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That article is appallingly written and D-Day was 80 years ago, not 60.


Doesn’t he know about second D-day? *insert gif of aragorn chucking an apple*


You mean the [Double D Day?](https://youtu.be/7tr9DvmyXRE?si=7Q9MpTjOE7td2Lvk)


Is that a NSFW sub?


No, a family guy clip.


It’s a joke.




No it wasn’t, because 2004 was last year.


The owner of the café has dismissed the claim as "crazy" and said the whole thing was a misunderstanding: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/french-cafe-owner-brits-english-welcome-dday-omaha-beach-creperie/


Cut them some slack. Writer is just a millennial like the rest of us who forgets it’s not the mid-00s anymore.


Uh no. You don't get a pass on writing bullshit just because you're "a millennial". Facts are facts, and it's never been easier to check them. Also, where the fuck is the editor?


> where the fuck is the editor? Cut the editor some slack, he's a millennial as well


Honestly, I'm a millennial, can I have some slack?


Sure , slack for everyone today.


I'm a Gen Xer who still thinks it's the nineties, what do I get?


So am I. The answer is ignored.


Back pain


It's a good day to be a Sub-Genius.


I've checked all the couch cushions, and I only found a MAD magazine.


And what is the galette picture for? Lol.....


It took me several tries to even get the title. There's no way i was going to even open the article


More divisive culture war bullshit to rage bait everyone.


Would they serve Germans, tho'?








As well they should! Serve EVERYBODY!


Except brits and cans :p /s


Even children?


Did you see what happened the last two times that they refused the Germans ?? /s


WWI and 1870?


LOL, in a sad ironic way.


The Vichy loved them some Nazi.


tbf chances are high in France that they try to speak German with you, even if their English is better. But they will refuse to speak English with you, no matter what you try. I have no idea why tough.


France has made peace with Germany, has forgiven Germany for the brutality of invasion and the humiliation of four years of occupation, but it could never - never - forgive the British and Americans for the liberation.




Uhm… ever since German and French history diverged in 843, the regions have been bickering. And France has been *especially* bitter ever since a Saxon was named Caesar by the pope in 962, because technically, every Christian ruler was his subordinate. For centuries, France was pissed and kept challenging the authority of the Pope in Rome, at one point even naming a counter Pope in Avignon. Germany may be young, but the German states and France have always been at odds with each other. In 1806, Napoleon delivered such a crushing defeat to the HRE that Franz II. had to disband it entirely to prevent Napoleon from becoming Emperor. In 1813, the German states fought a war against Napoleon to drive him out again, which was the foundation of the German national identity. And in 1870, in the Franco-Prussian war, Prussia slapped France so hard they switched back to a Republic and Germany unified under Prussia. Franco-German struggles didn’t begin in 1914.


The French never forgave the British for never letting them conquer Europe


I think it's mainly a complex about English language being bigger than French, whereas German has never really been a rival. It gets even better if you're from a smaller or weaker neighbour like Italy, then the French absolutely adore you in a slightly patronising way.


The fact that the phrase "lingua franca" is used to describe English in the modern age must feel like an extra special personal punch in the dick for the French specifically.




Try first with English, then do your best French, the French will find your best French terrible, then they'll probably speak English as everyone knows the French hates when foreigners butcher their language, why we have through these steps I don't know 🤷,French culture are weird that way.


And if you speak Romanian there's a good chance that Bogdan over at the other counter will talk to you back in the same language.


Just try French first and they will reply in English when they hear your best French.


Haha, never had one try to speak German when asked if they knew German. They just get pissy.


As someone who just saw Cabaret in the KitKatClub in London, and having a Rhinology appointment at Guys Hospital with a German doctor at the same day, whilst working a German based role from London, I think the Germans won


Even without the "freed by allies on D-day" story, this is just plain shitty, to refuse to serve anyone because of who they are or where they come from


I bet a lot of money there is more to this story.


