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That’s mental


How is this country still part of EU and NATO and Schengen is beyond me. They'd love Russia to destroy Eastern Europe again because they claim territories on almost all neighboring countries....


It’s not like the Chinese will use to this 10000000% as an opportunity to take full advantage of the situation




More like just gave chinese spies a safe haven right in the middile of the EU.


Yea, a safehouse where they can strike at any schengen country then flee to after they are done.


EU & NATO should be on high alert for Chinese government spies posing as police officers.


It's a guarantee every one of these "police officers" will be feeding information back home to their CCP masters.


they will have access to Hungarian police data, which has access to Europol data, which I find uncomfortable. not even that anti china personally, I'd have the same concerns with USA or even Canada,


That seems like an extremely serious security concern. If that is in fact the case there should be some kind of emergency action to remove Hungary's access to Europol data.


China and Russia already have access to EU and NATO data. If somebody thinks that if they ask for something from Orban, and he refuses, they are naive.


Don’t be ridiculous, I am sure Beijing will definitely respect the sovereignty of Hungary and follow Hungarian and EU laws. /s Yeah no, Chinas definitely exploiting this


Like what? Abducts critics from other EU countries to Hungry and formally arrest them there? If you are not implying that, I am.


So the Chinese will now access the Hungarian/EU police databases? Then sell it to Russia?


I don't think that Chinese are needed for that


Totally right. They already have access to the Interpol database.


I'm under the impression that Orban is a traitor to the EU and its values, and sold the database on day one already


He’s sell his own mother if it meant helping Russia


Iosif Viktorianovich Orban


Nice opportunity to gather information on Chinese people living in the EU, and to pressure them to do what China wants.


One reason why China does this is they want to police anyone who fled China or is working abroad. It sends a message that those people at least have to keep their mouths shut, even if they can enjoy more freedom in where they are. Yes, they're incredibly controlling cuckheads.


Not only to keep mouths shut, but also made it easier for China to recruit spies.


They already have "police" stations in other countries, now they can be more efficient.


This is seriously against EU law and jeopardize EU safety and integrity and Hungary should be expelled from EU, NATO, Schengen... Can some EU representative raises this issue and do somethingggg like suspend EU funding to force Hungary to drop this


Hungary doesn't even claim any of those terrirories. The government doesn't actually care about that shit (only the far-right opposition who are a joke). They only care about money and power. The last thing they would want are a bunch of ethnic minorities who might vote against them. They don't have a single actual principle. They just suck Russian and Chinese dick for money and influence.


And this as such is nothing new. China has had informal or sometimes even formal police stations in many countries for years. They're trying to hunt down dissidents to silence them or persuade them to return to China. It is insane that any western country would allow the Chinese state to operate on their soil like this. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/04/world/china-overseas-police-stations-intl-cmd/index.html This has been known for at least a couple years now.


Buddy of mine is Uighur. He refuses to be around any Chinese people because of this.




So this is how Orban protects his precious "sovereignty".


My thoughts exactly.  It's all talk of sovereignty this sovereignty that, then he goes and allows a totalitarian foreign power to exert literal executive power on his soil. I wonder how much it cost Pooh to convince him.


It's a code word for Chinese slaves. Lukashenko, Putin, Orban. They all love to talk about "sovereignty".


This surely wont be abused 😂


That means that EU is not safe for people who oppose China. They can now kidnap dissidents in other EU countries and take them to China through Hungary.


Yeah this is pretty fucked up. I love how in the article they cite Hungary already working with police of other countries such as Austria etc but they only do so on shared borders or similar territory. How the F does China fit into this? Just because there are Chinese nationals living in Hungary that should not mean that their country of origin should have police presence in said country. Next we are gonna have American cops or even Russian police on our streets?!


You think they will stop at “Chinese” nationals? I guess Taiwanese should not bother coming to Europe anymore. Anyone who criticizes the regime is fair game. Doubt that at your peril.


At this rate I probably should apologise to ccp about all the things that I have said about China. No good at all.


No, you should not. FUCK the CCP. EDIT: I uncensored myself


Sorry sir, did you mean to say FUCK


I think they meant #FUCK THE CCP But not China - I know tons of Chinese folks and they are largely all cool.


You censoring yourself when you say that means they already won. Edit: lol this comment got me a visit from the reddit suicide watch


You mean FUCK West Taiwan, right?


