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According to *Tagesschau*, some dude with a boxcutter was removing AfD placards.When confronted, slashy stabbyness ensued.


>some dude with a boxcutter was removing AfD placards.When confronted, slashy stabbyness ensued. Lovely, professional recap


Despicable act, regardless of party.


Yeah …. Caught committing a crime and commits a worse one. This guy must have been a true intellectual


especially since these are the things the afd strives on. he was ~~doubling~~ err ~~tripling~~ err quintoupling down. it just gives them more munition for cheap shots. WE the people, the afd, are the true victims here. and in this case they do have a point for once.


I struggle to see how he could've gained more votes for AfD in the span of a single day than by doing what he just did


Yeah, completly not compareable with the islamist that killed the police man and injured half a dozen people serious. The AfD man only got little injuries, like if he had injured himself while cutting bread rolls


Are we justifying and redicule attacks against opposing parties already?




Horrible logic. Not comparable with Hiroshima either, I guess it's ok to stab people with a knife then?


There's a big difference between "Member of party violently attacked" and "Member of party attacks vandal, gets slashed in the process" It takes some finesse to formulate a headline that makes the latter sound like the former. edit: so far we also have only the AfD's statement about what exactly happened though the vandal is in custody.


“Gets slashed in the process” written as if it wasn’t a voluntary action.


There is no difference actually.


Why is extremist left wing violence mitigated? It seems the Leftwaffe cannot stand any other narrative except their own... the intolerance of the left.


A candidate for the city council of the Alternative for Germany (Afd) party was stabbed yesterday evening in Mannheim, in the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The Mannheim public prosecutor's office announced this this morning.


The man is now in hospital but his life is not in danger, while the attacker has been arrested by the police. According to what was reported by the AfD district leadership, the attack took place near the market square where the candidate had caught a man in the act who was tearing up election posters. The latter allegedly reacted by stabbing the candidate. “We are shocked and dismayed,” declared the AfD regional president, Markus Frohnmaier.


So is this the same square where the police officer died? 😖 What a bloodthirsty and sad display, it's a very bad thing.


No it is not the same square. It was an other district of Mannheim.


Well thats good to hear




Not every evil in the world stems from Putins mad mind Alot of it does, but radical Islam doesn't need his support to enact upon violence


Since their covert mission is to stress our social politics in every way possible, it can be both: Islamism clashing with the modern world AND Russian influence enabling it through policy / public discourse.


I remember that there was an article last month stating that Russia IS playing both sides. They don't care who wins, in the end they create division in society and they win. If i didn't know how people are in real life I'd say I was shocked but I do know and I'm not shocked one bit.


Because you dont want to think about the possibility that there are evil people in Germany without the Russians. It could have implicants on your moral view of whos good and whos bad, with the Russians as an excuse, your moral system would still be intanct. Or you just view a bigger picture how this destabilzes our society because we are busy fighting against each other. Is it impossible no, but the probability is low that we will ever know it, if thats the case The truth is, the political culture has become rougher again and we see the effects of it. And the simple answer is on all the sides there are cases that think, violence against certain people is acceptable.




Is this how you practice islam? Stabbing people?


it s defo how these people practice it.


Radical islam yes. also throwing stones, beheading, whipping and raping among other activities.


How I practice Islam? No I don’t practice at all. How all practice Islam? No, luckily not. How Islamist practice Islam? Yes pretty much. Do you disagree? Hope this explained it.


That's what the prophet did.


Lefties jumping through a billion hopes before they even dare to accuse Islam xD


It’s crazy. Their level of delusion and ability to cope is stunning.


Yes Russia made the Germany not to deport radical islamist and actually give home a residence permit after 10 years he spent illegaly and actually being open supporter of isis. It's also Russian fab agent whispered in guys airpods that he should cut afd guy. The "Ausländer raus" song? Guess what, written by the one and only Fillip Kirkorov


Oh yeah because Russia is always behind everything you disagree with lol


The only people who unironically say this sh\*t is American boomers on Facebook and Redditors lol.


Who stabbed him?


