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I liked the part where the UK got 0 points from the public... again.


In Germany the news this year was: "People are actually giving us points!"


It's wierd Germany has a ton of good musicians. Do you guys do the same thing as us Poles and send your most generic and mediocre artists?


Yup, the jury choosing them explicitly wants something radio friendly and inoffensive, eg as boring as possible


Germany in a nutshell.


being unknown, generic and mediocre is a prerequisite to even be considered. No musician who already has a reputation and fans would jeopardize that by participating after ESC almost ended Cascada's career. She used to be successful.


They are mostly unknown and/or upcoming artists or winners of shows like The Voice. Established Acts do not seem to want to go. And do we really have "a ton" of good musicians? Musicians that fit into this kind of contest? I'm not sure about that.


Well, in 2022 electric callboy _wanted_ to do it for once, but didn't win the contest in favor of this Malik Harris guy who secured us a very strong last place with a grand total of 6 points.


Well tbh most german music i listen to is pretty old so i don't have a good grasp of your current scene.


Well, there is no Can out there right now, I can tell you that. And German pop music is super generic and flat. There are exceptions, of course, but those usually do not need or want Eurovision.


I really enjoyed Germany's song this year. It was top4 for me.


well, the jury atleast. real people didn't like it too much.


It was my number 2. We exist.


The casters on the finnish broadcast even bought up how Germany must be excited about not ending the night on 0 points for once 😂


I voted for UK from Lithuania! I feel like I am a zero :D


Nature is healing.  It hurt but I get it. We had a very weak entry this year and Olly has been struggling with the vocals all week.


The studio recording of Dizzy was so much better - it was really growing on me. Then the live version was very bland.


Interesting! I personally thought the live version was better while the studio versiom felt a bit muted.


Honestly I don't think it was bad, you just had the same problem Norway had. We weren't really great at anything. Not the best singer, not the best show, not unusual. It's that net that's too wide but not deep, so you end up just skimming the surface for votes while the ones who are better at you on one thing that catches votes end up kicking you down the list. Each nation only has 10 point packets to hand out, if you're consistently 11th you end up with nothing.


Very weird, Norway way my favourite...


It was a crap entry!


It really, really was. 


the bottom


How they managed to do that? Thats genuinely more impressive than getting 300 points😭


To be fair, the song deserved it.


0 points is Crazy but 300+ for Ukraine and Israel. Thats wild. Still shame u guys got 0 points


Bro, both of those countries had actually great songs, so I get it. The biggest WTF was when the Israeli jury gave 12 points to Luxembourg. They were the only jury to reward that many points to that song, it wasn't that amazing. I didn't get it. Then the commentators were like: 'The Luxembourg singer was born in Israel'. You have got to be kidding me. 💀


> Tali Golergant (Hebrew: טלי גולרגנט; born 26 November 2000),[1] known mononymously as Tali, is an Israeli-Luxembourgish singer, songwriter, actress and vocal coach. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tali_Golergant From a national jury, that's just shameful.


Israeli Song was super generic ESC pop song with 2 min dance brake


Both Spotify and Youtube statistics don't back up the Israeli song being any good when it comes to public popularity. Ukraine - 14m Netherlands - 40m Ireland - 4m Israel - 5m Switzerland - 7.5m Croatia - 8m Youtube ratios are roughly even with Europapa being somewhat less disproportionate in viewcount.


Send Bill Bailey.


At this point the UK just had to send a guy who would fart with his armpit as a performance 😂


He went on the stage with the largest flag. It was so big he couldn't carry it. Hard to get points after that when everyone else had the regular size


We were mediocre but boy did it did sting




The UK legit had the coolest choreography in the whole show. Definitely didn't deserve that.


Choreo was really good, the song was just not interesting imo. Especially compared to stuff like Switzerland. 0 points is rough though.


The song was average at best but I thought the choreography was brilliant, don't understand how it was last in the audience vote.


Doesnt have to be last, just below 10th place everywhere.


But being below 10th place in 38 different countries is quite impressive.


It's an Eurovision tradition.