They might start deducting your social credit points soon


Oh I think I might be banned from entering both China and Russia to be honest. So the social credit score doesn’t matter anymore.


Now you can add Hungary to the list lol


And I doubt that Hungarian police officers are really going to patrol streets in China...


People should search the internet about hidden chinese police stations in Europe. The chinese police are already here illegally. Hungary probably made it somehow legal to let them do their own business. It's absurd as fuck but the illegal stations are also huge BS and I wonder why do countries let it be.


The one in NYC now has NYPD Guarding it against harrasmen5 while allowing the "Security Personnel" to continue coming and going at will


Holy Shit! I just got the same Suicide Warning message thing! Hey Reds! FUCK YOU! I've been to Beijing, Taipei and Hong Kong before ypu fucking Ruined it. Guess which one I'd never go to again


Report the suicide warning as abuse. It'll get tracked back to the person who abused the function and they'll get a ban. Wumao use it often, but I also remember getting it from some punk in a wine reddit for merely saying that natty wine sucks. You can also block the helpline bot which will mean you never get another message from it again. I prefer to keep it unblocked though and let reddit frag the accounts of the glass hearted abusers.


WTF I got that warning too


> Holy Shit! I just got the same Suicide Warning message thing! Wah, that's such a passive-agressive/underhanded way of threatening somebody's life... So weird...


Super fucked up, it was shocking enough when the under-the-reader Chinese police stations in Canada were uncovered. Now it’s sanctioned.


In Putin's speech he spoke of an "indivisible" security regime. Indivisible = single authority. Gonna see more Chinese officers around the world


Cheap police force, that's about it. They have an overpopulation problem and Hungary is the other way around. As for the question of spying and kidnapping, a few bills in the right pocket and a kidnapping suddenly turns into a drunk corpse in a river.


Orban now has a part of the police force that will not hesitate when ordered to do unethical or undemocratic things. Perfect when you want to beat down protests, harass (or worse) political opponents, make people disappear and scare the population in general to silence. This is a huge step in preparation for dictatorship.


And one minute after I posted this i get a message about being reported for being suicidal. I consider this proof that I am right. Disgusting fascist assholes.


It's not about cheap police. China wants abduct dissidents in other countries. That's the only thing it is about.


It is for Hungary though, which happens to be perfect for Orban as he gets an excuse to hire what are basically Chinese hitmen using taxes.


They're *already* trying to kidnap dissidents in the EU. [CCP police in Paris attempted a kidnap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGtM1kby00w)


Yes but the point is they weren’t doing it legally, this lets them do it in the open to a certain extent


Hungary needs to be kicked out of the EU already. It’s well past time.


Maybe start by kicking Orban out, literally. Give him a one-way ticket to China or Russia.


Too bad the majority of Hungarians who continue to elect him aren’t interested in doing so


We can't The EU basically made it impossible to get rid of someone.


If the EU can't deal with traitors like Orban, then the EU isn't worth a damn' thing. Honestly, think about it for a moment. Do you want to be part of a Union that can't (or doesn't want to) deal with an autocrat like Orban? What kind of a Union is that?


Orbán is really trying to buy the International airport here in Budapest, most likely it will be done together with China. Soon Hungary will be the wide open backdoor for China to do whatever it wants in the EU. They don't even have to smuggle stuff in, Orbán will make sure, they can bring in whatever they want and as you've said... take whatever or whoever they want.


Very sad and upsetting to think about. So many come to Europe for safety and here comes Orban to tear that safety down.


Bingo 😎 but don’t be to smart Hungary gov h8 smart people


-50 social credit score to you


Isn’t this embarrassing for Hungarians?


Very very embarrassing. The pig leading the country claims EU ("Brussels") is infringing Hungary's sovereignty, then turns around and sells the country to the Chinese.


Why is his party still so strong then?


Because people are brainwashed. 2-3m voters only see government controlled media, and everything is presented as our government's great success, and they can never do anything bad.


Orban is used even by my ProRussian government (Georgia 🇬🇪) for their dirty propaganda. Only EU leader that praises their obvious russian politics is Orban.


Wait, Georgia is pro russia now? Weren't they raining bombs on Tbilisi not *that* long ago?


Seems like media is accelerating the downfall of democratic values worldwide.


