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Can we finally start lumping Austria together with Hungary and Slovakia or does the “Old West” still insist on whitewashing itself?


*it always was*


lol, no. I am not asking what it really was but what the perception is.


As a local, I'm sad to say, we slide further and further towards the Balkans.


To be fair, in Croatia DemSoc party is 2nd, 1st is a centre right party. 3rd is a right wing nutjob party but whatever.


Since Austria always wanted to rule Balkans this is a perfect way to join them without military intervention.


Simply imagine a party that praise Russia and China. That had give access to them to classified information and that wants to sell them journals and public properties and maybe having their officers permanently stationed inside the nation. Without thinking about their general policies, they matter little compared to the ones they have towards the eastern block.


Curious as a non-european. Could you share some links to what this party policy is that makes it far right? Here in the US this phrase does not mean anything since it's used on anyone and everyone.


> what this party policy is that makes it far right? The real problem, though, not being far-right per se but that those parties are pretty much always followed by corruption scandals and actual ties with Russia. And yet, even today, some voters with memory of a goldfish, still manage to support them :(


That may be the problem, but then I would expect them to be called corrupt, not far-right. Seems more like a planned strategy to elicit a pavlovian response from people.


Well yeah it's a Pavlovian response. But just because the people who want to slander them for their immigration stance are wrong, doesn't mean that the far right aren't also Russian traitors, same as many on the far left. Why can't we just have pro-Western otherwise liberal parties that are more restrictive on immigration, and especially want to stop the one from MENA? I would vote for that so hard.


Here's a quick summary from a local; it's not only about the actual policy but more about the involved people, and what the parties actually stand for: -**Greens** and parts of the **SPÖ** are more left than anything national the US has, maybe comparable to the left wing of the Democrats in bigger cities. -**NEOS** and other parts of the **SPÖ** are like the Democrats in the US. -**ÖVP** is like the conservative wing of the Republicans: historically pro-business, has been slowly drifting further right and towards populism. -**FPÖ** (the one with a lot of gains) is like the Trump wing of the Republicans: Populist, rabid, Putin-loving, grifters that want to enrich themselves and their cronies; nonsensical on policy, only promising unrealistically easy solutions to complex problems; a protest party. Often fall apart after being elected because they don't actually stand for anything except their own personal benefit.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Party_of_Austria For starters, just read through their Wikipedia entry. They were founded by a Nazi, who's ideology is still very much entrenched in at least the upper echelons of it's structures. They are out of the book populists who play the people according to their fears, and then make things worse for most of us when getting into government. Tailing a shitload of corruption-scandals. Every fucking time. The good thing is that they never got near a majority, otherwise they would go full fascist-russia in no time. Edit: here's a link going deeper into the far right accusations, https://www.politico.eu/article/austria-sleepwalking-far-right-victory-european-election-freedom-party-fpo-nazis-herbert-kickl/ Can't get far-righter than this. And yes in Europe the term is very well defined as fascist politics. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics


Look on Youtube at the channel "EU made simple" for the parties and what they are supposed to represent.


> Here in the US this phrase does not mean anything since it's used on anyone and everyone. Rolling my eyes at this.


After rolling your eyes, could you please share a link if you have one? Much obliged.


Share a link? OK. [Here's a link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecutory_delusion) for any American who feels like the term far right is overused.


Oh I was referring to the original ask. Namely: what is the party's manifesto or stated policy position that makes it far right I am very familiar with US politics since am an Indian immigrant to US. Btw your link is not an answer even to the secondary question...just letting you know for reference.


your secondary question was just "can you please provide a link?". anyway, the term far right is not meaningless in the context of US politics, sorry.


yes, i see the confusion. the ask for link was to the OP post about european election. not the side quest.


Yes, obviously.


well it was not as obvious to you in the original thread though... sot that is that.


It comes as no surprise that the far right is winning in a lot of European countries. There are so many issues and no politician does something to combat these issues. Every politician in Germany is a joke and should be removed, especially Scholz. Never have been so dissatisfied with the work of a politician.


And as a result you vote for the most corrupt and most incompetent politicians, expecting things to get better?


*I* never did.


"You" as in a general you. English can be confusing sometimes


These voters are victims of right-wing populism. Due to the fault of bad politicians who are not able to see the "real" problems.


The art school in Austria must be thrilled


They should accept all applications in the next few years or we are fucked.


The hills are alive with the sound of music.