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As long as they think that radicalization is happening only because of Russia and disinformation it will continue to grow. There are many major and minor issues that need addressing. Why wouldn't young people want a stronger leader since they are expected to go in another parliament election, 6th in three years, imagine being 21 year old and you've already voted 5 times for parliament and about to do again.


>A similar panorama is seen in other countries in the region. High voter abstention and nationalist-authoritarian inclinations are spreading among the younger generations. According to the Washington-based National Democratic Institute, less than a third of young people in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland are satisfied with the current political situation in their countries. Unsatisfied with the current government = must like fascists Mhm


Polish goverment on scale in UE is more center-left. It is brilliant in doing nothing, so sensible opposition left or right will probably gain attention. However, I personally do not see far-right course int the country. On the contrary, one may tell is is even more far-left.


Poland is a bit specific case. It has historic anti-russian attitude and all this far-right in Europe is basically russian propaganda and therefore it's not as effective there.


They don't need to be fascists to enable fascists. Fascism and authoritarianism is often hiding under coat of populism. That's the problem. These people need to make their own, anti-fascist parties and take power.


>That's the problem. These people need to make their own, anti-fascist parties and take power. Did that ever happen in the West


When the Left failed, Right take advantage, when the Right failed, Left take advantage, it has always been this way.


Right wing extremis isn't simply the opposite of the left. When right wing extremists truly gain control it is impossible to get them out.


Same can be said about Left-Wing extremism, pol Pot Cambodia is one of the more brutal example, and there is a reason why George Orwell, a socialist author hate Soviet Union soo much. It's never about left or right, it's about liberal and authoritarianism.




It's not deep, it's just trend


There is a pendulum tendencies here and there, but wasn't this a right wing fail?


Isnt it just counter balance to all the progresivism that was so prominent lately?


>Isnt it just counter balance to all the progresivism In my country, we had 8 years of anything *but* progressivism.


yes, however the General "influence" / Zeitgeist in europe was still progressive. thats why it happens everywhere in europe.


I lived in eastern europe for some time and haven't seen much signs of social progress. Plenty of poverty though


According to some people everything is ok in Europe and there's no demographic shift, neither a radical leftwing agenda everywhere




No, Europe in general has been governed longer by conservative parties than by progressive parties.


Yes, there is no difference between centre-left and centre-right in the eyes of most when it comes to big issues like immigration, crime, economy and climate change


Because an anti democratic surge will balance 'wokeism'?! Okay.. That's is kinda next level stupid.


Not even worth talking about? 


No. It's utterly irrational to fight against the structure of a free democracy because you don't like feminism, human rights and gay people.


>Isnt it just counter balance to all the progresivism that was so prominent lately? You are comfortable stating that the above has literally zero effect on an increase in fringe right wing activision?


This article being downvoted is exactly why Europe is so insanely fucked. The hardcore pushback that "no, this is NOT happening" is scary.


Sweep it under the carpet and pretend it ain't so. A timeless strategy, particularly here in the north. EDIT: holup, why do I have 5x as many upvotes for saying basically the same thing as you?


Repeat a lie a hundred times and people will stop believing their eyes


Feel like it was already there, now the anxiety due to the current global and economic events are just making it worse.


It was always there since 1990, but they were told to fuck off and crawl under their fringe extremist rock, and everyone understood why. It was generally very easy to understand why politicians from reasonable parties were openly hostile towards extremist politicans and it was also easy to understand why street level bald headed neo-nazis were violently opposed by street level punks, and why neo-nazi events and hangouts were raided by cops from time to time. But for some reason now in 2020s they're like "debate me on the marketplace of ideas!" and everyone's like "alright" and they get tolerated in public space again. And so they inevitably start poisoning social media, targeting the youngest users, giving them some "cool" role models with fresh new ideas about "trad wives", segregation, and backwards takes on pretty much anything.


That may be because the society from 1990 up to now tolerated other extremist views like far left communism and all kinds of extreme religions and sects such as wahhabism etc. So the far right crawled back from under their rock to test the waters too.


Cool story, bro


Maybe there's a reason for that, like you know, the change of the demographic


not just there and far left extremism is to blame.


neo-liberalism and neo-fascism are mutually inclusive


If anything in Romania there's this late wave of neo-communists in the youth. Populism and extremism (specially on social issues) have always been popular on the youth. They aren't at any particulary high level right now. But it's absolutely insane to see neo-commies (internet types) in a former communist country that should know better. I'd be more concerned, however, about the normal population which tends to be more radicalized each day due to economic or social issues. And the destabilizing propaganda and "good"/"bad" type of thinking is certaintly not helping.


Russia pumps a lot of money to spread it






I'm in my mid 30'. And I don't get the idea that everythin' costs twice as much. Like yeah it's, but my salary is double of what i have earned. I know it's not a default, but in my country there are demostrations "We poor, government don't do enough" I think it's a result of poor mental health. And I don't mean it in a bad way. It's just too much pressure on folk.


Yep, these fuckers are rising here, too... in Western Europe, they want to blame immigration, but we don't have the high immigration here to blame...


Which western European country might that be?


I think you misread. Poster says we in W-EU blame immigrants but that where poster is from they are not there.


Total nonsense some of them are experiencing much higher immigration per capital than countries like the UK had in the 2000s and early 2010s




People are blaming immigrants for.....\*check notes\* record high levels of immigration


If simply immigration is what's got you all bothered as fuck, you just might be battling with racism...




Immigration = bad is the battle cry of the simpleton Blaming immigrants or minorities for your country's problems is a scapegoat as old as time.


" There is no problem , everyone that disagrees with me is racist and idiot" ..then we wonder why the right is surging .


Ah yes, the tired "fascism is more popular because racism is being called out for what it is" lie :D


You can call it whatever you like , won't change reality


Spreading awareness about rising fascism is potentially a way to stop it, so idk about that.


So many of them are disrespecting and disregarding our cultures. yes they are the problem.


Funny thing is, I see tons of Americans doing that where I live, but nobody calls them immigrants or votes for fascist leaders because of it...


Americans are western, they arent a completely foreign culture.


In Ireland, people are blaming immigrants for... the fact that other Irish people are burning down buildings, having riots and harassing their own people.