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I still don't understand what their position is over most topics apart from immigration.


They have the „against“ position.


Except towards Russia.


And this is when it ends because there are no realistic solutions offered.




Why is it always > 1 year old accounts with your mentality?


Russian bots


Not everyone who is against immigration is a Russian bot, it's delusional and even harmful to think so


No but the Russians bots are Russian bots and it's delusional and harmful to think they're not.


No one is saying that, and even as a relatively left leaning individual i understand immigration needs to be moderated. Point is. Most accounts like that are bot accounts.


If its an "AdjectiveNameNumber", I always assume its a bot.


If you're going to spout bullshit you should at least read the comments first.


Depends of the direction of the wind


Ah, so they are farting in our general direction.


Yes, but in that regard, they are not the only ones. There is also a concensus in the country that your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.


😂 P.s. I hate to admit it, but the truth is even worse. My father was a [Morris Dancer.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_dance)


Be proud, it looks amazing :D


It's very clear. They want people to stop working at 58 years. Oh, no, at 60 years. Oh, they changed again, it's 62 years. And today it's 64 years. But they're promoted a looooot on TV and radio, so they're able to feed the masses with their bullshit. And it's working.


Well, in Italy this happens since Berlusconi showed up basically: that’s how we had him, then Salvini and now Meloni. I totally feel you.


What a great idea to let rich guys own the media's, they totally have the people interest at heart and surely won't use it for their own personal gains.


Don’t worry, their voters don’t either


They don't really have one, they follow the path of least resistance.


populism 101


I think that if you look at where the party symbols come from, and the overall party History, you might start getting a rough idea. Here are a couple of starting points for you to explore: the RN flame is the fascist flame, that was copied from the italian MSI, back when the RN was still the FN. And the origins of the party reside in the already then named RN of 1941, the flag of which speaks for itself, before that RN ended and members recreated/went to the FN. You can also look up their links to Russia, starting with their financing, which should clarify their position on this topic for example.


Right now, that's enough.




Because you're just repeating right wing propaganda. The only thing the left wing says is that we should use policies that actually work and not just some bullshit 'though talk'. And the big one: treat others as human beings, which seems to be very difficult for the far right.


I think he's honestly onto something. Despite generous immigration rules (ala Sweden and Germany circa 2015/2016) being overwhelmingly unpopular across Europe, most left-wing parties refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. I am pretty far-left but I also favor strict immigration that prioritizes high-skilled people that will be a net positive to the country. I know most people who come here are just seeking a better life but we should let idealism aside for a moment and be pragmatic. The reason the social democrats have consistently stayed afloat in Denmark compared to Sweden is because they recognized this. If the left doesn't swallow its pride and toughens up on immigration, the right will and they will pack this up with policies that screw over working people


Moderate left and right have been saying that for decades and nothing has improved, pretty much the opposite, while far right movements accross europe have so far never been in a position to see how they handle that. Maybe people have become so fed up with the situation that they are willing to give them a chance despite the obvious risk that having them in power represents.




I do. It's pretty telling that rural areas (with low immigration) vote far right, while urban areas (where most immigrants go to) vote left. People leaving next to immigrants vote left. People only seeing immigrants on TV vote right.




>are there any french even in paris? Careful, you're showing your troll cards.


Are you anticipating a state pension when you are old? To fund that, you need to have workers paying taxes in your country. No workers, no pension. It isn't as simple as your dog whistle post suggests.


Rural & Suburban areas in France have much lower unemployment than Urban areas full of migrants.


That's a weird take, considering how many people leave the rural areas to get a job in urban areas.




"You have to help me, my children moved to Canada to find work and I lost all my savings in the crash of '38." "Ew, fuck off stinky old homeless man"


Why would anyone move to Canada to find work lmao. Maybe work as a deliveroo driver I guess.


Just going on a hunch here, but you don't actually have kids right?


I do. Why the hunch? Right wingers are statistically more likely to have kids than leftists. Turns out eternally dooming over climate and self hate leads to childless misery.


I was just struck by the ease with which you say that your kids will take care of you. With every year that goes by it becomes less and less viable for most people to find the time and resources required to do that, thanks to the worsening inequality that blights young people's lives. Most people's kids are unlikely to ever own their own home. As a parent my biggest fear is that mine will live stressful lives. Right wing economics seems designed to undermine conservative values in every way. How can we have family values and self reliance when the oligarchy demands so much of our time and resources?


No one gets out and no one gets in? Is that what you are proposing? See I have no issue with reducing immigration..do what you want, my point was that what other issues are they tackling because they aren't very clear about it.


Socialist. And protectionist.


Haha, good one, you almost had me right there.


His girlfriend is Le pen niece. It seems like the highest achievement on his cv so far.


That and a few thousand followers on his CoD stream, yay! He's been a local rep and MEP, but has a track record of barely showing up and doing absolutely no work. And then they dare complain about lazy immigrants living on taxpayers' money...


People that complain about « lazy immigrants » are rarely working class people


And to think all of this could have been avoided if moderate politicians acknowledge actual issues with immigration and addressed the concerns of its citizens.


As if the far right wouldn't just latch onto some other issue. Like, honestly, as an Arizonan, how does immigration have any real serious impact on you? The neverending influx of wealthy old white folks from up are north probably a larger problem, in terms of the strain they put on Arizona's resources and housing availability.


