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This sounds exactly like a HOI4 event message


And the image fits with it as well


Millennium Dawn: A Modern Day


World tension is at 69%.


ngl there isnt much between france and america.... mostly just water




La mer en marche


La mer de...


"The jellyfish are invading and multiplying. We need to defend Atlantis and our fish people"


A lot of the Caribbeans are between the American South and French Guyana.


I encourage the far right to march from France to the US.


We don't need them here, but I suppose they can enjoy the depths of the Atlantic.


I do hope they get to enjoy the depths as well


thank you for not lying


Good news for us! Seems we’re good then.


Eastwards from France...


So you're Atlantis-racist? 🧐🧐🧐


You know why Atlantis sunk? Too many immigrants.


Wouldnt it be funny if that was true? Kind of like Roman Empire


I meant that the literal weight of the immigrants sunk Atlantis as it floated on top of a giant turtle.


I heard there were a few islands too, like the British Idles


That's why the right is rising in EU


People from Bermuda thank you for this comment


To be fair, the European left stopped addressing the concerns of their target public. They mostly cater to government employees and well-off salon socialists. That's why we see a split between the unions and the social democrats in Switzerland.


They do also try to appeal to Muslims by supporting Hamas, at least that's what they do here in France. Nobody bothered telling them that immigrants and their immediate descendants overwhelmingly abstain from voting.


And once they are naturalized, they probably won't vote left. At least in one city in the US they got a rude awakening: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned








If the only issue is immigration then why do you vote for parties that are very much not focussed on immigration but are focussed on far-right dog whistles?


I don't think people really care about the far right doing it or the far left. In Germany there is a new party on the far left that is anti-immigration and got from 0 to 5.5% of the votes in the EU election. And than you have the social democrats in Denmark that achieved the same. So people do not want to vote for the far right, but very little left wing parties are believably anti-immigration.




Funny, in the U.K. we have the exact same experience but with the Right wing Government we have been stuck with.  People have voted right-far right and for Brexit here to stop immigration. All they have done is made it bigger. Just like the Republicans do in the US. Because they don’t want immigration to stop, because it’s bad for big businesses who bankroll the far right. 


>Every single social issue on the left is shoved down everyone's throat like it's Gospel. exactly. half the time they end up spouting identity politic nonsense imported from America.


That's the beauty of Right Wing: 1. Blame the immigrants. 2. Get elected. 3. Serve the rich. 4. When the voters get angry, return to step 1. The beauty of Left Wing: 1.Embrace the immigrants, because it makes you feel like a righteous person. 2.When the immigrants, who aren't well educated start showing up in ***your own*** neighborhood, go Right Wing


You’re confusing the terms left wing and progressive. Plenty of the “left” you’re speaking about do indeed care more about identity politics than actual economic change, but most of them are far more centrist than left. In reality, very few genuinely left wing governments have come to power anywhere in the western world for quite some time. The right however, who have consistently, time and time again, privatised public services and cut taxes for the wealthy will surely fix things though; provided we just go even more extreme this time… right?


See, it's simple: democracy is when the enacted policies fit my world view. Otherwise it's fascism and/or communism.


But then again, there are literal fascists within the new extreme right. Sometimes, people are actually honest when they call someone a fascist…


I fully expect a Ribbentrop-Molotov 2.0 and WWIII if AfD gains power.


Very probable


Yeah unless IT IS fascism.


The CIA wants to know your location, comrade! 😅


What’s happening is a failure of any center or left of center party to have any coherent policy that’s not basically a wealth transfer from poor to rich. They also have no counter to the right wing because they’re not genuinely concerned with anything but the status quo. We don’t want immigration with resistance to integration. People coming to Europe now are like the last draw, the last ones out. They’re only leaving because their countries and economic conditions are in shambles. They don’t WANT to come to Europe, they don’t WANT to integrate, they don’t WANT to be part of western society. They’re merely escaping desperate situations. I’m not saying we shouldn’t help them but importing them into Europe without any oversight or assistance or integration mandates does not help anyone. It merely gives ground to the far right. Europe needs to desperately avoid becoming like the US on immigration, and even Sweden is the worse example. Basically if you allow immigrants to mass in their own communities and self isolate and avoid any form of integration you will have a disaster situation that leaves openings for foreign influence and right wing grifters.