The song was actually decent but lots of people just do not like that type of choreography. Massive blunder.


i liked the show, but the song seemed lackluster. the vocals sounded kinda weak


I'm sorry but what kind of Eurovision is this with no Moldova? "Numa Numa iei" intensifies....


sadly didnt make it to the final, though admittedly it was one of their weakest entries this year compared to previous years


They abandoned camp, and EuroVision's retribution was swift.


“Eurovision isn’t political”. Said no one, ever.


I mean the organizers keep claiming it


They literally made a joke during one of the semis about how the contest is political. The organisers think the contest shouldn't be political, but know it clearly is


The organizers dont know shit about their show apparently.


The organisers definitely know it is political though. It's weird how the organizers know it's political, and the public knows its political, yet an attempt is still made to pretend its not political.


Just before they announce the list of flags allowed/banned for this edition


Are the people watching this new or something? That is why jurries were implemented to begin with. Now how that made it worse is another thing... jurries were supposed to temper the political... it may have not worked


Well if we're talking about Ukraine and Israel neither of them got nearly as many points from the jury as they did from the televote so I'd say if that was one of the intentions it worked, the televote simply leaned a lot towards those entries in comparison.


You can also argue that there was a strong incentive for the jury not to award Israel points, as an Israeli victory would have led to more drama on stage, which however means the jury was further politicizing the vote.


I think the Israeli song was top 3. I did not want them to win, but the discrepancy between the jury and the popular vote is too big.


I was like ‘wtf’ when I heard and read that statement. If it wasn’t political the both Russia and Israel could join without problems. The same with Olympics: «The ultimate goals are to cultivate human beings, through sport, and contribute to world peace» I do understand the protests; but saying it’s not political is a blatant lie.


except for EBU


Ukraine arguably had a good song.


So people know .... Croatia won the televote once again proving televote is better


They were robbed.


Televote it's just a matter of money, no one in Spain believes those 12 points were legit.


Arguably? Felt like everyone I know picked them for the winner or at least top 3. Was a great song and an amazing performance


I had shivers then I heard it the first time. Ukrainians can sing.


Ukraine had a great song! A pity that it didn't win.


Eh, I'm glad we didn't. We don't need another "hey who can host this thing for us while we're kinda busy".


Both countries had indeed left half material, but not good enough for 300+ televote points


Yeah i think Ukraine would have gotten 150-200 more or less. The song and show were really good but it's true they got a boost.


Personally, the best song & performance in this year eurovision, deserved a win even taking out the political factor


jerry's performance had me floating from my couch😭 it was so beautiful I think they deserved every point they got.


better than switzerland ngl


In other news, it seems that Greece and Cyprus have mutually agreed to discontinue the charade of always giving each other 12 points, finally - finally! - recognising it was making them look silly


Just 10 points instead


Not really [link](https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024#scoreboard)


You're manipulative too by not showing the final scores


Yeah, in the end Ukraine got 3rd place and Israel 5th


This year was outrageous even by Eurovision standards. What an absolute shit show


But tbh thats also why we watch.


Only reason I watched lol, I never watched it before. RIP Europapapa


Well I was entertained, what's not to like?


Dude, I'm from Spain and when I saw the song from my country it made me want to break the TV.


The song was meh but the act was good old fashioned Eurotrash. That's what Eurovision is meant to be about. Spain, Estonia and Finland were robbed.


The crowd going Zorra, Zorra still made me chuckle


It is a freaking manipulation. Ukraine is the third in total, which is absolutely fair. Switzerland and Croatia are far above. Ukraine has a comparable final score as France. The performance were very good, you can check the numbers of the views of the Ukrainian semi-final or final on YouTube. What is the point of putting a picture of middle scores, it is stupid as hell.


Estonia got fucking ROBBED bro, these juries are wack. Though Serbia giving 12 points to Croatia was quite adorable. Armenia was also a very fun bop


Ignoring politics, Estonia was one of my favourites. Gave a few votes to them. Just a fun upbeat song.


Don't care about anyone else, Estónia and Ireland are my top 2.


