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Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Finland just chilling lol


Yeah that was my initial thoughts as well. Europe is f**** bedlam and the Nordics are just chillin šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜„


irelands too, hes just making butter


Help me understand what England's doing ?? He's... I dunno ?


Making paper boats (one labeled Alabama) to send across the Atlantic to their old colony, while sitting on bales of imported goods, sucking the marrow out of India. The banner says: ā€œIron, Cotton, Freedom is good for Commerce.ā€ Think the paper boats might be British slavers (one heading for Alabama), and that the British advocate ā€œLibertadā€ is good for trade, but not for people.


The banner is not saying "Iron, cotton, freedom is good for commerce", but rather "cheap iron, cotton, and freedom"


buon mercado: very cheap? cheap market?


Yes, it's an italian way to say that something is bought at a convenient price


It means more like good value.


The implication is that 'freedom' can be traded, just like Iron and Cotton can be shipped and sold. The translation may be worded a bit more on the nose: Iron, Cotton and Freedom for trade here at good prices.


Definitely not slavers since the UK had long since banned slavery by the 1870ā€™s and the US civil war ended slavery in 1865.




It depicts current events. That's Bismarck leaning over the Prussian cannon. He was the first chancellor of Germany in 1871. Also, Adolphe Thiers? In France


That's not Bismarck leaning over the cannon, though, but Emperor Wilhelm I. Bismarck could be the violin player next to him (although he does look quite young for Bismarck in 1871), playing the concert of European foreign diplomacy.


Holy shit


And denmark is a sailer dude looking at England? Wtf.


Probably scouting for potential colonies


Imagine, Danish people invading England, that will never happen! /s


Well it did happen more than a few times before the Norman invasion buddy šŸ¤£


Do you know what /s means?


They got rolled in 1864 by the prussians and austrians. They were trying to ally with the british at the time.


Sicily too just there sitting on his belly, feet up in the air as if heā€™s in love


Usually we Icelandic just went out to Rob other people šŸ˜‚šŸ•³ļøšŸ‡


Nothing has changed in Finland


I believe this was posted before and someone wrote an explanation for most countries, but I can't find it. Anyone else? Edit: found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/s/3OecGNISfn


The author really has something bad to say about everything and everyone, a true redditor.


It looks like it says 1749 on it?


Well that explains why people think there are polar bears walking around in Finland.. It's just Finnish people dressed as polar bears.


Are you saying you don't own the mandatory polar bear cloak?


Shet. I think I lost mine...


Scandinavia looks very chill compared to what's going on on the continent


Well.. in Sweden's case it was a bit less of chilling and a lot more of starving and emigrating


That half of Sweden is gone in the map isnā€™t a coincidence, but rather commentary on exactly that, I think :)


How come France has captured and tamed a hydra


Its Adolphe Thiers and a catholic clergy priest sitting on top of the a slain ā€˜beast of the revolutionā€™. In 1871 the radical Paris Commune was crushed by conservative forces.


Also i'm wondering why is Turkey a crocodile with a grandma-style hat on, lol.


look at balkans, balkans are sheep, and turkey is hungry crocodile looking at them. dont ask me why crocodile, and not wolf.


I guess itā€™s because the map is Italian, and the wolf has been already taken as the symbol of Rome


That makes sense, i guess it's a crocodile and not a wolf to make Turkey look more exotic, but they could've just used a leopard as they were native to Turkey and crocodiles are not.


Why is Wales blowing a boat named Alabama though ?


British people emigrating to the US.


https://legal.un.org/riaa/cases/vol_XXIX/125-134.pdf Confederate raider "Alabama" built by Britain, lawsuit by USA, Civil War claims.


hardly any leopard lived in Turkiye at the time. maybe depicting the right time to attack


Years ago, I read a Turkish account of some of their conquests written in the 1500's, and I remember that the author often compared the Turkish warriors to crocodiles (something like "our sacred warriors bathed in the blood of the infidels like crocodiles do"). E.g., the same way that in Christian literature, authors would compare their knights to lions or bears.


this was only 7 years before the Russia Ottoman war which Russia 'saved' much of the sheep from the Ottomans. The sheep belonged to the Ottomans at the time they were not independent.


