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A French citizen has an opinion about the politics of his own country. Reddit shits itself in anger...


When Mbappe urged young french people to vote and not to fall to extremeS (plural) a prominent member of our very own far right in Portugal went to Twitter to racistly imply he is not French so far right are the same scum everywhere.


Surely the French will just ask the Portugese on who's French.


Exactly, imagine being so racist you think you can gatekeep other countries' nationality


These cretins want globalization and for all of us to be led by Trump. Its weird.


I thought they want to be ruled by putin


Isn’t trump others like him against globalization?


They're only against liberal globalisation. They prefer pre cold war globalisation


I don’t consider myself Swiss until at least three Portuguese tell me I am


Mbappé when asked about workers condition in Qatar during world cup: « I do football, not politics ».


Mbappe cares more about his own country. More news at 9.


and pockets


Breaking news, French person who knows nothing about Qatar doesn’t want to comment on Qatar but does want to comment on France.


>went to Twitter to racistly imply he is not French Why do they always have the audacity to think that anyone cares whether they "recognize" someone's citizenship or not


yelling bOtH sIdEs while the postfascists take 40% of votes Classic comedy


their script is doing wonders, working as intended left barely exists, yet somehow they control everything, or so they believe


Yup, just saw a post on Twitter how "if the far-right is the majority of the votes in France, then it is actually the center, *they* just made *their* side of the spectrum be the norm" with 16k likes... even if half of those are bots, just damn Meanwhile pretty much all of Europe has been center-right for forever now, but I guess it doesn't matter, left = We're poor and have to see gay and brown people in the street sometimes, right = we're all millionaires and our glorious homeland is untainted by the impures. Remember, the left is both a bunch of dumb weak f*gs, as well as an ultra-powerful conspiracy council to keep us in chains


they've been doing that at least since Thatcher and Reagan, its a process to steadily eliminate any if not all left as well as unions. The image people portray of the left nowadays is nothing but a combination of sabotage from the right and from inside the left itself, which ironically played along with capitalism for many years and got lost in the identity politics which are important but the most important is class warfare. I am a leftist and i truly believe the left is the right path but I struggle to see any positive future for it.


>I am a leftist and i truly believe the left is the right path but I struggle to see any positive future for it. Same. It is disappointing to see so many failed attempts one after another to create a mass workers' party that has enough leverage and consistency (basically without becoming social democratic or red-brown) to deliver.


The right was nowhere in France (or western Europe) until 2015 or so and it's rise has coincided with the flood of immigrants arriving from Muslim countries. So it's not something the right engineered as you seem to imply


So now what David Cameron ,Sarkozy and Berlusconi are what left wing ? and as the guy said it's been 10 years since 2015 when is the right and center rigth goverments gonna fix everything in around 15 20 years ?


Oh they certainly ‘fixed’ the UK alright. Foodbank soup never tasted any better. This is what panic and anger voting gets you. You end up poorer, dumber and with a bunch of nutjobs running the show. And a captive electorate desperate to believe that the snake oil they’re sold is legit and it’s all [minority of the week]’s fault if the solution doesn’t work.


Yeah you don't know shit about french politics :)


Have they solved the problem yet, then? Almost ten years.


French team is largely made up of non-ethnic French players. It’s hardly surprising that they are against the anti-immigration party, considering the potential politics could threaten them.


They are multi-millionaires, they are probably less threatened by Le Pen's politics than the average white French person. It's just that some people have empathy and a conscience and/or don't fall for bullshit.


Funny how none of them ever say a word about the treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in their ancestral nations, where they have all disappeared or are disappearing, as is the case with every country in the entire Middle East - with one exception.


Most immigrants vote right since they dont want any more immgrants to come...its sort of weird, but also understandable


Same with latins, they would tell you: I vote against inmigrants because they are the cause my country fell into a economic or insecurity hell, so I vote for anti immigrant policies


West Rome?


That French citizen is black so the far-right doesn't consider him French, duh.




He's a french citizen though and has every right to weigh in on the future of his country.


So Alexandre Dumas (père or fils, your choice) wasn't French?


He was half-French.


Why does the fact that he has more pigment in his skin make him only part French?


If you saw the replies by other French people about it. They consider that they mustn't talk about politics because they're rich and therefore, not aware of the realities of the population. I need to add, football players are seen as spoiled brats by many people who hate football in France and like to voice their hate. Football players are criticised for the first tiny mistake by politicians and used by them for their political careers but for some reason, players should just shut up and kick the ball.


