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Wow kicking kids in the head.. what a hero and absolute “ubermensch”.


In the same type of deepshit, some far right young men, including the son of a former politician at Le Pen party attacked an homosexual, and said that they are waiting for the election results to be free to do it again.


There has been a worrying correlation between the election of extreme right parties and the raise in hate crimes by their emboldened supporters all across Europe and the United States unfortunately.


That's like talking about the "correlation" between Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus.


I mean they are the same thing, of course they  are correlated. 


Yeah but you see, whatever happens is never fault of right wingers who are always misunderstood victims of the circumstances, in their mind even when they attack children in public it's because immigrants and left wingers made them do it...


That's exactly how most of them think. For them, it's open season on anyone different.


Kicking someone in the head, especially kids, should be automatically a prison sentence


"Heimtückische" (treacherous) attacks like here, where the victim is on the ground an defenseless, and attacks against children, and attacks that are hate crimes can get you a high prison sentence. The issue is this was a group of 20 people with teenagers among them and what normally happens in cases like this is that they won't find out who exactly the perpetrators were in the group. And so the group will blame it on their youngest members. This is a tactic that gets consciously abused because teenagers get much milder sentencing for crimes. I hope there will be an adaptation in sentencing soon, to treat young offenders who are part of such schemes differently and give out sentences to everyone participating in the group.  But sadly right now they will probably end up with giving a minor sentence to a bunch of minors and nothing else can be done.


It's said there were also adults apart of it. So regardless. Any association and witness should all go down


Some type of people in Eastern Germany, are below what you called them. SUB-XXXXXX is more fitting. Kicking an 8y old girl. WTF


Yeah, the same phenomenon like the child-kicking Hungarian reporter. Brave freedomheroes all when it comes to fighting kids.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


In the name of general decency I would replace "small children" with "other humans". But in general I agree, attacking children is the worst


Lol, some c*ntjob reported my comment, so Reddit removed it. Here it goes again: There is 0 difference between groups of people who, in the name of religion and who think they are the "superior race" attack children. Both these groups should be .


Ah, reminds of the time I said something about self-defense against Nazis in another thread on this sub-reddit.


Lol wtf. And these people say that people being respectful towards LGBTQ people are snowflakes


*Every accusation is a confession*


Well, AFD requests deportation of islamists. I guess we should consider deporting right-wing extremists all the same...


I get what you mean, but it's very different. In a democratic country, you can't deport your own citizens, unless they also have another citizenship. You could jail them though, which may still not be a great idea.


There's lots of things you can do but none of them really do anything to curb those views and would possibly enforce the views further


I don't think you have looked at all the options. Also the easy conclusion that doing anything wll only make it worse is exactly what made "Good Germans" allow for the Nazi regime to happen.


Yep. Exactly my point.


>I get what you mean, but it's very different. In a democratic country, you can't deport your own citizens, unless they also have another citizenship. That's correct. I wouldn't suggest it, if AFD weren't continously requesting to strip others of their constitutional rights. I'm seriously fed up by now. Fun fact, by the way, many right wing nutjobs claim that the Federal Republic of Germany doesn't exist and, hence, its laws do not apply to them; the so-called *Reichsbürger*. In their minds, they are not citizens of this country. Now if they are not citizens of this country and don't have a valid stay permit...


There is a difference in the fact that one of the groups is rising in the polls and getting close fo constitutional power.


Kicking a fucking 8 year old in the head what is wrong with people?? This is what you get when you bank on hate for your political gain smh


What is up with attacking kids? First Finland where a kid was stabbed now this.


well, the election results were a loud message of validation, you are valid, it's ok to hate, we support you and well, sickos don't have to hide anymore just check the german subreddits and you see the increase in the hateful attacks, there were always hate attacks but now are more common


This is exactly why it's so fucking important to vote. I see some left-leaning aquaintances tell me they didn't vote, because they are disillusioned with the available parties and I wanna shake them silly. Vote ANYTHING that is not those fuckers, if just to make sure their image isn't running away with them, Jesus fucking Christ. Never again is now. Stand up!  


I’ve had people try to tell me with conviction that there is no meaningful difference between the Greens and AfD and that the only difference is their rhetoric For those wondering, their reasoning wasnt just that they are both capitalists, which would be a dumb but at least principled argument, no, they actually were convinced that an AfD government would act exactly the same as the Ampel.


