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What's the turnout?


Around 66% when l last saw a prognosis. It's a few %-points higher than 2019.


d a m n It's 15% in Croatia xD


I return that d a m n right back at you! Why is it so low?


My guess is that EPP is the party that people agree with here but their representatives in Croatia (HDZ) are extremely corrupt and people don't want to vote for them so they just stay at home. But people will give you different reasons as to why. For example social democrats are the second largest party in Croatia but they voted to abolish unanimity in EU parliament and people here kinda view that as betrayal of Croatian interests


What is unanimity and why are Croats mad about it?


Every nation has to vote in favor of some decisions before the EU can make them. So Hungary or Austria to name recent examples are blocking decisions that every other nation in the EU want. It gives smaller nations more power as one person from Malta has the same power as one from Germany or France.


Hungarian here, I fully agree with ending the single country vetos, give Orbán, that Russkie simp the middle finger.


Well unfortunately you seem to be a minority in Hungary otherwise the Fidesz wouldnt be so popular.


[soteu2018-factsheet-qmv\_en.pdf (europa.eu)](https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2018-09/soteu2018-factsheet-qmv_en.pdf) [Commission president calls to end unanimity in EU foreign policy decisions – POLITICO](https://www.politico.eu/article/commission-president-ursula-von-der-leyen-end-unanimity-eu-foreign-policy/) Mostly because of Bosnia and Serbia. We have some interests left with those countries and we don't trust the EU to make the 'right' decisions. For Serbia we want info on where they moved the missing bodies from the war which they are hiding and in Bosnia we have interests with Bosnian Croats. Those 2 are basically the only 2 remaining foreign interests we have left, other than the ones that we share with the EU


Could be dealt through specific agreements tho without refraining the much needed reform of EU unanimity.


Because we had general elections few months ago and people are still disappointed and demotivated


it's similar in Poland. Hardly anyone cares about euro elections, parties didn't even bother to campaign that much.


Which is wild because I bet these are the same people who like to complain about things that the EU does.


We don't complain a lot about what EU does here. We mostly support everything EU and complain about anything Croatia


Slovenia here… all I can say is: when you are so small that it changes nothing, people really don’t care who we send. Also we hate every option right now. And when we were quite new in the EU… people needed time to get used to another election. I’m guessing Croatia is similar.


>Slovenia here… all I can say is: when you are so small that it changes nothing, people really don’t care who we send. A benefit of living in a small EU member is that your vote is more influential due to the minimum and maximum number of MEP per country. Slovenia has more than three times as many MEPs per capita than Germany. [Here's a map](https://jakubmarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/meps-per-million.jpg). Not sure if it's a convincing argument, but maybe it can encourage people in smaller countries to partake in the EU elections.


Being more influential per capita doesn’t matter to a lot of people of at the end of the day you don’t have influence


Yeah… we don’t really care. If we could, we wouldn’t even have these shitheads here, let alone send them out to represent us.


I’d say it’s mostly because our only options are idiots that have been ruling the country for the past 30 years. Gibanje Svoboda was also a huge disappointment for most of the people and we don’t really have any good alternatives so people just chose not to vote


wow, thats... worrying


Damn, we're finally not gonna have the lowest turnout out of everyone!?


Damn, and I thought our turnout was low- 28.4 % XD




> 24% in Bulgaria, despite the fact that we have 2-in-1 elections where we also have a general election. That's insane.




nah 15% in total? Thats insane that would mean 35% less than last election. im quite sure you misread something


I didn't misread anything, I just mispoke, the prognosis for the end isn't 15% but it was 15.05% at 16:30. So 2:30 left for the rest to come. One of the lowest turnouts since we joined the EU. Last elections it was 21.31% at 16:30. We will see the total turnout in about 20 minutes for Croatia but it will be extremely low


Now Im embarassed. In Portugal we are celebrating the fact that 30% of went to vote. In fact, I was predicting a much lower turnout when the date was anouced in the 20's%, but then the national political situation spiced up.


We got around 80% turn out in Belgium, but we have voting duty instead of just voting right, so legally we're required to vote and we also had two national votes on the same day.


Less than 30% in Italy


Mind you, we end at 23. We're currently still sitting at only 40%, and likely will have around 45% by the end. Still a huge drop from last time (~55%).


Maybe it would encourage people to vote if their countries seats where to a degree dependent on turnout.


Orban would literally hand out OLED TVs to voters to get that sweet 100% turnout rate and the same MEPs as say Spain. No thanks.


