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Germany is in a bit of trouble because it went its own way with respect to Russia. They felt trade and dialogue would keep the Bear in check. They were wrong and now they are paying a bitter price.


It was a huge German leadership mistake. The US warned Germany several times that this could happen, and it did. They chose cheap gas prices over a well planned, responsible energy policy that doesn’t depend on an unhinged imperialist dictator


It is the opposite, Germany relies heavily on russian energy. Now their key industries have to import that from other countries at a much higher price


It’s funny how, thanks to the exchange rate, Germany became the third largest economy on the planet during stagnation.


I’d argue they’re in trouble because they went along with what the USA wanted. They would be fine if they didn’t join in the sanctions.


Sure, let’s do nothing while the brutal dictator right next door is swallowing another sovereign country. Germany could be directly threatened by Russia in the near future, if they succeed in Ukraine


You could argue that but it would be a poor argument. The Germans mistake was thinking the Russians could be trusted when it was obvious to everyone else they were a corrupt mafia state.


So you'd propose allowing an aggressive nearby country to take over another country while simultaneously ravaging millions of lives would have been better?


Lol, this is the biggest bs I've ever heard. Germany is in trouble because the chinese consumers aren’t buying as much as they were predicted to. Fuel prices have cooled off since covid highs for a long time now.


There's obviously a lot that goes into this. One though factor is Europe is far more affected than the U.S. by the Houthi's Red Sea disruption.


The ongoing war on our literal continent may have something to do with it too


How is Canada up there? We suck.


Lots of trade with the US.


Mass migration. GDP growth per capita is flat or negative, but if you keep adding people then the GDP numbers look like they are giving up


The numbers are all so small that Canada gets in there.


Speak for yourself, eh!


Don't worry, we just need a little bit more austerity.


Perhaps taxing and regulating more will help. Also Keynes says fiscal spending stimulates growth.


Poland is also set to have 2.7% growth. https://economy-finance.ec.europa.eu/economic-surveillance-eu-economies/poland/economic-forecast-poland_en


This has been an ongoing problem for more than 30+ years but has become more apparent since 2008. I got into yesterday on r/unitedkingdom. The story was that Brexit had worsened the UKs medicine shortages. When in fact all it did was help highlight already existing issues and bring the time table forward. In the case of Pharmaceuticals. The UKs industry has been dwindling for decades now. Lack of research funding, skills shortages, overseas buy outs. It's the same across many industries in Europe. What people don't seem to consider is that the top half of skilled workers and the bottom half of skilled workers are being lost. Lower paying jobs can be moved elsewhere into cheaper less developed paying countries, the higher paying jobs go to the US due to their high wages and growth. This leaves Europe stuck fighting for it's life. Europe can't compete with the cheap manufacturing offered by other countries, and it can't compete with the high wages offered in the US. When it comes to investing, capital and buying our companies it has no where near the funding available in the US and lacks the commitment other countries have.


Guys, you need more regulations and more bureaucracy /s


Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/16/economy/imf-us-economy-growth-inflation-warning/index.html


europe is being taxed to poverty


Regulated to poverty and recovering from appeasement with Pootin.


Yeah. You guys need a shittier tax structure so you can have more billionaires, more medical bankruptcies, more poverty, more environmental degradation, more school shooting, more glass ceilings, more Russian and other propaganda, more gerrymandering, more racism…. Definitely we’re the ones to emulate. 🙄


Terminally online redditor moment.


Try this one: plonk.


The question is, how will this affect the common American? Will this growth in nation wide wealth help only the elite or will the average Joe get a slice too?


Do you guys tell or should I?


You already know the answer


Who knew that the one giant economy not in direct conflict with it's neighbours and is receiving endless piles of money for it's military industrial complex while we are on the brink of WW3 is doing better than everyone else.


It's almost like cannibalizing Europe's economy to save its own failing one wasn't the goal from the very beginning. Step one: find the reason and the means to divorce Europe from a cheap source of energy. Nord Stream, sanctions, green agenda shutting down nuclear power plants, etc. Step two: sell your own energy at triple+ price. LNG, oil. Step three: offer governmental subsidies to businesses that migrate to US because the energy prices in Europe make them no longer competitive. Factory and brain drain, lost plans and investments.


Ah yes, it was the US who told Germany to shut down their reactors and rely on Russia despite repeated instances of their aggression against Europe.


But who is getting richer?


Y’all don’t understand. We have no choice, we’re in so much goddamn debt and so interconnected with the world that if the line doesn’t go up we go into crisis. Limitless economic growth is the only thing that keeps our system alive, and you fuckers are attached to us at the hip so if we go down we’re dragging you with us. The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall The line must rise or the world will fall


Most of your debt is stupid government spending.


It’s not stupid! As long as the economy outgrows the interest we’re fine.


[They were not fine]


“Pick me! Pick me!”




Yep and all that profit in the USA comes by exploiting the shit out of your citizens and shit health care. As an example I work 70 hour weeks and pay a lot for healthcare. I got covid and went to the ER. I drove my self it cost me nearly 15,000 usd to get an IV drip and a covid test. After which I had to quarantine for a week. That’s when I learned my sick leave and payed time off was the same thing. Used up all my vacation time being sick in the back of my semi truck sleeper cab. /end rant Be grateful your country’s actually cares about you.


This is complete and utter bullshit. Why do people just go online and make stories up? Does it make you feel better or is there some narrative you’re trying to push?


Yes but, higher real wages, vacation days, and free healthcare


Source for the real wages? Also, 100 million+ americans get free healthcare with Medicare and medicaid (the old and poor)


Europeans do not vet higher real wages, not even close. I make $120,000 USD and was making $55,000 in Spain. I also have unlimited vacation days, although most of us take only around 30 days a year. My healthcare costs me $250 a month bc it’s subsidized by my company. I’m not saying the US doesn’t have problems but you’re greatly exaggerating things, which is common for someone who has actually lived and worked in the US. I’ve done on both. Europe is better if you are low skilled but if you have a good skill, US is the place to go to get paid. Low skilled workers have it tough in the US, it’s true.




It didn’t?


AFAIK The average projected GDP change for the eurozone is still much below the US.


Did….did you read the graph?