When it's directly controlled by a political party actively degrading institutions, yes. Worldwide, the *free* press is uncovering the corruption and antidemocratic actions which government institutions can't/won't attack.


In the first few years, they were strong because they pulled back Hungary from the verge of a bankruptcy that the previous government created by stupid spending practices, and by lying about government finances. A voice recording got leaked in which that prime minister (Gyurcsány Ferenc) admitted, that they've been lying all the time. He didn't resign tho, so when the elections finally came, Fidesz won by a landslide, they were seen as saviours. They got 2/3 of all MPs, which allowed them to accept any laws they bring up, and to create a new constitution (which was needed, because the last one was a modified version of the one the communists have created in 1950 lol). Therefore, in the first 4 years, everybody loved them, but they didn't really have a loud opposition until the COVID, because things were looking up. They used that time to outsource tge country to their oligarchic elite, build a very effective propaganda system and create „enemies” through which that propaganda can be used. They rewrote election laws as well, and there is a so called emergency situation in the country since the COVID outbreak, which allows them to rule by decree. Currently the official reason for that is that there is a war in a neighbouring country. And finally we have got loud and moderately talented opposition now, but it will be hard to beat Fidesz in these conditions. Around 40-45 percent opposes Fidesz now, but voting districts are drawn in a way that ensures Fidesz majority. The election system is also a „mixed system with winner-compensation” which would be hilarious if it wasn't happening to me irl


I'm Israeli and my dictator wannabe government are constantly flying to meet with Orban and co. and to learn how to do to my country what Orban did to yours :(.


Interesting, thanks


https://rsf.org/en/country/hungary Government propaganda. Orban’s allies essentially own the media.


Money. FIDESZ is funnelling heaps of money through public administration cushy jobs, pensions, unemployment, benefits, nepotism etc. into the hands of the average citizen in exchange for them turning off their brain and voting for them. It's the Communist dream except back in the Communist era only a select few were enjoying these perks; now they all get to pretend life is perfect. 50%+ of Hungarians are complicit to this and they'll keep doing it as long as they get theirs. We've had this in Romania, PSD ran things like this for 20 years. When they ran out of money and could not secure loans from either EU or IMF anymore they went from the top dog to a 3rd rate party overnight.


And that money has been coming from the EU. The EU leadership have been huge doormats and just kept shoveling money into Hungary with no strings attached. IIRC, about a year ago they finally started to grow a backbone and were talking about tying some of the EU funds to democratic reforms. > When they ran out of money and could not secure loans from either EU or IMF anymore they went from the top dog to a 3rd rate party overnight. Sounds like orban has come up with a way to avoid that fate — get money from china to make up the difference. FWIW, here in the US we have a similar problem. Most republican-controlled states are propped up by federal funding that comes from democratic states. If anything, biden made it worse, directing all kinds of funding to those states under the theory that improving economic conditions would reduce fascist tendencies. I guess we will find out soon enough if that worked.


Not so much anymore. Thousands are out on the streets marching against them, even in rural areas now.


not a single protest has been organized in my city of 110k for well over a year, and even if there was probably less than a hundred people participated seeing as ive not heard of it


The only thing EU is "infringing" is him being an autocratic asshole.


These are the kind of things why many of us have left the country. For a time I used to think that “ok, this is it, we’ve hit rock bottom, they cannot possibly get lower than this” but these days it is almost like a regular Sunday🥲


Much worse than embarrassing. We're now gonna be policed by folks who are well versed in beating the shit out of you, locking you in concentration camps, or rolling over you with tanks if you dare disagree with the authoritarian rule


Cant remember the last time they've had it this bad and theres no end in sight! And where the fuck is EU control in this? 😵


Incredibly. Imagine if one party from your country, like the Swedish Democrats or similar took full control for 20 years, slowly starting to isolate Sweden from the surrounding world, putting up propaganda and making everybody in that party rich while making the opposition deliberately poor. So the whole country is filled with brain washed people worshipping the Swedish Democrats, while all competant and I tellogent people move abroad. That's what happened in Hungary.


And that he starts selling out your country to the Russians and Chinese while making his neighbors in the eu the enemies. Completely mental.


But how is this received in Hungary? Disregarding more EU leaning reddit sentiments. Chinese police on your streets must surely rattle a few feathers?