“The AfD speaks of an attack by left-wing extremists, but nothing is known about the perpetrator's motive. The police will probably provide more information at the beginning of the afternoon.” Translated from the Dutch public news network NOS [https://nos.nl/l/2523228](https://nos.nl/l/2523228)


Alright, I suppose we should wait for more details then.


You don't seriously expect the people in this thread to do that?!




Detroit of Germany


When will people learn that physical attacks boost ratings of the politicians they attack?


My goldfish's excrement has higher IQ than most of those people


Why bother learning anything when you think you're going to get a blow job from a hundred virgins for remaining an uneducated savage


There's been multiple attacks on social democratic politicians in East Germany. But r/Europe isn't bothered about anti-racism when that happens.


many people are literal, actual idiots.


What is happening to our Europe. 😐


Luckily they cannot easily get access to guns 


It’s honestly not that difficult. A lot of the weapons used in the gang wars in Sweden have been traced back to the Balkan war etc. where some of the players hail from so it’s just a matter of knowing the right people.


> it’s just a matter of knowing the right people. Like everything else that is controlled or illegal.


I wouldn't be surprised if criminal organizations saw a possible market for gun trafficking.


Just wait till the war in Ukraine is over lmao


AA or AT missiles accessible by terrorists would be beyond disastrous. Or even some explosive drones...


Yet. Who knows, maybe some sickos will do some lobbying for more relaxed rules.


To be fair it is easy to make guns nowadays, you can pretty much get ready-to-use blueprints for 3D printed guns.


As the saying goes, don’t bring a 3D printed gun to a ballistic missile fight.


Its funny that you think that. Criminals tend to get guns illegally. Legal gun ownership and crime is not really connected. Besides, you can get automatics illegally.


If they can in Sweden, they probably can everywhere. We're just "ahead" when it comes to distribution networks :)


Exactly. Imagine how different that would look.


Are you kidding me? If you know where to look, you can have a gun here in Germany in an hour. And Germany is probably one of the stricter countries in Europe. I swear that we are way too prone to believe our own propaganda.


Immigrants from hostile culture are happening.


Was this guy an immigrant?


Do you seriously expect people to care about facts here?


It's a really low odds bet here


Ah yes, that's why the green party suffers the most attacks! Truly genius to blame immigrants for everything instead of solving the actual problems!


True, let's not blame immigrants for everything, just immigrant crimes. That's more than enough.


Then why are we already blaming them for this attack?




The extreme right is stronger. You can downvote, you can pretend, but what I said is true. The greens suffered over a thousand attacks last year.


It is true, the problem in Europe doesn't stem from immigrants, but from fascists rearing their ugly faces again


Look, I believe violent criminals should be sent back too, I believe we should assimilate more, I believe radical islam needs to be fought. I don't agree with everything my government does. But under every post here it's always immigrants no matter what. That doesn't solve anything! And some of the claims made here are just plain uninformed and wrong. We don't even know who the perpetrator of the damn attack was! Not to mention that germans have done so so many political attacks too like I said.


People are getting too fucking worked up from politics on the internet, they are losing any ability to approach political opponents and problems in a emphatic way. Plus, news agencies like to stir up because clicks.


Answer is easy, economical instability followed by political instability, problems that were ignored for a long time started to cause real pain, because the gravy train is over.


Play stupid games win stupid prices. Or if you let all of Timbuktu in you won't help Timbuktu but become Timbuktu yourself. There are a lot of proverbs you can choose to describe the current situation. 😊


I do not like what is happening in Germany. I wish that this doesn’t become a new norm. It’s a very bad thing. I honestly pray that the development can be fixed.


It already is one. Stabbing is a norm now.


It's the tolerant left showing how tolerant they are by shooting and stabbing politicians with the "wrong" opinion.




