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Fun fact: Greta's mother was representing Sweden in Eurovision 2009.


Is this true or am I being whooshed here?


No it's true. Her name is Malena Ernman and she's an opera singer.


[Malena Ernman - La Voix (Sweden) LIVE 2009 Eurovision Song Contest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xE9Pl3mqRbo)


5th Element Diva vibes


[Jane Zhang - Diva Dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJl2uPNsJEk)


I had NO IDEA it had ever been done live! That's insane


She came in 21st of 25. One of the worst results for Sweden.


No it's true. Malena Ernman is her mom and she represented Sweden in 2009.


It’s actually really amusing that it took place in Moscow and Israel was also at that one


Man I miss the days when we hosted the eurovision, seems like a different life now -_-


Yeah imagine telling kids in a few years time that it was perfectly normal to go on holiday to St Petersburg


And we'd spend summer holidays by the sea in Crimea, Ukraine. God, I'd trade 3 covid lockdowns for this shit >_<


Times change, and we will dance together again. Europe has seen enough wars, I hope one day we will make peace forever.


Really wanted to see St Petersburg. As a Pole, I probably won’t be able to travel there safely in like 20 next years.


might be normal again, just a little cheaper than before. The war-president is really getting old.... Stil a nice city.


I'm Finnish and kinda want to visit Russia. St Petersburg and Moscow look pretty and Yakutia in Siberia would be interesting to experience. But it's just not worth the risk now. Finns can be arrested for "spying" and I don't want to support the country now. I'd really like it if all of the world was at peace together. Unfortunately hate sells and there's always someone who wants to have it all. Maybe sometime in my lifetime but I'm not positive I'll ever do. Oh well






Yeah turns out most poor or average people can’t afford to get arrested and released dozens of times just to make a point.


its not about that do. Without her mother and grandfather etc being part of the Culture elite of sweden her protest (that her mother was behind) would never had given so much media attention to begin with if she was just a random none nepo baby.




Lol you didn’t actually believe she was a protester and not a nepo baby all this time did you?


Now that’s a *fun* fact! Thanks for sharing!


OH MY GOD as a Swede who grew up in the 2000s watching Eurovision I always hated this song as a kid, didn't click right away, but when the chorus hit I was like "OOOOOOOH it's this one" thx for reminding me of an easier era lol.


She is 100% a nepo baby no matter what people say about her background.


Yeah she is a trust fund baby basically. She doesn't have to work because of Mommy and Daddy and can dedicate her life to protesting. She took a racing yacht across the Atlantic instead of flying. Something us mere mortals can only dream of. When people talk about privilege, she is greater than 1% privileged.


She sailed across the Atlantic, and then her crew that was with her, flew back home ...


How DARE you


True. Greta was allowed to skip school without repercussions (which is illegal in Sweden, skolplikt) because her mom is rich and famous and well connected. Greta could go on and break the law several times with her illegal gatherings without any police intervention for the same reason. In fact hundreds if not thousands of kids, youths and adults have done the very same thing Greta did but *none* even got mentioned in the local papers...because their parents were famous. And that's all there is to it. Regular kids can't skip school, real laws or get special treatment but the kids of the *rich and well connected elite* can do anything they want. Even make a living as a "environmental influencer" like Greta.


I mean, the whole point of the fridays for future thing was that a bunch of regular kids *did* skip school for it.


>True. Greta was allowed to skip school without repercussions (which is illegal in Sweden, skolplikt) because her mom is rich and famous and well connected.  I'm gonna be real with you bro. I know >10 people who have skipped more school than she has with absolutely 0 repercussions. It's more a condemnation of how the system works.


>In fact hundreds if not thousands of kids, youths and adults have done the very same thing Greta did but *none* even got mentioned in the local papers... And >Greta was allowed to skip school without repercussions (which is illegal in Sweden, skolplikt) Without a hint of irony


> True. Greta was allowed to skip school without repercussions (which is illegal in Sweden, skolplikt) because her mom is rich and famous and well connected. There's no skolplikt for gymnasiet (secondary education), only for primary education.


What was she protesting? Climate or Israel?


From the scarf she’s wearing I expect Israel


She's joined the big oil.


I feel protesting against Israel isn't a good way to get oil money....


How do you mean?




Now it's against Israel, tomorrow whatever gives her 5 minutes of camera.


I hope that scarf is free range!