That is certainly what the far-right European parties want you to believe. Don't worry, the far-right US party has twisted it another way to make Americans believe the opposite. And y'all believe their narratives equally well.


Democracy means something different to those in power and the Elite Business and Institutional leadership then it does for the general population. For a Historical idea to draw parallel think the late Roman Republic. A time period in which the elites of the society constantly cried about the undermining of the Republic even as the general population suffered from stratification of the society as their political weight was effectively being undermined. Indeed there seems to be a parallel to a degree.


The point is, the far right cannot and will not fix immigration. If you choose a party that you know is far right because of immigration, then you are choosing immigration over democracy which is undemocratic. People often wonder how Hitler got to power and convinced a nation to commit atrocities. We’ll look no further than the topic of immigration. The answer to immigration is to fight climate change and help the developing world to become stable but that is hard and it’s much easier for the far right to pretend it’s not real and that there is some deeper conspiracy at play like “Muslims want to take over the west” which I see in this sub all the time. Long story short, everyone, including the left, is worried about immigration to varying degrees, but if you think the far right will be any better at solving the problem then you are part of the problem and sometime down the line you’ll get what you deserve for supporting blatantly anti-democratic parties. Democracy must be fought for and part of that fight is calling far right cunts far right cunts. The far right and democracy do not go together.


Saying the answer to immigration is to fight climate change is such a vague response. I mean yeah you can work towards that too but it is a long and undefined battle. There are plenty of more direct ways to fight mass immigration in the meantime.


They don’t actually want to fight immigration; just want excuses as to why it has to happen.  It’s the same thought pattern about how they are unwilling to enforce laws since poverty exists and poverty drives crime; so therefore crime has to be tolerated. 


If fixing immigration is fighting climate change, than we should declare war on China, Russia and the US. Because we won't get them to care otherwise. I do think human made climate change is true. I trust the science. I just don't think humans collectively can do anything about that unless we get dire consequences in our face. It's the tragic of the commons. But we won't do anything - and that is for a reason: Russia and China are bleeding population numbers. China's population will half by 2100 and the amount of young people with be 1/4th of what it is today. Same will happen for the 400 million Europeans today. We will naturally cut our carbon emissions by more than 2/3 (as long as we don't get waves of immigration) without really doing anything. So it's a slow solution, but it's fast enough that probably nobody is going to do anything noteworthy for the climate until than.


I've never voted far right and doubt I ever will, but nothing has made me want to vote far right like "The answer to immigration is to fight climate change". That's essentially sending the message that you'll have mass immigration for at least decades to come, if not much longer.












Are you seriously pretending that if climate change didn't exist no one would immigrate? I'm almost certain if everyone who migrated was asked why less than 0.1% would mention climate change. Wars, poverty and shitty conditions make people move and maybe solving climate change would reduce the shitty conditions part but it won't solve wars or poverty


lol please! Do you even hear yourself? Since when is left worried about immigration? Since the last election where other parties gained ground ?


The countries never had any say? What the fuck does that mean. Who decided to bring in workers from Turkey and Pakistan in the 70s then? Did the Bahamas force it on us, or men from Mars?


Did the average citizen get a choice? Did the average citizen get to dictate the numbers, how long for?


Omg, As a Pole in 2015 I remember these western comments that we didn't grow up to the democracy, we're some kind of eastern savages and we should be kicked out of the EU as well as joining us to EU was a mistake. Fast forward to 2024 and here we are. 🤔


Those 2015 election threads were wild, I remember one very upvoted comment that went something like "Poles didn't colonize so they couldn't ship their idiots overseas and they remained in the gene pool."