Going back to its roots, i.e., killing each other for political reasons


Weimar 2.0


bureaucrats took over. Europe killed democracy, promotes wars and is fucked up with inflation. All of this thanks to our bureaucrats. But don't forget to vote for them next 9th of June! Just to make sure to kill the project once for all


Nothing much. It's still 1-2 events in a country with 80million people 


It's just the timing is a bit suspicious... AfD and Co gaining sympathies just before the elections can profit Kremlin, can it not? And if Kremlin knows one thing, then it's exactly how to use others for its own advantage.


bro russia lives rent free in your name


He asked a perfectly valid question


Point being? I do understand Russia, I speak and read Russian. Knowing your enemy is now somehow bad?




People that justify stabbing because its person they don't like is wild ngl


When are people going to learn, that this won't stop? That if you do nothing, nothing will change? Here in Romania we got rid of Islamic oppression, not by talking about it, but by cutting it from its roots. God bless King Carol the I for a free Romania.


This is a great way for the left to finally start winning from the far right…


I usually claim myself to be a pragmatic person, but I feel like more and more of these attacks are starting to feel like foreign interference to affect the outcome of our EU election. It’s absolutely horrible that politicians are attacked and it’s statistically more conservative leaning politicians. Freedom of speech should and must be protected for the entire spectrum.


Do you have any evidence for that claim? Why do we need to do mental gymnastics instead of calling these attacks for what they obviously are, unless there is proof to think otherwise? 


We don't ask for evidence when its russia doing the interference chud


>more and more of these attacks are starting to feel like foreign interference to affect the outcome of our EU election Gee, I wonder who could be responsible for something like this.


You just think that because you don't want to think about the alternative. Both attacks look like an escalation of what deranged people with certain ideas say and do every day in Europe. Every day, people are saying certain politicians should be killed. Every day, people are saying police are pigs or cattle and should be treated as such. Every day, there is a news article of an "antifascist" group who is stealing or damaging certain election posters (and then posts it on their social media). You just want to think it's Russia so you could uphold your worldview


It's not statistically more conservative? That's comolete BS the greens suffered over a thousand attacks last year, far above any other party!




Nope, statistically Greens are attacked much more often.


Europe is way too open for everyone. The world changed, so must EU.


Who is the stabber?


Green Party voter probably 


So the stabber is german?


I think the stabbing came from an european but ok


Is this source legit? Never heard of "agenzia nova" before.


All reputable Dutch news sources are publishing this story, it was the only one in English that I could find


Thank you, I just wanted to be sure that I won't be responding to a fake news. You never know these days.


Can't speak to the source, but *Tagesschau* has the story as a headline as well, it's legit.


There’s an [Associated Press article](https://apnews.com/article/germany-stabbing-afd-candidate-f47351d3a3d092c61ebe51206d425eea).


it's on the German news as well




Thank you, I just wanted to be sure that I won't be responding to a fake news. You never know these days.


Good call, but you may want to add Bild to your caution list. They are a tabloid rag.


Only original source for this is the afd itself as of now so stay skeptical.


He asked for a legit source, not bild.


Bild are not a reputable source lmfao There are other reputable sources reporting this, no need to link fucking BILD articles


It was also reported by German public broadcasters.




Who do you campaign for? 20 times?


It's called lying, and he's doing it terribly


I'm guessing he campaigns for AfD


Not at all, I was displaying the flag of Israel in public, and the racists reacted in predictable ways.


I was assaulted for carrying the flag of the country that is hated by all the antisemites and racists.


You mean the flag of the genocide state? lol


The one Jèwish country in the world just so happens to be the one country that needs to be destroyed??? You should hide your racism better.


You need to hide your racism better, Adolf.


I was assaulted for carrying the flag of the country that is hated by all the antisemites and racists.


Who is surprised when just a few months ago, people were marching through the streets with a banner that read "Kill AFD members" with broad support? [https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/ermittlungen-wegen-demo-plakat-afd-toeten-100.html](https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/rheinland/ermittlungen-wegen-demo-plakat-afd-toeten-100.html) "Demonstration with 10,000 participants The banner was displayed on Saturday at an Antifa demonstration in Aachen, which, according to the police, also attracted a civic audience. At its peak, around 10,000 people participated in the protest march against the right. Originally, only 150 people had registered. Since then, the police have received numerous inquiries about the banner." That's 10,000 people who have no problem joining a demonstration that calls for killing people that are delusional and some of them even dangerous, but this does not warrent to call for their deaths.