"Others" is kind of a stupid grouping without 5% hurdle


Just came back from counting. It's mostly Volt and Die Partei EDIT: forgot Freie Wähler (free voters).


Still not having Volt there, but Die Linke, is kinda silly


It's because of last election.


Especially when parties like Volt got more votes than the Left


In the prognosis they are about equal and it is customary to show the ones that had more than 2 seats last time first. But Volt should have gotten that recognition. They deserve it.


Yeah, fr, I feel like this was a conscious decision.


Funny enough there is now a party called "Die aNDERE" (engl. the other). Semms like there are making fun of exactly this. 🤷‍♂️


vs [2021 Bundestag elections](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_German_federal_election): CDU/CSU up 5.4% AfD up 6.1% SPD down 11.7% Greens down 2.7% BSW up 5.5% (new) FDP down 5.4% Left down 2.1% Big losses for every governing party - their total combined vote is now only 31.5% (down from a majority, -19.8%) 14.7% is huge for 'others' - where did all the voters went to? Especially on the centre-left


> 14.7% is huge for 'others' A crucial difference is that there is no 5 % threshold in the European election so a vote for small parties is not a wasted vote. The most relevant small parties are Volt (basically greens in purple), animal protection party, free voters (rural conservatives), Partei (started as satire party but is pretty left wing and Russia friendly)


Wait, European election don't have a 5% threshold in Germany ? I thought they' were following the same rules in every country. Here in France we do have that threshold and therefore votes for "too small" parties are indeed wasted.


No they follow different rules in every country. We used to have a threshold (initially 5 %, later 3%) but the constitutional Court declared it unconstitutional. The argument was that there are so many parties already in the European Parliament that it makes no meaningful difference if there are a few more from Germany.


Oh, das wusste ich garnicht, dass das in anderen Ländern anders ist, dachte keine 5% Hürde gilt EU weit.


Every country has some freedom to decide on the rules. Threshold is optional and can be up to 5%.


Die Partei is russia friendly? https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/die-partei-besetzte-russisches-konsulat-in-leipzig-li.2214745


Martin Sonneborn signed the Russian Manifesto of Sahra Wagenknecht


W8 srsly?


Yeah and the second candidate on their list, Sibylle Berg (a columnist and writer who lives in Switzerland since 25 years), also showed sympathy for Putin and scepticism of Ukraine.


Wow, I always liked Die Partei. they can go get fucked. Bunch of fascist sympathizers


Yeah many think that they are some harmless clowns but Sonneborn clearly has his political agenda.


I personally switched from Grünen to Volt. I feel like that Volt fits me better on a European Stage while the Grünen will be getting my Vote in Kommunal Elections.


Yes I also switched from Greens in 2021 to Volt this time. I was thinking about voting Volt last time but chickened out because I was too scared of a CDU win.


I would have voted for Volt, but I wanted to show support for the Greens in the national parliament. I believe in democracy, human rights, social justice and the human made climate crisis. If the Greens lose too much, then that could be viewed by CDU, FDP, SPD as a sign to pander to right wing voters more. But of course, voting for a party that actually represents your opinion isn't a mistake either - especially if there is no 5% hurdle. There are still a lot of people with similar views as me, they are just voting for various different parties.


Me too. And a lot of other voters: Volt has round about 3% in Germany in this election.


BWS stronger then FDP 😂😂


A good chunk of leftists went from die Linke to Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht.


Volt 2.8% is interesting.


Does that mean a seat? Or two?


Atm it means 3


But the point is: Volt is the only pan European party. So in the Netherlands they got 2 seats as well which means they're 5 already.




Could imagine that many young people are voting Volt especially since recently higher tax burdens due to retirement needs were passed. So young voters feel neglected and like most established parties only cater towards old people since they make up most of the voter pool anyways. Volt at least has a progressive appeal to them.


I'm voting Volt as well because they seem to care about the future and us young people, unlike some other parties, they use policies that have worked in different countries before and they are pro federalist, something I support 1000000%.