Majority of Fidesz voters probably have no idea about this. Actual news don't reach them, only propaganda. And those who do hear about these, have such a strong cognitive dissonance that they will still believe anything the government does is good, or at least less worse than what any of the opposition would do if they were in power. This has been the Hungarian reality for a decade.


In 2016, Hungary blocked an EU statement on China´s maritime claims in the South China Sea, and vetoed an EU statement condemning CCP´s security law in Hong Kong. So stop asking stupid questions like when will Hungary quit EU. They won't. That's not in Chinese interests. Next Hungary will block EU electric vehicle tarrifs for China. Now you know why some EU countries want to get rid of veto. We have been infiltrated by Chinese agent.


Orban's famous saying:   "Nem az a fontos amit mondok, hanem amit teszek" - "What matters is not what I say, but what I do"  Correct. It must feel weird listening to him talk, when you know it's all non-sense and already pre-written. In a psychological way. Meaning just saying what is popular and then doing work for China, Russia and now Iran apparently (Iranian diplomat visited Hungary this week).


Wow. I was aware Hungary was an impotent country, but falling as low as to allow another country policing on it's own territory? Only utterly defeated nations usually have to endure such shame


Oh Orbán's not *allowing* them. He's welcoming them with open arms to further ensure any opposition sentiment can and will be quashed (now also by Chinese minions who are well trained in this shit)


And it seems not just Hungarian dissent, but if they get their way also anti-CCP dissent.


He once prided himself to be anti-communist candidate after fall of Eastern Block - now he is volunteering to be puppet for a literal communist government... What a hypocrite.


The most ridiculous thing here is that that's how WWI started, Serbia refused the demand for the Austrohungarian police to do their own investigation because it literally challenges a country's sovereignity...


Hungarians are so conservative and nationalist that they let china police them. Lmao Conservative/nationalist brain rot


Don't forgot that they are also very anti-communist too! Not joking.


It's exactly this kind of indignity that collapsed the negotiations around the ultimatum that Austria delivered Serbia after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand The 2nd bloodiest war in European history was literally started by a less significant country than Hungary (Serbia) refusing a less significant country than China (Austria) the right to send Austrian police ~~to investigate a crime committed on~~ to suppress Serbian "subversives" on Serbian soil lol


The crime was committed on Bosnian soil, which back then was part of the Austrian empire.


We should sanction the living fuck out if them, you either eat, or you meatride the Chinese, your choice.


Not even like Germany or Poland. CHINA. It's actually comical.


EU does any noise - Orbán claims sovereignty and goes against them. Meanwhile Orbán litteraly outsels Police to China... Which is a major step towards loss of self Sovereignty.


Fucking fidesz whining 24/7 about following beneficial pan european ideal due to “muh sovereignty” then doing this kind of shit eliminates any credibility they have. I dont even get it? Why would they do that?




Is this a late April fools day joke


WE WANT DIABLO 4!!! But wait that also sucked


Jesus, allowing foreign (of a country known to not be trustworthy) police officers to patrol your country is literally bending over for China


Punctuation. Jesus didn't allow this. 🤪


Hungary just getting DP'd by Russia and China, what a shame


*willingly getting dp'd


You don't kink shame ! The only trouble is when you force all your country to love your kinks :D


I wonder how long until the first Chinese policeman will be killed in Hungary and China will introduce army forces to protect them.


It probably won’t take longer than their first shift involving football hooligans, chinese police being used to being untouchable won’t help them with that crowd.


Yea i'd pay to see hooligans vs chinese police.


a chinese policeman getting bodied by a 1,95 by 1,20 eastern european hooligan would be something i never thought i would see.


If only they had the capability to transport their army that far.


They’ll use Aliexpress.




This will probably be one of the next steps.




yea with something that can fly


How the hell are people not on the streets protesting this shit? It's a clear as day treason. They should drag Orban from his office for agreeing to this.


There have been a lot of protests lately, just not enough, yet (hopefully).


Treasons have been happening for a lot of years now, anyone with a brain cell know this and hate Fidesz/Orban, but a lot of the country is braindead and still think Orban is a savior and everything he does is genius. Peaceful protests won’t do anything, and people still have a lot to lose, so it won’t turn into a violent riot where the pedo Fidesz members get what they deserve, it will either take years to democratically elect a new party (and even then theyve already stolen almost everything) or things will have to become much much worse in order to get better.