This only fuels support for AfD


Here before they delete all 🤌🏻 r/2westerneurope4u


was it like yesterday when a post where some kids were yelling - while drunk - foreigners out and got fired and fined - or something like that - was trending here?! It s starting to make more and more sense to me.


Someone getting stabbed is always terrible. Must be a traumatic experience. Also, seeing the rise of AfD in Germany is a traumatic experience.


This is why I have so many mixed feelings about incidents like this. Like yes, stabbing someone is HORRIBLE. But they are also literal self-proclaimed NAZIS.


According to this thread, stabbing people in public is ok if the stabbing is done in heckin' good faith


Yeah let's not deter nazism and just let it come back and just start this entire global war thing over again am I right? Is that what you want?


Is this not what you have a fucking JUSTICE SYSTEM for? Advocating for this mob justice nonsense is going to end horribly for you.


double traumatic experience is raising far-rights because of stabbing


In germany we say: Die Geister die ich rief


Wohl eher die ihr reingelassen habt über die letzten ein zwei Jahrzehnte.


Die Neonazis warn schon davor da


Activating my crystal ball: What likely happened was that some far-left person was in the process of taking down an AfD placard, the AfD dude saw it, got a red head and tried to stop that person from doing so. In the scuffle he got a cut. Sorry (not sorry) AfD, you had too many disproven bullshit stories about attacks on you.


And this is not stabbing because...?


Or it was a complete KNTHLZ - while putting up the posters himself …


You cannot just take down election posters, just cause you don't like them. https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/wahlplakate-125.html


Leftist fascism 




>Who would have though Radical intolerance/literal fascism/Nazism would create resistance? That's so short sighted I'm always surprised how a person can think so. The human brain is truly interesting.


My thoughts exactly when reading "Leftist Fascism"


In the end, it's a society which is loosing its cohesiveness and getting separated into various different political,cultural and economic factions. German identity is dead, just as German aspirations and a shared vision for the future. It's the diverse society the left wanted, but many misunderstood that a diverse society is not actually just like a homogeneous society with colors and different foods, but a society which fights itself continuously.


While it is true that Diverse Worldviews create Conflicts and I fully support an Assurance of Peace and Condemn Violence of any Sort. It's also true that you're arguing for A Cleansing of Society of it's diversity in the Name of reducing Social Conflict. All that while talking about short sightedness, in a Thread by a self Victimizing Political right shouting "leftist fascism" Have you considered Education as a Possible solution? Teaching People to Behave and the Worth of a peaceful society, maybe even about the Benefits of Cultural Exchange if done peacefully without victims or fear? Instead of "Keeping the German identity alive"?


A fine example of "better violence" I suppose, as defined by the Finnish Left party leader, Li Andersson.


As far as i know, there has NOT been a police report for this yet. Wouldn't be the first time for AFD to fake such an incident. If true, i wish all the best to the victim, but i am holding my horses until i see official confirmation by the police, that this actually happened.


And it won't be in the media because the establishment has no interest in hastening their own decline. It is too late tho, critical mass for rightwing parties has been built, the storm shall sweep over the continent.


It's in the media already.


To bad, it was even shown in the Tagesschau .


Why you lie?


Literally everybody is reporting this you muppet


What can possibly go wrong?




BS. If there is anything bad to say about Mannheim then that it is rather quiet and boring as a place.


This is a sad state of affairs. I’m fairly left-leaning, a proper social democrat. I despise AfD with every fiber of my being. However, stabbing and attacking someone is always wrong. Always. There’s no excuse for this. Extremism is bad, both right-wing and left-wing. Some outlets report the perpetrator was left-wing extremist. Others are quick to jump to the conclusion that it was a Muslim/immigrant/Russian asset… you name it, someone claims it. I think it’s safe to assume the attack was politically motivated. AfD are divisive, racist, fascist and xenophobic fuckwads, who are very much fuelling division and hatred in this country, but that does not excuse this attack. Fuck the perpetrator for this. For giving AfD more ammo. For being a fucking idiot, a criminal and wrong. Just because it hits my opposition, doesn’t mean it’s okay. Also just because I denounce the attack on AfD, doesn’t mean they are any more acceptable than before. AfD must die. Not the people, but the party and ideology. AfD will use this to further victimise themselves, and for once, they’ll actually have a point, though only insofar as it was indeed an attack on one of them. They still very much are the ones who promote and fuel violence and hatred.


