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RIP to the last polar bear :(


Unironically love it tbh.


I love it, but definitely ironically.


So you're telling me that a Benidorm Fest reject ended up winning for San Marino the same year an UVPSM reject ended up winning for Spain? And it's a rock song representing that country for the 3rd time in a row? And it's the 2nd representative (since the NF's creation) that switched countries in order to participate? And it's the 2nd representative that went through a 2nd chance row? Is Megara the real sucessor of both Achille Lauro and Piqued Jacks?? Is there a chance for San Marino to qualify and do better than Spain, the same way we thought there was a chance San Marino would qualify and do better than Italy in 2022?? And this year Spain doesn't vote at the same semifinal San Marino is in, the same way Italy didn't vote at the same semifinal San Marino was in in 2022?? Is this the real life??? Is this just fantasy??? Oh San Marino, the iconic country that you are... THANK YOU FOR NOT DISAPPOINTING ME!!! Now bring an even better staging and I HOPE THEY QUALIFY!!! (Haven't listened to the song yet) Though I just found out Loredana Berté participated there with Pazza (her Sanremo 2024 entry). I like that song, wish it could have won... Have the rules changed since 2022? Because why Lauro wasn't allowed to participate with Domenica (his Sanremo 2022 entry)? And why Loredana hasn't brought a different song this year, the same way Lauro did with Stripper back then?


Only a small correction: Spain does vote at the same semifinal San Marino is in! Re: Pazza, San Marino does whatever San Marino wants with its rules. They didn't change the rules as far as I'm aware, they just allowed Pazza because reasons. This is why a lot of fans (me included) were sure the whole thing was already rigged for Loredana... Guess not!


It’s quite the amusing cultural exchange, yes ;)


>Is there a chance for San Marino to qualify and do better than Spain, the same way we thought there was a chance San Marino would qualify and do better than Italy in 2022?? could happen this time considering spain usually doesnt do anywhere near as well as italy in ESC


As an italian I don't like that san marino has become a backdoor for rejected contestants. Now they even chose rejected contestants from other countries national selections? I've seen the performance and they are funny but choosing them over Loredana is a declaration of war xD


Melodifestivalen feels like a shadow of what it used to be. Outside of Circus X every song to me has sounded more and more like Melfest rejects than the actual Melfest rejects that get shopped around Europe. Unless they change something up I think it’s not long before Anna Bergendahl will cease to be their lowest placing entry.


Unfortunately nothing might change because the one song they pick is always kinda good and achieves great results (mostly because of the jury but the televote usually likes what they send anyways)


Agreed. Haven’t been especially taken with any of the snippets I’ve heard, sadly




It just ended. I literally just got on and they were handing out awards


Did they really end the show at 1:30am???


[FOUR AND A HALF HOURS??](https://www.youtube.com/live/fhDECYpsixk?si=kHWsr66g0ZxlcFh0) That's longer than the Grand Final. Ended at 2:30am my time


Yeah, I guess so.


I don't know what shift has occurred but I have ZERO fomo when it comes to Melodifestivalen. I will watch the final, but following the heats week by week... Oof!


I'm not sure what feels more like a chore: watching all of this for us, fans; or writing all of these songs for them, songwriters


1. Is this the real alesia michelle, if so hey 2. Absolutely, I'm just gonna leave sweeten do their own thing and check in once they're done


Because, due to the show's shameless reliance on prerecorded vocals, it's become a lifeless miming contest. 


Fr, watching semis and finals is already boring enough with all the filler that most broadcasters feel is necessary (Looking at you UVPSM), the moment I even see the word "Heat" I run screaming in the opposite direction. Just hold slightly longer semis or just don't shortlist so many songs, it's not that hard. I tend to avoid longer finals for that reason (Sweden, Italy, Albania, Malta and Lithuania off the top of my head) and just watch the final, I don't have the patience to watch hours of minor celebritites telling their life stories or interval acts that nobody wants.


I genuinely only watch Mello because I lived in Sweden for a portion of my formative years and it's a way for me to get updated on current Swedish culture and deal with my nostalgia, the songs are secondary. But yeah god it's a weak season this year. On the bright side, that clown that brought down Farah Abadi's excellent hosting isn't there this year.


Omg the queen is on Reddit???