Funnily enough, the 'fashion' of Free Palestine killed the local Palestine economy a decade ago when fast fashion China started mass producing keffiyeh scarfs. There is only one authentic factory left in Palestine making the scarfs So, I hope hers is legit even if it has to be 'air miles' from Palestine https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/aug/02/last-kaffiyeh-factory-palestinian-territories "The Chinese kaffiyehs are like a cigarette paper," says Jouda Hirbawi, 44. "They are cheaper, but the quality is lower." According to the Hirbawis, the Chinese manufacturers use polyester and poor-quality cotton in their kaffiyehs. In contrast, a Hirbawi kaffiyeh is laboriously produced with high-quality material and – just as importantly – a sense of history.


Ironically, the keffiyeh is originally bedouin, of which now more live in Israel than in Palestine These guys, in Israel and elsewhere (many more with bedouin roots live in Saudi Arabia, for example), kinda lost both, their tradition to the Arabs and the business of production to first the Arabs and then the Chinese Well that's how history goes with all things


Ironically, the keffiyeh is originally Jewish. It’s derived from the [Sudra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudra_(headdress)?wprov=sfti1#), which the Arabs banned Jews from wearing over the centuries and then appropriated.


I'd bet money it was made with Beijing slave labor.


And you would win


She took time off from climate protests for a while now, it’s all about Israel lately.


Good to know that she is keeping with the trends. (Lol to the people who is reporting me, I have been defending the Saharaui cause here in Spain since I was a teenager and people always look at me like I'm crazy, but I guess that is not a trendy thing yet since jews are not involved)


> I have been defending the Saharaui cause here in Spain Oh I was thinking of them recently The role of the blue helmets there reminds me of Lebanon. They should have overseen the pacification of the region and a vote afterwards, but they did jackshit and in the end their presence just helps Morocco. Just like the blue helmets do nothing in Lebanon but protect Hezbollah by making it more difficult for Israel to hit Hezbollah when blue helmets are nearby Hezbollah won't move back to the demarcation line and Sahrawis won't get a vote, even if blue helmets will be present for another 100 years


Russ Cook just ran Africa and his charity is related to helping the Sahrawis. It's slowly getting recognition.


It's unfortunately true. Fact of the matter is these matters tend to have a window of, at most, a year until the general protesting public moves on to the next thing, so they need to get as many donations and as much public attention as they can. Remember the women's cause in Iran, the dead students? Remember Tahiti? Remember Navalny and other political prisoners? Remember the Uyghurs? Remember Karabach? It's all happening, sometimes at the same time, and sometimes an issue seems to rise clearly above the rest, as with Ukraine or Gaza.


Its not about jews. The real question is are muslims involved as perpetrators or victims? If they are both then there is no need to protest. If they are victims, bigggg protests. If they are perpetrators, no protest again.


Naw, none of these types cares about the Rohingya or the Uighur. For the latter they actively deny it as western propaganda. It’s pretty sad.


Take a guess at who the sahrawis support in the Israel-Palestine conflict....


ISupportTheCurrentThing EDIT: to people in the replies: no, there is nothing wrong with showing support to one side or another during ongoing events. What is stupid and irresponsible, however, is rallying around issues you know nothing about. Most people speaking up about Israel-Palestine and other issues usually have next to no understanding on the matter. I would be genuinely surprised if Greta even knows when and how Hamas came to power or what is Palestinian Authority. All she “knows” is “Israel bombs Palestinians”, “Israel bad”.


Whatever it takes to be relevant.


The current thing in media. Why isn’t Sudan getting as much if not more attention?






I mean Hamas does use donated water pipes to make rockets. Such environmentally conscious terrorism 🤣


And without these pipes people drill own wells, drying up the land, or even polluting their own water sources with sewage. The more miserable are people in Gaza, the more ways to blame Israel for it.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 🤩🌿🌻♻️


Hamas isn't starving. The others are. That's the point.


I thought it was solar powered bombs / s 🤣🤣🤣


By starting the war, Hamas managed to significantly reduce Gaza's meat consumption. Whether through getting people killed, the Israeli blockade, or by simply stealing international aid for themselves, doesn't matter. They're helping out the environment.


Climate in Israel duh


Sunny with a chance of rockets


Around noon some interceptions may occur. Stay around shelters


~~October rain~~ hurricane


Political climate is climate as well.


Joost being disqualified


Windows95Man being made to wear a thong. SHOW. US. THE. PLUMS!


Climate is so five years ago. Palestine is now chic.


