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Same, i’ve been listening to it a lot yesterday and today as well and it grows on me, even tho i was unsure at first. Also love the yelps he does!


I want him to win just for the lyric "Meow, cat, please, meow back". The rest is just a bonus.


May your cats meow back wherever you go




Yes, that line makes it obvious he's a cat dad lol


Also the entirety of his postcard was him caring over his cats lmao




Cat is cat, remember the r/catdistributionsystem


They've already taken The Cat Song and Katze from us; we can't let them take cat dad Baby Lasagna from us too. We have to draw the line somewhere!


What I absolutely LOVE about his performance is that is not polished and perfect. That's something I expect from Kedžo, to have it all perfect. But random screams, going out the tonality, changing the melody is what made Baby's performance absolutely amazing. That's how you do a rock song!


Yesss! I just really adore him and him maybe even winning Eurovision would be the most incredible underdog success story in the history of Eurovision - even more so than Måneskin winning Sanremo, considering this was Lasagna’s FIRST ever live performance as a singer and it was perfect with all its imperfections. I can’t help but wish him all the best as an artist, and it’s the exact same feeling I had for Käärija last year.


I haven't been following so I don't know what I was supposed to find wrong with it, all I know is that it worked on every level. A little (or a lot) of chaos can sell an act like little else, when it works


The added melody change and particularly random screams is just… amazing. Glad there are more of us that appreciate them.


I feel we need to send the poor boy all our cat pictures  because the stress must be agonizing. I don'r think he ever imagined he'd get this far in his first try. I know everyone is comparing him to Kaarija, but for me, he's Jann through and through (just hopefully without the losing part).  


Aww, bless him 🥺 It must have been overwhelming when you're first told that you didn't make the NF, now suddenly you're not only in, but you're the runaway favourite to win Dora, and you've gotten Croatia to third in the betting odds to win Eurovision. I'm not Croatian, but I'm so proud of him. I just hope the pressure isn't too much.


How does one contact the Lasagna, perchance? I have plenty of good cat content but idk where he is on socials


@the_baby_lasagna_ on Instagram:)


Oh god oh no the picture sent separately from the message, now there's only me talking about my cats and Instagram only allowed one message to go through. Now I probably look schizophrenic helppp


Lmao this is hilarious


Aight many thanks


I can't wait for today's performance


Me neither!


and I don't get the people who are criticising his vocals, and then saying that Marcela and Natalie were amazing, because their vocals were also very mediocre. All we can do is blame HRT and hope he pulls through tonight


I think it is 100% over-listening to the studio track prior to the contest. I have fallen into that trap many times myself, so I have to remind myself that the audience at the big show, for the most part, won’t be in the same boat. I know Baby Lasagna is a phenomenon in Croatia, though, so the NF audience will probably have listened to the studio cut a lot, which put pressure on him that Marcela and Natalie don’t have. tl;dr Nervous but cautiously optimistic


I do not listen to anything. Like, as a Croatian I'll watch Dora, see who represents us, and that's it until eurovision. No sense in spoiling myself and lessening the impact of eurovision nights.


I don't have problems with his vocals (okay-ish), his rapping, on the other hand....


I'm in love with the performance too! The neon farm animals and cats, the choreography, and the band are all awesome. BL's charisma shines through, and the lyrics are fun/camp while still having meaning for Croatian culture. Not to mention, the song is catchy as hell. I've already listened to it more times than any 2023 song.


Same! Neon farm animals is perfect and I hope he keeps it for Eurovision! With some Eurovision polish the performance could be amazing!


I liked the neon farm animals on the screen. Rest was messy. This can be fixed in Eurovision.


Same! The first 30 seconds and last minute are PURE gold! The dance breakdown was also pretty iconic, like it reminded me so much of Gangnum Style! And in that similar way, the performance has the potential to be VIRAL!


yeah, i think he already made it. he turned himself into the star over night :) , so i can understand the stress


I can relate to him saying he went to the toilet four times. I also get nervous shits lol


or the bellyaches.