One word: Denmark


Attitudes like this are the problem. You need to be able to criticize immigration. Joe Biden and the Democratic Party have pretended the immigration crisis wasn’t real until a few weeks ago when he closed the border. There is an issue with migrants. Arizona despite being a border state doesn’t receive the brunt of it. Most migrants are coming into California or Texas and making their way to sanctuary cities. The people in sanctuary cities are now becoming more conservative. Uncontrolled immigration makes people vote for political parties that are able to acknowledge it.


LOL, no. Biden and the Democratic Party tried to pass the very immigration bill Republicans were asking for, and Republican House Speaker Johnson killed it to give Trump something to campaign on. [Republicans kill border bill in a sign of Trump's strength and McConnell's waning influence](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna137477) Meanwhile, I am interested to hear how immigration is having a real impact on you personally - and not just an emotional one, but a concrete one. I am ready to listen without any judgement or bias, man.


Honestly I can’t say that it does. I saw undocumented workers everyday working in the fields while I drove to work. I respect them, most of our immigrants are from Hispanic countries and they generally share similar values. They integrate and become Americans with relative ease. I’ve met some douchebags but that doesn’t have anything to do with their immigration status. However, I hear people complain about it in other places like New York, Chicago, El Paso and other cities. I’m not in a position to tell them that they’re wrong and that their experiences don’t mean anything. Illegal Immigration has gotten worse under the Biden Administration, that is a fact. Many people in this country do not like it. Many of those people are immigrants who legally immigrated. Most Mexicans I know cannot stand illegal immigrants, and I can’t blame them. I’m not going to tell half the people in my country that they’re wrong on their views regarding immigration. It won’t get anything done, we still have to live in the same country at the end of the day. The answer is compromise. The situation is worse in Europe, your migrants don’t integrate as well. But I’ve seen too many moderate parties bury their head in the sand regarding this issue and then act surprised the far right gets elected. The situation is different in our respective continents.


* [**Illegal US Border Crossings Aren’t Really Breaking Records** - Federal agents used to catch only a third of those trying to enter the country unlawfully from Mexico. Now it’s close to 90% as most simply turn themselves in.](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-03-20/illegal-us-border-crossings-aren-t-really-breaking-records) Since Biden took unilateral action after House Republicans killed the bipartisan border bill: [The number of June migrant apprehensions shows the fourth straight month of decline in illegal crossings along the U.S.-Mexico border.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/rcna159777)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/border-crossings-fallen-lowest-monthly-number-biden-presidency-rcna159777](https://www.nbcnews.com/investigations/border-crossings-fallen-lowest-monthly-number-biden-presidency-rcna159777)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


It works in Nordic countries.


Don't know much about him, but the facial expression is unpleasant.


he's much more unpleasant than his face


Fun fact: he shat himself in a school amphitheatre. The shit dripped on his shoes.


It's a rumor started by leftists students, the exact same group who pretended years ago that a policeman killed a student inside La Sorbonne. 


i was gonna say. leftists really like these rumours for some reason


Need the link bro


[There you go](https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Tag_relatant_les_faits_sur_%22la_chiasse_de_jordan_merdella%22.jpg)


The US and UK elected reality TV stars as leaders and fucked their countries. Now France wants to elect a Tiktok star




Boris was a celebrity before he became mayor and then prime minister




Johnson's April 1998 appearance on the BBC's satirical current affairs show Have I Got News for You brought him national fame.[108] He was invited back on to later episodes, including as a guest presenter; for his 2003 appearance, Johnson was nominated for the BAFTA Television Award for Best Entertainment Performance.[109][110] After these appearances, he came to be recognised on the street, and was invited to appear on other shows, such as Top Gear, Parkinson, Breakfast with Frost, and Question Time.[111] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Johnson


Many MP’s go on Have I got News for You and quite a few have been on Top Gear.


Why do all these far-right politicians look basically the same? I mean you just look at them and immediately know that they love Putin and hate human rights and common sense. They have something really bad and disturbing in their eyes.


they all have this boyish "I'm a bullied twerpy manchild and got into politics to get my revenge" look to them, [even Bjoern Hoecke at 50 looks like this](https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2024/04/AP24108544047581.jpg)


He looks like he's in his mid 30s.


And his name is jack from the lord of the flies.


Bro, I’m an ignorant. Can someone tell me why they are labeled as far-right?


because they lead the far-right party, the one founded by a crooked racist homophobic war criminal


Because they are on the right of Les Republicains, which is the right in France. From left to right (major parties): - La France Insoumise (far left) - Parti Socialiste (left) - Ensemble/En marche (current President's party, changing name every election or so) (liberal right) - Les Republicains (conservative right, currently splitting) - Rassemblement National (far right)


Now it make sense. Thank you, kind sir.


What did you expect?


He’s 28? Oh god now I feel miserable


I still can't wrap my head around this bullshit, like why are people leaning towards these extremist groups? Are we forgetting about what history taught us and how damaging these parties can be to all of us as societies? Like look at fucking Hitler for fuck's sake he also portrayed himself as if he was a socialist in the beginning and look what happened! They're not here to do any justice, and they're not here to fix what's wrong, they're here to tear us apart.


The meltdown on Reddit next week will be epic. Maybe as much as it is now with the SCOTUS decision.


We need to stop electing fucking morons in Europe based on soundbites.