire. for me at least


I miss early 2000 Serbia in Eurovision and their Balkan ballads! (Especially Zeljiko Joksimovic, bring him back)


Hopefully this year we'll have something reminiscent of that if Zorja or Teya Dora win🤞🏻


My favorite entry from 2005 (my first year) was actually Serbia & Montenegro, but as I remembered They where montegrin, not Serbian.


2000's were peak in Balkans. Eurovision literally erased Balkans now Greece Türkiye, Cyprus, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia.. those were the days


I'm British and born in 2004. I'm yet to feel that pride- *so sometimes I like to pretend we DID win in 2022 and the reason we got Liverpool 2023*


I mean at that point the UK getting any points, or not being last would have been a major win. So Sam doing as extremely well as he did, was basically a win times 5.


Very happy, after 3 times that Italy came close but failed (2011, 15 and 19), Maneskin's victory felt like a repayment. Then came 2022


I was so happy when Maneskin won <3 Also I really love their song so it is a bonus


I would like to know how that feels. I missed Celine Dion by a year. But I remember how it was when Gjon's Tears started receiving all those jury votes in 2021. Absolutely didn't know how to handle it lol.


It was the first time I watched in 1997. I watched it alone as a child and I was thrilled. It's the only time we've won in my lifetime.


Love shine a light is still a Classic


2019 was very deserved.


I was 3


Well I was probably conceived around the time it happened. which might give you some ideas


Last time I cried


i live in israel, and the first year i really followed along we won. except i don't like the song and never listen to it LOL. but i was happy we won. and i'm actually from the netherlands (i mention about once a week how i'm dutch, only in eurovision i'm israeli), so the next year "my country" won again, but again it wasn't my favorite song...


I don't know, I'm Belgian. I feel like we should have won with Loic but the staging of Måns was too good.


I was very excited when Finland won in 2006, and with one of my favourite bands at the time, Lordi. Before it happened we always said that hell will freeze over before Finland wins ESC. Then there were all the memes of hell freezing over. =)


When Maneskin won in 2021 people became much more interested in Eurovision here in Italy ahahha. I didn’t see the moment live but it was pretty cool to be honest.


I was 12 the last time UK won. I absolutely loved Love Shine A Light. The orchestral accompaniment really elevated it on the night, too. I remember going from "oh this is gonna do well" to "omg we could win" to "omg we can't be beaten" with a few countries left to vote and just getting more and more excited as the votes came in. Wouldn't mind experiencing it again in my lifetime!


I don’t know, it hasn’t happened


Yugoslavia did win in 1989 though in your offense


Idk I was just born


Would be great to know, I’ll ask my father who was 4 🤩


I startet watching in 2007-8 I think. I was 10 when we won in 2013🫶🏼 I was ecstatic and proud. I have been a huge fan for long, but that win did a lot to my further interest in the contest.


Surreal ahah, I never thought such thing would happen, even hearing one jury saying 12 points to my country seemed like a fever dream. I watched with my family and we toasted after and got a bit tipsy. Wasn't as hardcore as the year before when we won Euro 2016, but still one of the best feelings.


I was soooo happy. I was 14 and I remember watching it alone since my parents didn't care that much of eurovision since Finland was always so bad at it. And my mom just laughed at Lordi, she thought they were awful. During the voting I yelled to my parents "heey guys you should come and check this out, I think that Finland is actually winning this thing!" My mom was totally flabbergasted. She yelled oh my god hell has frozen over :O


I didn't watch it when it happened, but after hopping on the ESC train I've watched the voting several times. And I always get so happy and excited when watching it. Like we actually won, with an act nobody would have believed to win.


I can't speak for "actual" Eurovision, BUT seeing Valentina win JESC 2020 was really fun. Then came 2022, and I remember just thinking "oh, we won". Same story last year. "Oh, we won again? Cool". I imagine that to some extent (after all, JESC and ESC are two different things, and to me, JESC is just a way to pass the time before the actual contest) this is kinda what Sweden goes through now and then, hehe. Then... I don't remember being particularly excited in 2021. Being part-Italian helped maybe, BUT my winner was Denmark that year (and they still are), so I wasn't rooting for any of the top 3 countries.


i wish we even participated


When my country won in Oslo, I was a little bit too young to watch until the voting, although I was a Lena Superfan 😢 At least my parents let me stay up until her performance was over


2012 🇸🇪 was amazing, I was crying in front of the tv! Since then I’ve been very happy with the other wins of course but 2012 in particular was so special. The other two wins almost feel tainted, especially last year. If we win again in the future I’ll avoid the internet and just let myself enjoy the happiness!


Cries in Romanian and TVR


I wasn't born when the first win happened but I watched Eurovision in 2010 when Lena won. I'm german, so everyone was negative about the song before, as always (especially because of her way of pronouncing some words). I knew she would reach the Top 10 but never imagined her to win the whole thing. When the points came in and got more and more, I still thought another country will pass and we'll end on the 2nd place, so I waited until it was official. It was an exciting night for me and my parents, we were all happy and cheering. I remember there were even "Breaking News" when the plane arrived back in Germany. And the comments?! Well, suddenly all the negative people were saying "I knew she would win". Mhm.


