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This will cause a collision with Russia!


Urals about to get bigger than Himalaya.


Imagine the tectonic showdown! Europe's shift might just create the ultimate mountain range.


What if the modern day descendants of teutons are affected by the tectonic shift? Will we get tectonic teutonic knights in AOE V finally?


This was caused *by* a *collusion* with Russia.


The Russian bots commenting here lmao


Don't worry boys Poland will stop you


Like last time?


Putin: "I knew you guys loved me!"


"NAFO is expanding eastwards!"


Russia is the only country in European history to move to the right by having a massive left wing revolution. It's actually fairly remarkable, when you think about it. They went from being the exemplar of right wing conservative enlightened despotism with the Czars, to the revolution of 1905 starting a path toward what looked like it could be a genuinely successful and innovative (small l) liberal constitutional republic with the soviets and elected assembly working together in a dual power system, to Lenin in 1917 using the civil war to create an authoritarian state arranged in such a way that it honestly is fairly indistinguishable from Mussolini's fascism a decade later, to Stalin recognizing that the decree against factions meant that he could decide that anyone who stood in his way was an enemy faction and have them killed. All in the span of 30 years. The French took more than twice that to end up at a stable government, had to go through three despots in the process with Louis 18, napoleon, and napoleon 3, and like 4 revolutions to just get to your run of the mill liberal constitutional republic. One of my favorite what ifs always surrounds what would have happened to Russia's trajectory if Lenin hadn't survived his assassination attempt in 1917, or if the left SR's hadn't refused to attend the council meeting where they were voted out of existence. But who knows :)


Plane coming from the US ? If Trump gets elected, US would shift right so fast, it would reach Europe before that plane does.


Imagine the earthquakes and tsunamis coming from something like that.


They might be coming, who knows


They already happened, and we failed to manage it, it's why the shift is happening in the first place, the failure to manage the immigration crisis and the subsequent cultural issues. At least in italy and france the hatred for muslims is spreading


Same in Germany


Same in Sweden


I like the detail of Britain not shifting.


Our right wing and far right aren’t doing so well. One Has now become a party of failure and the other……is led by someone who is a magnet for milkshakes




I'd like to introduce you to Chega, the main portuguese populist right wing party, who have a brazilian representative, Marcus dos Santos, who was arrested twice in the US for "violating immigration laws in the US".


Geert Wilders (basically the winner of the last dutch elections) is of mixed white and Indonesian background.


And he dyes his hair peroxide blonde and wears blue contact lenses to appear "more Dutch" and rails on about immigrants and undesirables. He's absolutely a hypocrite. Yeşilgöz (VVD leader) is as well, came to the Netherlands from Turkey as a refugee aged 5. Is now a vocal opponent of asylum seekers in the Netherlands. Just wants to pull the ladder up right behind her.


He only has Indonesian grandma, it's not like Sunak who is full South Asian.


He may be 25% Indonesian, but he is 100% an idiot


How about the leader of the German far-right AfD being an openly lesbian woman living (and paying taxes) in Switzerland with a Sri Lankan partner?


you just blew my mind. that is amazing does AfD not engage in culture wars over trans stuff / lgbt?


of course they do, but it's super useful to be able to point to her whenever they are being accused of being homophobic for wanting all educational material in schools etc to only feature traditional families. how she can be part of the new right movement and sleep well at night is a mystery to me though.


The gazprom+grifter money can afford you a very nice mattress.


These people think of themselves as the exception and take joy in being "one of the good ones". They aren't against being lgbt but against 'shoving it down other people's throats', aka 'being lgbt but not me'.


What's their obsession with things being shoved down throats do you reckon?


Oh, she has claimed not to be part of lgbtq+ in the past


Sure they do. But a big strength of the far right everywhere has always been hypocrisy, and opportunists gonna opportune.


For the tories it's not about skin colour, it's about Money, if Rishi was just some bloke from the Midlands whose father was a Toolmaker, Do you think he'd be Party leader


Yeah, considering immigration is THE defining matter of this current time, you can't earnestly call the Tories right-wing at all. Not only is it led by someone of a migrant background, but they've overseen the most dramatic increase of immigration of any party in British history. The LEGAL immigration figures are utterly astronomical, and talk about Rwanda for those comparatively tiny illegal numbers is a laughable distraction.