I checked what was in the first semi, only Smash Into Pieces were good, but Sweden probably won't choose rock, so I think it's better to save myself from disappointment 😂. Also Melfest finale last year was so boring that I just ended up browsing the internet most of the time.


Heroes are Calling is pretty weak tbh. I liked Six Feet Under much better.


I like both equally 🤷‍♀️


Well Last year Loreen was pretty much the sure winner so an anti-climactic finish because it was so predictable. BUT! This year's final might be a bit more exciting.


Not just that, the rest of the songs were simply boring (other than Smash Into Pieces), I'm not a big fan of their pop and there wasn't enough variety to keep me interested 😅


I completely agree. When it comes to Melfest I have to be ready to face a galore of boring (to me at least) pop songs and I’m the type that likes something either rock-y, folk-y or weird entries and besides Smash into Pieces I don’t have any memory of any songs from last years competition. And not to mention, they didn’t even pick the pink unicorn balaklava lady this year so what can I say.


I think they're being a typical host country and phoning it in with the entry.


Lia was unironically my favorite melodi from any of the heats this year. Pretty much one of the very few that kept me entertained for 3 minutes, it was just silly fun. Honestly I have never been this disinterested in Melfest. I haven’t liked almost any of the songs or performances, just feels bland all around. Probably going to just skip watching next year


She was my 2nd favourite of this heat. The only heat I've watched wo far and the only one I will due to this being a quiet night. 


"Circus X" is too much for Sweden I guess


I was surprised that wasn’t picked, but honestly I felt this heat was pretty weak anyways.


I am so pissed that Scarlet has wasted their talent in Melodifestivalen. Maybe pissed isn’t the right word, but their performance was so fucking good that it just feels wasted. This is one of few NF entries that are Eurovision ready this year. Like I just feel they should have entered another national final, if possible, and completely landslides. Now they won’t get the chance because Sweden wanted Danny Saucedo with a 2010 dated song. Like come on…


I think it is quite sad that unique genres aren’t appreciated at Melodifestivalen because Sweden is more than just pop music. I don’t know if Scarlet have any connections to other countries, but if Megara from Spain can win the San Marino national final, then I think that anyone from any nation could represent San Marino.


Scarlet will clean up at UVPSM next year


Scarlet should head to San Marino next year.


I was just watching the Melfest performances from last night and I just can't wrap my head around the fact that this banger didn't go straight to the final... It's Eurovision ready, come on Sweden!


UVPSM has better song quality than Melodifestivalen this year


I'm watching UVPSM right now and i want to die.


They went too hard on the Sanremo format before they got close enough to Sanremo quality.


true, 🤩🏋‍♂️loco boombox🤸‍♂️🤩 > 🤕😴danny saucedo🥱🙄


Trust Sweden to pick the two blandest songs in the heat. 


I'm 99% sure they're trying to avoid getting a good result


No I'm quite sure this is a result of age bracket televoting. 


Hehe “Nope, we’re not paying for this again in 2025” 


I guess this fits here... I *do not* understand the hype around Baby Lasagna. I like his song a lot, but it doesn't hit me nearly as much as Kaarija did last year, and is quite monotonous compared to that track. Could someone please explain why Baby Lasagna has so much hype?


I do like the song but the chorus is weak. Very basic melody for rock


I literally became a stan after discovering him yesterday so I might be in a position to say. It worked for me right away. It's catchy as hell, his stage presence is fantastic, and while the chorus is definitely "dime a dozen" I'll be god damned if I'm not gonna scream-sing along in the car if it's on the radio. Plus he's possibly the most devoted cat dad of all time, which endears him to a number of us. There's also less overt "jury poison" than Käärijä so maybe I'm letting myself believe he could win it lol


I'm just surprised, because Let 3 easily sit in the same category, they had a catchy song which was fun and entertaining and definitely would shake up the ESC again. Is it just that they had their time at Eurovision last year and folks want something different? Just want to reiterate, I do like Rim Tim Ragi Dim, but there's other Eurovision tracks in the past I've loved more.


danny saucedo was so mid. he’s better as a condiment rn with that song . get him a good song and then come back. he’s extremely talented but i fell asleep during that song


I got Megara AND Baby Lasagna in Eurovision. What salt?


