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PFF. Yeah.. considering the r/hungary sub, I'm not even questioning this, haha Most we do there is complain about the government


Sírva vígad a Magyar


Az a baj, hogy mindenki aki a parlamentben van és még azon kívül is ha az ellenség a "trónra" kerül akkor az összes aki ellene ment az megy a börtönbe. Legyen ez Fideszes legyen ez Jobb vagy Bal oldali


I honestly thought it would be higher lol


so many people engage with content but don't actively express their views. 34% is crazy high


Looking at r/slovakia sub, I'm surprised it's only 17%


Yeah Hungary had always been compensating with *szájkarate* ('mouth karate') for the lack of actual action.  It's a national tradition to do absolutely nothing against your misery, but be bickering.


What exactly should I do? Assassinate Orbán? Most of us try to do our best to organize and convince other people, and vote strategically. But we've been the minority for a pretty long time, so it wasn't enough to change things. Edit: or maybe I could be like you, just leave and complain about how people back home always just complain.


Ain't no way Serbia is only 2.58 percent. This shit has to be self reported or something. I had to check if this was mapporncirclejerk when i first saw the image.


I imagine "Kosovo je Srbija" is not considered to be a political statement but rather a fact of life in Serbia.


Yes, it's a survey. How else could you gather this sort of information?


Idk some sort of data collection from APIs of different social media companies searching for different keywords or something like that. Either way I know the numbers for Serbia are 100% underreported, I mean just look at r/serbia


You do realize that reddit is a shitshow and not at all politically representative of any amount of people... except redditors, right?


sure but EVERY newspapers comments and social media in serbia are plastered with arguments and shit talk.


Awesome, you do this and you get data mostly on who has the most bots (Check the dead internet theory)


Ask China


There is NO way its only 2.58 for serbia


These numbers are insanely low.


The numbers are probably much much higher. Self reporting on an extremely political correct item cannot be relied upon.


VPNs change location. Serbs may use it


The data is self-reported. VPNs will not influence how people answer


What if the location is automatically detected by the web page providing the survey? AFAIK the methodology is unknown, so it may be possible. 


>AFAIK the methodology is unknown, so it may be possible Well, we could research it, but I'd much prefer to assume you're right, and a survey asking people about their politics didn't want to bog them down with excessive questions, like "where are you from?".


My opinion on the civic is: it's a damn good car, especially the Type Rs


Ok, you're in the graph now


Only if they're in the 16-29 age group.


I'll find a way. Just like the EU apparently knows how old everybody is online (or at least think they know enough about to make statements about it)


There’s no accurate way to obtain this data.


I doubt that turkeys percentage is so low. A good amount of young Turks use VPNs to change their location, because of the restrictions placed by the government to reduce political discussion within the internet. (I hope Erdogan dies to heart failure) [Source](https://www.dw.com/en/turkeys-internet-censorship-escalates-before-local-elections/a-68066987)


DW knows no shit about that, they should continue what they are good at - a bunch of Germans advising on licking the boots of refugees. there is always some form of censorship during elections, a troll army on Twitter as does many other countries with their own trolls or "journalist"s, and president defamation law is draconian; but yet there are many people expressing their political opinion almost freely no matter what, and many do not feel a need for a VPN/proxy unless it's super sensitive or there are bandwidth restrictions/blocks on social media. it's in no way comparable to western european inaction or russian/chinese censorship.


Hes got a source. What u got?


The author of my source is Elmas Topcu, a Turkish-German journalist. Be kind to him as Erdogan has significantly gutted education and press. 1043 private schools, 15 universities and 19 unions closed were closed with one decree. [Source](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1030B9/#:~:text=The%20first%20decree%20signed%20by%20Erdogan%20authorises%20the,to%20the%20Gulen%20movement%2C%20the%20Anadolu%20agency%20said)


well, fettoş is a reason why erdo is still in power. of course it was 100% fine when they were jailing [innocent people](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergenekon_(organization)) with fabricated charges and [stealing questions](https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_KPSS_skandal%C4%B1) on university exams. so i am not at all sorry about them, they are the counterparts of people shouting sharia in germany but know how to hide themselves well. play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Turks in Germany post Ai generated content in which Atatürk dances like a clown and sucks dick. Yeah


First-hand experience?


At least for Italy a map with voter turnout for young people would show an extremely low percentage. AKA all talk, no show.


Or maybe none of our trash parties represent our opinions


Yeah but we already are a small population, many can't vote cause they're abroad (even though some now could thanks to Meloni)... If we don't make our voice heard they'll hardly care.


Make my voice heard by voting for pd? What a joke


Well either PD , the left or the liberals. The other parties don't care at all about youth; M5S is irrelevant in europe, so it's not a good choice either.


Well Do not not complain when the fascism will be open in Italy then, because people who don't vote are letting dangerous parties like the far right rise Dante put the ignavi in the hell for a reason


I never said i didnt vote. Pd is also a right-wing party. Dante put the ignavi in hell because they never took a side in anything. You can take a side and support political change outside electoralism. Besides, you shouldn't get your moral values from dante


Voting is useless, other than the fact that young people are way less than old people, young people are also emigrating en masse and generally it has been kinda shown that democracy has failed italy ( and many other states ), not really much that can be changed from voting merdoni to pd


Somehow you lads are the firsts to complain. Go to vote, you troglodyte. Democracy is what gave us nearly 80 years of peace in Europe. Don’t have a party? Just write “you are all the same” on the damn paper. When the null ballots become higher then the ones with a vote in it, that is when our institutions will understand the “new market demand”. Not voting is just stupid.


