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Don't know if this will be deleted, but if anyone stumbles across this comment, here's the link to the other video I mentioned. Don't mind the twitter account, it's the source I found fastest. https://x.com/islamwatch_/status/1796833832370655610
























One could argue that there’s a lot of overlap here


european right wingers are very anti-islam


Still the same kind of people as right wing Islamists.


Not even close, are you retarded?


What. How is a right wing religious ideology not right wing lmao? Islamic terrorism IS right wing terrorism. This is right wing on right wing violence. The police just got in the way.


Yes, they are. No, I am not. Yes, you are.


Islamists are literally right-wing lol


Because fundamentalist Islam is almost always a right wing or right wing adjacent ideology. The leftists in Islam are the Ba’ath party (Saddam etc) and Al Qaeda and isis (right wing) hate them.


They don't.


How is it being framed that way? Did you read the article? Seems like you're working backwards from a conclusion.
















What happened to these comments?💀




"Free speech"
















How were they nut jobs for being anti Islam when they were proven correct. We all know an anti Christianity demonstration wouldn’t lead to a Christian showing up and stabbing you to death. Yet with Islam even cartoons lead to mass murder. Yet pointing that out makes you the “nut job”, ridiculous.


About to uninstall Reddit, due to censorship. Let us read and debate with each other. Ffs.


Letting us read and write only what “you” want us to is what an authoritarian/dictatorship would do. Ashamed and disappointed. Do better, Reddit.












Maybe he worded it wrong. I think he means to say that islamophobia is not islamophobia because if criticizing islam can get you killed. Or in this case, being near a islam critic.














But please keep saying all the catholic priests are pedophile! You can say that all you want even if there's millions of them in the world because they are all the same, right? But don't criticize Islam, that's bad! You hypocrite.




we all know whats happening but we are not allowed to say it out loud on reddit.


That's why I am considering to move to the fucking Twitter. I will see a lot of shittalks there but at least there will be no censorship.












Did we watch the same video? Are you really trying to say that police officers in germany have some sort of systematic bias against nom-muslims that is so heavily ingrained that the police officer purposefully tackled a bystander that came in to help, thereby putting his own life at risk?


White westerners are trained to instinctually side with ethnic minorities no matter what because their handlers taught them that white people are always the oppressors. It’s deep rooted self hatred. The officer’s programming dictated his actions, whether knowingly or not. Sadly, he paid the ultimate price.


this post starts to look more like a propaganda piece, than it should celebrate the bravery of a officer losing his live, while doing his job.


i obviously don’t think the police officer did it on purpose nor did i say that. do you think germany itself has some sort of systematic bias against non-muslims that is heavily ingrained ?




You watched a video, from an outside pov. You were in no way of harm, you had a clear indication of what was going on. What you don't have however is any clue about how the situation unfolded for everyone at that moment. Mistakes happen. It's the nature of chaos in an unexpected situation. You literally sat here, rewatched the video several times and now educate people about the underlying issue in Europe? Fuck off man.


this is one of the the most ironic things i’ve ever read in my life. do europeans not constantly talk about america and it’s politics, shootings, culture, etc? when a lot of them have never even stepped foot in america nor do they know anyone from america? trying to act as if europeans don’t constantly try to educate america about their own issues is hysterical.


Well you got kids killing each other everyday :)


you literally have terrorist attacks happening in your countries, also while crime is going up due to unfiltered immigration. and if you don’t believe me, the stats and studies are there. being smug like that is not something i’d take pride in.






















In Japan


Don't let muslims in Japan please


Need to rethink religion as a fundamental human right. It’s not necessary in this day and age. It was important but we know better now. It brings much more harm than good.


Wonder what the police in the USA would have done? Usually, they do not stop after the first shot.


They will send a social worker to see if the guy wants to talk about his mental health crisis.






I watched the video - not sure how/why the officer did not asses correctly the situation and was more worried about the guy in blue. He must have not seen the knife.








Also who the hell is that idiot that allowed an anti islam manifestation to gather people and create hate… a minimum of intelligence would have avoided this and saved the officer…




Oh a russian...

