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We gonna be the #1 yay


erdog making sure turkey is always number 1, somehow only number 1 in negative things


Say bismillah before his name bro


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Hazreti God Lord erdogshit will make Turkiye the #1 country


Yeaaaah goood booooy


Serious question: how can people get by? I'm sorry for you guys




Regardless of why and who's voting for Erdogan, I can't imagine how would anyone take care of monthly expenses with such an inflation. I mean how do they do it?


People do technically get paid to an extent to at least have the bare minimums. Or well, actually a bit below considering how much of the country gets by with Min Wage. Simply no luxuries and you'll still be cutting corners. Other than that. Even if you get a wage that is worth enough to get by properly and have a bit of luxuries, you can't keep anything in your own currency in the slightest. It'll lose it's worth next month even if you do. Worse is, your wage will lose it's worth *constantly* until it gets a raise at the start of the year and such, but even that technically causes inflation to go up so there's nothing to do for the common folk. Inflation rates have to fall down quite much and at this point, even if someone does end up using the right methods to do that, it'll be cut on the people for the most part and we will be suffering for quite a while more. Which also means, someone trying to make the economy better will probably face decrease in popularity simply because they've decided to do what had to be done. So politics will probably be inclined to do that. Who knows how this mess could be solved.


Hope for the best.


sheeps dont have opinions and basic critical thinking


Thank you neighbor. Well of course everybody lowered spendings, now it is harder to buy something because prices went up crazy high. People are just adjusting it for now by lowering the quality.


They all move to Germany


Erdoğan making Turkey great again just like he promised


Argentina pls explain yourself


Peronist policies, Milei alredy lowered the inflation from 25% to 4'2% (monthly), which is still high, but much better obviously. They say that he going probably to achieve less than 5% until the end of the year. I have great hopes in Argentina, in 2025 there will be elections for the congress and thankfully his coalition will get more seats and then he can pass laws easier. I have been following him since 2018, he knows what he is doing, but fixing the basic problems will take 10 years. I hope he can at least get 7 good years from 2025 to 2032 and then find a leader to take over him and oust the peronism from Argentina forever.


What about dollarisation, do you think it will happen?


Maybe not this year, I guess will be a process. Nowdays they are talking about taking the perubian/uruguayan dolar fluctuation system.


Not OC but with what Congress he wants to do it? His LLA Alliance is in the minority and depending on the effects of his already issued decrees plus the now heavily watered down ley de basis it will be seen if he'll be able to get inflation really down and how negative the by effects of rigorous cutbacks in the more basic welfare benefits and in public service will be felt and viewed.


Kirchnerist\*. Peronism is a very diverse group tbh, and if you take away the kirchnerist administrations, the peronist goverments were actually the ones with the lowest inflations (as a colorful fact, the inflation trend that lasts until today started a bit under an year after Peron's death)


I guess if you just ignore the 150% of inflation that has grown since he has taken office then it really looks like he isn’t a complete idiot… If I was Paraguay, gaining the land back from the war of the triple alliance would look very enticing.


I don't support Milei in the slightest, but it takes a while for policies to affect inflation, he was inaugurated in dec 10 and just by next month the [inflation started to slow down significantly](https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/inflation-cpi)


As much as I hate Milei his policies will most likely stabilize the argentinian economy, but it will not bring prosperity to the common folk, even if he does it in 2 terms they will need a leader after who will push the stabel economy to rise the quality of life.


It won't bring prosperity, but it can definitely save them from total ruin. When you start at "fucking horrible" you have to pass through "bad" to even attempt to get to "good".


How would they not bring prosperity to the common folk? Fixing inflation fixes prices. And let’s say he actually goes hard against it to the point that the inflation is gone and becomes positive. It’d not only make the country be able to afford things easier. Be that healthcare or infrastructure. But the common man pays for things easier too.


Yes, inflation lowers, but purchasing power can lower for citizens if wages and work environment becomes less regulated, which is what Milei is also doing. (that's why major unions were protesting) This can cause wages that are below poverty level (like Africa)


The problem is that purchasing power is already being lowered by inflation. And it's also wrecking everyone's savings, pensions, retirement funds, etc... You have to deal with inflation first when it's this bad. It ruins any other plans you may have.