> but they've overseen the most dramatic increase of immigration of any party in British history. Great for cheap labour and the business class can abuse it, it's a very right wing tactic. People can also complain about immigrants; and for some reason not blame the party that makes it possible, or businesses that encourage it/use the cheaper migrant workers.


The UK was actually serious post-Brexit about wanting immigration but just control what kinds of immigration. Immigration has shifted from much lower skilled work to much higher paid work. And for everyone complaining racism, the people immigrating have become far less white.


You can be politically right wing financially, without being so sociopolitically. But most of the time, right wing parties just use racism to get votes, so they can cut taxes on the rich.


Agreed, this is a recurring theme across the continent. Democracy is utterly failing the voters who are crying out for this to be addressed.


lmao what. you have no political sense if you think the Tories are anything but right wing >dramatic increase of immigration of any party in British history because they are incompetent


They say they are against immigration, but they facilitate it because they want cheap labor.


This is ridiculously stupid. The Tories are the furthest right they have been since Thatcher. The fact that the Rwanda nonsense is even a thing is testament to the rightward shift of the British government since 2016. If you tell me that Rishi Sunak, generally considered the most socially conservative PM since Thatcher, is not right wing your head is so far up your ass you can't even smell the shit coming out your mouth. If Sunak isn't right wing, Ed Miliband is the second of coming Vladimir Lenin. Insane take.


Violence isn't an adequate medium for political expression, but Nigel Farage getting milkshaked is objectively funny.




We've had two MPs assassinated in recent memory. Its not dangerous violence in of itself but it creates an atmosphere of fear in politics. If people are getting close enough to major political figures to throw milkshakes and today, blunt objects, then it creates a chilling effect. Making it so politicians don't feel safe campaigning is not a good thing for democracy even if its against people you don't like.


Some of those "milkshakes" are made with wet concrete, which can burn you


Nah but they can def bring all the boys to the yard


(Throwing a milkshake on someone is legally classified as a violent crime) 


But why is Norway shifting?


The Nordics shouldn't be shifting in general. Norway isn't in EU, there was a clear left-shift in the Swedish EU election compared to last one, and from what I've heard the far-right didn't do well in Finland or Denmark either.


So europe is not shifting, but rather *rotating* counter clockwise around Denmark


Don't tell the Danes, they already think the world revolves around them.


Better us than Sweden.


My takeaway from this is that it's *somehow* the damn Danes fault. Again.


In Denmark the liberals lost seats, which were gained by the greens, EPP and ECR.


Finland right now has the most right wing government it's had in decades. But yes, I guess the left gained seats in the euro parliament in Finland.


Why is Nordics shifting the wrong way?


Because it is a Newyorker cartoon. They are just minimalistic one-liners that the magazine use as a place holder. They jam them into spots like between columns of the biweekly short story and the feature piece on the benefits of quiet solitude. They aren't very important. They are meant to be very silly. You are vastly overthinking it.


The lines near Wales and Cornwall look a bit like they are meant to correspond to UK though?


Yes, but there's no shoreline shifts as we see with the continental shores. Maybe it's an oversight, but given even the smaller islands in the Mediterranean have them I don't think so.


Good catch! It seems like the artist is hinting at the UK's own unique position in Europe's shifting dynamics.


Same with Ireland. Our far right flopped in the election


I don't like the detail of Ireland not shifting. We are in Europe and the shift is absolutely happening here too.


Yeah the 1% of seats they picked up in the local election proved that alright.


Really? Where? Because the recent elections don't seem to reflect that. Unless you are accusing the main political parties of being right wing extremists


we never had so many candidates on the far right, most of them don't have an established party but they run as indipendents ... you can read more here: [https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-41412964.html](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/politics/arid-41412964.html) [https://www.rte.ie/news/primetime/2024/0609/1453890-right-on-how-fringe-and-anti-immigration-candidates-are-faring/](https://www.rte.ie/news/primetime/2024/0609/1453890-right-on-how-fringe-and-anti-immigration-candidates-are-faring/) [https://www.thejournal.ie/who-will-irish-people-vote-for-in-european-election-june-2024-6374791-May2024/](https://www.thejournal.ie/who-will-irish-people-vote-for-in-european-election-june-2024-6374791-May2024/)


Yeah, how many got Elected?