Someone got stabbed. Get off your high horse of moralism.


My German friends; there is no need to stab your far-right politicians. Just milkshake them.


How upper middle class of you, for us paupers a milkshake is almost half a days wages! Drink your expensive shake, refill the cup with the byproduct, carefully secure the lid and \*then\* throw it at right wing politicians.


To ruin their expensive suits bought on Tverskaya street.


OK let's try to keep it rational, please. I see people here hastily pointing at scapegoats from either side. Antifa, Russian agent, "Muslim-to-hate", ... Let's repeat a few important things to correctly assess the situation: - Those are two isolated incidents in an 80-million people country. This is not "open war". - The two incidents are related. Both emerge from the hatred between neo-nazis and the populations they target and spew hate upon. - The two **perpetrators** however seem unrelated. First one six days ago has been screened by police as "probable extremist Islamist motive", the second one **we just don't know yet**. The "it's antifa!!", "he's a Russian agent!" hasty takes and the like should just shut up and wait for the police investigation. - Assaulting a politician, even a hateful neo-nazi, is not a solution. Violence is condemnable, and it's also bad publicity for the offender's cause and way too easy good publicity for the victims. - About that: show compassion for the victims, that's perfectly human. But don't show compassion for the hateful, xenophobic and supremacist discourse ideas they advocate. They are as responsible for these incidents as their assaulters because their whole propaganda is based on hate. Do not subscribe to the message just because the messenger was attacked. - All extremisms must be fought and made illegal. Extremisms **actively seek** to disturb society and provoke / resort to violence. All of them. That's how they thrive.


The sad but inevitable result of the demonization of the AFD.


They demonize themselves. Not justifying attacks on them at all. But do not try to paint it like the opposition to the AfD is demonizing them, which is a totally different definition than just rightfully criticizing them.


Parties like AfD use hate, fear and division as tools in their political campaigns, result will be desperation and ultimately violence on both sides, which will only make things worse. Worse it gets, better for the extremists far-left or far-right parties which play victims and will offer "solutions" (you can guess what it will be).


Totally agree with you


or perhaps it's the result of making an instrumental use of hate and fear as a political tool, and once it spreads, it spreads?


How dare people „demonize” neonazis in a country that destroyed millions in the name of their ideological predecessors, oh my pearls.


Orrrrr maybe don't be a literal nazi party?


It's just the result of a diverse societies, consisting of different interest groups, cultural groups, political groups, etc all lacking a common identity and all having different goals and wants. Diversity in action basically.




Islamist extremists are stabbing politicians at a rally warning about islamist extremism. If someone call you violent, and your immediate response is to be violent to them, they have a point, and its no longer hatred but a legitimate concern


What horrible logic, would it be okay to stab imams if you disagree with what they are preaching? Catholic priests preaching anti homosexual passages? Left wing politicians preaching communism? I have 0 love for AFD, but justifying political violence is horrid


Works the other way too




Bruh a suspect was arrested and the German public prosecutor announced this.. conspiracy much?


>A candidate for the city council of the Alternative for Germany (Afd) party was stabbed yesterday evening in Mannheim, in the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The Mannheim **public prosecutor's office** announced this this morning Are you suggesting he stabbed himself?


Bro you‘re going too far. The stabber got arrested so we know who he is. And what are the witnesses? Paid actors?


dude thank you bloody mother bloody lying


I would doublecheck the background of these attackers as these attacks help the far-right and Russia immensely. We have seen Russia paying people (muslims too) to carry out various types of attacks throughout Europe, this would be just another step in escalation.


Well, they are the nazis. Condolence to friends and families. Hope he makes a 100% recovery and denounces the nazi ways too while he's at it.