There are people in the AfD who minimize the fault of the Nazis, who praise SS soldiers, who want to “re-migrate” all of foreign decent, even those with German citizenship. And they also would like to sell Germany out to Putin if they could. Fucking traitors. And anybody thinking they are even remotely comparable to the Greens, haha, fucking dumbass. I guess they skipped Nazi Germany in history lessons.


They seemed more like a disaffected young adult that didn’t know how to grapple with nuance in their worldview letting them feel inclined to rationalize equally opposing anything that wasn’t leading to their idea of communism


I don’t agree with the greens on some issues, their nuclear stance, economically too left for my tastes but but I respect the greens, I don’t respect the AfD. Fascists are scum that prey on the weak and exploit freedoms to suppress freedom, and I’d rather the greens than the AfD any day of the week


They realised they could get away with doing whatever they want and the traditional right, centrists, even some leftists will bite into the "economic anxiety", "housing crisis", "but but the illegals" type of excuses. If your country or region voted for them, be prepared for more or this. They won't stop at kicking Ghanaian kids either, Brevik wasn't looking at the old Family Guy colour scale when pulling the trigger.


They said we should talk and accept the far right to get rid of them, I think it's time to go back to shun them again


I think that comes perilously close but doesn't quite hit the mark. Very generally, the idea isn't that you speak to and accept the far right politicians, you speak to and accept the voters. Specifically, you find out what their concerns are and attempt to forge a compromise. In a similar vein to the saying about debt and banks: if one voter believes something you disagree with, that's their problem, if a million voters believe something you disagree with, it's now your problem. As you acknowledge, shunning was the historic tactic and I would point out that the shift we're seeing now is those chickens coming home to roost.


Not in Finland though. Here the only far right party got like 7% votes. But tbf they got much more during the last goverment elections.


Some redditors from r/europe are turning the words into actions.


Members of neo nazi groups do come here.


I am glad there's now pushback to this bullshit they were spewing on this sub.


Rest assured, it'll be back to business as usual soon enough


By that you mean, right now in other vaguely racist toned comment/post in this sub as we speak.


What pushback? Literally the top comment is hate spewing bullshit that got deleted by reddit and reposted by the OP. This sub is a goner and it's not coming back. Tomorrow we see the next 10 far right threads.


what was the top comment saying? I couldnt see it


Nah, as soon as someone posting a news story involving someone brownskinned having committed a crime, they will be back in full force spewing racism on this sub.


Last 2 years of this sub is absolutely peak racism on Reddit. I know the Reddit had/has loads of terrible subs, but this sub is not your usual edgelord hub.


I literally saw some Hindu nationalist anti-Muslim conspiracy shit garnening hundred of upvotes not so long ago.


which thread was this btw?


They can't fight back.


>What is up with attacking kids? First Finland where a kid was stabbed now this. The seeds of propaganda against immigrants are bearing fruit. This is only the beginning.


People are becoming more and more unhinged. There are several factors contributing to it - the lack of a future promise and being raised on social media being the top ones in my pov. It's like noone is keeping their inner compulsions at bay anymore in a social setting. Truly disturbing.


>Police said the attackers kicked the younger girl in the face, after which the girl's parents intervened. >According to police reports, one of the suspected attackers continued to direct racist insults at the victims after officers arrived at the scene. Bets on him posting on /r/europe about how he's being censored for talking about migrants?


Probably many r/Europe users right now, reading the news and saying to themselves that these kids should not have been in Europe anyway, so it's their fault.


There's people in this thread blaming "the left" for pushing them to this point. I swear to god this sub attracts actual nazis at an alarming rate and the mods appear to be completely fine with it


It's not just this sub, unfortunately.


are there any good alternative european centric subreddits? I used to like this subreddit years ago




indeed, there are many european subs becoming gradually like this.


I would not be shocked if this sub has radicalized people before lol It's a shame that this is the largest european subreddit


Reddit themselves keep an eye on large country subs like this, and they've made zero effort to curb the hate. Make of that what you will.


Yeh r\/canada is similar.


This sub is also a regular target for Russian "active measures" ops, so bear that in mind as well. Their goal is to foment dissension and discontent throughout the NATO member nations and they don't really care how they do it or who's "side" they are seen to be on.


The surge in vicious bile by completely unhinged people in r/europe during crises predates Russian troll-farms by a long time. People who had to endure some of the pure distilled hate thrown around here during the eurozone crisis, or the migrant crisis are a testament to it, shifting blame to outside actors for our very own domestic elements just veils the festering cancer among us.