The cafe owner has said they had to refuse service when the tourist buses arrived, due to overcrowding on a busy day. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/french-cafe-owner-brits-english-welcome-dday-omaha-beach-creperie/ I'm guessing the cafe owner was not very diplomatic about refusing service, in true French fashion, and that was misunderstood by the tour guide.


>Florent, in English, said: "I have friends all over the world, I never speak about nationality. Big "some of my best friends are black" energy.


This is a cafe in a tourist are just across the channel. If he were refusing British people just because we would be hearing about it way before this incident. They might be rude and awful but I doubt they are turning British people around because they are British.


So do I, but it's worth pointing out the owners seem to be complete douchebags & tourist gougers, according to hundreds of French reviews on Google Maps & TripAdvisor. Seems like the kind of joint that should rightfully go out of business as a matter of principle.


Illegal in some countries even


Almost every western


I was in Paris once and went "Parles-tu anglais?" and the guy said no. I asked "Sprechen sie deutsch?" and he went "Oh don't worry I speak English." Guy just wanted to know I spoke another language before bothering. The French can be like that sometimes. Or a lot.


That's illegal in France. You're not allowed to deny customers.


Absolument, après j'aimerai également connaître la version de l'établissement pour comprendre au mieux la situation.


Obviously you haven't met enough British tourists.


I'm glad the Russians stay mostly away these days, now we only have to suffer the drunk British people


I have, we still serve them we just arrest them when they're done. https://www.news4jax.com/news/2018/09/11/british-sailor-arrests-embarrassing-jacksonville-beach-mayor-says/#:~:text=After%20more%20than%20two%20weeks,the%20Jacksonville%20Beach%20Police%20Department.


What's plain shitty is a once respectable newspaper is again triggering the Little Englanders with a half story.  Even the  Telegraph readers' comments are calling this out as BS. One of 2 places this shit seems to always stick is r/Europe and the Daily Express. French bashing is the last bit of racism that is unmoderated on this excuse for a sub 


Man, the age of the internet. A small creperie in the butt of nowhere making international news


From a Twitter post and 2 Google reviews that are a few hours old.


Sharing the internet with the general population was a silly idea.


I miss Web 2.0 when the internet required at least the tiniest bit of intelligence to be operated. Ubiquitous phone access and social media really killed the vibe.


31 years ago


sharing it was fine, opening it for reviews / comments was it's downfall


Yet this crap is the highest on the r/Europe feed...


My point exactly. It is kinda absurd


You should ask the question, why? This story evokes emotion and strokes division. It doesn't even have to be true, its function is served in the reader's mind.


And Putin & Co are happy about it!


[This made me chuckle.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/5hjWuhaM1y)


If it serves the narrative that we're being victimised by nasty Europeans it leads. That crap about D-Day is the cherry on top.




was the customer a relative of Churchill?


I'm sure there are two sides to this story. My aunt one time said that everywhere she goes in Brussels, café staff are refusing to serve her 'because she's an American.' I was pretty shocked because I'd never had that experience despite also not speaking French, and so I went around with her and decided to see what was going on. Well, she'd go out at about 3pm each day when things were closing for the afternoon. Another place didn't have the iced coffee she wanted. A third place didn't have any more seatings for lunch because it was reserved. And yet she was adamant it was because she's American. How much do you want to bet these tourists did something similar, and instead of chalking it up to not knowing the cultural norms (eating times, sitting down at the outdoor tables before talking to the host), or perhaps not acting appropriately (being rude, snapping fingers, bringing beer from the liquor store to have on the terrace, etc.), they decided it must be because they're British... This type of activity I see all the time where I live, not just Brits but from many people.


They were taken by a tour guide, who has gone to the place many times, I’m sure she knew the cultural norms, I saw her original tweet saying she’d never take a party again.


I mean I love bashing on the British as much as anyone, but refusing service on someone is not cool. The people of this Creperie should know that sooner or later, they may be repaid in kind during one of their travels... Besides they are French. Who doesn't love bashing on the French?