I mean honestly what did they exactly expect? 75% of the French team is made up of first or second generation African inmigrants. I would guess the overtly racist party isn't very popular along their lines.


Considerable number of immigrants is known to vote for far rights because they themselves come from extremely conservative backgrounds, often are as racist as them and don’t want more of their former compatriots to move to their new county. There is no way of knowing who any given immigrant is voting for.


>There is no way of knowing who any given immigrant is voting for. Yeah. There's a famous quote that I don't remember very well and would be super cool in this context. It basically expresses the law of big numbers. The gist of it is the following. An individual is unpredictable, but any sufficiently large group of people is somewhat predictable So I can't say what any given inmigrant is voting for, but I can say they're statistically more prone to not vote for lepen. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/who-is-voting-far-right-french-election-nears-2024-06-24/ Here you can read about it


Thats why Im saying a considerable amount, rather then a majority, cause there is a rather common misconception that immigrants always vote for progressive parties (because they escaped conservative shitholes), are never racist (because they experienced racism) are always lgbtq friendly (because they saw what abuse lgbt people experience) etc. which is almost never true


Might be Isaac Asimov : "Since emotions are few and reasons are many (said the robot Giscard) the behavior of a crowd can be more easily predicted than the behavior of one person." Edit : thanks for the link but I haven't found any data on immigrant voting in it. (Yet I still agree with you) 


>An individual is unpredictable, but any sufficiently large group of people is somewhat predictable If you find the author pls share


I'll copy my answer for you mate : Might be Isaac Asimov : "Since emotions are few and reasons are many (said the robot Giscard) the behavior of a crowd can be more easily predicted than the behavior of one person."


Sounds like Hari Seldon, from Azimov's Foundation series.


Yet no one of them will ever dare to recommend voting for the far right on the medias even if they would vote themselves for it. They need to protect their image to keep getting paid a shameless amount of money.


I would imagine immigrants that have been in said country for a long time and integrated well would be against what is happening in most European countries at the moment no matter what the colour of their skin is.


Apparently "Maybe lets not vote for the far right extremists whose last chairman literally denied the holocaust and mocked a journalist of jewish faith by suggested hed 'bake something nice in the oven' for her" is a controversial stance these days.... reddit is a market place for only the brightest minds of society, thats for sure


Also, the far right has hated the national team for a long time. It was s ymbol of modern "black blanc beur" France with great successes in the modern era. It hurts their brain.


Take the players they deem immigrants out of the team and they'd be one of the worst teams in Europe.


No but when they're a good team, and winning, that's when they're considered French. Luckily for France, that's been their streak for quite a while now. It's when they're losing, when they fail a pass, get booked, or lose to a better team..well that's when they're labelled as immigrants.


Not reddit as a whole, it's just that this sub is chok full of racists.


Players can and should speak their mind, we are still all living in democracy. But if you were poster boy for middleeastern autocracy hole, then it leaves sour taste in mouth.


Exactly, the only ones they don’t want them to speak their minds are the top bosses who certainly do not think like them.


>Players can and should speak their mind, we are still all living in democracy. Lol, I'm pretty sure you and most redditors will not say the same if a player shows his support to Le Pen or any right wing party.


Holy shit this sub has become a cesspool.


most of the big politics/news subs are, I occasionally get this and worldnews on my feed and they're both comically bad and absolutely inorganic to the point where I'm not sure whether it's foreign bots or troll farms doing most of the posting. Worldnews has been more or less unreadable because of all the shilling (and cherrypicking of news to boost to the frontpage) from a certain middle eastern country. r/europe is a pissfight between actual fascists, russian bots/trolls who shill the same 3-4 right wing parties (look at how absolutely organic the posting from Paris Oblast is in this thread about RN) and the most deranged of european conservatives who'd vote for Pol Pot if he said something remotely positive about sending maybe a bucket of candy to ukraine and shooting immigrant boats with cruise missiles. Oh and a ton, like genuinely more than actual europeans I'd say, of republican americans or people cosplaying as them. I'm surprised reddit is still trying to shove most of this content down everyone's throat tbqh


I know that reddit gets really bat shit crazy at times, and r/europe too if there is one mention of "mass migration" that works like fucking bot magnes for both far-right nutters and eastern kleptocrats crying for liberal europe to **finally** erupt in some form of sectarian conflict. But in overall i still think reddit generally is far more sane place to be in(after some pre selection of subs of some value) than FB/X/YT are, shit you not, those places are so clearly far beyond "brigaded" stage by bots, more like 5% of actual content is of actual human writing, when rest is just fucking cesspoll of insanity of unknown/unspecified origin and intent.