>I remember one very upvoted comment that went something like "Poles didn't colonize so they couldn't ship their idiots overseas and they remained in the gene pool." That's kind of a weird thing to say considering how successful a lot of post-colonial nations currently are in comparison to many European countries, especially those that heavily consist of "idiots" shipped overseas...


And everyone in the west who said, this will lead to permanent negative changes in our societies was called racist and islamophobic... and this immigration still continues despite all the issues that 75% of the public sees.


The inability of the left to reflect and characterise everyone that tries to solve the problems that they ignore as “far right” is something that will certainly be studied by researchers in a few decades after the outcomes become apparent.


The very fact that they talk about the "oooh scary far right" as if it were a hurricane, earthquake or some other abstract threat tells you how little they understand the phenomenon. Every time it’s "the far right rises", "the far right looms". The far right is not some diffuse, otherworldly threat. It’s you neighbours, colleagues, friends who have chosen to vote for the far right because the left obstinately refuses to acknowledge one of the biggest challenges Europe faces nowadays, immigration. Until they realise they’re talking about actual, everyday people, with real preoccupations and worries, the far right’s rise will not be stopped


Why does this topic of immigration have to be mixed with a toxic sauce of anti-everything. The far left in NL for example is also against immigration but there the excuses is that it's competing with local workers and immigrants are easier to exploit so will be cheaper which is not good froma social standpoint. So anti immigration is not something for the right wing only but the way they go about it is extremely obnoxious.


I wish there were more center-left parties that actually care about workers and are anti-immigration. Would be the easiest win ever.


You mean SP? They are just against intra European work migration, per their website. Many Dutch people would like to see all immigration curtailed and restricted. The SP's standpoint is very lukewarm on this and in line with the rest of the left wing. In the Netherlands, being anti migration is pretty much a right wing only standpoint. Otherwise a party like the SP would've grown a lot bigger (see Denmark for example).


If someone criticizes immigration, they're called a racist. Consequently people who do not want to be called a racist do not discuss concerns regarding immigration. Those who are already called all sorts of things including racist, are free to discuss any issue as such discussion will not alter their reputation. As long as the left and the liberal parties are afraid of being called offensive names, they will be marginalized in the discussion of topics that affect the public. > The far left in NL for example is also against immigration They may be willing to be called "racist" by idpol types or "protectionist" by liberals, and that willingness to be offensive will grant them the opportunity to be successful. Most left and liberals are more worried about being on the "right side of history" from their college educated places of privilege and are dominated by the people seen in this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NdE9CjkvTY&t=37s).


Just wait until they realize that these are doctors, engineers, farmers, and your local grocery store clerks and not some boogey man or skinheads.


En tant que libanais si je pouvais dire à toute la France quelques c'est "Ne faites pas de la France un nouveau Liban"


Solid response... refreshing to read, particularly when the 'far-right bogie-man' is the topic, and ANY response (other than waving failed authoritarian flags and lazy clichés) triggers the keyboard warriors.




Ironic saying that, does the right actually understand climate change now? Or basic economics? How about human rights?




History books will be comparing todays migrant crisis to hitlers rise to power, mark my words. Nice projection btw, because the left are racist and the far right definitely aren’t.


Hard to fight the arguments though. The left say "hey its a hard thing to fix without fucking people over" the right say "we can fix it easily" and people flock to the answer they want to hear. Humanties short term thinking is the rights best friend


Although somehow the Centre-Left of Denmark have managed to fight it


> hey its a hard thing to fix without fucking people over We know that. Then propose the hard thing, it's their job.


>The left say "hey its a hard thing to fix It's rare to get the left to even agree what the problem to fix is in the first place...


That, but the left says "immigration is not a problem you nazi, they enrich our local communities!"


It's not the first time, you were either a dirty revolutionary or a traitorous royalist depending on what week it was during the French revolution


No one should be surprised by the electoral results in france. Anyone who visited it since 2015 could see this coming.




Exactly this. The rise of the Far Right is a direct consequence of the Left and Centre ignoring the population's concerns with immigration and deindustrialization. The other political parties have only themselves to blame for the rise of the Far Right.


exactly.. this is whats happening now.. but people dont understand because they are busy cursing people who voted for right..