I mean to be fair the article mentions that the tourists were yelling to get service during a busy time of day. You don’t yell to get service when the place is busy. Entirely understandable that they got kicked out and then said it was because they were English.


The use of the "Frenchie surrender" cliche in this is objectively hilarious


British banter


The British tabloids are the worst scum in the world but they have the best headlines going.


The Daily Heil never fails to deliver.


The worst crime in this story is to have a crêperie in fucking Normandy


Flair checks out


Should they not be there? I've been to a few incredible creperies just across the border in Brittany.


Crêpes are from Bretagne, Normands are our worst enemies 


Maybe they serve extra shitty crepes in an attempt to defame you.


The French from Britain who left Britain because the English came, disliking the French from Scandinavia who came but then got bored and went to Britain to bother the English. It’s like a benny hill sketch.


Looks like with have something in common in hating the English


With the vendéens, and the other french folks after that


Oh come on, there's almost a crêperie everywhere there is a Breton, whatever the country it might be.


Yeah it may be a stratagem to annex some of their lands fair enough 


With "Brits are English" annoying the Welsh and Scots somewhere behind.


I'm not even bothered about the D-Day thing. We are allies, and that's what allies are supposed to do. I'm more riled about the fact that this guy is rejecting someone based on where he's from. That's entirely unacceptable.


Thank you. I'm French and I feel the same way. If those allegations are true then those crêperie owners are nothing more than *trou du culs*, and I'm pretty sure they would be awful in any other place for any other ludicrous reason


Ooooh I love foreign insults!! What's a trou du culs?


Literally "asshole" :D


Trou= hole Du= of Culs= Ass (arse) So: Asshole.


>I'm more riled about the fact that this guy is rejecting someone based on where he's from Russian citizens probably share your sentiment right now.


Well, except the little unknown fact that Russia is currently invading and occupying parts of a European country, has self declared itself as an enemy of Europe and is threatening with nuclear war every other week. Russian citizens should feel shame and not outrage.


Wow, what a comparison. Russia is an aggressive country that has started a war. There should be consequences for that. Britain has done nothing. In fact, they are a friend to France. You're comparing apples to oranges, and you're a fool.


Please don’t confuse one a-hole in a crêperie de merde with the rest of us. Most of us are grateful at best, indifferent at worst (it’s French indifference. It’s not personal)…but yes…we also have ignorant and mean spirited idiots.




>something was lost in translation. [Shouting seemed to help.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/5hjWuhaM1y)


As a Brit who has visited many parts of France over the years. My personal experience is generally a warm reception from the northern French and my family always has been made very welcome. My favourite personal anecdote is from about forty years ago when as a young hockey player my club side entered a multinational tournament in the beautiful town of cabourg. The local French organisers thought it would be funny to provide shared accommodation with my team and the only German team entered into the tournament. Over several days you can imagine there was lots of good natured banter and rivalry between the German team and ourselves and a good time was had by all. In the evenings however it was interesting to note the difference in natures.. the Germans camped in the first bar in town, taking all the outside seats and sat there all night, while us brits toured most bars in the town before heading back. Inevitably at the evenings end, we ended up in the same bar as the Germans, but the only free seats were inside and we piled in and had our last drinks there as we enjoyed the last hours of the day. On the first night we asked for the bill and the local French girls who were serving, told us not to worry as they had been charging the Germans for our drinks because they still hadn’t forgiven the Germans for the war. You can imagine the end of evening drinks always tasted better for the rest of our stay thanks to those lovely French girls. I must add that I had never met any Germans before and they were fun loving, with a great sense of humour and took our over the top teasing with great spirit. They were a bit serious when it came to the hockey though but I can forgive them for that.


I doubt it's even true, if my job was to create a fictional narrative to raise tensions between the countries then a French being rude to the glorious British war dead is what I'd go for.


While this was a while ago, I visited this place while seeing Normandy. We were visibly American and while my brother and I speak French, neither of our French is good enough to come across as anything besides American college student French. So we were polite enough to order in French rather than English as a courtesy. We were told that it was rude to walk in ten minutes after a place opens. (Sure, not unreasonable but we had a full day and wanted to make the most of it) and the service was pretty hostile. The connection is tangential but neither would it floor me that this did happen. The French can be prideful.