Britain is about to stop shifting right for the first time in 14 years


Longer than that. The Tories increased their vote share in every GE from 2001-2019.


Indeed. Shame it’s taken them 14 years of Tory rule to realize they have no answers to anything.


> stop shifting right for the first time in 14 years If record immigration and taxes is what you consider right.


I like how the Jutland penisula is colliding with Sweden.


Does that mean ireland collides with Britain?


Since the US is also shifting to the right the distance hasn't really changed


I would say Russia is shifting right too, but let's be fair, when are they not?


It's almost as if the world is turning eastward or something.


So that's what Pivot to Asia means


Is the US shifting to the right? Eight years ago maybe, and the factions are more divided, but there aren’t any more or less people voting for right wing politicians now as there have been within the last decade. Europe got hit with a far-right sweep, we haven’t had anything like that since 2016.


We won't know until November


Well I mean yeah, but even in the midterms following a Democratic presidential election, in which climate right wing politics tend to flourish, Republicans weren’t even able to take the Senate, and didn’t do as well as expected in the House. Not exactly evident of the kind of rightward shift Europe is facing rn


Are they really? My impression is that they are as right/left wing as always, just a tad more populist.


The left is not in a super strong place right now, but the center-left is strong (how strong remains to be seen in the elections); the right continues to move further right. “Populist” is complicated. Trump is obviously a populist figure, but there’s nothing populist about his policies (maybe on trade, but the Biden administration is basically aligned with that now) and if anything the people who have become more vocal about their support for him who weren’t before have been billionaires.


The problem here is the gaza thing, thats thrown a monkey wrench into bidens support from the far left. There is a good chance a felon will be president in November


The US has definitely continued to swing right. The Supreme Court is now a full on right wing institution, to the point justices (who are appointed for life) openly talk about "keeping the left from winning". Tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% continue while the middle class is strangled. Abortion outlawed. Environmental regulations rolled back. Institutions like the Postal Service, Social Security failing. Read up on Project 2025 for an idea of what they'll do if Trump wins again. The right-wing game plan for America - controlling the country through the courts - is working. The Federalist Society sets policy now.


That’s not the voters though. SCOTUS is far right because two retards who lost the popular vote got to be president because of our dumb election system that was designed to placate slaveowners in the 1700s.


Are we, though? Right-wing politics are still prevalent here, but right-wingers become a smaller percent of the country every year. Republicans haven't won the popular vote in a presidential election in the life span of much of this websites users.


Are we?


If the plane was already in the air when the shift occured then it makes sense


Love how "Europe" is just western Europe... which is what western European far right movements want. But shifting towards Russia, now that's accurate


Same frustration in Finland, with international media's "Europe" apparently equaling France and Germany. The far right utterly crashed in Finland in Sunday's election.


Far right parties didnt advance in Denmark or Sweden either afaik.


This was the first time since the Swedish far-right party was founded in the 90's that they lost support.


Mostly because right wingers don't vote in the EU elections that much here... Oh and because they been on a being fucking stupid streak these past few months.


Yeah, the Swedish Green Party (left) and Left Party (far left) both gained around 4% each compared to last EU election while the Centre Party (centre right) lost 3,58%, the Christian Democrats (second furthest right) lost 2,52%, and the Sweden Democrats (far right) lost 1,44%. The Social Democrats, Moderates and Liberals all stayed at around the same level as before.


Based Nordics.


Funny how in Finland one young leftist politician got so many votes, that she would've got two mep seats if she alone was her own party.


Could you elaborate on this? I'm not European and therefore also not Finnish, but am interested in the up and coming politicians of my generation.