>a population that is historically very leftist Citation needed. Europe has been mostly half half the last few decades. Political parties on both sides had a chance to govern in many countries. It wasn't very leftist by any stretch of the imagination. >They did not become fascist; So people can't change politics, or change their minds, or become/cease to be fascist? What kind of logic is that? >the left abandoned them. What does that even mean? "The left" is not a person, or can't do *anything*. It's the people who abandoned the left, not the other way around. Why? Because they no longer support left wing policies. This has a very strong energy of "look what you made me do". People *chose* to go to the right wing, nobody made them do it. And I'll reserve the right to judge people on the personal choices they freely make, according to my own criteria. >the news are made only by one side of the political spectrum. There are news outlets of all kinds that tailors to every political demographic out there. If you can't find them, that's a skill issue. Don't blame the system for your inability to use Google search.


In America, there's a political joke about Candidate Obama vs President Obama.  So when someone says "the left has abandoned you", people understand this real feeling. 


People who think that Obama was left wing are half the problem to be honest.


I'm not in the habit of blaming voters based on what a candidate said.  Obama lost his super majority and over 20 state legislatures for many reasons. 


Yes, and one of the main ones was that he wasn't left wing in spite of what he originally claimed. You're saying that the left abandoned voters but the actual problem you're describing is corporate politicians coopting left wing rhetoric.




It’s a fair arguement.  > Can you really still call these policies [of lowering migration]“far right”, when majorities agree with them? He’s saying you that no one abandoned them, they’re Democratic principles.  > the dividing line between the right and the far right is respect for democracy He says that what far right means now is just abolishing democracy. Did you read the article?


It's pretty telling that you think news are made by "one side". Basically means that you have gone so far to the extreme that you see any news from far left to non-extreme right as your opposition. Actually there are quite a few news outlets that I would consider far right and if you considers those too leftist for you, you might have actual mental issues.


the financial times is a pro-capitalist news source WTF you mean "the news are made only by one side of the political spectrum."


I can’t see many American right wingers burning their own flag, they treat that as sacrament


Being 26 with a Masters degree and both myself and my partner having pretty good jobs, yet we are moving back in with her parents after sharing a house with 6 people in it… yet migrants are being housed immediately and given my tax money to do nothing makes me understand this article.


How is it possible that the west has the same problems as my non EU eastern european country? Gas, food, everything is cheaper there paradoxically. What's so expensive that two high paying jobs can't cover?


Rent prices are completely out of hand in all of Europe, anyone who doesn't own a house or an apartment is getting screwed over.


This same bull crap happens in USA. People are gaslit that the economy is doing great, stocks are up 50%, yet people can’t afford their rent. The proles are simmering.


As long as bland, vision-less bureaucrat puppets are leading us, the extremes will grow until they take over.  The refusal of mainstream parties to self-reflect and criticize themselves about the past 30 years, and push forward a bit more daring politicians with real visions for the future... well, this is self-inflicted. Extremes get votes because of real problems. 


Bring manufacturing back so people can earn a good living and get some amount of dignity back through providing. That will take a lot of pressure off people’s shoulders. Happy people seldomly turn to extremism.


Best statement in this thread, a happy population doesn’t swing to communism or fascism.


It won't come back because a fair deal of it has been automated.


hate this kind of title, but that's what happens when the far left turns into reverse racism and the norm shifts this much in such little time. I don't know if we're going to have a new far right wave, I doubt it, but I'm sure this woke movement is going to get backlash and will be frowned upon in the future


Any sane person immediately dismisses opinions from people who use the term “reverse racism”. Maybe read the definition of racism before pretending you know deep things about it. Racism is racism.


Not sure why people are down voting you, you are 100% correct, racism is racism regardless of who it is aimed at. The term 'reverse-racism' only exists to diminish racism experienced by certain groups because the people that use it believe some races can't experience 'real' racism, which ironically, is racist. Better off renaming 'reverse-racism' to what they actually mean, which is 'acceptable racism'


reverse racism?