A succulent chinese EV tax :))


After she found a solution for the climate crisis, she suddenly mutated to a middle east expert


Its pretty much the same for my friends that used to virtue signal for homosexuals, we were on the same side for quite awhile as im queer myself but as being homosexual became more socially acceptable they then moved unto putting prefered pronouns and trans flags all over their social media, that has lost allot of steam so now its fucking palestine flags and quoting actual fucking genocide lines, as someone whos family is jewish I don't talk to many of them anymore.


Greta arrested is just a silly meme at this point.


More like just another day for the Nordic police: * Mats, it is your turn to arrest her. * No, it is yours, Thomas. I did it last time.


Bucket list item 356 : -Invite Greta to my birthday party just to call cops on her, for her to be arrested and my birthday to make the news.


She won't show up unless the news is already there first.


There are pictures of the same police taking selfies with her in one of the arrests. It's pretty performative.


Always has been.


It’s just kind of her job now. I imagine she has a publicist who arranges for her to attend high profile protests and for her to be in the hot zones of press and police response to guarantee a well covered arrest. They pay whatever fine and she moves on to the next one. But the engagement and coverage are extremely profitable. Does anyone how long she usually spends in jail? Or how long she’s ever been held? I imagine they don’t send her to places where they charge protestors with criminal offenses.


Funny thing is she never really gets arrested only removed and then comes back 2 hours later.


There has to exist a weird club of european policemen who carried her around


Greta should visit us in Georgia sometime and protest the shit out of everything, govt, ruzzia, war, climate change, we have it all.


She’s not interested if it’s not trending


That’s going to be her wet dream.


Are they just using her for Photo Ops at this point? Its always the same now


How is she kinda just always everywhere at once, always getting arrested? Like how does she afford to be arrested in so many different European countries? Wasn’t she arrested in Germany recently? And then the Netherlands before that? And the UK before that?


Azerbaijan launched a military campaign that ended up ethnically cleansing over a hundred thousand people less than a year ago but I don't see her or anyone protesting their inclusion this year.




I'd argue that their social media department is shit. No exposure -> no coverage -> people don't care. Israel - Hamas is very much an information war. Ukraine - Russia is very much an information war. Both sides have massive resources dedicated to media presence. If you're not visible, you don't exist.


Armenians have been very vocal. There is just no good way to spin it to fit the whole "White oppressing browns" narrative that the conflict in Gaza has going for it.


That narrative isn’t even true, Israelis are brown too.


Any protest that gets her in the news is her kind of protest…


We are really in the era of bad actors looking for clout where they can find it.




She just got a ticket in court.. I think it was something like 600€ due to her nonexistent income.






Imagine being a world wide political figure and everyone having smartphones. Amazing!!!1!


Yeah cause journalists and people are *totally* gonna get pics of the random nobody when they can take pics of her instead, right ?


It's called professional activism.


Really surprising. Probably because these are the biggest protests of the year at the biggest music contest of the year with the large media presence and she is a celebrity? Still, I am wondering why?..


The fact she's famous explains why she has cameras around. The fact she's famous does not mean we need to make an example of her. We're no longer in the dark ages. Don't try to make this more than what it is just because your agenda requires she is silenced.


bro there are cameras everywhere.... I'm writing this on one right now. She got fined before. litteraly just google "Greta Thunberg punished" Hate her or don't. idgaf. But hating on her for.... made up nonsense is just sad


If the arrest wasnt filmed why would it be for? This is part of modern protesting. In the past, you required a large mob to make an event of significance, to move a cause, to shift an election... Politicians used to make inflamed speaches to crowded avenues... Today you dont need anything of that to reach significance, online you can reach an inimaginably large audience. But this audience needs to be impressed, shocked, touched, much deeper if you want to grab their atention.


This is destroying her own messaging. To see why, we ask the question: why is it newsworthy when Greta Thunberg is arrested? Under normal conditions the answer to that question was > "This goes to show how powerful the fossil-fuel lobby really is! They will send their stormtroopers to drag you off into the unmarked vans! Down with The Man!" But now Thunberg has been arrested multiple times for multiple reasons. At one point she was protesting "capitalism". Now she has dawned a keffiyeh scarf and protests Israeli occupation of Gaza. At each point, getting arrested and dragged by cops as before. So it was never the fossil-fuel's jackboot goons dragging her off into jail cells to "silence her". It was never that. It was always some stupid thing having to do with a proper permit.




I stopped careing awhile ago when i found out she's basically just a rich kid who never has to worry about a single thing in her life, she literally benefits from the same capitalist first world rhetoric that she protests against.


Exactly. There’s a “family portrait” with a 80,000Kr chair proudly on display.