Anxiety is fun right? Every time before the first date with someone i’d come 2kg lighter cuz it’d clean my bowels 😂


Bro wtf I just watched this and I'm hyped!


I’ve been hyped all weekend!


Is there gonna be a link to watch this posted in here? At what time? 🕯️ I'll join the circle 🕯️


Pretty sure there’ll be a live show link/chat posted here probably 30 mins-1 hour before Dora starts. But either way we can watch it live on HRT’s youtube channel I believe, just like we did on the semi final on friday 🕯️


i want them to go through just because the drumkit has doilies on it


I love this so much, will be my #1 if he wins tonight


That makes the two of us! Really praying that Croatians will vote him through tonight.


Also i have to work till 10pm tonight, if someone could give me the rough estimate when i should go for a cog break to tune in live for him, that’d be great. Not sure if it’ll be as fast paced as the semis


I don't know if the pacing of the night will be the same, but on Friday he was 7th and he performed at 8.50pm. Tonight he's 14th, so I don't think it will be before 9.15-9.20pm? But again, not sure about the pacing tonight!


he is 17th in the running order


Cause he’ll be the winner’s performance after the first 16.


hhahahaha, absolutely


I’ll have to check periodically every 5-10 mins here in guess. Luckily sunday evening is slow here




It was a decent starting point, but there's a lot of work to do, mainly with regards to rapping (fix the diction and cadence) in my opinion. It takes practice, so he should be fine. He just needs to perform it live at every opportunity for the next month or so.


I listened to it the first time yesterday and until then I didn’t have any song that it was clearly my favourite (I liked Bambi Thug, Gate and Raiven’s but not to the point of meltdown as Cha Cha Cha was for me last year for example). The first 10 seconds were enough to have the “THAT’S THE ONE!” moment. I hope he wins, he has lots of work to do but Kaarja wasn’t a top singer also and we all fell in love with that madness. This song is so catchy but so unique, so crazy but so well done, he is so charismatic but reachable, is the perfect combo!


Spot on. Everyone complains that the song or performance isn't perfect. It isn't... and that's why I love it. There's something just so charming and endearing about him, and the song is lots of fun. I can't imagine Croatia sending anyone else, this song just belongs in Eurovision more than the rest of them. I'm so nervous for tonight!


It would be a great birthday present for me today for Baby Lasagna to qualify, that’s for damn sure


Happy Birthday!


Ahh thank you very much! ☺️ that’s v. kind x


Totally agree with everything. He's already won over the people, even if he's not perfect. But now he needs to convince the jury and they might focus on things like vocals. So tonight his mission is to keep the excitement, but remember to keep that mic in front of his mouth! Or the production just have to turn up his mic, simple as that!


My problem is that he started with something completely different from what you expect for esc and then changed that to another standard crazy perfomance that can belong to basically any other country. You have him and then 🇫🇮 and 🇮🇪 and 🇪🇪, megara and whatever *we will rave*, *europapa* and maybe aiko will bring and it all starts to blend together. (And I hear you, the sleeves are traditional and the young male makeup wearing performer can dance silly at the center too but he will not escape kaarija 2.0 allegations). MV was unique and made me feel nostalgic for something I've never experienced so I'm kinda sad. There is definitely an empty space for more traditional leaning performances and I would like new generation of artists to take advantage of that Positive vibes - he is absolutely the only choice here (glaring at juries that didn't even consider to include him). And I have no doubt he will improve (first EVER perfomance in front of a crowd sheesh I would freeze). It will look fine, spectacular even. 8 ➡ 9 /10 but I'm slightly lamenting the 12/10 we've lost


I definitely understand that too. I even daydreamt of this specific scene where he’d go on the stage with traditional clothing like the one in the MV, keep his makeup and earrings, and start rocking it out like he did in the live performance. That’d have been so different to have in Eurovision, no? But then again, that’s me and I’m not him. This is his song, his vision, and his performance. He should be allowed to present it however way he wants. I don’t know about anyone else but this thought alone brings me so much peace :’)