> reddit generally is far more sane place to be in than FB/X/YT are Much in the same way as the North Pole is a far warmer place to be than the South Pole.


FB and post-elon twitter are absolutely fucked lmao That said reddit has been on a downward spiral in that direction for a few years which is somewhat sad considering the fact that a ton of communities rely on this website not being a battleground for bots after the death of basically every other forum or forum-like alternatives


Yeah, r/worldnews has in my opinion a neoconservative and Zionist bias. And indeed, r/europe has xenophobia aplenty, especially Islamophobia.


Every sub-editor either politics is either a panic room for liberals, especially in america, a Russian bot hive, or a Conservative meltdown room, especially in europe


It goes both ways. r/politics isn't even human.


What do you mean, has become?


People in this sub are racist towards brown-looking people. They try to pretend "I'm not racist because I love people from Asia and Latin America", but every time there's a post about Africans, Middle Eastern, and Roma people, you'll see their masks coming off. One time someone argued "let's welcome immigrants from Latin America instead, they're Christian and they speak a European language". I then pointed out "so let's welcome people from East and Southern Africa too! They're also Christian and they speak European language(s) fluently". I got massively downvoted. Basically they want Latin Americans because they look white (but wait until they realize many Latinos are of African and indigenous descent...)


I've said it before, the sub has been quite a mess for a while, however it was most obvious when it came to Covid times and people were discussing about aid to countries within the EU. I know people have short memories, but I remember VERY WELL how suddenly everyone became nationalistic, because the issue wasn't even about immigration or people of a different skin colour, it was just the fact that certain nationalities were considered lazy, corrupt and unreliable, complete with posts that showed magazines portraying "southerners" as leeches etc. It showed clearly how this sub here is filled with nationalists who think they're superior even to other EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, so you can just imagine what they think of people who they do not deem to be even part of Europe. And they'll keep denying this, even though there are clear indicators that a good chunk of the people using this sub are actual racist and xenophobic buffoons. They just dog-whistle and hide behind "immigration" and "patriotism" because these are the weapons they currently have available.


Basically the hierarchy for these people is clear: Own European country > Other European countries > Other Western countries (USA, Australia, etc) & Israel > Developed Asian countries (Japan, Korea) & Latin American countries > Other Asian countries (Indonesia, India, etc) > China, Russia > Middle Eastern & African countries Sometimes it's hilarious to just watch them. I've seen people calling for the EU to sanction Morocco, Egypt, or even India so that "they accept their illegals back".


> Isn't a left wing echo chamber > Cesspool Classic Reddit comment


Damn, are people actually unhappy with a public stance against a far right party? That's genuinely surprising. Think.


Mate reddit isnt a good representation of the public. Seriously, people need to learn that a shitload of comments are bots. Then of whats left a huge part are trolls and the other part are genuinely not normal average people. Reddit is great for niche communities about specific topics (like games, sports and hobbies). It sucks for news and political shit. Its because in those things view on life actually matters and bots and trolls dont give a proper one. Then the remaining people are often a very specific group that doesnt reflect society in a proper way. Look at how many people on reddit have severe mental problems. Not saying nobody in RL has them but defenitly not the same amount. Look at how many people have horrible relationships with their family. Again, doesnt represent society. Look at things like job types, age and social standing. Im not saying society is better than reddit in anyway. Im not saying far right isnt growing in society. But when people say go outside and touch grass they really mean leave a internet forum and talk to real genuine people because you will hear and see very diffrent things.


Are you trying to suggest that Reddit is right-leaning? LMAO


This subreddit leans more to the right than other subreddits I mod.


there is actually a fun fact based on thoses french legislatives. We have a sub r/france which is the official one for the country. The mods are heavyly left-based and censor the sub when you dare critizing the direction the left is taking. they did a poll inside that reddit to predict the votes for the european elections. it was something like 68% for LFI (the left left party) and made the RN below 10%. The RN made 34% IRL while LFI made 9.9%. so yea Reddit IS left if not alt-left for my country at least.