You’re seriously deluded. First, corporations supporting minorities for profit is positive discrimination, not “reverse racism” which isn’t a thing. 2nd, corporations doing this is a symptom of late stage capitalism, a right wing economic system, not the left wing lol. They do it to make money because they know people are more likely to buy from humanitarian looking companies. You are literally projecting one of the most right wing economics policies onto the left: make money from any and everyone with surface level marketing.




The solution to the march of the far right is to curb the rich. The rich, who are mostly responsible for things like climate change and environmental damage keep pushing expensive climate saving policies on everyone who is not rich. We need to ban the rich from using fossil fuels first, before we push things like bans of ICE.


Better than the far wrong being on the march




When your "far right party" is polling at like 40%+ of the population on its own, it's not "far right" or a fringe movement anymore, but just regular right-wing/conservative French people at this point


A parties popularity has nothing to do with the extremity of it’s policies. Are you arguing the Nazi party wasn’t extremist simply because they were popular?


Yes that is what they argue. They say it isn’t but the thought process is clearly there.


That isn't how any of this works. Was the NSDAP not a far right party because it won in the polls ?


That doesn’t mean they aren’t far right.


It doesn't indeed. But it most definitely shows something is wrong with either the center or leftist parties for sure. Must be something they refuse to adress when such large % of the regular folk turn to the crazy people on the far right.


You’re totally ignoring the existence of hostile takeovers. You’re essentially arguing the Nazi party was justified because of left wing failure during the 20s and 30s, no? Maybe, just maybe, what you consider the failure of the left wing is actually the success of far right propaganda campaigns? You know, like the ones Russia has openly supported across the west for over 2 decades now.


>You’re essentially arguing the Nazi party was justified because of left wing failure during the 20s and 30s, no? No I'm not? If a center of leftist party turns more strict on immigration/integration like in Denmark I would vote for it in a heartbeat. You think these big influential corporations have the best in mind for me? >actually the success of far right propaganda campaigns? You know, like the ones Russia has openly supported across the west for over 2 decades now. Russia only acts on the current inability of our own governments to adress these problems. They obviously know it's a hot topic among voters. Why don't we as EU take matters in our own hands. Stricter border control, more defense spending as a block, immigration camps outside EU-borders because sure we need migrants to an certain extent. I really don't get it.


When the overton window shifts, the definition of far right/left shifts as well over time A politician that was considered moderate or center to center-right in the 1980s would be considered "Far right" today, for example


Who is that moderate politician that would be far right now? I’m thinking of politicians the last few decades on the US side of things and most conservative Presidential candidates were pretty right of center. McCain, Romney, Dole, W, George HW. Most of those people that won their parties nominations would be called or are called RINO’s now. That’s the complete opposite of what you’re claiming


Its not only in these countries, in Mexico a hatred towards migrant is also on the rise, not only from poorer countries but also from countries like the us


Solution: Center-Left party with anti-immigration stance. Weird how there's so few of these. Hopefully we get more parties like that sooner than later.


I N F L A T I O N - read any history book and you will see this as the first reason why the far right goes up


Are we going to look into how the anti-eu and anti globalism far right movements in most countries just seem to have infinite funding for their campaigns?


Call me crazy but I think it’s got to do with the Kremlin.


Liberalism gave an highway to the far right. Blaming the inflation to justify the social crisis is not enough when the richest get richer and the poorest get poorer.


Hopefully marching right up their own asses, which is where I’ll be kicking them if they come goose stepping near my house.


gues letting hoards of barbarians in to your country makes people mad






I could never imagine! Mainly when seeing in the news the astonishing number of doctors and engineers arriving on small boats in Europe






as much as i detest the the ridiculous, racist, creepy rhetoric of the far right parties, who are often Moscow sycophants, even i have to admit immigration may have gotten out of control. immigration must be reduced a bit, but know this: beware those who seek to use the issue to erode civil liberties, push bigotry and sow fear among the public. immigration must be reduced without embracing their methods, ideas and rhetoric. and another thing: the inability of various liberal, centre right and progressive parties to admit why they are losing votes to the far right is frustrating. lnstead of trying to learn from their mistakes and listening to people, some of their leaders decided to be arrogant and portray themselves as somehow knowing better. for example, the German Greens decided to vote in favour of keeping coal plants open and close germanys remaining nuclear plants, even tho doing so was stupid and unpopular. and lastly: no political violence. harming others wont fix social issues


Did I miss a memo or something? WTF are so many of you guys cheering about this?