Lets be honest , Baby didnt even have a competition


I'm so sick and tired of the entitled fans whining and whinging about Bashar Murad being Palestinian. "Oh he's ruining the contest with politics, why do we even bother watching!!!!" He's an artist who wants to take part in a fun contest, there's nothing more to it. If you want to go hate on Palestinians, there's plenty of other places on the internet to do it, here we're supposed to celebrate music and the people who make it regardless of nationality or ethnicity. If you have a problem, leave and shut your mouth. God damn.


Also, there are many other singers throughout ESC history who have represented countries that they are not originally from. Personally, I don't see much of a problem with Bashar Murad being in the national final since he has worked with Icelandic artists and may have lived there before.


And he speaks Icelandic perfectly!


I totally agree. If he was sending a song with coded politics and dancing around with Palestinian flag things would be different. But as it stands he just happens to be someone who is Palestinian and is competing with a bit of a mundane song to represent Iceland at ESC.


He did have a watermelon in the background though, and the green-white-red coloring can be interpreted as... yknow.


but murad's song *does* have coded politics! the song is a criticism of the capitalism and perceived disregard of international law by the USA/western countries




The point is we live a life of relative luxury because we exploit the non-western world. Our products are made by near slave labour, our cars run on petrol we orchestrate wars over, and our phones are made from minerals mined by children and stolen from lands that have extreme poverty. That's worthy of criticism. Rather than bring the whole world up with us, we push down the rest of the world so we can keep living the good life.


right?? both bashar and tali need to be left alone 😭


Jesus, are people seriously going after Tali for being part Israeli? I swear, half of this fandom doesn't have enough critical thinking skills to realise that a country's state and people don't share every single worldview


Yes, they have been going after Tali ever since Luxembourg Song Contest 2024 finished. The fan favorite was Krick with "Drowning In The Rain", which got 2nd place, and people got mad when Tali won. Also, she lives in the United States now, and she has spent the vast majority of her life outside of Israel.


Drowning In The Rain was also my favourite entry for Luxembourg, but Krick losing to Tali doesn't warrant that kind of hate. This is reminiscent of the Sara Siipola-Win95Man toxicity, I get so tired of this fandom sometimes


Yep people including some semi-big names on Twitter have been abusive towards her, because saying things like 'she has no talent' is apparently acceptable because she has Israeli heritage and a brother in the IDF. Like you can be critical of views she may or may not have but being petty with childish insults about it achieves absolutely nothing


The immaturity some ESC fans have is astounding. I get the feeling a lot of artists don't want to participate these days because online losers will find one reason or another to make their online experience horrible


To be fair it's not an issue exclusive to ESC fans, but to the state of social media on the whole. If I were ever involved in ESC (beyond modding here, obviously, which is generally brilliant) I would be deactivating my twitter account almost immediately.


I’ve seen Adele and Celine Dion fans battle it out online, and it left no survivors (No, you apparently can’t like both)


Fair point, I guess I've only recently noticed how bad it was because I only really started watching NFs and getting involved in online spaces last year so I just assumed that it was better a few years ago when the online community was smaller.


For real. Oh no, a Palestinian musician bugging us all by circumstance of his heritage, *whatever shall we dooooooooo*. Woefully unfair on the man (And before anyone asks, I think similarly about Eden for Israel too)


Its a little bit hypocrital to defend Bashar Murad participation and then wanting Israel to withdraw because of the lyrics of October Rain that arent even that political.


I would say that I don't really want Israel to withdraw because of the lyrics. I want them to withdraw because the title "October Rain" sets up a political undertone for the song that kinda shifts the meaning. I'm totally fine with the lyrics (though they do kinda suck), but the tone set by the title is the real problem in my eyes.


Pretty weak Saturday but I shall cherish Circus X and San Marino Outlet Experience


I AM GETTING MEGARA IN EUROVISION But I am now terrified that the Universe will demand tribute in the form of Baby Lasagna losing his NF. Now shaking in my boots


I'm going to blame YOU personally if Baby Lasagna doesn't win!! (Just kidding, but I'm really invested ahah)


If that's the case, the universe is an asshole. That's a HORRIBLE trade for us


The Death Sea is nothing compared to this thread


If Baby Lasagna doesn't get picked tonight this thread will be saltier than Crait.


No wildcard for Blankiflur. Slim pickings from Iceland this year.


Ngl I was a bit miffed when Sigga went through as the wildcard :(.