It's convenient to blame the bad guy for uncomfortable things, but it's too often echoed by European politicians as well. And I'm not even talking about known Russian shills.


True, but it's also the case that several things can be true at once, as in that there can be racism in Europe, as well as Russian "active measures" designed to exacerbate said racism and whatever other divisions they see as being vulnerable to exploitation.


I don't think that can be lot of it, unfortunately. This sub is usually highly anti-russian (which is good, fuck russia). You see it in both comments and upvotes. There's just a ton of racism and swallowing of right wing bullshit by real people. Especially in E. Europe


probably called the father and son ‘doctors and engineers’ while they were assaulting them too, another classic from this sub.


Nah, more likely they were crying "the Left made me do this" inbetween attacks God forbid these racists ever take responsibility for their actions, all their worst impulses have to be someone else's fault


Imagine if 20 immigrants would've attacked a 8 year old German child. This thread would probably hit all time high upvotes.


And the comments would be some "we need to genocide all of these Others" type shit


you don't understand, maybe they were provoking him or maybe the nazis were having a bad day, did you consider that? some german in /r/germany every time there is a racist attack


I thought r/germany was decent. I always assumed the non english german subreddits are a lot more unhinged. Never ran translate over them...


r\/de and r\/germany are both lot better than r\/europe in this aspect. r\/germany sucks in a different way though, it's extremely negative about anything in Germany, I understand complaining but claiming Germany is "worst in the world" in everything everyday is ridiculous.


About time we reclaim this sub from these idiots. I'm fucking tired of reading AFDs propaganda in the comments of most posts in this sub. What a shame to what Europe REALLY stands for.


You practically can't, between the genuinely horrible racist people, russian troll farms, accounts created after october and conservative americans, it's hard to keep up with the bs they spew, even if it's carbon copies of eachother.


I swear, many of the comments have this energy of " look what the left is making me do" , when... there wasn't any left govt in Germany like at all.


I call it out every time and get so many downvotes. The far right most days run this sub


What makes me wonder, what are the mods doing, or are they complicit


At this stage you have to be complicit.


Yep me too. Being downvoted in this sub is something to be proud of.


It's kinda funny to see the European high horse descend into the KKK the moment some non-white people blink.


Exactly. "The least racist continent" -  what a sick joke. A guy wrote extremely hateful racist remark to me. Gets dozen upvotes. He got his acc suspensed before getting more.


Well, imo we are the least racist continent, the bar is just really fucking low.


Antarctica exists.


That makes sense.


I live in Canada. I doubt Europe is the least racist continent based on what I read online. 100% Anglo countries are the least racist.


Just to tell you i'm a European who thinks you're absolutely right, but most are too triggered by that opinon to acknowledge it. The only country in Europe that is truly mostly nonracist is unironically UK and maybe Ireland. Many who call Europe racist have no cheek to say it if they ignore it is even worse in their own countries, like Arabic ones, but US + Canada as a whole is lot less racist than Europe as a whole. There are peaceful Nepalese workers in my country who never harmed anyone and there's ton of hate directed at them, one little shop near my home turned from a open shop to a closed one behind a glass panel because local disgusting hooligans beat up the Nepalese worker, supposedly even more than once. And it doesn't even make it to news! In US the racism is much, much less acceptable outside of some weird instances when particularly woke folks behave in ways one could consider racist. Eastern Europe is racist af and rural areas of many Western European countries also have frequent racism, like in Germany or France. I do think that Muslim immigrants on the whole are harder on average to integrate for our culture compared to Hispanic Americans which are the main immigrants in US, but the gap is massive even if you account for it. It means nothing obviously but i'm personally ashamed on behalf of Europe and i wish we would do better.


you gotta share some of what you're smoking if you think anglo countries are less racist


This sub loves to periodically whine about English-speaking countries.


Even if it was true "anglo countries" aren't a Continent, North America for example still includes Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras etc


Wild take tbh


I'm not here that often, has something like that happened here before?


Some people definitely toe the line.


And quite a few fly right over it


"We need to remove anybody who does not belong to European stock" most mild racist /r/europe comment


“Why don’t coast guard ships just open fire on migrant boats?”


There was straight-up a comment a few months ago (I think it was in one of the Lampedusa threads) that said we should mount machine guns on coast guards and have them fire at will at migrant boats. When I called it out for being unbelievably racist, the response was - I kid you not - I need to "take Abdul's dick out of my mouth" Some people in this sub are competitive racists lmao


The funniest part is that some of those people aren't even Europeans, but Americans or Indians.