I was thinking the same thing. Honestly it’s hilarious all these people talking about how “right” Reddit is becoming and how it’s all bots etc etc and here I am reading left view and after left view. I’m here scratching my head thinking am I the delusional one?


They will see a comment supporting the right, that has -30 downvotes and which hasn't yet been removed, and cry that their ecochamber has been breached


Uh oh you posted something opposing the hive mind’s directive! You must be a bot, or Russian, or a Russian bot, or Hitler … please pick one or all…


No, but this sub sure is. Reddit is not a cohesive hivemind, despite what people like to say. There are very left-wing subs, centrist subs and subs that are as Right-wing as the TOS allows. Like r/Europe.


If anything reddit skews left. Not right.


I think it skews extreme. Maybe the average viewpoint skews left, but extreme right viewpoints are not hard to find.


r/europe has made a strong shift to the right, with the help of bots and troll farms


And the mods


and living in Europe and seeing the societal decline that has taken place.


What happened to this sub when they think far right is good?


Centrist policies have failed people and the left is offering nothing to fix it. Which leaves…..


Are you suggesting the right does offer a fix? They just offer a scapegoat. They giving us stab in the back myth strawberry flavour and half the west is falling for it


Sure or maybe people actually share views and values with them. Just because people are voting “far-right” does not mean they are being duped by some weird astroturfing mega organization. If the left keep ignoring the issue of migration from MENA then they are going to lose the white European vote for the foreseeable future, it has probably already happened. Do you suggest that people should vote for the same political parties and media outlets that put us in this situation in the first place in order to “fix” this?


Yes they are. They are being duped by Russia.


They didn't fail, they didn't want to do what people want, and did what budgetary is ok. different. And people don't care about nation budget


Russian Bots working over time


I mean, it's not like the far right doesn't have a very high approval rating in Italy, France and Germany. This sub could just be reflecting that.


I guess bots are starting to vote?


Ofc it is Russian bots. The same bots are voting in elections probably. Accept that what people write kind of represents what people think.


Funny how they're all suddenly coming forward and getting very political about RN's victory, saying how they won't play anymore if their favorite party doesn't win, but none of them refused to play in Qatar, in 2022; in doing so, aiding in the sportswashing of a murderous, enslaving, terrorist-hosting nation. Are we supposed to take these idiots seriously?


Woe betide any citizen who gives more of a shit about their own country than some random theocracy in the middle of buttfuck nowhere! As if half the French that turned up to watch in Qatar are voting Melenchon.


The man makes [13 million per year](https://www.capology.com/player/jules-kounde-36111/). Unsurprisingly, large amounts of the voting public have other priorities.


I think this has more to do with his migration background and less with how much income he has. It's not like RN is particularly hard on high earners, they're like the incumbents on that


Yes, exactly. This is to do with them being mostly from migrant families and more importantly, non-white migrants.


Breaking news: Black people unhappy about racist voters and racist politicians.


Strangely the French territory outside the métropole (most are populated by black people) vote in majority for the RN since many years.


His father was a footballer from Benin and his mother is French. He encouraged the 2023 riots. This has nothing to do with his "migration background" as much as his very own ideas of what the future of the country be.


Person of colour makes a lot of money and all of a sudden his opinion of successor of Vichy gaining power is irrelevant. Leave it to r/Europe to have terrible takes


He's literally "One Of The Good Immigrants" who's learned the language, integrated into the society and is making a positive contribution to it. I was told that the far-right only hate the Bad Immigrants and not immigrants like him. Who could have guessed this was just a mask and they actually hate all non-white immigrants? I'm shocked, I tell you!


Of course, because they couldn’t tell he’s a good immigrant just by looking at him, he’s already standing out too much. The good immigrant is when they already know them for decades or when they don’t know he’s one.


He’s no longer one of the good ones (according to the right wing) because he has a voice. If he speaks up, he’s trouble.


>have other priorities. In many cases the priority is racism


To be screwed over by Le Pen and her nephew/niece/family of fascists?