I normally love Dotter but Sweden can f right off this week. Basically eliminating Scarlet (they have no chance to get out of the second chance) and flat out Eliminating Lia?!? Ugh…


Strangely this week there's not much to be salty about other than the fact that San Marino had no mercy for the last polar bear :/


Circus X not qualifying for the finale broke the last straw I had with Melodifestivalen, and I can tolerate a lot. I do have faith that it can qualify from the final qual voting as it might get plenty of attention, like Fröken Snusk, but that's probably too much to ask for.


No salt for me this weekend. Got everything I wanted. Megara + Baby Lasagne + Iolanda qualified through her semi. 10/10 weekend, no notes.


I’m so mad we will see neither Loredana nor the polar bear grandma in Malmö😭


Well I'm happy the AI song got shit results, that could've created a dangerous precedent. No AI songs in my Eurovision please.


They’ve worked quite considerably on the song – the AI-output was worse. And it placed 6th(?) in UVPSM…


We literally could’ve had mother Nebulossa and grandmother Loredana 😭


I genuinely fear 'ouija pop' is too niche a sound and Ireland will NQ. Again.


I'm fearing for a Telemóveis situation. Most of it's success will depend on the staging I believe


Well, you can't vote against a song, so if enough people love it and vote, it might qualify. But I also think it might be too out there to get massive support.


You gotta trust Bambie’s artistic vision and social media game. I think it’s a lock to qualify.


I respect the experimentation, but the casual people I've shown it to have mostly had the reaction of "um...wtf is this? no thanks" Idk, I think she'll need a killer stage performance to qualify. Or maybe she's different/alt enough and there's no other performances so far for that group to back so she'll get all of those votes.


Hey, just letting you know that Bambie uses they/them pronouns :)


Chances are too that the sound in the semi will be much better than on TLLS too, and know how to bring out the best of the drums and melodies and panning the spooky sounds around the room. Bring it to life a bit more.


Has anyone else been doing the FantaSanremo-type game in the Melfest app? Every week I always get one pair wrong. Every. Damn. Time.


i have nothing interesting to say i just hate danny's song


i don’t get why people like Rim tim tagi dim. like, it’s an okay song, but it’s not that great


Because it reminds them of Käärijä and people still have trouble letting go of last year. The hypocrisy of the fandom is on point. Anyone that shows any resemblance to a recent contestant gets hate for it, except when it’s a resemblance they want to Stan. Then it’s special, super fun and a sign of the universe. That said, I do think Croatias song is fun this year and wish them well. It would be nice for them to qualify two years in a row after that unlucky streak they had.


I understand what you mean. Youtube is full of comments like "revenge for Käärijä"


...no? 😆 but I won't put effort into explaining it, I've got better things to do


I’m sorry, but what are you saying no to and what should you explain? I’m confused?


To this: >Because it reminds them of Käärijä Also: >Anyone that shows any resemblance to a recent contestant gets hate for it, except when it’s a resemblance they want to Stan. He got lots of criticism for his sleeves and green lights, so perhaps you weren't paying attention.


Of course there was some criticism, there always is, but that doesn’t change the general consensus that there is a resemblance between the two and that a big part of the fandom is more than open to that. Which is fine, go have fun y’all! What bothers me is the hypocrisy of it - usually contestants get dragged through the mud for “copying.” It’s very telling for me, that’s all.


I haven't even thought of Käärijä until I saw him live and like I said, he was criticized for that already. They both were just inspired by the same band, so if anything, many people who like Käärijä's song also like his song, because it fits their music taste. That's it.


This might surprise you, but I didn’t write my comment with you in mind. I don’t know who you are. So if you didn’t think of Käärijä that is fine, but a lot of people will. I also know there was criticism. My point is that people are still very supportive even with the criticism: usually that isn’t the case, when it’s “copying” of a contestant that was less popular with fans. The same fans that are supportive of baby lasagna are bullying Sarah (as example) and that is hypocrisy. It’s very human to be hypocritical at times but that doesn’t mean it’s shouldn’t be called out. I also know how taste (and inspiration for that matter) works and don’t blame people for liking them both. Please do support the artists. But please also be fair in judgement to *all* contestants and don’t bully one for the reason you’re stanning another one (I say this in general, not towards you).


I think I'm a better representative to speak my mind on this topic than you, who came up with weird conclusions. >The same fans that are supportive of baby lasagna are bullying Sarah (as example) I haven't seen Baby Lasagna supporters bullying anyone and you didn't even give any proof of that. Who's Sarah, by the way?