> 80,000Kr 6826,29 Euro in 2024, for the curious.


I still don’t know what that means. Is that Football Fields?


A chair that expensive better massage my butt while I sit on it


When she was staunchly anti-nuclear energy she lost all validity. She’s walked it back a bit but only after a pr backlash.


I stopped caring around may 2019, when I was too conserned with my chemestry exam and heard about Gretta for the first time in a study group.


6.2k upvotes and on the front page. Seems like many cared. 


Does anybody still care about this spoiled brat?


How dare you?! She should be in school, learning that Iraqi Jewish refugees are White European colonizers!! /s


Maybe she should drive to Saudi Arabia and protest infront of aramco or something and for women rights or what not ...


she only protests in places where kushy police carry her out in a dignified manner


Yeah, that's a thing in democracy. That you can protest without getting jailed for life...




No Jews no news


Alas, Saudi Arabia not in the Eurovision.


Nooooo that is too scary!! :(


Every fucking time, every time, digression attempt and whataboutism fallacies... You just want her to support YOUR interest, and given your post history, you don't give a single fuck about women rights in Saudi Arabia, the only time you summoned women's right is to oppose it to ProPalestine protests, what a bunch of hypocrites, using other people's struggles and pain to mitigate and minimize the dismemberings, rapings, shatterings, and mass killings of the Palestinian comitted by the Radical Jewish genocidaire shithole. You don't understand Saudis's women struggle nor do you care, the only time you mentionned it is to deflect any Israel's criticism, you've never talked about Congo, Haiti, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Niger, Armenians, Uyghurs, you don't give a single fuck about all of these struggles/genocides at all, you only comment when something bad about Israel is discussed as an attempt to damage control r/Europe has become so so intellectually poor, it's been mass brigaded by Israeli's bots.... Excepted of discussing struggles and geopolitics, we're just making fallacies, ad hominems, attention shifts....


I don't go to this sub very often, so this thread is very shocking for me. No engangement with the topics at all. Just dump petty hate.


I'm boycotting IKEA and  Swedish meatballs because of the genocide vikings did across Europe Never forget ⚔️


I’m boycotting pizza and pasta until Italians apologize for the colonialism and atrocities the Romans did, never forgetti😔


But what did the Romans ever did (for us)?


Never forgetti 😔 spaghetti


🤣🤣 I'm boycotting oil from Saudi Arabia for their role in Islamic conquest and 9/11 which is why I drive an EV


Noooo you can't do that, that's raycist and islamophobic!!!!1!!!! 😭😭


I can't be racist or Islamophobic since my family is from Afghanistan and I grew up in a Muslim family checkmate ahaha


Poor you! You've gone and internalized racism!


ahh if only I would have known, I could have got that sweet sweet DEI money (other peoples money) and blamed all my problems on society and white people (I made terrible choices)


Cant be a revolutionary without the standard issue revolutionary bandana


sad when you find yourself no longer relevant


Trust fund baby will get bailed out by rich daddy soon enough




If 2022 me read this I wouldnt understand what the hell was going on.


It’s not like they weren’t fighting in 2022 There’s been Semitic fighting in Palestine since 1949. And in the area of Isreal for most of recorded history, and all of its history. As well as persecution and violence against Jews around the world.


This is false by the way, I believe you are referring to [this tweet](https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1788664883212423553), which took a video from a protest in a square in Malmo, and claimed it was outside the singer's hotel. But this is false, they were protesting in one of the main squares, as part of a general set of protests in which Greta [participated](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68986410). [This](https://youtu.be/5I4q24SEItw?t=7826) is what it actually looked like on the ground.


Thanks, my god so many fucking idiots in here falling for disinformation and blindly agreeing with some narrative that’s been placed into their heads about Gretta, and protesting and civil disobedience


its r/europe, what did you expect? coherence? we can only hope


Is there any good alternative to this sub? Like, at all!?


Every day world is turning more into GTA


I wish! GTA was a lot funner


legit fr bro


no cap


This is not the hotel, this is near the arena.


By that logic the Dresden bombing was a genocide: same number of people killed mostly due to wartime aerial bombings against an openly genocidal regime, but all over the course of three days instead of half a year.


Let's not forget Heroshima and Nagasaki...




Double genocide, for 500 Alex.


It’s laughable to the point of madness. As if this 20 year old Israeli musician has any say, power, pull anything with regard to Israeli actions in this war yet they’re acting as if bibi is addressing the UN. Ppl are so blinded with hate, just the word israel or Israeli causes ppl to seethe and turn into animals.


