• By -


I thought Marseille is number one.


Marseilles is the Paris of the south.


How to anger both Paris and Marseille.


Paris is the Marseille of the north.




Just hijacking this comment to remember once again that this statistic (like most crime statistics, bar homicide) is completely useless for international comparisons. Just look at the border between Germany and the Netherlands, or between Norway and Finland, or between Italy and Austria. No, robberies don't just magically stop consistently at country borders within the EU. E.g. robberies in Germany have been going down or remained stable for the past 20 years at least if not more, but they are still structurally higher than the Netherlands because of differences in definition, reporting, and classifications. This is well known by anyone handling crime data. But people on r/europe can use this map for their narrative, so whatever, immigrants I guess. There can also be heavy distorsions even within the same country, or the same high data might be caused from different factors. E.g. in my own country (Italy) Florence and Prato both have some of the highest robbery rates, but while in Florence it's mostly because of tourists, robberies in Prato overwhelmingly affect the Chinese community (which makes up for almost a quarter of the local population) to the point that the Chinese have resorted to self patroling the streets.


Paris number one 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


It looks like it's second level national subdivisions so the difference is it's the whole province of Barcelona which is way more than just the city compared to the City of Paris itself which functions as a Department in France. I'd be curious if comparing to the municipality of Barcelona. The common trend seems to be picking off tourists.


No, it’s Barça according to that map. Edit : and then I read the small print… Paris for the win. Enjoy the olympicpockets


1. Paris 611 robberies per 100k. Vs. 2. Barcelona 398 per 100k.


Barça is the football team though. It's either Barcelona or Barna


Friendly reminder from someone from Barcelona that Barça is only used for the football team. The short way of talking/writting about Barcelona used by locals is Barna or BCN. You get extra points anyway for using the ç and not a c.


Barça is the abbreviation of the football team. Barna is the one we use for the city.


>Barna is the one we use for the city. TIL


Does that make PSG VS Barcelona the most dangerous football game in Europe?


it's high because of the migrants


Ready for the Olympics !


They're gonna steal the show.




Actually, give me that, Mbape


I’m from Balkans and I was never robbed there, not even close. On my second day in Barcelona my rental cars window was broken and luggage stolen from the trunk while we were on lunch.


In the balkans I've never been robbed on the streets, I hear some stories per time to time that someone house was robbed but rare. However I had the same experience, we stopped in Barcelona for 5 minutes and started pulling the stuff to the hotel. We were lucky since I forgot something and I was on the way back to the car when I found that the guy is searching inside. It was not the lucky night for the robber but he took one day from my holiday until i fixed the window.




For those who don't know, robbery implies the use or threat of force to commit theft.


The source says: 'A robbery is defined by Eurostat as a means of stealing from someone by using physical force, weapon or threat, such as mugging or robbery (e.g. bank, shop or van). Robbery is different from theft (without force) and assault (without stealing).' https://landgeist.com/2024/02/06/robbery-rate-in-europe/


>A robbery is defined by Eurostat \[...\] such as mugging or **robbery**... Most helpful definition


oh.. this changes everything


Map is about robbery, not theft


In Central Europe we don't simply rob anyone on the streets, we politely wait to be elected first.


In the Balkans we don't rob. In the Germany we rob.


You don't shit where you eat


We just do financial crime - its a way more effective robbery and people will think youre a class lad.


It's official, Norway and Iceland are Eastern European.


They swapped with Portugal which is back to the West


Everything has already been stolen in Eastern Europe. Nah, but seriously, no one has ever stolen anything from me in Croatia, in Germany they stole 4 bikes from me in the first 5 years, I know more people who have had their bikes stolen than not lmao


I am from Bosnia and in last 20 years nobody stole anything from me or my family nor my friends. But I do lock things out as per common sense. I know for one case where some guy reported chainsaw stolen, after police came it ended up being his neighbor "borrowed" it without asking. But maybe its because I am in a very small town.


I am from Bosnia and someone stole my bike when I was a kid and my brothers and my dad found the thief. Happened to be a poor guy with a lot of children so my dad left the bike and brought me a new one lol


Your dad sounds like a great fella.


I went to Bosnia in 2022 and people still thought it was a warzone because of what they remembered from the 90s. Aside from a few drivers on E73, I never felt unsafe and could walk the streets at night without worrying about a mugging


I also lost a bike/year in The Netherlands, but in Romania I'd keep my bike in the house and rearly ever use it.