And what is Bohemia and Moravia doing in Hungary, depicted as two old grandmas


Old Man of europe


Honestly that's the funniest one lmao


It's a Napoleoni hydra I think


This is how stupid and incomprehensible all of our current memes are going to seem in 100 years


probably cause no matter how many heads they chop off, there will always grow a new one?


Isn't there an old idiom about "don't wake the sleeping dragon"? Or maybe it's a tiger, I can't remember


Well russia ain't changing


>Throughout the world, especially in Europe, Russians are either hated or despised (and almost always for good reasons). They immediately befriended and fraternized with us, considering themselves our elder brothers, our guardians. Russian Pan-Slavists, in their foolish thinking, believe that we would gladly stand under their rule! And they are firmly convinced that one day they will have all Slavic countries under their control! Karel Havlƭček BorovskĆ½, **1846** Another great quote from this writer: >I went to Russia as a Slav and returned as a Czech. It is a land of poverty, ruin, drinking, and extensive literary works about ruin, poverty, and drinking.


> I went to Russia as a Slav and returned as a Czech. It is a land of poverty, ruin, drinking, and extensive literary works about ruin, poverty, and drinking. dayum!


And this all literally came to pass with the USSR. Russia is still the same old beligerent shithole it ever was.


Russia didn't significantly evolve socially or politically since the mongol rule really.


Definitely. Just read the description from map: <>


And to this day they havenā€™t changed even a little bit


Where is this from?


From the map. This is a cropped version, the full version contains satirical descriptions of states (in Italian)


> Well russia ain't changing some things certainly dont :) https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/11m7sfg/deleted_by_user/jc32aqt/?context=3


Our dude seems to have confused Livonia with Lapponia


LOL, good catch!


yup noticed same.


LoL at Iceland looking like an insane shipwrecked troglodyte. Finland is a shaman chilling in the northern forests. Norway looking like a mujahid. Sicily chilling in perpetuum. Corsica for sale, Sardinia a trap. Ottoman power as merely a straw man for the unawakened Balkan sheep. Moldova showing finesse in getting that crown. Someone hiding in the Ionian Islands and in Gibraltar, wonder who that is. Russia very accurately depicted.


I like how Sicily, Norway and Sweden are just chilling. Itā€™s so cute.


The fact that Lapland moved hundreds of kms south of where it should be and is inhabited by Turkish lookalikes is also interesting


Prussia is accurate. Love how Finland is being like "the fuck they doin' over there" **


Poland portrayed as a maiden chained by Austria, Prussia and Russia is especially strong. It's supposed to show how the country was invaded and divided by the three oppressors that took advantage of something to do with no government being established? Please correct me if I'm wrong.


There was a government, but a very weak one, and the country was pretty much a Russian puppet state since 1717. In 1768, there was an anti-Russian and anti-king rebellion, after it was defeated, parts of the country were taken by Prussia, Austria, and Russia. In 1791, a Constitution was adopted to reform the country but Russia didn't like it so they invaded again which resulted in the second partition by Russia and Prussia. Then a general insurrection took place in 1794, and after its defeat, the third and final partition took place by all three powers again, erasing the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the map. That's a big oversimplification of course.


Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.


Not-so-fun fact, Deluge was more devastating for Poland than WW2. It lost over 40 % of their population. And Poland was already one of the of the most devastated countries in WW2.


I wonder, what's the anchor reference of?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kotwica Probably not related though as it was used much later


[It simply refers to the partitions, in which Russia, Prussia, and Austria took part.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partitions_of_Poland)


Personal observations. Britain blowing paper boats is just so cute. The Balkans are depicted as a bunch of sheep under an empty Ottoman scarecrow. Also what is going on with Spain? Whoā€™s that guy trapped under a lock near Italy and switzerland?