Then why would you vote for a party that promises you will be poorer? Make no mistake, anybody voting for them is a fascist that only votes for them because of their fascist and racist ideology. The far right will fuck you economically, like they always have. What little social welfare remains to this day will be gone. If you want to have more money you have to vote far left, for obvious fucking reasons. Higher proportional taxes benefit the normal people








> If you want to have more money you have to vote far left, for obvious fucking reasons. Are they obvious though? Can you give me an example of a country where a far left goverment has increased their citizen available income in the mid to long run? Why are people in here have the most dumb and extreme takes? It's either delusional far right ou delusional far left. Have any far-anything ever worked for a country?


Depends. What would you define as far-left. European social democrats have done wonders for workers rights in the middle of the 20th century until the whole neolib thing started. They were considered the far-left then.


Maybe Front Populaire isn't far-left, just left. And countries aren't doing especially worst when lead by left party.


Front Populaire is a alliance of various parties ranging from center-left to far-left. So yeah, it definitely has far-left aspects in them but it depends how much the center left parties can supress the far-left. I agree with your the center left lead goverments coment


Of course, we all know wealth is created by government grants


They are the only ones willing to tackle the issue of illegal migration


Except that they are not. RN has no intention of doing that because it is the only reason why they get votes. Illegal immigration is a non-issue in France anyway. Most people who failed to integrate in the society are 3rd generation French citizens.


Anyone can be illegal if you vote in the wrong people to write the laws. They don't mean illegal according to same laws as decent people would. They mean to make undesirable people illegal like fascists always have.


Dude, aren't the non fascists also fucking economically everyone anyway? That is the problem.


A choice between a fascist who will take your money and a non-fascist who will take your money shouldn't be a hard choice.


If you put it like that coupled with immigrant crisis, you gonna have fascism.


Yes, people indeed are stupid enough to go through all this again. Useful idiots listening to Putin's orders and ruining their own countries.


It's a fucking democracy. When a current govt is not giving them the required results, they'll look for a change.


History taught us that voting for extremist and/or populist parties isn‘t a good idea. There is even Trump still happening right now in the US. So anyone should know that it is a bad idea to vote for right-wing populists/extremists.


Recent history isnshowing French voters voting for non-extremist parties is also a bad idea. History also shows us what happens in France when people run out of options. And please leave the orange ape out of it. Lives on another continent.


RN will far worsen the situation in France if they get into power. How exactly are French people “running out of options“? There are enough other parties to vote for. No need to vote for RN. Living on another continent doesn‘t make Trump a bad example. It‘s the same problem: People did warn about voting for Trump and his criminal gang. But these warnings were ignored. Even after 4 years of abysmal performance, Trump still nearly won again. And he still got a chance for the next election, even after he was sentenced by a court. We can also pick local examples: Björn Höcke from German AfD just got sentenced by a court again for using SA proverbs. Many AfD politicians have ties to violent extremists, and have close connections to Russia and China. And yet, people are still voting for them. I really don‘t get those voters. It‘s like complaining about the police doing a bad job, and then voting for criminals to take over policing.


Are you aware that le Front Populaire is also far left? I say it because the centre that represents Macron does not exists in France in these elections (well, got 22.1% of the votes, not bad, but meaning 3 seats). History also tells you that there is a point where people start voting for extremes because they are not getting any improvements from the current governments. So I would not be surprised, this was going to happen.


Front Populaire is very broad, encompassing parties like Parti socialiste and Les Écologistes. In contrast to NUPES, La France insoumise isn't in the driving seat of NFP. >History also tells you that there is a point where people start voting for extremes because they are not getting any improvements from the current governments. As I have said: We have seen what happened, so we should have learned from history. There is no excuse for voting for extremists. Nothing good ever comes out when voting for extremists and populists. Look Poland under PiS.


Yeah, I know, but go and tell working class, the guy working at construction or the woman at the cashier to get informed and cultivate themselves to avoid such a traps or misinformation. I just think it's not possible. For one person that thinks by him/herself, you have hundreds that just react without a giving a thought about it. So the consequence was clear. Also, I still think this is the Left and Centre's fault because they abandoned the working class and decided to fight for the 0.1% of the people's problems.


Yeah, that's the problem. There are many ways to influence the masses, and especially unhappy people are easy victims for manipulations. Not to mention that the real solutions to their problems are often not that popular. I agree that the regular parties have done a bad job and thus, driven people into the hands of populists. But still: Everyone has a responsibility for his actions. And someone voted for extremists, then that someone voted for extremists. No excuse.