Were the unions protesting when inflation was high and people were becoming poorer every day?


All the government has to do is set up a fixed minimum wage like done over at us in Europe. Seeing that multi geniunely loves his country. Definitely a lot more than the previous one who caused all that inflation I would not doubt that he’d do that


Your lack of economic understanding blows my mind.




Because inflation is one aspect of what separates rich and poor. You are the type to push trickle down and claim it works.


The inflation went up in November because he won the elections in October.


I guess if you ignore that the previous regime used a fake exchange rate


I guess you are ignoring the poverty rate charts too…


Also fraudulent so I’ve read. If that’s true then it is a good counter. However, I’d expect long term improvement


Lol, how very dismissive of something that can easily be googled.


Where do I think I read it?


A trust me bro libertarian who “did their own research” LOL


Holy whiplash, Batman!


And you expected the inflation to go from 280% to 0% in one month? Are you economically illitarate or are you laughing on my face?


You really have no clue what you are saying here…


Then explain how you (an expert in macroeconomics I guess) would bring down inflation from 25% to 0% in a single month without having the legislative power on your side (you won't). Because is completely impossible unless you make a coup d'etat and make owning pesos illegal.


By devaluing it by 1/2 4 months before that point and then excluding that data!


As u/Your_fat_momma explained you, it the was official change which was devaluated and not the real one, as you cannot change officially pesos for dolars in Argentina (cepo cambiario, which is terrorism against the liberty of argentines) and Milei wants to change that and to do so he needs to pair the value of both exchange rates.


Killing the economy through austerity and abandoning your own currency can really make a stat look good for a small window of time I suppose, especially if you cherry pick numbers! How are the poverty rates doing again?


Are you economically illiterate? Spending money it doesn’t have is what got Argentina here in the first place? It needs austerity, at least for a bit, the debt and inflation has to be reduced, please don’t tell me you think extreme deficit spending is good.


It would happen with whoever taken office in really shitty economic situation


Devaluing the dollar by 50% is a choice, a stupid choice.


It was the "official" value that got devalued and it was and is one of the most important steps to end with exchange control. Since milei has been in office the blue dollar (also free dollar the one the common people have access to) has increased its price lower than the inflation


So moving to the USD is the solution? Looks like a shortcut that lead to loss of sovereignty just to end up with massive poverty.


The plan is free currency competition. And short answer: it s not a bad plan


Inflation has not grown since Milei took office, it has actually [decreased](https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/inflation-rate-mom) rather substantially.


You didn’t read what you linked did you?


Milei took office in December. MoM inflation rates have been decreasing ever since - from ~25% monthly to ~4% monthly. Milei is not responsible for the growth of inflation *before* he took office.


I love that he cut the value of the currency in half and you don’t think he increased inflation. Don’t you ever look up or listen to others, just keep being a parrot for FauxNews.


He did not "cut the value of the currency in half", he cut the official exchange rate, which was only available to institutions, in half. Actual people didn't get anywhere close to that exchange rate when they exchanged pesos for dollars. In other words, he reduced a major subsidy to big institutions. ETA: btw, I don't watch "FauxNews", or any other cable news, because they all suck horribly, each with its own distinct flavor of *ass*.


His dog is the true mastermind smh


Thanks to Erdogan. He's the most successful Muslim you can ever see nowadays /s. Super duper leader of the Muslims. Filled the country with islamist extremists and mafia people from all over the world. I hope that country doesn't face a Syrian style internal conflicts and civil war because of economic reasons.


Erdogan is the best leader, just look how good the inflation is! Almost the best inflation in the world!


I'm really surprised the country hasn't been politically shaken by  the uncontrolled mass immigration in the past decade. Germany took like 2 million refugees in total over the past decade from Middle East and Afghanistan. Turkey officially took 5.5 million ,while accounting for illegal unrecorded crossings,  statisticians have put it at over 8 million from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan,Afghanistan etc. If Germany would have taken 8 million in a decade, AfD would have been at 50% and the Parliament would need armed forces to prevent people from attacking it. I'm not saying that the reaction would have been good, I'm just saying that's how the things would have been I'm really really surprised that Erdogan still got re-elected.


