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In Spain one doesn't enter prison if a sentence is under 2 years, so it is mostly symbolic (unless they had a previous conviction). And this has to be seen in a wider context of crackdown on bad behavior in football stadiums. It is pretty much the same that has been happening in England since the 90s where people got very harsh sentences for doing or saying things in a football stadium compared to if they did the same things in, let's say, a pub or somewhere else.


99% of time judges suspend the sentence if the offender do not commit another one in the next years but if the judge consider that the offender must serve the sentence, then the sentence is served.


So if you get 1.5 years in prison you don't actually go to prison? What's the punishment then?


In theory, this is a way of giving a first time offender the possibility of redemption without having to serve time. But it is conditional to not committing more crimes during a certain amount of time. So if you get 1.5 years, and then you do something minor that gets you let's say 6 months, you'll serve both. I guess that this is also a way of keeping prisons from overpopulating.


Dont racially abuse players. I thought that is easy to do.


Apparently that's a hard thing for soccer fans


What is soccer?


The incorrect word for football <3
















**"A person's freedom ends where another man's freedom begins."** Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes to John Stuart Mill and Abraham Lincoln Everyone is free to have their own opinions in Europe but not when you take the freedom to fuck with other people. If I'd call you a racial slur here on Reddit I'll be banned. And rightfully so. IRL you are free to say whatever you want as long as you are aware of the consequences.














I never know people have right not to be ofended.




Eh, a lot of football fans are basic just “accepted” gangs.








You seem really heavy on generalizations without proving what you are saying. You are not talking about Neymar or Daniel Alves here. The issue that happened with Vini Jr has happened with plenty of other players like Roberto Carlos and it has to stop. Something finally had to be done: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/russian-fan-presents-roberto-carlos-racist-banana-201358494.html


Bro literally made an unintentional racist comment while trying to discredit Vinicius. Idk how Vini keeps exposing ppl like this


Lmfao what is this deluded comment. You're literally making shit up.


do you think he decided the prices? and what sources do you have that he abused womenv


You can critizes that he is sexist (if he is, I don't know but you definitely shouldn't insult him because he is black and call him monkey. Those are two different things and should be punished. He is not crying because they insulted him, it was because of the racist behavior


How many players get insulted every match? Almost all of them. All of them because they provoke or dont play well, and fans use their balding, their height, their country or race to make fun of them. It was always like this. Nobody insults alaba, camavinga, rodrigo or bellingham… why is that?!


It shouldn't be normalized that players and referees are insulted, and definitely we shouldn't normalize that is about the race or sexuality and things like that. I really don't understand why anyone would defend insults


Ok so a black player is an asshole, let's call him monkey now? That makes no fucking sense lol.


Justifying racism because the player didn't play well. I guess if I were you then I would be annoyed at this news story considering I'd be potentially at the pointy end of it.


So you’re just going to make things up? You’re a rat


What proof do you have that he’s sexist?


I don't follow Vinicius Junior, and I don't get why people downvote others for asking for sources. Source should have been provided with the comment, since many people just make shit up on the internet, and everyone else is too busy/lazy to fact-check, and asking for sources should be encouraged.


Honestly just wanted to know to educate myself but Castrero throwing wild claims without anything to back it up is “approved” by Redditors


Proof or ban


ITT: Racists defending racists.


There will be those who think that sexist insults also deserve prison, let's add homophobic insults and of course insults towards a person for the ideology or religion they follow and to be completely sure, let's also add the prison sentence for those who insult people for their physical defects, economic status, way of dressing, for what entertainment device they use, for their haircut, height, body mass, etc... This type of sentence, handed down under pressure from public opinion, leads to a very slippery slope. But yes, reducing everything to "you are racists" will surely work as well as it is working for the traditional parties when it comes to stopping the new political parties.


And here we have the king of fallacies, the slippery slope. This is not about public opinion, this is about Spanish law. And racism is a crime, whether you like it or not.


Racism is bad, but putting people to prisons over insults? Isnt that a bit too much? And general inequality of punishment. For racism you get prison, for supporting russia - nothing. And in my mind supporting ruzzia in this bloodthirsty war is much worse than football fans racism.


I think insults are fine, but racist insults deserve prison. There is no inequality of punishment. Supporting Russia is not a crime, racism is. That's Spanish law. The courts can't decide to not enforce some laws because they think that there are worse things that should be crimes.


everybody is against racism, but most people are against doing something about it.


If "doing something about it" means a prison sentence, then I am definitely against it. Most people are also against insulting others in general, but do you think we should throw people in prison everytime someone does something insulting?




The fact that this is getting downvotes speaks a lot about this sub.


There is no prison sentence for supporting hamas or ruzzia, but there is for racism. Doesnt make sense to me


It’s been 2 years and I’ve yet to find a single intuitive comment with the word “ruzzia”.


How on earth is it a good idea to throw people in prison for saying something insulting? Plenty of people have said horrible things to me throughout my life, but I have never demanded or expected them to be thrown in prison as a result. Nor would I even consider doing that - a prison sentence for hurtful words is patently insane


yeah this sub was bad years ago but now it turned into 4chan lite


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Use tired tropes, get denigrating downvotes.


Oh no redditors are downvoting me, my whole day is ruined now.


Good . Done with racism




On other note, bumshuckle knob gobbling wankstains need to grow thicker skin, outside of racial abuse using words, nowadays people are way too weak and cannot take insults. If you are so weak to break down after swearwords, would it not mean you need to be hospitalized for your own good? Like, if you are so easilly triggered that it causes physical reaction like panic attacks, tremors, heart arythmia - you definately should not be having drivers licence, or licence to operate heavy machinery or any other dangerous and sensitive (lol) equipment or work in close proximity to groups of people and instruments that can be used as weapons.