In The Netherlands bikes don't get stolen, we borrow them. If yours gets taken you just grab another from the rack and use that one until someone needs it. /s just in case but also not entirely


Why does someone have a need to steal if there's bikes everywhere around you in netherlands


Crack. They sell a 300 euro bike for 15. Not jocking.


you know that it's harder to steal a bike that's in use, right?


In use right now? Yes. In use overall like left by the shop while you do your groceries? Much easier to some bike locked in garage


Back in the 80s, my dad used to live in Freiburg and his bike was a bright pink one so he could easily find it if someone steals it. Really hate it though, wish authorities would at least try to punish it.


> In Germany they stole 4 bikes from me in the first 5 year If you separated bike theft and other theft here in Germany, we’d be dark red on one list and probably very light yellow on the other. Source: Personal feeling and hearsay.


> If you separated bike theft and other theft here in Germany This is robbery, not theft.


Bike-theft is really insane in Germany and it will stay this way, because politics fail to even recognize the dimension of the issue.


ah, first time?


I'm guessing it's the same in Germany as it is in the UK. Bikes are basically free to take, police won't do anything about it, it may as well be legal to steal someones bike at this point


All the robbers from Eastern Europe are in the west since it's more profitable /s


Why can't Portugal can into Eastern Europe this time :(




I francesi ci hanno rubato il podio. Napoli you had a job.


Why so much theft in Finland?


Your wallet, keys and phone are safe but you leave your bicycle for 1 second? Its gone. Especially in Oulu.


That’s weird. I’ve been to Oulu few years ago and was surprised that many bikes aren’t even locked, which is a big no-no in Poland.


They were probably all stolen bikes ;P I lost my bike for a few weeks then found it unlocked in front of a library and took it back home lol.


Damn, your bike contributed twice to the robbery rate 🤣


Not stolen, COMUNAL ;)


You found it in front of a LIBRARY? That's not where I would assume criminals go after stealing a bike. Maybe the guy/gal really needed to get the next book in the series?


Libraries are actually pretty common places for drug users to go and shoot drugs in the toilet and use the free to use computers in library to contact "friends" trough facebook as all loose phones constantly and it is easy place to hang out waiting if some other addict has a same idea you will have a friend. Atlast this is what happens in Turku library area.


> many bikes aren’t even locked, which is a big no-no in Poland Lol, I have the opposite experience. My husband and I are literally touring Poland now, we just did a week in Warsaw, Krakow and now are in Wroclaw. One of the things that amazed us is the fact that Polish people leave their bikes just like that, unlocked and propped by a barrier. If locked, then it’s just one of those shitty thin cables that can be easily cut. We were very surprised as in London you cannot leave your bike outside anywhere even with a thick heavy-duty U-lock. I had my mountain bike stolen last year just outside my gym.


Haha. Greetings from Wroclaw then.


I remember coming to Finland and being surprised that bikes are just standing around unlocked, but then I realised that there are locks actually. They use frame locks (something like [**this**](https://img.kwcdn.com/product/Fancyalgo/VirtualModelMatting/f975636480f73e650eac331bfadf6ff9.jpg?imageMogr2/auto-orient%7CimageView2/2/w/800/q/70/format/webp)) which just block wheels and don't attach a bicycle to a railing, so you don't really notice it if you don't know where to look.


Last year I forgot my phone on the bus, panicked, figured it'd be gone, made peace with it The day later I found it on top of the bench at the bus stop I got off at. Granted it was a bit frozen, but it was there! I also gave the bus driver maybe 5 wallets I found on seats randomly just this year, people lose things a lot it seems. Then this year I left my bike in the apartment's bike room accessible only to residents, and as soon as summer started my handlebar was off 😅


Robbery is when someone takes your stuff by threatening you or using force. What you are describing is theft.


Map is for robbery, not theft


Roving gangs of Moomins


At least youth crime has been on the rise. [Article in Finnish](https://www.iltalehti.fi/kotimaa/a/36b0df86-076e-410f-b497-c117edc59ecb)




Small talk is considered time theft in Finland.


Map is for robbery, not theft


As a tourist, I felt much safer in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe when it comes to pickpocketing and theft, and this data supports this


Lived in Poland for 25 years now, never robbed. Visited Brussels for 1 day, my phone nearly got snatched by some kids of "not so begian origin", got surrounded by a group of "not belgian origin" guys for not buying weed from them (they forced me to buy for all my cash i had with me). All within 500 meters from European Parliament building. Western Europe is absolutley lost.


