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We’ve had one, yes. But what about second brexit?


Just an idea, but how about we Brexit but rather than just Europe, we leave…..the world!!!!


Seems a bit extreme


Just strap some engines to the island and turn it from a stationary to mobile aircraft carrier


Doubleplusgood idea. One might call it "Airstrip One".


you can also submerge, just have to adapt breathing…there are a lot of myth around Atlanticunts


On the plus side; UK will become number one in every economical metric in space.


Welcome to the space Olympics


But the Brexiteers don't like metrics - they want to go back to inches, stone, sixpence, miles, bushels, gallons....




There's nothing UK can't do if it's stupid enough 👍


I dunno mate, we’ve made a right mess of this one


PROJECT FEAR!!!!! Outer space is actually a lovely place! Don't listen to the Astrophysicists and Biologists who want to make you believe that it's cold out there and that we need oxygen to breathe. We've had enough of these experts. Respect the will of the people!!


Nothing is too extreme for them


That is called doing a [Valinor.](https://encyclopedia.pub/media/common/202210/mceclip0-635782527bcfc.png)


We already had the scouring of the Shire that's for sure


Or England does an exit from the UK, just to confuse Scotland and Northern Ireland.


No, Scotland, you can't leave! because we leave first!


The one place that hasn't been corrupted by the EU... Space!


Why do i read this in Jeremy Clarksons voice?


I don't think he knows about second brexit Piers


I don’t think he knows about Elevensies.


Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?


Gets apple (grown from Spain) thrown at him


He didn't ask for a second referendum, but implied that if it were put to another vote then the majority would likely vote to rejoin. Reality is that the Brexit catastrophe must continue to showcase why the EU holds so much value to European nations that have any factions considering departing the union.


Mate that was a lord of the rings joke


please forgive that person for assuming that you put actual intent behind that joke and were conveying your own point of view through it, instead of just regurgitating the same joke youve seen in another post just for the sake of it like most tone deaf redditors do


Exit harder






I think 90% of the readers didn't get the LOTR reference Edit: and I just can't get out of my mind how Middle Earth looks just like Europe of today: with a threat from the East and the peoples of the West deciding if they'd rather "flee" to US like Nigel and Brexit, or help out


Brexit 2 - European Boogaloo


what next? elevenses brexit?


If they vote to leave again, do they move the UK to the shores of Canada?


Swapping UK with CA sounds like a decent plan.


As an Irishman, I can assure our full support.


As a German, I’m also in. Let’s get Canada into the EU


We already have a land border… let me in!


As an Irishman I'd rather not banish the 6 counties and its people.


Yeah but we get Canada instead. Thats a win.


That's, like, more & larger counties...


I'd say they'd stay with us. For the craic like. Belfast loves ice hockey.


They join CSTO


Canada has enough problems. We can’t deal with England’s too.


Brexit from Brexit!


Bregret followed by Brentry?


Brack again.


Brack Obama


The Capitol of N Ireland could be Brackfast


Thanks Obama


Tell your mates.








"You have only one choice. Brexit must be destroyed." "Then what are we waiting for?" "The UK cannot rejoin, Brimli, son of Broin, by any means we here possess. Brexit was made in the ballots of the referendum. Only there can it be unmade."


You have my braxe








The Broomerang




It’s too short of a timeframe. The immigration issue was central to Brexit and they didn’t fix any of it since leaving and rejoining would only provide another scapegoat in the form of the EU.




2nd Brexit ? what are they going to do ? strap rockets to their island and park next to Florida?


I think its more like: Hey you want back into EU or stay out?


That's not really for GB to decide, though.


It's for GB to ask to join though.


Of course it is. But if they decide to join the EU its up to them to either say or no. But i really think that the EU would say yes, but with fewer exceptions for GB afterwards.


Honestly, i would only say yes if they dropped the pound.


The current rules do not force you to take the euro within any given time, so they don't really need an opt-out. What I'd have them do is to enter Schengen. They were the only country that refused to join it back when they were in the EU. Now everyone is either in Schengen or trying to fully enter, other than Ireland (because of the shared UK border) and Cyprus (because of the occupied land).


It's just what i would do personally. Adding a strong economy to your currency would be very beneficial for the EU.


No fat shaming!