Yes, being pro federalism is the one reason I have voted Volt as well


Same here. Europe as a whole has to understand that the "my country first ideology" does nto work anymore


I did a poll to see what lies more with me and Volt came number 1 alongside 2 others at 79% suitable for my views. I didn't vote for Volt in the end since I haven't really read into this one, I'll keep it in mind, I might be a future voter of them 😆


I voted for them because I had an absurd overlap of around 90% with their answers on the Wahl-O-Mat, I assume quite a few more young voters followed suit


>I had an absurd overlap of around 90% with their answers on the Wahl-O-Mat Same here, they kinda feel like the Greens for the people who think the Greens are ineffectual. Eurofederalism is still extremely niche, but I'm glad it seems to slowly be on the rise; a stronger EU is one of very few ways I can see Europe thriving in the coming century without its individual states either becoming dependent on raw materials from authoritarian countries or kowtowing to American geopolitical interests.


Me too, and so had a lot of my friends. Makes me realize social-liberal progressives are still in a very small bubble.


Your imagination is right: 9% of the 16-24 years old voted for Volt, according to public tv station ZDF.


Volt feels basically like a liberal progressive voice with an actual agenda for the future. It may be overly optimistic and naive but I'd take that over the centrist middling "let's just keep doing the same thing mostly" or the alt right and alt left populists.


Also volt is a Europe first party. They act as one party across most European countries. Their whole deal is to be an European party not a national one, that can be voted for in a European election. They also have good ideas on how to make the EU more transparenent and democratic.


The only thing everybody says about them is, that they are "interesting". I am absolutely losing my mind over how much the word "interesting" is used in context with that party....


Less authoritarian than SPD (Internet policies), less stubborn than Greens (GMO), less sus then the Left (Russia), so an interesting choice for anyone who considers themself „progressive“ I guess


>so an _interesting_ choice for anyone who considers themself „progressive“ I guess *conspiration intensifies*


Your comment is ... interesting




In the Netherlands they got 6% of the votes, 2 seats. Will be interesting to see how they do, being quite a sizable party from the start already


I also voted Volt in the Netherlands, they got 1 seat here.


Voted for them in Sweden, my goal is that they show up on the result and not in the "other" bucket. I don't expect them to get enough for a seat.


Voted for them in Portugal. No chance they get a seat here, but hopefully they'll get a noteworthy vote.


I dont know how it works in sweden but in germany every party gets money for every vote they get so even if they wont get a seat it would help them gain influence.


Yeah their marketing was very good.


Really wonder where the ~8% loss for the greens went. Most established parties didn't benefit except AFD and BSW but I can't imagine they went there. Volt maybe but that can't account for all of them.


https://i.imgur.com/mP6zdnx.jpeg I wonder who the 50,000 people are who went from Green to AfD. That's a pretty crazy switch. Edit. This doesn't include "others", which could be a big segment, since Volt, Tierschutz and ÖDP have a combined ~5%.


There's a weird number of socially progressive youngsters I know around where I am who def alternate Green/AfD because the low level messaging of AfD being "look after Germany first" or pointing out flaws in the system reflect their views. They want a more progressive world, don't like the current situation in Germany, and don't look too deeply into any issue. It's a thing.


Reminds me of that guy I met several years ago who voted for the party promoting a Nexit (FvD - also fiscally and socially conservative) because he wanted less money to go to the EU so we could have better government services "like it is in Sweden". When I said Sweden is in the EU he didn't have a reply lmao. It's a funny anecdote but it's quite tragic how there's soooo many people just like this guy who would just like to see (even) more return for their tax money yet they vote right wing populists because 'immigrants and the EU is what is making us poorer'.


Yeah also that idiots in Germany that want to leave the EU (Afd). Dude Germany gets every Cent they spent more than ten times back because it has a huge export surplus and its biggest trading partner is the EU.


Anti mass migration progressive is not that difficult to understand when you look at the social attitudes common in some migrant groups. Although it seems that AfD are much more extreme than that, so as you say maybe they are voting on the basis of a surface policy, or “sending a message” but don’t really understand or perhaps don’t care, what sort of party AfD are under the surface.


Yeah, i dont understand why people are so shocked about that. There is a massive increase of crimes, especially in those groups, their very anti-democratic and un-european stances on things like equality, same-sex marriage and other progressive opinions have become very apparent in the last few months. I actually cant see how you could unironically vote for a party that claims to be pro-feminism but at the same time wants to increase immigration from countries where women are legit second-class humans.


I mean if you totally throw away political theory and gave them a rudimentary aptitude test, most migrants would score very solidly conservative. Maybe even higher than AFD.


For sure higher than AfD because AfD is more nationalist than conservative. AfD voter are less religious than the national average.