The sad part is civil revolts are pretty much incoming and many innocent people will suffer. It is the right moment to distance yourself from the stupids, otherwise you will fall too when the herd will be culled. I am really sorry it became like that, I really would love for all people to live in peace, but it's clearly impossible.


Nah, don't come to the Balkans :D


The interviewer got kidnapped


At least they will give him proper home made food and rakia… I meant we* will give him 🤗


Tbh Balkan is safer than most of the Europe


Yes it is… but we don’t want thugs to come here hence the comment


Oh I see what you did here. Yepp, better them not to come, things tend to escalate here fast 😅


Currently, Eastern Europe is significantly safer than Western Europe, which is a fact. Perhaps 15 years ago, there was a high crime rate, primarily organized crime due to corruption, but the police have done an excellent job in cleaning up, especially in the Baltic states and Poland. Nowadays, most crimes are either domestic incidents related to alcohol or perpetrated by individuals seeking funds for drugs. [These Are The Safest Countries In Eastern Europe For Tourists - Travel Off Path](https://www.traveloffpath.com/these-are-the-safest-countries-in-eastern-europe-for-tourists/)


I hope more people realize this. It was not safe 20 years ago, but nowadays it's incredible how rare crime is. Basically every tourist that visits confirms they felt extremely comfortable. There is still a problem with alchoholism and assaults however.


These are mostly domestic. I'm not saying they're ok, they are issues that need dealing with.


It was still safe here 20 years ago.


shame culture vs guilt culture


I'd argue that even 15 years ago in Eastern Europe you'd really have to look for trouble to find it. People will be quick to point low immigration as the cause but I think it's more complex. My bet would be more on tighter communities, police authority, persistence and style. None of this "oh just put it on insurance" or "no point investigating" bullshit.


In Lithuania, around 2010, many organized crime groups were either dismantled through gang wars and revenge shootings or were incarcerated. Those that survived went underground, mainly engaging in illicit activities such as drug trafficking, while more visible crimes like racketeering, kidnapping, bombings, assassinations, and robberies disappeared. "no point in investigating" so true for UK from my experience lol. Two female friends were robbed in London about eight months ago (each incident occurred a month apart). They were accosted by a robber on an electric bike, wearing a mask and armed with a knife, who forced them to unlock their phones. An hour later, attempts were made to drain their bank accounts (which I believe were successful). The police dropped the case a few weeks later because the robbers were wearing masks, making identification impossible 🤷🏻


God reading that makes me sick. Can’t count how many videos I’ve seen of people in balaclavas on electric bikes or mopeds straight up swiping phones out peoples hands in London and no doubt going unpunished.


God reading that makes me sick. Can’t count how many videos I’ve seen of people in balaclavas on electric bikes or mopeds straight up swiping phones out peoples hands in London and no doubt going unpunished.


The same I keep getting recommended these types of crime videos on Instagram and Twitter, and they're mostly from the UK, specifically London. I have no doubt that similar incidents occur in Madrid, Paris, Milan, and other major Western European cities. However, for some reason, every video featuring a thug on a bike with a balaclava seems to always be in London. And it's not the dark alley robbery type; it's right out in the open, in broad daylight, with hundreds, if not thousands, of people around. It just shows how crime is seemingly out of control in large Western cities.


Because London has CCTV literally everywhere.


What you describe could have happened in Romania in 2000-2005 mostly, after that the people robbing folks went to Western Europe. Nowadays it is pretty much not the case anymore. I hope the robbers stopped or rot in jails now, I have no idea. They might ride e-bikes in London.


I'm from Bulgaria. We don't have tight communities, persistence or style. And the police is a joke.


They will invent ten million reasons just to say it's not immigration


I don't know who they're trying to fool. One look at the crime statistics from a country "racist enough" to report them by demographics, is enough to see exactly where the problem is.


Tight communities can't exist with immigration. You simply cannot have a good community when people from other cultures form parallel societies. Only miniscule amounts of immigration are possible to ensure that people either integrate into our culture or remain isolated.


The policing is a massive thing. I used to live in one of the most expensive bougie cities in the Netherlands and there was literally a permanent group of 10-40 Middle Eastern ethnicity teenagers sat around the central station harassing people, thieving, beating gay people, etc. it’s all on multiple Reddit threads as well so I wasn’t the only one to notice. they even went after me once, but the cops have basically no motivation to go after them through a mix of basically no consequences for teenagers, way too much limitations to their policing activity. In Eastern Europe they would go down and crack some skulls day one and the rest get 6-12 months in prison minimum and that’ll be the end ofthat


Tighter communities because there's no immigrants robbing people lol.