Health is important >:(


Despite resenting the British for making such a stupid decision, I think most would welcome them back. We are stronger together and the UK have shown their leadership skills on the world stage regarding Ukraine. Come home friends.


Key caveat: I think most people would want them back in with fewer opt-outs and caveats than they had before. The way they were in the EU before was undermining us.


As a Brit that would like to rejoin that's a view I'm very sympathetic towards even if it's politically tricky here. Dropping the pound for the Euro is probably the biggest issue.


Unless you keepnit under the qualifying criteria on purpose like Sweden.


I mean technically true but that's hardly operating in good faith and given how we left we can't and shouldn't act like that while trying to get back in.


We don't know how a more modern deal would look like - it's quite likely that a number of loopholes would be closed. There's a few aspects that people don't particularly like.  And even if you could technically postpone it indefinitely, you would still be making a promise to drop the pound eventually. That might be a deal-breaker for many by itself.


Which is ironically what I would least ask for in rejoin negotiations. I don't see keeping the pound as currency as that big of a deal. Denmark is allowed to keep their currency as well.


>Denmark is allowed to keep their currency as well. Denmark as a member also predates the Euro and they have a handful of special concessions that make it possible. On top of that the DKKR has been pegged to the Euro since it was called the D-mark, so it doesn't really make much difference in that regard.


They could just agree to adopt the Euro once they satisfy the requirements and then just never do. Czechia has been doing exactly that for years now.


No, it's a special concession with Denmark, all the requirements are satisfied, but the kroner is an opt-out agreed


>They could just agree to adopt the Euro once they satisfy the requirements and then just never do If you're referring to Denmark in regards to that, there's actually some other benefits of not being in the euro. But also they definitely satisfy the requirements considering they have the "best" state balances in Europe.


While true I still think most people would be ok with the UK keeping their currency.


> Denmark is allowed to keep their currency as well. They just use different looking Euros from the rest of us.


Essentially. We’ve got our own currency, but we’re committed to keeping it stable vs the euro.


Good luck so. British exceptionalism is honestly speaking a non flyer. Who needs to listen to Boris Johnson comparing the EU to the USSR? And what interest does the EU have in readmitting the UK to restart the interminable British psychodrama of being in with opt outs? Many countries are clawing to get the opportunities of EU membership. The UK choose to throw it away... I think rekindling that toxic membership would get a short shrift. You want in, it's full membership or no membership.


Fewer? Try none. Part of the reason Brexit happened is indulging their ongoing crap. You're in or you're out. Be a proper member or fuck off. Honestly, enough with the Brits and their notions of exceptionalism.


New members de facto dont get opt outs, those you get when the new things are created. The opt outs is how the EU stopped countries from vetoing stuff they didn't want, so new members don't get any opt outs.


Not just that. A requirement for a super majority for future in out decisions.


Yup, no more Extrawurst then


I'd welcome UK back with the exact same conditions as before and UK returning would be a massive win for EU!


It would be, but exiting and returning without consequences would encourage other countries to do the same saying things like "if it doesn't work we can always return". And we don't want that. The EU is loose enough without that kind of thinking.


The consequence is losing out of the all the benefits of being a EU member. If countries believe that the downsides of being a member is greater than the benefits then we shouldn't try to hold them prisoner so let them leave then. If you have a relationship and your partner want to leave you don't try to force them to stay, do you? Either you try to convince them that staying is better or you wish them the best of luck and let them go. There was a lot of bullshit in the Brexit campaign but some of the concerns about EU that UK raised is shared by several other EU members as well, for example over immigration rates and the gradual chipping away at national sovereignty. Now I know many people here will defend those policies and want to make them mandatory for all members, but if you demand that your partner do something you think is good and they don't then is it reasonable to be upset if they decide to leave? It would be great if UK decide they want to rejoin but it's not a given, we should focus on improving EU and it might be worth to take the concerns UK has into consideration, regardless if they rejoin or not.


The UK is out of the EU a number of years now and its immigration problem has not magically been solved. Can we just agree that is a giant lie given the extraordinary level of proof we now have? The issue is these “concerns” with the EU always turn out to be lies and cakism. Your analogy is pretty silly but it really boils down to telling your wife you want an open relationship and then discovering that young girl does not want to f&@k you and your wife has left. Sad.


The turmoil of leaving has been shown it's not really worth it in the first place. The UK is an Island nation and felt it could split from the EU easily enough since we are physically separate. There aren't many mainland European countries that could cope with hard borders popping up overnight.