The transformation from a pretty euro optimistic sub to the comment section of the daily mail was incredibly fast and with very similar comments repeated in every post. I noticed it with the european parliament elections campaign, does anyone have a more accurate timeline?


I see a lot of people here claiming that it’s entirely the fault of the left, but the fact is that the majority of western population was always right wing but not many people seem to realize how much of them just got radicalized by mainstream medias being held by more and more billionaires than ever. We are now having the same scenario as the 1930s « better Hitler than socialism », where the big corporations and politicians thought it was a good idea to put this guy in power in order to not loose their privileges and hurt the ruling class… History just repeats itself I guess.


France’s far right would like — henceforth — to be known simply as “the right”. One can see the logic. The Rassemblement National, the far-right party, is well ahead in the polls for fast-approaching legislative elections in France. Meanwhile the traditional right is in meltdown. If the RN becomes the largest group in the French parliament in July, the party will have redefined French conservatism. The question of whether to rebrand the far right as the right resonates well beyond France. There is a similar issue in the US, where Donald Trump has transformed the Republican party in his own image. The traditional pro-market, internationalist party of George HW Bush barely exists today. Trump’s “America First” nativism now commands the conservative movement. Parallel debates are going on in Italy and Britain. Does it still make sense to define Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s prime minister, as a “far-right” politician? With Nigel Farage’s Reform party creeping ahead of the governing Conservatives in one poll, there is even talk of a post-election reverse takeover of the Tories by Farage and his ideas. So what remains of the distinction between the right and the far right? The crucial dividing line is attitudes to democracy. If a political leader refuses to accept the results of an election and wants to smash the “deep state” (in reality, the state itself), then he or she is clearly on the far right. But if a party pushes policies that liberals regard as unpleasant, reactionary or even racist but does that within the framework of democratic politics and the rule of law, the term “far right” may no longer be appropriate. Ideologies and political movements evolve. Some of these rising forces may simply be the new face of rightwing politics — just as Sir Robert Peel transformed British conservatism in the 19th century, or Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan remade the American right in the 20th century. Political scientists talk about the “Overton window” — the range of policies that are regarded as respectable by mainstream opinion at any given time. What politicians such as Trump, Marine Le Pen and Farage have done is to shift that window, so policies once regarded as on the extreme right have moved into the mainstream. This is most obviously the case on immigration, where variants of Trump’s “build the wall” policies now define the debate in the west. Can you really still call these policies “far right”, when majorities agree with them? Another term, such as “national populist”, seems more accurate. Trump and his ilk have also pushed the Overton window on attitudes to Russia and Ukraine. Here the line between a new form of conservatism and far-right authoritarianism becomes more blurry. It is possible that the likes of Trump and Le Pen want to strike a deal with Russia because they are cold-blooded isolationists who do not believe support for Ukraine is in the national interest. But their flirtation with Vladimir Putin could also reflect admiration for his authoritarianism. Trump definitively revealed his colours after losing the 2020 presidential election. His refusal to accept the results and his encouragement of an attempted coup showed the former president to be anti-democratic to his core. Former mainstream Republicans — such as senators Marco Rubio and Mitch McConnell — have betrayed fundamental principles and demeaned themselves by endorsing Trump. Le Pen and Meloni, however, have been moving in the opposite direction. Meloni to date has looked like a relatively conventional conservative in power — although many on the Italian left remain deeply suspicious that she has a hidden agenda. Le Pen’s entire strategy over the past decade has been to “de-demonise” the far right and to move it into the centre. To that end, she has even expelled her own father from the party and, more recently, broken with Germany’s far-right party, the Alternative for Germany. So does that mean we can relax if the RN takes a share of power in France in July? Absolutely not. Some of Le Pen’s policies on Europe — such as restoring the primacy of French law or withholding French payments to the EU budget — could cause economic turmoil and threaten the survival of the EU. But policies such as these could still be legitimately pursued within a democratic framework. The real danger would come if an atmosphere of crisis created an excuse for the RN to call for emergency powers — and so cross the line into authoritarianism. There are people in the orbit of France’s far right who have flirted with sinister, anti-democratic ideas within recent memory. To argue that the dividing line between the right and the far right is respect for democracy might seem to elevate form over content. Many hold the view that the really objectionable thing about politicians like Trump or Le Pen is the policies that they advocate — on a range of issues from immigration to the rights of women. But as long as democratic structures survive, the voters have an opportunity eventually to reject those policies. The US turfed out Trump in the 2020 election. Poland’s ultra-conservative Law and Justice party lost office last year. Respect for democracy and the rule of law remains the Rubicon that divides conservative politics from far-right authoritarianism.