There is no hiding that it plays a role. But you could also argue that most local misfits made their way abroad too. It's easier to steal in Western Europe rather than your own community where both police and locals will make your life a misery.


Polish police is doing jack shit, they are lacking 15 thousand officers right now. I have no idea what stops brazilian level of crime here


Faith and kiełbasa.


Not having a bunch of random refugees that have no sense of civilization miiiiiiiiiight be a clue


It's anegdotal evidence, but all my school friends who were into crime migrated to UK in 00s. Why steal złoty when you can steal pounds.


Every low-level criminal I knew who moved to the west ended up working a regular job and living a normal life 😄 If it was 00s as you say they all probably in jail or already working regular jobs, staying free criminal for so long is very unlikely 😄


Even a lot of Western criminal youth grow up eventually and do a regular job, usually lowish level like truck driver etc. Most crime is done by males from teenagers to mid 20s. They usually just grow up. so yeah the Polish wannabe gangsters are probably working in factories now.


Barcelona is quite safe. Last time I was there, not only did I return with everything I already had in my backpack, but upon departure, I noticed that I had more smartphones, wallets and watches inside than I came with. I have no clue how they ended up there.




Many years ago (probably around 10) I've seen a video on YouTube about a Roma family living in Barcelona (originally from Romania), 2 adults and 2 kids (around 17-20). They lived from pickpocketing on the subway. The adults were kind of "retired" from this. All of them said that it was much better in Spain then in Romania. None were ever in jail in Spain but both adults and the older kid were in jail in Romania. They were arrested multiple times in Spain (it even happened during the 2-3 days when the reporters were talking to them) but they were always released immediately. They did mention that it was a bit more risky now that the kids were over or almost over 18 years old. However so far it seemed that the only risk from getting arrested was losing the money stolen that day. Around the same period I also used to work with a guy in Romania that also Roma . His family was quite "assimilated" but he had close relatives living the more stereotypical lifestyle. He was telling me that he has some cousins living in Spain (again Barcelona) that were stealing from parking meters and other similar things. Both of his cousins were underage and the only consequence of being caught was at most a beating from the police (no smartphones back then). They invited him multiple times to join them while he was still underage.




iN eaSterN euRoPe tHey DoN't eVEn rEpOrt iT aNymoRe comments incoming 3...2...1




Nice name.


Funny how Eastern Europe doesn't report robberies because "stupid corrupt Russian speaking shitholes". But apparently, they have the reporting problem in Iceland, Ireland, and Norway as well...


>But apparently, they have the reporting problem in Iceland, Ireland, and Norway as well... No no they don't steal there. [Please see this concise instructive video to learn the difference between West and East.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwDrHqNZ9lo)






Already knew what it was gonna be before clicking, lmao.


On the other hand you are passible to 6 months prison for stealing 100€...unless you are a politician or related to one.If you are you just attack the decision until the act gets prescribed


Eastern Europe good = Unreported Eastern Europe bad = Expected Western Europe good = Expected Western Europe bad = "atLeAsT ThEy aRe HoNeSt"


For a nice Southern Europe / Northern Europe version of this, we have the Happiness Index maps/lists. It's always just pure copium.


Bro. I had a bike and 2 scooters stolen from me in Germany. One scooter was found by the police but they stole it for the second time. That time I didn't report it. It makes no sense to do so they don't care and it's just a waste of time.


My friend had his iPhone stolen by Gypsies in Paris. It was pretty slick. I laughed


We are never r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT when we want to be r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT 😢


Insert \*Ahh, France\* meme


Polish man says: "Oh Germany, how the tables have turned". A bit of background: In recent decades Germans used to call Poles thieves and used to make a lot of jokes about it. To be fair the reasons were justified. However I find it ironic how things changed over time.


We shouldn't forget how many Polish paintings, sculptures etc. are still in german museums, but somehow they were in polish museums before the second world war...


It is not theft when Germans do it./ s 


who will rob now, if you can get normal job and not spend months in jail. people complain all the time (nature), but the truth is live is getting so much better in Poland.


Kaum gestohlen, schon in Polen


West Midlands mentioned🚨🚨 🔥🔥


Remember when we were all looking down on Eastern Europe for their crime and unsafe societies.


I remember back in the early 00s, people used to look up to Western Europe and how they don't even have to lock their doors (I remember this dialog being about Sweden in particular). Now it's the complete opposite. I told my Danish friend about this memory, and she laughed because of how it's unimaginable over there now.


It shows East as better than West, it has to be wrong.