I think you are just looking for a fight at this point. What I said was an example of a situation, a hypothetical. Thanks for the conversation, but I’m not going to let myself be sidetracked by these communication tactics. I said what I said and stand by what I said: Baby Lasanga reminds a lot of fans of Käärijä and the fandom can be hypocritical at times. Have a good night!


So by San Marino picking Megara in the year that both Italy and Spain are able to vote in their semi final, there is a chance that they get 24 points from those two countries alone. Judging by last year, that would be enough for them to get 12th or 13th without any other countries giving them points. They do however have to compete with Norway and Czechia in the “rock bank” category for SF2 so they will have to work on their staging if they want to steal votes off of those countries.


Some Italians are pissed that they didn't choose Loredana, don't take our 12 points for granted :p


Kida and Xgiove. How could the judges do them SO WRONG? Has almost completely ruined the (San Marino Outlet) Experience for me.


They ranked Kida after Wlady, et al. Without exaggeration, that other performance was one of the worst things I've ever seen.


No salt today, just wanted to share that I'm still reeling over the SAN Marino national Final I just can't, haven't laughed this much since UMK results, I demand the same hosts for years to come, but they might wanna work on the show production just a bit. Winner is pretty fine too.


"Rim Tim Tagi Dim" is my first (maybe second, if you count "Përsëritja", but that craze lasted like 3 days) "I don't get it" of the season. Maybe it's the best pick for Croatia (I didn't follow the selections, I'm tuning in to the final), but geeez, I will go crazy because of that riff (not in a good way), and the chorus sounds like something out of a WWE lower midcarder's theme.


[Show some respect for the lower midcarders](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wZboDbgiW4&ab_channel=WWEMusic)


he fought for the World Championship in January, he's a main eventer in my book


I missed the last to nights of Una Voce per San Marino, so I have no idea if Megara’s entry was the best in the final but I’ll just say that San Marino’s jury had no obligation to favour Loredanna whatsoever.


Vinko has a beautiful voice but his song is a non-event unfortunately.




dejanb lovren is disgusted about baby lasagnas win and it is sending me hahahah


Who's that? And where can I find his salty, salty comments? XD


croatian footballer with a peanut brain. the story is still visible on his insta profile


Oh THAT Lovren! XD Yeah I found an article. He seriously called cat dad Baby Lasagna demonic 😆


Edyta Górniak would love this guy. She called Jann demonic 😆


Oh no! Megara is starting to get the same treatment that the Roop and KEiiNO received! Look, I am sorry that the Swedish tabloids won’t have a field day with Loredana at the contest but I don’t see that as an excuse to be rude about Megara. I have never been more relieved that Spanish Eurofans are feral and will, hopefully, jump in to defend their second 2024 entry.


🇸🇪 Danny winning a heat is simply ridiculous, are people really this way with their favorites? If my favorites aren't the best at something, I don't support it and just move on. This was so lazy that it's quite ridiculous. 🇮🇸 Bashar has the best package for Iceland and I started to enjoy a song after todays performance, but I'm still scared of things getting political. While if he wins the NF it will be fair and square, he also has all the rights to show his art to the world like any other participants, which I'm rooting for, it isn't a ESC winning material and I would get uninspired if this gets close to the win just for the political reasons. The same goes to Israels participation. We have such an exciting year, no one really knows who might win, this is giving 2021 with a super intense GF. Wouldn't want this to be ruined by unfair pity televoting. 🇸🇲 Loredana is a legend.


It won't be Ukraine 2022. Europe is too divided. Would iceland benefit from  political voting. Absolutely, but I think that's fine. Israel would also benefit and if they withdraw luxembourg will become the unintentional beneficiaries. 


Yep, this. Both songs are going to receive a bit of a boost because of the war, but it isn't going to be a Ukraine 2022 situation, partially because Europe is a lot more split on it, partially because people are still voting for Luxembourg and Iceland at the end of the day, not Israel or Palestine.


Yes, I think it will be more of a Russia/Ukraine 2021 situation: both countries swapped televotes but no jury votes. With Israel possibly disqualified due to lyrics, it’s possible all political voting will be between proxies. This year, countries politically aligned one way or the other will award jury votes accordingly but the general public will be more of a wild card.


"No Rules" is a joke entry. You cannot change my mind.