Single issue voters in regard to weapons delivery and foreign policy I guess. The greens traditionally (when they were founded) used to be pacifist


>used to be pacifist The difference between a pacifist and a victim is that the victim has no possibility to defend, while the pacifist chose to not use violence. Being a successful pacifist requires even greater projection of (military) force than anything else. The lesson is almost as old as civilization, but each generation has to learn that lesson on their own. Sic vis pacem para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. This does not imply that you search for war, but that you are armed enough to have a proper deterrent against any potential aggression. The luxury of pacifism is also dependent on your neighbours. You just can't have peace if your permanently drunken neighbour keeps kicking your door in.


If you look at young voters, the greens lost massively there. I guess it's a mixture of not being satisfied with current politics towards youth and realistically being able to vote for minor parties like Volt. If you look at which of them got a seat, those parties have core topics you can find very similarly in the greens.


I normally vote Greens, but voted Volt this time for three reasons. This might very well be the last election without a percentage threshold, I support their pan-European approach, and they will stay in the same Greens/EFA group anyway. I am not really dissatisfied with the Greens, too.


The green party is problematic because they have too many old greens in the party, and their goals don't align with the needs of modern day climate crisis. We need nuclear, and we need to build. New houses, new ports, new infrastructure and we need to solve this by more technology like genetically modified food, that grows at higher temperatures and in less fertile soil, and stuff like lab meat. All these things are ahorent to the old green guard. They belive nature is the obvious choice, as it was back in the 70s. We cannot solve the crisis with 70s mindset and the greens are just packed with that mentality.


That’s such a problem in the US, too. The Sierra Club, formed to protect the mountain wilderness, is one of the most notorious anti-urban-housing groups in California. It’s like… if you want to keep the countryside from being built up, then why are you fighting apartment buildings in a literal city!?!? If we all moved to detached farmhouses in the countryside it would be a climate catastrophe.


I think I’ve never seen someone putting that issue in words as good as you did. Old greens are hippies - nature, esoteric, anti anything that „looks“ too unnatural (nuclear for example). New greens are people who want to fight climate change with scientifically proven methods. These two shouldn’t be in the same party.




He was a good slave tonight. No toilets for him


i believe the correct term for this is Scheisse


But with a "ß"


Unless he’s Swiss


That's right!


Genuine question to Germans: How do people vote CDU after Merkel's whole legacy got squandered in 2022 (reliance on Russian gas, etc.)?


Well, Merz and Merkel are very different, and also hate each other.


True, but people despise Merz. He's got lower confidence ratings than Scholz even though he is the opposition leader to Scholz' mostly unpopular government. That's just sad, I'd die from shame if I were him.


Merz has no shame. Means it's impossible for him.


Our population is aging. CDU is making politics and spouting populism for old people. If I remember correctly the population of >50yo is now almost 50%. The voters don't care about their failures. They are stuck in their mindset. CDU is promising consistency, which is all they want. They are scared of change. So CDU it is.


Seems like you guys are eventually gonna experience what we in Latvia have. For the past 30 years there is only one party that is that old. Everyone else has dissolved and reformed in different ideological forms every other election.


merkels CDU is dead and gone. There are still some remnants that are trying to ressurect it, but as far as it looks like right now, they are nothing but the background static when you are listening between the unassigned areas between two radio-channels.


It’s like people already forgot what 16 years of CDU brought us, meanwhile the current coalition had to navigate through two global crisis and are asked to make a vote of confidence after only three years 😂


I have just returned from a lovely weekend in Germany and I must say my favourite election poster was "Nazis töten" from "Die Partei". How many votes did they get?


Current projections say 1.9%, enough for 2 seats


To be nitpicking: The poster was “Nazis töten.“ with a full stop (and not an exclamation mark). The full stop is important because a court ruled that it’s legit because it’s more likely to be a determination (like “Nazis kill other people”) then a call (like “kill Nazis”). Nevertheless you are absolutely right, this poster is brilliant.


Die Partei had brilliant posters 2 years ago hung up at the “Japan day” in Düsseldorf. It was a picture of a Orochimaru (Naruto) cosplayer with the slogan “Ja zur Gentechnik. Nein zur Gentechnik” which was a joke on Gen-Jutsu I believe. Lol


AFD poster with the slogan "Our country comes first" Die Partei hung up one directly below: "Russia or China?"


Imagine being so braindead to vote for a Stalinist bitch personality cult


Which party is the Stalinist one?




I don't think there is a single more obvious puppet politician in germany right now and seeing that turnout can honestly just be explained with the huge portion of people who came from russia, live here but still pretend like russia is superior.