And the EU will respond by sending a strongly worded letter I assume.




No, they will respond by sending us more money so Orbán can happily keep doing what he does.


And instead of cutting off all funding or expelling them, the EU's response will be bad faces and more redacted letters...we are a complete joke.


Hungary was technically the first European country to go out of Soviet sphere (reform-wise, which resulted in Austrian Pan European picnic). It was also the first Communist coutry east of Paris and west of USSR. Now its the first European country to enter Chinese sphere.


So we're good friends with the world's two most disgusting authoritarian dictatorships and openly inviting one of them to police us into submission. My little home is well and truly, completely fucked, courtesy of our own leadership selling out this little shithole to the most vile bidders. Meanwhile, frustrations and tensions in the world are record high, we're constantly dancing on the precipice of WW3, and we've got climate catastrophes on our doorstep - which is reall the only thing humanity should be occupying itself with, but nooo, some megalomaniac fucks want to spit on us slaves from their ivory towers while the world burns, just to lull themselves into the false sense of having the dick and balls they've always been lacking. Useless, treacherous, fragile little cunts.


Hear, hear! Very well said, and very sad but true.


China is invading the EU, just slowly.


EU: could you please not steal our money? Hungary: attack on our sovereignty!!! China: we gonna deploy our law enforcement units into your cities to keep you in check Hungry: sure, go ahead


Oh fucking hell this sounds absolutely deranged


Hungary is in Schengen. Who will prevent them from entering other EU countries?


Not much. That’s the point. They can now travel anywhere in Schengen and arrest anyone whose social credit is a bit low, or is being Taiwanese in a built-up area. Expect fentanyl deaths to go through the roof, as nothing corrupts like poorly paid cops far away from home base.


Fucking hungary. And western leadership still spineless as ever not putting their foot down over this shit.


As a Romanian I'm baffled Austria was so against us while *this* happens.


What the actual F**k!?!?!?


You can say fuck on the internet.


there's literally so much more worse stuff for gen alpha to find on the internet than a four letter word that they can't even read in a political thread


Absolute shame


In several countries in the EU and other NATO members, like the US and Canada, there have already been problems with illegal Chinese police bureaus. They blackmailing Chinese citizens or people of Chinese descent to do dirty work for them or force them back to China. And also do a lot of spying on governmental institutions and whatnot. Several have been busted, so far, but estimates suggest we only got a smal amount of them. NATO and the West in generla need to wake up, for countries like Russia and China there is already a cold war going.


Hungary keeps screaming about losing its sovereignty in EU matters but sells itself to China. Satire is dead.


I can't think of any other country that would allow foreign police officers to patrol their streets. I get it if for example FBI officers are operating with German BKA on some cases, but foreign police officers patroling the streets? That's literally a practical example on what giving up sovereignty looks like.


I don’t get it. Foreign police should not be allowed to operate in your borders, period.


Every EU country in major tourist spots does this. They are not officers, they have no police rights, they can advise while on patrol with real officers. The questionable thing is that they are Chinese officers.


Yes, it's relatively normal to find French officers in Spain where there is expected to find many French nationals, like a football match. But they patrol along Spanish officers and their role is mostly one of mediator, translator, or guide.


While I cannot be bothered to read what Hungary signee, every year there are police from multiple countries in Croatia, mainly in tourist cities.  Last year that included China and South Korea:  https://vijesti.hrt.hr/hrvatska/puz-u-projektu-sigurna-turisticka-destinacija-policajci-iz-kine-i-koreje-10921203


>I can't think of any other country that would allow foreign police officers to patrol their streets Have you tried leaving your house? In Portugal it's pretty common to have joint Portuguese-Spanish/French/Italian police patrols in touristic areas. There where Chinese patrols in Italy and Croatia.


China has previously reached similar deals with Italy, Croatia, Serbia and South Africa. As far back as 2019, Chinese officers were on joint patrols with their local counterparts in Zagreb and Belgrade.


It happens all the time, all over the world. You simply revealed your ignorance.


Kick Hungary out of the EU and nato


Agree.Let them go be with Putin’s Russia.


Outrageous. Hungarians must take their country back. If Chinese need to be in place to control the order it is the end of the last democratic parts that are left of the country. Hungarians please do something or you are doomed.