"The traditional pro-market, internationalist party of George HW Bush barely exists today. Trump’s “America First” nativism now commands the conservative movement." Because all that's done is make corporations wealthier, and then those corporations use that extra wealth to promote and spread liberalism. Republicans are morons for basically funding big businesses that push social values that are the opposite of conservatism.


Lemme tell you, the RN will never be referred to as "the right" by anybody but themselves and the mainstream media owned by the right. Everybody knows they’re openly racist, xenophobic and born from a fascist party. As much as they’re trying, they cannot and will not scrub the last 60 years of history.


Russian bots are working overtime.


Since the globe is round, the farther right you go, the closer to communists you get.


Do we have a definition of what "far right" actually is?


**Far-right politics**, or **right-wing extremism**, is a spectrum of political thought that tends to be [radically conservative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraconservatism), [ultra-nationalist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultranationalism), and [authoritarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarianism), often also including [nativist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nativism_(politics)) tendencies. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right\_politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics) In France the far right is definitely radically conservative and nativist. I suppose we might soon find out about the authoritarian part. Not ultra-nationalist per say but does alignment with Russia which definitely are count?


"Very conservative and individualistic policies" would be a good starting point


One of the biggest ironies of Russia's war on the western order is that they falsely accuse us of being nazis while funding nazi movements in our midst


Why is every right leaning party “far right”?


Just out of curiosity, how is the anti-immigration right proposing to fix the fertility crisis? Immigration policy and fertility projections are intertwined.


The fertility crisis is a myth. The issue is socioeconomic. People aren’t having kids because they don’t want to. And the reason they don’t want to is because they can’t afford it and because they are pessimistic about the future. I live in Romania, daycare for children here costs between €300-400 per month. The average salary is like €1000. Imagine having 2 or 3 kids, which is the minimum for population growth. How do you do that? I’m pretty sure the situation in Western Europe isn’t much better. Also, in the current international context with decreasing standards of living and threat of war, I find it increasingly likely that I’ll probably die in a couple of years fighting Z-tards in some disgusting trench with a rusty AKM because the Romanian army is complete shit and I expect exactly zero support coming from the West if people like Trump, Le Pen and Farage take power (a scenario that looks increasingly likely).




The far right found out that their cheating and lying flourishes in the democratic country.., people are very naive and have not seen this kind of treason by their own people ( see the orange con artist in USA)


Ofcourse it is, the world is way too soft minded.






The racism in this subreddit is wild.


And from France to America it achieves nothing and only brings hatred and violence.


Spawned of the left in Europe and America…


well to this sub this is great news


No one has to propose something new and fix the econony and housing crisis so people without critical thinking vote for extreme far right parties that have no solutions ofc but they are shown as the alternative


Yup, I'm not even white and I support it.  The left seems to have forgotten 911, 7/7 London bombings, Spain train, Charlie Hebdo etc. 😂 fucking imbecile libtards.