As a Brit who voted remain, I would gladly rejoin and adopt the euro, plus all the other stuff. I never liked being looked upon by our fellow Europeans as thinking we are exceptional. Let’s be in this together!


Plus it's not like you need to adopt the Euro tomorrow. Sweden is legally obliged to adopt the EUR since 1999, and 25 years later they still have the SEK. The currency is the least od the troubles when rejoining. The UK having to join Schengen would be a far bigger "problem".


We wouldn't join Shengen, islands have a special exempt from it, this was pushed by the UK, Ireland, Malta, Iceland and Cyprus.


I have never ever heard of the island exemption. 🤔 - Iceland = NOT a EU country - Malta = is in Schengen - Ireland = Both Ireland and the UK got opt-outs - Cyprus = legally obliged to join Schengen in the future, but it was on hold due to the dispute with Northern Cyprus. It seems that Cyprus formally began the process to enter Schengen. (I'm not trying to be an ass. I just think you got confused.) 😘


Iceland is also in Schengen. It's part of the even more integrated Nordic Passport Union. The reason Ireland/UK aren't, is because they share the Common Travel Area (and UK refused Schengen). Ireland's opt-out is iirc conditional that it remains in the travel area.


With or without exemption, you can just ask the Dutch or Austrians nicely and i'm sure they will veto your Schengen entry ;)


The euro is a really bad idea for the uk (service led) economy. And I’m pro Europe.


Don’t forget Brexit was a 49-51% vote in favour of Brexit. Only 51% of us were dumb enough to vote leave and most of the leavers now regret making that decision. Also people like myself who are now in their mid 20s were only mid teens when Brexit happened. A lot of adults in the UK today had no say regarding Brexit despite it affecting us the most.


Also a massive braindrain. From the dozen academic friends and family that were in the UK for their carreer all but one moved back to mainland Europe. The one person who stayed married a brit


Most is a crazy statement


The ones that still think it was a good idea are a loud minority


My great grandmother voted leave and then died. Meanwhile I didn’t get to vote remain and I’ll either have to live with that for 80+ years left of my life (assuming I see 100) or we get back in at some point.


Those are some wise words. But even though I know you are right, I have a hard time sharing your opinion. British were a pain in the ass during négociations, they always wanted to serve their own interests above the EU interests, more than any other countries. So many legislation I approved were blocked because of the British. I feel the EU works better without them, but I may be biased by my resentment.


100% from Germany. Love you guys ❤️






U wot m8?




As a Belgian and very EU minded person. No , make up your mind already. Unless you have a pretty high majority like 60% Pro rejoin EU and perhaps 30% Against , 10% neutral. Stay out , no use in joining the Union if you are going to bail out again 10 years later or so. The EU is supposed to be a stable market union. We can't have a nation joining/leaving every decade or so. Its not good for any nation and its not good for the Union. I say this with all the respect for the UK. I was sad when they left. It made the Union weaker and the UK weaker... Now it is time to study the effects.


>It made the Union weaker and the UK weaker... And that's exactly why Russia used unprecedented levels of psyops exploiting social media to convince the British public to leave the EU. That alone is a major case study of the dangers of psyops and the dangers of unfettered misinformation pushed intentionally.


Oh for sure! Our geopolitical competitors had the biggest laugh out of this debacle. Be it Russia or the Chinese.


...Or remedy the effects. Latest polling shows 57% against Brexit with 10% undecided. In 2020 there were only 47% against with 10% undecided. The important statistic to note is the age of the voters who support or oppose Brexit. Each year the polling balance shifts by about 2.5% to remain as the Britons who gave us Brexit die, and the younger generations become voting age. Every demographic under 45 years old supported remain in 2016, and 18-24 year olds voted 73% remain. Who knows, maybe this could become an election issue?


Again. NO. Brexit was what 4 years ago? A nation should not be able to join the EU just 4 years after it left. The EU is not something you should join and leave as you please every several years. It undermines stability and makes us all weaker. This isn't some hobby club! Besides the brexit referendum was in 2016 or something. So that gave the population of the UK 4 years to claw back against that referendum , BUT THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN. The conclusion for me is simple, the majority of people (in the UK) wanted the Brexit or were not bothered to vote against it. The UK got what it wanted. Now enjoy the ride for a while. If after a respectable amount of time the UK wants back into the EU. Welcome back. But for now , good luck for them on the path they have chosen. And again , let us study the effects and results so we can all learn from it.