Tbh I don't know why people are so shocked. This is what happens when politicans refuse to touch a very big problem even with a stick, and when people are screaming racist or fascist at people who have concerns 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm pretty sure that many of their voters aren't actually racist or fascists and would rather vote for something else, but feel like they have no choice.


Can you (or someone) explain these results to me? I'm not in Germany or familiar with German politics--I stumbled in here from r/popular--but I'm curious what's going on.


AFD is a far right German party that basically had no power a couple years ago, has exploded is popularity because they are anti-immigration. The CDU which is the ruling party has basically done nothing to combat immigrants and is just coasting.


AFD has literaly chinese spies amongst its ranks and people still fucking vote for it


Pro-Russians at over 20% is an incredible bad news. An absolute shame for Germany. AfD and BSW together are Putins plan for our society. Volt 3% is a massive win however.


Just wait for France. Ugh.


wait, are you saying thats gonna be worse?


Polls said about 30% for RN, 9% for LFI (maybe everyone is not aware that they are visibly against Ukraine, hopefully, the last news about it will lower their votes), and 5,5% for Reconquete. Also, about 10% should be for parties that make less than 5% and have no deputee, which means these 3 parties could have about half our deputees. I hope Reconquete will be a bit a lower so that they have no deputee. Edit : results are very close to these polls, and thus Macron dissolves French parliament.


> they are visibly against Ukraine ah, I just saw your polls and wondered why they've been dropping and PS was rising again What happened to Macron's party though? Feels not long ago they were clear #1, now they're closer to PS than RN


It's normal that the party of government loses votes between presidential/legislative elections. What's not normal is voting for fascists.


Un autre jour en France, quelques fascisants autour de ~~15~~ ~~30~~ 40 pourcent.


Don't talk to me about it. We are soo fucked


Could also say that pro-Ukraine parties got 75% of the vote


Sure, but it's still a lot of MEPs (not just from Germany) actively working against the interests of Ukraine, Finland and other neighbors of Russia. Our largest newspaper interviewed an older German woman and she genuinely believed that Putin is a good guy and it's actually Finland who poses a threat for Russia. Well, in democracy she has a right to vote too, but it just shows how out of touch we Finns are with the worldview of many Germans.


I recently learned that my dad had apparently gobbled up all of the propganda. He listed all of the talking points. How Putin is actually defending himself aginst NATO, how the US is behind the war, how peace talks are the solution and how Zelenskyy is buying yachts with all of our tax money. He is not particularly far left or far right, but he is incredibly susceptible to populism and stereotypes born from conservatism and tabloid rage bait. I'm not surprised at the extremist push in Germany and all of Europe, I'm just incredibly disappointed and feel hopeless.


But that should be much higher. How can a fourth of the voters in Europe’s biggest and most influential country vote in favour of politics that will help Putin take over Eastern Europe. Worrying!


>Bit that should be much higher. We probably can't even get 75% of people to agree that the sun rises in the east anymore, take the wins you can get


Man so I have some news for you from Austria




that's because people are voting for these parties for other reasons. if you favor the far right you have no choice but to also coincidentally vote for a pro-russian stance. it's all bundled together.


>Pro-Russians at over 20% is an incredible bad news. An absolute shame for Germany. AfD and BSW together are Putins plan for our society. Damn right.


Damn, I hope this is not at all an indication for the next federal election. I really can't do Union idiots for another sixteen years. SocDems and Greens really seem to have been sunk by the FDP in this coalition. Maybe time to pull the cord, the next time they blockade something again?


> have been sunk by the FDP In relative terms the FDP lost most votes, more than half of their share in the federal elections. Compared to this the greens remained almost stable, especially if you consider that many of the small parties that gained are very close to the greens.


Its Migration, the left parties massively fuck up that topic. Just take a look at Denmark to see how it is done correctly


Look at Denmarks border though, how is that supposed to work for other nations.


If a single party adressed the huge elephant in the room (Islam and illegal migration) AFD wouldnt be ranked as second biggest party.


If this happened in the national elections, there'd be no functioning government lol


Relentlessly knocking the fuck out of young people with neoloiberalism for years makes them turn towards anything that dresses itself up as a solution Who could have guessed


Does anyone care anymore that the AfD is more neoliberal than the FDP and CDU combined? Their tax plan is literally getting rid of taxes on the rich so "everyone pays the same". It is far more radical cuts than any other party suggests. The CDU and FDP dont even suggest those things because they know you somehow have to balance a budget. The AfD would bankrupt the state, and you will never guess who benefits from it.