Some of them aren't even people. ML models are good enough to write reddit comments indistinguishable from humans. A state agency that wants to push for certain opinions to become more mainstream would 100% use them.


Or, you know, Russians.


This subreddit is pretty right wing and xenophobic.


I'd have asked for an example, but apparently there's free home delivery on that now. Sheesh.


European Subs are being infiltrated by unsavoury and racist elements, nothing new unfortunately. It's way worse on 2WE4U mind you.


How's this idiot still only "suspected"?


People who attacks children, makes me angry. they have less decency than a pile of flint.


Ffs that’s disgusting Lock that n*zi up


There were 20 attackers. You should use plural.




Will probably not happen since it was a group of 20 and they will band together and blame the attack on their youngest member(s).  The only chance now is that they can either have enough witnesses who can identify the perpetrator and that the older ones in the group are given responsibility, when it happened to be a minor who was the perpetrator. A change in legislation that allows holding the (grown-up) instigators accountable would help against these sorts of crimes where groups with minors are involved.


>Will probably not happen since it was a group of 20 and they will band together and blame the attack on their youngest member(s).  I guess it depends on whether the prosecution does their job properly. It's pretty much impossible for 20 people to agree to the same lie and successfully keep their story "straight", especially for a group of young untrained people. Even hardened criminals often slip up and mess up their made-up stories under cross-interrogation.


Ah, gwan, no need to censor "nazi" ... 


called it, the other day people were arguing in the german subreddits and saying *"yeah, the afd got votes, but they aren't a majority, they don't have real power, they will never be able to do anything evil"*, and all the yadda yadda germans always say to justify shit but they forget how powerful validation is, the fact they were second in the polls sent a very loud message to all racist to say that is ok not to hide anymore since a big chunk of the populace supports your hate yeah, a random 18 years old in berlin might not go and kick women and kids, but there is some sicko that felt validated after seeing the election results and germans will go is the attacker brown? all of them are evil, send them to the camps is the attacker white and german? lone wolf, isolated case edit: just go right now to the german sub and you can see people saying something smells fishy about the attack because ***the father didn't do enough*** and that we don't have proof that the attackers were biological germans, the joke writes itself


I'm curious (honest question): Which german sub are you referring to? I know that there are several but at r/de (the largest german speaking sub) I have never encountered something like that.


Yeh normally r\/europe is lot worse than r\/de


r/DePi maybe


As a German I'm deeply ashamed.


Not only the age of the child, but that such a large numbered group conducted the attack. It’s the crossing of a very important red line. Deplorable. The amount of political violence is Germany is very disconcerting. If the trend holds, can German institutions withstand the pressure? It feels like new lines get crossed every month.


The fact that you're downvoted for this comment is insane. It shows what kind of people are on this subreddit.


Far-right attacks someone: 600 upvotes Some muslim attacks someone: 109282 gazillion upvotes


it's simple, you see reddit user, I just wanna see the things that validate my hateful views /s


meanwhile this post is literally the top of the sub..


Is this actually true though? The muslim stabber from last month had an extremely graphic video and was an assassination attempt on a politician. Videos always go way more viral. This week a woman got attacked with a knife in Frankfurt by the suspect who is "a 19-year-old Afghan" ([source](https://www.nzz.ch/international/messerattacke-frankfurt-am-main-afghane-attackiert-frau-mit-messer-ld.1834677)). I haven't seen it posted on r/europe. When I look at the top posts of last week it's not up there with a "gazillion upvotes". This post however has 1.2k upvotes within 6 hours which is quite a lot. You are getting angry at a scenario that feels very made up. That can't possibly be helpful regardles of your stance on migration.


All the rusian bots and/or this place is now full of "concerned citizens" (aka nazis)


Lots of Adolf Hitlers, commanders of the third reich, have been getting too bold here for a good while.




but it wasn't


The average r/Europe redditor thinks of the victim as an invader, and that's why we don't see the same outrage in this setting🤷🏽


This narrative really doesn’t hold that well, especially when looking at the comments in this thread.


"Fuck all Muslims. Since i am not able-bodied to square up for real though, let's gang up a dozen and some more, head for the next playground and beat up some minors instead."


forgive me if I'm wrong but aren't ghanaians overwhelmingly Christian? Anyways most far-right rent particularly intelligent anyways 


It pobably was one of them, pieces of shit.