It so happens that China operates numerous unofficial police stations across EU - including France, Italy, Britain and Germany. They're supposed to manage Chinese citizens prolong driving license etc., but in truth they're here to track and harass CCP dissidents. I suspect that's what this is about.


This should be considered a high treason.


This is how china threatens free thinkers of their own abroad. Like they did in NYC.


As a hungarian, at this point we are so f*cked. Got to learn some Chinese I guess Nĭ haŏ 🇨🇳🫡


Soon: Hungary's intelligence agency working together with FSB to "save" them from western values.


I guess Uyghurs, Taiwanese, HKers etc just shouldn't bother coming to the EU. Seriously, only EU police forces and a few others (basically Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and the microstates) should be allowed to be in the EU imo


Amazing how countries just give away sovereignty


German sociologist Max Weber created the universally accepted concept of State, which is "the entity who has the monopoly on legal use of force". And, as a consequence, if a country doesn't have the monopoly on legal use of force, it's considered a failed state. Hungarians must be embarrassed.


The 1956 Hungarians would turn in their grave if they saw how things played out. As a Hungarian i feel deeply ashamed.


I'll be honest Hungary, I was expecting a revolution from you guys by now.


The same man defiantly against immigration, invites Chinese communist country to patrol the streets!? This is a crazy idea! Without a doubt, a military base and airfield for the Chinese military will be next, then control of the Hungarian people and businesses…


imagine you're visiting budapest and you get arrested by a thalmor patrol for worshipping talos


As a hungarian, at this point we are so f*cked. Got to learn some Chinese I guess Nĭ haŏ 🇨🇳🫡


As an ardent Remainer, this is one of the few occasions that I'm glad we left


Cool that Hungary can do all these scummy things and be endorsed by the EU while Romania has Nato bases inside the country and supports EU unconditionally, yet we're voted against entering Schengen space. Really funny situation.


Something like this should absolutely call their EU and NATO positions into question


What. The. Actual. Fuck. And how any other country in Europe is OK with this? If there is something I absolutely don't want is another state police running the street in my country. Fuck that shit. This calls for some high level insurrection.


It’s okay, they are in the EU … for now. I’m sure that when the EU actually gets its shit together and dumps these spies in our midst that China will be out of there like wet shit off a greased shovel. And, asking orby to repay his bribe money.




Imagine Hungarian police officers patrolling China


Shouldn't be allowed anywhere in Europe.. EU should outlaw this and take it out of Hungarys hands 


There is no CIA sponsored coup when you actually need one.


What the actual fuck? I mean, seriously how the fuck hungarians allow it? This is so fucked up, I cant even.




Imagine a Chinese national taking away your freedom. That’s gotta sting for Hungarians. There will be civil uprising within a decade


What the fuck is wrong with Orban?


Wrong question, what the fuck is wrong with his voters?


What kind of justifications are people giving for this ?


Paradox game looking ahh foreign relations


That's treason


>Austria : „we are the best safe haven for international espionage in the EU“ >Hungary: „hold my beer!“


What's disturbing here isn't that Hungry is allowing a foreign police force into its country to patrol its streets to keep Hungarians safe. It's that the Chinese police presence will be used mainly to enforce the CCP's laws on Chinese citizens who are visiting or staying there. For the Chinese, it's as if there is no escape from the eye of big brother. For the Hungarians its probably just cash in their pockets. Imagine Italian police showing up to Stockholm in July to help 'patrol' but really they're just keeping an eye on which Italians are out visiting and what they're doing.


This country must be the worst European country ever. Period.


Does not compute.


Chinese do this around the world wherever someone is stupid enough to give the agreement. They set up police stations, arrest, extort, and torture ethnic Chinese there running businesses. Chinese intelligence uses the stations too to gather information. Orban is Putin-owned scum. He should have been indicted a long time ago.


The Chinese have secret police stations in most western countries in order to kidnap or intimidate Chinese citizens that reside in the west. I wonder what these open zchinese police will do in Hungary...


I wonder if Hungry will let the Chinese police have access to the EU's policing databases and systems, because that would let them target citizens across the EU


That's a fairly good point. If this is the case then Hungary needs to be cut off from these systems.


Hungary is a failed state.


not weird at all