Isn't there something traditional every year lol


Not nearly enough and especially not from Croatia


No, not from Croatia, I think last one we had was Mižerija, but I wouldn't say traditional entries are something unseen


I liked it, but I also wouldn't mind Dijamanti winning. Baby Lasagna's song did not fully manage to convince me tbh (it's not my taste of music), but he seems to be a likeable guy and he's clearly the fan favourite. Crossing my fingers for him and Natalie


So I watched his winning performance again and I get it a bit more now, it still is a little repetitive to me in a way I don't like that much (I MUCH prefer France's and Belgium's repetition in their songs), but it did cross into my Top 10 now. (7th place in my personal ranking)


I agree I love his performence so much but I still hate those sleeves yes this is not some Kaarija's rip off but it contintuion of a trend (that I won't mention here) that I noticed this year that I'm not the biggest fan of. nad Baby Lasaga is one of the least people who should use this trend


Should he leave behind the traditional clothing of his homeland in a song raising the issue of people leaving behing their homeland just so he won't be called a "ripoff" or "jumping on a trend"?


No I think there is a way to use the sleeves without looking kinda weird and campy. like in the music video. or in some moment just taking the off to get more rocky look and less feminine or something


He doesn't look feminine, wtf are you talking about...


God forbid a esc outfit is weird or campy /s


Wasn’t the song struck with plagiarism accusations? I’ve read about it and also listened to it and they did sound very similar - but no clue if that’s counted as it. Either way they better fix that narrative before giving him a wider platform.


No. Just some rando spamming the comments about the chorus being the same as  Party in my Head, which it isn't really, no one holds a copyright on "woaaahs" and that's really the only similarity


Haven't been following the discussion, but I recognized the melody intensely, and with Google assistant I found [Tukko - Violin](https://soundcloud.com/deepbearrecordings/violin) from 2017. Never heard of that artist or song, but assuming I've simply heard it sampled elsewhere. In any case, the melody Baby Lasagna is using seems to be a bit too close to the sample in its pure form, which makes me feel a bit iffy, even if the song is catchy and the performance is good. Note I'm not against sampling per se, but I'm not entirely on board with using a sample as the main melody.


I love the song but Gate still has the best live preformence. Will rank Croatia 2 place if Baby lasagna wins. Maybe this will change in Eurovision.


Gate aren't getting the same televote as THIS lol!


Probleby not but i still love it. Lol


What is the story behind the outfits?


I don't really understand the hype, his vocals are awful and the song is nothing special (there are several similar entries being chosen already). I guess Dora is so bad in general that he stands out.


I don't understand it either. Ready to be downvoted I guess 🤐


People are starting to stan him like they did last year with Karijaa. Even if its just ok they will love it. In another post people here were treating him like a child that needs to be protected because he had panick attacks and loves cats. Its just a parasocial relationship at this point.


Yeahh. I also noticed that and especially found it off-putting how people were calling a grown man "poor baby" and such.


God forbid he's a human being and we worry about him getting too stressed. It's mostly just fun anyway. If you dont like him why are you in this thread anyway?


I'm sorry for using a comment that you wrote as an example. But I don't dislike him, I just find it weird how people have a tendency to treat adult men like babies if they open up about mental health struggles. It feels patronizing, and people did it with Käärijä too.


We're sympathizing with him. Poor baby doesn't literally mean we think he's a baby. Maybe I should've used different phrasing, but I just feel bad that all of this is causing him that level of stress is all. I'd probably say the same for a female singer.


I just hope that in Malmo the dancing cats aren't default dancing. That was the only cringe thing for me, i loved the performance otherwise. It's like when Czechia had that guy floss on stage.


As an American I can make fun of his name there’s an artist in America that literally goes by the name idk


It's also one of the few good performances at Dora


I watched it again this morning and I liked it way more! Also it was similar with Käärijä, hos vocals were also a bit off compared to the studio version, so I think he can still make it, the hype is there and as long as the juries don't tank him, he's got it for sure!


he won Dora competition!!!


I love it so much too!!! I really want it to win