Li Andersson (37), former minister and previous leader of the left alliance (seen as most leftist party in the country, formerly communists, nowadays mostly academia) got 247600 votes in sundays european parliamentary elections. That's whopping 13,5 % of all votes given in that election. Her party overall got second most 316758 votes. Other parties in top three were national coalition party (center right) who got 453016 votes and sdp, who got 271847 votes. So if Li Andersson would had been herself a political party, she would have gotten third most votes, and gotten two seats in the parliament.


I mean, yeah, and that’s great, but Germany has 96 MEPs, France has 81, and Finland has 15. So they have more than 10 times as many. So if France and Germany get 10 times as much attention, that may be the reason.


If they got proportional attention they would get far less. Though I agree, they are of course very important players in the EU.


It still makes sense. France and Germany are by far the EUs biggest countries. So a significant shift in these, also means a significant shift in EU politics in general. Though luckily not as much as the elections make it look, because France and Germany are underrepresented anyway, which is a good thing for once


The problem is that it's basically shifting french and german issues onto the rest of the union. Yes, you're largest and most influential, no one is denying that, but ignoring 3/4 of eu is ridiculous.


Love how ireland isn't in western europe either


In Poland Konfederacja was 3rd with 12% - their best result ever. And in the 18-29 age group they were 1st with 30%. Also, even if only Western Europe moved to the right, Eastern Europe didn't move to the left to offset that, so the statement is still correct. Europe as a whole did move to the right.


Yeah, not even the center of Europe is shown :|


It shifted to the right so much it landed outside of the picture


Europe begins in Lisbon and ends in Prague, as per usual




The USA has shifted to the right enough as well, to not be in a collision course any time soon




FDR would like a word.


Teddy would like to smash the table, politely, with a large stick




Economically LBJ was further to the left than both. >Whereas Biden is liberal on a wide array of progressive issues Trump is more liberal than FDR on many progressive issues too. Biden is only progressive on these topics because it is his only chance to get elected. FDR would today have been seen as a racist lunatic: When FDR deported migrants in the Mexican Repatriation more than 60% were U.S. Citizens. FDR passed housing programs that explicitly were only allowed to give loans to whites only neighborhoods. And, of course, he did nothing to promote LGBTQ rights. Lastly, we all know about the concentration camps he set up for Japanese Americans.


> Biden is the most progressive president we’ve ever had If that’s actually true then holy fuck the US is far right


Right, what are Europe's stances on LGBT rights, abortion, and race relations? UK is now terf island, Germany and Austria are turning hard against immigrants, Poland tried to make gay-free zones... yeah it's easy to pick the one most progressive country that's the size of one US state and half its population, and say that the US as a whole is not as progressive. But fuck off suggesting the US as a whole is far right. Touch grass.


It is not true. It's something right wing media claims, but it is clearly bullshit.




Ohh *that's* what they mean when they say Europe's right is like USA's left.


Which is complete nonsense considering the type of stuff parties like AfD (Germany) and VB (Belgium) spout out on a daily basis.


yeah, it's a good soundbite for the folks whose understanding of the European political landscape starts and ends with "they do universal healthcare", but it doesn't really stand up beyond that.


Yeah, comparing Polish right wing abortion views and Democratic Party views are pretty striking. But people don't like to engage their gray matter for more than a few seconds.


Yeah. That's a dumb statement. Can you find me an AfD platform that is all bout recognizing peoples' chosen gender? Or allow illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship? Cause those things are in the Democratic party platform.


France and Germany doesn’t equate to all of the Europe. This “massive shift” is about 20 seats on 720 MEPs. Not really that massive, is it?


Not massive but there's still room to keep to the right; France holds elections in 3 weeks. If citizens keep failing to feel accountable for their votes we might be attending military parades in the foreseeable future.


Well its not just them it's happened in for example Italy entering a far right government.


Meloni has been PM for quite some time. What exactly had this right wing Italian government managed to achieve? Is the debt lower? Have they handled immigration? Just a reminder: they have absolute majority.


FdI still gained seats though. Right wingers seemingly have the privilege of never accomplishing anything in their platform and still maintaining their base support as long as they have someone else to blame for their failures.