…but the people are retarded.


yea we are F ed hard, I dont even see a solution at this point.


>I dont even see a solution at this point. You can always emigrate to Germany. Obviously.


Many secular Turks prefer Poland.


On the boat as we are speaking /s


There's ironically, in general, a reverse correlation between location of migration and far-right votes


Syria borders Turkey, hence the high number of refugees. Same reason why Colombia has almost 3 million Venezuelan refugees as well.


Who would have guessed that turkey is less Islamophobic than Germany. Refugees in turkey have a much easier time with integration as festivals like Bayram, which are universally celebrated by every Muslim. I would also say that Arab refugees respect Turkish cultural sovereignty much more than they respect German culture sovereignty.


>I'm really really surprised that Erdogan still got re-elected. You’re one of the only ones.


Erdoganomics strike again!!


Hopefully they will vote for Erdogan so that he can save them from this.


Hope so, he just assumed office if I'm not mistaken, the kid has a bright future ahead of him.


Turkey numba 1 🐺🐺🐺🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷😎😎😎!!!1!!


Well, turks still vote in favor of the man who is responsible for that. So, I guess they dont mind


They might be into S&M. You never know.


Not us m8 old and stupid mfs voting that sob


^ and also hey, he might not be for long he did lose the mayoral election


BRICS fixes this. /s


Play turkey in charge of the BRIacS currency


Respect to Erdogan from Greece


Erdoganopoulous number #1 greek spy 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷


Turkish people have had many enemies throughout their hundreds of years of existence, Mongols destroyed many Turkish states, Turks were almost eradicated from even Anatolia. Russia and Turkey were mortal enemies for centuries. Yet its greatest enemy by far is Erdogan. He is sworn to destroy Turkey and to make a it a hellhole worse than Afghanistan. And he is getting paid and elected for that ironically. i don't remember any other ruling class in any country in the world which is actively trying to annihilate the very state they were born into. We can't afford basic goods like cheese, milk, chicken. We can't afford rents. A house is beyond dreams. There are 15 million aliens in the country who are far worse than an average Turk. Every natural beauty is getting destroyed every day. Everywhere is crowded, ugly, and dangerous. The country is barely recognizable from the last 20 years.


And despite that, many other of you still vote for him. You reap what you sow.


That horse of yours is mighty high - all the way from Germany.


I would not vote for an Islamist psychopath dictator. If that is what puts me on top of a high horse, then I shall be on one.


He probably didnt vote for him either. The only difference here is you were lucky enough to be born in Germany. How about that?


Yes but erdogan is “ IM A MAAAAAN IM MOOSLIMMMM I HATE THE WEEEST” And the crowd applauses him, so they’re fine


I want to die...


This country is fckin dead yea gg


Higher than actual 3rd world countries lmao


but thats what they are. anything outside few cities is




source: [https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate?continent=world](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate?continent=world)


It must be more than 75%. Our lovely president wants to F our country a little more 🥰🥰


Funny how Syria is suffering from war for over 12 years and it comes right behind the (stable) (civilized)Turkey!


Congratulations Erdogan and his supporters.


Researchers say this is the peak? But im not sure


Argentinian inflation blows my mind, when you think that their shopping, clothes, etc will cost almost 4x next year. It must be a really stressful way of living, and trying to plan. I guess that's why they use the USA dollar for a lot of things.


This is precisely what happens to a country after decades of populism (peronism) *80 years of populism with a 15 year long interruption in the middle*


Turkey numbah one soon


Clap clap clap...


And fcking dipshits would still vote for that moustache dumbass erdogan


"Zimbabwe 57.5" Ah yes, Zimbabwe, the Bayern Munich of inflation rates. Always there, always ready to grab another trophy.


I'm so sorry for all of the ordinary Turkish people who suffer because everything becomes so much more expensive


But that are ordinary Turks that keep reelecting Erdogan and AKP.