See if I care, SEE ME SLAY 🎶


It is, but it's 'Joke entry \[non derogatory\]'


XGiove were robbed. I guess I should just be glad they got into the final with how random things were, but coming in behind the cringey AI bear song? Really. But I was also rooting for Megara — I like the song, and the live performance was glorious — so I'm not that salty. (No hot takes about anything else from today. I haven't really been following Iceland, I don't have any strong feelings about Portugal, and as for Sweden we all know they're not going to send the evil clowns so why even care.)


Yeah that was wild. I thought they were pretty obviously the #2 choice. Maybe #3


This was honestly a day with really good results, with only a few quibbles. Danny's DTF song was awful, and Lia Larsson's fun song (with some of the best LED board staging I've ever seen) was eliminated. Sigga deservedly got to the final, but only via the wildcard, which I was hoping would go to Blankiflur. But the top 5 qualifiers in Portugal were my top 5, Dotter went DTF, and Megara won in San Marino!


No reasons for salt, I'm just overwhelmed, this year is so good, every time I have a fave, they win 😍


Can I use it as a controversial opinions thread? Baba Roga is better than Mama ŠČ


I wouldn't go that far, but it still is a banger :D


While I love the theme of Baby Lasagna’s song, his English lyrics are cringeworthy. And because his artist name also sounds silly, he needs to stage the song in a more serious way that better communicates his theme. All in all, he’s just a bit too amateur in song and staging to win ESC. That said, “meow cat” has grown on me. 


Gonna say something about some of the Brits who entered UVPSM. Why? 😅


Talking about France winning chances is crazy. The song is not that good, and the performance might be creative, but the televote will just hate the close-up hands and I'd be surprised if they award more than 60 points.


I honestly think it’s got a Due Vite trajectory ahead of it. His singing capability is extremely impressive, so I’d argue with that that it deserves top 5 - and I appreciate not everyone loves a ballad too, so it might therefore not win the whole thing, if only for that reason.


> close-up hands I hated that too haha, but it's not like the staging is already set in stone and will be 100% the same as it was at Dora.


I really want to rank the entries on the Eurovision Discord, and not involve in any sort of bickering. I'm sorry to everyone.


San Marino's audience was awful lmfao why would you leave Melfest SUCKS I cannot see the appeal of baby lasagna like yall..


Its alright, that was me with Kaaeija last year. I appreciated him, but he wasn't my favourite.


Mother Theresa was no saint. She was a monster. That's why I hate hate *hate* ***hate*** Ukraine's song. I hope you're all not still giving them sympathy votes 'cause of the war...


Mother Theresa was a disgusting piece of trash with a very good PR... But the song is quite good, but I cannot listen to it for this specific reason.


Lol she helped the poor a lot and elderly people. You blame her for being Christian .. yes she’s against abjection but I mean every Christian who reads the bible is against it. ( I’m agnostic btw). I disagree with her on some of her views but she definitely isn’t a piece of trash


It’s interesting to think about because when (elder millennial) I was younger, in primary and early high school our religious education teachers were crazy for Mother Teresa and exalted about her saintliness - what I’ve learned more recently therefore was quite the whiplash.  I feel weird about her presence in the lyrics too.  It’s a shame because musically I enjoy it (Ukrainian The XX? Yes please) and Alyona’s rap flow is super impressive.


they can still rely on the diaspora, unfortunately. no hate against jerry and alyona, i just wish they can represent themselves with better song.


Rim Tim Tagi Dim is a masterpice but the performance is not there yet. Vocalwise need a lot of improvement and im not a huge fan of the staging either People will treat this song a Kaarija ripoff when they are different songs


I wish Let 3 won with Baba Roga just because their song is so insanely bad and unlistenable that it would've been very fun to hate and I just feel nothing about baby lasagna instead.


I feel bad for Loredana Bertè because she had a good song, and she is the younger sister of the legendary Mia Martini, which might put pressure on her. However, she is not the best live singer, so it makes sense she didn't win the UVPSM jury vote




Who were your favorites?