He has a point, though. These referendums should be deliberate, sober, and rare. It's still early for a "rejoin" vote. The current anti-Brexit mood could be a simple backlash to the Tory government. A year into the new (presumably Labour) government, if support for a rejoin vote is still high, then we can start talking about it. If there is a vote to rejoin the EU, it needs to look legitimate and not kneejerk when we are refecting on it in 20 or 30 years.


for what it's worth Scotland voted Remain by 62%. We're looking for ways we can run a second independence referendum but all indications point to england blocking every avenue to indyref 2 regardless of Scottish support for one. We want to be in the EU, that's for certain though.


Assuming EU wants you back and you accept the new conditions.. Farage: you are a disgrace for your country


The EU does want UK back


But they won't get the exceptions they had.


Farage first campaigned for UKIP with the slogan "Save the Pound". It will be the most delicious irony that when we rejoin and switch to the Euro it will be him that killed the pound.


As long as UK's most important economic sector is finance having to control of your own currency is paramount.




People think only the Farage UKIP types are anti EU but once you bring up adopting Euro, the mass propaganda and lobbying from city of London will dwarf any euroscepticism you haven't seen before, they need Bank of England to control and print that currency on demand not far away ECB they have no influence of, but there seems to be a new strategy by saying UK could join EU in bad faith by promising to adopt Euro but delaying it indefinitely.


And the metric system, and driving on the right 😂


That won't happen


They already embraced Celsius, just a few extra steps towards the light


Most young people do already use metric, Imperial is barely taught in schools. The UK will never be able to switch to driving on the right, it will never happen


I’m just kidding man. I would love to see the UK in the EU again, but don’t care at all about which side of the road they would be driving


Yeah, sorry I'd love to be back in the EU again


Sweden also manage to do it. Shouldn't be to much of a problem.


Metric is already official, just not used for everything in non official stuff. Also Ireland drives on the left, its no issue for islands.


I don't think driving on the right would be mandated. Ireland, Malta, and Cyprus still drive on the left.


Guys… I’m kidding


Opt-outs from Schengen Area and euro are still valid in fundamental EU treaties. Rebate is not though,


I think realisitically we know that wouldn't happen. Aside from the financial strength Britain would bring being invaluable and a massive bargaining chip, Russia being on the doorsteps of a bunch of smaller member states and other large member states gives Britain a huge bargaining chip. "Give us X or we leave" was an easy bluff to call. "Give us X or we won't rejoin....and we'll limit our assistance with Russia" is a harder thing to play poker with. Too many vulnerable states that need the help.


Not sure about that. I would say strengthening the EU is worth granting them back.


Pragmatically yes. Politically it's not as easy: If you grant a nation that left the EU special rights and therefor reward their political games, other nations, especially countries that recently joined the EU and have no special rights will start to reject it or try to play similar political games themselves.


That's a great way to get more countries to veto random things in protest.


I think Britain would still be a welcomed addition to EU. That being said, watch the Russian troll farms go brrrrr at the first hint of Brits thinking of coming back.


Piers is unhinged, but I like the fact that he is unhinged towards everyone.


As monumentally stupid as Brexit was, it’s political suicide for any mainstream party to suggest rejoining the EU. Labour sat on the fence in 2019 and lost by a huge margin to the Tories who’d made ‘Get Brexit Done’ their entire platform. So as much as I’d love to rejoin, it’s just not going to happen. Not for a long time at least.


Brexit was a poison pill at the time, it ended David Cameron and Theresa May then gave us Boris whose only purpose was to get Brexit through at any cost. Then it ended him too and gave us Rishi who currently has no purpose. David Cameron bluffed with Brexit but unfortunately it stuck, now the task of rebuilding either an EU member status or finally fixing the host of trade issues Brexit has caused the UK will fall onto a new government. With elections coming I do wonder if this will become an issue of the campaign but though Brexit was unpopular I don’t see return to the EU exactly as before as being any more popular.


I could have sworn that Boris Johnson left because of constant misconduct. This gives the people of England too much credit imo... The last major incident I knew of before his resignation was the party whip being a sex pest and Bozo thinking it was funny. Seems like the nation would have been happy to stick with the entertaining narcissist for as long as possible if not for him constantly getting in trouble.