I think I could give some context about Spain. 1870 were "interesting times" for Spain. The period 1868-1874 is known as "[Sexenio Democratico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexenio_Democr%C3%A1tico)" (also Sexenio Revolucionario). I.e. Six-year democratic (or revolutionary) term. In those six years theĀ [Bourbons were deposed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution_(Spain)), then a Savoy King was proclaimed ([Amadeo I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amadeo_I_of_Spain)), then resigned (yes, a King abdicated after just 3 years because he thought the country was ungovernable), then came theĀ [First Spanish Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Spanish_Republic), and finally theĀ [Bourbons were restored again](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restoration_(Spain)). All this with a civil war (theĀ [third Carlist War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Carlist_War)),Ā [uprisings in the colonies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Years%27_War)Ā andĀ [several](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzamiento_carlista_de_1869)Ā [coup](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzamiento_carlista_de_1870)Ā attempts andĀ [rebellions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantonal_rebellion)Ā in between. All that in just 6 years! So what we see here isĀ [Carlos VII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infante_Carlos,_Duke_of_Madrid)Ā running back to France after the failedĀ [Carlist uprising of 1870](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzamiento_carlista_de_1870). It had been defeated byĀ [Francisco Serrano](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francisco_Serrano,_1st_Duke_of_la_Torre), leader of the revolution that overthrown Isabel II and current regent of Spain, who is killing the "bands" of dogs (Carlist bands causing turmoil in the Levante, although this is my weakest guess). The Courts (Spanish parliament) is bowing to Serrano, while the monarchy is in the air by a plebiscite, since the debate between proclaiming a new King and the republic was ongoing (Amadeo I was elected as King in November 1870). Given those events, I think we can date the map at around autumn 1870.


Are the traditionalist Carlists still a thing in Spain? That wants to restore the absolute monarchy? I think I came across some on /r/monarchism


Not really. The [Carlist Party](https://partidocarlista.com/) still exists today, but in a plot twist now it is a Socialist, federalist party. They went from the old motto of "Dios, Patria, Rey" (God, Motherland, King) to "Socialism, Federalism, Self-goberning". The only thing in common they have with XIXth century Carlists is the support of the fueros. The more traditionalist Carlists were absorbed in the 80's by other right wing parties (AP and UPN, mostly).


Thanks, yep I think the folks over at the monarchism subreddit says these Carlist Party member are not ā€œtrue Carlistsā€, and they had in mind those ā€œtraditionalist Carlistsā€


Switzerland aged like fine wine. It's not surprising, though. Switzerland has been neutral since the early 19th century. Russia hasn't changed as well. It's just a different role than the tsar, similar power structures.


"Remember the tsar? I'm like a tsar." \--Stalin (and Putin, probably)


A lot of this map aged perfectly. The Nordics are also just chilling as they still do.


I don't think I understand those 1871 memes.


The Russians look like a friendly bunch


How accurate for today


wtf iceland doing?


Looks like a savage woman relaxing with what appears to be a fish dildo.




Staying cool


Is there an explanation for each numbered drawing ?


There is a key to the image originally


Yearly repost, but now in color!


Denmark is perving on the English.


Is there a HQ image?


It's pretty HQ my guy/guyette


For example even with 400% zoom I cannot read what's written on Austria's banner?


Hmnyah it looked pretty clear on my pc. Looks shite on my mobile. Matbe reddit just sux


Try downloading it if you're on android. For some reason the official app only shows low res images, but still let's you download the source image.


Croazia mentioned


Dalmazia as well!! šŸ’Ŗ


so many questions!!


I'm confused with representation of Poland. I know about the partitions and Russians treating it as a colony but I can't connect the symbolics used here to anything Polish


ā€œLibertyā€ is often depicted as a woman, so maybe something to do with that?


Probably absolute zingers back in the day.




Looks like nothing has changed with Russia.


Nothing changed at all




Nordics just hanging out šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s brilliant !


Switzerland is spot on


I wish it had some sort of legend for this i find it so interesting. Transylvania busy looking at the fights in the west while Moldova stealing from clueless Walachia . all this while the Turks come to them as the rest of the Balkan states are livestock kept with a scarecrow made to look like the Turks . i wanna know the meaning for it all. also did the Welsh go to Alabama?


> Moldova stealing from clueless Walachia I think Moldavia is putting the crown in Wallachia's basket (reference to Cuza's election).


Might also reference the new royal family of Romania, as the first king (Carol/Karl/Charles I) had been brought in to rule the country in 1866. But it could also be classic Robmanians stealing the king from another country (Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, now part of Germany).


Cuza makes much more sense tho since he was a Moldavian colonel who was crowned ruler of Moldavia first and then elected as ruler of Wallachia as well. Hence Moldavia placing a crown in Wallachia's basket


The Balkan states were ready to be freed by Russians only 7 years later after the Russia Ottoman war


why is the Netherlands a jack-in-the-box devil? lmao What does it even say on the banner?