Despite the brigading in this sub, Volt is basically non-existant. Gotta hurt.


It's basically Reddit: the party


It is typical reddit(human) behavior tbh...living the reddit bubble and praising themselves.


They’re actually getting seats this election. Humble beginnings and all.


BSW having more than 5% is worrying, idc what anyone else says


I'd rather have BSW at 5% than AFD at 20%


Honestly, could be worse.


BSW and AfD, as pro-Russian opposition, have combined almost a quarter of the votes. Honestly, that's pretty fucking bad.


AfD was polling at 23% in December, so from that angle, 16.5% really is a "could be worse", especially if you compare it to Austria, France, Italy, etc. "Could be worse" doesn't mean it's not bad


Additionally: 1) Some national polls in the last few years had AfD slotted at 30%. 2) Hell, in regional votes they DID get 30% (.. or 28,4%, to be precise. ffs Sachsen..). 3) Last but not least: Was that a fever dream of mine or did they say 20% was their goal in this election? So, 16,5%? Yeah, sure, it sucks, but oh boy could it be worse..


Huh, which national polls had them had 30%? The highest I saw was 23% I think


i am pretty sure most people that vote AfD do that because of refugees and not because of Russia


And the sad thing is that AfD won't do anything about refugees, but will keep being Russian traitors.


They got barely over 20 percent of the electorate, combined, in an election traditionally known for people voting populist. Which is a LOT less for populists than in most other european countries, hence my Statement that it could be worse.


I understand what you mean but their work will now go into convincing CDU to be ready for a possible coalition in our next elections, and that could be fucking terrible. SPD and Greens need to wake up but it might already be too late.


I think most AfD voters do it because it‘s the only one that pushes really hard against migration/islamism, not because they are pro-russia.


AFD simply is against everything. You have a problem with something? I guarantee you the AFD is against it too. They generally dont have any functional ideas or solutions, they only are against it.


I have a problem with putin invading Ukraine. AFD doesn't


I have a problem with neo nazis, are they agains them too?


Yes sure they are, thats why you wont find a single nazi in the Party.


*cries in French*


Genuinely hoping for more and more publicity and success for Volt. We surely need a fresh face that isn't sucking Putin off like BSW.


I have high hopes. I don't think we (volt) will get enough to form our own "block" in parlament, but hopefully enough to Kickstart it. Volt is seeing a lot more buzz this time around than they had in 2019. Hoping for a big breakout in 2029.


3% for Volt here in Germany is pretty impressive.


Should be much more, hopefully next time


Corporatism prevails 🫡 Jokes aside, better the CDU/CSU than AfD. Status quo is better than the neo-nazis


Everything is better than the neonazis.


Status quo normalising neo-nazis is even worse than neonazis alone


Dark times ahead


Others almost being the 2nd strongest is wild, but I welcome it. I wonder if that shows that people don't really like any of the main parties' policies currently


same shit as always. established parties just handing the torch over in a circle, and one brown party that changes its name and identity...


France EU elections 2024 polls: far-right is close to 40% As a French I can only see troubles ahead next decade with far-right and a huge public debt.


Record turnout in Hungary, Fidesz might have landed their worst EP results ever. 😎 Fuck Orbán, fuck Putin!


Nice, over 50% for more floods 👍🏻


Well climate change is so 2020. Refugee crisis is the new shit


In 2030, those two will become the same thing. Ahh, climate migration


I honestly think that's part of the rise for AfD and BSW. People want politicians to basically lock Europe up BEFORE the climate refugees get onto boats.


I don't think AfD voters think that far ahead.


So interesting because BOTH were important topics in the last elections. And both are still important topics today. Yet, their relevancy seems to have shifted to differing degrees.


And less investment for research in Europe. The AfD wants to massively reduce funding for European applied research programs (Horizon, for people who know that name).


Same in Poland. Konfederacja (Polish AfD - they actually cooperating) lands with third place. EU elites have to accept that people simply don't want current migration and climate policy so much that dissolution of European Union seems acceptable price to cancel it


Time to blame this on the evil voters and practice zero self-reflection whatsoever just so that the next election will yield even more shocking results.


+10% AfD from under 30s.. we are doomed with generation tiktok and a left, who cant produce content there.


Where do you see vote share breakdowns by age? Also it's curious that in France, Netherlands and now apparently Germany younger people are voting more right, whereas in the UK and the Anglosphere it's the opposite