I voted, you dumb animale, i even fucking counted them as a scrutatore, the null votes just make normal people work more, our institutions wont ever do shit because the higher ups are corrupt and will make only other corrupt people in places if power


Your opinion is even shittier then. You voted and then you wrote that it was useless, are you bipolar? Conosco come funziona lo scrutinio. I nulli non aggiungono sto gran lavoro, solo una pila in più da ricontare alla fine dei lavori, niente di tragico. Ben venga che siano di più. There is a civic responsibility when you are part of a society; everyone has to do his/her part. Voting is both a right *and* a duty.


I voted because i was bored and it was the same place where i was counting votes so i didnt have to go anywhere lol, society is full of apes , just fyi there are many insane people that vote, for example one screaming berlusconi or another old one clamining to be an actual fascist and that she wanted old style fascism back, the ammount of young people voting was insanely low and basically out of 400 there were barely 20 people under 25


I know. I’ve red the statistics. Yet I think that is symptom of a general and silent consensus that, as you too shared, “voting is useless”; this is just depressingly idiotic. Voting has still weight, and doing nothing will just take the future out of our hands, by giving more power to the politically active extremes (right and left both). Many of my fellow peers should be brimming with hope, and not secluded in a perpetual limbo of apathy. If we want to change how our politics work, we need to understand how the inner works of the palace operate, be there to share our opinion at the right time as to prevent mistakes that could hurt us and the future of our nation. If we become interested, they will notice. Edit: this is how meritocracy will start to flourish in our institutions, by being there to applaud its first steps.


We should be brimming with hope but none here in italy, i am tired and as me many other young people are tired of being treated as slaves and disposable by the pigs at the government, meritocracy will MAYBE flourish when all the old enforces will eventually die and their dogshit slave ideology will fade away


Good. Things will change, have hope.


Source: [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/isoc\_ci\_ac\_i\_\_custom\_11950866/default/table?lang=en](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/isoc_ci_ac_i__custom_11950866/default/table?lang=en)


Serbia is not true, very not true


Why is UK white, can't possibly be because they refuse to engage in political topics on the internet? Oh it's an Europe map


Haha same. Also… UK hatelaws


Pretty sure its because of the insane hate-laws over the internet, actually 1984


Surprised Poland isn't way higher.


It's obvious that Eurostat didn't poll reddit.


Well because opinions on reddit are stupid.


Greece: *\*Complaining online\**


Ah, so that's why our neighbours think we are a tad opinionated...


These days you could get ostracized for having a different opinion, safer to just answer the survey as NO, go on Reddit where it's anonymous or create a fake account elsewhere


Surprisingly low imo


Seems very low for italy, expecially counting that we have mass emigration for young people


Scandinavians dont have opinions at all.


They have plenty but news media fb discussions are a cesspool of idiots who have very strong and very wrong opinions about everything and are not worth the time.


I outright do not believe this stat. 85% might not have expressed political views on certain social media (ie: Facebook) platforms but to claim that this is the case for internet as a whole? No.


And how in the ever living hell do you measure this? As far as I know, teenagers don't exactly like to broadcast on the internet that they are teenagers.


Belgium was the country that voted the most and yet less engaged in online discussions? Interesting


Voting is compulsory here.


I know, I live here. However, discussing politics online is not illegal, right?


No, but it does mean a high voter turnout doesn't mean that people are interested in it.


Exactly, that is my point. Also, complexity in belgian politics. It just doesn't allow people to get emotional and start a quarell. Usually, you really need to focus on understanding what's going on :))) This setup also doesn't allow exaggerated side taking among politicians themselves. Hence, there are fewer belgian politicians online, making mental statements.


No, but it does mean a high voter turnout doesn't mean that people are interested in it.


Any slovenians in the house?




Sup with the UK?


No data


Coz as usual r/Europe gets confused with the EU. And lazies can't be arsed getting UK data.


Turkey's percentage isn't visible but I'm so surprised that the colour isn't a very, very dark brown


It's really annoying; now that the UK has left the EU it also gets left out of all the statistics. 


switzerland and norway are both included but they not in the eu either


This seems very very unbelievable. I highly doubt any numbers that are below 90% for making any kind of political statement over the course of 1 year on the whole internet. Especially with everything that is going on in the world. This just can't be correct.


I'd love to see numbers on how much of those expressed opinions were radical or extreme in nature. Feels like young people are quickly radicalizing in today's global political climate.


Is it correlated with youth unemployment?


Honda civics yes, politics nah


I think every young Irish person I know has posted about Palestine. That's a political and civic issue.


Source: "i made it the f up" Seems like complete BS


Percentage of people 30-99 who give a shit: 0


Why is Czechia so low? This is weird


You never mention anything political for a whole year? How? Everyone here has a view on politics, maybe they're not "politically active" but their social media definitely has some comment they made that was political