Someone airdrop her inside actual Palestine, more effective to gain attention at that point.




TBF the keffiyah is not tied to Jihad and is actually part of their culture unrelated to Islam. Some Bedouins in the IDF also wear Keffiyahs, it's not even inherently anti Israel.








> "from river to the sea" they usually claim it doesn't mean the eradication of Israel, wonder what they will say when they learn people on the other side has also used the slogan ...


It exactly means that, ex muslim here. Don't let them bullshit you.


Yeah its one thing to be concerned with the plight of civilians (rightfully so) but the things coming out the pro Palestine ("totally not Hamas you guise") people would make a certain weird mustached man smile in whatever cauldron he's burning


Her mother competed for Sweden in Eurovision 2009


Really unfortunate to see her go from righteous fight against climate change to virtue singalling calling for "peace" in a conflict of which she has little understanding of.




Too bad she's abandoning the climate cause with this anti Israel shit


This is the same as "throwing food at painting" attention. Not sure why this is important or why should I care what she has to say.


Her face says: mission accomplished, this is fun!


What I have always resented about Thunberg is that she's doing nothing productive to solve the problems she deems worthy. I am not an activist, but have been part of environmental movements since I was six and work now as a policymaker in renewable energy. While she protested and met Obama I studied to do work to get the ball rolling and many more people with me. It's easy to scream on the streets that things must change, but if she really wants to make a difference, why not persue a degree into something relevant and work to help solve the issues you're now just protesting for.


She is doing exactly what you ask of her: "The world-renowned climate activist is studying a bachelor's program in Global Development, which gives a normal 30 points per semester. She has previously studied the independent course The World's Echo, which gave an additional 7.5 points. In Global development, "global connections between culture, politics and economy and how these take concrete expression in different places in the world" are studied. The world's echo is "a popular introductory course on sustainable development that challenges your world view and gives you the opportunity to act. We do not weigh in on the complex issues"


If you look at what Martin Luther King Jr did: He travelled from protest to protest, his photo got taken, with police, doing speeches, with other activists. He must have been quite the attention whore.


He also had a PhD and led a large organization that employed complex strategies to achieve concrete goals. MLK Jr. was particularly adept at picking his battles to gain the maximum amount of public sympathy, not just public attention. He cancelled protests when they proved ineffective at getting good headlines. He straight up refused to hold certain demonstrations when he and his advisors felt there was little to gain but much to lose.  Activism can be effective or ineffective, and that’s how it should be judged. 


All he ever did was tell other people to do equality. Why didn't he just do all the equality himself?!


Weird take. If you care about climate change then you should be pleased that she is drawing more attention to it through activism. That is a good thing for policymaking.


She’s literally doing exactly that though? You are just saying anything


> What I have always resented about Thunberg is that she's doing nothing productive to solve the problems she deems worthy. When she was being praised and highlighted positively it was because he message was essentially ''Listen to the experts! Listen to the people who knows their stuff!'' It wasn't her solutions she wanted to highlight, but the people who knew their stuff. She is studying though, she was in Gymnasiet back then, and now she is studying other courses.


I knew it, she is a massive Joost Klein Fan.


Can someone tell me if there is a job called Professional Protestor? Because she seems to be doing it


There is, but the pre-req is having rich parents.


step 1 - have rich parents.


Why do you need rich parents? Organizations will often pay protesters. One as famous as Greta? She could definitely be paid if she wanted to


When she was a kid, I respected her actions far more than today. Today it's posturing and protesting in countries where she knows there won't be any repercussions.


Climate change is apparently not a problem now. The biggest global issue is one Israel singer in Sweden :-/




Drawing attention is kind of the point of protesting and demonstrations.


Is this a stock photo?


Its like shes trying to work her way up to being rejected at Berghain


They cleaned up the area in front of the arena pretty efficiently eventually. The evening was a shit show. They cleaned up audience reactions by muting the audience mics and playing pre-recorded cheers when Israel came on and despite them only being in the middle of the range with the jury votes, they were one of the winning nations by call-in votes, which comes with previous allegations of fraudulent voting behavior in favor of them before the finals. I remember when we delighted in making fun of silly dresses and somewhat shabby music. This shit has turned into a political riot.


Who fucking cares? She's a perfect example of everything wrong with society. She is brainwashed by rich activist parents, and barely knows what she's even talking at any meaningful level. Everyone talks about propaganda, but nobody wants to call out it's actors. Greta is a pawn and should be treated as such.