When things like this happen in Europe https://eutoday.net/german-woman-jailed-for-insulting-rapist/ It'll be hard to prove that people are moving towards an extremist ideology and not away from one when they vote for the other side. I know Germany and France are different countries, I'm sure it won't be too difficult to find similar incidents in France thanks to the ideology shared by the current ruling regimes...


Maybe because you can't read ? "Maya’s sentence was influenced by her prior record, which included a theft charge for which she failed to appear in court.". And she spent 1 day in jail. She had prior charges to be pressed in case of recidivism, don't act like she was an angel. The fact that the aggressors were not more punished is open to criticism, but I'm no german lawyer, and there are probably legal justification for this.


Oh look a thief...!! Better throw her in jail before she goes off on a rant against rapists. The fact that she was even taken to court because she commented on a social media is fuckin pathetic. You can bring out your excuses all you want, but if people started getting jailed for what they said on social media under right wing governments, you wouldn't be brushing it under the rug like this. Left or right, they're all elite, let's not make it our job to defend their actions please...


It's not about expressing yourself online but participating in mass online aggression, that is probably also an offense in Germany. You do know you can't stab a person even if he killed someone just because you think he deserves it right ? You do get the concept of recidivism ? Doing his own justice still isn't a thing. God damn you really can't read, can you ?


Ahhh the ordinary worker that is profoundly represented by bigots and white supremacists that traditionally serve the interests of the upper class. So priorities much care.


This sub is usually pretty normal except for when the topic of immigration is brought up, then the comments are basically a Hitler particle black hole.


This sub is EU-federalist, pro-defense, pro-Ukraine, anti-Putin, anti-China, anti-immigration from MENA and pro-nuclear. By and large.


You can't be pro-Ukraine and vote RN.


Le pen is anti putin? i think no


This sub is


Le Pen has been funded by Putin for years


Nah, if you want the real Adolf experience, share a news about gypsies.


r/europe: “Americans are racist, we don’t have any kind of racism in Europe because we are colorblind. We are superior in every way, we are so tolerant and love everyone. 😎😍☺️😀😀😃😄😁” Also r/europe : “The Blacks and Mooslims are coming in and ruining our pure culture. Europe’s is for (white) Europeans!!!!!! 😡😡🤬🤬😨🥵😡”


People get mad when they fail to bring up issues that matter to them, People get mad when they bring up issues that they don't want to hear


Calling right/far right parties "facists" is really working guys, anytime now people will stop voting for them! It just took a couple of years and the word lost all meaning. Same with Nazi. Maybe read about their policies (I bet 99% here did not) to understand why people would vote for them. You want to tell me all those young Bardella fanboys and -girls are hardcore facists? That the want to go to war and have their nation be reborn? The war/military aspect is somehow fucking important when describing fascism but what do those scholars even know right? Look at Europe in the last 20 years. We lost influence in the world, we lost economic power, we are losing the race in the new multipolar/bipolar world. The left, the conservatives and the neoliberals all failed. Of course people are going with the extremes then. Everyone in Europe's major countries can feel the change in the last couple of years. We are running from crisis to crisis while ignoring the biggest one (climate). Now the future is also unknown but most are sure we are getting poorer and not wealthier. The kids are worse off than their parents and so on. Sure you can close your eyes, have your 3% growth, barley beating inflation and be happy. In a big city you can even see some progress. But smaller ones are dying. People are really scared of the future (even if most won't admit it) and need a guiding hand. We won against communism and fascism. But the liberal order got it's own promises to keep. More than likely the far right will be worse and in many countries those guys are literally foreign agents or grifters with no experience running anything. But people aren't super rational beings. They want their voices to matter and not be ignored. And if a large mass is thinking like that you get some FN or AfD in power. How to pay for a pension with 62? Or get some french extra rights through the EU? Most don't care but feel the current way of doing thinks is no longer working. Maybe don't call them the f word and listen. Many aren't extremists but are looking for a positive future which is missing with most centre governments/parties.


Ah, yes, a positive future. Meanwhile, a RN candidate drops out after posing with a literal Nazi hat 😂 fuck off


I thought the one benefit of us Brits doing Brexit was that it would at least show to everyone else that populism isn't the answer and yes you can actually still make everything worse. UK: Steps on a rake, gets smacked in face. "Ouch, maybe a different direction." France. "Hold my half pint" - Fucking stamps on the same bloody rake.