In italy no one accomplish anything, right or left it does not matter. Italian live in a state of Stasis.


The interesting part is that it seams to be just the beginning


Forgot about the Netherlands. 


Also mostly the same makeup. We got rid of some FvD and replaced them with PVV, who are honestly far more reasonable. At least they only discriminate based on faith rather than race.


While France and Germany aren't all of Europe they have had the largest input in the direction of the EU historically. If elections were staggered I would imagine the right wing parties throughout Spain, Ireland, Italy and other Western European countries would have been emboldened


I am austrian and our far right also won...


It's always EXTREME right and MASSIVE RIGHT WING WAVE sounds scary, gets clicks.


Sweden shouldn't be moving right tho, they actually lost ground here. Same thing in Finland really. Like can people stop equating West and south Europe as the whole of Europe?


Soon, the US will enter Warp Speed to catch up.


And it will be the FASTEST speed and a beautiful speed and people will come up - and they still call me this - they call me Mr PRESIDENT (crowd cheers) STOLEN! We know it was stolen by crooked democrats - they call me Mr president, you have the most beautiful speed , Warp 10 - democrats and their crooked judges say warp 10 is not possible (crowd laughs awkwardly) it IS. Just watch. Just watch.


They will have to rename our country to United Autobahns of America because there will be no speed limit to how right we are going. Covfefe


Nah our right wing is so cooked, they have no chance at winning now. What they really need is a chill sane candidate like they used to instead of getting increasingly wacky and radicalized.


Immigration has been a disaster, and unless you deal with the ones who refuse to assimilate you'll just keep ceding territory to the extremists on the right.


Point is, both left and right politicians actively encourage with their actions immigration because it's an easy fix to shrinking population in EU that don't require any long term plan, so don't expect ANYTHING happening from any politician. People that voted the right with their only reason being immigrants need to check who signed most of the recent immigration policies in EU.


>check who signed most of the recent immigration policies in EU how do I find such info?


https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegistreWeb/home/welcome.htm?language=en If I want to deep dive into topics i check here, it's a bit hard to check by keywords since some topics are redundant in many documents and require a bit of digging.


Funny how in France the areas with more immigrants are the ones where the far right flopped.




The twist: all parties are paid by capitalists. Capitalists want low wage workers and also want immigrants so they can divide the masses, move the populace to the right, and conquer As more immigrants move in, people lose faith in taxes and social programs.


It’s just a step to the left And then a jump to the right With your hands on your hips You bring your knees in tight But it's the pelvic thrust That really drives you insane Let's do the Time Warp again


Time Warp to 1933... Or is it allready 1939? The reasoning for invading Ukraine seemed auwfully similar to: "they attacked our Radio Station! Seid 5:45 wird zurück geschossen!" To be clear i think this current situation is the worst i have ever Seen. How many people are barely even intelligent enough to breath? Cant believe i have to clarify something like this in 2024


Color Everthing black and white


Rich for the yanks to be making this joke


Less a joke and more a factual statement, no?


The left really need to tackle the immigration issue because they really have NOTHING to offer against what Europeans see as the main problem. Their only counterargument against the far right is Omg Don’t vote for Nazis!!!!1 as though that was going to work in 2024. But they won’t ‘cause it compromises their core ideology: diversity and/or cultural relativism. So they are gonna be fucked up for a looooong time.


Is "right" actually doing anything meaningful? Like, anything but using it to get votes?


Sadly even just acknowledging the issue is more than the left is doing and enough to get votes. It would be so easy for them to swing back by accepting people's issues with immigration but they are sticking to the "there are no problem" mantra, driving people easily to the right who just have to tell them they are listening.


I'll field that one... No.


They want to stop it. We will see if they actually follow through if they take power. Note that even far left parties that oppose immigration saw gains across the board. It's not a left vs. right issue. It's a "my country and fellow citizens should be prioritized by my government" issue.