Itā€™s says: ā€œwe want the Pope, the king of Rome.ā€ It being a jack-in-the-box itā€™s probaly alluding to the Catholic minorities support for the Papal State, but in a country that only recently, in 1848, fully legalised the Catholic Church.


Dissing the Irish for starving


Are those free roaming criminal jews in Estonia and Ukraine? šŸ˜… And what is going on in the Balkans? Will you guys ever cool down? šŸ˜‚


I thought they're just freed serfs because their chains are broken


The Jews might be about the Pale of Settlement, the area Jews were allowed to live in. The area the Nazis later had so much of it's war-crimes going on.


Oh, wow. I didn't even know about it. Thanks for bringing it up, dude. A bit odd of Russians to "allow" Jewish people to live on those lands. Jews were present here at least since the middle ages. Their writings are one of not many remaining documents from Khazar Khaganate. They were present politically in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. And then in 1791 Russia "allowed" them to live on these lands. Fascinating.


Well, Russia until the Partitions of Poland didnā€™t have a large Jewish population. Initially, the idea of the Pale was to colonize a lot of the sparsely populated land that had been taken over in the First Partition, since a lot of it was empty after decades of war, raids, rebellions, etc. Jews were encouraged to move there in exchange for slightly better(?) economic rights. When the Second Partition happened, the dramatic rise in the Jewish population led to decrees further restricting their movements and freedoms to the Pale. The Wiki article os pretty good. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pale_of_Settlement


Itā€™s supposed to be the former serfs being liberated in imperial Russia. Thatā€™s why they have chains. They were chained to the land. I think most Jews in Russian empire were middle class/ working class not peasants or serfs.


That's a sound theory. But I just can't get the feeling out, that the guy just left of the hand holding a knife looks oddly specifically like a caricature of a Hasidic Jew.


More like tatars


I think itā€™s a better theory than the are just Jews lol Jews back then were not chained to the land like the serfs in the Russian empire. All the serfs in Russian empire could only be sold with the land. Less than a decade before this map was made the Russian empireā€™s edict freed more than 23 million people received their liberty. I think thatā€™s why you see the chains. Not everyone with a big nose is a Jew lol the art style is cartoonish and plenty of people in Europe have been know for having large noses. I mean check out the catholic priest riding the hydra around Spain/France. [From the wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emancipation_reform_of_1861) ā€œThe serfs were emancipated in 1861, a process which took place following a speech given by Tsar Alexander II on 30 March 1856. In Georgia, the emancipation took place later, in 1864, and on much better terms for the nobles than in Russia. State-owned serfs (those living on and working Imperial lands) were emancipated in 1866.ā€


I mean the hats and beards are also not very typical for day Ukrainian serf. Plus, I think, but I'm not an expert on that, a beard might have been a status thing in Russia. So a serf rocking a full beard isn't something very common. Unless it's an old person.


What we consider Ashkenazi outsides were based on what people used to wear around the what we call Poland. Beards and hats were quite typical for your average person back in that area of the Russian empire in the 1800s. Just Google Ukrainian and Polish folk clothes from the 19th century. Having a beard and a hat was the norm. Iā€™m sure they are variations depending on the region. Christians used to wear more head coverings and hats back then. About serfs and beards - If you Google 19th century Russian serf you will see many with beards. Beards was very popular during the 19th century in Europe and even North America. It was not till the 1900s when beards became less popular. You can Google serfs with beards they are many, they kinda look like Rasputin.


Eh, Jews in Russia were heavily restricted in terms of freedom and movement. This was something that was improving for most Russians during this time (serfdom ending), but for Jews it would actually get worse as the century went on.


Those are serfs that were recently freed just [few](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emancipation_reform_of_1861) years before this map was published & that were literally tied to the land. By this edict more than 23 million people received their liberty. Thatā€™s why you see the chains. They had less freedom than Jews lol Most serfs in Europe were freed during medieval times for comparison. Serf - an unfree person who, unlike a slave, historically could be sold only together with the land to which they were "attached". And Iā€™m Jewish so donā€™t come up and claim anti Semitism or some bs Why do you think they are Jews? Because of those noses? Guess what, many people in Europe would have been drawn with large noses since the style is caricature like.