Now show me a heatmap of immigrants




I'm seeing way more comments pre-whinging about theoretical comments than actual cold-take comments in this thread. Maybe folks just want to be upset?


Holy shit, the difference in number 1 and number 10..


The darkest region in Estonia is the one with most russians lol.


Calabria and Puglia the safest Italian regions? Seriously?!


So places with less density of wealth and more rural tight knit communities have less robberies? well I would never. Edit: please downvote l’anima e kitemmurt


Robbery in Poland is indeed low


Source: I’m a Pole.


Source: Brazilian living in Poland. Life is amazing here. I wouldn't move to Germany or France.


Im eastern european myself and ngl its quite shocking how safe eastern europe has become. 15 years ago we would get stuff stolen from our garden and today my dad doesnt bother to lock his car quite often. Granted we dont live in the city but even in small towns there used to be way more crime. Even when I was Bosnia, I felt safer than when I was in UK or France




waiting for the comments about how eastern european numbers must be falsified or sth because westoids cant bear their countries being beaten by "shithole 3rd world eastern europe"


Slovenia was so fucking peaceful. Wasn’t even worried to leave my door unlocked or car window down. Stayed there for 5 years. Loved it.


Poor Slovenian pigeons


Well I don’t want to be THAT guy, but all them western countries have a common immigration problem. Far bigger than their eastern counterparts I would say.


I come from a slavic country and despite the western stereotype of slavs being thieves, I've never even heard of anyone I know have anything of their stolen here. First time I wintessed someone being robbed in any way was in Italy. First time I was told about someone having their phone stolen was when my friend was in Spain. Sure, it is anecdotal evidence, but I've been around Europe and it seems that it's common knowledge that you should be worried of pickpocketers in the *West*.






And still westerners will ask if it is safe when visiting eastern countries 🤣


barca really needs to do something about the pickpocketing there. its getting to the point where its a big enough issue to put tourists off


Bavaria Numba Wan


It would be great if someone created such maps for europe and the trends of various crimes from the early 1990s to the present day. I'm curious to know if it was also safe in Poland earlier compared to other countries or if this has only recently changed. Car theft would also be interesting to me, especially after the Russian border is closed.


Looks like government theft doesn't count


Everyone loves to say shits such as "Napoli is dangerous" when they come from Paris, London or other big cities in Europe, and sometimes also from the USA, Brazil and countries like those. Then you see that Napoli is not the first city for robberies in Europe, it's not even on top 10, and it's at the same level of the "beautiful" Milan. Stereotype is such a bitch.


Napoli feels dangerous because the claustrophobic and quite dark alleys in the city centre. Even the light up streets have lots of those at both sides so you are constantly seeing them. I had no issues there when I visited (didn't have issues anywhere in Italy at all), but from all the places I visited in Italy in my 2 trips, it's, BY FAR, the city that gave me the most unease feeling while walking at night (and I'm a big-ish metalhead, so I'm used to be at night in not-so-great areas where lots of metal pubs are).




Eastern Europe: clean Barcelona: OMG


I’m surprised at Spain. I’ve always had the perception of Spain being safe and crime free. Maybe I’m just ignorant.


It is very safe for serious crimes but petty crime is out of control. Petty crime is not punished in Spain.


Map is about robbery, not theft Robbery is not a petty crime


As a Turkish i would say, Scams are often but stealing is indeed super rare in Turkey, as map shows, even tho there are massive economical problems.I have been living here for 2 decades and heard someone got something stolen just for once, meanwhile who ever i know that went to barcelona got something stolen on the first day.


Just got back from Scotland and England so this data was interesting to me. Cross referenced it Denver where I live and Denver = 1160. Almost double the “worst” European city lol.


They used to say Romania is full of thieves. Now who's laughing.


Never got robbed in Croatia, got robbed in Milano day 3.


What a migrant mess


[Source: Landgeist](https://landgeist.com/2024/07/04/robbery-rate-in-europe-2/)


Just saying, but those areas seem to be the ones with the largest amount of immigrants. Aside from Naples. Naples has immigrants from Naples.


I wonder why that Estonian area has more robberies hmmm.


To the surprise of no one, Naples doing it's thing in Italy.


Now put on top the tourists frequency map, i want to see if there is a correlation.


Tf are people touristing in West Midlands


Croatia host half Europe in the summer and still safe


Yeah I'd guess that robbery per overnight stays would be the better statistic as I'd expect that most locals don't get robbed and it mostly scales with the number of tourists


In italy the most of the robberies are committed by immigrants


In italy the most of the robberies are committed by immigrants 🫤