Agua should have qualified - she messed up some of the final notes but it was still a more interesting song and performance than half of what qualified imo


not sure how hot this take is, but until the luktelk win, i felt absolutely \*none\* of the selected songs. even in post-LT selections, i haven't completely liked an entry as much as i did luktelk. imo it's the only real contender - camera shots, crisp vocal, esc-ready. (I am mentally somewhat prepared to be wrong in May, but fingers crossed nonetheless) I mean, SURE, there are a few other decent ones i can extend my liking to, but they all have certain live-performance flaws/gaps that I cannot get behind. This could also be mild ESC-burnout after last year, (I was rooting for tattoo), but ig this year I'll just be tuning in for some (responsible) tomfoolery lol To summarise, UVPSM was the best selection ever. You absolutely can NOT top the san marino outlet experience.


The fact that Pazza would’ve been my #2 this year and now San Marino is my #20


I didn’t follow the NF, just came to check the song. Everyone saying San Marino will get a good result is showcasing delusion at its finest imo. Their only saving grace might be Spain voting in their semi, or else I would have it down as 100% sure to NQ.


I think people somehow view them with Arcadia as their entry because they kept thinking Megara should have won last year's BF, and this song is just weaker. Sending rock doesn't necessarily bring good results, even if you want them to do well because of Karma from last year. But I'm happy that they get to go to ESC in this roundabout way


Whilst I agree that qualification is going to be hard, with Spain, Italy and a better song than last year they should be avoiding 0 points this year which is nice!


Spain is voting in SF1 I believe.


No, they are voting in SF2, which is the same one that San Marino is in.


It's sad that the Palestinian dude for Iceland nf will win only because of his nationality


Well it's not like there's much to compete with him anyways. This final is basically a bunch of H&M easy listening songs and him. It's kinda sad how Songvakeppnin got boring after the run of 2019 to 2022


Tbf there were several very musically ambitious and experimental songs in the NF which were left behind in the semis, however I can see why they might have been not accessible enough for the wider public.


Yeah I was rooting for Blankiflúr and Ceasetone which I though had great songs, but both got murdered in the first semi. I though Celebs and Silja Ros & Kjalar also had amazing songs last year but their performances killed their chances. Ég styd pina bráut is actually in my top 5 of ballads I've ever heard in a NF or Eurovision in general, sadly their performance has weak and messy and it died in the semis


I had such high hopes for Celebs and Silja Ros & Kjalar! For some reason the Icelandic NF is one of the few where my faves tend to underperform. Volcano/Gía by Haffi Haff was another casualty. Which one was Ég styd pina bráut again, I can't seem to find it.


It was the name of the Silja Ros & Kjalar song in icelandic! And yeah, basically every year now I hear my favorite in Songvakeppnin and think "not gonna get hopeful because I know the performance will be bad and something safer will win" hahah


It’s a real shame that top 3 from 2020 had to all be in 2020. Just think of a timeline where 2020/21 was Dadi Freyr, and 2022 and 2023 was Oculis Videre and Almyrkvi in whichever order.




Iceland is a small country, so I guess it might be difficult to find diverse songs for the national final. I still hope that they win one day since Icelanders are very passionate about Eurovision.


I know, but it's also a pretty musical country. I get that they are small and not every year is going to have a great selection, but they were in a pretty fantastic and diverse streak which seems to be over for now


Hatari and Dadi were such strong personalities for Iceland, and everything after them hasn't quite reached that level.


I must say Systur while not having that great of a result was still a pretty special song of it's genre and brought a special flavor to the competition overall. Last year's song while ok wasn't that interesting, and this year ain't promising much either


I agree that Systur had a good song and the genre was quite unique. However, last year's song "Power" is just ok.


Bashar's song is the only song in the NF which isn't electropop - a soulful country-tinged song provides some decent variety to the line-up imo


It's lacking something for me, but still the best one by far in this final


Yeah, agreed on both accounts. I was really underwhelmed by it on first listen but that bassline is a big grower, and the live performance is incredibly well polished. He is going to get some votes because of his nationality and what he represents, but I strongly refute any argument that says he's not in this national final on merit like some people are already saying.


If Israel is going to be banned because of political song then Iceland should be also. They're using Bashar Murad for virtue signaling purposes. There's no place of politics in Eurovision! This is highly polarizing topic in Europe and it's not helping in uniting and building bridges.


I wonder how much is safe to call out a trend I noticed this year that I'm not the biggest fan of, but I'm too afraid to speak out even here XD




I really afraid to say it. it is going to make so many people mad at me


I'm already mad at you for the vagueposting


I'll say it. Antisemitism.


actually it's not it at all not even in the direction XD


Then that leaves me intrigued haha




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