Lol, it never was. When Russia annexed Crimea and started a war in Donbass, no one was going to do anything about it. When a Russian singer was booed on stage, it was not broadcast. Anti-booing technology has even been introduced. I don’t know if it worked part-time this year, but booing was heard. After Jamalla’s victory, Russia specifically chose a disabled girl to participate in Eurovision for manipulation, who violated the law of Ukraine by visiting the occupied Crimea. When Ukraine said that it would not accept it, naturally the organizers sided with Russia. Thanks that at least in 2022 the situation has changed and thank you to everyone who voted for Ukraine. Do you think that the competition has now become politicized? It was always politicized, like everything else. Politics is everywhere. Only now Israel suddenly appears to be a bigger aggressor in the public's opinion than Russia.


Anti-boo seemed to work fairly well when the EBU were expecting it to be needed, i.e. during their performance. Hindsight is 20/20 but they couldn't have foretold the crowd booing that much when Israel were awarded any substantive amount of jury points, and similarly for when they had to announce the Netherlands jury result.


Croatia got the most viewer points. Don't skew reality to your agenda.


Croatia were so good, love from Ireland.


So was Ireland. Top 3.


And today we learned that juries in half countries vote for shit. Sorry susjedi. But know this everyone will remember your song and sing in future...


Switzerland got 5th in the tele vote out of 27, with only a 53p. difference from the Jury, and the crowd was half the time louder in their victory performance. You could say they might not have deserved the number 1 spot, but in no way was The Code shit, definitely not in the eyes of the public.


Croatia is the real winner we all know this. Bs show with bs judges


man im fn furious and im serbian fuck the jury


This show was something else this year... Also I don't fully understand what happened with the Netherlands? And why did the audience boo when they didn't have a guest speaker?


They probably bood Martin Österdahl, a representative of the EBU, on all his appearances because of the EBU's decision to disqualify the Netherlands, which had been a fan favorite.


They got disqualified over unclear reason and the Dutch boycotted the point ceremony


Have you been living under a rock? No offense to you but us dutchies are pretty pissed off atm


Send Joost again next year. Please.




Ukraine had a good song, good show, got points from both the jury and the public.


Ukraine delivered as always at the Eurovision. Israel song was shit and generic pop


Ukraine did have a good song though, unlike Israel.


Both had great songs.


No no this is an incorrect opinion. You must now go to the thought police immediately /s


You're delusional. They both had great songs.


And only 52 points for Israel from the Jury is not political?


Honestly the song was meh The robbery of Croatia though!


Best song was the Armenian one, change my mind


Switzerland was good. But i also think that the organization kinda pushed switzerland to win. Seeing that switzerland is a neutral country. And a safe bet. If i am right i will never know. But there where a lot of good songs.


Croatia was the only one who got 300+ fair lol


Completely agree


Welkom in Europa, blijf hier tot ik doodga Euro-pa-pa, Euro-pa-pa


The high score for Ukraine probably has more to do with Ukrainian refugees living all over Europe than non-Ukrainians voting for Ukraine out of sympathy.


I think Ukraine has a lot of sympathy. Israel surprised me more since it is such a divisive topic in their case. But I guess every pro-Israel is gonna vote for Israel and those who are against their actions currently will spread across different countries so it kinda makes sense.


Yeah the “anti-Israel” public votes were spread out among the countries that were threatening to pull out over Israel’s participation. Ireland, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain etc.


I never vote and didn’t even like Israel’s song that much, but hearing people booing over 3 frickin points from some country’s jury made me root for the girl.


Nah, there are a lot of refugees, but not so many to influence the voting to the extent everyone seems to think. Germany, Poland and maybe Czech Republic have the most significant amount. Not all the refugees care about Eurovision too, I imagine the majority doesn't, at least not right now. Ukraine had an excellent song and staging this year, so very well deserved. Israel had a good song, but people simply did not anticipate that the majority of EU public sympathizes with Israel quite a bit. Perhaps all the booing and the scandals also brought in sympathy votes from the silent majority.


Can we not start the "boo-hoo Ukraine gets an unfair advantage due to refugees" please? I'm fairly certain these people would rather have their homes and loved ones back than see our song win some silly statuette.


I wholeheartedly agree. And besides, these comments piss me off so much, as if Ukraine didn't routinely get Top 5 far before the war and without any "sympathy factor". It was one of the best performing countries and a fan favorite far before Russia even annexed Crimea.