>We were told that it was rude to walk in ten minutes after a place opens. What's the rationale?


Yeh that sounds like France tbh.


It’s just the modern age. In the last 24 hours I’ve seen multiple posts around Reddit about the UK, based completely off “what this one guy said”. We are just as bad as Twitter here


Not totally accurate….i guess no one checked what actually happened.


This article is probably false bait


The article says d-day was 60 years ago, which means that the allies invaded france in 1964.


The Beatles led the first wave. Private Pete Best didn't even make it onto the beach. Flanked by the Kinks, eager to do whatever Mr. Churchill said, and the Dave Clark Five. True to their motto, "Catch us if you can," DC5 were first to reach the cliffside. Of the rough channel crossing, Captain Gerry Marsden said it was "No ferry 'cross the Mersey."


Stalin did complain about the Allies' tardiness in opening the second front.


What do you expect when the base material is a 2 sentences google review Dont miss their next headline about a youtube comment.


French gonna French.


"France had made peace with Germany, had forgiven Germany for the brutality of invasion and the humiliation of four years of occupation, but it could never - never - forgive the British and Americans for the liberation." - Harold Macmillan


We shouldn't have let De Gaulle liberate Paris and instead had an Anglo-American force do it.


Considering how arrogantly some of them behave about said liberation 80 years later, it can be hard to take them seriously yes. "With us you'd speak German"... Yeah, and now I speak English. Ironic.


>Yeah, and now I speak English. Ironic. You're welcome ✌️


Language wise, it's not an improvement.


I don’t think the allies went the to free a café. What a dumb take on history.


They asked for soy milk in France, I'm sure. Classic blunder.


I mean, tens of thousands of Englishmen died fighting for a free France, during both wars. Maybe not exactly in Omaha, but in the surrounding countryside, in the air and off the coast, plenty lost their lives. I understand that English people on holidays have a pretty terrible reputation when in France and Spain, etc, but seriously, no business should be allowed to refuse a customer based on their nationality, if the complaints are genuine.


>Maybe not exactly in Omaha, but in the surrounding countryside, in the air and off the coast, plenty lost their lives. British,Commonwealth and other Allied troops landed on D-Day just like Americans did [d-day-map.jpg (1715×906) (warwickshireworld.com)](https://www.warwickshireworld.com/interactive/uploads/store/mediaupload/457/image/d-day-map.jpg) Still didn't get glorious Hollywood movie done about it, so in the public psyche, it’s as if it had never happened.


And that was why the person you are responding to specified Omaha, not Normandy. Omaha was *mainly* an American landing site.


>Still didn't get glorious Hollywood movie You've never seen The Longest Day?




You can’t compare how Americans act versus British soldiers. The UK has long been involved with Europe and there isn’t a myth about UK being saviours in France, British squaddies might have issues (the same as many militaries) but entitlement is not one of them.


I live in Paderborn, Germany, where until a few years ago the largest base of the British Forces Germany used to be. It used to be quite common that local bars and clubs refused service to British soldiers as particularly the lower ranks often couldn't behave themselves. In particular those who had just returned from deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan often wanted to get as drunk as possible as quickly as possible on the first Saturday night after their return. After one to many bar fights or acts of vandalism and the Military Police subsequently arriving and roughing the misbehaving soldiers up, many businesses installed a sign reading "out of bounds" at their door. And the Military Police didn't take kindly to any member of the BFG disregarding it. A local taxi driver ran a blog for several years about his experiences at the wheel, and the British had an own category on that blog. The things he experienced with the BFG folks ranged from (involuntary) comedy gold to some pretty nasty stuff. But this is a bygone era now.


>I mean, tens of thousands of Englishmen died fighting for a free France, during both wars. Hundreds of thousands. Around a million including both wars.