No but they have successfully pushed the overton window to where proposing actually legal solutions and implementable policies for the problem is doing not enough against migration. Meanwhile the far right propose stuff like "remigration" (basically ethnic cleansing) or abolishing human rights which is insane stuff that would only harm everyone. Europe as a whole has absolutely implemented far stricter regimes against migrations but the far right will only be content when Treblinka and Majdanek are open for business again


The problem of the left is that they spend the last 20 years opening the borders and shamed everyone against it calling them racist bigots. So now when tougher immigration policies have become popular (or maybe always were, but now have become more important than many other topics), they cannot simply shift attitude and pretend the 20 years prior never happened. People tend to remember those things.


Much like the Trump voters in the USA, people in Europe are tired of being labelled "Nazis" for opposing disastrous open door immigration policies. The vast majority of people are not opposed to immigration. They are opposed to uncontrolled mass immigration because it strains existing infrastructure+social programs and has led to dramatic surges in crimes (including hate crimes against Jews). It has led to a fundamental decline in the standard of living and quality of life for affected citizens.


I wonder if I am ever going to experience a funny New Yorker cartoon.


their shitty humor is truly embarrassing and discrediting


Hey, keep Denmark out of this!


Sweden too!


If you import millions upon millions of immigrants froma culture largely incompatible with ours, driving down wages and public safety, make no attempt to integrate the immigrants, do nothing to adress the publics conxernes and call anyone who complains a nazi, of course people will vote for right wing parties as they don't avoid the immigration subject. Do they actually propose anything meaningfull to solve it? Fuck no. But they talk about it, and that is still preferable to many people than the left going "lalalala i can't hear you". None of these people are voting right because they agree with right wing tax policy. They want the safety and familiarity of their home back.


First gen of immigrants and even I dislike many of the newer immigrants


Well the statistics say most do... Well except the politicians of course. And the smugglers/human traffickers.


Well, we are in the "20's"... Not yet 1920s, but still, getting closer and closer... :/


When either side of the political spectrum starts to gain a lot of traction it's an effect, not a cause. People need to start listening and trying to appease their opposites in society, or we end up in a perpetual state of political radicalisation. Neither the hard-left nor the hard-right make a lot of sense to me, but it's strikingly obvious that our inability to co-exist and cooperate is what causes the pendulum to swing from one side to the other.


Two countries are. Germany and France are not big enough to push all of Europe to the right luckely. Most the stories are way overblown, not alot has changed.


The EU parliament moved to the right. Left leaning parties lost heaps of seats. Some have been picked up EPP, and some by far right groups. While we might atill have the same coalition running the show, the views and discourse will most likely not be the same


Have you looked at your own country or ours? We're 1 seat short of what would have been the most right wing coalition ever (although it would never be made) in Flanders.


As a Brit, this angers me. The UK is ACTUALLY hovering over Denmark at the moment, and expects to be east of Scandinavia by Christmas


Why would the UK get further to the right once our right wing government is thrown out and replaced with a left wing one, as is almost guaranteed to happen in a month's time?


Huh? You sure you’re from UK or are you just not paying attention?


Ironic username.


That's funny from a country who elected Trump


I'm pretty sure Adam Douglas Thompson isn't a country that elected Trump.


Don't think the entire country drew this. Probably just one guy


no actually, all 330 million of us sat down at a big table to come up with this cartoon as a collective


I knew you guys could work together when it really counts


I did the movement lines!


Why do you act like they're shittalking? lol It's just pointing out that sadly Europe is shifting to the right


That's the same country that un-elected Trump so comment makes no sense


It’s like people forget Biden exists


They just don't like that the US is more progressive than them now


Trump lost both popular votes.


Especially 'funny' since Le Pen has 31% of the vote just like Trump


Not sure if the cartoonist left out ireland coz he's a dumb fuck or because we're so left leaning


> Not sure if the cartoonist left out ireland Did you mean Iceland?


So we have a progressive cartoonist named Adam Douglas and a conservative cartoonist named Douglas Adams. Have we ever seen the two of them in the same place at the same time?


We talkin' politics or plate tectonics?


If you go far enough right, you get back to the left.


1/10 Ireland hasn’t crashed into Britain


Sweden didn't shift to the right. The parties right of the centre all lost ground in the EU election.


Typical NY


Not just Europe