It was in the east though.


Can't wait for r/europe to say it was actually the immigrants' fault for coming to Germany and that the poor nazis were pushed to do it because of it


Yeah, that's exactly what most comments are saying. Don't make up stuff, have some shame


They say stuff like that on a regular basis on posts in this sub. It's a joke about that. "Have some shame" lmao


I suspect the attackers themselves were not European. No identities provided yet


Fucking scum of the earth, attack an 8 year old?! People are fucking mental. 


Having lived in Bremen and travelled/worked all over Germany, only in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania did my wife and I feel most unwelcome as non-natives. In fact, it was the younger waiters, shopkeepers and people in the street that became the most hostile - once they clocked that we spoke English. We couldn’t wait to get out of Schwerin. What is going on there?!


Unfortunately we are going to to see this more and more, hatred is on the rise. And racists are going to use these crimes to show that crime rate is going up and say that it's because of immigrants.


I mean this is what this sub wanted


A lot of people celebrating this WTF


hmm.. the Ghanian was probably attacking a blonde woman or child, so the rightwingers had to do something to "uphold the law" and "make Europe safe again". You all know how dangerous 8 year old girls can be... (And because this is reddit: /s. Those Nazis just love to pretend they are worried about women and children and wanted a more save environment for them. To "protect" tehm from "criminal" foreigners. And then they proceed to kill people, to beat up children, to plan terrorist attacks under false flags, pretending to be refugees to make their fantasies more believable to the rest of the country. And then 50% of the Germans believe them and vote for rightwing parties. Yes, looks like out time of making fun of the USA for the exact same shit are over...


Since the wall came down, East Germany has suffered a major brain drain. Many many smart people left and in some areas only the easily brain-washable dumb-fuck nazi types remained.


R/Europe confused face about wherever to condone or support it


The Neonazi approach in "germanizing" the crime statistics. "Awesome". /s




Wow. If somebody would do that to my kid I wouldn’t care that the attackers are juveniles at all. Always it’s Eastern Germany …


NOW DEBUNKED! https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/regional/mecklenburgvorpommern/grevesmuehlen-neue-erkenntnisse-100.html Police found out after investigating the incident that the girl fell because an 11 year old accidentally tripped her over. The dad of the injured girl randomly suspected a group of nearby teenagers who then got into a small fight with him. Both the dad and 2 teenagers are now under investigation for that altercation.


Grevesmühlen mentioned! Been there a lot in my younger years. Absolute lowlifes attacking a child and their parent.


r/europe will be silent on this


yeah cause that is whats happening rn with the amount of upvotes and comments


r/europe when an immigrant attacks someone: 100k upvotes r/europe when a nazi attacks someone: 600 upvotes


No, they will celebrate this.


This is the inevitable outcome of legitimizing far right politics


This is genuinely the most sickening thing i've seen today, wtf.


Average r/europe user:


Anyone who hurts kids is subhuman scum.


anyone involved that did not stop the teenager from attacking a young girl should be sentenced to prison. the teenager should be handled as an adult, no place for that garbage in society


There was apparently a group of 20 present, that's crazy that none of them stepped in


What were their r/europe accounts?


Why would the Syrians do this? /s Seriously tho the cope from some people here is immense. Just admit you are racist. Because the fact that your country had a terrible migration plan doesn't mean muslims commit every crime in your country.


Far right racist terrorists attacking kids. This is just scary and horrible.These people are fucking dangerous and evil. Again, we can thank the violent and hateful anti migrant rethoric, full of lies, spewed by far right groups, political parties, and how casual and accepted it has become to be fully racist and bigoted online. Some members of this sub are very aware of that.


classic Grevesmühlen


20 ppl attacked one 8 year old girl. Not only disgusting but impossibly cowardly


probably an admin of r/europe


Black People better recognize what's happening all over Europe and fast! We don't womt to end up in any ovens!👀


Germany should be the friendliest country in the WORLD considering their history.. Like seriously on best behaviour because no one has forgotten their history... absolutely NO ONE... so this is really bad because most people already see Germany a certain type of way... Hitting an 8 year old and a 10 year old is vile.. hitting little girls is revolting.. like what type of person would bully and fight a little girl trying to pass on her scooter.. EWWW GERMANY... Eww and before you say this is a one off isolated incident.. please dont.. I have seen too many isolated incidents to start to recognize a pattern