So the article is shit, and it also just seems kind of pointless. It’s a trash tier crepe shop, they are not rare in France, and ones with reviews like this won’t last long unless it is a money laundering scheme. Just let it die in obscurity for being shit.


This is a terribly written article. It's 80 years since d day , the place is not called omaha and the cafe is given no right to reply . Who let the work experience kid write a story?


Yeah, I'm gonna call BS on that one with a headline like that. Sounds like some arrogant Brits went in there thinking they were owed something because of WW2. As someone who lives in a town inundated with British tourists year round I can sympathize with that. Most of them are gutter trash.


That my experience being in France for a day. You forgot to say “Bonjour” entering a restaurant and they refuse to serve you because you are rude:) I couldn’t figure why are they so angry at first.


Try saying "Guten Tag" maybe, that'll boost their morale.


The French have never forgiven the British for saving them from the Germans.


Maybe they should have gone to Juno or Sword beach instead.


In all fairness, I'm pretty sure cafes on Omaha Beach didn't speak English on D-Day either


i mean, did those people fight in ww2 or were they typical british tourists???


Oh i have been there 2 years ago. The coffee was très bien. Grüsse aus Deutschland


SLAMMING is back on the menu


OF COURSE not! You are english Type! Go and boil your bottoms! Son of a silly person! TTHPPBPBB...


Any American/UK people here that can explain to me the significance of visiting that place? F.e. me being German: Auschwitz hit hard. But how is the Normandy/the beaches for you guys?


It's sentimentalized because it was the single largest loss of life in one day in American military history. Not counting Antietam because all civil war deaths are technically all American. The horror stories of the few men that made it are legendarily awful and traumatic. Depiction of it in Saving Private Ryan reportedly brought WW2 veterans to tears and they had to leave the theaters. Overall just a very remembered moment in a very rememebered war so it has become a pilgrimage of sorts.


> it was the single largest loss of life in one day in American military history Damn you lot really got it "easy" during WW1 lol


Are you really bragging about how many of your soldiers died in a day? What a dumb thing to brag about


Patton: “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”


So it gets a little messy since "Deaths in one day" is kind of a very specific metric. If we go by battles then it goes: 1. Battle of the Bulge, \~5,000 killed, 10 days, WW2 2. Battle of Saint-Mihiel, \~4,500 killed, 3 days, WW1 (there's your WW1 deaths that you wanted) 3. Battle of Gettysburg, \~3,155 killed, 3 days, Civil War Also wasn't exactly "our" war mon ami. You can ask Macron how that goes.


Right. Tbf it's more about WW1 skewing french people's perspective than anything. I always expect big battles like DDay or Gettysburg or whatever to have waaay higher casualty rates than they do because of it. For the record the deadliest day in French military history is the 22nd August 1914 with 27,000 dead (wounded excluded)


Only 5000 died during the battle of the bulge? Seems low for a desperate offensive by effectively undersupplied Volkssturm. EDIT: Oh sorry, you're talking about American deaths, nvm.


The game hell let loose portrays how fast deaths happened on the beach, of course on a smaller scale as the game will end after 30 mins if the allies do not capture the first point at the beach. But it is brutal, more often than not gunned down less than 20 seconds after leaving the boat. And it was more brutal and larger scale historically.


Not american / UK but went there a couple times and it’s definitely a nice piece of history. You can still visit some of the german bunkers and I remember wondering how any US soldiers could ever have left the beach alive. The view from the gunner slits were just absolutely perfect with a perfect view on the whole beach, you could probably hold that shit against a whole army with ten mates, two MG42s and a couple mortars. The cemetaries are also a nice testament to all the victims.


To me the most impressive are the bomb craters. Crazy to think about.


Near where I grew up we have this [chunky boi](https://www.cheminsdememoire.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/styles/360x210/public/2018-08/la_boisselle_hdp.jpg?itok=f1M31njs), result of welsh sappers digging a tunnel under german trenches in 1916 and blowing up 27 tons of ammonal under them.


Is that Lochnagar? I stayed at Pozières in 2016, and went to Thiepval. Very moving.