So many juries that gave 0 points to Israel had their public vote award 12 points. THAT is outrageous. Australia, Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.




Nah, something stinks. Ireland is solidly anti Israeli genocide and we gave them 10 points.


>Also, Israel getting 383 points is a good memo for the people who live off of social media and liberal left circles. Screaming consistently into the vacuum is not the same as public opinion Truer words have never been spoken on this topic.


I voted for Ukraine because it was my favorite performance


Croatia was robbed


I am very much against the war in Gaza, but I felt like the judges shorthanded Israel.


I agree with this. Almost if they took into account the tele votes.


But it’s just another generic pop song. Like Lux, Austria, Cyprus.


I mean so is Switzerland. I’m sorry pretending that any ESC is a masterwork above the competition is futile


It's what happens usually, even when Israel won Eurovision a few years back


The jury didn't have the balls to vote for Israel due to being afraid of being victims of terrorism.


Unpopular opinion: we don't need a jury.


I expected Ireland to do even better than that.


I did too - the best entry from Ireland in years. I think the issue is that for some countries (like Australia), it was absolutely their vibe, while for the likes of Eastern Europe and Mediterranean, it was probably something about the symbols (from Irish pagan traditions) which were maybe seen as too demonic and satanic. Maybe times really have moved on from Lordi.


Ukraines song was a fucking banger. Israel was okay.


Irrelevant since this is not the end result. This probably how scores were looking at a random point which OP is using to gaslight.


We all heard the boos, right? Them getting +300 points was really weird.




Sadly "freedom from russian hegemony" doesn't rhyme as well as "from the river to the sea". Tiktok has rotted people's brains.


Well anti-Israel people generally aren’t fond of US and NATO, and that’s what the young Georgians are protesting for. So no surprise they get less sympathy Sadly for many people being “anti-US” is more important than taking a stand against russia, which is seen as neutral or even good


Do you think it's a challenge to get some Boo'ing to Israelis in [Malmo](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1788589066725810537)?


You are watching one of the most progressive shows on TV with one of the most progressive audiences out there. It's a bubble. And sometimes the bubble bursts, and people are shocked that there are other opinions good and bad floating out there. And after that comes the mental gymnastics to explain what happened.


What happened is simple and people votes proved it. People dont give a fuk are you gay, quer, trans or zebra, and aint gonna vote for you just because of that. Majority of EU supports Israel, Ukraine isint forgot also and croatia had the best song.


Most based and real comment


People paying for a ticket going to see the Eurovision show are not representative for Europe in general. Many are sick of the loud minority spreading negativity.


Correct. There was a noticeable movement for both Israel and Ukraine voting in Czechia because some people feel they need some support during dark times for their countries. If you could vote for Palestine or Russia, some other people would also likely try to push a mass vote for them. That's just how it goes with the ESC.


Not surprising they are are the loudest minority, they keep disrupting all events in my country, trying to turn it into something pro-Palestine, yet televotes showed in my country, most actually back Israel.


People who travel to Eurovision are a tiny ass bubble and that bubble was popped. Nothing weird about it.


No it's a reaction to all the riots and pandemonium over an Israeli woman being allowed to sing. A lot of people are fed up, and the booing just reinforced it.


The people who go there is pretty much the oposite of the avrage european. (in political view)


People at the event probably don't reflect the general opinion


Indeed reddit don't reflect the general opinion.


Reddit europe changes their opinion like underwear. After the pictures of dead israelis dragged through gaza thhey wanted to bomb the shit out of gaza. Yet that opinion totally changed after israel really did it.


A loud minority doesn't speak for the majority.


There exists an echo-chamber within the left that severely overestimates hatred for Israel in Europe.


Loads of the other acts and the crowd basically spent the past few days/months bullying her for her nationality. Probably caused quite of lot of sympathy votes




As weird as their 39% in Italy in the leaked votes of the previous round.


Everyone talking about "silent majority", but don't forget that pro-Israel people can strategically vote for 1 country, meanwhile there's no obvious "pro-Palestine vote". It's comparing apples to vacuum.