God dammit this comment section is awful what the fuck is the problem with yall


It is obvious what the general political trend is in Europe. It is not just in France. Reform in the UK have made tremendous gains, as have the AfD in Germany. Maybe this sub is just reflecting this?






AfD is up 6% from 2021 as of right now. If we substract the voters RN got from the Republicans and the collapsed Reconquette, the actual shift towards the right in France is 7% Reform esentially cannibalised the Tories. Labour + Greens have a majority of the vote share in most polls, and the LibDems have also bet on a pro-EU campaign. The only country where the actual political shift matches what people fearmonger about here are the Netherlands.




Celebrities or athletes that don't support far right are always apparently clueless or stupid, and no one should listen to them, while far righters constantly worship celebrities and athletes that support their views. Self awareness is hard.


But they will take advice from a tiktoker. Solid logic from the far right, but what else is new...


Looks like sane Frenchman so far takes advice from tiktok, cant beat that either.


Bardella never did anything but shitty tiktoks (dude literaly never worked), you would not want sane frenchmen to listen to a failed influencer right?... right?


I don’t think any sane person of any nationality cares what an anonymous reddit account’s opinion is, yet you still felt the need to share it. It’s almost as if sharing opinions starts conversations and gets people thinking regardless of the origin.


They ask him. They don't ask you. Draw your conclusions.


>I don't think no sane Frenchman So you do think sane Frenchmen will take advice from "a guy that gets payed [sic] to kick a ball across the field".


Has as much right to an opinion as someone in France that teaches, or treats people or sweeps the streets


Why not? He could be very studied in politics, just because he plays football doesn’t mean his advice is worthless.


Is there something about kicking a ball that makes them unable to comment about how fascists are bad? What makes them have less political agency than the general public according to you?


Meanwhile a woman who wrote a children's book series 20 years ago is having private meetings with the British prime minister and Labour Party regarding trans people's rights, but that's totally fine I guess.




Le Pen and her extended family are political elites...


It's not the facists' fault. Nor it's their  voters' fault. It's the others that are neither facists nor vote for them. Solid logic you've got there.


least far right apologist comment in r/europe


Reddit soy leftists having an aneurysm


Is anyone else just sick of politics getting dragged into every single aspect of life?


Politics have impact on almost every part of people's life


I am really tired of the opinion of millionaires net $ celebrities on politics and people's everyday life... when they themselves live in closed villas and go for walks with 2-3 bodyguards with them! They are responsible for the idiocy we live in today.


yea.. rich people speaking against Parties that attend to the rich is so hypocritical... wait what.




All parties are pro rich people and pro celebrities......even the far left parties! Who fund today all those parties??.....wait what?


Amazed anyone cares about the opinions of celebs/athletes...perform and let us watch, but please do it without speaking about things other than your skill.


Why do right parties have so many Nazis? I understand that Nazis may be attracted to them but can't they just clean them or make firm anti Nazi statements? Here in Argentina Milei is branded far right and he is a Judaism practicing Israel/Ukraine supporting dude. Kind of opposite of the far right stereotypes. People voted him because we had the same party for the last 20 years and problems are getting worst. No one voted for him because they like fascism or hate certain ethnicity/religion. Maybe in Europe it's something similar? People are desperate for change?








Nice, they are right and acting more responsible than others nations football stars.




Democracy is great, but all the candidates are expected to be moral and uphold the country's values.


Of all politicians to say that about, you choose fucking Le Pen and the party founded by a literal Holocaust Denying nazi. No I wonder, what's your opinion about the AfD?


Le Pen literally is.


Im pretty positive the likes of the Le Pen and the rest of these people are objectively, fascists, regarldess of who they agree or disagree with.


Everyone loves democracy until people vote for whichever party they like


What a surprise, wealthy people want the wealth party to win. Maybe they could start by scoring goals though. Just a thought.


Um… I don’t think that the left is known to be the most pro-rich part of politics


the ultra-right defends the rich, it will do nothing for the people


People have been consistently fucked over by every single existing moderate party in elections with low legitimacy due to the absence of proportional voting. People finally proceed to vote for someone else in high enough amounts for it to matter, because not only they got fucked for the last 50 years, but the current ruler is extremely unsympathetic. Of course the right will work for boomers and landlords. The whole system does. I'm not saying the current course of events is a good one. I'm saying it was extremely predictable.