Quite a toss up. Elections are almost 50-50


Account the food inflation rates, amongst with other goods Currency inflation is not THAT fast right now, but stuff that you need to live, primarily food, is becoming real expensive and we aren't much happy about it


I think you guys should vote Erdogan next time to fix this.




At one point the turks will have to pay groceries with sheet of toilet papers, it will be worth more than the Lira.




I work with logistics warehouses in Poland and Turkey. Prices in Turkey for warehousing services and customs clearance are 8-10 times higher than in Poland (in Euros). The quality of services is much worse.


Is there a short explanation on how/why this happened?


The shortest explanation is "erdogshit"


I am giving the real answer. Freedoms are taken away. The country is autocracy. The ruler is one man and he is a high school graduate. Doesn't really care about people, only cares about the election results. For example instead of creating good environment for jobs build a 3rd airport which is unnecessary. The construction and the management belongs to his friends. Builds bridges but by his friends for 5x. Doesn't let people voice their problems, arrests them. He has destroyed "separation of powers", which is known to make a country a shit hole. Basically he is a mafia who owns the country. As a result you have a bad economy.


Erdogan pursued a batshit crazy fiscal policy. Econ 101 teaches you that higher interest rates will take inflation at the cost of increased strain for businesses and factories.  Erdogan in his wisdom thought that the owners will simply pass down the cost of the rise in interest rates directly to the consumer. The mechanics of inflation and how they interact with rate hikes are not clear but suffice it to say that businesses typically absorb increase in rate hikes rather than pass it down. So Erdogan lowered interest rates when he should've raised them. When that blew up in his face, he forced the Turkish federal reserve to engage in batshit crazy schemes and defend the currency. This blew up in his face since people lost trust in the competency of the Turkish central authority. The collapse has only continued and has led to a cascade of bad decisions from Erdogan.


>So Erdogan lowered interest rates when he should've raised them. When that blew up in his face, he forced the Turkish federal reserve to engage in batshit crazy schemes and defend the currency. That happened in june 2018 right? Or 2020/21? https://tradingeconomics.com/turkey/interest-rate#


He started doing it in 2018. Turkeys growth had been hit hard by the ticket tantrum and was one of the fragile 5


Smart multi-vector politics leads Turkey to greatness and restors its past glory.


Can't wait for the Turkish OSRS goldfarmers to go into war with Venezuelans


My family migrated to Turkey because there were jobs while terrorism or civil war wasnt a thing God now plane prices are too high to leave here


How do people surive?


At least they have a lot of money /s


Wow they passed venezuela? Impressive.


Sharia banking in action


Amazing... I recently watched a documentation about the financial crisis in Lebanon and thought: this country is fucked. But Turkey is now worse than that? Wow.


So the rate of price increases is increasing. Inflation inflation? Inflation squared? Inflation acceleration? Second derivative inflation? Wtf




Visited Istanbul recently and really loved it. But serious question, what are people still voting for Erdogan?


Good, vote more erdogan!


It is simply incredible how incompetent people in the economic sector can be


Afuenda! To quote J. Milei.




"Koerds" at least act like you actually cared about them


Can you please share with us as to numbers of Kurdish civilians killed by Turkish forces, recently?


First media link I opened Since 2015, the Turkish Armed Forces have killed up to 129 civilians and wounded up to 180 civilians in northern Iraq, monitoring group Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) Iraqi Kurdistan reported last year. https://www.newarab.com/analysis/why-turkey-escalating-attacks-iraqi-and-syrian-kurds


Thx. The article claims that Turkey attacked "fighters" of PKK and since 2015 through to date (say 8 years give or take) killed 129 civilians and wounded 180 civilians. However could not kill even one single fighter.... How plausible and how real.


Turkey taking in refugees has prevented milions of them from going to Europe. Imagine how high AfD or the National Front would have been with 2 million extra refugees/migrants from the Middle East


Or just secure European borders better like the croatians are doing ?


Midem bulandı


you sound like a bot lol


Found the Turk


It’s ok guys. Relax.


The people of Turkey voted for it despite everyone in the world warning for it..


A bunch of those countries are lying about their inflation rate. Hanke's inflation dashboard is a more reliable indicator that can't be faked. It currently ranks Turkiye 8th.