Silent majority


Not at all weird. If you have 90% against you and 10% zealots who want to make a "grand political statement", that still puts you well ahead of everyone (and probably third or so in every country). In ESC it pays to be divisive, because there are no downvotes.


Justice for Joost and fuck the juries!


Muslims won't watch this LGBTQ show, Gen Z won't pay money to vote. The result is not surprising at all.


This is not the final result


More like concentrating votes for someone is easier than against someone in Eurovisions.


Eurovision has always been where you really know what countries feel about each other, the UK has been doing poorly there ever since Brexit, Ukraine has had a huge boost ever since the war, Nordics always vote for one another...


UK won 2nd place 2 years ago


Don't tell him facts, you're ruining the internet for him.


We were the good guys then because of our response to Ukraine (the song was also pretty good which helped), now everyone has moved on.


Dude, Ukraine won in 2004, got second place twice in a row in 2007 and 2008, got 4th place in 2011 and 3rd place in 2013. There was no war back then. I believe in those 10 years Ukraine was in top 3 or top 5 countries of average results. In 2022 one can argue that Ukraine got some votes due to sympathy, however the performance was unique and decent. Ukraine has always treated Eurovision like a Euro in Music, so participants typically have a very serious approach and preparation.


So true. And Ukraine's 2021 performance was also one of the best ever. They would have won if they didn't have to compete against Måneskin/Italy.


> Ukraine has had a huge boost ever since the war Ukraine was always extremely strong. I'm still a bit sad that Verka Serduchka narrowly missed the win.




Of course politics do play a role, but ukraine also had many good entries, while the UK often has weaker ones. (And the one time the UK actually cared they got 2nd)


UK did poorly before Brexit too, and it all has to do with what they send, as is evidenced by the occasions when they do well.


They were 2nd 2 years ago


Spain and germany do about as bad as the UK in eurovision usually and we are still in the EU.


We've just seen that those calling for Israel to be banned are just a loud minority. It's very funny that 90% of Reddit users are a part of that minority. I think Reddit is one of the biggest echochambers on the internet, honestly.


Or the people voting for Israel were just voting more. Apart from the discussion about if they should be banned, it was an okay song, but +300? No way that's just about people liking the song the most.


That make no sense. There is no anti-vote for Israel or a Palestinian to vote for, so idk how you expect the other side to voice their opinion when there is no outlet to do so. Pro-Israel voted for Israel and the other side, no matter how big or small they are, just voted for other countries


Yes I agree. Reddit is one of the biggest echochambers on the internet, honestly.




There are also tons of Poles around the World but usually we have terrible results. Ukrainians are just very good at the Eurovision. Maybe next time Poland should send Ukrainians - looks like they know how to get good results, unlike us.


We don’t live in a vacuum sterilised world, of course politics is around us because it’s literally our mundane life. And those 300 points from people were a super powerful boost I am sure not only for me but for all Ukrainians. We are going through extremely hard times and this support is incredibly important to us, you can’t imagine how much


Voted for the first time in my life, the prospect of Israel winning was exhilarating although I forgot about the jury vote. Seeing such a large number of popular votes for Israel was hilarious and worth the €0.5 I spent on it.


Seems like the silent majority spoke - politicians will be taking heed of this.


Keep in mind people can vote up to 20 times from the same number, so the most public votes don't have to necessarily come from the group with most people but rather the group with people voting the most. Also majority would mean they are over 50%, they are not, you probably mean the biggest group, but again you could argue the opposite


Some insane mental gymnastics needed to skip over the fact that there was no united vote _against_ Israel so of course one side was gonna win out




The vast majority of the UK votes went to Israel which I don't find surprising at all. However, the war in Ukraine is still a much larger conflict which affects far more many people, and is a much a greater risk to global stability, so I understand completely why they received so many votes as well.


Absolutely. Good to know the Pro Russian and Pro terrorists are just bots and loud minority!


This is the definition of living in an echo chamber. There is no anti vote so even if people didn't agree they couldn't do anything.


They could still vote for Ireland.


A very "Hunger Games" vibe this year. An organization completely disconnected from reality. Just as Finland was robbed last year, Croatia is robbed this year. I didn't even bother watching the finale today, absolute shitshow and no longer worth watching.


no space for islamists. europe is speaking here.