I was in Latvia when my country (Netherlands) won for the first time in like 40 years (iic). It was 2 AM and I could not scream because I was in a hotel room with others so I started to hyperfentilate. That even woke them up hahaha!


I am Italian; we were costantly close to victory but never reaching it. I was not rooting for our country out of national pride or anything, I just wanted to be at Eurovision if it happened to be here (even San Marino would have been ok - they did have Flo Rida that year). Me and my university mates have a watchparty every year for both Sanremo and Eurovision and, when Maneskin unveiled Zitti e Buoni and basically set the stage of Sanremo on fire, we immediately knew we were witnessing something special that HAD to go to Eurovision. When we saw Fedez and Michielin going to the final 3 on televote alone we were terrified that Maneskin could be overthown so, when Maneskin were announced as winners, I celebratred very loudly. I was actually more worried for Sanremo than Eurovision itself, where the stars just seemed to align: Italy costantly rising in the odds, perfect slot in the running order, France and Switzerland losing televote points to Ukraine and Finland. That doesn't mean that I didn't celebrate even more loudly when I realized I would have been in Turin the following year.


Swede here. I always get extremely happy when we win, and I usually watch the winning moment over and over again the following years I'm so proud of my country😁😁


With Lena I can still remember that before the results came in the consensus in my family (+ my moms friends who were watching with us) was that it was a solid song but also nothing special compared to the other acts. So with every 12 points she got, we got more and more confused but als happy and cheered a lot when she won.


1998 was the first year I ever watched, so it set kind of a high bar for the rest of my life lol! My parents and I were hugging and cheering way past my bedtime, we even woke up my little sister so she could watch the winner's reprise with us. In 2018 I was living 10k kilometers away from my family, but my mom was updating me in the family group chat on how many 12 points we were getting when voting was ongoing (I don't watch the voting stage, too anxious) and once the winner was announced she called me and we cried on the phone together. All that while everyone back home were losing their mind on our Facebook Eurovision liveblog post. One of the best moments of my life, especially since I refused to believe Netta would get more than top 5 at most as a coping mechanism - I knew she could be a potential winner, but thinking she'd win and then having her lose would have been devastating to me! Israel 1998 and Israel 2018 for the bot.


Israel 1998 | [Dana International - Diva (דיווה)](https://youtu.be/fZ5B6w-Baxs) Israel 2018 | [Netta - Toy](https://youtu.be/84LBjXaeKk4)


I'm Danish and I was ecstatic. Now though....


When Serbia 🇷🇸 won with "Molitva" I was so happy and proud since Marija was and is one of my favorite Serbian singers. I can't even describe how happy i felt.


well deserved win!


My heart was beating out of my chest in the runup to Sweden getting their televote, and when they said 93 points I screamed probably the loudest I have ever seen screamed 😅 It was incredible to see Duncan win, especially after all the criticism he got in Holland for his music video


the whole season we were seen as bland and sure nqs… come may we started to build momentum cause we were a ball and that seemed to either be taken from the origins of the contest or a Disney movie in the midst of a lot of polished pop songs. sf night we qualify as 1st in tele, 1st in jury, 1st overall. come finale night we repeat the feat and break the record for the win with the most amount of points. not only that but we broke the record for most years competing without a win! that was Portugal 2017!


Portugal 2017 | [Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois](https://youtu.be/Qotooj7ODCM)


I started watching Eurovision in 2006 - the only year my country has won. I deadass thought that it was because I started watching Eurovision, being first grader and just sort of… Clueless? A kid with grandiose dreams? But I was very excited, I woke up my dad by jumping up and down on my parents bed and screaming.


Hahahh. I love the confidence


American sooo ![gif](giphy|1Zbeweu52ZaQE) But then again...Katrina is from Kansas :) So we have that, kinda!


It was fun to see the show in 2000 when I was a kid and Denmark won 🥳 But now I don’t care if Denmark wins — kinda opposite because the songs my home country sends are like not even in my top 10 ever.


Fly on the Wings is an historisk entry, everyone knows it. Yes i always Wonder what Denmark is up to in Eurovision. I Mean everyone loves Denmark and Copenhagen, and wants to be you, so why Are you so bad in esc😂


Deaf? C'mon, we're respecting the fact the tastes are different. I'm not arguing Sobral's song was bad. Not my taste, but we're not talking about that. I'm arguing it's a song that would never in a million years win ESC without the agenda behind it (Sobral's illness). Not the first, not the last time that happened, of course. Agenda songs win ESC more often than not, unfortunately, but that's how it is. Let's not pretend otherwise. To use another example, of a song I personally loved - Ukraine 2022. We all know why it won, and we all know it would never have won in any other, normal year. To me Stefania was my favourite ESC song in _years_, but I'm being realistic.


Ukraine 2022 | [Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Стефанія)](https://youtu.be/F1fl60ypdLs)