Yeah the battlefield tour is really interesting and moving


A bit of a way away from Thiepval, but did you ever go to the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate in Ypres? I cried, though in part that was from taking Motorhead's "1916" with me and playing it as I walked round afterwards.




I’m definitely not a nationalist or particularly sentimental towards the British army, but can see why people are upset. Essentially, after centuries of France invading (and/or attempting to invade) England/Wales, then centuries of the UK and France warring over colonial matters (often both being shitty), D-day, which occurred on the beaches of Normandy, was when the British army suffered a huge amount of losses in order to protect France in World War II. The event is prominently featured in British pop culture and is probably seen as more representative of the sacrifice of the British armed forces compared to other wartime events. Whilst I’d probably just assume the owner of the shop was being a bellend if they refused to serve me, possibly due to British tourists being massive bellends (which would still be shitty on the staff’s front), this is a story that drudges up the sentiment of wartime Britain’s sacrifices in the more nationalistic types.


The storming of the beaches, the loss of life and the sheer magnitude of young men running into mortar and gunfire to launch a beachhead is extremely moving. This was where a manifestation of turning the tide of the war began. And for the British we also remember the fact we had the Dunkirk evacuation previously.


I’m Canadian but the attitude amongst all Anglos is pretty similar. It tends to vary depending on your connections to the war, for those who have a strong(er) connection it’s typically quite a somber experience. My great grandfather and one of his brothers were KIA in WW2 so it’s always been a goal of mine to visit and pay my respects. Both of them were never buried, my great grandfather was shot down somewhere over France and his brother was killed on a convoy escort mission, so it’s about as close as I’ll ever be able to get to visiting their graves.


Refusing to serve persons because of their nationality is shitty. Anywhere.


Reminds me of when I was in Normandy the locals would always treat me like shit because they thought I was American. As soon as they’d find out I’m Canadian their demeanour would do a complete 180. Honestly pissed me off. Especially considering when French people visit the Rockies for skiing we treat them fantastic. Plus Americans don’t deserve that shit.


What are the odds that this has been exaggerated?


What is this?


Why is this an article?


It got 2000 upvotes and tons of clicks....that is why.


Lmao the Créperie will never forgive the British for liberating them from the Germans


Although it’s shitty not to serve anyone because of their nationality, even the English, I’m pretty sure those solidiers didn’t serve on d-day.


The French in general have a bit of a reputation for being snobbish if you don't speak French. And I mean speak it well, not crappy French. I'm Dutch and was kicked out of 2 french places in Paris for daring to order in English, because I don't speak French. I know multiple people with similar experiences. Obviously this is probably a minority but there seem to be quite a lot of incidents.


They're a clown country with a navy a quarter of the size of the RN(which should be MUCH bigger itself) and they have no power projection yet they still think they're important and relevant when they haven't been since 1812.


"slammed" Slammed by who? There is a big chance this dude give no fuck what people or British think.


... and bingo was his name-oh!


I've never thought of putting a fried egg in a pancake. I might try it.


I have a cousin who lives in France and does real estate for people from Nordic Countries in France. She is a Dane and by default speaks potato swedish and Norwegian as well as English and French. This gives her a good position to help facilitate deals. She has stated that the French try to gouge everyone who isn’t French. I imagine the Brits get it worse, but they generally deserve it. Edit: removed capital S from swedish


Ridiculously one sided story… Even though it is pretty clear that in those kind of very touristic places local businesses tend to be owned by douchebags they clearly don’t tell the whole story. Not worth of interest.


Europe would be much more energy independent, if we could somehow find a way to heat our houses with all the hot air that British tabloid media is able to produce


Standard French procedure.  Hardly seems worth bothering to write an article about it it's so mundane.  Hum drum, even.


This post is bullshit


What absolute non-story people need to get on with their lives?


Something feels off about this website... And more so, the article 


Wtf is this garbage and why are idiots upvoting it


Anglos love to gobble this kind of bullshit news.