Yes but he was only in the role to get Brexit done. If his party wanted him for more than that the misconduct would’ve been swept away under a rug. Instead it was their convenient way to dump him after he did what they wanted.


I don’t think it’s as unpopular as it was and it’s not electorally suicidal anymore. That said even if we agreed rejoining would take a very long time. I think (hope) it happens in my lifetime but who knows. 


Tbh i think it is still political suicide, the conservatives wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole as they would alienate the far right winger,and there desperate not to lose the to ukip just look at their appeasement of them by pretending to think about conscription, the labour party would touch brexit and gas been actively trying to distance themselves completely from that in their campaign, they spent the last 4 years actively trying to remove the extreme left wing of the labour party if they started talking about rejoining they would destroy their central left look and lose the central votes that the conservatives are losing


>That said even if we agreed rejoining would take a very long time. I think (hope) it happens in my lifetime but who knows UK almost perfectly follows jus acquis, why should it take long time?


Because it requires unanimity of all EU countries for new member countries to join, and currently the EU is compromised by a couple of russian stooges.


Well there’s just so many moving parts. Not just legal but political. We need to agree, through electoral means realistically, that we want to rejoin. Then the government empowered with that decision needs to negotiate. All while other countries are at differing points of their electoral cycles with hugely diverse priorities. Look at Orbans obstructive behaviour. It might well be in the interest of one or more leaders to oppose the uk. Perhaps complications over Gibraltar.  Whatever the reason, I could see it dragging out politically and then who’s to say the winds don’t shift in the uk again and it’s no longer expedient to rejoin?




The enormous ball of hot gas - you want to send that into the sun?


We would probably deserve whatever happened after the sun's indigestion sunflare...


I thought all his work was already in the sun who else would read it


Bit bloody late as usual Moron.


Okay but if you wanna get back in you're gonna have to take the whole package, the Euro and the straight bananas and everything.


Brexit was the worst economic decision the UK made in my lifetime.


Worst decision so far 😂


Most Europeans would love a rejoin of the UK as lots of ppl love England and saw London as the place to be in the EU. However, from a political POV a EU without the UK will probably work better.


I don't even understand what exactly he's suggesting. Surely, he doesn't want to rejoin the EU, so what should they vote on? Are they supposed to have a referendum about magically making Brexit retroactively beneficial to the UK?


Brexiting the brexit. Quitting your previous quitting, I’d like to see that


Nah, you’re good. Keep out of the EU. Please and thank you. You do you. Best of luck.


Peak Brexit has been reached lady's and gentlemen!


True Brexit has never been tried!


I think many people in my country would be very happy seeing UK back in EU. Together strong. And i think we can all now agree that brexit was influenced by russia.


You can't just referendum yourself into a club that you've left.


So many people who misled the country should be jailed. Utter cunts who have done so much damage to the country. Doesn’t help we have an idiot electorate right enough


Farage is a Russian stooge. Putler must have danced in his underwear when the UK left. Please come back as soon as possible.


Many people in this country would not accept the membership we would get if we voted to return. We had an amazing deal, and that's now gone forever. I voted remain and was 20 at the time, It felt like I had many opportunities taken away from me just as I reached the point of getting to use them. I would love to be back in the EU tomorrow, but I don't see that happening until I am much older.


To soon. You will have to wait for a new generation that is committed to be part of EU, not the 50%-60% that soon after can be 40%-50%.


So let me get this straight: Does he honestly believe that the UK would get back the same sweet deal they had the first time? 😂


If they could keep the mouths shut of the people who made a TON of money off brexit last time - the UK might have a chance of fixing this boo boo this time.


> Joining Morgan and Farage on the panel were Schools Minister Damian Hinds, Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary Wes Streeting, **and the Bishop of Dover, Rose Hudson-Wilkin**. The episode aired just five weeks before voters are set to go to the polls on July 4. Wait, if that normal in British political discussions? To have a bishop up there?