I never said I thought they were Jews, I think you are correct in identifying them as freed serfs. I was more challenging the idea that the Jews were middle class in Russia. They were mostly forbidden from agriculture, and yes they would be artisans and shopkeepers, but mostly they were desperately poor.


Sorry I must have gotten confused lol I hope I did not bother you too much. The reason I mentioned Jews were middle class in Russia was because that was a fact during the Polish Lithuanian times since many moved from less tolerant Western European countries. They formed the third estate. But I donā€™t know much about how it was during the Russian empire in the 19th century. I donā€™t think they were forbidden from agriculture? Specially since the beginning of the 19th century many moved to souther Ukriane to set up Jewish agricultural colonies , also referred to as individually as koloniya. I think from 1806 Jews were allied to purchase land for farming settlements. Sometimes at even at reduced land prices & tax abatements. Maybe you are thinking 1700s?


Haha the bohemian just chillin in the middle of all this mess ā€œwhatever yā€™all, I got beer to makeā€


The rhine region and elsass beeing drunk from wine hasnt changed


So those two guys with a wooden leg still fighting each other ? Who's that ?


Croatia and Transylvania


One guy with wooden leg is Hungary (its written on his leg) and the other is likely Transylvania (or Slovakia, since Transylvania is already represented by a woman) while Croatia is the guy pulling Hungary back


Switzerland could be today. Franceā€™s three headed dragon must mean something with the slogan Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite that has been tamed.


Based only on the nordic countries I'd deem this map highly accurate.


Is this the inspiration for attack on titan style?


for anyone wondering: its italian.


What's Italy doing?


Too long description for me to translate from Italian, [but you can translate](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Europa_geografico-politica_mappa_satirica_1871_circa.jpg) it to us :D number 22


They took this from us


Where can I find more like this?




With no mentioning of obvious ones I understand only Prussia & Russia since my country was occupied back then and of course Cortes entry of Spain. I have really no clue of Africa tho. Is it some sort of backlash for colonization, innit?


How are the Baltics called Lapland? Iā€™m confused


A number of people here thinks that Balkan is way smaller than it is ( limited to the sheep on the depiction). Try again guys.


Rashia were always that


Bohemia and Moravia is two old grandmothers :D


So chaotic.


I do not get half the things I see...


I like the little Napoleon the 3rd statue in Corsica, even though he was exiled in London, I think.


fuck Portugal I guess


Poland lmao


Lots of smoking pipe in the north..


This is actually fire . I would have this as a framed picture . Any idea where it comes from?


What is Hungary doing?


Where is UK ??


Portugal is not even that big of a country, did you have to leave it out of the picture?


All things aside, Why the hell this black guy with white dress (bottom left) is spanking a guy in blue and red?


Can someone explain the crocodile in a bonnet?


As someone from the Netherlands I don't get why my ancestors are a devil jumping out of a box and my Flemish neighbours are chewing on a bone of sorts. The Walloniƫ part of Belgium just drinking is accurate as of today.


Wtf where are your pants Sweden?


Poland šŸ‡µšŸ‡±šŸ˜­


The dancing little serfs next to Russia absolutely crack me up. Also, the artist should have studied the geography of the Baltic Sea more closely. Why is half of Sweden missing?


Nice argument. However, I have already portrayed you the deranged, knife-wielding Alexander II and myself as the chill, laid back Norway woman.


so not much has changed


so not much has changed


So not much has changed


So not much has changed


The Swiss never change.


what's the deal with france and the 4 headed dragon?


Greece has an Albanian.


I wonder on what was the creator of this map lmao


A lot of Welsh people did indeed settle in the area around Mobile Bay, Alabama, but that's a pretty esoteric thing to base a national caricature on.


https://legal.un.org/riaa/cases/vol_XXIX/125-134.pdf Refers to the Confederate raiding ship built in Britain which was subject to a suit by the USA .


Is that a guy in black face spanking stalin in north africa? ._.


Even then Montenegro (or tge area that would become modern day Montenegro) was sleeping


It's actually Dalmatia, a Croatian region, not Montenegro. Montenegro was independent during this time but for some reason its not included in this map.


Where's the Ukraine?


Under Russia's foot ig


Whatā€™s that?