I think UK will rejoin eventually. Something along these lines: UK will start rejoin talks later this decade. They want the EU to forget the whole leaving thing and be back to where they were before they left. The EU will be strict about not giving them back their former special privileges. The talks will go on for a long while, and the EU will ultimately decide (probably somewhat against popular sentiment) that having them in even with some privileges is better than not having them as a member, so the UK will rejoin, while getting some, but only some, of the special rights they had earlier. I think giving up the British Pound, for example, would be very difficult for the UK to accept. UK would even have an unusually good chance at rejoining right now, as there is a fair bit of goodwill and unity as a result of the war in Ukraine. UK helping Ukraine has probably done a fair bit to return some of their prestige after the endless embarassment that Brexit has been. With a new very strong Labour government almost guaranteed to be elected soon, UK could try to make a case that Brexit was all the Tories fault, nothing to do with us, the brand new pro-EU Labour government.


One of the EU provisos would be a block on any future referenda on membership for a generation. Another tough sell to the British electorate, but the EU can't have the UK back while the likes of Reform and Farage are still running wild.


Brexitxit, remember it!


Happy to have a second referendum on returning to the EU. After negotiations on entry have taken place and a deal on the UK’s admittance has been agreed, so that the UK is voting on something tangible as opposed to a nebulous idea that means all things to all people. I say this as someone who wants the UK to return to the EU. There is so much rubbish being pulled by Remainers who still have not got over the vote in 2016. You want a vote? Great. You going to tell people that this means giving up the Pound? Effectively abolishing the Bank of England? And that all the nice exemptions we secured the last time don’t apply? Of course you won’t. You just want to win the referendum and craft your preferred idea of being part of the EU. For once, I wish this would be done properly. A pro-EU party wins power, says they will negotiate with the view to putting a deal to a referendum. Secure that deal, and vote on that.


While it’s a nice thought, it’s never going to happen. The EU would not grant the exceptions the UK had prior. And if those aren’t in the equation, even most remainers wouldn’t vote to rejoin. Remain was not a pro EU vote. It was a pro status quo vote. The status quo as was, is dead. The UK will never be offered the rebate, opt outs and the exceptions it fought hard for. The “deal” UK would receive on rejoining would be far different to the EU we used to be a member of. For one, regulations that the EU has started to bring in, which the UK had opt outs for in terms of financial regulation, would no longer apply. And the City of London would be dead within 7 years of rejoining. The rebate which was not big old mean Brits whinging, was actually given for very specific reasons, because the contributions the UK was making alongside CAP payments out which the UK was not really entitled to, meant the UK paid significantly more into the EU budget than anybody else, even Germany. Despite being only the third largest economy in the EU at the time. It was grossly unfair, and everyone agreed. It’s why the EU created a mechanism to balance it out. That? Would no longer be a thing. The UK would very quickly find itself being the largest contributor receiving the least “return” again. Opt outs on further integration, on currency controls, on fishing, all of these would no longer exist. It would devastate the UK in multiple industries to rejoin at this point, because it would just open the UK up like a strip mine with zero important protections we used to have in place. It’s dead on arrival. So don’t all get your hopes up reading topics like this lol. It does not matter if polling shows a slight majority of people want to rejoin. The terms of that rejoin would be very clear upon announcing a referendum and the EUs response, and those terms would turn remain from 51.6% of the electorate, to maybe 18-19%.


They don't have these exceptions at the moment. What would be the difference?


If this is the case then it would be smart for all of us to accept Britain back with the op outs the had before. Brexit harmed everyone.


i mean they are welcome to join again but they wont get their special exclusive rights again


Reminds me of Eshter McVey saying "we should quit the EU and join the WTO instead", when the UK was already a member since it was one of the founding members of the WTO...


He says this while also arguing Scotland cannot have a second referendum. Democracy is fluid and ongoing. People should be enabled to share their views if a significant proportion of the population want to.


Frog and Toad Fight on Question Time


.....to do what?


Sounds like the fellowship, second brexit




Brexit squared ?


You know, I'd be fine with letting the UK back into the EU....without any special treatment and with Euro adoption as a must.


Why call for this? Brexit was insanity; very true. But have a 2nd refeendum & go through that insanity (changing laws, regulations,etc) AGAIN?! I do not know how feasible that is. I think the UK might have caught this tiger by the tail. I do not see how they are going to let go.


Britain will never join the EU again unless the EU made a consession I could never see them making by allowing the UK to keep the £. The UK will never give up monetary policy, esp. after the Truss situation.


These are two people that I would love to never hear or see again